Exemple #1
def test_zetac_special_cases():
    assert sc.zetac(np.inf) == 0
    assert np.isnan(sc.zetac(-np.inf))
    assert sc.zetac(0) == -1.5
    assert sc.zetac(1.0) == np.inf

    assert_equal(sc.zetac([-2, -50, -100]), -1)
Exemple #2
def t_bol(wave, flux, freq=False):
	wave: wavelength in um unless freq is set to True.  If freq is True, then wave is frequency in Hz
	flux: flux in Jy as always.
    import numpy as np
    import scipy.special as spec
    import astropy.constants as const

    # constants setup
    c = const.c.cgs.value
    h = const.h.cgs.value
    k = const.k_B.cgs.value

    # convert unit from (um, Jy) -> (Hz, erg s-1 cm-2 Hz-1)
    fv = np.array(flux) * 1e-23
    if freq == False:
        freq = c / (1e-4 * np.array(wave))
        freq = wave

    diff_dum = freq[1:] - freq[0:-1]
    freq_interpol = np.hstack((freq[0:-1] + diff_dum / 2.0,
                               freq[0:-1] + diff_dum / 2.0, freq[0], freq[-1]))
    freq_interpol = freq_interpol[np.argsort(freq_interpol)[::-1]]
    fv_interpol = np.empty(len(freq_interpol))
    # calculate the histogram style of spectrum
    for i in range(0, len(fv)):
        if i == 0:
            fv_interpol[i] = fv[i]
            fv_interpol[2 * i - 1] = fv[i - 1]
            fv_interpol[2 * i] = fv[i]
    fv_interpol[-1] = fv[-1]

    dv = freq_interpol[0:-1] - freq_interpol[1:]
    dv = np.delete(dv, np.where(dv == 0))

    fv = fv[np.argsort(freq)]
    freq = freq[np.argsort(freq)]

    # calculate the zeroth and first moment
    I1 = np.trapz(fv * freq, freq)
    I0 = np.trapz(fv, freq)

    # T_bol equation from Myers & Ladd 1993
    t_bol = (spec.zetac(4) + 1) / (4 * (spec.zetac(5) + 1)) * h / k * (I1 / I0)

    return t_bol
Exemple #3
def t_bol(wave, flux, freq=False):
	wave: wavelength in um unless freq is set to True.  If freq is True, then wave is frequency in Hz
	flux: flux in Jy as always.
	import numpy as np
	import scipy.special as spec
	import astropy.constants as const

	# constants setup
	c = const.c.cgs.value
	h = const.h.cgs.value
	k = const.k_B.cgs.value

	# convert unit from (um, Jy) -> (Hz, erg s-1 cm-2 Hz-1)
	fv = np.array(flux) * 1e-23
	if freq == False:
		freq = c/(1e-4*np.array(wave))
		freq = wave

	diff_dum = freq[1:]-freq[0:-1]
	freq_interpol = np.hstack((freq[0:-1]+diff_dum/2.0,freq[0:-1]+diff_dum/2.0,freq[0],freq[-1]))
	freq_interpol = freq_interpol[np.argsort(freq_interpol)[::-1]]
	fv_interpol = np.empty(len(freq_interpol))
	# calculate the histogram style of spectrum
	for i in range(0,len(fv)):
		if i == 0:
			fv_interpol[i] = fv[i]
			fv_interpol[2*i-1] = fv[i-1]
			fv_interpol[2*i] = fv[i]
	fv_interpol[-1] = fv[-1]

	dv = freq_interpol[0:-1]-freq_interpol[1:]
	dv = np.delete(dv,np.where(dv==0))

	fv = fv[np.argsort(freq)]
	freq = freq[np.argsort(freq)]

	# calculate the zeroth and first moment
	I1 = np.trapz(fv*freq, freq)
	I0 = np.trapz(fv, freq)

	# T_bol equation from Myers & Ladd 1993
	t_bol = (spec.zetac(4)+1)/(4*(spec.zetac(5)+1))*h/k * (I1/I0)

	return t_bol
Exemple #4
def main():
    frequency = {}
    list_words = []
    fp = open("test.txt", "r")
    for line in fp.readlines():
        x, y = scanner.scan(line)
        for i in range(len(x)):
            # print(x[i][1], end= " ")
        # print("")
        # tokenise(line)
    for word in list_words:
        count = frequency.get(word, 0)
        frequency[word] = count + 1
    # for key, value in reversed(sorted(frequency.items(), key = operator.itemgetter(1))):
    #         print(key, value)
    # n = 1000
    # frequency = {key:value for key,value in list(frequency.items())[0:n]}
    #convert value of frequency to numpy array
    s = frequency.values()
    s = np.array(list(s))
    # print(s2)
    #Calculate zipf and plot the data
    a = 2.  #  distribution parameter
    counts, bins, ignored = plt.hist(s, 50, density=None)
    x = np.arange(1., 50.)
    y = x**(-a) / special.zetac(a)
    plt.plot(x, y / max(y), linewidth=2, color='r')
    print(ngram(4, list_words))
def zipfPlot(zipfs_data, N, filename):
    uses list of words and plots a zip's law graph for the N most
    frequents ones
    :param zipfs_data: list of 5000 most frequent terms in collection and
    their frequencies
    :param N: number of terms to include in model and fit
    :param filename: name of file to save the plot to
    freq_arr = zipfs_data[:N]
    x_axis = np.arange(1, N+1, 1)
    result = curve_fit(zipfFun, x_axis, freq_arr)
    a = result[0][0]
    b = result[0][1]
    fit_curve = x_axis**(-a) / zetac(b)
    plt.bar(x_axis, freq_arr, label="document data")
    plt.plot(x_axis, fit_curve, 'r-', label="fitted line", linewidth=0.5)
    string = ("fitting along zipf's law:"
              + "\nexponent parameter, s = {0:f}"
              + "\nnormalisation parameter, n = {1:f}"
              + "\n $f = 1/k^s * 1/\zeta(n)$, where k is the rank"
              ).format(a, b)
    plt.text(25, 2*10**7, string)
    plt.title("Zipf's Law, {} most frequent words in corpus".format(N))
    plt.xlabel("word rank")
    plt.ylabel("word frequency")
    plt.savefig(filename+'.png', dpi=400)
Exemple #6
def distTotalUserApps(nbr_apps, nbr_users):
    a = 2.  # parameter
    x = arange(1., nbr_apps + 1)
    y = x**(-a) / sps.zetac(a)
    result = y / sum(y) * nbr_users
    print sum(result)
    return result
Exemple #7
def nu0_fb(tau_m, tau_s, tau_r, V_th, V_r, mu, sigma):
    Calculates stationary firing rates for filtered synapses based on
    Fourcaud & Brunel 2002.

    tau_m: float
        Membrane time constant in seconds.
    tau_s: float
        Synaptic time constant in seconds.
    tau_r: float
        Refractory time in seconds.
    V_th_rel: float
        Relative threshold potential in mV.
    V_0_rel: float
        Relative reset potential in mV.
    mu: float
        Mean neuron activity in mV.
        Standard deviation of neuron activity in mV.

        Stationary firing rate in Hz.

    alpha = np.sqrt(2) * abs(zetac(0.5) + 1)
    # effective threshold
    V_th1 = V_th + sigma * alpha / 2. * np.sqrt(tau_s / tau_m)
    # effective reset
    V_r1 = V_r + sigma * alpha / 2. * np.sqrt(tau_s / tau_m)
    # use standard Siegert with modified threshold and reset
    return nu_0(tau_m, tau_r, V_th1, V_r1, mu, sigma)
def nu0_fb(tau_m, tau_s, tau_r, V_th, V_r, mu, sigma):
    alpha = np.sqrt(2)*abs(zetac(0.5)+1)
    # effective threshold
    V_th1 = V_th + sigma*alpha/2.*np.sqrt(tau_s/tau_m)
    # effective reset
    V_r1 = V_r + sigma*alpha/2.*np.sqrt(tau_s/tau_m)
    # use standard Siegert with modified threshold and reset
    return nu_0(tau_m, tau_r, V_th1, V_r1, mu, sigma)
Exemple #9
def nu0_fb(tau_m, tau_s, tau_r, V_th, V_r, mu, sigma):
    alpha = np.sqrt(2) * abs(zetac(0.5) + 1)
    # effective threshold
    V_th1 = V_th + sigma * alpha / 2. * np.sqrt(tau_s / tau_m)
    # effective reset
    V_r1 = V_r + sigma * alpha / 2. * np.sqrt(tau_s / tau_m)
    # use standard Siegert with modified threshold and reset
    return nu_0(tau_m, tau_r, V_th1, V_r1, mu, sigma)
Exemple #10
def _nu0_fb433(tau_m, tau_s, tau_r, V_th_rel, V_0_rel, mu, sigma):
    """Helper function implementing nu0_fb433 without quantities."""
    # use zetac function (zeta-1) because zeta is not giving finite values for
    # arguments smaller 1.
    alpha = np.sqrt(2.) * abs(zetac(0.5) + 1)

    nu0 = nu_0(tau_m, tau_r, V_th_rel, V_0_rel, mu, sigma)
    nu0_dPhi = _nu0_dPhi(tau_m, tau_r, V_th_rel, V_0_rel, mu, sigma)
    return nu0 * (1 - np.sqrt(tau_s * tau_m / 2) * alpha * nu0_dPhi)
Exemple #11
def Zipf(frekuensi, par=2, nBins=100, yScale=0.05):
    count, bins, ignored = plt.hist(np.array(frekuensi), nBins, normed=True)
    plt.title("Zipf plot")
    x = np.arange(1., nBins)
    plt.xlabel("Frequency Rank of Token")
    y = x**(-par) / special.zetac(par)
    plt.ylabel("Absolute Frequency of Token")
    plt.plot(x, y * yScale / max(y), linewidth=2, color='r')
Exemple #12
def test_zetac():
    assert_equal(sc.zetac(0), -1.5)
    assert_equal(sc.zetac(1.0), np.inf)
    # Expected values in the following were computed using
    # Wolfram Alpha `Zeta[x] - 1`:
    rtol = 1e-12
    assert_allclose(sc.zetac(-2.1), -0.9972705002153750, rtol=rtol)
    assert_allclose(sc.zetac(0.8), -5.437538415895550, rtol=rtol)
    assert_allclose(sc.zetac(0.9999), -10000.42279161673, rtol=rtol)
    assert_allclose(sc.zetac(9), 0.002008392826082214, rtol=rtol)
    assert_allclose(sc.zetac(50), 8.881784210930816e-16, rtol=rtol)
    assert_allclose(sc.zetac(75), 2.646977960169853e-23, rtol=rtol)
Exemple #13
def test_zetac():
    assert_equal(sc.zetac(0), -1.5)
    assert_equal(sc.zetac(1.0), np.inf)
    # Expected values in the following were computed using
    # Wolfram Alpha `Zeta[x] - 1`:
    rtol = 1e-12
    assert_allclose(sc.zetac(-2.1), -0.9972705002153750, rtol=rtol)
    assert_allclose(sc.zetac(0.8), -5.437538415895550, rtol=rtol)
    assert_allclose(sc.zetac(0.9999), -10000.42279161673, rtol=rtol)
    assert_allclose(sc.zetac(9), 0.002008392826082214, rtol=rtol)
    assert_allclose(sc.zetac(50), 8.881784210930816e-16, rtol=rtol)
    assert_allclose(sc.zetac(75), 2.646977960169853e-23, rtol=rtol)
Exemple #14
def d_nu_d_mu_fb433(tau_m, tau_s, tau_r, V_th, V_r, mu, sigma):
    alpha = np.sqrt(2) * abs(zetac(0.5) + 1)
    x_th = np.sqrt(2) * (V_th - mu) / sigma
    x_r = np.sqrt(2) * (V_r - mu) / sigma
    integral = 1. / (nu_0(tau_m, tau_r, V_th, V_r, mu, sigma) * tau_m)
    prefactor = np.sqrt(tau_s / tau_m) * alpha / (tau_m * np.sqrt(2))
    dnudmu = d_nu_d_mu(tau_m, tau_r, V_th, V_r, mu, sigma)
    dPhi_prime = Phi_prime_mu(x_th, sigma) - Phi_prime_mu(x_r, sigma)
    dPhi = Phi(x_th) - Phi(x_r)
    phi = dPhi_prime * integral + (2 * np.sqrt(2) / sigma) * dPhi**2
    return dnudmu - prefactor * phi / integral**3
Exemple #15
def d_nu_d_nu_in_fb(tau_m, tau_s, tau_r, V_th, V_r, j, mu, sigma):
    Derivative of nu_0 by input rate for low-pass-filtered synapses with tau_s.
    Effective threshold and reset from Fourcaud & Brunel 2002.

    tau_m: float
        Membrane time constant in seconds.
    tau_s: float
        Synaptic time constant in seconds.
    tau_r: float
        Refractory time in seconds.
    V_th_rel: float
        Relative threshold potential in mV.
    V_0_rel: float
        Relative reset potential in mV.
    j: float
        Effective connectivity weight in mV.
    mu: float
        Mean neuron activity in mV.
        Standard deviation of neuron activity in mV.

        Derivative in Hz/mV (sum of linear (mu) and squared (sigma^2) contribution).
        Derivative in Hz/mV (linear (mu) contribution).
        Derivative in Hz/mV (squared (sigma^2) contribution).
    alpha = np.sqrt(2) * abs(zetac(0.5) + 1)

    y_th = (V_th - mu) / sigma
    y_r = (V_r - mu) / sigma

    y_th_fb = y_th + alpha / 2. * np.sqrt(tau_s / tau_m)
    y_r_fb = y_r + alpha / 2. * np.sqrt(tau_s / tau_m)

    nu0 = nu0_fb(tau_m, tau_s, tau_r, V_th, V_r, mu, sigma)

    # linear contribution
    lin = np.sqrt(np.pi) * (tau_m * nu0)**2 * j / sigma * (np.exp(y_th_fb**2) *
                                                           (1 + erf(y_th_fb)) -
                                                           np.exp(y_r_fb**2) *
                                                           (1 + erf(y_r_fb)))

    # quadratic contribution
    sqr = np.sqrt(np.pi) * (tau_m * nu0)**2 * j / sigma * (np.exp(y_th_fb**2) * (1 + erf(y_th_fb)) *\
             0.5 * y_th * j / sigma - np.exp(y_r_fb**2) * (1 + erf(y_r_fb)) * 0.5 * y_r * j / sigma)

    return lin + sqr, lin, sqr
Exemple #16
def distTotalUserApps(nbr_apps, nbr_users, rand1=False):
    a = 0.83  # parameter 0.83 to 0.83
    x = arange(1, nbr_apps + 1)
    y = x**(-a) / sp.zetac(a)
    x1 = ["A" + str(l) for l in range(0, nbr_apps)]
    result = y / sum(y) * nbr_users
    _result_dict_app = dict(zip(x1, result.astype(np.int64)))
    if rand1:
        return fnRandApp(_result_dict_app)
        return _result_dict_app
def d_nu_d_mu_fb433(tau_m, tau_s, tau_r, V_th, V_r, mu, sigma):
    alpha = np.sqrt(2) * abs(zetac(0.5) + 1)
    x_th = np.sqrt(2) * (V_th - mu) / sigma
    x_r = np.sqrt(2) * (V_r - mu) / sigma
    integral = 1. / (nu_0(tau_m, tau_r, V_th, V_r, mu, sigma) * tau_m)
    prefactor = np.sqrt(tau_s / tau_m) * alpha / (tau_m * np.sqrt(2))
    dnudmu = d_nu_d_mu(tau_m, tau_r, V_th, V_r, mu, sigma)
    dPhi_prime = Phi_prime_mu(x_th, sigma) - Phi_prime_mu(x_r, sigma)
    dPhi = Phi(x_th) - Phi(x_r)
    phi = dPhi_prime * integral + (2 * np.sqrt(2) / sigma) * dPhi**2
    return dnudmu - prefactor * phi / integral**3
Exemple #18
    def f(x, s, v_shift_left, piece_boundary, a, b, v_shift_right):

        return np.piecewise(
                x < piece_boundary,
                x >= piece_boundary,
                lambda x: (x**-s) / zetac(s) + v_shift_left,
                lambda x: a * x**b + v_shift_right,
Exemple #19
def test_zetac():
    # Expected values in the following were computed using Wolfram
    # Alpha's `Zeta[x] - 1`
    x = [-2.1, 0.8, 0.9999, 9, 50, 75]
    desired = [
    assert_allclose(sc.zetac(x), desired, rtol=1e-12)
Exemple #20
def d_nu_d_mu_fb433(tau_m, tau_s, tau_r, V_th_rel, V_0_rel, mu, sigma):
    Derivative of the stationary firing rates with synaptic filtering
    with respect to the mean input

    See Appendix B in
    Schuecker, J., Diesmann, M. & Helias, M.
    Reduction of colored noise in excitable systems to white
    noise and dynamic boundary conditions. 1–23 (2014).

    tau_m: float
        Membrane time constant in seconds.
    tau_s: float
        Synaptic time constant in seconds.
    tau_r: float
        Refractory time in seconds.
    V_th_rel: float
        Relative threshold potential in mV.
    V_0_rel: float
        Relative reset potential in mV.
    mu: float
        Mean neuron activity in mV.
        Standard deviation of neuron activity in mV.

        Zero frequency limit of colored noise transfer function in Hz/mV.
    pos_parameters = [tau_m, tau_s, tau_r, sigma]
    pos_parameter_names = ['tau_m', 'tau_s', 'tau_r', 'sigma']
    check_if_positive(pos_parameters, pos_parameter_names)
    check_for_valid_k_in_fast_synaptic_regime(tau_m, tau_s)

    if sigma == 0:
        raise ZeroDivisionError('Function contains division by sigma!')

    alpha = np.sqrt(2) * abs(zetac(0.5) + 1)
    x_th = np.sqrt(2) * (V_th_rel - mu) / sigma
    x_r = np.sqrt(2) * (V_0_rel - mu) / sigma
    integral = 1. / (nu_0(tau_m, tau_r, V_th_rel, V_0_rel, mu, sigma) * tau_m)
    prefactor = np.sqrt(tau_s / tau_m) * alpha / (tau_m * np.sqrt(2))
    dnudmu = d_nu_d_mu(tau_m, tau_r, V_th_rel, V_0_rel, mu, sigma)
    dPhi_prime = Phi_prime_mu(x_th, sigma) - Phi_prime_mu(x_r, sigma)
    dPhi = Phi(x_th) - Phi(x_r)
    phi = dPhi_prime * integral + (2 * np.sqrt(2) / sigma) * dPhi**2
    return dnudmu - prefactor * phi / integral**3
def generate_zipfian_dataset(dataset_size, dataset_path):
    a_list = [i for i in range(dataset_size)]
    a = 2.
    x = np.arange(float(dataset_size) / 20, float(dataset_size))
    y = x**(-a) / sps.zetac(a)
    pdf = y / y.sum()
    zeros = [0 for i in range(int(float(dataset_size / 20)))]

    b_list = np.random.choice(np.arange(len(pdf)), size=dataset_size, p=pdf)
    b_list = [int(b) for b in b_list]
    save_doc(dataset_path, a_list, b_list, length=int(dataset_size))
Exemple #22
def distUsersNodes(usersPerApp, dist, nbr_leafs):
    result = []
    if (dist == "Uniform"):
        mu = usersPerApp
        sigma = 0.1
        result = np.random.normal(mu, sigma, nbr_leafs)
    elif (dist == "Zeta"):
        a = 2.  # parameter
        x = arange(1., nbr_leafs + 1)
        y = x**(-a) / sps.zetac(a)
        result = y / sum(y) * usersPerApp
        print "Put correct distr function"
    return result
Exemple #23
    def skew(self):
        Distribution skewness

            Distribution skewness

        `zetac` is the complementary Riemann zeta function (zeta function minus 1).
        See http://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.special.zetac.html

        return 12. * np.sqrt(6.) * (1. + zetac(3)) / np.pi ** 3
Exemple #24
    def skew(self):
        Distribution skewness

        s : float
            distribution skewness
            # zetac is the complementary Riemann zeta function (zeta function minus 1)
            # http://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.special.zetac.html
            s = -12. * np.sqrt(6.) * (1. + zetac(3)) / np.pi ** 3
            return s
        except TypeError:
            print("Distribution parameters are not defined.")
def real_shifted_siegert(tau_m, tau_s, tau_r, V_th_rel, V_0_rel, mu, sigma):
    Siegert formula with shifted boundaries for the colored noise case.

    Introduced in Fourcaud 2002, and Schuecker 2015.

    alpha = np.sqrt(2.) * abs(zetac(0.5) + 1)
    k = np.sqrt(tau_s / tau_m)

    V_th_eff = V_th_rel + sigma * alpha * k / 2
    V_0_eff = V_0_rel + sigma * alpha * k / 2

    nu = real_siegert(tau_m, tau_r, V_th_eff, V_0_eff, mu, sigma)

    return nu
def distTotalUserApps(nbr_apps, nbr_users, rand1=False):
    a = 2.  # parameter
    x = arange(1, nbr_apps + 1)
    y = x**(-a) / sps.zetac(a)
    x1 = ["A" + str(l) for l in range(0, nbr_apps)]
    result = y / sum(y) * nbr_users
    _result_dict_app = dict(zip(x1, result.astype(np.int64)))
    # print sum(result)

    if rand1:
        return fnRandApp(_result_dict_app)
        return _result_dict_app
Exemple #27
def nu0_fb433(tau_m, tau_s, tau_r, V_th_rel, V_0_rel, mu, sigma):
    Calcs stationary firing rates for exp PSCs

    Calculates the stationary firing rate of a neuron with synaptic filter of
    time constant tau_s driven by Gaussian noise with mean mu and standard
    deviation sigma, using Eq. 433 in Fourcaud & Brunel (2002) with Taylor
    expansion k = sqrt(tau_s/tau_m).

    tau_m: float
        Membrane time constant in seconds.
    tau_s: float
        Synaptic time constant in seconds.
    tau_r: float
        Refractory time in seconds.
    V_th_rel: float
        Relative threshold potential in mV.
    V_0_rel: float
        Relative reset potential in mV.
    mu: float
        Mean neuron activity in mV.
    sigma: float
        Standard deviation of neuron activity in mV.

        Stationary firing rate in Hz.
    alpha = np.sqrt(2.) * abs(zetac(0.5) + 1)
    x_th = np.sqrt(2.) * (V_th_rel - mu) / sigma
    x_r = np.sqrt(2.) * (V_0_rel - mu) / sigma

    # preventing overflow in np.exponent in Phi(s)
    if x_th > 20.0 / np.sqrt(2.):
        result = nu_0(tau_m, tau_r, V_th_rel, V_0_rel, mu, sigma)
        r = nu_0(tau_m, tau_r, V_th_rel, V_0_rel, mu, sigma)
        dPhi = Phi(x_th) - Phi(x_r)
        result = (r - np.sqrt(tau_s / tau_m) * alpha /
                  (tau_m * np.sqrt(2)) * dPhi * (r * tau_m)**2)
    if math.isnan(result):
        print(mu, sigma, x_th, x_r)
    return result
Exemple #28
    def count50Unfiltered(self, collection, topic):
        word_counter = Counter()
        for obj in collection.find():
            my_string = obj['text']
            words = re.findall(r'\w+', my_string.lower())  # This finds words in the document and convert them in lowercase
            # print(words)

            for word in words:
                word_counter[word] += 1


        ## HISTOGRAM :

        labels, values = zip(*word_counter.most_common(50))
        indexes = np.arange(len(labels))
        plt.bar(indexes, values)
        plt.title("50 more frequent terms (unfiltered) for: " + topic)
        plt.xticks(indexes, labels, size=8, rotation=70)

        ## ZIPF :

        vals = []
        for k, v in word_counter.items():


        a = 2.  # distribution parameter
        # s = np.random.zipf(a,1500)
        s = np.array(vals)

        count, bins, ignored = plt.hist(s[s<50], 50, normed=True)
        x = np.arange(1., 50.)
        y = x ** (-a) / special.zetac(a)
        # plt.xscale('log')
        # plt.yscale('log')
        plt.title('Zipf distribution diagram(log-log scale) for all word, from topic: ' + topic)
        # plt.plot(x, y / max(y), linewidth=2, color='r')
        plt.loglog(x, y / max(y), linewidth=2, color='r')
def transfer_function(omega, params, mu, sigma):
    """Calculates transfer function of leaky-integrate and fire neuron
    model subjected to colored noise according to Eq. 93 in Schuecker et
    al. (2014) "Reduction of colored noise in excitable systems to white
    noise and dynamic boundary conditions" arXiv:1410.8799v3

    taum = params['taum'] * 1e-3
    taus = params['tauf'] * 1e-3
    taur = params['taur'] * 1e-3
    V0 = 0.0
    dV = params['Vth'] - params['V0']
    if omega == 0.:
        # print siegert.d_nu_d_mu_fb433(taum, taus, taur, dV, V0, mu, sigma)
        # print siegert.d_nu_d_mu_numerical(taum, taus, taur, dV, V0, mu, sigma)
        # return siegert.d_nu_d_mu_fb433(taum, taus, taur, dV, V0, mu, sigma)
        return siegert.d_nu_d_mu_numerical(taum, taus, taur, dV, V0, mu, sigma)
        nu0 = siegert.nu_0(taum, taur, dV, V0, mu, sigma)
        nu0_fb = siegert.nu0_fb433(taum, taus, taur, dV, V0, mu, sigma)
        x_t = np.sqrt(2.) * (dV - mu) / sigma
        x_r = np.sqrt(2.) * (V0 - mu) / sigma
        z = complex(-0.5, complex(omega * taum))
        alpha = np.sqrt(2) * abs(zetac(0.5) + 1)
        k = np.sqrt(taus / taum)
        A = alpha * taum * nu0 * k / np.sqrt(2)

        def Phi_x_r(x, y):
            return Phi(z, x) - Phi(z, y)

        def dPhi_x_r(x, y):
            return d_Phi(z, x) - d_Phi(z, y)

        def d2Phi_x_r(x, y):
            return d_2_Phi(z, x) - d_2_Phi(z, y)

        a0 = Phi_x_r(x_t, x_r)
        a1 = dPhi_x_r(x_t, x_r) / a0
        a3 = A / taum / nu0_fb * (-a1**2 + d2Phi_x_r(x_t, x_r) / a0)
        result = np.sqrt(2.) / sigma * nu0_fb / \
            complex(1., omega * taum) * (a1 + a3)

        return result
Exemple #30
def _nu0_fb(tau_m, tau_s, tau_r, V_th_rel, V_0_rel, mu, sigma):
    """Helper function implementing nu0_fb without quantities."""
    pos_parameters = [tau_m, tau_s, tau_r, sigma]
    pos_parameter_names = ['tau_m', 'tau_s', 'tau_r', 'sigma']
    check_if_positive(pos_parameters, pos_parameter_names)
    check_for_valid_k_in_fast_synaptic_regime(tau_m, tau_s)
    if V_th_rel < V_0_rel:
        raise ValueError('V_th should be larger than V_0!')

    # using zetac (zeta-1), because zeta is giving nan result for arguments
    # smaller 1
    alpha = np.sqrt(2) * abs(zetac(0.5) + 1)
    # effective threshold
    # additional factor sigma is canceled in siegert
    V_th1 = V_th_rel + sigma * alpha / 2. * np.sqrt(tau_s / tau_m)
    # effective reset
    V_01 = V_0_rel + sigma * alpha / 2. * np.sqrt(tau_s / tau_m)
    # use standard Siegert with modified threshold and reset
    return nu_0(tau_m, tau_r, V_th1, V_01, mu, sigma)
def distUsersNodes(usersPerApp, dist, nbr_leafs):
    x = arange(1, nbr_leafs + 1)
    x1 = [l for l in range(0, nbr_leafs)]
    if (dist == "Uniform"):
        mu = usersPerApp
        sigma = 0.1
        result = np.random.normal(mu, sigma, nbr_leafs)
        _result_dict_node = refineDictionary(
            dict(zip(x1, result.astype(np.int64))), 5)
    elif (dist == "Zeta"):
        a = 2.  # parameter
        y = x**(-a) / sps.zetac(a)
        result = y / sum(y) * usersPerApp
        _result_dict_node = refineDictionary(
            dict(zip(x1, result.astype(np.int64))), 5)
        print "Put correct distribution function"
    return _result_dict_node
 def plot_zipf_law(self):
     ranks = len(self.vocabulary_tfc)
     values = []
     # convert value of frequency to numpy array
     # frequency = {key: value for key, value in self.vocabulary_tfc.items()[0:1000]}
     frequencies = self.vocabulary_tfc
     for key in frequencies:
     s = values
     s = np.array(s)
     # Calculate zipf and plot the data
     a = 2.  # distribution parameter
     count, bins, ignored = plt.hist(s[s < 20], 20, normed=True)
     x = np.arange(1., 50.)
     #y = x ** (-a) / special.zetac(a)
     y = x**(-a) / special.zetac(a)
     plt.plot(x, y / max(y), linewidth=2, color='r')
     plt.savefig(stat.path + '/Statistics/zipf_law_Graph.png')
Exemple #33
def d_nu_d_mu_fb433(tau_m, tau_s, tau_r, V_th_rel, V_0_rel, mu, sigma):
    Derivative of the stationary firing rates with synaptic filtering
    with respect to the mean input

    See Appendix B in
    Schuecker, J., Diesmann, M. & Helias, M.
    Reduction of colored noise in excitable systems to white
    noise and dynamic boundary conditions. 1–23 (2014).

    tau_m: float
        Membrane time constant in seconds.
    tau_s: float
        Synaptic time constant in seconds.
    tau_r: float
        Refractory time in seconds.
    V_th_rel: float
        Relative threshold potential in mV.
    V_0_rel: float
        Relative reset potential in mV.
    mu: float
        Mean neuron activity in mV.
        Standard deviation of neuron activity in mV.

        Something in Hz/mV.
    alpha = np.sqrt(2) * abs(zetac(0.5) + 1)
    x_th = np.sqrt(2) * (V_th_rel - mu) / sigma
    x_r = np.sqrt(2) * (V_0_rel - mu) / sigma
    integral = 1. / (nu_0(tau_m, tau_r, V_th_rel, V_0_rel, mu, sigma) * tau_m)
    prefactor = np.sqrt(tau_s / tau_m) * alpha / (tau_m * np.sqrt(2))
    dnudmu = d_nu_d_mu(tau_m, tau_r, V_th_rel, V_0_rel, mu, sigma)
    dPhi_prime = Phi_prime_mu(x_th, sigma) - Phi_prime_mu(x_r, sigma)
    dPhi = Phi(x_th) - Phi(x_r)
    phi = dPhi_prime * integral + (2 * np.sqrt(2) / sigma) * dPhi**2
    return dnudmu - prefactor * phi / integral**3
Exemple #34
def zipf_theory(size: int, num_ranks: int, alpha: float = 1.5) -> Line2D:
    Построение теоретического графика Закона Ципфа (Zipf's law) по заданным параметрам

        size (int): Количество слов
        num_ranks (int): Количество ранков слов
        alpha (float): Коэффициент α

        plot (Line2D): График теоретического Закона Ципфа
    x = np.arange(1, num_ranks + 1)
    y = x**(-alpha) / special.zetac(alpha)
    plot = plt.plot(x,
                    y / max(y) * size,
                    label='Теоретический закон')
    return plot
def transfer_function_shift(omega, params, mu, sigma):
    Calculates transfer function according to $\tilde{n}$ in [1]. The
    expression is to first order equivalent to
    `transfer_function_taylor`. Since the underlying theory is
    correct to first order, the two expressions are exchangeable.
    We add it here for completeness, but it is not used in this package.


    # convert from ms to s
    taum = params['taum'] * 1e-3
    tauf = params['tauf'] * 1e-3
    taur = params['taur'] * 1e-3
    Vth = params['Vth']
    V0 = params['V0']

    # convert mu to absolute value (not relative to reset)
    mu += V0

    # effective threshold and reset
    alpha = np.sqrt(2) * abs(zetac(0.5) + 1)
    Vth += sigma * alpha / 2. * np.sqrt(tauf / taum)
    V0 += sigma * alpha / 2. * np.sqrt(tauf / taum)

    # for frequency zero the exact expression is given by the derivative of
    # f-I-curve
    if np.abs(omega - 0.) < 1e-15:
        return siegert.d_nu_d_mu(taum, tauf, taur, Vth, V0, mu, sigma)
        nu = siegert.nu_0(taum, taur, Vth, V0, mu, sigma)

        x_t = np.sqrt(2.) * (Vth - mu) / sigma
        x_r = np.sqrt(2.) * (V0 - mu) / sigma
        z = complex(-0.5, complex(omega * taum))

        frac = dPhi_x_r(z, x_t, x_r) / Phi_x_r(z, x_t, x_r)

        return np.sqrt(2.) / sigma * nu / (1. + complex(0., complex(omega * taum))) * frac
def transfer_function_taylor(omega, params, mu, sigma):
    Calculates transfer function according to Eq. 93 in [2]. The
    results in [3] were obtained with this expression and it is
    used throughout this package


    # convert from ms to s
    taum = params['taum'] * 1e-3
    tauf = params['tauf'] * 1e-3
    taur = params['taur'] * 1e-3
    Vth = params['Vth']
    V0 = params['V0']

    # convert mu to absolute values (not relative to reset)
    mu += V0

    # for frequency zero the exact expression is given by the derivative of
    # f-I-curve
    if np.abs(omega - 0.) < 1e-15:
        return siegert.d_nu_d_mu_fb433(taum, tauf, taur, Vth, V0, mu, sigma)
        nu0 = siegert.nu_0(taum, taur, Vth, V0, mu, sigma)
        nu0_fb = siegert.nu0_fb433(taum, tauf, taur, Vth, V0, mu, sigma)
        x_t = np.sqrt(2.) * (Vth - mu) / sigma
        x_r = np.sqrt(2.) * (V0 - mu) / sigma
        z = complex(-0.5, complex(omega * taum))
        alpha = np.sqrt(2) * abs(zetac(0.5) + 1)
        k = np.sqrt(tauf / taum)
        A = alpha * taum * nu0 * k / np.sqrt(2)
        a0 = Phi_x_r(z, x_t, x_r)
        a1 = dPhi_x_r(z, x_t, x_r) / a0
        a3 = A / taum / nu0_fb * (-a1**2 + d2Phi_x_r(z, x_t, x_r) / a0)
        result = np.sqrt(2.) / sigma * nu0_fb / \
            complex(1., omega * taum) * (a1 + a3)

        return result
def nu0_fb433(tau_m, tau_s, tau_r, V_th, V_r, mu, sigma, switch_fb=-7.):
    """Calculates stationary firing rates for exponential PSCs using
    expression with taylor expansion in k = sqrt(tau_s/tau_m) (Eq. 433
    in Fourcoud & Brunel 2002)

    alpha = np.sqrt(2.) * abs(zetac(0.5) + 1)
    x_th = np.sqrt(2.) * (V_th - mu) / sigma
    x_r = np.sqrt(2.) * (V_r - mu) / sigma

    if x_r < switch_fb:
        return nu0_fb(tau_m, tau_s, tau_r, V_th, V_r, mu, sigma)

    # preventing overflow in np.exponent in Phi(s)
    if x_th > 20.0 / np.sqrt(2.):
        result = nu_0(tau_m, tau_r, V_th, V_r, mu, sigma)
        r = nu_0(tau_m, tau_r, V_th, V_r, mu, sigma)
        dPhi = Phi(x_th) - Phi(x_r)
        result = r - np.sqrt(tau_s / tau_m) * alpha / \
            (tau_m * np.sqrt(2)) * dPhi * (r * tau_m)**2
    if math.isnan(result):
        print mu, sigma, x_th, x_r
    return result
Exemple #38
def test_zetac_inf():
    assert_equal(sc.zetac(np.inf), 0.0)
Exemple #39
def f(x, a):
    return (x**-a)/zetac(a)
def fittingMethod(xdata, ydata, method, initialParameters=None, verbose=False):
	colors = ["red", "green", "blue", "purple", "orange", "magenta", "cyan", "limegreen", "gold"]
	## default return values
	fit, params, label, color = [], [], "", ""
	## prepare data
	xdata = np.array(xdata)
	ydata = np.array(ydata)
	## fitting functions
	powerlaw = lambda x, amp, index: amp * (x**index)
	zipf = lambda x, a: x**(-a)/special.zetac(a)
	diffErr = lambda p, x, y, f: (y - f(p, x))
	quadratic = lambda p, x: p[0] * (p[3]*x)**2 + p[1] * p[3]*x + p[2]
	quadraticErr = lambda p, x, y: abs(quadratic(p,x) -y) / abs( (quadratic(p,x) + y) / 2.)
	nlogn = lambda p, x: p[0] * (p[3]*x * log(p[3]*x)) + p[1] * p[3]*x + p[2]
	nlognErr = lambda p, x, y: abs(nlogn(p,x) -y) / abs( (nlogn(p,x) + y) / 2.)
	## fitting often best done by first converting to a linear equation and then fitting to a straight line:
	##  y = a * x^b   <=>   log(y) = log(a) + b*log(x)
	affine = lambda p, x: p[0] + p[1] * x
	## conversion functions (needed when handling probabilities)
	toProbabilities = lambda data: [1.*val/sum(data) for val in data]
	toFrequencies = lambda data, originalData: [1.*val*sum(originalData) for val in data] 
	## curve_fit on powerlaw
	if method == 0:
		label = "curve_fit on powerlaw"
		pfinal, covar = optimize.curve_fit(powerlaw, xdata, ydata)
		amp, index = pfinal[0], pfinal[1]
		fit = powerlaw(xdata, amp, index)
	## curve_fit on zipf
	elif method == 1:
		y = toProbabilities(ydata) ## convert to probabilities
		label = "curve_fit on zipf"
		pfinal, covar = optimize.curve_fit(zipf, xdata, y)
		s = pfinal[0]
		fit = zipf(xdata, s)
		fit = toFrequencies(fit, ydata) ## restore frequencies
	## polyfit on log with powerlaw
	elif method == 2:
		label = "polyfit on log with powerlaw"
		(a, b) = polyfit(log10(xdata), log10(ydata), 1)
		b = 10. ** b
		fit = powerlaw(xdata, b, a)
	## polyfit on log with zipf
	elif method == 3:
		y = toProbabilities(ydata) ## convert to probabilities
		label = "polyfit on log with zipf"
		(a, b) = polyfit(log10(xdata), log10(y), 1)
		fit = zipf(xdata, -a)
		fit = toFrequencies(fit, ydata) ## restore frequencies
	## leastsq on log with affine + powerlaw
	elif method == 4:
		label = "leastsq on log (for parameters) and powerlaw (for drawing)"
		logx, logy = log10(xdata), log10(ydata)
		pinit = [1.0, -1.0] if initialParameters == None else initialParameters
		out = optimize.leastsq(diffErr, pinit, args=(logx, logy, affine), full_output=1)
		amp, index = 10.0**out[0][0], out[0][1]
		fit = powerlaw(xdata, amp, index)
	## leastsq on log with affine + zipf
	elif method == 5:
		y = toProbabilities(ydata) ## convert to probabilities
		label = "leastsq on log and zipfian model"
		pinit = [1.0, -1.0] if initialParameters == None else initialParameters
		out = optimize.leastsq(diffErr, pinit, args=(log10(xdata), log10(y), affine), full_output=1)
		a =  out[0][1]
		fit = zipf(xdata, -a)
		fit = toFrequencies(fit, ydata) ## restore frequencies
	## polyfit / polyval - 2nd degree
	elif method == 6:
		label = "polyfit / polyval - 2nd degree"
		params= polyfit(xdata, ydata, 2)
		fit = polyval(params, xdata)
	if verbose: print "[INFO] Modelling data using "+label+"[method "+str(method)+"]"
	return fit, label, (params if method == 6 else colors[method])
Exemple #41
def test_zetac_negative_even():
    pts = [-2, -50, -100]
    for p in pts:
        assert_equal(sc.zetac(p), -1)
def zipf_rank_freq(x, a):
	return 1./((x**a)*(1.+zetac(a)))
Exemple #43
f = open('neutr_distr_1.dat', 'w')


Q = 0.782318 #MeV
eps_0 = 1e-10 #MeV
c = 2.99792458e10 #sm / sec
T_in = 1e10 #K
T_fin = 3e7
tau = 880.1 #sec
T_0 = 2.725 #K
hpl = 1.054e-27 #erg * sec
k = 1.38e-16 #erg / K
const = 2 * (zetac(3) + 1) * 6.1e-10 * 30 * 1.998 * 1e20 * c / tau / Q ** 5 / pi ** 2 / 4

fin_result = []
for i in range(len(energ)):
    eps_0 = energ[i]
    def fn(x):
        return (k * x / hpl / c) ** 3 * spline(x) / x ** 3 * (Q - eps_0 * x / T_0) ** 2
    result = quad(fn, 3e7, 1e10)
    fin_result.append(result[0] * const * eps_0 ** 2)
    f.write(str(eps_0) + ',' + '	' + str(fin_result[i]) + '\n')

fin_result_1 = []
for i in range(len(energ_1)):
    eps_0 = energ_1[i]
    def fn(x):
        return (k * x / hpl / c) ** 3 * spline(x) / x ** 3 * (Q - eps_0 * x / T_0) ** 2
f = open('neutr_distr_1.dat', 'w')


Q = 0.782318 #MeV
eps_0 = 1e-10 #MeV
c = 2.99792458e10 #sm / sec
T_in = 1e10 #K
T_fin = 3e7
tau = 880.1 #sec
T_0 = 2.725 #K
hpl = 1.054e-27 #erg * sec
k = 1.38e-16 #erg / K
b_1 = 5929899500 #K
const_1 = pi * 2 * (zetac(3) + 1) * 6.1e-10 * 30 * 1.998 * 1e20 * c / tau / Q ** 5 / pi ** 2 / (4 * pi)
const_2 = pi * 2 * (zetac(3) + 1) * 6.1e-10 * 30 * 3.56 * 1e20 * c / tau / Q ** 5 / pi ** 2 / (4 * pi)

fin_result = []
for i in range(len(energ)):
    eps_0 = energ[i]
    def fn(x):
        return (k * x / hpl / c) ** 3 * spline(x) / x ** 3 * (Q - eps_0 * x / T_0) ** 2
    result_1 = quad(fn, 3e7, b_1)
    result_2 = quad(fn, b_1, 1e10)
    fin_result.append((result_1[0] * const_1 + result_2[0] * const_2) * eps_0 ** 2)
    f.write(str(eps_0) + ',' + '	' + str(fin_result[i]) + '\n')

fin_result_1 = []
for i in range(len(energ_1)):
    eps_0 = energ_1[i]
_tckb = interpolate.splrep(_xb, _yb)
def Jb_spline(X,n=0):
    """Jb interpolated from a saved spline. Input is (m/T)^2."""
    X = numpy.array(X, copy=False)  
    x = X.ravel()
    y = interpolate.splev(x,_tckb, der=n).ravel()
    y[x < _xbmin] = interpolate.splev(_xbmin,_tckb, der=n)
    y[x > _xbmax] = 0
    return y.reshape(X.shape)

# Now for the low x expansion (require that n <= 50)
a,b,c,d = -pi**4/45, pi*pi/12, -pi/6, -1/32.
logab = 1.5 - 2*euler_gamma + 2*log(4*pi)
l = numpy.arange(50)+1
g = -2*pi**3.5 * (-1)**l*(1+special.zetac(2*l+1))\
lowCoef_b = (a,b,c,d,logab,l,g)
del (a,b,c,d,logab,l,g) # clean up name space

a,b,d = -7*pi**4/360, pi*pi/24, 1/32.
logaf = 1.5 - 2*euler_gamma + 2*log(pi)
l = numpy.arange(50)+1
g = .25*pi**3.5 * (-1)**l*(1+special.zetac(2*l+1))\
lowCoef_f = (a,b,d,logaf,l,g)
del (a,b,d,logaf,l,g) # clean up name space

def Jb_low(x,n=20):
    """Jb calculated using the low-x (high-T) expansion."""
    (a,b,c,d,logab,l,g) = lowCoef_b
Exemple #46
def BB_Err2_Qv(p, nu, y, dy):
	Td, nu0, gam, sqtfR  = p
	#Td, nu0, gam, fcov  = p

	#sqtfR = sqtfR#*pc2cm
	nu0 = nu0*1.*10**14
	Dst = 1.4*10**9#*pc2cm
	Lav = 6.78*10**46
	print p
	## make sure R is consistent with Temp there!
	qIR = (1./nu0)**(gam)
	from scipy import special as spc
	R = ma.sqrt(  Lav / (  2.* ma.pi * 8. * ma.pi  * qIR * h/c/c * (kb/h)**(4.+gam) * spc.gamma(4+gam) * (spc.zetac(4+gam)+1.) * Td**(4+gam) ) )
	if (gam < 0):
		chi2 = np.inf
		#Rprint = sqtfR/pc2cm
		#print Rprint
		pref = np.ones(len(nu))
		for i in range(len(nu)):
			pref[i] = min(1., (nu[i]/nu0)**(gam))
		chi = (y - pref*Bv(nu, Td)* 4.*ma.pi**(sqtfR/Dst)**2 )/ dy
		#chi = (y - pref*Bv(nu, Td)* fcov*(R/Dst)**2 )/ dy
		chi2 = sum(chi*chi)

	print chi2
	return chi2
import numpy as np

a = 2.  # parameter
s = np.random.zipf(a, 1000)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.special as sps

count, bins, ignored = plt.hist(s[s < 50], 50, normed=True)
x = np.arange(1., 50.)
y = x ** (-a) / sps.zetac(a)
plt.plot(x, y / max(y), linewidth=2, color='r')
Exemple #48
#mathematica compatibility functions:
Zeta=lambda x: special.zetac(x)+1

#funcion cinematica 
#(* strong coupling constant *)
v=lambda y: 1-23/3*alphasz/(2*Pi)*Log(mz/y);
alphas=lambda y:alphasz/v(y)*(1-116/23*alphasz/(4*Pi)*Log(v(y))/v(y));
#(* operators at mw scale *)
yth=lambda mH: (mt/mH)**2;

#(* mH=500; U2=1; U1=1; *)
_tckb = interpolate.splrep(_xb, _yb)
def Jb_spline(X,n=0):
    """Jb interpolated from a saved spline. Input is (m/T)^2."""
    X = numpy.array(X, copy=False)
    x = X.ravel()
    y = interpolate.splev(x,_tckb, der=n).ravel()
    y[x < _xbmin] = interpolate.splev(_xbmin,_tckb, der=n)
    y[x > _xbmax] = 0
    return y.reshape(X.shape)

# Now for the low x expansion (require that n <= 50)
a,b,c,d = -pi**4/45, pi*pi/12, -pi/6, -1/32.
logab = 1.5 - 2*euler_gamma + 2*log(4*pi)
l = numpy.arange(50)+1
g = (-2*pi**3.5 * (-1)**l*(1+special.zetac(2*l+1)) *
lowCoef_b = (a,b,c,d,logab,l,g)
del (a,b,c,d,logab,l,g)  # clean up name space

a,b,d = -7*pi**4/360, pi*pi/24, 1/32.
logaf = 1.5 - 2*euler_gamma + 2*log(pi)
l = numpy.arange(50)+1
g = (.25*pi**3.5 * (-1)**l*(1+special.zetac(2*l+1)) *
lowCoef_f = (a,b,d,logaf,l,g)
del (a,b,d,logaf,l,g)  # clean up name space

def Jb_low(x,n=20):
    """Jb calculated using the low-x (high-T) expansion."""