Exemple #1
def eigen_decomp(X, real_part=False, right=True, sparse_comp=False):
    FUNCTION: Computes the eigen-decomposition of X.
    INPUTS: X           = square matrix
            real_part   = suppress complex part of evals,evecs
            sparse_comp = sparse matrix computation
            right       = True, right-multiplying transition/generator matrix i.e.
                            dot(rho) = rho O
    NOTE: Eigenvectors are organized column-wise!
          Sparse format typically not faster for eigen-decomposition.
          # TODO check that numpy/scipy is compiled against openblas as this will parallelize eigen_decomp automagically.
    if sparse_comp:
        import scipy.sparse.linalg as LA
        import scipy.sparse as sp

        X = sp.csr_matrix(X)
        if right:
            # right eigenvectors
            if is_symmetric(X):
                evals, EVECS = LA.eigsh(X)
                evals, EVECS = LA.eigs(X)
            # left eigenvectors
            if is_symmetric(X):
                evals, EVECS = LA.eigsh(X.T)
                evals, EVECS = LA.eigs(X.T)
        import numpy.linalg as LA

        if right:
            # right eigenvectors
            if is_symmetric(X):
                evals, EVECS = LA.eigh(X)
                evals, EVECS = LA.eig(X)
            # left eigenvectors
            if is_symmetric(X):
                evals, EVECS = LA.eigh(X.T)
                evals, EVECS = LA.eig(X.T)

    # eigenspectrum ordering from low-frequency (low abs e-vals) to high-frequency (high abs e-vals)
    ix = np.argsort(np.abs(evals))
    EVECS = EVECS[:, ix]
    evals = evals[ix]
    evals[np.abs(evals) < config.min_val] = 0.0

    if real_part:
        evals = np.real(evals)
        EVECS = np.real(EVECS)
    return evals, EVECS
Exemple #2
    def fit_transform(self, X, L):
        if L.shape[0] != L.shape[1] or L.shape[0] != X.shape[1]:
            raise ValueError("Laplacian matrix is of wrong shape")
        XtX = X.T.dot(X)
        n = XtX.shape[0]
        lambda_n = splinalg.eigh(XtX, k=1, which='LM')[0][0]
        eta_n = splinalg.eigh(
            L, k=1,
            which='LM')[0][0]  #Largest eigenvalues of XtX and L, respectively

        newmat = (1 - self.beta) * (sparse.eye(n) -
                                    XtX / lambda_n) + (self.beta) * (L / eta_n)
        newd, newv = splinalg.eigh(newmat, k=self.n_components, which='SM')
        self.U = X.dot(newv)
        self.Qt = newv.T
        return self.U
Exemple #3
def weighted_current(h, nk=400, fun=None):
    """Calculate the Ground state current"""
    if fun is None:
        delta = 0.01

        def fun(e):
            return (-np.tanh(e / delta) + 1.0) / 2.0

    jgs = np.zeros(h.intra.shape[0])  # current array
    hkgen = h.get_hk_gen()  # generator
    fj = current_operator(h)  # current operator
    ks = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, nk, endpoint=False)  # k-points
    for k in ks:  # loop
        hk = hkgen(k)  # Hamiltonian
        (es, ws) = lg.eigh(hk)  # diagonalize
        ws = ws.transpose()  # transpose
        jk = fj(k)  # get the generator
        for (e, w) in zip(es, ws):  # loop
            weight = fun(e)  # weight
            d = np.conjugate(w) * ket_Aw(jk, w)  # current density
            jgs += d.real * weight  # add contribution

#      jgs += (np.abs(w)**2*weight).real # add contribution
    jgs /= nk  # normalize
    print("Total current", np.sum(jgs))
    np.savetxt("CURRENT1D.OUT", np.matrix([range(len(jgs)), jgs]).T)
Exemple #4
def current1d(h,nk=100,e=0.0,delta=0.01):
  """Calcualte the spatial profile of the current"""
  if h.dimensionality != 1: raise # only 1 dimensional
  hkgen = h.get_hk_gen() # get generator of the hamiltonian
  ks = np.linspace(0,1.,nk) # generate k points
  for k in ks: # loop over kpoints
    hk = hkgen(k) # get k-hamiltonian
    phik = np.exp(1j*2.*np.pi*k) # complex phase
    jk = 1j*(h.inter*phik - h.inter.H*np.conjugate(phik)) # current 
    evasl,evecs = lg.eigh(hk) # eigenvectors and eigenvalues
Exemple #5
def current1d(h, nk=100, e=0.0, delta=0.01):
    """Calcualte the spatial profile of the current"""
    if h.dimensionality != 1: raise  # only 1 dimensional
    hkgen = h.get_hk_gen()  # get generator of the hamiltonian
    ks = np.linspace(0, 1., nk)  # generate k points
    for k in ks:  # loop over kpoints
        hk = hkgen(k)  # get k-hamiltonian
        phik = np.exp(1j * 2. * np.pi * k)  # complex phase
        jk = 1j * (h.inter * phik - h.inter.H * np.conjugate(phik))  # current
        evasl, evecs = lg.eigh(hk)  # eigenvectors and eigenvalues
Exemple #6
def sqrtm_rotated(M):
    """Square root for Hermitian matrix in the diagonal basis,
    and rotation matrix"""
    import scipy.linalg as lg
    (evals,evecs) = lg.eigh(M) # eigenvals and eigenvecs
    if np.min(evals)<-0.001: 
      raise  # if it is not positive defined
    evecs = np.matrix(evecs).H # change of basis
    m2 = np.matrix([[0.0 for i in evals] for j in evals]) # create matrix
    for i in range(len(evals)):  m2[i,i] = np.sqrt(np.abs(evals[i])) # square root
#    m2 = evecs.H * m2 * evecs  # change of basis
    return (m2,evecs) # return matrix
Exemple #7
def sqrtm_rotated(M):
    """Square root for Hermitian matrix in the diagonal basis,
    and rotation matrix"""
    import scipy.linalg as lg
    (evals, evecs) = lg.eigh(M)  # eigenvals and eigenvecs
    if np.min(evals) < -0.001:
        raise  # if it is not positive defined
    evecs = np.matrix(evecs).H  # change of basis
    m2 = np.matrix([[0.0 for i in evals] for j in evals])  # create matrix
    for i in range(len(evals)):
        m2[i, i] = np.sqrt(np.abs(evals[i]))  # square root
    #    m2 = evecs.H * m2 * evecs  # change of basis
    return (m2, evecs)  # return matrix
 def compute_largest_eigenvector(self, matrix):
     compute the largest eigenvector for the matrix
     the matrix should be sparse
     return scipy.array
     from scipy import linalg
     # SA is an important parameter for computing the smallest eigen value and the respective eigen vector
     # eigsh is special for symmetric matrix
     eig_index = (matrix.shape[0] - 2, matrix.shape[0] - 1)
     eigValue, eigMatrix = linalg.eigh(a=matrix,
     return eigMatrix[:, 1]
def to_structure(matrix, alpha=1):
    """Compute best matching 3D genome structure from underlying input matrix
    using ShRec3D-derived method from Lesne et al., 2014.

    Link: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25240436

    The method performs two steps: first compute distance matrix by treating
    contact data as an adjacency graph (of weights equal to a power law
    function of the data), then embed the resulting distance matrix into
    3D space.

    The alpha parameter influences the weighting of contacts: if alpha < 1
    long-range interactions are prioritized; if alpha >> 1 short-range
    interactions have more weight wahen computing the distance matrix.

    connected = largest_connected_component(matrix)
    distances = to_distance(connected, alpha)
    n, m = connected.shape
    bary = np.sum(np.triu(distances, 1)) / (n**2)  # barycenters
    d = np.array(np.sum(distances**2, 0) / n - bary)  # distances to origin
    gram = np.array([(d[i] + d[j] - distances[i][j]**2) / 2
                     for i, j in itertools.product(range(n), range(m))
                     ]).reshape(n, m)
    normalized = gram / np.linalg.norm(gram, "fro")

        symmetric = np.array((normalized + normalized.T) / 2,
                             dtype=np.longfloat)  # just in case
    except AttributeError:
        symmetric = np.array((normalized + normalized.T) / 2)

    from scipy import linalg

    eigen_values, eigen_vectors = linalg.eigh(symmetric)
    if not (eigen_values >= 0).all():
        warnings.warn("Negative eigen values were found.")
    idx = eigen_values.argsort()[-3:][::-1]
    values = eigen_values[idx]
    vectors = eigen_vectors[:, idx]
    coordinates = vectors * np.sqrt(values)
    return coordinates
Exemple #10
def to_structure(matrix, alpha=1):
    """Compute best matching 3D genome structure from underlying input matrix 
    using ShRec3D-derived method from Lesne et al., 2014.

    The method performs two steps: first compute distance matrix by treating
    contact data as an adjacency graph (of weights equal to a power law function
    of the data), then embed the resulting distance matrix into 3D space.

    The alpha parameter influences the weighting of contacts: if alpha < 1
    long-range interactions are prioritized; if alpha >> 1 short-range
    interactions have more weight wahen computing the distance matrix.
    connected = largest_connected_component(matrix)
    distances = to_distance(connected, alpha)
    n, m = connected.shape
    bary = np.sum(np.triu(distances, 1)) / (n**2)  # barycenters
    d = np.array(np.sum(distances**2, 0) / n - bary)  # distances to origin
    gram = np.array([(d[i] + d[j] - distances[i][j]**2) / 2 for i,
                     j in itertools.product(range(n), range(m))]).reshape(n, m)
    normalized = gram / np.linalg.norm(gram, 'fro')

        symmetric = np.array((normalized + normalized.T) / 2,
                             dtype=np.longfloat)  # just in case
    except AttributeError:
        symmetric = np.array((normalized + normalized.T) / 2)

    from scipy import linalg
    eigen_values, eigen_vectors = linalg.eigh(symmetric)
    if not (eigen_values >= 0).all():
        warnings.warn("I couldn't import mpmath for arbitrary precision calculations."
                      "Computed eigen values may be negative which will impact"
                      "resulting structure.")
    idx = eigen_values.argsort()[-3:][::-1]
    values = eigen_values[idx]
    vectors = eigen_vectors[:, idx]
    coordinates = vectors * np.sqrt(values)
    return coordinates
Exemple #11
def weighted_current(h,nk=400,fun=None):
  """Calculate the Ground state current"""
  if fun is None:
    delta = 0.01
    def fun(e): return (-np.tanh(e/delta) + 1.0)/2.0
  jgs = np.zeros(h.intra.shape[0]) # current array
  hkgen = h.get_hk_gen() # generator
  fj = current_operator(h) # current operator
  ks = np.linspace(0.0,1.0,nk,endpoint=False) # k-points
  for k in ks: # loop
    hk = hkgen(k) # Hamiltonian
    (es,ws) = lg.eigh(hk) # diagonalize
    ws = ws.transpose() # transpose
    jk = fj(k) # get the generator
    for (e,w) in zip(es,ws): # loop
      weight = fun(e) # weight
      d = np.conjugate(w)*ket_Aw(jk,w) # current density
      jgs += d.real*weight # add contribution
#      jgs += (np.abs(w)**2*weight).real # add contribution
  jgs /= nk # normalize
  print("Total current",np.sum(jgs))
Exemple #12
    # print(np.min(vals),np.max(vals))
    # plt.hist(vals, histtype='step')
    # vals, vecs = linalg.eig(adj_I_rw.toarray())
    # vals = vals.astype(np.float64)
    # print(np.min(vals),np.max(vals))
    # plt.hist(vals, histtype='step')
    # plt.show()

        vals, vecs, vec_inv = np.load(dataset+'_vals.npy'), \
                              np.load(dataset+'_vecs.npy'), \
                              np.load(dataset + '_vec_inv.npy')
        print('load vals, vecs, vec_inv from files')
        vals, vecs = linalg.eigh(adj_I_sym.toarray())
        vecs = d_I_inv_sqrt.dot(vecs)
        vec_inv = np.linalg.inv(vecs)

        # vals = vals.astype(np.float64)
        # vec_inv = vec_inv.astype(np.float64)
        np.save(dataset+'_vals.npy', vals)
        np.save(dataset+'_vecs.npy', vecs)
        np.save(dataset+'_vec_inv.npy', vec_inv)

    ax = plt.subplot(321)
    # ax.set_yscale("log")
    # plt.axis([-0.1, 1.6, 0.1, 1e7])
    transformed = vec_inv*features