Exemple #1
def von_mises(x, alpha, reference=Rotation((1, 0, 0, 0))):
    """A vastly simplified Von Mises-Fisher distribution calculation.

    x : Rotation
    alpha : float
        Lower values of alpha lead to "looser" distributions.
    reference : Rotation

    This simplified version of the distribution is calculated using

    .. math:: \\frac{\\exp\\left(2\\alpha\\cos\\left(\\omega\\right)\\right)}{_0F_1\\left(\\frac{N}{2}, \\alpha^2\\right)}

    where :math:`\omega` is the angle between orientations and :math:`N` is the
    number of relevant dimensions, in this case 3.


    angle = x.angle_with(reference)
    return np.exp(2 * alpha * np.cos(angle.data)) / hyp0f1(1.5, alpha**2)
Exemple #2
 def _get_C(self):
     C = np.empty((self.N, self.K))
     for k, j in np.ndindex(self.N, self.K):
         t = 0.5 if j == 0 else 1
         C[k, j] = t * math.exp(-self.shape_param ** 2 * self.in_mesh[0, k]) * self.in_mesh[0, k] ** j * \
                   hyp0f1(j + 1, self.shape_param ** 4 * self.in_mesh[0, k] ** 2)
     return C
Exemple #3
def noncentral_chisquare_log_pdf( x, ddof, noncentrality ):
  assert ddof > 0, "ddof must be > 0"
  assert noncentrality > 0, "noncentrality must be > 0"
  # this version lacks log modified bessel of first kind
  # lp = -np.log(2) - 0.5*(x+noncentrality) + (ddof/4.0 - 0.5)*np.log( x / noncentrality )
  lp = - 0.5*(x+noncentrality) - 0.5*ddof*np.log(2.0) + (0.5*ddof-1)*np.log(x) - special.gammaln( 0.5*ddof )
  lp += np.log( special.hyp0f1( ddof/2.0, noncentrality*x/4.0 ) )
  return lp
Exemple #4
def noncentral_chisquare_log_pdf(x, ddof, noncentrality):
    assert ddof > 0, "ddof must be > 0"
    assert noncentrality > 0, "noncentrality must be > 0"

    # this version lacks log modified bessel of first kind
    # lp = -np.log(2) - 0.5*(x+noncentrality) + (ddof/4.0 - 0.5)*np.log( x / noncentrality )

    lp = -0.5 * (x + noncentrality) - 0.5 * ddof * np.log(2.0) + (
        0.5 * ddof - 1) * np.log(x) - special.gammaln(0.5 * ddof)
    lp += np.log(special.hyp0f1(ddof / 2.0, noncentrality * x / 4.0))
    return lp
def test_hyp0f1ln(xp):
    from scipy.special import hyp0f1

    if xp == cp:
        hyp0f1_np = hyp0f1

        def hyp0f1(arr1, arr2):  # pylint: disable=function-redefined
            arr1 = xp.asnumpy(arr1)
            arr2 = xp.asnumpy(arr2)
            return xp.array(hyp0f1_np(arr1, arr2))

    arr1 = xp.array([2.0, 1e-8, 1e5])
    arr2 = xp.array([3.0, 2e-8, 2e5])
    assert xp.allclose(utils.hyp0f1ln(arr1, arr2), xp.log(hyp0f1(arr1, arr2)))
    arr2[...] = 0.0
    assert xp.allclose(utils.hyp0f1ln(arr1, arr2), 0)
def monopole(uvecs: [float, np.ndarray],
             order: int = 3) -> [float, np.ndarray]:
    Solution for I(r) = 1.

    Also handles nonzero-w case.

    uvecs: float or ndarray of float
        The cartesian baselines in units of wavelengths. If a float, assumed to be the magnitude of
        the baseline. If an array of one dimension, each entry is assumed to be a magnitude.
        If a 2D array, may have shape (Nbls, 2) or (Nbls, 3). In the first case, w is
        assumed to be zero.
    order: int
        Expansion order to use for non-flat array case (w != 0).

    ndarray of complex
        Visibilities, shape (Nbls,)

    if np.isscalar(
            uvecs) or uvecs.ndim == 1 or uvecs.shape[1] == 2 or np.allclose(
                uvecs[:, 2], 0):
        # w is zero.
        uamps = vec_to_amp(uvecs)
        return 2 * np.pi * np.sinc(2 * uamps)

    uvecs = uvecs[..., None]

    ks = np.arange(order)[None, :]
    fac0 = (2 * np.pi * 1j * uvecs[:, 2, :])**ks / (gamma(ks + 2))
    fac1 = hyp0f1((3 + ks) / 2,
                  -np.pi**2 * (uvecs[:, 0, :]**2 + uvecs[:, 1, :]**2))
    return 2 * np.pi * np.sum(fac0 * fac1, axis=-1)
Exemple #7
 def test_hyp0f1_complex(self):
     assert_mpmath_equal(lambda a, z: sc.hyp0f1(a.real, z),
                         _exception_to_nan(lambda a, x: mpmath.hyp0f1(a, x, **HYPERKW)),
                         [Arg(), ComplexArg()])
Exemple #8
 def _pdf(self, x, df, nc):
     a = df/2.0
     fac = (-nc-x)/2.0 + (a-1)*np.log(x)-a*np.log(2)-special.gammaln(a)
     fac += np.nan_to_num(np.log(special.hyp0f1(a, nc * x/4.0)))
     return np.np.exp(fac)
Exemple #9
 def test_hyp0f1_complex(self):
         lambda a, z: sc.hyp0f1(a.real, z),
         _exception_to_nan(lambda a, x: mpmath.hyp0f1(a, x, **HYPERKW)),
         [Arg(), ComplexArg()])
Exemple #10
 def _pdf(self, x, df, nc):
     a = df/2.0
     fac = (-nc-x)/2.0 + (a-1)*np.log(x)-a*np.log(2)-special.gammaln(a)
     fac += np.nan_to_num(np.log(special.hyp0f1(a, nc * x/4.0)))
     return np.np.exp(fac)