def LandaoLevelSpinor_GaugeX(self, B , n , Py ): def energy(n): return np.sqrt( (self.mass*self.c**2)**2 + 2*B*self.c*self.hBar*n ) K = B*(self.X - self.c*Py/B)**2/( 2.*self.c*self.hBar ) psi1 = np.exp(-K)*( self.mass*self.c**2 + energy(n) )* legendre(n)( K/np.sqrt(B*self.c*self.hBar) ) psi3 = np.exp(-K)*( self.mass*self.c**2 + energy(n) )* legendre(n)( K/np.sqrt(B*self.c*self.hBar) ) if n>0: psi2 = np.exp(-K)*( self.mass*self.c**2 + energy(n) )* legendre(n-1)( K/np.sqrt(B*self.c*self.hBar) ) psi2 = 2*1j*n*np.sqrt(B*self.c*self.hBar) psi4 = -psi2 else: psi2 = 0.*K psi4 = 0.*K spinor = np.array([psi1 , psi2 , psi3 , psi2 ]) norm = self.Norm(spinor) spinor /= norm return spinor
def LGL_points(N): ''' Calculates : math: `N` Legendre-Gauss-Lobatto (LGL) points. LGL points are the roots of the polynomial :math: `(1 - \\xi ** 2) P_{n - 1}'(\\xi) = 0` Where :math: `P_{n}(\\xi)` are the Legendre polynomials. This function finds the roots of the above polynomial. Parameters ---------- N : int Number of LGL nodes required Returns ------- lgl : arrayfire.Array [N 1 1 1] The Lagrange-Gauss-Lobatto Nodes. **See:** `document`_ .. _document: ''' xi = np.poly1d([1, 0]) legendre_N_minus_1 = N * (xi * sp.legendre(N - 1) - sp.legendre(N)) lgl_points = legendre_N_minus_1.r lgl_points.sort() lgl_points = af.np_to_af_array(lgl_points) return lgl_points
def __init__(self, intervals, order): """ :arg intervals: determines the boundaries of the subintervals to be used. If this is ``[a,b,c]``, then there are two subintervals :math:`(a,b)` and :math:`(b,c)`. (and the overall domain is :math:`(a,c)`) :arg order: highest polynomial degree being used """ self.intervals = intervals self.nintervals = len(intervals) - 1 self.npoints = order + 1 self.mid_pts = (self.intervals[1:] + self.intervals[:-1]) / 2 self.scales = (self.intervals[1:] - self.intervals[:-1]) / 2 self.sample_nodes = sp.legendre(self.npoints).weights[:, 0].real self.sample_weights = sp.legendre(self.npoints).weights[:, 1].real # taking real part because sometimes sp.legendre is returning # complex numbers with zero imaginary part and displaying a warning nodes = (self.mid_pts + np.outer(self.sample_nodes, self.scales)).T self.nodes = np.reshape(nodes, -1) weights = np.outer(self.scales, self.sample_weights) self.weights = np.reshape(weights, -1) monos = np.array([self.sample_nodes**k for k in range(self.npoints)]) integrals = np.array([ (self.sample_nodes**(k + 1) - (-1)**(k + 1)) / (k + 1) for k in range(self.npoints) ]) self.spec_int_mat = la.solve(monos, integrals)
def compute_recon_power_spectrum(fishcast,z,b=-1.,b2=-1.,bs=-1.,N=None): ''' Returns the reconstructed power spectrum, following Stephen's paper. ''' if b == -1.: b = compute_b(fishcast,z) if b2 == -1: b2 = 8*(b-1)/21 if bs == -1: bs = -2*(b-1)/7 noise = 1/compute_n(fishcast,z) if fishcast.experiment.HI: noise = castorinaPn(z) if N is None: N = 1/compute_n(fishcast,z) f = fishcast.cosmo.scale_independent_growth_factor_f(z) bL1 = b-1. bL2 = b2-8*(b-1)/21 bLs = bs+2*(b-1)/7 K,MU = fishcast.k, h = fishcast.params['h'] klin = np.logspace(np.log10(min(K)),np.log10(max(K)),fishcast.Nk) mulin = MU.reshape((fishcast.Nk,fishcast.Nmu))[0,:] plin = np.array([fishcast.cosmo.pk_cb_lin(k*h,z)*h**3. for k in klin]) zelda = Zeldovich_Recon(klin,plin,R=15,N=2000,jn=5) kSparse,p0ktable,p2ktable,p4ktable = zelda.make_pltable(f,ngauss=3,kmin=min(K),kmax=max(K),nk=200,method='RecSym') bias_factors = np.array([1, bL1, bL1**2, bL2, bL1*bL2, bL2**2, bLs, bL1*bLs, bL2*bLs, bLs**2,0,0,0]) p0Sparse = np.sum(p0ktable*bias_factors, axis=1) p2Sparse = np.sum(p2ktable*bias_factors, axis=1) p4Sparse = np.sum(p4ktable*bias_factors, axis=1) p0,p2,p4 = Spline(kSparse,p0Sparse)(klin),Spline(kSparse,p2Sparse)(klin),Spline(kSparse,p4Sparse)(klin) l0,l2,l4 = legendre(0),legendre(2),legendre(4) Pk = lambda mu: p0*l0(mu) + p2*l2(mu) + p4*l4(mu) result = np.array([Pk(mu) for mu in mulin]).T return result.flatten() + N
def to_poles(self, k, ells, Nmu=41, flatten=False): """ Compute the multipoles by integrating over the extrapolated power spectrum """ from scipy.special import legendre from scipy.integrate import simps scalar = np.isscalar(ells) if scalar: ells = [ells] mus = np.linspace(0., 1., Nmu) pkmu = self(k, mus) if len(ells) != len(k): toret = [] for ell in ells: kern = (2 * ell + 1.) * legendre(ell)(mus) val = np.array([simps(kern * d, x=mus) for d in pkmu]) toret.append(val) if scalar: return toret[0] else: toret = np.vstack(toret).T return toret if not flatten else np.ravel(toret, order='F') else: kern = np.asarray([(2 * ell + 1.) * legendre(ell)(mus) for ell in ells]) return np.array([simps(d, x=mus) for d in kern * pkmu])
def set_grid(self, k, mu, ells, path_mu=None): assert ells[0] == 0 # for modellin for key in ['k', 'mu']: setattr(self, key, scipy.array(self.params[key], dtype=self.TYPE_FLOAT)) self.kk, self.mumu = scipy.meshgrid(self.k,, sparse=False, indexing='ij') murange =[-1] -[0]'Setting grid {:d} (k) x {:d} (mu).'.format( self.kk.shape[0], self.mumu.shape[-1])) self.kernel = scipy.asarray( [(2. * ell + 1.) * special.legendre(ell)(self.mumu) for ell in self.ells]) / murange if path_mu is not None:'Loading provided mu window function.') window = MuFunction.load(path_mu)'With resolution {:d} (k) x {:d} (mu).'.format( len(window.k), len( window = window(self.k, norm = integrate.trapz(window,, axis=-1) / murange 'Renormalizing window(mu) by {:.4f} - {:.4f}.'.format( norm.min(), norm.max())) window /= norm[:, None] self.kernelcorrmu = scipy.asarray( [(2. * ell + 1.) * window * special.legendre(ell)(self.mumu) for ell in self.ells]) / murange
def covmat_N_l1l2(self, l1, l2): ''' l1l2 term of the covariance matrix from N ''' if self.smooth: window = 1. else: window = self.Wk if l1 == 0 and l2 == 0: return self.covmat_N_00 elif l1 == 0 and l2 == 2: return self.covmat_N_02 elif l1 == 0 and l2 == 4: return self.covmat_N_04 elif l1 == 2 and l2 == 2: return self.covmat_N_22 elif l1 == 2 and l2 == 4: return self.covmat_N_24 elif l1 == 4 and l2 == 4: return self.covmat_N_44 else: Ll1 = legendre(l1)(self.mui_grid) Ll2 = legendre(l2)(self.mui_grid) return (2. * l1 + 1.) * (2. * l2 + 1.) * np.trapz( self.Pnoise**2. * l1l2 / (self.Nmodes * window**2),, axis=0)
def harmonics(self): r""" Radial distributions of spherical harmonics (Legendre polynomials :math:`P_n(\cos \theta)`). Spherical harmonics are orthogonal with respect to integration over the full sphere: .. math:: \iint P_n P_m \,d\Omega = \int_0^{2\pi} \int_0^\pi P_n(\cos \theta) P_m(\cos \theta) \,\sin\theta d\theta \,d\varphi = 0 for *n* ≠ *m*; and :math:`P_0(\cos \theta)` is the spherically averaged intensity. Returns ------- Pn : (# terms) × (rmax + 1) numpy array radial dependences of the :math:`P_n(\cos \theta)` terms """ terms =[0] # conversion matrix (cos^k → P_n) CH = np.zeros((terms, terms)) for i in range(terms): if self.odd: c = legendre(i).c[::-1] else: c = legendre(2 * i).c[::-2] CH[:len(c), i] = c CH = inv(CH) # apply to all radii harm = return harm
def load_displ_legendre(n_ax, n_az, ord_ax=2, ord_az=0): x = np.linspace(-1, 1, n_az).reshape(1, n_az) y = np.linspace(-1, 1, n_ax).reshape(n_ax, 1) displ_x = (1 - legendre(ord_ax)(y)) * (1 - legendre(ord_az)(x)) # um displ_ry = np.gradient(displ_x, 0.5 * 1000)[0] # radians return displ_x, displ_ry
def aperture_vibrating_spherical_cap( n_max, rad_sphere, rad_cap): r""" Aperture function for a vibrating cap with radius :math:`r_c` in a rigid sphere with radius :math:`r_s` [5]_, [6]_ .. math:: a_n (r_{s}, \alpha) = \begin{cases} \displaystyle \cos\left(\alpha\right) P_n\left[ \cos\left(\alpha\right) \right] - P_{n-1}\left[ \cos\left(\alpha\right) \right], & {n>0} \newline \displaystyle 1 - \cos(\alpha), & {n=0} \end{cases} where :math:`\alpha = \arcsin \left(\frac{r_c}{r_s} \right)` is the aperture angle. References ---------- .. [5] E. G. Williams, Fourier Acoustics. Academic Press, 1999. .. [6] F. Zotter, A. Sontacchi, and R. Höldrich, “Modeling a spherical loudspeaker system as multipole source,” in Proceedings of the 33rd DAGA German Annual Conference on Acoustics, 2007, pp. 221–222. Parameters ---------- n_max : integer, ndarray Maximal spherical harmonic order r_sphere : double, ndarray Radius of the sphere r_cap : double Radius of the vibrating cap Returns ------- A : double, ndarray Aperture function in diagonal matrix form with shape :math:`[(n_{max}+1)^2~\times~(n_{max}+1)^2]` """ angle_cap = np.arcsin(rad_cap / rad_sphere) arg = np.cos(angle_cap) n_sh = (n_max+1)**2 aperture = np.zeros((n_sh, n_sh), dtype=np.double) aperture[0, 0] = (1-arg)*2*np.pi**2 for n in range(1, n_max+1): legendre_minus = special.legendre(n-1)(arg) legendre_plus = special.legendre(n+1)(arg) for m in range(-n, n+1): acn = nm2acn(n, m) aperture[acn, acn] = (legendre_minus - legendre_plus) * \ 4 * np.pi**2 / (2*n+1) return aperture
def covll_reduced(kvals,mu,Pkmu,ng,mlps=[0,2,4]): """ Gets Cov' in equation (91) from """ # Count things nk = len(kvals) nl = len(mlps) # Get the k-value separation - expecting to be linearly spaced, i.e. equally spaced! dk = float_unique(np.diff(kvals),-2) # EXTREMELY LOW TOLERANCE SET!!! if len(dk)>1: print(dk) raise Exception('Can only calculate the covariance matrix for linearly spaced k-values!') # Multiply final result by 2 if only have positive mu pref = 1. if not np.any(mu<0.): pref/=2. # Loop over both multipoles covmat = np.zeros((nk*nl,nk*nl)) for i1,l1 in enumerate(mlps): for i2,l2 in enumerate(mlps): prefactor = pref * (2.*l1+1.)*(2.*l2+1.) / 2. # Loop over k-modes for i,k in enumerate(kvals): integrand = legendre(l1)(mu) * legendre(l2)(mu) * (Pkmu[i,:]+1./ng)**2 covmat[i1*nk+i,i2*nk+i] = prefactor * np.trapz(integrand,x=mu) return covmat
def roots_legendre(n): """ Computes the sample points and weights for Gauss-Legendre quadrature. The sample points are the roots of the n-th degree Legendre polynomial `P_n(x)`. These sample points and weights correctly integrate polynomials of degree `2n - 1` or less over the interval `[-1, 1]` with weight function `f(x) = 1.0`. Parameters ---------- n : int quadrature order Returns ------- x : ndarray Sample points w : ndarray Weights """ p = legendre(n + 1) x = legendre(n).roots w = 2 * (1 - x**2) / ((n + 1)**2 * p(x)**2) temp = list(zip(x, w)) temp.sort() x, w = array([i for i, _ in temp]), array([i for _, i in temp]) return x, w
def covmat_l1l2(self, l1, l2): ''' l1l2 term of the total covariance matrix ''' if self.smooth: window = 1. else: window = self.Wk if l1 == 0 and l2 == 0: return self.covmat_00 elif l1 == 0 and l2 == 2: return self.covmat_02 elif l1 == 0 and l2 == 4: return self.covmat_04 elif l1 == 2 and l2 == 2: return self.covmat_22 elif l1 == 2 and l2 == 4: return self.covmat_24 elif l1 == 4 and l2 == 4: return self.covmat_44 else: l1 = legendre(l1)(self.mui_grid) l2 = legendre(l2)(self.mui_grid) integrand = (self.Pk + self.Pnoise / window) / self.Nmodes**0.5 return (2. * l1 + 1.) * (2. * l2 + 1.) * np.trapz( integrand**2 * l1 * l2,, axis=0)
def __init__(self, k_grid, muk_grid, ell_max=6, old_fftlog=False): """Initialize the FFTLog and the Legendre polynomials Parameters ---------- k : 1D Array Wavenumber grid of power spectrum muk : ND Array k_parallel / k grid for input power spectrum ell_max : int, optional Maximum multipole to sum over, by default 6 """ self.k_grid = k_grid self.muk_grid = muk_grid self.dmuk = 1 / len(muk_grid) self.ell_max = ell_max self._old_fftlog = old_fftlog # Initialize the multipole values we will need (only even ells) self.ell_vals = np.arange(0, ell_max + 1, 2) # Initialize FFTLog objects and Legendre polynomials for each multipole self.fftlog_objects = {} self.legendre_pk = {} self.legendre_xi = {} for ell in self.ell_vals: if not self._old_fftlog: self.fftlog_objects[ell] = P2xi(k_grid, l=ell, lowring=True) # Precompute the Legendre polynomials used to decompose Pk into Pk_ell self.legendre_pk[ell] = special.legendre(ell)(self.muk_grid) # We don't know the mu grid for Xi in advance, so just initialize self.legendre_xi[ell] = special.legendre(ell)
def lgf_test_plot(self, pl="lgf_test", **kwargs): """test plot of legendre functions to legendre polynomials using Legendre class""" nu_max = 30 v_arr = linspace(-1.0, nu_max, 1000) print "start plot" pl = line(v_arr, self.Pv(v_arr, 0.0), pl=pl, color="blue", linewidth=0.5, label=r"$P_{\nu}(0)$") line(v_arr, self.Pv(v_arr, 0.25), pl=pl, color="red", linewidth=0.5, label=r"$P_{\nu}(0.25)$") line(v_arr, self.Pv(v_arr, 0.5), pl=pl, color="green", linewidth=0.5, label=r"$P_{\nu}(0.5)$") line(v_arr, self.Pv(v_arr, 0.75), pl=pl, color="purple", linewidth=0.5, label=r"$P_{\nu}(0.75)$") print "stop plot" if 1: for nu in range(nu_max): scatter(array([nu]), array([legendre(nu)(0.0)]), pl=pl, color="blue", marker_size=3.0) scatter(array([nu]), array([legendre(nu)(0.25)]), pl=pl, color="red", marker_size=3.0) scatter(array([nu]), array([legendre(nu)(0.5)]), pl=pl, color="green", marker_size=3.0) scatter(array([nu]), array([legendre(nu)(0.75)]), pl=pl, color="purple", marker_size=3.0) pl.xlabel = r"$\nu$" pl.ylabel = r"$P_{\nu}(x)$" pl.legend() pl.set_ylim(-0.75, 1.5) return pl
def load_displ_legendre(ifuncs, ord_ax=2, ord_az=0, rms=None): n_ax, n_az = ifuncs.shape[2:4] x = np.linspace(-1, 1, n_az).reshape(1, n_az) y = np.linspace(-1, 1, n_ax).reshape(n_ax, 1) displ = (1 - legendre(ord_ax)(y)) * (1 - legendre(ord_az)(x)) if rms: displ = displ / np.std(displ) * rms return displ
def ComputeLambda(i, j, k): """ (1/4)\int_{-1}^1 P_i(x) P_j(x) P_k(x) dx where P_i is Legendre polynomical of degree i """ n = i + j + k if n & 1 or i + j < k or j + k < i or k + i < j: return 0 y = legendre(i) * legendre(j) * legendre(k) return fixed_quad(y, 0, 1, n=(n >> 1) + 1)[0] / 2
def covmat_CV_24(self): ''' 24 term of the covariance matrix from CV (equal to the 42) ''' L2 = legendre(2)(self.mui_grid) L4 = legendre(4)(self.mui_grid) return 45. / 2. * np.trapz( self.Pk**2 * L2 * L4 / self.Nmodes,, axis=0)
def legendre_basis(self): leg1 = legendre(0) phi_leg = leg1(self.x) for i in range(1, (self.M) + 1): leg1 = legendre(i) phi_leg = np.concatenate((phi_leg, leg1(self.x)), axis=1) return phi_leg
def __init__(self, intervals, order): """ :arg intervals: determines the boundaries of the subintervals to be used. If this is ``[a,b,c]``, then there are two subintervals :math:`(a,b)` and :math:`(b,c)`. (and the overall domain is :math:`(a,c)`) :arg order: highest polynomial degree being used """ self.intervals=intervals self.nintervals=len(intervals)-1 self.npoints=order + 1 #Initializing shifted_nodes shifted_nodes=np.zeros(self.npoints*self.nintervals) #Calling the scipy function to obtain the unshifted nodes unshifted_nodes=sp.legendre(self.npoints).weights[:,0] #Initializing shifted weights shifted_weights=np.zeros(self.nintervals*self.npoints) #Calling the scipy function to obtain the unshifted weights unshifted_weights=sp.legendre(self.npoints).weights[:,1] #Linearly mapping the unshifted nodes and weights to get the shifted #nodes and weights for i in range(self.nintervals): shifted_nodes[i*self.npoints:(i+1)*self.npoints]=(self.intervals[i]+ self.intervals[i+1])/2 + (self.intervals[i+1]-self.intervals[i])*(unshifted_nodes[0:self.npoints])/2 shifted_weights[i*self.npoints:(i+1)*self.npoints]=(self.intervals[i+1]-self.intervals[i])*(unshifted_weights[0:self.npoints])/2 #Setting nodes and weights attributes self.nodes=np.reshape(shifted_nodes,(self.nintervals,self.npoints)) self.weights=np.reshape(shifted_weights,(self.nintervals,self.npoints)) #Obtaining Vandermonde and RHS matrices to get A def vandermonde_rhs(m,arr): X=np.zeros((m,m)) RHS=np.zeros((m,m)) for i in range(m): for j in range(m): X[i][j]=arr[i]**j RHS[i][j]=((arr[i]**(j+1))-((-1)**(j+1)))/(j+1) return X,RHS A=np.zeros((self.npoints,self.npoints)) X,RHS=vandermonde_rhs(self.npoints,unshifted_nodes) #Solving for spectral integration matrix,la.inv(X)) self.A=A
def getRadauRightPolyDeriv(self): from scipy.special import legendre from numpy.polynomial.polynomial import polyval from numpy import insert ########################################################### # Construct Right Radau Polynomial Temp1 = legendre(self.Order).deriv(1).coeffs Temp2 = legendre(self.Order+1).deriv(1).coeffs RadauRPolyDeriv_Vec = (-1)**self.Order / 2.0 * (insert(Temp1, 0, 0) - Temp2) RadauRPolyDerivValue_Vec = polyval(self.Nodes, RadauRPolyDeriv_Vec[::-1]) return RadauRPolyDerivValue_Vec
def covmat_24(self): ''' 24 term of the total covariance matrix ''' if self.smooth: window = 1. else: window = self.Wk L2 = legendre(2)(self.mui_grid) L4 = legendre(4)(self.mui_grid) integrand = (self.Pk + self.Pnoise / window) / self.Nmodes**0.5 return 45. / 2. * np.trapz(integrand**2 * L2 * L4,, axis=0)
def gauss_quad(p): # Chebychev pts as inital guess x_0 = np.cos(np.arange(1, p + 1) / (p + 1) * np.pi) nodal_pts = np.empty(p) for i, ch_pt in enumerate(x_0): leg = legendre(p) leg_p = partial(_legendre_prime, n=p) nodal_pts[i] = _newton_method(leg, leg_p, ch_pt, 100) weights = 2 / (p * legendre(p - 1)(nodal_pts) * _legendre_prime(nodal_pts, p)) return nodal_pts[::-1], weights
def f_l_lp_integrand(mu, x, y, l, lp): ''' Integrand of f_l_lp integration ''' Leg_l = legendre(l) # Legendre polynomial of order l Leg_lp = legendre(lp) # Legendre polynomial of order l' if np.abs(mu) > np.abs(x/y): raise ValueError theta = np.sqrt(x**2 - y**2 * mu**2) return Leg_l(mu) * Leg_lp(y * mu/x) * (W_2d(theta) + y**2 * (1. - mu**2) * W_secorder(theta))
def test_modify_paget(): qp = map_to(paget(10, 2), [0,1]) qg = gaussxw(10) import ipdb ipdb.set_trace() from scipy.special import legendre lhs = [legendre(i)(qg[0]) for i in range(10)] rhs = [sum(legendre(i)(qg[0]) * qg[1]) for i in range(10)] wts = np.linalg.solve(lhs, rhs) import ipdb ipdb.set_trace()
def mod_legendre(ell, xx): if (ell == 0): return special.legendre(ell)(xx) #xx/xx elif (ell == 1): return special.legendre(ell)(xx) elif (ell == 2): return (2 * 2 + 1) * special.legendre(ell)(xx) elif (ell == -2): return (1 - xx)**2 elif (ell == 4): return (2 * 4 + 1) * special.legendre(ell)(xx) else: raise Exception('Polynomial not yet defined')
def __init__(self, degX, xMin, xMax, degY, yMin, yMax): self.degX = degX self.xMin = xMin self.xMax = xMax self.xRange = xMax - xMin self.degY = degY self.yMin = yMin self.yMax = yMax self.yRange = yMax - yMin self.Xp = sps.legendre(self.degX) self.Yp = sps.legendre(self.degY)
def internal_flux(self): # Compute internal flux array up = np.zeros((self.order, self.order)) for i in range(self.order): for j in range(self.order): up[i, j] = self.weights[j] * sum( (2 * s + 1) / 2 * sp.legendre(s)(self.nodes[i]) * sp.legendre(s).deriv()(self.nodes[j]) for s in range(self.order)) # Clear machine errors up[np.abs(up) < 1.0e-10] = 0 return cp.asarray(up)
def load_displ_legendre(n_ax, n_az, ord_ax=2, ord_az=0, offset_ax=1, offset_az=1, norm=1.0): x = np.linspace(-1, 1, n_az).reshape(1, n_az) y = np.linspace(-1, 1, n_ax).reshape(n_ax, 1) displ_x = norm * (offset_ax - legendre(ord_ax)(y)) * ( offset_az - legendre(ord_az)(x)) # um displ_ry = np.gradient(displ_x, 0.5 * 1000)[0] # radians return displ_x, displ_ry
def add_poly(self, order=0, include_lower=True): """Add nth order Legendre polynomial terms as columns to design matrix. Good for adding constant/intercept to model (order = 0) and accounting for slow-frequency nuisance artifacts e.g. linear, quadratic, etc drifts. Care is recommended when using this with `.add_dct_basis()` as some columns will be highly correlated. Args: order (int): what order terms to add; 0 = constant/intercept (default), 1 = linear, 2 = quadratic, etc include_lower: (bool) whether to add lower order terms if order > 0 """ if order < 0: raise ValueError("Order must be 0 or greater") if self.polys and any(elem.count("_") == 2 for elem in self.polys): raise AmbiguityError( "It appears that this Design Matrix contains polynomial terms that were kept seperate from a previous append operation. This makes it ambiguous for adding polynomials terms. Try calling .add_poly() on each separate Design Matrix before appending them instead." ) polyDict = {} # Normal/canonical legendre polynomials on the range -1,1 but with size defined by number of observations; keeps all polynomials on similar scales (i.e. big polys don't blow up) and betas are better behaved norm_order = np.linspace(-1, 1, self.shape[0]) if "poly_" + str(order) in self.polys: print( "Design Matrix already has {}th order polynomial...skipping".format( order ) ) return self if include_lower: for i in range(order + 1): if "poly_" + str(i) in self.polys: print( "Design Matrix already has {}th order polynomial...skipping".format( i ) ) else: polyDict["poly_" + str(i)] = legendre(i)(norm_order) else: polyDict["poly_" + str(order)] = legendre(order)(norm_order) toAdd = Design_Matrix(polyDict, sampling_freq=self.sampling_freq) out = self.append(toAdd, axis=1) if out.polys: new_polys = out.polys + list(polyDict.keys()) out.polys = new_polys else: out.polys = list(polyDict.keys()) return out
def derivative_matrix(self): der = np.zeros((self.order, self.order)) for i in range(self.order): for j in range(self.order): der[i, j] = self.weights[j] * sum( self.eigenvalues[s] * sp.legendre(s).deriv() (self.nodes[i]) * sp.legendre(s)(self.nodes[j]) for s in range(self.order)) # Clear machine errors der[np.abs(der) < 1.0e-15] = 0 return der
def advection_matrix(self): adv = np.zeros((self.order, self.order)) # Fill matrix for i in range(self.order): for j in range(self.order): adv[i, j] = self.weights[i] * self.weights[j] * sum( self.eigenvalues[s] * sp.legendre(s)(self.nodes[i]) * sp.legendre(s).deriv()(self.nodes[j]) for s in range(self.order)) # Clean machine error adv[np.abs(adv) < 1.0e-15] = 0 return adv
def covmat_N_24(self): ''' 24 term of the covariance matrix from instrumental noise (equal to the 42) ''' if self.smooth: window = 1. else: window = self.Wk L2 = legendre(2)(self.mui_grid) L4 = legendre(4)(self.mui_grid) return 45. / 2. * np.trapz(self.Pnoise**2. * L2 * L4 / (self.Nmodes * window**2),, axis=0)
def calculate_betas(ev): fit_position = np.array(ev.GetFitResult('scintFitter').GetVertex(0).GetPosition()) hit_pmts = [ev.GetPMTUnCal(i) for i in range(ev.GetPMTUnCalCount())] npairs = len(hit_pmts) * (len(hit_pmts) - 1) / 2 count = 0 thetas = [] for i, u in enumerate(hit_pmts[:-1]): if count % 200 == 0 and debug: print 'Pair', count, '/', npairs for v in hit_pmts[i+1:]: thetas.append(get_theta(pmtpos[u.GetID()], pmtpos[v.GetID()], fit_position)) count += 1 betas = {} beta14 = np.empty_like(thetas) for l in range(5): ps = legendre(l)(thetas) betas[l] = np.mean(ps) if l == 1: beta14 += ps elif l == 4: beta14 += 4.0 * ps betas['14'] = np.mean(beta14) return betas
def _run_interface(self, runtime): img = nb.load(self.inputs.in_file) data = img.get_data() if isdefined(self.inputs.regress_poly): timepoints = img.get_shape()[-1] X = np.ones((timepoints,1)) for i in range(self.inputs.regress_poly): X = np.hstack((X,legendre(i+1)(np.linspace(-1, 1, timepoints))[:, None])) betas =, np.rollaxis(data, 3, 2)) datahat = np.rollaxis([:,1:], np.rollaxis(betas[1:, :, :, :], 0, 3)), 0, 4) data = data - datahat img = nb.Nifti1Image(data, img.get_affine(), img.get_header()), self._gen_output_file_name('detrended')) meanimg = np.mean(data, axis=3) stddevimg = np.std(data, axis=3) tsnr = meanimg/stddevimg img = nb.Nifti1Image(tsnr, img.get_affine(), img.get_header()), self._gen_output_file_name()) img = nb.Nifti1Image(meanimg, img.get_affine(), img.get_header()), self._gen_output_file_name('mean')) img = nb.Nifti1Image(stddevimg, img.get_affine(), img.get_header()), self._gen_output_file_name('stddev')) return runtime
def delPcorr_integrand_kmu_dmudq(mu, q, k, l=None, rc=None, Pkmu_interp=None, k_bin=None, mu_bin=None): ''' Del P^corr integrand calculated using P(k, mu) and dblquad: Leg_l(mu) q P(q, (k mu)/q) W_1D(k rc sqrt(1-mu^2), q rc sqrt(1 - (k mu/q)^2)) ''' #integ_time = time.time() Leg_l = legendre(l) theta = k*mu/q x = k * rc * np.sqrt(1. - mu**2) y = q * rc * np.sqrt(1. - theta**2) # if q is beyond the k bounds if q < k_bin[0]: return 0.0 elif q > k_bin[-1]: return 0.0 # to prevent boundary issues if theta > mu_bin[-1] and theta <= 1.0: theta = mu_bin[-1] elif theta < mu_bin[0] and theta >= -1.0: theta = mu_bin[0] w1d = W_2d(y) + (J1(y)/(y**2) - J1(y)/(2*y)) * x**2 integrand = Leg_l(mu) * q * Pkmu_interp(np.array([theta, q]))[0] * w1d #print 'delPcorr integrand takes ', time.time()-integ_time return integrand
def Gaussian_quad(fx,start,end,sample=0.1): x=list(range(start,end,sample)) i=end-start quad=0 for y in enumerate(x): quad+=(fx(y[1])*legendre(y[0])*i) return(quad)
def flegendre(x,m): """Compute the first `m` Legendre polynomials. Parameters ---------- x : array-like Compute the Legendre polynomials at these abscissa values. m : :class:`int` The number of Legendre polynomials to compute. For example, if :math:`m = 3`, :math:`P_0 (x)`, :math:`P_1 (x)` and :math:`P_2 (x)` will be computed. Returns ------- flegendre : :class:`numpy.ndarray` """ import numpy as np from scipy.special import legendre if isinstance(x,np.ndarray): n = x.size else: n = 1 if m < 1: raise ValueError('Number of Legendre polynomials must be at least 1.') try: dt = x.dtype except AttributeError: dt = np.float64 leg = np.ones((m,n),dtype=dt) if m >= 2: leg[1,:] = x if m >= 3: for k in range(2,m): leg[k,:] = np.polyval(legendre(k),x) return leg
def odf_marginal(self): """Computes the marginal ODF from the q-space signal attenuation expressed in the SPF basis, following [cheng-ghosh-etal:10]. Returns ------- spherical_harmonics : sh.SphericalHarmonics instance. """ dim_sh = sh.dimension(self.angular_rank) sh_coefs = np.zeros(dim_sh) sh_coefs[0] = 1 / np.sqrt(4 * np.pi) for l in range(2, self.angular_rank + 1, 2): for m in range(-l, l + 1): j = sh.index_j(l, m) for n in range(1, self.radial_order): partial_sum = 0.0 for i in range(1, n + 1): partial_sum += (-1)**i * \ utils.binomial(n + 0.5, n - i) * 2**i / i sh_coefs[j] += partial_sum * kappa(self.zeta, n) * \ self.coefficients[n, j] * \ legendre(l)(0) * l * (l + 1) / (8 * np.pi) return sh.SphericalHarmonics(sh_coefs)
def outside_integrand(mu, k, l, k_data, P_data, extrap_params=[[3345.0, -1.6], [400.0, -4.]], rc = 0.4): Leg_l = legendre(l) integrand = Leg_l(mu) * inside_integral(mu, k, k_data, P_data, extrap_params=extrap_params, lower_bound=np.abs(k * mu), rc=rc) return integrand
def flegendre(x,m): """Compute a Legendre polynomial. Parameters ---------- x : array_like m : int Returns ------- flegendre : array_like """ import numpy as np from scipy.special import legendre if isinstance(x,np.ndarray): n = x.size else: n = 1 if m < 1: raise ValueError('Order of Legendre polynomial must be at least 1.') leg = np.ones((m,n),dtype='d') if m >= 2: leg[1,:] = x if m >= 3: for k in range(2,m): leg[k,:] = np.polyval(legendre(k),x) return leg
def __init__(self, rbins, ells): from scipy.special import legendre Binning.__init__(self, ['r'], [rbins], ells) self.ells = numpy.array(ells) self.legendre = [legendre(l) for l in self.channels]
def legendre_(l,m,x): """ Legendre polynomial. Check equation (3) from Townsend, 2002: >>> ls,x = [0,1,2,3,4,5],cos(linspace(0,pi,100)) >>> check = 0 >>> for l in ls: ... for m in range(-l,l+1,1): ... Ppos = legendre_(l,m,x) ... Pneg = legendre_(l,-m,x) ... mycheck = Pneg,(-1)**m * factorial(l-m)/factorial(l+m) * Ppos ... check += sum(abs(mycheck[0]-mycheck[1])>1e-10) >>> print check 0 """ m_ = abs(m) legendre_poly = legendre(l) deriv_legpoly_ = legendre_poly.deriv(m=m_) deriv_legpoly = np.polyval(deriv_legpoly_,x) P_l_m = (-1)**m_ * (1-x**2)**(m_/2.) * deriv_legpoly if m<0: P_l_m = (-1)**m_ * factorial(l-m_)/factorial(l+m_) * P_l_m return P_l_m
def chutes_iniciais(n=2, size=1024, mu=None): """Retorna os n primeiros polinomios de legendre modulados por uma gaussiana. Params ------ n : int o numero de vetores size : int o tamanho dos vetores mu : float centro da gaussiana, entre 0 e 1 Returns ------- Um array com n arrays contendo os polinomios modulados """ sg = np.linspace(-1, 1, size) # short grid g = gaussian(size, std=int(size/100)) # gaussian if mu: sigma = np.ptp(sg)/100 g = (1.0/np.sqrt(2*np.pi*sigma**2))*np.exp(-(sg-mu)**2 / (2*sigma**2)) vls = [g*legendre(i)(sg) for i in range(n)] return np.array(vls, dtype=np.complex_)
def check_legendre_transform(lmax, ntheta): l = np.arange(lmax + 1) if lmax >= 1: sigma = -np.log(1e-3) / lmax / (lmax + 1) bl = np.exp(-sigma*l*(l+1)) bl *= (2 * l + 1) else: bl = np.asarray([1], dtype=np.double) theta = np.linspace(0, np.pi, ntheta, endpoint=True) x = np.cos(theta) # Compute truth using scipy.special.legendre P = np.zeros((ntheta, lmax + 1)) for l in range(lmax + 1): P[:, l] = legendre(l)(x) y0 =, bl) # double-precision y = libsharp.legendre_transform(x, bl) assert_allclose(y, y0, rtol=1e-12, atol=1e-12) # single-precision y32 = libsharp.legendre_transform(x.astype(np.float32), bl) assert_allclose(y, y0, rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-5)
def _run_interface(self, runtime): img = nb.load(self.inputs.in_file[0]) header = img.get_header().copy() vollist = [nb.load(filename) for filename in self.inputs.in_file] data = np.concatenate([vol.get_data().reshape( vol.get_shape()[:3] + (-1,)) for vol in vollist], axis=3) if data.dtype.kind == 'i': header.set_data_dtype(np.float32) data = data.astype(np.float32) if isdefined(self.inputs.regress_poly): timepoints = img.get_shape()[-1] X = np.ones((timepoints, 1)) for i in range(self.inputs.regress_poly): X = np.hstack((X, legendre( i + 1)(np.linspace(-1, 1, timepoints))[:, None])) betas =, np.rollaxis(data, 3, 2)) datahat = np.rollaxis([:, 1:], np.rollaxis( betas[1:, :, :, :], 0, 3)), 0, 4) data = data - datahat img = nb.Nifti1Image(data, img.get_affine(), header), self._gen_output_file_name('detrended')) meanimg = np.mean(data, axis=3) stddevimg = np.std(data, axis=3) tsnr = meanimg / stddevimg img = nb.Nifti1Image(tsnr, img.get_affine(), header), self._gen_output_file_name()) img = nb.Nifti1Image(meanimg, img.get_affine(), header), self._gen_output_file_name('mean')) img = nb.Nifti1Image(stddevimg, img.get_affine(), header), self._gen_output_file_name('stddev')) return runtime
def regress_poly(degree, data): ''' returns data with degree polynomial regressed out. The last dimension (i.e. data.shape[-1]) should be time. ''' datashape = data.shape timepoints = datashape[-1] # Rearrange all voxel-wise time-series in rows data = data.reshape((-1, timepoints)) # Generate design matrix X = np.ones((timepoints, 1)) for i in range(degree): polynomial_func = legendre(i+1) value_array = np.linspace(-1, 1, timepoints) X = np.hstack((X, polynomial_func(value_array)[:, np.newaxis])) # Calculate coefficients betas = np.linalg.pinv(X).dot(data.T) # Estimation datahat = X[:, 1:].dot(betas[1:, ...]).T regressed_data = data - datahat # Back to original shape return regressed_data.reshape(datashape)
def __init__(self, rbins, ells, los, **kwargs): from scipy.special import legendre Binning.__init__(self, ['r'], [rbins], **kwargs) self.los = los self.ells = numpy.array(ells) self.legendre = [legendre(l) for l in self.ells]
def P(rank=_default_rank): "returns the Funk-Radon operator matrix" dim_sh = dimension(rank) P = np.zeros((dim_sh, dim_sh)) for j in range(dim_sh): l = index_l(j) P[j, j] = 2 * np.pi * legendre(l)(0) return P
def panel_method_vectorized(a, b, N, Z, ng): cz = 0.5 * (Z[1:] + Z[:-1]) # complex midpoint cx = cz.real # x-coor panel midpoint cy = cz.imag # y-coor panel midpoint L = abs(Z[1:] - Z[:-1]) # Panel length n1 = (-Z.imag[1:] + Z.imag[:-1]) / L # x-comp normal vector n2 = (Z.real[1:] - Z.real[:-1]) / L # y-comp normal vector x = Z.real y = Z.imag # Matrix coefficients P and q P = np.zeros([N, N]) q = np.zeros([N, N]) # def TpG(x0, x1, xm, y0, y1, ym, t): r = np.sqrt((0.5 * (x0 * (1 - t) + x1 * (1 + t)) - xm)**2 + (0.5 * (y0 * (1 - t) + y1 * (1 + t)) - ym)**2) v = 0.5 * np.sqrt((x1 - x0)**2 + (y1 - y0)**2) return np.log(r) * v # Weights and points for gauss quad # from readdata import readdata # w, p = readdata('weightsAndPoints%s.txt' % ng) # Importing weight and points for gauss quad int from scipy import special as sp p, w = sp.legendre(ng).weights[:, :-1].T p, w = p.reshape(ng, 1), w.reshape(ng, 1) # Opening angle given by the law of cosines for i in xrange(N): b = abs(cz[i] - Z[1:]) c = abs(cz[i] - Z[:-1]) P[i] = -np.arccos((b**2 + c**2 - L**2) / (2 * b * c)) q[i] = np.sum(w * TpG(x[:-1], x[1:], cx[i], y[:-1], y[1:], cy[i], p), 0) P[np.isnan(P)] = 0 # Needed for rectangle np.fill_diagonal(P, -np.pi) # phi = -pi, for i = j # RHS Q = np.transpose( [, n1),, n2),, (cx * n2 - cy * n1))]) # Velocity potential for each panel phi_i = np.linalg.solve(P, Q) # Added mass m11 = np.sum(phi_i[:, 0] * n1 * L) # m11 for the whole body m22 = np.sum(phi_i[:, 1] * n2 * L) m12 = np.sum(phi_i[:, 0] * n2 * L) # Cross coupling m66 = np.sum(phi_i[:, 2] * (cx * n2 - cy * n1) * L) return m11, m22, m12, m66
def load_file_legendre(ifuncs, filename='data/exemplar_021312.dat', slope=False, rms=None): n_ax, n_az = ifuncs.shape[2:4] lines = (line.strip() for line in open(filename, 'rb') if not line.startswith('#')) D = np.array([[float(val) for val in line.split()] for line in lines]) nD_ax, nD_az = D.shape # nD_m, nD_n x = np.linspace(-1, 1, n_az).reshape(1, n_az) y = np.linspace(-1, 1, n_ax).reshape(n_ax, 1) Pm_x = np.vstack([legendre(i)(x) for i in range(nD_ax)]) Pn_y = np.hstack([legendre(i)(y) for i in range(nD_az)]) Y_az_ax = np.zeros((n_ax, n_az), dtype=np.float) for n in range(nD_az): sum_Pm = np.zeros_like(x) for m in range(nD_ax): sum_Pm += D[m, n] * Pm_x[m, :] Y_az_ax += Pn_y[:, n].reshape(-1, 1) * sum_Pm # Unvectorized version for reference. # # xs = np.linspace(-1, 1, n_az) # ys = np.linspace(-1, 1, n_ax) # Pm_x = np.vstack([legendre(i)(xs) for i in range(nD_ax)]) # Pn_y = np.vstack([legendre(i)(ys) for i in range(nD_az)]) # Y_az_ax = np.zeros((n_ax, n_az), dtype=np.float) # for ix, x in enumerate(xs): # for iy, y in enumerate(ys): # for n in range(nD_az): # sum_Pm = 0.0 # for m in range(nD_ax): # sum_Pm += D[m, n] * Pm_x[m, ix] # Y_az_ax[iy, ix] += Pn_y[n, iy] * sum_Pm if slope: # 0.5 mm spacing * 1000 um / mm, then convert radians to arcsec displ = np.gradient(Y_az_ax, 0.5 * 1000)[0] * RAD2ARCSEC else: displ = Y_az_ax if rms: displ = displ / np.std(displ) * rms return displ
def load_file_legendre(n_ax, n_az, filename='data/exemplar_021312.dat', apply_10_0=True): lines = (line.strip() for line in open(filename, 'rb') if not line.startswith('#')) D = np.array([[float(val) for val in line.split()] for line in lines]) nD_ax, nD_az = D.shape # nD_m, nD_n x = np.linspace(-1, 1, n_az).reshape(1, n_az) y = np.linspace(-1, 1, n_ax).reshape(n_ax, 1) Pm_x = np.vstack([legendre(i)(x) for i in range(nD_ax)]) Pn_y = np.hstack([legendre(i)(y) for i in range(nD_az)]) Y_az_ax = np.zeros((n_ax, n_az), dtype=np.float) for n in range(nD_az): sum_Pm = np.zeros_like(x) for m in range(nD_ax): sum_Pm += D[m, n] * Pm_x[m, :] Y_az_ax += Pn_y[:, n].reshape(-1, 1) * sum_Pm # Unvectorized version for reference. # # xs = np.linspace(-1, 1, n_az) # ys = np.linspace(-1, 1, n_ax) # Pm_x = np.vstack([legendre(i)(xs) for i in range(nD_ax)]) # Pn_y = np.vstack([legendre(i)(ys) for i in range(nD_az)]) # Y_az_ax = np.zeros((n_ax, n_az), dtype=np.float) # for ix, x in enumerate(xs): # for iy, y in enumerate(ys): # for n in range(nD_az): # sum_Pm = 0.0 # for m in range(nD_ax): # sum_Pm += D[m, n] * Pm_x[m, ix] # Y_az_ax[iy, ix] += Pn_y[n, iy] * sum_Pm displ_x = Y_az_ax # microns if apply_10_0: mount_map = get_mount_map(n_ax, n_az) displ_x = displ_x * mount_map # 0.5 mm spacing * 1000 um / mm displ_ry = np.gradient(Y_az_ax, 0.5 * 1000)[0] # radians return displ_x, displ_ry
def inside_integrand(mu, q, k, lp, f_interp, f_extrap, rc=0.4, q_min=0.002, q_max=0.3): Leg_lp = legendre(lp) # Legendre polynomial of order l' if q < q_min: return 0.0 elif q > q_max: return f_extrap(q) * Leg_lp(k*mu/q) * W_2d(rc * np.sqrt(q**2 - k**2 * mu**2)) * q else: return f_interp(q) * Leg_lp(k*mu/q) * W_2d(rc * np.sqrt(q**2 - k**2 * mu**2)) * q
def feature_transform(X, mode='polynomial', degree=1): poly = PolynomialFeatures(degree) process_X = poly.fit_transform(X) if mode == 'legendre': lege = legendre(degree) process_X = lege(process_X) return process_X
def main(): """ Start with the poisson equation single layer potential Take normal derivative with respect to observation variable to get double layer potential. Take normal derivative with respect to source/integration variable to get hypersingular potential Normal derivatives are in the y direction because the element is along the x-axis """ x1, x2, y1, y2 = sp.symbols('x1, x2, y1, y2') dist = sp.sqrt((x1 - x2) ** 2 + (y1 - y2) ** 2) slp = -1 / (2 * sp.pi) * sp.log(dist) dlp = sp.diff(slp, y1) print dlp hlp = sp.diff(dlp, y2) args = (x1, x2, y1, y2) single_layer = sp.utilities.lambdify(args, slp) double_layer = sp.utilities.lambdify(args, dlp) hypersing = sp.utilities.lambdify(args, hlp) settings['n'] = 8 test_problems = dict() # Problem format: (kernel, singular_pt, basis, exact, include_pt, error_step) # include_pt indicates whether to include the nearest point on the element # in the integration. For some highly singular integrals, ignoring this # point does not hurt convergence and is much more numerically stable. # error_step is the step between the error terms in the taylor expansion # the true value #TODO: Figure out why the series test_problems['single1'] = (single_layer, 0.2, legendre(1), 0.0628062411975970, True, 2, 1) test_problems['single3'] = (single_layer, 0.2, legendre(3), -0.03908707208816243, True, 2, 3) test_problems['single16'] = (single_layer, 0.2, legendre(16), -0.00580747813511577, True, 1, 1) test_problems['single32'] = (single_layer, 0.2, legendre(32), 0.002061099155941667, True, 1, 1) test_problems['double1'] = (double_layer, 0.2, legendre(1), -0.1, True, 2, 0) test_problems['double3'] = (double_layer, 0.2, legendre(3), 0.14, True, 1, 1) test_problems['hyper1'] = (hypersing, 0.2, legendre(1), -0.1308463358283272, True, 2, 1) test_problems['hyper3'] = (hypersing, 0.2, legendre(3), 0.488588401102108, True, 2, 1) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1) run(test_problems['single1'], 'single1', fig, ax) run(test_problems['single3'], 'single3', fig, ax) run(test_problems['single16'], 'single16', fig, ax) run(test_problems['single32'], 'single32', fig, ax) run(test_problems['double1'], 'double1', fig, ax) run(test_problems['double3'], 'double3', fig, ax) run(test_problems['hyper1'], 'hyper1', fig, ax) run(test_problems['hyper3'], 'hyper3', fig, ax) ax.legend(loc = 'lower right') fig.savefig('all_errors.pdf') fig.savefig('all_errors.png')
def checkLegendre(i=2): spvec = np.arange(-1.0, 1.0, 0.1) for sp in spvec: if i == 6: lin = P6(sp) elif i == 4: lin = P4(sp) else: lin = P2(sp) pyt = scisp.legendre(i)(sp) print lin, pyt
def legendre_(n, x): """Helper to avoid problems with scipy 0.8.0 returning inf for -1 Scipy 0.8.0 (and possibly later) has regression of reporting 'inf's for negative boundary. Lets guard against it for now """ leg = legendre(n) r = leg(x) infs = np.isinf(r) if np.any(infs): r[infs] = leg(x[infs] + 1e-10) # offset to try to overcome problems return r
def al0(xi,ell): """ For m=0 Ylm = 1/2 sqrt((2l+1)/pi) LegendreP(l,x) xi: angle in radians Note: The integral over the other angle gives a factor of 2pi While healpix does the spherical harmonic decomposition w.r.t spherical polar coordinates (theta,phi), this manual decomposition is w.r.t the angle (xi,phi) and xi is not theta. """ LegPol = legendre(ell) return 2.*np.pi*Delta_T(xi)*np.sqrt((2.*ell+1.)/(4.*np.pi))*LegPol(np.cos(xi))*np.sin(xi)