Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, npoints: int, alpha: float = 0):
        r"""Generate grid on :math:`[0, \infty)` based on generalized Gauss-Laguerre quadrature.

        npoints : int
            Number of grid points.
        alpha : float, optional
            Value of the parameter :math:`alpha` which must be larger than -1.

            A 1-D grid instance containing points and weights.

        if npoints <= 1:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Argument npoints must be an integer > 1, given {npoints}")
        if alpha <= -1:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Argument alpha must be larger than -1, given {alpha}")
        # compute points and weights for Generalized Gauss-Laguerre quadrature
        points, weights = roots_genlaguerre(npoints, alpha)
        weights *= np.exp(points) * np.power(points, -alpha)
        super().__init__(points, weights, (0, np.inf))
Exemple #2
def GaussLaguerre(npoints, alpha=0):
    r"""Generate 1D grid on [0, inf) interval based on Generalized Gauss-Laguerre quadrature.

    The fundamental definition of Generalized Gauss-Laguerre quadrature is:

    .. math::
        \int_{0}^{\infty} x^\alpha e^{-x} f(x) dx \approx \sum_{i=1}^n w_i f(x_i)

    However, to integrate function :math:`g(x)` over [0, inf), this is re-written as:

    .. math::
        \int_{0}^{\infty} g(x)dx \approx
        \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{w_i}{x_i^\alpha e^{-x_i}} g(x_i) = \sum_{i=1}^n w_i' g(x_i)

    npoints : int
        Number of grid points.
    alpha : float, optional
        Value of parameter :math:`alpha` which should be larger than -1.

        A 1D grid instance.

    if alpha <= -1:
        raise ValueError(f"Alpha need to be bigger than -1, given {alpha}")
    points, weights = roots_genlaguerre(npoints, alpha)
    weights = weights * np.exp(points) * np.power(points, -alpha)
    return OneDGrid(points, weights, (0, np.inf))
Exemple #3
def GaussLaguerre(npoints, alpha=0):
    r"""Generate a grid based on generalized Gauss-Laguerre grid.

    Generalizeed Gauss Laguerre grid is defined as:
    .. math::
        \int_{0}^{\infty} x^{\alpha}e^{-x} f(x)dx \approx
        \sum_{i=1}^n w_i f(x_i)

    This integration grid is defined as :
    .. math::
        \int_{0}^{\infty} f(x)dx \approx
        \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{w_i}{x_i^{\alpha} e^{-x_i}} f(x_i)
        = \sum_{i=1}^n  w_i' f(x_i)

    npoints : int
        Number of points in the grid
    alpha : float, default to 0, required to be > -1
        parameter alpha value

        A grid instance with points and weights, (0, inf)
    if alpha <= -1:
        raise ValueError(f"Alpha need to be bigger than -1, given {alpha}")
    points, weights = roots_genlaguerre(npoints, alpha)
    weights = weights * np.exp(points) * np.power(points, -alpha)
    return OneDGrid(points, weights)
Exemple #4
 def laguerre(function, order, *args, **kwargs):
     Evaluate integral of <function> object, of 1 variable and parameters:
         integral[0, +infinity] {dx exp(-x) function(x, **args)} 
     :function  <function> f(x, *args, **kwargs)
     :order     <int>   order of the quadrature
             or <tuple> (order, alpha) where alpha is float for the associated 
                           Laguerre integration (dx x^alpha exp(-x) *f(x))
     *args and **kwargs will be passed to the function (check argument introduction
         in case of several function management)
     if not order in GaussianQuadrature._roots_weights_Laguerre:
         if isinstance(order, tuple):
             x_i, w_i = roots_genlaguerre(order[0], alpha=order[1])
             x_i, w_i = roots_laguerre(order, mu=False)
         GaussianQuadrature._roots_weights_Laguerre[order] = (x_i, w_i)
         x_i, w_i = GaussianQuadrature._roots_weights_Laguerre.get(order)
     # integral = 0.0
     # for i in range(len(x_i)):
     #     integral += w_i[i] * function(x_i[i], *args, **kwargs)
     integral = np.dot(w_i, function(x_i, *args, **kwargs))
     #print("order", order, "=",integral)
     return integral
Exemple #5
def gauss_genlaguerre(n, alpha):
    Generalized Gauss-Laguerre quadrature:
    A rule of order 2*n-1 on the ray with respect to
    the weight function w(x) = x**alpha*exp(-x).
    return special.roots_genlaguerre(n, alpha)
Exemple #6
def test_roots_genlaguerre():
    rootf = lambda a: lambda n, mu: sc.roots_genlaguerre(n, a, mu)
    evalf = lambda a: lambda n, x: orth.eval_genlaguerre(n, a, x)
    weightf = lambda a: lambda x: x**a * np.exp(-x)

    vgq = verify_gauss_quad
    vgq(rootf(-0.5), evalf(-0.5), weightf(-0.5), 0., np.inf, 5)
    vgq(rootf(-0.5), evalf(-0.5), weightf(-0.5), 0., np.inf, 25, atol=1e-13)
    vgq(rootf(-0.5), evalf(-0.5), weightf(-0.5), 0., np.inf, 100, atol=1e-12)

    vgq(rootf(0.1), evalf(0.1), weightf(0.1), 0., np.inf, 5)
    vgq(rootf(0.1), evalf(0.1), weightf(0.1), 0., np.inf, 25, atol=1e-13)
    vgq(rootf(0.1), evalf(0.1), weightf(0.1), 0., np.inf, 100, atol=1.6e-13)

    vgq(rootf(1), evalf(1), weightf(1), 0., np.inf, 5)
    vgq(rootf(1), evalf(1), weightf(1), 0., np.inf, 25, atol=1e-13)
    vgq(rootf(1), evalf(1), weightf(1), 0., np.inf, 100, atol=1.03e-13)

    vgq(rootf(10), evalf(10), weightf(10), 0., np.inf, 5)
    vgq(rootf(10), evalf(10), weightf(10), 0., np.inf, 25, atol=1e-13)
    vgq(rootf(10), evalf(10), weightf(10), 0., np.inf, 100, atol=1e-12)

    vgq(rootf(50), evalf(50), weightf(50), 0., np.inf, 5)
    vgq(rootf(50), evalf(50), weightf(50), 0., np.inf, 25, atol=1e-13)

    x, w = sc.roots_genlaguerre(5, 2, False)
    y, v, m = sc.roots_genlaguerre(5, 2, True)
    assert_allclose(x, y, 1e-14, 1e-14)
    assert_allclose(w, v, 1e-14, 1e-14)

    muI, muI_err = integrate.quad(weightf(2.), 0., np.inf)
    assert_allclose(m, muI, rtol=muI_err)

    assert_raises(ValueError, sc.roots_genlaguerre, 0, 2)
    assert_raises(ValueError, sc.roots_genlaguerre, 3.3, 2)
    assert_raises(ValueError, sc.roots_genlaguerre, 3, -1.1)
Exemple #7
def gamma(n, alpha, scale=1):
    Generalized Gauss-Laguerre quadrature:
    A rule of order 2*n-1 on the ray with respect to the PDF of a
    gamma distribution with arbitrary scale and shape parameter `alpha`.
    return special.roots_genlaguerre(n, alpha)
    nodes *= scale
    weights /= np.sum(weights)

    return nodes, weights
Exemple #8
def test_roots_genlaguerre():
    rootf = lambda a: lambda n, mu: sc.roots_genlaguerre(n, a, mu)
    evalf = lambda a: lambda n, x: orth.eval_genlaguerre(n, a, x)
    weightf = lambda a: lambda x: x**a * np.exp(-x)

    vgq = verify_gauss_quad
    vgq(rootf(-0.5), evalf(-0.5), weightf(-0.5), 0., np.inf, 5)
    vgq(rootf(-0.5), evalf(-0.5), weightf(-0.5), 0., np.inf, 25, atol=1e-13)
    vgq(rootf(-0.5), evalf(-0.5), weightf(-0.5), 0., np.inf, 100, atol=1e-12)

    vgq(rootf(0.1), evalf(0.1), weightf(0.1), 0., np.inf, 5)
    vgq(rootf(0.1), evalf(0.1), weightf(0.1), 0., np.inf, 25, atol=1e-13)
    vgq(rootf(0.1), evalf(0.1), weightf(0.1), 0., np.inf, 100, atol=1e-13)

    vgq(rootf(1), evalf(1), weightf(1), 0., np.inf, 5)
    vgq(rootf(1), evalf(1), weightf(1), 0., np.inf, 25, atol=1e-13)
    vgq(rootf(1), evalf(1), weightf(1), 0., np.inf, 100, atol=1e-13)

    vgq(rootf(10), evalf(10), weightf(10), 0., np.inf, 5)
    vgq(rootf(10), evalf(10), weightf(10), 0., np.inf, 25, atol=1e-13)
    vgq(rootf(10), evalf(10), weightf(10), 0., np.inf, 100, atol=1e-12)

    vgq(rootf(50), evalf(50), weightf(50), 0., np.inf, 5)
    vgq(rootf(50), evalf(50), weightf(50), 0., np.inf, 25, atol=1e-13)
    vgq(rootf(50), evalf(50), weightf(50), 0., np.inf, 100, rtol=1e-14, atol=2e-13)

    x, w = sc.roots_genlaguerre(5, 2, False)
    y, v, m = sc.roots_genlaguerre(5, 2, True)
    assert_allclose(x, y, 1e-14, 1e-14)
    assert_allclose(w, v, 1e-14, 1e-14)

    muI, muI_err = integrate.quad(weightf(2.), 0., np.inf)
    assert_allclose(m, muI, rtol=muI_err)

    assert_raises(ValueError, sc.roots_genlaguerre, 0, 2)
    assert_raises(ValueError, sc.roots_genlaguerre, 3.3, 2)
    assert_raises(ValueError, sc.roots_genlaguerre, 3, -1.1)
Exemple #9
def GaussLaguerre(npoints, alpha=0):
    """Generate Gauss-Laguerre grid.

    npoints : int
        Number of points in the grid
    alpha : int, default to 0, required to be > -1
        parameter alpha value

        A grid instance with points and weights
    if alpha <= -1:
        raise ValueError(f"Alpha need to be bigger than -1, given {alpha}")
    points, weights = roots_genlaguerre(npoints, alpha)
    return OneDGrid(points, weights)
Exemple #10
def get_quadrature_laguerre_1d(n, alpha):
    Get knots and weights of Laguerre polynomials (gamma distribution).

    knots, weights = Grid.get_quadrature_laguerre_1d(n)

    n: int
        number of knots
    alpha: float
        Parameter of Laguerre polynomial

    knots: np.ndarray
        knots of the grid
    weights: np.ndarray
        weights of the grid
    n = np.int(n)
    knots, weights = roots_genlaguerre(n=n, alpha=alpha)

    return knots, weights
Exemple #11
 def init_roots(self):
   self.bT_pts = special.roots_genlaguerre(n=self.bT_npts, alpha=1.0)
   self.bL_pts = special.roots_legendre(n=self.bL_npts)        
   print("Roots for betagammaT: ", self.convert_to_betagammaT(self.bT_pts[0]))
   print("Roots for y: ", self.convert_to_y(self.bL_pts[0]))