Exemple #1
def _bradford_fitstart(self, data, fitstart):  # pab
    loc = data.min() - 1e-4
    scale = (data - loc).max()
    m = np.mean((data - loc) / scale)
    fun = lambda c: (c - sc.log1p(c)) / (c * sc.log1p(c)) - m
    res = optimize.root(fun, 0.3)
    c = res.x
    return c, loc, scale
    def _logpdf(self, x, df, mean, prec_U, log_det_cov, rank):
        x : ndarray
            Points at which to evaluate the log of the probability
            density function
        df : float
            Degrees of freedom of the distribution
        mean : ndarray
            Mean of the distribution
        prec_U : ndarray
            A decomposition such that np.dot(prec_U, prec_U.T)
            is the precision matrix, i.e. inverse of the covariance matrix.
        log_det_cov : float
            Logarithm of the determinant of the covariance matrix
        rank : int
            Rank of the covariance matrix.

        As this function does no argument checking, it should not be
        called directly; use 'logpdf' instead.
        :param df:

        dev = x - mean
        maha = log1p(np.sum(np.square(np.dot(dev, prec_U)), axis=-1) / df)
        gams = gammaln(0.5 * (df + rank)) - gammaln(0.5 * df)
        return gams - 0.5 * (rank * (np.log(df) + _LOG_PI) + log_det_cov +
                             (df + rank) * maha)
 def run(self, data):
     data_norm = cell_normalize(data)
     if sparse.issparse(data_norm):
         data_norm = data_norm.log1p()
         data_norm = log1p(data_norm)
     W = self.nmf.fit_transform(data_norm)
     H = self.nmf.components_
     if sparse.issparse(data_norm):
         cost = 0
         #ws = sparse.csr_matrix(W)
         #hs = sparse.csr_matrix(H)
         #cost = 0.5*((data_norm - ws.dot(hs)).power(2)).sum()
         cost = 0.5 * ((data_norm - W.dot(H))**2).sum()
     if 'normalize_h' in self.params:
         print('normalize h')
         H = H / H.sum(0)
     output = []
     if self.return_h:
     if self.return_w:
     if self.return_wh:
     if self.return_mds:
         X = dim_reduce(W, H, 2)
     return output, cost
 def run(self, data):
     if sparse.issparse(data):
         data = data.toarray()
     if self.use_log:
         data = log1p(data)
     data_pca = self.pca.fit_transform(data.T)
     labels = self.km.fit_predict(data_pca)
     return labels
Exemple #5
def softplus(z):
    """Numerically stable version of log(1 + exp(z))."""
    # see stabilizing softplus: http://sachinashanbhag.blogspot.com/2014/05/numerically-approximation-of-log-1-expy.html # noqa
    mu = z.copy()
    mu[z > 35] = z[z > 35]
    mu[z < -10] = np.exp(z[z < -10])
    mu[(z >= -10) & (z <= 35)] = log1p(np.exp(z[(z >= -10) & (z <= 35)]))
    return mu
def get_better_dicts(clean, spam):
    only_clean_json = {}
    only_spam_json = {}
    all_keys = (clean | spam).keys()
    # max_value = max(max([clean[key] for key in clean]),max(spam[key] for key in spam))
    for key in all_keys:
        if len(key) <= 2:
        if key not in spam:
            only_clean_json[key] = log1p(clean[key])
        elif key not in clean:
            only_spam_json[key] = log1p(spam[key])
        # else:
        #     if clean[key] > spam[key]:
        #         only_clean_json[key] = expit((clean[key] - spam[key])/10)
        #     elif spam[key] > clean[key]:
        #         only_spam_json[key] = expit((spam[key] - clean[key])/10)
    return only_clean_json, only_spam_json
 def run(self, data):
     if sparse.issparse(data):
         data = data.toarray()
     if self.use_log:
         data = log1p(data)
     if self.use_exp:
         data = (10**data) - 1
     data_tsne = self.tsne.fit_transform(data.T)
     labels = self.km.fit_predict(data_tsne)
     return labels
 def run(self, data):
     data_norm = cell_normalize(data)
     if sparse.issparse(data_norm):
         data_norm = data_norm.log1p()
         data_norm = log1p(data_norm)
     W, H = nmf_tsne(data_norm, **self.params)
     if sparse.issparse(data_norm):
         ws = sparse.csr_matrix(W)
         hs = sparse.csr_matrix(H)
         cost = 0.5 * ((data_norm - ws.dot(hs)).power(2)).sum()
         cost = 0.5 * ((data_norm - W.dot(H))**2).sum()
     return [H, W.dot(H)], cost
    def _stats(self, p):
        r = special.log1p(-p)
        mu = p / (p - 1.0) / r
        mu2p = -p / r / (p - 1.0)**2
        var = mu2p - mu*mu
        mu3p = -p / r * (1.0+p) / (1.0 - p)**3
        mu3 = mu3p - 3*mu*mu2p + 2*mu**3
        g1 = mu3 / np.power(var, 1.5)

        mu4p = -p / r * (
            1.0 / (p-1)**2 - 6*p / (p - 1)**3 + 6*p*p / (p-1)**4)
        mu4 = mu4p - 4*mu3p*mu + 6*mu2p*mu*mu - 3*mu**4
        g2 = mu4 / var**2 - 3.0
        return mu, var, g1, g2
    def _stats(self, p):
        r = special.log1p(-p)
        mu = p / (p - 1.0) / r
        mu2p = -p / r / (p - 1.0)**2
        var = mu2p - mu * mu
        mu3p = -p / r * (1.0 + p) / (1.0 - p)**3
        mu3 = mu3p - 3 * mu * mu2p + 2 * mu**3
        g1 = mu3 / np.power(var, 1.5)

        mu4p = -p / r * (1.0 / (p - 1)**2 - 6 * p / (p - 1)**3 + 6 * p * p /
                         (p - 1)**4)
        mu4 = mu4p - 4 * mu3p * mu + 6 * mu2p * mu * mu - 3 * mu**4
        g2 = mu4 / var**2 - 3.0
        return mu, var, g1, g2
Exemple #11
    def neg_loglikelihood(beta, Y, X):
        Loss function of the logistic regression.

        beta: 'numpy array'
            Parameters of the logistic regression.
        Y: 'numpy array'
            Response variable vector.
        X: 'numpy matrix'
            Matrix of covariates.

        Loss function.
        # sum without NAs
        return -np.nansum(Y*np.matmul(X,beta) - scisp.log1p(1+scisp.expm1(np.matmul(X,beta))))
 def log_likelihood(t):
     if not inbounds(t):
         return -np.inf
     p = t[0]
     mu = t[1:]
     n = 10
     rv0 = scipy.stats.poisson(mu[0])
     rv1 = scipy.stats.poisson(mu[1])
     #a = p * rv0.pmf(deaths)
     #b = (1 - p) * rv1.pmf(deaths)
         #return freqs.dot(np.log(a+b))
     #except RuntimeWarning as e:
         #print(p, mu)
     ll = 0
     for i in range(n):
         loga = np.log(p) + rv0.logpmf(deaths[i])
         logb = log1p(-p) + rv1.logpmf(deaths[i])
         ll += freqs[i] * logsumexp([loga, logb])
     return ll
 def _ppf(self, f, c, q):
     return (np.log(q) - special.log1p(-f))**(1. / c)
Exemple #14
 def eval(self, x):
     return log1p(np.exp(-x))
Exemple #15
def clog1p(x, y):
    z = log1p(x + 1j*y)
    return z.real, z.imag
 def _pmf(self, k, p):
     return -np.power(p, k) * 1.0 / k / special.log1p(-p)
Exemple #17
 def _pmf(self, k, p):
     return -np.power(p, k) * 1.0 / k / special.log1p(-p)
 def _ppf(self, f):
     return sqrt(-2 * special.log1p(-f))
Exemple #19
 def _pmf(self, k, p):
     # logser.pmf(k) = - p**k / (k*log(1-p))
     return -np.power(p, k) * 1.0 / k / special.log1p(-p)
Exemple #20
print numpy.log2(1024)
print numpy.log10(0)
print numpy.log(XXX)  #it's ln

print numpy.exp(1)

print numpy.e, numpy.pi

# 数学公式 # 不明白为什么叫special啊
import scipy.special as S
print S.log1p(1e-20)  ## 计算 ln(1 + 1e-20)

# 矩阵相关
# 我觉得这里有很多工具 http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_70586e000100moen.html
x = numpy.array([
    [0, 0, 0],
    [1, 0, 0],
    [1, 1, 0],
    [1, 0, 1],
]).T  # 样本向量都按标准的列的形式给出

print numpy.cov(x, bias=1) # 如果需要除以 N 而不是 N-1, 则 bias=1
Exemple #21
def _mu(z):
    return log1p(np.exp(z))
Exemple #22
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
mpl.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['SimHei']

from scipy import constants as C
print(C.physical_constants['electron mass'])

import scipy.special as S

m = np.linspace(0.1, 0.9, 4)
n = np.linspace(-10, 10, 100)
results = S.ellipj(n[:, None], m[None, :])
print([y.shape for y in results])

from scipy import spatial
import matplotlib as mpl
mpl.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['SimHei']
import pylab as pl
import numpy as np

x = np.sort(np.random.rand(100))
 def _logcdf(self, x, c, q):
     return special.log1p(-np.exp(-x**c + log(q)))
 def _pmf(self, k, p):
     # logser.pmf(k) = - p**k / (k*log(1-p))
     return -np.power(p, k) * 1.0 / k / special.log1p(-p)
Exemple #25
 def veval(self, X):
     return log1p(np.exp(-X))
Exemple #26
def clog1p(x, y):
    z = log1p(x + 1j*y)
    return z.real, z.imag
 def em_update(t):
     #print('attempting em input:', t)
     if not inbounds(t):
         raise Exception('input to the em update is out of bounds (%s)' % t)
     ll_before_update = log_likelihood(t)
     p0 = t[0]
     mu = t[1:]
     # define the poisson components
     rs = [scipy.stats.poisson(m) for m in mu]
     # compute the per-count posterior distribution over
     pi_log_weights = np.empty((n, 2), dtype=float)
     # vectorize this later
     for i in range(n):
         if p0 > 0:
             alpha = np.log(p0)
             beta = rs[0].logpmf(deaths[i])
             loga = alpha + beta
             if np.isnan(loga):
                 print('nan', mu[0], deaths[i], alpha, beta, loga)
             loga = -np.inf
         if p0 < 1:
             alpha = log1p(-p0)
             beta = rs[1].logpmf(deaths[i])
             logb = alpha + beta
             if np.isnan(logb):
                 print('nan', mu[1], deaths[i], alpha, beta, logb)
             logb = -np.inf
         pi_log_weights[i, 0] = loga
         pi_log_weights[i, 1] = logb
     # convert log weights to a distribution, being careful about scaling
     pi = np.empty((n, 2), dtype=float)
     for i in range(n):
         pi[i] = log_weights_to_distn(pi_log_weights[i])
     #pi_weights[:, 0] = p0 * np.power(mu[0], deaths) * np.exp(-mu[0])
     #pi_weights[:, 1] = (1-p0) * np.power(mu[1], deaths) * np.exp(-mu[1])
     #pi = pi_weights / pi_weights.sum(axis=1)[:, None]
     # compute updated parameter values
     p_star = freqs.dot(pi[:, 0]) / freqs.sum()
     #print('em step p_star:', p_star)
     mu_star = np.zeros(2, dtype=float)
     for j in range(2):
         numer = sum(deaths[i] * freqs[i] * pi[i, j] for i in range(n))
         denom = sum(freqs[i] * pi[i, j] for i in range(n))
         if numer:
             mu_star[j] = numer / denom
             raise DegenerateMixtureError('a poisson mean is zero')
     #mu_star_numer = (deaths[:, None] * freqs[:, None] * pi).sum(axis=0)
     #mu_star_denom = (freqs[:, None] * pi).sum(axis=0)
         #mu_star = xdivy(mu_star_numer, mu_star_denom)
     #except RuntimeWarning:
     t_star = np.array([p_star, mu_star[0], mu_star[1]])
     ll_after_update = log_likelihood(t_star)
     #if ll_after_update < ll_before_update:
         #print('log likelihoods:', ll_before_update, ll_after_update)
         #raise Exception('em step reduced observed data log likelihood')
     if not inbounds(t_star):
         raise Exception('em update output is out of bounds (%s)' % t_star)
     return t_star
Exemple #28
 def _ppf(self, q, c):
     return np.sqrt(c * c - 2 * sc.log1p(-q)) - c  #pylint: disable=no-member
 def _ppf(self, f, c):
     return (-special.log1p(-f))**(1.0 / c)