Exemple #1
    def find_best_z(self, new_point, points, lp_x, test_labels):
        Given a new point, calculate its best tagging through constructing matrix
        Z that for for each z_i z_j (p_i, p_j tags) calculate z_k such that:
        z_k  = (z_i * dist(p_i, p_j) + z_j * dist(p_j,p_k)) / (dist(p_i, p_j) + dist(p_2,p_3))

        """ V2 
            Get min max of

        labels_min = min(test_labels)
        labels_max = max(test_labels)

        while ():
            mid = (labels_min + labels_max) / 2.0


        Z = []

        max_jump = 0
        best_z   = 0

        for i,z_i in enumerate(lp_x):
            for j,z_j in enumerate(lp_x):

                if z_i > z_j:
                    z1 = z_i
                    z2 = z_j
                    point1 = points[i]
                    point2 = points[j]

                    z1 = z_j
                    z2 = z_i
                    point1 = points[j]
                    point2 = points[i]

                z_k = ((z1 * distance.euclidean(point2, new_point)) + (z2 * distance.euclidean(point1, new_point))) / (distance.euclidean(point1,new_point) + distance.euclidean(point2, new_point))

                # Z[i][j] = z_k

                #  IF the jump (z1-z3 / dist(p1,p3)) is bigger then save z3

                if distance.euclidean(point1,new_point) == 0:
                    current_jump = 0
                    current_jump = ((z1 - z_k) / distance.euclidean(point1, new_point))

                if (current_jump > max_jump):
                    max_jump = current_jump
                    best_z = z_k

            return best_z
Exemple #2
def gap(data, refs=None, nrefs=20, ks=range(1,11), method=None):
    shape = data.shape
    if refs is None:
        tops = data.max(axis=0)
        bots = data.min(axis=0)
        dists = scipy.matrix(scipy.diag(tops-bots))

        rands = scipy.random.random_sample(size=(shape[0], shape[1], nrefs))
        for i in range(nrefs):
            rands[:, :, i] = rands[:, :, i]*dists+bots
        rands = refs
    gaps = scipy.zeros((len(ks),))
    for (i, k) in enumerate(ks):
        g1 = method(n_clusters=k).fit(data)
        (kmc, kml) = (g1.cluster_centers_, g1.labels_)
        disp = sum([euclidean(data[m, :], kmc[kml[m], :]) for m in range(shape[0])])

        refdisps = scipy.zeros((rands.shape[2],))
        for j in range(rands.shape[2]):
            g2 = method(n_clusters=k).fit(rands[:, :, j])
            (kmc, kml) = (g2.cluster_centers_, g2.labels_)
            refdisps[j] = sum([euclidean(rands[m, :, j], kmc[kml[m],:]) for m in range(shape[0])])
        gaps[i] = scipy.log(scipy.mean(refdisps))-scipy.log(disp)
    return gaps
Exemple #3
    def predict(self, X):

        X = np.array(X)

        predictions = [self.classes_[int(euclidean(self.A1, x) > euclidean(self.B1, x))] for x in X]

        return predictions
Exemple #4
def collect_mean_values(hand_idx, gt_labels, pr_labels, gt_joints, pr_joints,
                        errors_per_joint, check_gesture_equality):
    """Collects regression errors for each joint.

        hand_idx: index of hand
        gt_labels: ground truth labels list.
        pr_labels: predicted labels list.
        gt_joints: ground truth joints list.
        pr_joints: predicted joints list.
        errors_per_joint: keeps errors (L2) for each joints separately.
        check_gesture_equality: it keeps true if gesture equality check is on.


    compared = 0
    total = 0
    for i in xrange(len(gt_labels)):
        gt_label = gt_labels[i][hand_idx]
        pr_label = pr_labels[i][hand_idx]
        gt_joint = gt_joints[i][hand_idx]
        pr_joint = pr_joints[i][hand_idx]
        if len(gt_joint) > 0:
            total += 1
        if ((not check_gesture_equality) or gt_label == pr_label) and \
                        len(gt_joint) > 0 and len(gt_joint) == len(pr_joint):
                distance.euclidean(gt_joint[0], pr_joint[0]))
                distance.euclidean(gt_joint[1], pr_joint[1]))
            compared += 1
    return compared, total
Exemple #5
    def _pan_head_to_nearest_face(self, rects, img_shape):
        centers = []
        screen_centers = []
        for r in rects:
            center = (r[:2] + r[2:]) / 2
            center_origin = center - (np.array(img_shape)[1::-1] / 2)


        if len(centers) > 0:
            min_center = min(centers, key=lambda x: distance.euclidean(x, [0,0]))
            move_scale = np.clip(distance.euclidean(min_center, [0,0]) / (self.TURN_THRESHOLD), 0.2, 1.0)

            new_angle = self.head.pan()
            if min_center[0] <= -(self.TURN_THRESHOLD / 2):
                new_angle -= self.TURN_SPEED * move_scale
                self._face_img = self._face_left_img
            elif min_center[0] >= (self.TURN_THRESHOLD / 2):
                new_angle += self.TURN_SPEED * move_scale
                self._face_img = self._face_right_img
                self._face_img = self._face_center_img

            self.head.set_pan(new_angle, timeout=0.0)

        return screen_centers
Exemple #6
  def getSensors(self):
    Observe the color of the nearest animat.

    nearest_prey = min(
      key=lambda animat: \
        euclidean(self.world.predator.coords, animat.coords)

    print 'Nearest prey: %s (%s)' % (nearest_prey, nearest_prey.__dict__)

    if euclidean(self.world.predator.coords, nearest_prey.coords) > DIST_MAX:
      print 'Predator is too far away from the nearest prey!'
      relative_color = BKGD_COLOR

      relative_color = abs(nearest_prey.color - BKGD_COLOR)

    print 'Relative color: %s' % relative_color

    sensors = [
      relative_color[2] + \
      relative_color[1] * (COLOR_MAX + 1) + \
      relative_color[0] * (COLOR_MAX + 1) ** 2

    print 'Sensors color: %s' % sensors

    return sensors
 def find(self,page_dict):
     fl = page_dict.get("ecom_features")
     page_features = [float(fl[0]), float(fl[1]),
            float(fl[2]), float(fl[3]),
            float(fl[8]), float(fl[9]),
     page_coordinates = self.scaler.transform(page_features)
     print page_coordinates
     from scipy.spatial.distance import euclidean
     dist_product_cluster_center = euclidean(self.clusters_properties.get("prod")[0], page_coordinates)
     dist_category_cluster_center = euclidean(self.clusters_properties.get("cat")[0], page_coordinates)
     if dist_product_cluster_center < dist_category_cluster_center:
         cluster = "prod"
         group = self.__position_inside_cluster(dist_product_cluster_center, self.clusters_properties.get("prod"))
         page_dict["ecom_kmeans_dist"] = dist_product_cluster_center
         cluster = "cat"
         group = self.__position_inside_cluster(dist_category_cluster_center, self.clusters_properties.get("cat"))
         page_dict["ecom_kmeans_dist"] = dist_category_cluster_center
     if cluster == "prod": # and group ...
         page_dict["category"] = 'ecom_product'
     elif cluster == "cat": # and group ...
         page_dict["category"] = 'ecom_category'
Exemple #8
 def distance(point1, point2):
     x1 = point1[0]
     x2 = point2[0]
     if(rock[point2[0]][point2[1]][point2[2]] == 0):
         return (1 + 4*abs(x1-x2))*euclidean(point1, point2)
         return (1 +4*abs(x1-x2))*c*euclidean(point1, point2)
 def __str__(self):
     X = np.array(self.get_points())
     data = {
         'size': X.shape[0],
         'center': ', '.join(str(x) for x in self.center().tolist()),
         'max_dist': -1 if X.shape[0] == 0 else max(
             euclidean(x, self.center()) for x in X.tolist()
         'min_dist': -1 if X.shape[0] == 0 else min(
             euclidean(x, self.center()) for x in X.tolist()
         'mean_dist': -1 if X.shape[0] == 0 else np.mean([
             euclidean(x, self.center()) for x in X.tolist()
         'points': X
     return self.header.format(
             ', '.join(str(x) for x in row)
             for row in data['points'].tolist()
def compare_photos_simple(filename,photos):
        Compares a modified image to a flickr API result
        INPUT: File name of a modified image, dict of flickr API search result
        OUTPUT: True if the two images are the same, false if not

        Uses simple normalization: sets photos to be the same size, and grayscale
    f = os.path.basename(filename)
    #define the results csv line as the base file name and the flickr static url

    #load the file image
    for p in photos:
        PHOTO='https://static.flickr.com/%s/%s_%s.jpg' % (p['server'],p['id'],p['secret'])

        #get the image data from Flickr
        r = requests.get(PHOTO)
        im1 = Image.open(StringIO(r.content))
        #shrink both photos down to 100X100 pixels, convert to luminance values
        norm1,norm2 = normalize_photos(im1,im2,h=100,w=100)
        #if the images are already highly correlated return a line of text with the two image uri's
        if euclidean(norm1.flatten(),norm2.flatten()) <= min_dist:
            min_dist = euclidean(norm1.flatten(),norm2.flatten())
    return f+','+best_pick+'\n'
Exemple #11
def index_i(X, labels):
    k = get_k(labels)
    if k==2:
        return 0
    centroids = get_centers(X, labels)
    center = X.mean(0)
    ek = 0.
    e1 = 0.
    for i, x in enumerate(X):
        ek += euclidean(x, centroids[labels[i]])
        e1 += euclidean(x, center)
    pair_dist = pdist(np.vstack(centroids), 'correlation')
    dk = pair_dist.max()
    mk = pair_dist.min()

    i_ = (1./k * np.float(e1)/ek * dk * mk)**2

    return i_        
Exemple #12
def clase_kvecinos_cercanos(k, i, c):
    Function: clase_kvecinos_cercanos
    Descrp: Devuelve las k clases de los k vecinos más cercanos 
    -> k: Numero de vecinos a tener en cuenta 
    -> i: Instancia a analizar
    -> c: Conjunto de entrenamiento
    -> Lista de clases de los k vecinos

    # si tienen el mismo tamaño significa que i tiene la clase incorporada
    if len(i) == len(c[0]):
        distances = [ distance.euclidean(i[:-1],v[:-1]) for v in c]
        distances = [ distance.euclidean(i,v[:-1]) for v in c]

    # creamos las parejas (distancia, clase)
    par = []
    for i in range(0,len(c)):
        par += [(distances[i], c[i][-1])]
    # nos quedamos con las k instancias con distancia menor
    par = sorted(par)[:k]
    # y solamente con la clase, sin las distancias
    par = [p[1] for p in par]

    return par
Exemple #13
    def visit(self, ax, poly, poly_vor, c1, c2, x, y, splits):
        scatter(ax, x, y)
        polys = sum([h.polys for h in self._heap_visitors], [])
        candidates_union = cascaded_union(polys)
        points = {}
        for h in self._heap_visitors:
            for x, y in zip(h.x, h.y):
                points[(x, y)] = np.array((x, y))
        points = list(points.values()) # remove duplicates
        points.sort(key=lambda p: distance.euclidean(self._p, p))

        if self._mode == 'union':
            ax.plot(self._p[0], self._p[1], marker='x', zorder=99, c='red', ms=10, mew=5)
            draw_poly(ax, candidates_union, 'none', lw=2.0, hatch='x')
        elif self._mode == 'dist':
            ax.plot(self._p[0], self._p[1], marker='x', zorder=99, c='blue', ms=3, mew=1)
            for p in points:
                ax.plot([self._p[0], p[0]], [self._p[1], p[1]], 'r-')
            draw_poly(ax, candidates_union, 'none', lw=2.0)

        elif self._mode == 'top':
            ax.plot(self._p[0], self._p[1], marker='x', zorder=99, c='blue', ms=3, mew=1)
            for p in points[:self._nns]:
                ax.plot([self._p[0], p[0]], [self._p[1], p[1]], 'r-')

            c = plt.Circle(self._p, distance.euclidean(self._p, points[self._nns-1]), edgecolor='red', zorder=99, lw=1.0, fill=False, linestyle='dashed')
            draw_poly(ax, candidates_union, 'none', lw=2.0)
def kMeans(old_center,c):
    index1 = 0
    for item in c2:
        index2 = 0
        max_distance = distance.euclidean(key_min, key_max)
        for cent in old_center:
            dist = distance.euclidean(item, cent)
            if dist < max_distance:
                max_distance = dist
                class2[index1] = index2
            index2 += 1
        index1 += 1
    index = 0
    countnumb = np.zeros(k)
    for key in c2:
        for numb in range(0, k, 1):
            if class2[index] == numb:
                new_center[numb][0] += key[0]
                new_center[numb][1] += key[1]
                countnumb[numb] += 1
        index += 1
    for numb in range(0, k, 1):
        new_center[numb][0] /= countnumb[numb]
        new_center[numb][1] /= countnumb[numb]
    temp = 0
    for numb in range(0, k, 1):
        if new_center[numb][0] == old_center[numb][0] and new_center[numb][1] == old_center[numb][1]:
            temp += 1
    if temp == k:
        c += 1
    if c == 2:
        return new_center, class2
        old_center = new_center
        return kMeans(old_center,c)
Exemple #15
    def get_propagated_labels(t):
        if aHandler.animate:
            aHandler.frame = aHandler.frame + 1
                Y_old = Y_t.copy()
                for i in range(initial_labels.shape[1]):
                    Y_new = (Laplacian * Alpha).dot(Y_t[i]) + OneMinusAlpha.dot(Y_0[i])
                    #np.copyto(Y_t[i], Y_new)
                    Y_t[i] = Y_new

                # class mass normalization
                class_prior = np.sum(initial_labels[:num_labeled_points], axis=0) / float(num_labeled_points)
                class_mass = np.sum(initial_labels[num_labeled_points:], axis=0) / float(initial_labels.shape[0] - num_labeled_points)
                class_scaling = class_prior / class_mass
                #np.copyto(Y_scaled, class_scaling * Y_t.T)
                Y_scaled[:] = class_scaling * Y_t.T
                color_map = generate_color_map(Y_scaled.T, num_labeled_points, num_soft_labeled_points)
                #color_map = generate_color_map(np.array(Y_t), num_labeled_points, num_soft_labeled_points)
                if use_gui:
                    if t == 0:  # display first label assignment
                    scat_soft_labeled.set_array(color_map[num_labeled_points: num_labeled_points + num_soft_labeled_points])
                    scat_unlabeled.set_array(color_map[num_labeled_points + num_soft_labeled_points:])
                    header.set_text("Label propagation. Iteration %i" % aHandler.frame)
                ___([euclidean(Y_old[i], Y_t[i]) for i in range(Y_old.shape[0])])
                if all([euclidean(Y_old[i], Y_t[i]) < 0.022 for i in range(Y_old.shape[0])]) or aHandler.frame >= max_iterations:
                    if use_gui:
                        header.set_text("%s %s" % (header.get_text(), "[end]"))
            except KeyboardInterrupt:
                aHandler.killed = True
Exemple #16
  def performAction(self, action):
    Perform the chosen action.

    action = MimicryPreyInteraction.ACTIONS[int(action[0])]

    nearest_animat = min(
      self.world.animats + [self.world.predator],
      key=lambda animat: \
        euclidean(self.world.mimicker.coords, animat.coords)

    if euclidean(self.world.mimicker.coords, nearest_animat.coords) > DIST_MAX:
      relative_color = BKGD_COLOR
      relative_color = abs(nearest_animat.color - BKGD_COLOR)

    print 'Mimicker action: %s' % action
    print 'Mimicker color: %s' % self.world.mimicker.color

    if action != 'NOP':
      color_id, adjustment = action[0], action[1]
      self.world.mimicker.adjust_color(color_id, adjustment)

      print 'New color: %s' % self.world.mimicker.color
Exemple #17
	def plot_graph(self, data = None, iter = None, directory = "graph_plots\\"): # TODO: this should be generalized and added to Vizualize.py
		viz = Visualize()
		if data is not None:	
			viz.do_plot( zip( *data[:iter] )[:3], color = 'y', marker = '.')
			# viz.do_plot( zip( *data[:iter] )[:3], color = self.data.Y[:iter], marker = '.')
		viz.do_plot( zip( *self.get_nodes_positions() ), color = 'r', marker = 'o')
		dis_avg = np.mean([ distance.euclidean(edg.head.data.pos, edg.tail.data.pos) for edg in self.gng.graph.edges ])
		dis_std = np.std([ distance.euclidean(edg.head.data.pos, edg.tail.data.pos) for edg in self.gng.graph.edges ])

		for e in self.gng.graph.edges:
			if distance.euclidean(e.head.data.pos, e.tail.data.pos) - dis_avg > 1. * dis_std:
				viz.do_plot( zip(* [e.head.data.pos, e.tail.data.pos] ) , color = 'y', marker='-')
				viz.do_plot( zip(* [e.head.data.pos, e.tail.data.pos] ) , color = 'r', marker='-')

		if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory)
		filename = str(time.time()) + '.png'
		if iter is None: viz.end_plot(fig = directory+'_'+filename)
		else: viz.end_plot(fig = directory+filename)
def update_source_neighborSet(sourceID, sourceNodes, relayNodes):
    This function updates the set of the neighboring candidate relays of a 
    source = sourceNodes[sourceID]
    neighborSet = source.neighborSet
    moveIn = []
    indices = [index for index in range(len(relayNodes)) if index not in neighborSet]
    for ind in indices:
            if euclidean(source.position, relayNodes[ind].position) <= const.RADIUS:
            print "source-%d position:"%(source.ID, )
            print source.position
            print "relay-%d position:"%(relayNodes[ind].ID,)
            print relayNodes[ind].position
    moveOut = []
    for ind in neighborSet:
        if euclidean(source.position, relayNodes[ind].position) > const.RADIUS:
    source.neighborSet = [nID for nID in neighborSet if nID not in moveOut]
    return None
Exemple #19
    def calculate_score(self):
        # Check if center is in its own neighbors
        if self.p_coords in self.coordinates:
            error_message = 'Point given in its own neighborhood for point ' + str(self.p_coords)
            raise RuntimeError(error_message)

        # Cohesion: average(distance(coord, center))
        distances = []
        for coord in self.coordinates:
            distances.append(distance.euclidean(self.p_coords, coord))
        self.cohesion = np.mean(distances)

        # Adhesion: average(min(distance(coord1,coord2)))
        tot_libs = len(self.lib_numbers)
        lib_distances = []
        for lib1 in range(tot_libs):
            for lib2 in range(tot_libs):
                if lib1 != lib2:
                    lib_distances.append(distance.euclidean(self.coordinates[lib1], self.coordinates[lib2]))
        self.adhesion = np.mean(distances)

        # Neighborhood score: A/(sqrt(2)*C^2)
        self.neighbor_score = self.adhesion / ((self.cohesion**2)*math.sqrt(2))
Exemple #20
	def plot_graph(self, data = None, iter = None, directory = "graph_plots\\"): # TODO: this should be generalized and added to Vizualize.py
		viz = Visualize()
		colors = ['r', 'b', 'k', 'g', 'm', 'c']*1000 # FIXME
		if data is not None:
			viz.do_plot( zip( *data[:iter] ), color = 'y', marker = '.')
			# viz.do_plot( zip( *data[:iter] ), color = self.data.Y[:iter], marker = '.')
		labels=set([n.data.label for n in self.graph.nodes])
		d = {l: [n for n in self.graph.nodes if n.data.label == l] for l in labels}
		for ico,label in enumerate(d):
			viz.do_plot( zip( *[n.data.pos for n in d[label]] ), color = colors[ico], marker = 'o')
			for node in d[label]:
				node_links = [[node.data.pos, n.data.pos] for n in node.neighbors()]
				for nl in node_links: viz.do_plot( zip( *nl ), color = colors[ico], marker = '-')
		dis_avg = np.mean([ distance.euclidean(edg.head.data.pos, edg.tail.data.pos) for edg in self.graph.edges ])
		dis_std = np.std([ distance.euclidean(edg.head.data.pos, edg.tail.data.pos) for edg in self.graph.edges ])
		for e in self.graph.edges:
			if e.head.data.label != e.tail.data.label:
				if distance.euclidean(e.head.data.pos, e.tail.data.pos) - dis_avg > 1. * dis_std:
					viz.do_plot( zip(* [e.head.data.pos, e.tail.data.pos] ) , color = 'w', marker='-')
		if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory)
		filename = str(time.time()) + '.png'
		if iter is None: viz.end_plot(fig = directory+'_'+filename)
		else: viz.end_plot(fig = directory+filename)
def closest(X, point):
    smallest = [euclidean(point, X[0][1]), X[0]]
    distance = 0
    for points in X[1:]:
        distance = euclidean(point, points[1])
        if distance < smallest[0]: smallest = [distance, points[0]]
    return smallest
Exemple #22
def Fisher (centroidList, clusterDict):
  K = len(clusterDict)
  l = 0
  meanSumOfPointDistances = 0.0
  for cluster in range(K):
    mc = len(clusterDict[cluster])
    sumOfDistances = 0.0
    if len(clusterDict[cluster])>0:
      for point in clusterDict[cluster]:
	distanceToCentroid = distance.euclidean(point[1],centroidList[cluster])
	sumOfDistances += distanceToCentroid	
      meanSumOfPointDistances += (sumOfDistances/float(mc))
      print "Cluster " + str(cluster) + " is empty"
  print meanSumOfPointDistances
  sumOfPairDistances = 0.0
  for i in range(K):
    for j in range(i+1,K):
      if clusterDict[i] and clusterDict[j]:
	pairDistance = distance.euclidean(centroidList[i],centroidList[j])
	sumOfPairDistances += pairDistance
  print sumOfPairDistances
  #res = meanSumOfPointDistances/sumOfPairDistances
  res = float((l-1.0)/2.0)*meanSumOfPointDistances/sumOfPairDistances
  return res
def chooser(X, point):
    smallest = [euclidean(point, (X[0][0], X[0][1])), 0]
    distance = 0
    for i in range(len(X[1:])):
        distance = euclidean(point, (X[i][0], X[i][1]))
        if distance < smallest[0]: smallest = [distance, i]
    return smallest[1]
Exemple #24
 def _w(self, i, y):
     ans = self.weights[i] / distance.euclidean(y, self.points[i])
     coef = 0.
     for j in range(len(self.points)):
         if not np.array_equal(y, self.points[j]):
             coef = coef + self.weights[j] / distance.euclidean(y, self.points[j])
     return ans / coef
Exemple #25
def compute_distance(query_channel, channel, mean_vec, distance_type = 'eucos'):
    """ Compute the specified distance type between chanels of mean vector and query image.
    In caffe library, FC8 layer consists of 10 channels. Here, we compute distance
    of distance of each channel (from query image) with respective channel of
    Mean Activation Vector. In the paper, we considered a hybrid distance eucos which
    combines euclidean and cosine distance for bouding open space. Alternatively,
    other distances such as euclidean or cosine can also be used. 
    query_channel: Particular FC8 channel of query image
    channel: channel number under consideration
    mean_vec: mean activation vector

    query_distance : Distance between respective channels


    if distance_type == 'eucos':
        query_distance = spd.euclidean(mean_vec[channel, :], query_channel)/200. + spd.cosine(mean_vec[channel, :], query_channel)
    elif distance_type == 'euclidean':
        query_distance = spd.euclidean(mean_vec[channel, :], query_channel)/200.
    elif distance_type == 'cosine':
        query_distance = spd.cosine(mean_vec[channel, :], query_channel)
        print "distance type not known: enter either of eucos, euclidean or cosine"
    return query_distance
Exemple #26
def dist_filter(array, distance):
    Iterate through array and remove spurious tracks

    :param array: A numpy array of positions (same format as the plotting function)
    :param distance: Movement greater than this distance is removed
    :return: The filtered array
    navg = 5
    nfilt = 0
    for dim in range(1, array.shape[1], 2):
        for npoint in range(navg, array.shape[0] - navg):
            point = array[npoint, dim:(dim + 2)]
            if np.isnan(point[0]):
                # Compute mean positions for last and next num_avg frames
                last_set = array[(npoint - navg):npoint, dim:(dim + 2)]
                last_set = last_set[np.invert(np.isnan(last_set[:, 0])), :]  # wow, numpy is awkward to use
                last_mean = last_set.mean(axis=0)
                next_set = array[(npoint + 1):(npoint + 6), dim:(dim + 2)]
                next_set = next_set[np.invert(np.isnan(next_set[:, 0])), :]  # wow, numpy is awkward to use
                next_mean = next_set.mean(axis=0)

                # If the tracks move more than the threshold, erase it
                if (not np.isnan(last_mean[0]) and dist.euclidean(point, last_mean) > distance) or \
                        (not np.isnan(next_mean[0]) and dist.euclidean(point, next_mean) > distance):
                    array[npoint, dim:(dim + 2)] = np.nan
                    nfilt += 1

    print(nfilt, ' false tracks removed from the dataset.')
    return array
def flatten_marvelous_shells(shells):
    for obj in shells:
        start_vert, end_vert = mc.ls(
            mc.polyListComponentConversion(cmds.ls(obj + ".e[0]")[0], fe=True, tv=True), fl=True

        start_scale = distance.euclidean(
            mc.xform(start_vert, q=True, t=True, ws=True), mc.xform(end_vert, q=True, t=True, ws=True)

        for uv in cmds.ls(obj + ".map[:]", fl=True):
            uv_pos = mc.polyEditUV(uv, q=True)
            uv_index = re.findall("\[([0-9]+)\]", uv)[0]
            vertex = mc.polyListComponentConversion(uv, fuv=True, tv=True)[0]
            mc.xform(vertex, t=[uv_pos[0]] + [0] + [uv_pos[1]], ws=True)

        # Finally, scale it
        end_scale = distance.euclidean(
            mc.xform(start_vert, q=True, t=True, ws=True), mc.xform(end_vert, q=True, t=True, ws=True)
        scale_by = start_scale / end_scale

        mc.xform(mc.ls(obj + ".vtx[:]"), s=[scale_by, scale_by, scale_by], ws=True)
Exemple #28
 def cosine_distance(self,v1, v2):
     u = dot_product(v1, v2)
     n1 = np.array(v1.value())
     n2 = np.array(v1.value())
     d = distance.euclidean(n1 + n1, n1) * distance.euclidean(n2 + n2, n2)
     ret = u.value() / float(d)
     return ret
Exemple #29
    def find_path(self, x0, y0, z0, x, y, z, space=0, timeout=10,
                  digging=False, debug=None):

        def iter_moveable_adjacent(pos):
            return self.iter_adjacent(*pos)

        def iter_diggable_adjacent(pos):
            return self.iter_adjacent(*pos, degrees=1.5)

        def is_diggable(current, neighbor):
            x0, y0, z0 = current
            x, y, z = neighbor
            return self.is_diggable(x0, y0, z0, x, y, z)

        def is_moveable(current, neighbor):
            x0, y0, z0 = current
            x, y, z = neighbor
            return self.is_moveable(x0, y0, z0, x, y, z)

        def block_breaking_cost(p1, p2, weight=7):
            x0, y0, z0 = p1
            x, y, z = p2
            return 1 + len(self.get_blocks_to_break(x0, y0, z0, x, y, z)) * 0.5

        # TODO pre-check the destination for a spot to stand
        log.info('looking for path from: %s to %s', str((x0, y0, z0)), str((x, y, z)))
        if digging:
            if not (
                self.is_safe_to_break(x, y, z) and
                self.is_safe_to_break(x, y + 1, z)
                return None
            neighbor_function = iter_diggable_adjacent
            #cost_function = block_breaking_cost
            cost_function = euclidean
            validation_function = is_diggable
            if space == 0 and not self.is_standable(x, y, z):
                return None
            neighbor_function = iter_moveable_adjacent
            cost_function = euclidean
            validation_function = is_moveable

        start = time.time()
        path = astar.astar(
            (floor(x0), floor(y0), floor(z0)),              # start_pos
            neighbor_function,                              # neighbors
            validation_function,                            # validation
            lambda p: euclidean(p, (x, y, z)) <= space,     # at_goal
            0,                                              # start_g
            cost_function,                                  # cost
            lambda p: euclidean(p, (x, y, z)),              # heuristic
            timeout,                                        # timeout
            debug,                                          # debug
            digging                                         # digging
        if path is not None:
            log.info('Path found in %d sec. %d long.',
                     int(time.time() - start), len(path))
        return path
Exemple #30
	def score_for_clonal_single_copy(mu, i):
		Scoring function. The score assigned to a point is the sum of
		the distance from the point to the line of single copy states and
		the distance from the point to the y-intercept of the line of
		single copy states.

		if i not in singleCopyParamInds and i not in zeroCopyParamInds:
			return float('inf')

		RDR = mu[0]
		BAF = mu[1]
		#y-intercept of the point to be scored
		b1 = BAF - (m1 * RDR)
		#x coordinate of point on the line of single copy states closest to the point being scored
		contactx = (b1 - b0) / (m0 - m1)
		#y coordinate of point on the line of single copy states closest to the point being scored
		contacty = (m0 * contactx) + b0
		#distance from point being scored to the line of single copy states
		distToContact = euclidean([RDR, BAF], [contactx, contacty])
		#distance from point being scored to the y-intercept of the line of single copy states.
		distToIntercept = euclidean([RDR, BAF], [0.0, b0])
		score = distToContact + distToIntercept
		return score
Exemple #31
    contour for contour in contours_from_filtered_image
    if cv2.contourArea(contour) < 100

# Draw real contours
cv2.drawContours(original_image, largest_contours_from_filtered_image, -1,
                 (0, 255, 0), 3)

# Reference from red square (3x3 cm)
reference_object = largest_contours_from_filtered_image[0]
# https://docs.opencv.org/trunk/dd/d49/tutorial_py_contour_features.html
reference_rect = cv2.minAreaRect(reference_object)
box = cv2.boxPoints(reference_rect)
box = np.array(box, dtype="int")
(tl, tr, br, bl) = perspective.order_points(box)
dist_in_pixel = euclidean(tl, tr)
dist_in_cm = 10
pixel_per_cm = dist_in_pixel / dist_in_cm

for contour in largest_contours_from_filtered_image:
    object = cv2.minAreaRect(contour)
    object_box_points = cv2.boxPoints(object)
    box = np.array(object_box_points, dtype="int")
    (top_left, top_right, bottom_left,
     bottom_right) = perspective.order_points(box)
    cv2.drawContours(original_image, [box.astype("int")], -1, (0, 0, 255), 2)
    middle_point_horizontal = (top_left[0] +
                               int(abs(top_right[0] - top_left[0]) / 2),
                               top_left[1] +
                               int(abs(top_right[1] - top_left[1]) / 2))
    middle_point_vertical = (top_right[0] +
Exemple #32
def getCloudHull(xyc,width=64,height=64,perimeterSubdivisionSteps=4,smoothing=0.001,
                 autoPerimeterOffset=True, perimeterOffset=None, autoPerimeterDensity=True):
    tree = KDTree(xyc, leafsize=10)

    hull = ConvexHull(xyc)
    hullPoints = []
    hullIndices = {}
    for i in range(len(hull.vertices)):
        hullIndices[hull.vertices[i]] = True

    for j in range(perimeterSubdivisionSteps):
        io = 0
        for i in range(len(hullPoints)):
            index = tree.query(lerp(hullPoints[i+io],hullPoints[(i+1+io)%len(hullPoints)],0.5))[1]
            if not (index in hullIndices):
                hullPoints.insert( i+io+1, xyc[index])
                hullIndices[index] = True
                io += 1

    perimeterLength = 0
    for i in range(len(hullPoints)):
        perimeterLength += distance.euclidean(hullPoints[i],hullPoints[(i+1)%len(hullPoints)])

    perimeterCount = 2 * (width + height) - 4
    perimeterStep = perimeterLength / perimeterCount
    perimeterPoints = []
    perimeterDensity = np.zeros(perimeterCount)
    for i in range(perimeterCount):
        t = 1.0 * i / perimeterCount
        poh = getPointOnHull(hullPoints,t,perimeterLength)
        perimeterDensity[i] = np.mean(tree.query(poh,k=32)[0])
    if autoPerimeterOffset:
        bestDensity = perimeterDensity[0] + perimeterDensity[width-1] + perimeterDensity[width+height-2] + perimeterDensity[2*width+height-3]
        perimeterOffset = 0     
        for i in range(1,width+height ):
            density = perimeterDensity[i] + perimeterDensity[(i+width-1)%perimeterCount] + perimeterDensity[(i+width+height-2)%perimeterCount] + perimeterDensity[(i+2*width+height-3)%perimeterCount]
            if density < bestDensity:
                bestDensity = density
                perimeterOffset = i
    elif perimeterOffset is None:
        perimeterOffset = 0
        corner = [np.min(xyc[:,0]),np.min(xyc[:,1])]
        d = corner-perimeterPoints[0]
        clostestDistanceToCorner = np.hypot(d[0],d[1])
        for i in range(1,perimeterCount):
            d = corner-perimeterPoints[i]
            distanceToCorner = np.hypot(d[0],d[1])
            if ( distanceToCorner < clostestDistanceToCorner):
                clostestDistanceToCorner = distanceToCorner
                perimeterOffset = i
    perimeterPoints = np.array(perimeterPoints)
    if perimeterOffset > 0:
        perimeterPoints[:,0] = np.roll(perimeterPoints[:,0], - perimeterOffset)
        perimeterPoints[:,1] = np.roll(perimeterPoints[:,1], - perimeterOffset)

    perimeterPoints = np.append(perimeterPoints,[perimeterPoints[0]],axis=0)

    bounds = {'top':perimeterPoints[0:width],

    bounds['s_top'],u = interpolate.splprep([bounds['top'][:,0], bounds['top'][:,1]],s=smoothing)
    bounds['s_right'],u = interpolate.splprep([bounds['right'][:,0],bounds['right'][:,1]],s=smoothing)
    bounds['s_bottom'],u = interpolate.splprep([bounds['bottom'][:,0],bounds['bottom'][:,1]],s=smoothing)
    bounds['s_left'],u = interpolate.splprep([bounds['left'][:,0],bounds['left'][:,1]],s=smoothing)
    densities = None
    if autoPerimeterDensity:
        densities = {}
        density_top = np.zeros(len(bounds['top']))
        for i in range(len(density_top)):
            t = 1.0 * i / len(density_top)
            density_top[i] = np.mean(tree.query( np.array(interpolate.splev( t,bounds['s_top'])).flatten(),k=64)[0])
        density_top /= np.sum(density_top)
        density_right = np.zeros(len(bounds['right']))
        for i in range(len(density_right)):
            t = 1.0 * i / len(density_right)
            density_right[i] = np.mean(tree.query( np.array(interpolate.splev( t,bounds['s_right'])).flatten(),k=64)[0])
        density_right /= np.sum(density_right)
        density_bottom = np.zeros(len(bounds['bottom']))
        for i in range(len(density_bottom)):
            t = 1.0 * i / len(density_bottom)
            density_bottom[i] = np.mean(tree.query( np.array(interpolate.splev( t,bounds['s_bottom'])).flatten(),k=64)[0])
        density_bottom /= np.sum(density_bottom)
        density_left = np.zeros(len(bounds['left']))
        for i in range(len(density_left)):
            t = 1.0 * i / len(density_left)
            density_left[i] = np.mean(tree.query( np.array(interpolate.splev( t,bounds['s_left'])).flatten(),k=64)[0])
        density_left /= np.sum(density_left)
        densities = {'top':density_top,'right':density_right,'bottom':density_bottom,'left':density_left}
    return bounds, densities
Exemple #33
def distEclud2(x, y):
    return distance.euclidean(x, y)
Exemple #34
def euc(a, b):
    return distance.euclidean(a, b)
Exemple #35
def cal_length(life_points, int_points, aff_points, finger_points):
    life_length = euclidean(life_points[0], life_points[1]) + euclidean(
        life_points[1], life_points[2]) + euclidean(
            life_points[2], life_points[3]) + euclidean(
                life_points[3], life_points[4])
    int_length = euclidean(int_points[0], int_points[1]) + euclidean(
        int_points[2]) + euclidean(int_points[2], int_points[3]) + euclidean(
            int_points[3], int_points[4])
    aff_length = euclidean(aff_points[0], aff_points[1]) + euclidean(
        aff_points[2]) + euclidean(aff_points[2], aff_points[3]) + euclidean(
            aff_points[3], aff_points[4])
    hand_length = euclidean(finger_points[3], finger_points[4])
    finger_width = (euclidean(finger_points[0], finger_points[1]) +
                    euclidean(finger_points[1], finger_points[2])) / 2

    return life_length, int_length, aff_length, hand_length, finger_width

#no return to origin city
cities = [1,49,32,45,19,41,8,9,10,43,33,51,11,52,14,13,47,26,27,28,12,25,4,6,15,5,24,48,38,37,40,39,36,35,34,44,46,16,29,50,20,23,30,2,7,42,21,17,3,18,31,22]

from scipy.spatial import distance

L = 0
for i in range(1, len(cities)):
	cid1= coordinates[cities[i-1]-1]
	cid2= coordinates[cities[i]-1]
	L = L + distance.euclidean(cid1, cid2)

Exemple #37
    for it in range(iterations):
        pList = []
        df = pd.read_csv(path1 + '/' + movement + '%01d' % it + '.csv')

        for i in range(nag):
            particle = Particle('Particle%02d' % i, [df['x'][i], df['y'][i]],
                                [df['dpx'][i], df['dpy'][i]])

        for particle in pList:
            for neighbour in pList:
                if particle.name == neighbour.name:
                    distance.euclidean(particle.position, neighbour.position))
            for radius in radii:
                counter = 0
                local_c = 0
                for dist in particle.neighbour_distances:
                    if radius <= dist <= (radius + 0.01):
                        index = particle.neighbour_distances.index(dist)
                        counter += 1
                        local_c += np.dot(particle.dphi,
                if counter > 0:
                    particle.correlation.append(local_c / counter)
Exemple #38
    d = 1000
    d_max = 0
    d_average = 0
    d_best = []
    d_maxp = []

    image = cv2.imread(photopath)
    examples = []
    for j in prediicttxt:
        pred = [int(j[0]), int(j[1]), int(j[2]), int(j[3])]
        gt = [0, 0, 0, 0]
        dist = 10000
        for i in groundtxt:
            tmp_gt = [float(i[1]), float(i[2]), float(i[3]), float(i[4])]
            dist_tmp = distance.euclidean(
                (int(wp * tmp_gt[0]), int(hp * tmp_gt[1])),
                (int(pred[0] + ((pred[2] - pred[0]) / 2)),
                 int(pred[1] + ((pred[3] - pred[1]) / 2))))
            if dist > dist_tmp:
                gt = tmp_gt
                dist = dist_tmp

        xgt = int((wp * gt[0]) - ((wp * gt[2]) / 2))
        ygt = int(hp * gt[1] - ((hp * gt[3]) / 2))
        wgt = int(((wp * gt[0]) - ((wp * gt[2]) / 2)) + wp * gt[2])
        hgt = int((hp * gt[1] - ((hp * gt[3]) / 2)) + hp * gt[3])

        xpr = int((wp * pred[0]) - ((wp * pred[2]) / 2))
        ypr = int(hp * pred[1] - ((hp * pred[3]) / 2))
        wpr = int(((wp * pred[0]) - ((wp * pred[2]) / 2)) + wp * pred[2])
        hpr = int((hp * pred[1] - ((hp * pred[3]) / 2)) + hp * pred[3])
Exemple #39
 def getInterAtomicDistances(cycle):
     cr = getPos(cycle[0])
     res = map(lambda x: {'atom':str(x['num'])+'.'+x['atom'], 'dist':distance.euclidean(getPos(x), cr)}, cycle[1:])
     return list(res)
Exemple #40
    S_w = np.array(S_w)
    vector_sum = S_w.sum(axis=0)
    return (vector_sum / np.sqrt((vector_sum**2).sum())).mean()

# additional Features

data['sen2vec_q1'] = data.question1.apply(lambda x: sen2vect(x))
data['sen2vec_q2'] = data.question2.apply(lambda x: sen2vect(x))
# word vector distance
from scipy.spatial.distance import cosine, cityblock, euclidean, jaccard
data['cosine'] = cosine(np.nan_to_num(data['sen2vec_q1']),
data['cityblock'] = cityblock(np.nan_to_num(data['sen2vec_q1']),
data['euclidean'] = euclidean(np.nan_to_num(data['sen2vec_q1']),
data['jaccard'] = jaccard(np.nan_to_num(data['sen2vec_q1']),


data = data.drop([
    'Unnamed: 0', 'id', 'qid1', 'qid2', 'question1', 'question2', 'fuzz_qratio'
Y = data['is_duplicate']
x = data.drop(['is_duplicate'], axis=1)
x = x.fillna(0)
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
scaler = StandardScaler().fit(x)
Exemple #41
def physical_distance(location1, location2):
    return euclidean(tuple(location1[2]), tuple(location2[2]))
def motion_tracking(url,
    url: url of the video,
    model: SSD model,
    classes: dict(class:index),
    video_name: file name of the processed video,
    file_name: file name of the entire motion tracking history,
    skip_frame: number of frames to skip tracking,
    min_dist_thresh: minimum euclidian distance to differentiate two different objects,
    removing_thresh: number of the identicle position history to determine the object left the scene,
    confi_thresh: confidence threshold for SSD object detection [0,1],
    start_sec: start of the video to be processed (seconds),
    end_sec: end of the video to be processed (seconds)
    sorted_archive: dictionary of the full motion history sorted by the created timestamp
    background: background image with moving objects filtered out
    initial_time = dt.datetime.fromtimestamp(tm.time()).replace(microsecond=0)

    background, vid_height, vid_width, FPS, title, length = video_background(
        url, alpha=0.005)
    height_fix_factor = vid_height / 512
    width_fix_factor = vid_width / 512
    label_to_track = 'person'

    frame_count = 0

    print('processing starts at {:.2f} sec'.format(start_sec))

    pa = pafy.new(url)
    play = pa.getbest(preftype='webm')
    cap = cv2.VideoCapture(play.url)

    if (cap.isOpened() == False):
        print('cannot read a video')

    track_history = {}
    moving_tracker = {}
    archive = {}
    customer_idx = 1  # customer id

    fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID')
    out = cv2.VideoWriter(os.path.join('static', video_name + '.avi'), fourcc,
                          FPS, (vid_width, vid_height))

    if end_sec is None:
        end_sec = pa.length

    while cap.isOpened() and frame_count < np.floor(end_sec * FPS):

        ret, frame = cap.read()
        # frame = frame.astype('uint8') #### NEW LINE

        if frame_count < np.floor(start_sec * FPS):
            frame_count += 1

        if ret == True:

            frame = np.asarray(frame)
            orig_frame = np.copy(frame)

            if frame_count % skip_frame == 0:
                frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
                frame = cv2.resize(frame, (512, 512))
                frame = np.expand_dims(frame, 0)
                current_centroids = [
                ]  # reset current centroid list at every processing frame

                # for the very first frame
                if not track_history:
                    result = model.predict(frame)
                    results = result[0][result[0, :, 1] >= confi_thresh]

                    results = filter_by_classes(results,

                    for r in results:
                        r[2] = xmin = int(r[2] * width_fix_factor)
                        r[3] = ymin = int(r[3] * height_fix_factor)
                        r[4] = xmax = int(r[4] * width_fix_factor)
                        r[5] = ymax = int(r[5] * height_fix_factor)
                        centroid = (int(np.mean(
                            (xmin, xmax))), int(np.mean((ymin, ymax))))
                        #                         current_centroids.append(centroid)

                        # add the list of positions
                        track_history[customer_idx] = [
                            initial_time +
                            dt.timedelta(seconds=frame_count / FPS),
                        # initialize moving racker
                        moving_tracker[customer_idx] = 0
                        customer_idx += 1

                    result = model.predict(frame)
                    results = result[0][result[0, :, 1] >= confi_thresh]
                    results = filter_by_classes(results,

                    for r in results:
                        r[2] = xmin = int(r[2] * width_fix_factor)
                        r[3] = ymin = int(r[3] * height_fix_factor)
                        r[4] = xmax = int(r[4] * width_fix_factor)
                        r[5] = ymax = int(r[5] * height_fix_factor)
                        centroid = (int(np.mean(
                            (xmin, xmax))), int(np.mean((ymin, ymax))))
#                     print('for frame {}: {}'.format(frame_count,current_centroids))#######################################

                    track_history_temp = copy.deepcopy(track_history)
                    track_history_key_temp = copy.deepcopy(

                    # comparison
                    for cent in current_centroids:
                        min_dist = min_dist_thresh
                        min_label = None
                        for label in track_history_key_temp:
                            dist = distance.euclidean(
                                cent, track_history_temp[label][-1][-1])
                            if dist < min_dist:
                                min_dist = dist
                                min_label = label

                        # for same label centroid
                        if min_label is not None:
                            if min_dist == 0:  # if object not moved, increase the moving tracker counter by 1
                                moving_tracker[min_label] += 1
                            else:  # if moved, reset the tracker counter
                                moving_tracker[min_label] = 0

                        # min_label is NONE --> NEW object in the scene
                            track_history_temp[customer_idx] = [
                                initial_time +
                                dt.timedelta(seconds=frame_count / FPS),
                            moving_tracker[customer_idx] = 0
                            customer_idx += 1
                    # object hidden or exit
                    if track_history_key_temp:
                        for left_over in track_history_key_temp:
                            moving_tracker[left_over] += 1

                    track_history = track_history_temp  # update the history

#                     print('for frame {} dict: {}'.format(frame_count,track_history))#######################################
#                     print('moving tracker: {}'.format(moving_tracker))
#                     print('\n')

# generate orig_frame based on track_history
                for idx, loc in track_history.items():
                    cv2.circle(orig_frame, loc[-1][-1], 10,
                               color_by_index(idx), cv2.FILLED)

                # move the unmoving objects to the archive dictionary
                moving_tracker_temp = copy.deepcopy(moving_tracker)
                for obj, counter in moving_tracker_temp.items():
                    if counter == removing_thresh:
                        archive[obj] = [
                        del track_history[obj]
                        del moving_tracker[obj]
                print('>', end='')

            # in-between frames
                for idx, loc in track_history.items():
                    cv2.circle(orig_frame, loc[-1][-1], 10,
                               color_by_index(idx), cv2.FILLED)

            frame_count += 1

    print('proccesing finished at {:.2f} sec'.format(frame_count / FPS))
    print('Total time processed: {:.2f} sec'.format(frame_count / FPS -

    # after all, move all to archive
    moving_tracker_temp = copy.deepcopy(moving_tracker)
    for obj, counter in moving_tracker_temp.items():
        archive[obj] = [track_history[obj][0], track_history[obj][-1]]
        del track_history[obj]
        del moving_tracker[obj]

    sorted_archive = sorted(archive.items(),
                            key=lambda kv: kv[1][0],
    sorted_archive = collections.OrderedDict(sorted_archive)

    pickle.dump(sorted_archive, open(file_name + '.pkl', 'wb'))
    pickle.dump(background, open('background' + '.pkl', 'wb'))

    print('processed video saved as: "{}.avi"'.format(video_name))
    print('file saved as: "{}.txt"'.format(file_name))

    return sorted_archive, background, title, initial_time, length
    centroids = attributes[selected_centroids, :]

no_of_iterations = int(input("Enter the max number of iterations: "))

for i in range(no_of_iterations):
    clusters = defaultdict(list)
    cluster_temp = []
    for j in range(rows):
        current_ans = float('inf')
        centroid_choice = None
        centroid_dist = []
        for l in range(len(centroids)):
            current_distance = distance.euclidean(attributes[j],centroids[l])
            if current_distance < current_ans:
                current_ans = current_distance
                centroid_choice = l
    centroids_new =[]
    for l in range(len(centroids)):
        relevant_attributes = attributes[clusters[l],:]
        if len(relevant_attributes) == 0:
            centroids_new.append(np.mean(relevant_attributes , axis= 0))
    if np.array_equal(centroids , centroids_new):
    centroids = centroids_new
Exemple #44
def get_distance(M, p1, p2):
    point_one = M.intersections[p1]
    point_two = M.intersections[p2]
    return distance.euclidean(point_one, point_two)
Exemple #45
def _distance(point_1, point_2):
    dist = distance.euclidean(point_1.coordinates, point_2.coordinates)
    return dist
def angle(robot):
    topIDs = []  # i.e. the two circles on the flat end of the robot
    bottomIDs = []
    theta1 = 999  # An impossible number for if statements later
    theta2 = 999

    # Uses the cosine law to figure out the angle every possible combo of ID circles makes
    # with the center of the robot (team ID), assigning to top or bottom IDs based on this angle
    for ii in range(len(robot.circles) - 1):
        for jj in range(ii + 1, len(robot.circles)):
            temp1 = robot.circles[ii]
            temp2 = robot.circles[jj]

            # Determining distance between the different IDs
            a = dist.euclidean([temp1[0], temp1[1]],
                               robot.pos)  # Distance from ID 1 to centre
            b = dist.euclidean([temp2[0], temp2[1]],
                               robot.pos)  # Distance from ID 2 to centre
            c = dist.euclidean(
                [temp1[0], temp1[1]],
                [temp2[0], temp2[1]])  # Distance from ID 1 to ID 2
                theta = math.degrees(
                    math.acos((c**2 - b**2 - a**2) /
                              (-2.0 * a * b)))  #CRASHES ON RARE OCCASIONS
                print('Theta Error')
            if theta > 100 and theta < 130:  # Ideally 114.84 degrees

            if theta > 45 and theta < 75:  # Ideally 65.16 degrees

            # the other ID pairs will be either ~180 or ~90 degrees

    # Takes the top two IDs and their average position, creating a vector to that point from the
    # center of the robot which the robot's angle can be derived from
    if len(topIDs) == 2:
        xMean = (topIDs[0][0] + topIDs[1][0]) / 2
        yMean = (topIDs[0][1] + topIDs[1][1]) / 2

        xDiff = xMean - robot.pos[0]
        yDiff = yMean - robot.pos[1]
        # Angle points in the direction the robot is facing
        theta1 = math.degrees(math.atan2(yDiff, xDiff))
    #print("top went wrong...")

    # Takes the bottom two IDs and their average position, creating a vector from that point to
    # the center of the robot which the robot's angle can be derived from
    # (this is the opposite direction from the other one so the angle will be the same)
    if len(bottomIDs) == 2:
        xMean2 = (bottomIDs[0][0] + bottomIDs[1][0]) / 2
        yMean2 = (bottomIDs[0][1] + bottomIDs[1][1]) / 2

        xDiff2 = robot.pos[0] - xMean2
        yDiff2 = robot.pos[1] - yMean2
        # Negative for both of these to get an angle that is front facing
        theta2 = math.degrees(math.atan2(yDiff2, xDiff2))
    #    print("bottom is wrong")

    # Averages the vectors to get a better approx of the true angle
    if theta2 != 999 and theta1 != 999:
        xMean = (math.cos(math.radians(theta1)) +
                 math.cos(math.radians(theta2))) / 2
        yMean = (math.sin(math.radians(theta1)) +
                 math.sin(math.radians(theta2))) / 2
        theta = math.degrees(math.atan2(yMean, xMean))
        robot.angle = theta

    # If one of the vector calcs failed, just take the one that worked
    elif theta2 != 999 and theta1 == 999:
        theta = theta2
        robot.angle = theta
    elif theta2 == 999 and theta1 != 999:
        theta = theta1
        robot.angle = theta
        return "ERROR"

    reassignIDs(robot, topIDs, bottomIDs)
Exemple #47
    if not itemID in watched:
        movieID = trainSet.to_raw_iid(itemID)
        if (ratingSum > 5):
            ratingSum = 5
        print(ml.getMovieName(int(movieID)), int(ratingSum))
        pos += 1
        if (pos > 9):

print("\nNew Recommendations:")
# Get top-rated items from similar users:
pos = 0
for itemID, ratingSum in sorted(candidates.items(),
    if not itemID in watched:
        movieID = trainSet.to_raw_iid(itemID)
        dst = distance.euclidean(usergenre, genres[int(movieID)])
        if (0 < dst < 2.2):
            ratingSum += ratingSum * 1 / int(dst)
            if (ratingSum > 5):
                ratingSum = 5
            print(ml.getMovieName(int(movieID)), int(ratingSum))
            pos -= 1

        pos += 1
        if (pos > 9):
 def distance(self, other):
     return euclidean(self.position, other.position)
        lineShow = [
        ]  # holds the coordinates for line segment between two fingers
        pixelsPerMetric = None  # pixel ratio for conversion of pixels to mm (unit pixels/mm)

        i = 0  # contour count
        for box in contoursArr:
            i = i + 1
            # draws the contour in original image (just for display purpose)
            cv2.drawContours(img, [box.astype("int")], -1, (0, 255, 0), 2)

            (midTop, midBot, center, midLeft, midRight, lowest,
             highest) = findMidTopBotCenter(box)

            # in first contour (standard box), pixel ratio is calculated as (actual distance in pixels/actual distance in mm)
            if pixelsPerMetric is None:
                dA = dist.euclidean(midLeft, midRight)
                pixelsPerMetric = dA / actualWidth

            if i == 1:
            if i == 3:
                    lowest)  # Append the midBottom point of box if red contour
            if i == 2:
                    highest)  # Append the midTop point of box if blue contour

            midPoints.append(center)  # append the midpoints of contour

        lineShow = lineCheck(
 def testcreate_feature_list(self):
     atom_features, ring_features = self.arpeggio_2vta.create_feature_list("INTER")
     fs = atom_features + ring_features
     pairs = [[[f.point.x, f.point.y, f.point.z], [f.projected.x, f.projected.y, f.projected.z]] for f in fs]
     d = [distance.euclidean(point, proj) for point, proj in pairs]
     self.assertTrue(all(np.less(d, 8)))
Exemple #51
def cluster_labels(word_vector, iterations, cluster_number):

    centers= random.sample(word_vector,cluster_number).   # here the initial centers are choosen at random.
    for i in range(0,iterations):         # the algorithm is repeated for n iterations
        label_vector=[]      # a list to store the cluster for each item
        for vector in word_vector:    
            for center in centers:     # in this cycle for each element is computed the distances with the centers
            label_vector.append(np.argmin(distances))   # as label is added the minimum distance index
        print(f'cluster labels for iteration {i} for the first 100 items are {label_vector[0:100]}')   # bonus question: dispaling the iteration process
        for k in range(cluster_number):      # in this cycle the centers are updated
            for j in range(len(word_vector)):
                if k==label_vector[j]:
            if cluster_count!=0:     # in this case the center value is updated, otherwise the center stays the same
    return label_vector      
 def eye_aspect_ratio(self, eye):
     A = euclidean(eye[1], eye[5])
     B = euclidean(eye[2], eye[4])
     C = euclidean(eye[0], eye[3])
     return (A + B) / (2.0 * C)
def geometric_slerp(start,
    Geometric spherical linear interpolation.

    The interpolation occurs along a unit-radius
    great circle arc in arbitrary dimensional space.

    start : (n_dimensions, ) array-like
        Single n-dimensional input coordinate in a 1-D array-like
        object. `n` must be greater than 1.
    end : (n_dimensions, ) array-like
        Single n-dimensional input coordinate in a 1-D array-like
        object. `n` must be greater than 1.
    t: float or (n_points,) 1D array-like
        A float or 1D array-like of doubles representing interpolation
        parameters, with values required in the inclusive interval
        between 0 and 1. A common approach is to generate the array
        with ``np.linspace(0, 1, n_pts)`` for linearly spaced points.
        Ascending, descending, and scrambled orders are permitted.
    tol: float
        The absolute tolerance for determining if the start and end
        coordinates are antipodes.

    result : (t.size, D)
        An array of doubles containing the interpolated
        spherical path and including start and
        end when 0 and 1 t are used. The
        interpolated values should correspond to the
        same sort order provided in the t array. The result
        may be 1-dimensional if ``t`` is a float.

        If ``start`` and ``end`` are antipodes, not on the
        unit n-sphere, or for a variety of degenerate conditions.

    The implementation is based on the mathematical formula provided in [1]_,
    and the first known presentation of this algorithm, derived from study of
    4-D geometry, is credited to Glenn Davis in a footnote of the original
    quaternion Slerp publication by Ken Shoemake [2]_.

    .. versionadded:: 1.5.0

    .. [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slerp#Geometric_Slerp
    .. [2] Ken Shoemake (1985) Animating rotation with quaternion curves.
           ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics, 19(3): 245-254.

    See Also
    scipy.spatial.transform.Slerp : 3-D Slerp that works with quaternions

    Interpolate four linearly-spaced values on the circumference of
    a circle spanning 90 degrees:

    >>> from scipy.spatial import geometric_slerp
    >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    >>> fig = plt.figure()
    >>> ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    >>> start = np.array([1, 0])
    >>> end = np.array([0, 1])
    >>> t_vals = np.linspace(0, 1, 4)
    >>> result = geometric_slerp(start,
    ...                          end,
    ...                          t_vals)

    The interpolated results should be at 30 degree intervals
    recognizable on the unit circle:

    >>> ax.scatter(result[...,0], result[...,1], c='k')
    >>> circle = plt.Circle((0, 0), 1, color='grey')
    >>> ax.add_artist(circle)
    >>> ax.set_aspect('equal')
    >>> plt.show()

    Attempting to interpolate between antipodes on a circle is
    ambiguous because there are two possible paths, and on a
    sphere there are infinite possible paths on the geodesic surface.
    Nonetheless, one of the ambiguous paths is returned along
    with a warning:

    >>> opposite_pole = np.array([-1, 0])
    >>> with np.testing.suppress_warnings() as sup:
    ...     sup.filter(UserWarning)
    ...     geometric_slerp(start,
    ...                     opposite_pole,
    ...                     t_vals)
    array([[ 1.00000000e+00,  0.00000000e+00],
           [ 5.00000000e-01,  8.66025404e-01],
           [-5.00000000e-01,  8.66025404e-01],
           [-1.00000000e+00,  1.22464680e-16]])

    Extend the original example to a sphere and plot interpolation
    points in 3D:

    >>> from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import proj3d
    >>> fig = plt.figure()
    >>> ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')

    Plot the unit sphere for reference (optional):

    >>> u = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 100)
    >>> v = np.linspace(0, np.pi, 100)
    >>> x = np.outer(np.cos(u), np.sin(v))
    >>> y = np.outer(np.sin(u), np.sin(v))
    >>> z = np.outer(np.ones(np.size(u)), np.cos(v))
    >>> ax.plot_surface(x, y, z, color='y', alpha=0.1)

    Interpolating over a larger number of points
    may provide the appearance of a smooth curve on
    the surface of the sphere, which is also useful
    for discretized integration calculations on a
    sphere surface:

    >>> start = np.array([1, 0, 0])
    >>> end = np.array([0, 0, 1])
    >>> t_vals = np.linspace(0, 1, 200)
    >>> result = geometric_slerp(start,
    ...                          end,
    ...                          t_vals)
    >>> ax.plot(result[...,0],
    ...         result[...,1],
    ...         result[...,2],
    ...         c='k')
    >>> plt.show()

    start = np.asarray(start, dtype=np.float64)
    end = np.asarray(end, dtype=np.float64)
    t = np.asarray(t)

    if t.ndim > 1:
        raise ValueError("The interpolation parameter "
                         "value must be one dimensional.")

    if start.ndim != 1 or end.ndim != 1:
        raise ValueError("Start and end coordinates "
                         "must be one-dimensional")

    if start.size != end.size:
        raise ValueError("The dimensions of start and "
                         "end must match (have same size)")

    if start.size < 2 or end.size < 2:
        raise ValueError("The start and end coordinates must "
                         "both be in at least two-dimensional "

    if np.array_equal(start, end):
        return np.linspace(start, start, t.size)

    # for points that violate equation for n-sphere
    for coord in [start, end]:
        if not np.allclose(np.linalg.norm(coord), 1.0,
            raise ValueError("start and end are not"
                             " on a unit n-sphere")

    if not isinstance(tol, float):
        raise ValueError("tol must be a float")
        tol = np.fabs(tol)

    coord_dist = euclidean(start, end)

    # diameter of 2 within tolerance means antipodes, which is a problem
    # for all unit n-spheres (even the 0-sphere would have an ambiguous path)
    if np.allclose(coord_dist, 2.0, rtol=0, atol=tol):
        warnings.warn("start and end are antipodes"
                      " using the specified tolerance;"
                      " this may cause ambiguous slerp paths")

    t = np.asarray(t, dtype=np.float64)

    if t.size == 0:
        return np.empty((0, start.size))

    if t.min() < 0 or t.max() > 1:
        raise ValueError("interpolation parameter must be in [0, 1]")

    if t.ndim == 0:
        return _geometric_slerp(start,
        return _geometric_slerp(start,
def euc(a, b):
    return distance.euclidean(
        a, b)  # find out how does it mesures the distance between features!
def eyes():
# Landmark model location
    PREDICTOR_PATH = "shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat"
    # Get the face detector
    faceDetector = dlib.get_frontal_face_detector()
    # The landmark detector is implemented in the shape_predictor class
    landmarkDetector = dlib.shape_predictor(PREDICTOR_PATH)

    # Read image
    #imageFilename = "hillary_clinton.jpg"
    cam = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
    global temp
    global frequency
    global durationq

    fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID')
    out = cv2.VideoWriter('output.avi',fourcc, 10.0, (640,480))
    while 1:
        ret, img = cam.read()
    #im= cv2.imread(imageFilename)
    # landmarks will be stored in results/family_i.txt
        landmarksBasename = "results/faces"

    # Detect faces in the image
        faceRects = faceDetector(img, 0)

        # List to store landmarks of all detected faces
        landmarksAll = []

        # Loop over all detected face rectangles
        for i in range(0, len(faceRects)):
            newRect = dlib.rectangle(int(faceRects[i].left()),int(faceRects[i].top()),int(faceRects[i].right()),int(faceRects[i].bottom()))

        # For every face rectangle, run landmarkDetector
        landmarks = landmarkDetector(img, newRect)

        # Store landmarks for current face

        # Draw landmarks on face
        #renderFace(img, landmarks)

        landmarksFileName = landmarksBasename +"_"+ str(i)+ ".txt"
        # print("Saving landmarks to", landmarksFileName)

        # Writelandmarks to disk
        coords,coords2= writeLandmarksToFile(landmarks, landmarksFileName)

        #for i in coords:
            #cv2.circle(img,tuple(i), 1, (0,0,255), 1 )
        left2right=dist.euclidean(coords[6],coords[0]) #0.412


        global left_coords
        global right_coords

        for i in range(6):





        EAR1=( (dist.euclidean(coords[1],coords[5])+dist.euclidean(coords[2],coords[4]))/left2right)

        EAR=( (dist.euclidean(coords[1],coords[5])+dist.euclidean(coords[2],coords[4]))/(2*dist.euclidean(coords[0],coords[3])))

        if callibration == True:
            global average
            global temp3
            global ratios
            global c
            global state_left
            global iris
            global temp3
            global temp4
            global temp5
            global iris_ratios
            global number_of_iris_coords

            a= win32api.GetKeyState(0x01)
            if a != state_left:
                state_left = a
                if average==1:

                if a < 0:
                    if (EAR1):
                        if (stop_con):
            if iris_average==1:
                #print("number_of_iris_coords :",number_of_iris_coords)


        if callibration==False:
                #print("ear after callib " ,EAR1)
            if EAR1 > ratios[0]+.05 and speed!=0:
                if consecframes4>=20 and speed>20:
            if EAR < ratios[2]and speed!=0:
                consecframes +=1
                if consecframes >=3:
 # Set Duration To 1000 ms == 1 second
                    winsound.Beep(frequency2, duration)
            if consecframes2>=15 and speed >20:
            if dist.euclidean(coords2[0],coords2[2])/dist.euclidean(coords2[1],coords2[3])>1.5 or dist.euclidean(coords2[1],coords2[3])/dist.euclidean(coords2[0],coords2[2]) >1.5:
                if consecframes3>=20 and speed>20:


        cv2.imshow("Facial Landmark detector", img)
     # cv2.draw

        k= cv2.waitKey(10) & 0xff
        if k==27:
Exemple #56
def deviation_from_overall(vis: Vis, ldf: LuxDataFrame, filter_specs: list,
                           msr_attribute: str) -> int:
    Difference in bar chart/histogram shape from overall chart
    Note: this function assumes that the filtered vis.data is operating on the same range as the unfiltered vis.data.

    vis : Vis
    ldf : LuxDataFrame
    filter_specs : list
            List of filters from the Vis
    msr_attribute : str
            The attribute name of the measure value of the chart

            Score describing how different the vis is from the overall vis
    v_filter_size = get_filtered_size(filter_specs, ldf)
    v_size = len(vis.data)
    v_filter = vis.data[msr_attribute]
    total = v_filter.sum()
    v_filter = v_filter / total  # normalize by total to get ratio
    if total == 0:
        return 0
    # Generate an "Overall" Vis (TODO: This is computed multiple times for every vis, alternative is to directly access df.current_vis but we do not have guaruntee that will always be unfiltered vis (in the non-Filter action scenario))
    import copy

    unfiltered_vis = copy.copy(vis)
    unfiltered_vis._inferred_intent = utils.get_attrs_specs(
        vis._inferred_intent)  # Remove filters, keep only attribute intent
    ldf.executor.execute([unfiltered_vis], ldf)

    v = unfiltered_vis.data[msr_attribute]
    v = v / v.sum()
    assert len(v) == len(
        v_filter), "Data for filtered and unfiltered vis have unequal length."
    sig = v_filter_size / v_size  # significance factor
    # Euclidean distance as L2 function

    rankSig = 1  # category measure value ranking significance factor
    # if the vis is a barchart, count how many categories' rank, based on measure value, changes after the filter is applied
    if vis.mark == "bar":
        dimList = vis.get_attr_by_data_model("dimension")

        # use Pandas rank function to calculate rank positions for each category
        v_rank = unfiltered_vis.data.rank()
        v_filter_rank = vis.data.rank()
        # go through and count the number of ranking changes between the filtered and unfiltered data
        numCategories = ldf.cardinality[dimList[0].attribute]
        for r in range(0, numCategories - 1):
            if v_rank[msr_attribute][r] != v_filter_rank[msr_attribute][r]:
                rankSig += 1
        # normalize ranking significance factor
        rankSig = rankSig / numCategories

    from scipy.spatial.distance import euclidean

    return sig * rankSig * euclidean(v, v_filter)
Exemple #57
def limit_population(x, k, target):
    x.sort(key=lambda e: euclidean(e, target))
    return x[:k]
def normalize_skeleton(_skel, mode='coco'):
    Recoordinate the skeleton so that the position of the neck joint is (0,0) or (0,0,0).
    And normalize shoulder length to 1

    Specify 'coco' or 'cmu' for mode
    coco : _skel.shape = ({frame_num}, 19, 2) or ({frame_num}, 19, 3) 
    cmu  : _skel.shape = ({frame_num}, 18, 2) or ({frame_num}, 18, 3) 

    Keyword Arguments:
    _skel - skeleton pose, unnormalized

    if mode == 'coco':
        neck_joint_idx = 1
        nose_joint_idx = 0
        r_shoulder_joint_idx = 2
        l_shoulder_joint_idx = 5
    elif mode == 'cmu' or mode == 'openpose':
        neck_joint_idx = 0
        nose_joint_idx = 1
        r_shoulder_joint_idx = 9
        l_shoulder_joint_idx = 3
        raise AssertionError("Choose 'coco' or 'cmu' for the normalization argument")
    if mode == 'cmu':
        new_poses = []
        angles = []
        shoulder_lengths = []
        neck_positions = []
        for pose in _skel:
            shoulder_len = distance.euclidean(pose[neck_joint_idx], pose[l_shoulder_joint_idx])
            new_pose = []
            for joint in pose:
                new_pose.append((joint - pose[neck_joint_idx]) / shoulder_len)
        new_poses = np.array(new_poses)

        return new_poses, np.array(shoulder_lengths), np.array(neck_positions)

    elif mode == 'openpose':
        # ----- Localization -----
        localize_pose = []
        neck_positions = []
        for pose in _skel:
            tmp = []
            for joint in pose:
                tmp.append(joint - pose[neck_joint_idx])
        localize_pose = np.array(localize_pose)
        neck_positions = np.array(neck_positions)

        # ----- Scaling ------
        # Find the frame with the speaker facing most front
        face_front_value = 10000
        for i in range(len(localize_pose)):
            # Search by x coordinate of the nose
            if face_front_value > abs(localize_pose[i][nose_joint_idx][0]):
                face_front_value = abs(localize_pose[i][nose_joint_idx][0])
                face_front_frame = i
        scale_factor = distance.euclidean(localize_pose[face_front_frame][neck_joint_idx], localize_pose[face_front_frame][l_shoulder_joint_idx])

        normalized_pose = []
        for pose in localize_pose:
            tmp = []
            for joint in pose:
                tmp.append(joint / scale_factor)
        normalized_pose = np.array(normalized_pose)

        return normalized_pose, neck_positions, scale_factor
        print("[Error] supecify mode ('coco' or 'cmu' or 'openpose') when normalizing")
Exemple #59
def weighted_decision_ish(face_descriptor, descriptors):
    return min(
        [distance.euclidean(descr, face_descriptor) for descr in descriptors])
Exemple #60
def euc(a, b):  #calculate distance
    return distance.euclidean(a, b)