Exemple #1
 def compare3(self, w, nu, qT, h, N, h1):
     #h1= self.get_h(nu,h,N)
     #print h,N
     xbot1 = np.pi / h1 * self.get_psi(h1 / np.pi * jn_zeros(nu, N)[0]) / qT
     xbot2 = np.pi / h * self.get_psi(h / np.pi * jn_zeros(nu, N)[0]) / qT
     bot1 = w(xbot1)
     bot2 = w(xbot2)
     xtop1 = np.pi / h1 * self.get_psi(
         h1 / np.pi * jn_zeros(nu, N)[-1]) / qT
     xtop2 = np.pi / h * self.get_psi(h / np.pi * jn_zeros(nu, N)[-1]) / qT
     #print jv(nu,xtop1*qT),jv(nu,xtop2*qT)
     #print h1*jn_zeros(nu, 1000)[-1]#h1,np.pi/h1*self.get_psi(h1/np.pi*jn_zeros(nu, 1000)[-1])
     top1 = w(xtop1)
     top2 = w(xtop2)
     ##print h
     #val2=  w(xtop2)*jv(nu,xbot2*qT)
     val1 = abs(top1 * jv(nu, xtop1 * qT)) + abs(
         np.exp(-np.pi**2 / 2 / h1) * bot1)
     val2 = abs(top2 * jv(nu, xtop2 * qT)) + abs(
         np.exp(-np.pi**2 / 2 / h) * bot2)
     print 'adog3', abs(top1 * jv(nu, xtop1 * qT)), abs(
         top2 * jv(nu, xtop2 * qT)), abs(np.exp(-np.pi**2 / 2 / h1)), abs(
             np.exp(-np.pi**2 / 2 / h))
     #print val1>val2
     #print val1<val2
     return val1 < val2
Exemple #2
def get_modes(V):
    '''frequency cutoff occurs when b(V) = 0.  solve eqn 4.19.
    checks out w/ the function in the fiber ipynb'''

    l = 0
    m = 1
    modes = []
    while True:

        if l == 0:
            #solving dispersion relation leads us to the zeros of J_1
            #1st root of J_1 is 0. 


            while jn_zeros(1,m)[m-1]< V:

            #solving dispersion relation leads us to the zeros of J_l-1, neglecting 0
            if jn_zeros(l-1,1)[0]>V:
            while jn_zeros(l-1,m)[m-1]<V:
        m = 1
        l += 1
    return modes
Exemple #3
 def _findHEcutoff(self, mode):
     if mode.m > 1:
         pm = Mode(mode.family, mode.nu, mode.m - 1)
         lowbound = self.fiber.cutoff(pm)
         if isnan(lowbound) or isinf(lowbound):
             raise AssertionError("_findHEcutoff: no previous cutoff for"
                                  "{} mode".format(str(mode)))
         delta = 1 / lowbound if lowbound else self._MCD
         lowbound += delta
         lowbound = delta = self._MCD
     ipoints = numpy.concatenate(
         (jn_zeros(mode.nu, mode.m), jn_zeros(mode.nu - 2, mode.m)))
     ipoints = list(ipoints[ipoints > lowbound])
     co = self._findFirstRoot(self._cutoffHE,
                              args=(mode.nu, ),
     if isnan(co):
         self.logger.error("_findHEcutoff: no cutoff found for "
                           "{} mode".format(str(mode)))
         return 0
     return co
def radial(r, rmax, m,
           n):  #normalized basis of radial eigenfunctions of laplacian
    m = np.abs(m)
    N = (rmax**2 / 2) * (sp.jv(m + 1,
                               sp.jn_zeros(m, n)[n - 1]))**2  #normalization
    return (1. / np.sqrt(N)) * sp.jv(np.abs(m),
                                     r * sp.jn_zeros(m, n)[n - 1] / rmax)
Exemple #5
 def _findHEcutoff(self, mode):
     if mode.m > 1:
         pm = Mode(mode.family, mode.nu, mode.m - 1)
         lowbound = self.fiber.cutoff(pm)
         if isnan(lowbound) or isinf(lowbound):
             raise AssertionError("_findHEcutoff: no previous cutoff for"
                                  "{} mode".format(str(mode)))
         delta = 1 / lowbound if lowbound else self._MCD
         lowbound += delta
         lowbound = delta = self._MCD
     ipoints = numpy.concatenate((jn_zeros(mode.nu, mode.m),
                                  jn_zeros(mode.nu-2, mode.m)))
     ipoints = list(ipoints[ipoints > lowbound])
     co = self._findFirstRoot(self._cutoffHE,
     if isnan(co):
         self.logger.error("_findHEcutoff: no cutoff found for "
                           "{} mode".format(str(mode)))
         return 0
     return co
def besel_orth(m, n, phi, r):
    """ TODO: docstring







    # fonction de bessel fourier orthogonale (BFOFS)
    if (m == 0):
        B = sp.jn(0, sp.jn_zeros(0, n)[n - 1] * r)
    elif (m > 0):
        B = sp.jn(m, sp.jn_zeros(m, n)[n - 1] * r) * np.sin(m * phi)
        B = sp.jn(np.abs(m),
                  sp.jn_zeros(np.abs(m), n)[n - 1] * r) * np.cos(np.abs(m) * phi)
    return B
Exemple #7
    def __init__(self,
        fs: sampling frequency [Hz]
        fx: x modulation frequency [Hz]
        v_tip: tip velocity [µm/s]
        x_m: x modulation amplitude [µm]
        T: total data collection time [s]
        x_total: total distance in x [µm]
        phi_x: function describing surface potential as a function of x
        E_x: function describing electric field as a function of x_m
        self.fs = fs
        self.dt = 1. / fs

        if phi_t is not None:
            self.t = np.arange(phi_t.size) * self.dt
            self.T = phi_t.size * self.dt
            self.T = T
            self.t = np.arange(0, self.T, self.dt)

        self.fx = fx
        self.v_tip = v_tip
        self.kx = self.fx / self.v_tip
        self.dx = self.v_tip / self.fs
        self.ks = 1 / self.dx
        self.x_m = x_m

        self.k0_dc = jn_zeros(0, 1)[0] / (2 * np.pi * x_m)
        self.k0_ac = jn_zeros(1, 1)[0] / (2 * np.pi * x_m)
        self.f0_dc = self.k0_dc * self.v_tip
        self.f0_ac = self.k0_ac * self.v_tip

        self.x_dc = self.v_tip * self.t
        self.x_ac = x_m * np.sin(2 * np.pi * self.fx * self.t)
        self.x = self.x_dc + self.x_ac

        if phi_x is not None:
            self.phi_x = phi_x
            self.phi = self.phi_x(self.x)
        elif E_x is not None:
            self.E_x = E_x
            self.E_x_dc = self.E_x(self.x_dc)
            self.phi_x = -1 * np.cumsum(self.E_x_dc) * self.dx
            self.phi = np.interp(self.x, self.x_dc, self.phi_x)
        elif phi_t is not None:
            self.phi = phi_t
            raise ValueError("Must specify phi_x or E_x")
Exemple #8
def get_mode_cutoffs(l, mmax):
    from scipy.special import jn_zeros
    if l > 0:
        return jn_zeros(l-1, mmax)
        if mmax > 1:
            return np.concatenate(((0.,),jn_zeros(l-1, mmax-1)))
            return np.array((0.,))
Exemple #9
def get_qln(l, nmax, nstop=100, zerolminus2=None, zerolminus1=None):
    """Returns the zeros of the spherical Bessel function. Begins by assuming
    that the zeros of the spherical Bessel function for l lie exactly between
    the zeros of the Bessel function between l and l+1. This allows us to use
    scipy's jn_zeros function. However, this function fails to return for high n.
    To work around this we estimate the first 100 zeros using scipy's jn_zero
    function and then iteratively find the roots of the next zero by assuming the
    next zero occurs pi away from the last one. Brent's method is then used to
    find a zero between pi/2 and 3pi/2 from the last zero.

    l : int
        Spherical Bessel function mode.
    nmax : int
        The maximum zero found for the spherical Bessel Function.
    nstop : int
        For n <= nstop we use scipy's jn_zeros to guess where the first nstop
        zeros are. These estimates are improved using Brent's method and assuming
        zeros lie between -pi/2 and pi/2 from the estimates.
    if nmax <= nstop:
        nstop = nmax
    if zerolminus2 is None and zerolminus1 is None:
        z1 = special.jn_zeros(l, nstop)
        z2 = special.jn_zeros(l + 1, nstop)
        zeros_approx = np.ndarray.tolist(0.5 * (z1 + z2))
        zeros = []
        for i in range(0, len(zeros_approx)):
            a = zeros_approx[i] - 0.5 * np.pi
            b = zeros_approx[i] + 0.5 * np.pi
            val = optimize.brentq(get_jl, a, b, args=(l))
        if nstop != nmax:
            n = nstop
            while n < nmax:
                zero_last = zeros[-1]
                a = zero_last + 0.5 * np.pi
                b = zero_last + 1.5 * np.pi
                val = optimize.brentq(get_jl, a, b, args=(l))
                n += 1
        dz = zerolminus1 - zerolminus2
        z1 = zerolminus1 + 0.5 * dz
        z2 = zerolminus2 + 1.5 * dz
        zeros_approx = np.ndarray.tolist(0.5 * (z1 + z2))
        zeros = []
        for i in range(0, len(zeros_approx)):
            a = zeros_approx[i] - 0.5 * np.pi
            b = zeros_approx[i] + 0.5 * np.pi
            val = optimize.brentq(get_jl, a, b, args=(l))
    zeros = np.array(zeros)
    return zeros
Exemple #10
 def get_k_r_j(self,j_nu=0,n_zeros=1000,#rmin=0.1,rmax=100,kmax=10,kmin=1.e-4,
     while True:
         if isinstance(j_nu,int):
             def jv2(x):
                 return jv(j_nu,x)
             zeros[:5500]= fsolve(jv2,zeros_t[:5500])
             #this is bad, but can't find zeros of spherical right now. .7852 does make it
             #better by ensuring most values are <1.e-3
         if min(r)>self.rmin[j_nu]:
             print('changed kmax to',self.kmax[j_nu],' to cover rmin')
         elif max(r)<self.rmax[j_nu]:
             print('j-nu=',j_nu,' not enough zeros to cover rmax, increasing by ',n_zeros_step,' to',n_zeros)
         elif min(k)>self.kmin[j_nu]:
             print('j-nu=',j_nu,' not enough zeros to cover kmin, increasing by ',n_zeros_step,' to',n_zeros)
     if prune_r!=0:
         print('pruning r, log_space,n_f:',prune_log_space,prune_r)
         if prune_log_space:
             idx=np.unique(np.int64(np.logspace(0,np.log10(N-1),N/prune_r)))#pruning can be worse than prune_r factor due to repeated numbers when logspace number are convereted to int.
         print('pruned r:',len(r))
     return k,r,J,J_nu1,zeros
Exemple #11
    def __init__(self, fs, fx, v_tip, x_m, T=None,
                 phi_x=None, E_x=None, phi_t=None):
        fs: sampling frequency [Hz]
        fx: x modulation frequency [Hz]
        v_tip: tip velocity [µm/s]
        x_m: x modulation amplitude [µm]
        T: total data collection time [s]
        x_total: total distance in x [µm]
        phi_x: function describing surface potential as a function of x
        E_x: function describing electric field as a function of x_m
        self.fs = fs
        self.dt = 1./fs

        if phi_t is not None:
            self.t = np.arange(phi_t.size) * self.dt
            self.T = phi_t.size * self.dt
            self.T = T
            self.t = np.arange(0, self.T, self.dt)

        self.fx = fx
        self.v_tip = v_tip
        self.kx = self.fx / self.v_tip
        self.dx = self.v_tip / self.fs
        self.ks = 1 / self.dx
        self.x_m = x_m

        self.k0_dc = jn_zeros(0, 1)[0] / (2 * np.pi * x_m)
        self.k0_ac = jn_zeros(1, 1)[0] / (2 * np.pi * x_m)
        self.f0_dc = self.k0_dc * self.v_tip
        self.f0_ac = self.k0_ac * self.v_tip

        self.x_dc = self.v_tip * self.t
        self.x_ac = x_m * np.sin(2*np.pi*self.fx*self.t)
        self.x = self.x_dc + self.x_ac

        if phi_x is not None:
            self.phi_x = phi_x
            self.phi = self.phi_x(self.x)
        elif E_x is not None:
            self.E_x = E_x
            self.E_x_dc = self.E_x(self.x_dc)
            self.phi_x = -1 * np.cumsum(self.E_x_dc) * self.dx
            self.phi = np.interp(self.x, self.x_dc, self.phi_x)
        elif phi_t is not None:
            self.phi = phi_t
            raise ValueError("Must specify phi_x or E_x")
Exemple #12
def test_disk_bessel_zeros(Nphi, Nr, m, radius, dtype):
    # Bases
    c = coords.PolarCoordinates('phi', 'r')
    d = distributor.Distributor((c, ))
    b = basis.DiskBasis(c, (Nphi, Nr), radius=radius, dtype=dtype)
    b_S1 = b.S1_basis()
    phi, r = b.local_grids((1, 1))
    # Fields
    f = field.Field(dist=d, bases=(b, ), dtype=dtype)
    τ_f = field.Field(dist=d, bases=(b_S1, ), dtype=dtype)
    k2 = field.Field(name='k2', dist=d, dtype=dtype)
    # Parameters and operators
    lap = lambda A: operators.Laplacian(A, c)
    Lift = lambda A: operators.Lift(A, b, -1)
    # Bessel equation: k^2*f + lap(f) = 0
    problem = problems.EVP([f, τ_f], k2)
    problem.add_equation((k2 * f + lap(f) + Lift(τ_f), 0))
    problem.add_equation((f(r=radius), 0))
    # Solver
    solver = solvers.EigenvalueSolver(problem)
    for sp in solver.subproblems:
        if sp.group[0] == m:
        raise ValueError("Could not find subproblem with m = %i" % m)
    # Compare eigenvalues
    n_compare = 5
    selected_eigenvalues = np.sort(solver.eigenvalues)[:n_compare]
    analytic_eigenvalues = (spec.jn_zeros(m, n_compare) / radius)**2
    assert np.allclose(selected_eigenvalues, analytic_eigenvalues)
Exemple #13
def cutoff_wavelength(a, NA, ell=0, q=np.inf):
    Calculate the cutoff wavelength for an optical fiber.

    The default operation is for this function to calculate the cutoff
    wavelength for the fundamental mode of a step-index fiber.  The cutoff
    wavelength for higher order modes may be found by specifying a different
    value of ell.

    If the cutoff wavelength for a graded index fiber is desired, then specify
    a different value for q.

        a :   radius of the fiber                               [m]
        NA :  numerical aperture of the fiber                   [-]
        ell : (optional) mode number                            [-]
        q :   (optional) parameter for graded index fiber       [-]

        shortest wavelength for operation in the specified mode [m]
    Vc, = jn_zeros(int(ell), 1)
    if np.isfinite(q):  # graded index fiber
        Vc *= np.sqrt(1 + 2 / q)
    return 2 * np.pi * a * NA / Vc
Exemple #14
 def compare(self, w, b_min_half, b_max_dub,nu,storage,peak,bc,qT):
     zero1 = jn_zeros(nu, 1)[0]
         top = stor[b_max_dub]
         top = w(b_max_dub)
         storage[b_max_dub] = top
         bot = stor[b_min_half]
         bot = w(b_min_half)
         storage[b_min_half] = bot
     if bot > peak:
         peakval = bot
         bcc = b_min_half
     elif top > peak:
         peakval = top
         bcc = b_max_dub
         peakval = peak
         bcc = bc
     if (b_min_half/np.pi/zero1**2*qT)> 0.05:
         return True,storage,peakval,bcc
         return (b_min_half/np.pi/zero1**2*qT)**2*bot>top,storage,peakval,bcc
    def simulate(self):
        at = self.__attributes
        op = self.__options

        profile, membrane_transmission = self.__build_zone_plate_profile()

        # Loading the position of the zeros of the 1st order Bessel function, as much position as N+1.
        c = jn_zeros(0, self.n_points + 1)

        # Definition of the position where the calculated input and transformed
        # functions are evaluated. We define also the maximum frequency in the
        # angular domain.
        q_max = c[self.n_points] / (2 * numpy.pi * self.max_radius
                                    )  # Maximum frequency
        r = c[:self.n_points] * self.max_radius / c[
            self.n_points]  # Radius vector
        q = c[:self.n_points] / (2 * numpy.pi * self.max_radius
                                 )  # Frequency vector

        # Recalculation of the position where the initial profile is defined.
        profile_h = self.__get_profile_h(profile, r)

        if op.store_partial_results:
            map_int = numpy.zeros((self.n_slices + self.n_z, self.n_points))
            map_complex = numpy.full((self.n_slices + self.n_z, self.n_points),
            map_int = numpy.zeros((self.n_z, self.n_points))
            map_complex = numpy.full((self.n_z, self.n_points), 0j)

        # Calculation of the first angular spectrum
        # --------------------------------------------------------------------------

        print("Initialization, (or Slice #: ", 1, ")")

        field0 = profile_h * membrane_transmission
        if op.store_partial_results:
            map_int[0, :] = numpy.multiply(numpy.abs(field0),
            map_complex[0, :] = field0[0:self.n_points]
        four0 = hankel_transform(field0,
        field0 = profile_h

        if op.with_multi_slicing:
            four0 = self.__propagate_multislicing(map_int, map_complex, field0,
                                                  four0, q_max, q, c)

        if op.with_range:
            self.__propagate_on_range(map_int, map_complex, four0, q_max, q, c)
            self.__propagate_to_focus(map_int, map_complex, four0, q_max, q, c)

        efficiency = self.__calculate_efficiency(
            -1, map_int, profile_h, r,
            int(numpy.floor(10 * at.b_min / self.step)))

        return map_int, map_complex, efficiency
Exemple #16
 def __init__(self, N=32):
     self.N = N
     self.roots = jn_zeros(0, N + 1)
     self.j = self.roots[0:-1]
     self.j_Np1 = self.roots[-1]  # S in Yu et al.
     self.J1sqd = jv(1, self.j)**2
     self.C = 2 * jv(0, outer(self.j, self.j) / self.j_Np1) / self.J1sqd
Exemple #17
def rev_bessfc(y, S, phi, ampl, symb):

    zer = jn_zeros(0, 16)

    res = lambda x: j0(y * zer[int(x[0])])

    return res
Exemple #18
def compute_all_robin_roots(beta, n, roots):
    :param beta: f = beta*J_n(x) + dJ_n(x)/dn = 0 this is how Robin is posed here
    :param n: order of J_n
    :param roots: number of roots
    :return: np array with all the roots of f
    bessel_roots = ss.jn_zeros(n,roots)
    der_bessel_roots = ss.jnp_zeros(n,roots)
    result = np.zeros(roots)
    for k in range(0,roots):
        if (n == 0 and k == 0):
                result[k] = optimize.bisect(alpha_function, 0, bessel_roots[k], args=(n,beta))

            if (n == 0):
                result[k] = optimize.bisect(alpha_function, min(der_bessel_roots[k-1], bessel_roots[k]), max(der_bessel_roots[k-1], bessel_roots[k]), args=(n,beta))
                if (alpha_function(0,n,beta) == 0):
                    result[0] = 0
                    result[k] = optimize.bisect(alpha_function, min(der_bessel_roots[k - 1], bessel_roots[k - 1]),
                                                max(der_bessel_roots[k - 1], bessel_roots[k - 1]), args=(n, beta))
                    result[k] = optimize.bisect(alpha_function, min(der_bessel_roots[k], bessel_roots[k]), max(der_bessel_roots[k], bessel_roots[k]), args=(n,beta))
    return result
Exemple #19
def check_HankelTransform(s, funcanddoc, funcanddoc_, args, order, m, ng, ng0,
    """check if a HankelTransform gives it's analytical solution

    s : float
        transform variable
    func, funcdoc: function and functions doc
        function to transform
    func_, func_doc : function and functin doc
        analytical transform of `func`
    other: see HankelTransform
    (func, funcdoc) = funcanddoc
    (func_, func_doc) = funcanddoc_
    if func == hankel3:
        points = args[0] / jn_zeros(0, 70)
        atol = 1e-4
        points = None
        atol = 1e-5

    h = HankelTransform(func, args, order, m, points, ng, ng0, shanks_ind)
    assert_allclose(h(s)[0], func_(s, *args), atol=atol)
Exemple #20
def plotcutoff(f):

    for n in (1.46, 1.48, 1.50):

        if f.n[0] > f.n[1]:
            f.n[0] = n
            f.n[1] = n

        mu = abs(f.n[2]**2 - f.n[0]**2) / abs(f.n[2]**2 - f.n[1]**2)
        if mu > 1:
            mu = 1 / mu

        rho = numpy.linspace(0, 1)
        v0 = numpy.zeros(rho.shape)
        for i, r in enumerate(rho):
            f.rho[0] = r * f.rho[1]
            roots = findRoots(f, Mode("TE", 0, 1), numpy.linspace(2, 15, 500))
            if roots:
                v0[i] = roots[0]
        v0 = numpy.ma.masked_equal(v0, 0)
        pyplot.plot(v0, rho, label="$\\mu = {:.2f}$".format(mu) if mu else '')

    rj0 = jn_zeros(0, 1)[0]
    pyplot.axvline(rj0, ls='--', color='k')

    pyplot.xlim((2, 6))
    pyplot.ylim((0, 1))
    pyplot.xlabel('Normalized frequency $V_0$')
    pyplot.ylabel('Radii ratio $\\rho$')
Exemple #21
def spheromak(Bx, By, Bz, domain, center=(0, 0, 0), B0=1, R=1, L=1):
    """domain must be a dedalus domain
    Bx, By, Bz must be Dedalus fields


    # parameters
    xx, yy, zz = domain.grids()

    j1_zero1 = jn_zeros(1, 1)[0]
    kr = j1_zero1 / R
    kz = np.pi / L

    lam = np.sqrt(kr**2 + kz**2)

    # construct cylindrical coordinates centered on center
    r = np.sqrt((xx - center[0])**2 + (yy - center[1])**2)
    theta = np.arctan2(yy, xx)
    z = zz - center[2]

    # calculate cylindrical fields
    Br = -B0 * kz / kr * j1(kr * r) * np.cos(kz * z)
    Bt = B0 * lam / kr * j1(kr * r) * np.sin(kz * z)

    # convert back to cartesian, place on grid.
    Bx['g'] = Br * np.cos(theta) - Bt * np.sin(theta)
    By['g'] = Br * np.sin(theta) + Bt * np.cos(theta)
    Bz['g'] = B0 * j0(kr * r) * np.sin(kz * z)
Exemple #22
def MHCDEigenFrequencies ( dg, r,  Uhv=4e3, rho=1.2041, yDirNum=4, xDirNum=4 ):
    """Eigenfrequency calculatioon of a micro hollow cathode discharge.

        dg      :   Distance of electrodes (discharge gap).
        r       :   Radius of the discharge hole.
        Uhv     :   Voltage between electrodes.
        rho     :   Gas density.
        yDirNum :   Col Number of eigenfrequencies.
        xDirNum :   Row number of eigenfrequencies.

        Returns the eigenfrequencies of the discharge.

    from scipy.special import jn, jn_zeros
    import numpy as np

    k = 3
    e0 = 8.854187817e-12 # As x (Vm)^-1
    vm = np.sqrt (  e0 / rho ) * Uhv / dg 
    bessel_roots = np.zeros ( ( xDirNum, yDirNum) )

    for x in range ( 0, xDirNum):
        b = jn_zeros (x, yDirNum)
        for y in range ( 0, yDirNum):
            bessel_roots[y][x] = b[y]

    f = bessel_roots * vm * k / ( 2*np.pi*r)
    return f
Exemple #23
    def beta_pec(self, w, alpha):
        """Return phase constant of PEC waveguide

            w: A complex indicating the angular frequency
            alpha: A tuple (pol, n, m) where pol is 'M' for TM mode or
                'E' for TE mode, n is the order of the mode, and m is the
                number of modes in the order and the polarization.
            h: A complex indicating the phase constant.
        w_comp = w.real + 1j * w.imag
        pol, n, m = alpha
        if pol == "E":
            chi = jnp_zeros(n, m)[-1]
        elif pol == "M":
            chi = jn_zeros(n, m)[-1]
            raise ValueError("pol must be 'E' or 'M")
        val = np.sqrt(self.fill(w_comp) * w_comp**2 - chi**2 / self.r**2)
        if abs(val.real) > abs(val.imag):
            if val.real < 0:
                val *= -1
            if val.imag < 0:
                val *= -1
        return val
Exemple #24
def plotcutoff(f):

    for n in (1.46, 1.48, 1.50):

        if f.n[0] > f.n[1]:
            f.n[0] = n
            f.n[1] = n

        mu = abs(f.n[2]**2 - f.n[0]**2) / abs(f.n[2]**2 - f.n[1]**2)
        if mu > 1:
            mu = 1 / mu

        rho = numpy.linspace(0, 1)
        v0 = numpy.zeros(rho.shape)
        for i, r in enumerate(rho):
            f.rho[0] = r * f.rho[1]
            roots = findRoots(f, Mode("TE", 0, 1), numpy.linspace(2, 15, 500))
            if roots:
                v0[i] = roots[0]
        v0 = numpy.ma.masked_equal(v0, 0)
        pyplot.plot(v0, rho, label="$\\mu = {:.2f}$".format(mu) if mu else '')

    rj0 = jn_zeros(0, 1)[0]
    pyplot.axvline(rj0, ls='--', color='k')

    pyplot.xlim((2, 6))
    pyplot.ylim((0, 1))
    pyplot.xlabel('Normalized frequency $V_0$')
    pyplot.ylabel('Radii ratio $\\rho$')
Exemple #25
 def bessel_order(self, value):
     self._bessel_order = value
     krho = self.transversal_wavenumber
     if krho != 0:
         self._bessel_spot = ss.jn_zeros(value, 1)[0] / krho
         self._bessel_spot = ma.inf
Exemple #26
 def __init__(self, ktheta_min, ktheta_max,
              window_function_a, window_function_b,
              cosmo_dict=None, **kws):
     self._j2_limit = special.jn_zeros(2,4)[-1]
     Kernel.__init__(self, ktheta_min, ktheta_max,
                     window_function_a, window_function_b,
                     cosmo_dict=None, **kws)
Exemple #27
def disk_harmonic_energy(n, m, bc='dirichlet'):
	'''Get the energy of a disk harmonic function.

	This allows for functions to sort a disk harmonic mode basis on energy.

	n : int
		Radial order
	m : int
		Azimuthal order
	bc : string
		The boundary conditions to use. This can be either 'dirichlet', or 
		'neumann' for a Dirichlet or Neumann boundary condition respectively.
		The energy corresponding to the mode.
	m = abs(m)

	if bc == 'dirichlet':
		lambda_mn = jn_zeros(m, n)[-1]
	elif bc == 'neumann':
		lambda_mn = jnp_zeros(m, n)[-1]
		raise RuntimeError('Boundary condition not recognized.')
	return lambda_mn**2
Exemple #28
    def init_rkr_jroot_both(self, Rmax, Nr, dtype):
        Setup radial `r` and spectral `kr` grids, and fix data type.

        Rmax: float (m)
            Radial size of the calculation domain.

        Nr: int
            Number of nodes of the radial grid.

        dtype: type
            Data type to be used.
        self.Rmax = Rmax
        self.Nr = Nr
        self.dtype = dtype

        alpha = jn_zeros(0, Nr + 1)
        alpha_np1 = alpha[-1]
        alpha = alpha[:-1]

        self.r = Rmax * alpha / alpha_np1
        self.kr = self.bcknd.to_device(alpha / Rmax)
def getSpheromakFieldAtPosition(x, y, z, center=(0,0,1), B0=1, R=1, L=1):
   """The spheromak center in z must be L.

   # parameters
   j1_zero1 = jn_zeros(1,1)[0]
   kr = j1_zero1/R
   kz = np.pi/L

   lam = np.sqrt(kr**2 + kz**2)

   # construct cylindrical coordinates centered on center
   r = np.sqrt((x- center[0])**2 + (y- center[1])**2)
   theta = np.arctan2(y,x)
   centZ = z - center[2]

   # calculate cylindrical fields
   Br = -B0 * kz/kr * j1(kr*r) * np.cos(kz*centZ)
   Bt = B0 * lam/kr * j1(kr*r) * np.sin(kz*centZ)

   # convert back to cartesian, place on grid.
   Bx = Br*np.cos(theta) - Bt*np.sin(theta)
   By = Br*np.sin(theta) + Bt*np.cos(theta)
   Bz = B0 * j0(kr*r) * np.sin(kz*centZ)
   return Bx, By, Bz
Exemple #30
    def kc(self) -> NumberLike:
        Cut-off wave number.

        Defined as

        .. math::

                k_c = \\frac{u_{mn}}{R}

        where R is the radius of the waveguide, and u_mn is:

        * the n-th root of the m-th Bessel function for 'tm' mode
        * the n-th root of the Derivative of the m-th Bessel function for 'te' mode.

        kc : number
            cut-off wavenumber
        if self.mode_type == "te":
            u = jnp_zeros(self.m, self.n)[-1]
        elif self.mode_type == "tm":
            u = jn_zeros(self.m, self.n)[-1]
        return u / self.r
Exemple #31
def gravground( x          ,
                y          ,
                g          ,
                G          ,
                *args      ,
  def gravground( x       ,
                  y       ,
                  g       ,
                  G       ,
                  *args   ,
  Create the Thomas-Fermi ground state for a gravitational system
  X,Y = np.meshgrid(x,y)
  R = np.sqrt( X ** 2. + Y ** 2. )
  bj0z1   = jn_zeros( 0, 1 ) #First zero of zeroth order besselj
  scaling = np.sqrt( 2 * np.pi * G / g  )
  gr0     = bj0z1 / scaling
  Rprime  = R * scaling
  gtfsol = j0( Rprime ) * np.array( [ map( int,ii ) for ii in map( 
                                      lambda rad: rad <= gr0, R ) ] )

  gtfsol *= scaling ** 2. / ( 2 * np.pi * j1( bj0z1 ) * bj0z1 ) 
  return gtfsol
Exemple #32
def bessel_zeros(order, index):
    """Returns a Bessel zero given the function's order and zero index.

    This function is a wrapper around Scipy's Bessel function zero generator.
    For some reason, the Scipy function returns all zeros between the given
    number and the first zero. This function extracts only the wanted zero
    given the index. 

    This is for Bessel functions of the first kind.

    order : int
        The integer order of the Bessel function of the first kind.
    index : int
        The zero's index that is desired. 

    zero : float
        The value of the zero at the given index of the given Bessel function.
    # Basic type checking.
    order = int(order)
    index = int(index)

    # For some reason, scipy wants to return all zeros from 1 to n. This
    # function only wants the last one.
    zero_array = sp_spcl.jn_zeros(order, index)
    zero = zero_array[-1]
    return zero
Exemple #33
    def QDHT_init(self, p, N, rmax):
        Calculate r and nu for the QDHT.
        Reference : Guizar-Sicairos et al., J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 21 (2004)

        Also store the auxilary matrix T and vectors J and J_inv required for
        the transform.

        Grid : r_n = alpha_{p,n}*rmax/alpha_{p,N+1}
        where alpha_{p,n} is the n^th zero of the p^th Bessel function

        # Calculate the zeros of the Bessel function
        zeros = jn_zeros(p, N + 1)

        # Calculate the grid
        last_alpha = zeros[-1]  # The N+1^{th} zero
        alphas = zeros[:-1]  # The N first zeros
        numax = last_alpha / (2 * np.pi * rmax)
        self.N = N
        self.rmax = rmax
        self.numax = numax
        self.r = rmax * alphas / last_alpha
        self.nu = numax * alphas / last_alpha

        # Calculate and store the vector J
        J = abs(jn(p + 1, alphas))
        self.J = J
        self.J_inv = 1. / J

        # Calculate and store the matrix T
        denom = J[:, np.newaxis] * J[np.newaxis, :] * last_alpha
        num = 2 * jn(
            p, alphas[:, np.newaxis] * alphas[np.newaxis, :] / last_alpha)
        self.T = num / denom
Exemple #34
def test_bessel_zeros(order: int, n_zeros: int, engine):
    tolerance = 1e-5
    matlab_zeros = engine.bessel_zeros(1.0, float(order), float(n_zeros), float(tolerance),
    matlab_zeros = np.asarray(matlab_zeros).transpose()[0, :]
    python_zeros = scipy_bessel.jn_zeros(order, n_zeros)
    assert np.allclose(matlab_zeros, python_zeros)
Exemple #35
 def wig_d_smoothing(self, s1_s2):
     if self.wig_d_taper_order_low is None or self.wig_d_taper_order_high is None:
     if self.wig_d_taper_order_low <= 0:  #try 16, 20
     if self.wig_d_taper_order_high <= 0:
         self.wig_d_taper_order_high = self.wig_d_taper_order_low + 2
     bessel_order = np.absolute(s1_s2[0] - s1_s2[1])
     zeros = jn_zeros(
         max(self.wig_d_taper_order_low, self.wig_d_taper_order_high))
     l_max_low = zeros[self.wig_d_taper_order_low - 1] / self.theta[s1_s2]
     if l_max_low.max() > self.l.max():
             'Wigner ell max of ', self.l.max(),
             ' too low for theta_min. Recommendation based on first few zeros of bessel ',
             s1_s2, ' :', zeros[:5] / self.theta[s1_s2].min())
     l_max_high = zeros[self.wig_d_taper_order_high - 1] / self.theta[s1_s2]
     if self.wig_d_taper_order_high == 0:
         l_max_high[:] = self.l.max()
     l_max_low[l_max_low > self.l.max()] = self.l.max()
     l_max_high[l_max_high > self.l.max()] = self.l.max()
     taper_f = np.cos(
         (self.l[None, :] - l_max_low[:, None]) /
         (l_max_high[:, None] - l_max_low[:, None]) * np.pi / 2.)
     x = self.l[None, :] >= l_max_low[:, None]
     y = self.l[None, :] >= l_max_high[:, None]
     taper_f[~x] = 1
     taper_f[y] = 0
     self.wig_d[s1_s2] = self.wig_d[s1_s2] * taper_f
Exemple #36
 def __init__(self, ktheta_min, ktheta_max,
              window_function_a, window_function_b,
              cosmo_multi_epoch=None, force_quad=False, **kws):
     self._j2_limit = special.jn_zeros(
         2, defaults.default_precision["kernel_bessel_limit"])[-1]
     Kernel.__init__(self, ktheta_min, ktheta_max,
                     window_function_a, window_function_b,
                     cosmo_multi_epoch, force_quad, **kws)
def sine_angular_control(s, t, v=1.0):
  # Amplitude is the first root of the 0-th order Bessel function
  A = jn_zeros(0,1)[0]

  v = v*numpy.ones(t.shape)
  a = A*numpy.sin(t)

  return numpy.vstack([v,a]).T
Exemple #38
 def _transversal_bessel(self,u,p):
     from scipy.special import jn, jn_zeros
     first_zero = jn_zeros(self.transversal_bessel_order,1)
     r = (u-self.transversal_offset[p])/(self.transversal_width[p]/2.0)
     shape = jn(self.transversal_bessel_order,r*(first_zero[0]))
     if self.transversal_kill_after_first_zero:
         shape_kill = np.abs(r*(first_zero[0]))<=(first_zero[0])
         shape = shape_kill*shape
     return shape
def _amplitudeFromPeak(peak, x, y, radius, x_0=10, y_0=10):
    This function can be used to estimate an Airy disc amplitude from the peak pixel, centroid and radius.
    rz = jn_zeros(1, 1)[0] / np.pi
    r = np.sqrt((x - x_0) ** 2 + (y - y_0) ** 2) / (radius / rz)
    if r == 0.:
        return peak
    rt = np.pi * r
    z = (2.0 * j1(rt) / rt)**2
    amp = peak / z
    return amp
    def __init__(self, amplitude, x_0, y_0, radius, **kwargs):
        if self._j1 is None:
                from scipy.special import j1, jn_zeros
                self.__class__._j1 = j1
                self.__class__._rz = jn_zeros(1, 1)[0] / np.pi
            # add a ValueError here for python3 + scipy < 0.12
            except ValueError:
                raise ImportError("AiryDisk2D model requires scipy > 0.11.")

        super(AiryDisk2D, self).__init__(
            amplitude=amplitude, x_0=x_0, y_0=y_0, radius=radius, **kwargs)
Exemple #41
    def _transversal_bessel(self,y):

        from scipy.special import jn, jn_zeros

        first_zero = jn_zeros(self.transversal_bessel_order,1)

        shape = jn(self.transversal_bessel_order,(y-self.transversal_offset)*(first_zero[0])/(self.transversal_width/2.0))

        if self.transversal_kill_after_first_zero:
            shape_kill = np.abs((y-self.transversal_offset)*(first_zero[0])/(self.transversal_width/2.0))<=(first_zero[0])
            shape = shape_kill*shape

        return shape
Exemple #42
    def __init__(self, ktheta_min, ktheta_max,
                 window_function_a, window_function_b,
                 cosmo_multi_epoch=None, force_quad=False, **kws):
        self.initialized_spline = False

        self.ln_ktheta_min = numpy.log(ktheta_min)
        self.ln_ktheta_max = numpy.log(ktheta_max)

        self.window_function_a = copy.copy(window_function_a)
        self.window_function_b = copy.copy(window_function_b)

        self.z_min = numpy.max([self.window_function_a.z_min,
        self.z_max = numpy.min([self.window_function_a.z_max,

        if cosmo_multi_epoch is None:
            cosmo_multi_epoch = cosmology.MultiEpoch(
                self.z_min, self.z_max)
        self.cosmo = cosmo_multi_epoch


        self.chi_min = numpy.max([defaults.default_precision["window_precision"],
        self.chi_max = self.cosmo.comoving_distance(self.z_max)

        self._window_norm = integrate.romberg(
            lambda chi: (self.window_function_a.window_function(chi)*
            self.chi_min, self.chi_max, vec_func=True,
        self._ln_ktheta_array = numpy.linspace(
            self.ln_ktheta_min, self.ln_ktheta_max,
        self._kernel_array = numpy.zeros_like(self._ln_ktheta_array,

        self._j0_limit = special.jn_zeros(
            0, defaults.default_precision["kernel_bessel_limit"])[-1]

        self._force_quad = force_quad

Exemple #43
    def __call__(self, mode):
        nu = mode.nu
        m = mode.m

        if mode.family is ModeFamily.LP:
            if nu == 0:
                    nu = 1
                    m -= 1
                nu -= 1
        elif mode.family is ModeFamily.HE:
            if nu == 1:
                m -= 1
                return self._findHEcutoff(mode)

        return jn_zeros(nu, m)[m-1]
    def f(self, r, theta, t, m, n):
	   (m,n) Modo normal:
	    Calcula el modo normal (m,n) de oscilación de la mebrana 
	    circular, donde n es el numero cuantico radial y m el 
	    numero angular.

	      *Variable r					r
	      *Variable theta					theta
	      *Variable t					t
	      *Numero cuantico angular				m
	      *Numero cuantico radial				n
        lambda_mn = sp.jn_zeros(m, n)[-1]
        return sp.jn(m, lambda_mn * r / self.R) * np.cos(lambda_mn * self.c * t / self.R) * np.cos(m * theta)
    def evaluate(cls, x, y, amplitude, x_0, y_0, radius):
        """Two dimensional Airy model function"""

        if cls._rz is None:
                from scipy.special import j1, jn_zeros
                cls._rz = jn_zeros(1, 1)[0] / np.pi
                cls._j1 = j1
            except ValueError:
                raise ImportError('AiryDisk2D model requires scipy > 0.11.')

        r = np.sqrt((x - x_0) ** 2 + (y - y_0) ** 2) / (radius / cls._rz)
        # Since r can be zero, we have to take care to treat that case
        # separately so as not to raise a numpy warning
        z = np.ones(r.shape)
        rt = np.pi * r[r > 0]
        z[r > 0] = (2.0 * cls._j1(rt) / rt) ** 2
        z *= amplitude
        return z
Exemple #46
    def __init__(self, cosmo, surv, lmax=1000, **kwargs):

        self.cosmo = cosmo
        self.surv = surv
        self._n_a = 256 + 1
        self._lmax = lmax
        # Number of points in the dsbt
        self._chimax = self.surv.chimax(cosmo)

        self._kmax_bessel = 0.5

        bess_zeros = jn_zeros(2, 10000)
        self._nmax = where(bess_zeros > self._kmax_bessel * self._chimax)[0][0]

        self.besselWindow = BesselWindow(self._nmax,
Exemple #47
def _matched_filters(ks, x_m, N_pts, dec=16, window='hann', n_pts_eval_fir=48000):
    ks = ks / dec
    N = N_pts // dec
    k = np.linspace(0, ks/2, n_pts_eval_fir)

    resp_ac = _j1filt(k * 2 * np.pi * x_m)

    fir_ac_dec = signal.firwin2(N, k, resp_ac, nyq=k[-1], window=window)
    fir_dc_dec = signal.firwin(N, jn_zeros(0, 1)[0] / (2*np.pi*x_m),
                               nyq=k[-1], window=window)

    # Manually force gain to 1 at DC; firwin2 rounding errors probable cause of
    # minor losses (< 1 percent)
    fir_ac_dec = fir_ac_dec / np.sum(fir_ac_dec)
    fir_dc_dec = fir_dc_dec / np.sum(fir_dc_dec)

    fir_ac = np.fft.irfft(np.fft.rfft(fir_ac_dec), fir_ac_dec.size * dec)
    fir_dc = np.fft.irfft(np.fft.rfft(fir_dc_dec), fir_dc_dec.size * dec)

    return fir_ac, fir_dc
Exemple #48
    def _bessel_pulse(self,x,y,z,t=0):
        from scipy.special import jn, jn_zeros
        first_zero = jn_zeros(self.bessel_order,1)

        wave = np.zeros( [6,x.shape[0],y.shape[1],z.shape[2]], order='F')

        shapex1 = self.transversal_function(y,z)*jn(self.bessel_order,(x - (self.offset[1] + self.v[0]*t)*(first_zero[0])/(self.pulse_width/2.0)))
        shapex2 = self.transversal_function(y,z)*jn(self.bessel_order,(x - (self.offset[5] + self.v[0]*t)*(first_zero[0])/(self.pulse_width/2.0)))

        if self.kill_after_first_zero:
            shape_kill1 = np.abs((x - (self.offset[1] + self.v[0]*t)*(first_zero[0])/(self.pulse_width/2.0)))<=(first_zero[0])
            shape_kill2 = np.abs((x - (self.offset[5] + self.v[0]*t)*(first_zero[0])/(self.pulse_width/2.0)))<=(first_zero[0])

            shapex1 = shape_kill1*shapex1
            shapex2 = shape_kill2*shapex2

        wave[1,:,:,:] = self.amplitude[1]*shapex1
        wave[5,:,:,:] = self.amplitude[5]*shapex2

        return wave
Exemple #49
    def __init__(self, ktheta_min, ktheta_max,
                 window_function_a, window_function_b,
                 cosmo_dict=None, **kws):
        self.initialized_spline = False

        self.ln_ktheta_min = numpy.log(ktheta_min)
        self.ln_ktheta_max = numpy.log(ktheta_max)

        if cosmo_dict is None:
            cosmo_dict = defaults.default_cosmo_dict

        self.window_function_a = window_function_a
        self.window_function_b = window_function_b


        self.chi_min = self.window_function_a.chi_min
        self.z_min = self.window_function_a.z_min
        if self.window_function_b.chi_min < self.chi_min:
            self.chi_min = self.window_function_b.chi_min
            self.z_min = self.window_function_b.z_min

        self.chi_max = self.window_function_a.chi_max
        self.z_max = self.window_function_a.z_max
        if self.window_function_b.chi_max > self.chi_max:
            self.chi_max = self.window_function_b.chi_max
            self.z_max = self.window_function_b.z_max
        self.cosmo = cosmology.MultiEpoch(self.z_min, self.z_max, cosmo_dict)
        self._ln_ktheta_array = numpy.linspace(
            self.ln_ktheta_min, self.ln_ktheta_max,
        self._kernel_array = numpy.zeros_like(self._ln_ktheta_array)

        self._j0_limit = special.jn_zeros(0,4)[-1]

Exemple #50
    def _bessel_pulse(self,x,y,t=0):

        from scipy.special import jn, jn_zeros
        first_zero = jn_zeros(self.bessel_order,1)

        wave = np.zeros( [3,x.shape[0],y.shape[1]], order='F')

        shapex = jn(self.bessel_order,(x - (self.offset[1] + self.v[0]*t)*(first_zero[0])/(self.pulse_width[0]/2.0)))

        if self.kill_after_first_zero:
            shape_kill = np.abs((x - (self.offset[1] + self.v[0]*t)*(first_zero[0])/(self.pulse_width[0]/2.0)))<=(first_zero[0])
            shapex = shape_kill*shapex

        shapey = self.transversal_function(y)

        shape = shapey*shapex

        wave[0,:,:] = self.amplitude[0]*shape
        wave[1,:,:] = self.amplitude[1]*shape
        wave[2,:,:] = self.amplitude[2]*shape

        return wave
Exemple #51
def check_HankelTransform(s, funcanddoc, funcanddoc_, args, order, m, ng, ng0, shanks_ind):
    """check if a HankelTransform gives it's analytical solution

    s : float
        transform variable
    func, funcdoc: function and functions doc
        function to transform
    func_, func_doc : function and functin doc
        analytical transform of `func`
    other: see HankelTransform
    (func, funcdoc) = funcanddoc
    (func_, func_doc) = funcanddoc_
    if func == hankel3:
        points = args[0] / jn_zeros(0, 70)
        atol = 1e-4
        points = None
        atol = 1e-5

    h = HankelTransform(func, args, order, m, points, ng, ng0, shanks_ind)
    assert_allclose(h(s)[0], func_(s, *args), atol=atol)
Exemple #52
  def TFError( self,
               verbose = False):
    TFError( self, verbose = False):
    A function to evaluate the deviation of the solution from the Thomas-Fermi
    Setting verbose to true will produce plots of the wavefunction and TF 
    enList = self.energies( verbose = False )
    #mu    = <K>       + <Vext>    + 2 * <Vsi>     + 0.5 * <Vgrav>
    fineX = np.arange(self.xmin , self.xmax, (self.xmax - self.xmin) / 
                                             ( 1e3 * self.npt ), dtype = float )
    fineY = fineX
    X, Y  = np.meshgrid( self.x, self.y )
    Rsq   = X ** 2. + Y ** 2.
    R     = np.sqrt( Rsq )
    if self.g != 0 and self.G == 0. and self.P != 0.:
      #Harmonic case
      chmpot = enList[3] + enList[0] + 2 * enList[1]
      r0sq   = 2 * chmpot / self.P
      tfsol  = (chmpot / self.g - Rsq * self.P / ( 2 * self.g ) ) * ( 
                                          map( lambda rsq: rsq - r0sq < 0, Rsq )
      tferror = np.real( sum( sum( tfsol - abs( self.psi ) ** 2. ) ) )
      print 'Thomas-Fermi Error = ', tferror
      print 'TF Error per cell  = ', tferror / self.npt ** 2.
      if verbose == True:
        #diagnostic plots
        tfx  = (chmpot / self.g - fineX ** 2. * self.P / ( 2 * self.g ) ) * ( 
                                     map( lambda fineX: fineX **2. - r0sq < 0,
                                          fineX )                           )
        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
        ax.plot(fineX, tfx, label = 'analytic solution')
        ax.plot(self.x, abs( self.psi[ self.npt//2, : ] ) ** 2.,
                                                  label = 'numerical solution' )
        lgd = plt.legend( loc = 'upper right' )
    elif self.G != 0. and self.g != 0. and self.P == 0.:
      #Gravitational case
      bj0z1   = jn_zeros( 0, 1 ) #First zero of zeroth order besselj
      scaling = np.sqrt( 2 * np.pi * self.G / self.g  )
      gr0     = bj0z1 / scaling
      Rprime  = R * scaling
      gtfsol = j0( Rprime ) * np.array( [ map( int,ii ) for ii in map( 
                                         lambda rad: rad <= gr0, R ) ] )

      gtfsol *= scaling ** 2. / ( 2 * np.pi * j1( bj0z1 ) * bj0z1 ) #(abs(self.psi) ** 2.).max()
      #gtfsol = 1. / ( 4. * gr0 ** 2. * ( 1 - 2 / np.pi ) ) * np.cos(
        #np.pi * R / ( 2. * gr0 ) ) * map( lambda rsq: rsq - gr0 ** 2. < 0, Rsq )
      gtferror = np.real( sum( sum( gtfsol - abs( self.psi ) ** 2. ) ) ) 
      print 'Grav. TF Error     = ', gtferror
      print 'GTF Error per cell = ', gtferror / self.npt ** 2.
      print 'Analytic norm      = ', sum( sum( gtfsol ) ) * self.dx * self.dy
      if verbose == True:
        #diagnostic energies
        gtfwf = np.sqrt( gtfsol )
        Ev = 0.
        Ei = sum( sum( 0.5 * self.g * abs(gtfwf) ** 4. ) 
                ) * self.dx * self.dy
        GField = self.G * self.dx * self.dy * (
                 ff.fftshift( ff.ifft2( ff.fft2( ff.fftshift( gtfsol ) ) * 
                       abs( ff.fft2( ff.fftshift( -self.log ) ) ) ) 
                            )                 )
        Eg = sum( sum( -1. * GField * gtfsol ) ) * self.dx * self.dy
        Ekin = sum( sum( gtfwf.conjugate() * 
                         ff.fftshift( ff.ifft2( 0.5 * self.ksquare * 
                         ff.fft2( ff.fftshift( gtfwf ) ) ) 
                  ) * self.dx * self.dy
        TFList = [ Ev, Ei, Eg, Ekin ]
        #glpg = - 1. * ( np.roll( GField, 1, axis = 0 ) #GField is +ve
                      #+ np.roll( GField,-1, axis = 0 )
                      #+ np.roll( GField, 1, axis = 1 )
                      #+ np.roll( GField,-1, axis = 1 )
                      #- 4 * GField ) / self.dx ** 2.
        #glpd = 2 * np.pi * self.G * gtfsol 
        print '\nTF solution Energies\n'
        print 'Harmonic PE         = ', np.real( TFList[0] )
        print 'Interaction PE      = ', np.real( TFList[1] )
        print 'Gravitational PE    = ', np.real( TFList[2] )
        print 'Potential Energy    = ', np.real( sum( TFList[0:3] ) )
        print 'Kinetic Energy      = ', np.real( TFList[3] )
        print 'Total Energy        = ', np.real( sum( TFList ) )
        print 'Chemical Potential  = ', np.real( TFList[3] + TFList[0] + 
                                                2 * TFList[1] + TFList[2] )
        print 'Ek - Ev + Ei - G/4  = ', np.real( TFList[3] - TFList[0] +
                                                  TFList[1] - self.G / 4. )
        #diagnostic plots
        fineXS = fineX * scaling
        gtx = j0( fineXS ) * np.where( abs(fineX) < gr0,
                              np.ones( len(fineX) ), np.zeros( len(fineX) ) )
        gtx *= scaling ** 2. / ( 2 * np.pi * j1( bj0z1 ) * bj0z1 )
        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
        ax.plot(fineX, gtx, label = 'analytic solution')
        ax.plot(self.x, abs( self.psi[ self.npt//2, : ] ) ** 2.,
                                                  label = 'numerical solution' )
        lgd = plt.legend( loc = 'upper right' )
      print 'A TF approximation for this scenario has not yet been implemented'
      print 'Sorry about that...'
def drumhead_height(n, k, distance, angle, t):
    kth_zero = special.jn_zeros(n, k)[-1]
    return np.cos(t) * np.cos(n * angle) * special.jn(n, distance * kth_zero)
Exemple #54
def test_bessel_zeros():
    """ Test that we can compute the zeros of the bessel function """
    f = Cheb(j0,(0,100))
    roots = f.introots()
    real_roots = jn_zeros(0,len(roots))
Exemple #55
    x1,x2 = initial
    while True:
        # Find slope of secant line connecting x1 and x2
        fprime = (fn(x2) - fn(x1))/(x2-x1) 
        # Find where current secant intersects the x-axIs
        x3 = x2 - fn(x2)*(1./fprime)
        # If accuracy not achieved, update x1 and x2 and try again
        if abs(x3 - x2) > tol:
            x1 = x2
            x2 = x3
        # If accuracy achieved, break the loop
        elif abs(x3 - x2) < tol:
    return x3

def approxzero(n):
    return np.pi*(n-0.25)

tol = 1e-5 

inits = [[1.0,1.5],[4.5,5.0],[8.0,8.5],[11.0,11.5],[14.0,14.5]]
zeros = []
for i in range(len(inits)):

zeros = np.array(zeros)
sci = jn_zeros(0,5)

    def __init__(self,amp=1.,ro=1.,hr=1./3.,hz=1./16.,



           initialize a double-exponential disk potential


           amp - amplitude to be applied to the potential (default: 1)

           hr - disk scale-length in terms of ro

           hz - scale-height

           tol - relative accuracy of potential-evaluations

           maxiter - scipy.integrate keyword

           normalize - if True, normalize such that vc(1.,0.)=1., or, if given as a number, such that the force is this fraction of the force necessary to make vc(1.,0.)=1.


           DoubleExponentialDiskPotential object


           2010-04-16 - Written - Bovy (NYU)

           2013-01-01 - Re-implemented using faster integration techniques - Bovy (IAS)

        self.hasC= True
        self._new= new
        self._kmaxFac= kmaxFac
        self._glorder= glorder
        self._ro= ro
        self._hr= hr
        self._scale= self._hr
        self._hz= hz
        self._alpha= 1./self._hr
        self._beta= 1./self._hz
        self._gamma= self._alpha/self._beta
        self._maxiter= maxiter
        self._tol= tol
        self._zforceNotSetUp= True #We have not calculated a typical Kz yet
        #Setup j0 zeros etc.
        self._glx, self._glw= nu.polynomial.legendre.leggauss(self._glorder)
        #j0 for potential and z
        self._j0zeros= nu.zeros(self._nzeros+1)
        self._j0zeros[1:self._nzeros+1]= special.jn_zeros(0,self._nzeros)
        self._dj0zeros= self._j0zeros-nu.roll(self._j0zeros,1)
        self._dj0zeros[0]= self._j0zeros[0]
        #j1 for R
        self._j1zeros= nu.zeros(self._nzeros+1)
        self._j1zeros[1:self._nzeros+1]= special.jn_zeros(1,self._nzeros)
        self._dj1zeros= self._j1zeros-nu.roll(self._j1zeros,1)
        self._dj1zeros[0]= self._j1zeros[0]
        #j2 for R2deriv
        self._j2zeros= nu.zeros(self._nzeros+1)
        self._j2zeros[1:self._nzeros+1]= special.jn_zeros(2,self._nzeros)
        self._dj2zeros= self._j2zeros-nu.roll(self._j2zeros,1)
        self._dj2zeros[0]= self._j2zeros[0]
        if normalize or \
                (isinstance(normalize,(int,float)) \
                     and not isinstance(normalize,bool)):
        #Load Kepler potential for large R
        self._kp= KeplerPotential(normalize=4.*nu.pi/self._alpha**2./self._beta)
def k(m,n):
    return jn_zeros(n,m)[m-1] # m is 0-indexed here
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')

xs = linspace(-1, 1, 100)
ys = linspace(-1, 1, 100)
X, Y = meshgrid(xs, ys)
Z = generate(X, Y, 0.0)

wframe = None
tstart = time.time()
<<<<<<< HEAD
for t in linspace(0, 10, 400):
    print "here",t
periods = 2
frames_per = 50
for t in linspace(0, periods*2*pi/jn_zeros(n,m)[m-1], periods*frames_per):
>>>>>>> 465ebad10d8aec98e41a530173f7f94f81438aa1
    oldcol = wframe
    Z = generate(X, Y, t)
    #wframe = ax.plot_wireframe(X, Y, Z, rstride=4, cstride=4)
    wframe = ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, rstride=4, cstride=4, alpha=0.3)

    # Remove old line collection before drawing
    if oldcol is not None:
    if n == 0:
Exemple #59
def Plot(x, y, label, figure, line, loc='true') :
    plt.plot(x, y, line, label=label)
    plt.title('this function', fontsize='large', va='bottom', ha='right')

x = np.linspace(0., 20., 100)
y1 = spec.jn(0, x)
Plot(x, y1, '$J_0(x)$', 1,'-')

y2 = spec.jn(1, x)
Plot(x, y2, '$J_2(x)$', 1,'--')

y3 = spec.jn(2, x)
Plot(x, y3, '$J_3(x)$', 1,'-.')

y4 = spec.jn(3, x)
Plot(x, y4, '$T_4(x)$', 1,':')

zeros = spec.jn_zeros(0,6)
for xz in zeros :
    plt.scatter(xz, 0)


    def __init__(self,amp=1.,hr=1./3.,hz=1./16.,



           initialize a double-exponential disk potential


           amp - amplitude to be applied to the potential (default: 1); can be a Quantity with units of mass density or Gxmass density

           hr - disk scale-length (can be Quantity)

           hz - scale-height (can be Quantity)

           tol - relative accuracy of potential-evaluations

           maxiter - scipy.integrate keyword

           normalize - if True, normalize such that vc(1.,0.)=1., or, if given as a number, such that the force is this fraction of the force necessary to make vc(1.,0.)=1.

           ro=, vo= distance and velocity scales for translation into internal units (default from configuration file)


           DoubleExponentialDiskPotential object


           2010-04-16 - Written - Bovy (NYU)

           2013-01-01 - Re-implemented using faster integration techniques - Bovy (IAS)

        if _APY_LOADED and isinstance(hr,units.Quantity):
            hr= hr.to(units.kpc).value/self._ro
        if _APY_LOADED and isinstance(hz,units.Quantity):
            hz= hz.to(units.kpc).value/self._ro
        self.hasC= True
        self._kmaxFac= kmaxFac
        self._glorder= glorder
        self._hr= hr
        self._scale= self._hr
        self._hz= hz
        self._alpha= 1./self._hr
        self._beta= 1./self._hz
        self._gamma= self._alpha/self._beta
        self._maxiter= maxiter
        self._tol= tol
        self._zforceNotSetUp= True #We have not calculated a typical Kz yet
        #Setup j0 zeros etc.
        self._glx, self._glw= nu.polynomial.legendre.leggauss(self._glorder)
        #j0 for potential and z
        self._j0zeros= nu.zeros(self._nzeros+1)
        self._j0zeros[1:self._nzeros+1]= special.jn_zeros(0,self._nzeros)
        self._dj0zeros= self._j0zeros-nu.roll(self._j0zeros,1)
        self._dj0zeros[0]= self._j0zeros[0]
        #j1 for R
        self._j1zeros= nu.zeros(self._nzeros+1)
        self._j1zeros[1:self._nzeros+1]= special.jn_zeros(1,self._nzeros)
        self._dj1zeros= self._j1zeros-nu.roll(self._j1zeros,1)
        self._dj1zeros[0]= self._j1zeros[0]
        #j2 for R2deriv
        self._j2zeros= nu.zeros(self._nzeros+1)
        self._j2zeros[1:self._nzeros+1]= special.jn_zeros(2,self._nzeros)
        self._dj2zeros= self._j2zeros-nu.roll(self._j2zeros,1)
        self._dj2zeros[0]= self._j2zeros[0]
        if normalize or \
                (isinstance(normalize,(int,float)) \
                     and not isinstance(normalize,bool)): #pragma: no cover
        #Load Kepler potential for large R
        self._kp= KeplerPotential(normalize=4.*nu.pi/self._alpha**2./self._beta)