def plot_A(self, histtype="stepfilled"): if histtype=="step": ALPHAG=0.5 else: ALPHAG=ALPHA plot_hist(plt, self.gA, clr=self.clrs[0], alp=ALPHAG, ht=histtype) sG=np.sqrt(np.var(self.gAi)) mG=np.mean(self.gAi) amin, amax = plt.xlim() alist=np.arange(0.0, np.max(self.fgNLA), 0.001) theoryGdist=chi.pdf(alist, 3,scale=sG) plt.plot(alist, theoryGdist,self.clrs[0],[0], linewidth=LW, label=self.TYPELABEL+r"$=0$") for i in range(len(self.fgnls)): if (self.theoryplot==False): lbl=self.TYPELABEL+"="+NtoSTR(self.fgnls[i]) else: lbl=None plot_hist(plt, self.fgNLA[i], clr=self.clrs[i+1], alp=ALPHA, labl=lbl) if (self.theoryplot): theorynGdist=chi.pdf(alist, 3, scale=np.sqrt((self.A1const*self.fgnls[i])**2.0+sG**2.0)) plt.plot(alist, theorynGdist, self.clrs[i+1],[i+1], linewidth=LW, label=self.TYPELABEL+"="+NtoSTR(self.fgnls[i])) # theory plots #plt.xlim(0.0, 0.2) #plt.xticks([0.02, 0.04, 0.06, 0.08, 0.10]) plt.xlabel(r'$A$') plt.ylabel(r'$p(A)$') plt.legend(fontsize=20)
def error_multi_output_regressor(actual, prediction_gbr, prediction_mlp, prediction_rfr): distance_error_gbr = [] distance_error_mlp = [] distance_error_rfr = [] for i in range(len(prediction_gbr)): error_gbr = pd.distance_formula(actual[i, 0], actual[i, 1], prediction_gbr[i, 0], prediction_gbr[i, 1]) distance_error_gbr.append(error_gbr) for i in range(len(prediction_mlp)): error_mlp = pd.distance_formula(actual[i, 0], actual[i, 1], prediction_mlp[i, 0], prediction_mlp[i, 1]) distance_error_mlp.append(error_mlp) for i in range(len(prediction_rfr)): error_rfr = pd.distance_formula(actual[i, 0], actual[i, 1], prediction_rfr[i, 0], prediction_rfr[i, 1]) distance_error_rfr.append(error_rfr) plt.figure(figsize=(10, 7)) n0, bins0, patches0 = plt.hist(distance_error_gbr, 10, normed=True, facecolor='green', edgecolor='black', alpha=0.4, label='GBR') n1, bins1, patches1 = plt.hist(distance_error_mlp, 10, normed=True, facecolor='blue', edgecolor='black', alpha=0.4, label='MLP') n2, bin2, patches2 = plt.hist(distance_error_rfr, 10, normed=True, facecolor='red', edgecolor='black', alpha=0.4, label='RFR') y0 = chi.pdf(bins0, 2) y1 = chi.pdf(bins1, 2) y2 = chi.pdf(bin2, 2) plt.plot(bins0, y0, 'g--', linewidth=4) plt.plot(bins1, y1, 'b-.', linewidth=4) plt.plot(bin2, y2, 'r:', linewidth=4) plt.legend(loc='best') plt.xlabel(r'distance: $\sqrt{(x_p-x)^2 + (y_p-y})^2}$') plt.title("Prediction Error")
def art_qi2(img, airmask, ncoils=12, erodemask=True): """ Calculates **qi2**, the distance between the distribution of noise voxel (non-artifact background voxels) intensities, and a centered Chi distribution. :param numpy.ndarray img: input data :param numpy.ndarray airmask: input air mask without artifacts """ from matplotlib import rc import seaborn as sn import matplotlib.pyplot as plt rc('font',**{'family':'sans-serif','sans-serif':['Helvetica']}) # rc('text', usetex=True) if erodemask: struc = nd.generate_binary_structure(3, 2) # Perform an opening operation on the background data. airmask = nd.binary_erosion(airmask, structure=struc).astype(np.uint8) # Artifact-free air region data = img[airmask > 0] data = data[data < np.percentile(data, 99.5)] maxvalue = int(data.max()) nbins = maxvalue if maxvalue < 100 else 100 # Estimate data pdf hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(data, density=True, bins=nbins) bin_centers = [np.mean(bin_edges[i:i+1]) for i in range(len(bin_edges)-1)] max_pos = np.argmax(hist) # Fit central chi distribution param =, 2*ncoils, loc=bin_centers[max_pos]) pdf_fitted = chi.pdf(bin_centers, *param[:-2], loc=param[-2], scale=param[-1]) # Write out figure of the fitting out_file = op.abspath('background_fit.png') fig = plt.figure() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) sn.distplot(data, bins=nbins, norm_hist=True, kde=False, ax=ax1) #_, bins, _ = ax1.hist(data, nbins, normed=True, color='gray', linewidth=0) ax1.plot(bin_centers, pdf_fitted, 'k--', linewidth=1.2) fig.suptitle('Noise distribution on the air mask, and fitted chi distribution') ax1.set_xlabel('Intensity') ax1.set_ylabel('Frequency') fig.savefig(out_file, format='png', dpi=300) plt.close() # Find t2 (intensity at half width, right side) ihw = 0.5 * hist[max_pos] t2idx = 0 for i in range(max_pos + 1, len(bin_centers)): if hist[i] < ihw: t2idx = i break # Compute goodness-of-fit (gof) return (float(np.abs(hist[t2idx:] - pdf_fitted[t2idx:]).sum() / len(pdf_fitted[t2idx:])), out_file)
def pdf(self, A, fNL): """ for power asymmetry amplitude A as the variable, and fNL as the parameter the pdf is a Maxwell distribution """ if (fNL>=0.0): return chi.pdf(A, 3, scale=np.sqrt((self.A1const*fNL)**2.0+self.sigmaG**2.0)) else: return 0.0
def spectra_error(param, args=()): #args = (F_model,F_noise,k,F_obs) args_theo = args[:-1] F_obs = args[-1] k_1 = args[-2] param_chi = param[-1] param_theo = param[:-2] F_theo = spectra_theo(param_theo, args=args_theo) #Chi-squared error F_obs_f = F_obs * k_1**param[-2] error = param_chi * F_obs_f / F_theo return chi.pdf(error, param_chi)
def pdf(self, A, fNL): """ for power asymmetry amplitude A as the variable, and fNL as the parameter the pdf is a Maxwell distribution """ if (fNL >= 0.0): return chi.pdf(A, 3, scale=np.sqrt((self.A1const * fNL)**2.0 + self.sigmaG**2.0)) else: return 0.0
def test_chi(self): from scipy.stats import chi import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) df = 78 mean, var, skew, kurt = chi.stats(df, moments='mvsk') x = np.linspace(chi.ppf(0.01, df), chi.ppf(0.99, df), 100) ax.plot(x, chi.pdf(x, df), 'r-', lw=5, alpha=0.6, label='chi pdf') rv = chi(df) ax.plot(x, rv.pdf(x), 'k-', lw=2, label='frozen pdf') vals = chi.ppf([0.001, 0.5, 0.999], df) np.allclose([0.001, 0.5, 0.999], chi.cdf(vals, df)) r = chi.rvs(df, size=1000) ax.hist(r, density=True, histtype='stepfilled', alpha=0.2) ax.legend(loc='best', frameon=False) self.assertEqual(str(ax), "AxesSubplot(0.125,0.11;0.775x0.77)")
def art_qi2(img, airmask, artmask, ncoils=1): """ Calculates **qi2**, the distance between the distribution of noise voxel (non-artifact background voxels) intensities, and a centered Chi distribution. :param numpy.ndarray img: input data :param numpy.ndarray airmask: input air mask without artifacts """ # Artifact-free air region data = img[airmask > 0] # Estimate data pdf hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(data, density=True, bins=128) bin_centers = [ np.mean(bin_edges[i:i + 1]) for i in range(len(bin_edges) - 1) ] max_pos = np.argmax(hist) # Fit central chi distribution param =, 2 * ncoils, loc=bin_centers[max_pos]) pdf_fitted = chi.pdf(bin_centers, *param[:-2], loc=param[-2], scale=param[-1]) # Find t2 (intensity at half width, right side) ihw = 0.5 * hist[max_pos] t2idx = 0 for i in range(max_pos + 1, len(bin_centers)): if hist[i] < ihw: t2idx = i break # Compute goodness-of-fit (gof) gof = np.abs(hist[t2idx:] - pdf_fitted[t2idx:]).sum() / airmask.sum() return float(art_qi1(airmask, artmask) + gof)
def _pdf_notTruncated(self, z, dps): scale = self._scale k = self._k dps = self._dps return chi.pdf(z/scale, k)
def art_qi2(img, airmask, ncoils=12, erodemask=True, out_file='qi2_fitting.txt', min_voxels=1e3): r""" Calculates :math:`\text{QI}_2`, based on the goodness-of-fit of a centered :math:`\chi^2` distribution onto the intensity distribution of non-artifactual background (within the "hat" mask): .. math :: \chi^2_n = \frac{2}{(\sigma \sqrt{2})^{2n} \, (n - 1)!}x^{2n - 1}\, e^{-\frac{x}{2}} where :math:`n` is the number of coil elements. :param numpy.ndarray img: input data :param numpy.ndarray airmask: input air mask without artifacts """ out_file = op.abspath(out_file) open(out_file, 'a').close() if erodemask: struc = nd.generate_binary_structure(3, 2) # Perform an opening operation on the background data. airmask = nd.binary_erosion(airmask, structure=struc).astype(np.uint8) # Artifact-free air region data = img[airmask > 0] # Background can only be fit if we have a min number of voxels if len(data[data > 0]) < min_voxels: return 0.0, out_file # Estimate data pdf dmax = np.percentile(data[data > 0], 99.9) hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(data[data > 0], density=True, range=(0.0, dmax), bins='doane') bin_centers = [ float(np.mean(bin_edges[i:i + 1])) for i in range(len(bin_edges) - 1) ] max_pos = np.argmax(hist) json_out = {'x': bin_centers, 'y': [float(v) for v in hist]} # Fit central chi distribution param =[data > 0], 2 * ncoils, loc=bin_centers[max_pos]) pdf_fitted = chi.pdf(bin_centers, *param[:-2], loc=param[-2], scale=param[-1]) json_out['y_hat'] = [float(v) for v in pdf_fitted] # Find t2 (intensity at half width, right side) ihw = 0.5 * hist[max_pos] t2idx = 0 for i in range(max_pos + 1, len(bin_centers)): if hist[i] < ihw: t2idx = i break json_out['x_cutoff'] = float(bin_centers[t2idx]) # Compute goodness-of-fit (gof) gof = float( np.abs(hist[t2idx:] - pdf_fitted[t2idx:]).sum() / len(pdf_fitted[t2idx:])) # Clip values for sanity gof = 1.0 if gof > 1.0 else gof gof = 0.0 if gof < 0.0 else gof json_out['gof'] = gof with open(out_file, 'w' if PY3 else 'wb') as ofd: json.dump(json_out, ofd) return gof, out_file
def ipe_errors(): #T = fits_table('') #T.cut((T.ra < 249.85) * (T.dec < 17.65)) #print 'Cut to', len(T) ps = PlotSequence('ipe') #T = fits_table('') T = fits_table('') print len(T), 'objects' print 'Runs', np.unique( print 'Camcols', np.unique(T.camcol) print 'Fields', np.unique(T.field) T1 = T[ == 5183] T2 = T[ == 5224] plt.clf() plt.plot(T1.ra, T1.dec, 'r.', alpha=0.1) plt.plot(T2.ra, T2.dec, 'bx', alpha=0.1) ps.savefig() for T in [T1,T2]: # self-matches: print 'T:', len(T) R = 0.5 / 3600. I,J,d = match_radec(T.ra, T.dec, T.ra, T.dec, R, notself=True) print len(I), 'matches' K = (I < J) I = I[K] J = J[K] print len(I), 'symmetric' print sum(T.field[I] == T.field[J]), 'are in the same field' #plt.clf() #plt.plot(T.rowc[I], T.colc[I], 'r.') #plt.plot(T.rowc[J], T.colc[J], 'b.') #plt.savefig('ipe2.png') keep = np.ones(len(T), bool) keep[I[T.field[I] != T.field[J]]] = False T.cut(keep) print 'Cut to', len(T), 'with no matches in other fields' R = 1./3600. I,J,d = match_radec(T1.ra, T1.dec, T2.ra, T2.dec, R) print len(I), 'matches' dra = (T1.ra[I] - T2.ra[J])*np.cos(np.deg2rad(T1.dec[I])) * 3600. ddec = (T1.dec[I] - T2.dec[J]) * 3600. #plt.clf() #loghist(dra, ddec, 100, range=((-1,1),(-1,1))) #ps.savefig() print 'Range of Decs:', T1.dec.min(), T1.dec.max(), T2.dec.min(), T2.dec.max() ras = np.cos(np.deg2rad(np.append(T1.dec, T2.dec))) print 'Range of RAscales:', ras.min(), ras.max() rascale = np.mean(ras) X1 = np.vstack((T1.ra * rascale, T1.dec)).T X2 = np.vstack((T2.ra * rascale, T2.dec)).T inds,d = nearest(X1, X2, R) J = np.flatnonzero(inds > -1) I = inds[J] print 'Nearest-neighbour matches:', len(I) d = np.sqrt(d[J]) print 'd', d.shape print 'I,J', len(I), len(J) print 'd max', np.max(d), 'min', np.min(d) print 'R', R assert(np.all(d <= R)) assert(np.all(J >= 0)) assert(np.all(I >= 0)) dx = X1[I] - X2[J] print 'dx', dx.shape dr = np.hypot(dx[:,0], dx[:,1]) print 'dr', dr.shape assert(np.all(dr <= R)) dra = (T1.ra [I] - T2.ra [J]) * rascale * 3600. ddec = (T1.dec[I] - T2.dec[J]) * 3600. plt.clf() loghist(dra, ddec, 100, range=((-1,1),(-1,1))) ps.savefig() M1 = T1[I] M2 = T2[J] #print 'All T1', T1.rowc.min(), T1.rowc.max(), T1.colc.min(), T1.colc.max() #print 'Matched T1', T1.rowc[I].min(), T1.rowc[I].max(), T1.colc[I].min(), T1.colc[I].max() #print 'All T2', T2.rowc.min(), T2.rowc.max(), T2.colc.min(), T2.colc.max() #print 'Matched T2', T2.rowc[J].min(), T2.rowc[J].max(), T2.colc[J].min(), T2.colc[J].max() # Errors are in arcsec. rerr1 = M1.raerr derr1 = M1.decerr rerr2 = M2.raerr derr2 = M2.decerr hi = 6. dscale = 1./np.sqrt(2.) plt.clf() n,b,p = plt.hist(dscale * np.hypot(dra, ddec) / np.hypot(rerr1, derr1), 100, range=(0, hi), histtype='step', color='r') plt.hist(dscale * np.hypot(dra, ddec) / np.hypot(rerr2, derr2), 100, range=(0, hi), histtype='step', color='b') xx = np.linspace(0, hi, 500) from scipy.stats import chi yy = chi.pdf(xx, 2) plt.plot(xx, yy * len(dra) * (b[1]-b[0]), 'k-') plt.xlim(0,hi) plt.xlabel('N sigma of RA,Dec repeat observations') plt.ylabel('Number of sources') ps.savefig() #loghist(np.hypot(dra, ddec), np.sqrt(np.hypot(rerr1, derr1) * np.hypot(rerr2, derr2)), 100, # clamp=((0,1),(0,1))) loghist(np.hypot(dra, ddec), (np.hypot(rerr1, derr1) + np.hypot(rerr2, derr2)) / 2., 100, range=((0,1),(0,1)), clamp=True) plt.xlabel('Inter-ipe difference: RA,Dec (arcsec)') plt.ylabel('Photo errors: RA,Dec (arcsec)') ps.savefig() loghist(np.log10(np.hypot(dra, ddec)), np.log10((np.hypot(rerr1, derr1) + np.hypot(rerr2, derr2)) / 2.), 100, range=((-3,0),(-3,0)), clamp=True) plt.xlabel('Inter-ipe difference: log RA,Dec (arcsec)') plt.ylabel('Photo errors: log RA,Dec (arcsec)') ps.savefig() plt.clf() n,b,p = plt.hist(dscale * np.abs(M1.psfmag_r - M2.psfmag_r) / M1.psfmagerr_r, 100, range=(0,hi), histtype='step', color='r') plt.xlabel('N sigma of psfmag_r') xx = np.linspace(0, hi, 500) yy = 2./np.sqrt(2.*np.pi)*np.exp(-0.5 * xx**2) print 'yy', sum(yy) plt.plot(xx, yy * len(M1) * (b[1]-b[0]), 'k-') ps.savefig() # Galaxy-star matches K1 = (M1.type == 3) * (M2.type == 6) K2 = (M1.type == 6) * (M2.type == 3) G = merge_tables((M1[K1], M2[K2])) S = merge_tables((M2[K1], M1[K2])) print 'G types:', np.unique(G.type) print 'S types:', np.unique(S.type) mhi,mlo = 24,10 K = ((G.modelmag_r < mhi) * (S.psfmag_r < mhi) * (G.modelmag_r > mlo) * (S.psfmag_r > mlo)) print 'Star/gal mismatches with good mags:', np.sum(K) # gm = G.modelmag_r.copy() # gm[np.logical_or(gm > mhi, gm < mlo)] = 25. # sm = S.psfmag_r.copy() # sm[np.logical_or(sm > mhi, sm < mlo)] = 25. # # #loghist(G.modelmag_r[K], S.psfmag_r[K], 100) # loghist(gm, sm, 100) loghist(G.modelmag_r, S.psfmag_r, clamp=((mlo,mhi),(mlo,mhi)), clamp_to=((mlo-1,mhi+1),(mlo-1,mhi+1))) ax = plt.axis() plt.axhline(mhi, color='b') plt.axvline(mhi, color='b') plt.plot(*([ [min(ax[0],ax[2]), max(ax[1],ax[3])] ]*2) + ['b-',]) plt.axis(ax) plt.xlabel('Galaxy modelmag_r') plt.ylabel('Star psfmag_r') plt.title('Star/Galaxy ipe mismatches') ps.savefig() K = ((G.modelmag_r < mhi) * (G.modelmag_r > mlo)) plt.clf() KK = (G.fracdev_r < 0.5) kwargs = dict(bins=100, range=(np.log10(0.01), np.log10(30.)), histtype='step') plt.hist(np.log10(G.exprad_r[K * KK]), color='r', **kwargs) KK = (G.fracdev_r >= 0.5) plt.hist(np.log10(G.devrad_r[K * KK]), color='b', **kwargs) plt.xlabel('*rad_r (arcsec)') loc,lab = plt.xticks() plt.xticks(loc, ['%g' % (10.**x) for x in loc]) plt.title('Star/Galaxy ipe mismatches') ps.savefig() # Pairs where both are galaxies K = ((M1.type == 3) * (M2.type == 3)) G1 = M1[K] G2 = M2[K] print len(G1), 'pairs where both are galaxies' #for plt.clf() c,cerr = 'modelmag_r', 'modelmagerr_r' n,b,p = plt.hist(dscale * np.abs(G1.get(c) - G2.get(c)) / G1.get(cerr), 100, range=(0,hi), histtype='step', color='r') plt.xlabel('N sigma of ' + c) yy = np.exp(-0.5 * b**2) yy *= sum(n) / np.sum(yy) plt.plot(b, yy, 'k-') ps.savefig() loghist(np.abs(G1.get(c) - G2.get(c)), G1.get(cerr), 100, range=((0,2),(0,2)), clamp=True) plt.xlabel('Inter-ipe difference: ' + c) plt.ylabel('Photo error: ' + cerr) ps.savefig() loghist(np.log10(np.abs(G1.get(c) - G2.get(c))), np.log10(G1.get(cerr)), 100, range=((-3,1),(-3,1)), clamp=True) plt.xlabel('Inter-ipe difference: ' + c) plt.ylabel('Photo error: ' + cerr) ps.savefig() plt.clf() loghist(G1.fracdev_r, G2.fracdev_r, 100, range=((0,1),(0,1)), clamp=True) plt.xlabel('G1 fracdev_r') plt.ylabel('G2 fracdev_r') ps.savefig() dscale = 1. I = (G1.fracdev_r < 0.5) * (G2.fracdev_r < 0.5) print sum(I), 'of', len(G1), 'both have fracdev_r < 0.5' E1 = G1[I] E2 = G2[I] I = (G1.fracdev_r >= 0.5) * (G2.fracdev_r >= 0.5) print sum(I), 'of', len(G1), 'both have fracdev_r >= 0.5' D1 = G1[I] D2 = G2[I] for t,H1,H2 in [('exp',E1,E2),('dev',D1,D2)]: c,cerr = '%smag_r'%t, '%smagerr_r'%t dval = np.abs(H1.get(c) - H2.get(c)) derr = H1.get(cerr) rng = ((0,1),(0,1)) loghist(dval, derr, 100, range=rng, clamp=True) plt.xlabel('Inter-ipe difference: ' + c) plt.ylabel('Photo error: ' + cerr) ps.savefig() loghist(np.log10(dval), np.log10(derr), 100, range=((-3,0),(-3,0)), clamp=True) plt.xlabel('Inter-ipe difference: log ' + c) plt.ylabel('Photo error: log ' + cerr) ps.savefig() c,cerr = '%sab_r'%t, '%saberr_r'%t dval = np.abs(H1.get(c) - H2.get(c)) derr = H1.get(cerr) rng = ((0,1),(0,1)) loghist(dval, derr, 100, range=rng, clamp=True) plt.xlabel('Inter-ipe difference: ' + c) plt.ylabel('Photo error: ' + cerr) ps.savefig() loghist(np.log10(dval), np.log10(derr), 100, range=((-3,0),(-3,0)), clamp=True) plt.xlabel('Inter-ipe difference: log ' + c) plt.ylabel('Photo error: log ' + cerr) ps.savefig() c,cerr = '%srad_r'%t, '%sraderr_r'%t dval = np.abs(H1.get(c) - H2.get(c)) derr = H1.get(cerr) rng = ((0,30),(0,30)) loghist(dval, derr, 100, range=rng, clamp=True) plt.xlabel('Inter-ipe difference: ' + c) plt.ylabel('Photo error: ' + cerr) ps.savefig() loghist(np.log10(dval), np.log10(derr), 100, range=((-2,2),(-2,2)), clamp=True) plt.xlabel('Inter-ipe difference: log ' + c) plt.ylabel('Photo error: log ' + cerr) ps.savefig() return I,J,d = match_radec(T.ra, T.dec, T.ra, T.dec, 0.5/3600., notself=True) print len(I), 'matches' plt.clf() loghist((T.ra[I] - T.ra[J])*np.cos(np.deg2rad(T.dec[I])) * 3600., (T.dec[I] - T.dec[J])*3600., 100, range=((-1,1),(-1,1))) plt.savefig('ipe4.png') K = (I < J) I = I[K] J = J[K] d = d[K] print 'Cut to', len(I), 'symmetric' plt.clf() plt.plot(T.ra, T.dec, 'r.') plt.plot(T.ra[I], T.dec[I], 'bo', mec='b', mfc='none') plt.savefig('ipe2.png') dra,ddec = [],[] raerr,decerr = [],[] RC = * 10 + T.camcol RCF = * 10 * 1000 + T.camcol * 1000 + T.field for i in np.unique(I): K = (I == i) JJ = J[K] print print 'Source', i, 'has', len(JJ), 'matches' print ' ', np.sum(RC[JJ] == RC[i]), 'in the same run/camcol' print ' ', np.sum(RCF[JJ] == RCF[i]), 'in the same run/camcol/field' orc = (RC[JJ] != RC[i]) print ' ', np.sum(orc), 'are in other run/camcols' print ' ', len(np.unique(RC[JJ][orc])), 'unique other run/camcols' print ' ', len(np.unique(RCF[JJ][orc])), 'unique other run/camcols/fields' print ' other sources:', JJ dra.extend((T.ra[JJ] - T.ra[i]) * np.cos(np.deg2rad(T.dec[i]))) ddec.extend(T.dec[JJ] - T.dec[i]) raerr.extend ([T.raerr [i]] * len(JJ)) decerr.extend([T.decerr[i]] * len(JJ)) dra,ddec = np.array(dra), np.array(ddec) raerr,decerr = np.array(raerr), np.array(decerr) plt.clf() plt.hist(np.hypot(dra,ddec) / np.hypot(raerr,decerr), 100) plt.savefig('ipe3.png')
cdf = chi.cdf(r_grid, df=k) bin_prob = np.diff(cdf) return bin_prob n = 10000 eps_mass = 0.001 k1 = 2 k2 = 100 r_grid1 = get_r_grid(k1, n, get_r_max(k1, eps_mass)) r_grid2 = get_r_grid(k2, n, get_r_max(k2, eps_mass)) bin_prob = get_bin_prob(k2, r_grid2) chi_pdf = chi.pdf(r_grid2[:-1], df=k2) r_grid2B = r_grid1**(float(k1) / k2) c = r_grid2[-1] / r_grid2B[-1] import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # noqa: E402, mpl gives no other choice :( plt.plot(r_grid2[:-1], bin_prob / np.diff(r_grid2), 'b.-') plt.plot(r_grid2[:-1], chi_pdf, 'r.-') plt.figure() plt.plot(r_grid1[:-1], bin_prob / np.diff(r_grid1), 'b.-') chi_pdf = chi.pdf(c * r_grid1[:-1]**(float(k1) / k2), df=k2) plt.plot(r_grid1[:-1], chi_pdf * (np.diff(r_grid2) / np.diff(r_grid1)), 'r.-') #x = np.arange(0,len(r_grid2))
from scipy.stats import chi import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) # Calculate a few first moments: df = 78 mean, var, skew, kurt = chi.stats(df, moments='mvsk') # Display the probability density function (``pdf``): x = np.linspace(chi.ppf(0.01, df), chi.ppf(0.99, df), 100) ax.plot(x, chi.pdf(x, df), 'r-', lw=5, alpha=0.6, label='chi pdf') # Alternatively, the distribution object can be called (as a function) # to fix the shape, location and scale parameters. This returns a "frozen" # RV object holding the given parameters fixed. # Freeze the distribution and display the frozen ``pdf``: rv = chi(df) ax.plot(x, rv.pdf(x), 'k-', lw=2, label='frozen pdf') # Check accuracy of ``cdf`` and ``ppf``: vals = chi.ppf([0.001, 0.5, 0.999], df) np.allclose([0.001, 0.5, 0.999], chi.cdf(vals, df)) # True # Generate random numbers:
def art_qi2(img, airmask, ncoils=12, erodemask=True, out_file='qi2_fitting.txt', min_voxels=1e3): r""" Calculates :math:`\text{QI}_2`, based on the goodness-of-fit of a centered :math:`\chi^2` distribution onto the intensity distribution of non-artifactual background (within the "hat" mask): .. math :: \chi^2_n = \frac{2}{(\sigma \sqrt{2})^{2n} \, (n - 1)!}x^{2n - 1}\, e^{-\frac{x}{2}} where :math:`n` is the number of coil elements. :param numpy.ndarray img: input data :param numpy.ndarray airmask: input air mask without artifacts """ out_file = op.abspath(out_file) open(out_file, 'a').close() if erodemask: struc = nd.generate_binary_structure(3, 2) # Perform an opening operation on the background data. airmask = nd.binary_erosion(airmask, structure=struc).astype(np.uint8) # Artifact-free air region data = img[airmask > 0] # Background can only be fit if we have a min number of voxels if len(data[data > 0]) < min_voxels: return 0.0, out_file # Estimate data pdf dmax = np.percentile(data[data > 0], 99.9) hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(data[data > 0], density=True, range=(0.0, dmax), bins='doane') bin_centers = [float(np.mean(bin_edges[i:i+1])) for i in range(len(bin_edges)-1)] max_pos = np.argmax(hist) json_out = { 'x': bin_centers, 'y': [float(v) for v in hist] } # Fit central chi distribution param =[data > 0], 2*ncoils, loc=bin_centers[max_pos]) pdf_fitted = chi.pdf(bin_centers, *param[:-2], loc=param[-2], scale=param[-1]) json_out['y_hat'] = [float(v) for v in pdf_fitted] # Find t2 (intensity at half width, right side) ihw = 0.5 * hist[max_pos] t2idx = 0 for i in range(max_pos + 1, len(bin_centers)): if hist[i] < ihw: t2idx = i break json_out['x_cutoff'] = float(bin_centers[t2idx]) # Compute goodness-of-fit (gof) gof = float(np.abs(hist[t2idx:] - pdf_fitted[t2idx:]).sum() / len(pdf_fitted[t2idx:])) # Clip values for sanity gof = 1.0 if gof > 1.0 else gof gof = 0.0 if gof < 0.0 else gof json_out['gof'] = gof with open(out_file, 'w' if PY3 else 'wb') as ofd: json.dump(json_out, ofd) return gof, out_file
def ipe_errors(): #T = fits_table('') #T.cut((T.ra < 249.85) * (T.dec < 17.65)) #print 'Cut to', len(T) ps = PlotSequence('ipe') #T = fits_table('') T = fits_table('') print len(T), 'objects' print 'Runs', np.unique( print 'Camcols', np.unique(T.camcol) print 'Fields', np.unique(T.field) T1 = T[ == 5183] T2 = T[ == 5224] plt.clf() plt.plot(T1.ra, T1.dec, 'r.', alpha=0.1) plt.plot(T2.ra, T2.dec, 'bx', alpha=0.1) ps.savefig() for T in [T1, T2]: # self-matches: print 'T:', len(T) R = 0.5 / 3600. I, J, d = match_radec(T.ra, T.dec, T.ra, T.dec, R, notself=True) print len(I), 'matches' K = (I < J) I = I[K] J = J[K] print len(I), 'symmetric' print sum(T.field[I] == T.field[J]), 'are in the same field' #plt.clf() #plt.plot(T.rowc[I], T.colc[I], 'r.') #plt.plot(T.rowc[J], T.colc[J], 'b.') #plt.savefig('ipe2.png') keep = np.ones(len(T), bool) keep[I[T.field[I] != T.field[J]]] = False T.cut(keep) print 'Cut to', len(T), 'with no matches in other fields' R = 1. / 3600. I, J, d = match_radec(T1.ra, T1.dec, T2.ra, T2.dec, R) print len(I), 'matches' dra = (T1.ra[I] - T2.ra[J]) * np.cos(np.deg2rad(T1.dec[I])) * 3600. ddec = (T1.dec[I] - T2.dec[J]) * 3600. #plt.clf() #loghist(dra, ddec, 100, range=((-1,1),(-1,1))) #ps.savefig() print 'Range of Decs:', T1.dec.min(), T1.dec.max(), T2.dec.min( ), T2.dec.max() ras = np.cos(np.deg2rad(np.append(T1.dec, T2.dec))) print 'Range of RAscales:', ras.min(), ras.max() rascale = np.mean(ras) X1 = np.vstack((T1.ra * rascale, T1.dec)).T X2 = np.vstack((T2.ra * rascale, T2.dec)).T inds, d = nearest(X1, X2, R) J = np.flatnonzero(inds > -1) I = inds[J] print 'Nearest-neighbour matches:', len(I) d = np.sqrt(d[J]) print 'd', d.shape print 'I,J', len(I), len(J) print 'd max', np.max(d), 'min', np.min(d) print 'R', R assert (np.all(d <= R)) assert (np.all(J >= 0)) assert (np.all(I >= 0)) dx = X1[I] - X2[J] print 'dx', dx.shape dr = np.hypot(dx[:, 0], dx[:, 1]) print 'dr', dr.shape assert (np.all(dr <= R)) dra = (T1.ra[I] - T2.ra[J]) * rascale * 3600. ddec = (T1.dec[I] - T2.dec[J]) * 3600. plt.clf() loghist(dra, ddec, 100, range=((-1, 1), (-1, 1))) ps.savefig() M1 = T1[I] M2 = T2[J] #print 'All T1', T1.rowc.min(), T1.rowc.max(), T1.colc.min(), T1.colc.max() #print 'Matched T1', T1.rowc[I].min(), T1.rowc[I].max(), T1.colc[I].min(), T1.colc[I].max() #print 'All T2', T2.rowc.min(), T2.rowc.max(), T2.colc.min(), T2.colc.max() #print 'Matched T2', T2.rowc[J].min(), T2.rowc[J].max(), T2.colc[J].min(), T2.colc[J].max() # Errors are in arcsec. rerr1 = M1.raerr derr1 = M1.decerr rerr2 = M2.raerr derr2 = M2.decerr hi = 6. dscale = 1. / np.sqrt(2.) plt.clf() n, b, p = plt.hist(dscale * np.hypot(dra, ddec) / np.hypot(rerr1, derr1), 100, range=(0, hi), histtype='step', color='r') plt.hist(dscale * np.hypot(dra, ddec) / np.hypot(rerr2, derr2), 100, range=(0, hi), histtype='step', color='b') xx = np.linspace(0, hi, 500) from scipy.stats import chi yy = chi.pdf(xx, 2) plt.plot(xx, yy * len(dra) * (b[1] - b[0]), 'k-') plt.xlim(0, hi) plt.xlabel('N sigma of RA,Dec repeat observations') plt.ylabel('Number of sources') ps.savefig() #loghist(np.hypot(dra, ddec), np.sqrt(np.hypot(rerr1, derr1) * np.hypot(rerr2, derr2)), 100, # clamp=((0,1),(0,1))) loghist(np.hypot(dra, ddec), (np.hypot(rerr1, derr1) + np.hypot(rerr2, derr2)) / 2., 100, range=((0, 1), (0, 1)), clamp=True) plt.xlabel('Inter-ipe difference: RA,Dec (arcsec)') plt.ylabel('Photo errors: RA,Dec (arcsec)') ps.savefig() loghist(np.log10(np.hypot(dra, ddec)), np.log10((np.hypot(rerr1, derr1) + np.hypot(rerr2, derr2)) / 2.), 100, range=((-3, 0), (-3, 0)), clamp=True) plt.xlabel('Inter-ipe difference: log RA,Dec (arcsec)') plt.ylabel('Photo errors: log RA,Dec (arcsec)') ps.savefig() plt.clf() n, b, p = plt.hist(dscale * np.abs(M1.psfmag_r - M2.psfmag_r) / M1.psfmagerr_r, 100, range=(0, hi), histtype='step', color='r') plt.xlabel('N sigma of psfmag_r') xx = np.linspace(0, hi, 500) yy = 2. / np.sqrt(2. * np.pi) * np.exp(-0.5 * xx**2) print 'yy', sum(yy) plt.plot(xx, yy * len(M1) * (b[1] - b[0]), 'k-') ps.savefig() # Galaxy-star matches K1 = (M1.type == 3) * (M2.type == 6) K2 = (M1.type == 6) * (M2.type == 3) G = merge_tables((M1[K1], M2[K2])) S = merge_tables((M2[K1], M1[K2])) print 'G types:', np.unique(G.type) print 'S types:', np.unique(S.type) mhi, mlo = 24, 10 K = ((G.modelmag_r < mhi) * (S.psfmag_r < mhi) * (G.modelmag_r > mlo) * (S.psfmag_r > mlo)) print 'Star/gal mismatches with good mags:', np.sum(K) # gm = G.modelmag_r.copy() # gm[np.logical_or(gm > mhi, gm < mlo)] = 25. # sm = S.psfmag_r.copy() # sm[np.logical_or(sm > mhi, sm < mlo)] = 25. # # #loghist(G.modelmag_r[K], S.psfmag_r[K], 100) # loghist(gm, sm, 100) loghist(G.modelmag_r, S.psfmag_r, clamp=((mlo, mhi), (mlo, mhi)), clamp_to=((mlo - 1, mhi + 1), (mlo - 1, mhi + 1))) ax = plt.axis() plt.axhline(mhi, color='b') plt.axvline(mhi, color='b') plt.plot(*([[min(ax[0], ax[2]), max(ax[1], ax[3])]] * 2) + [ 'b-', ]) plt.axis(ax) plt.xlabel('Galaxy modelmag_r') plt.ylabel('Star psfmag_r') plt.title('Star/Galaxy ipe mismatches') ps.savefig() K = ((G.modelmag_r < mhi) * (G.modelmag_r > mlo)) plt.clf() KK = (G.fracdev_r < 0.5) kwargs = dict(bins=100, range=(np.log10(0.01), np.log10(30.)), histtype='step') plt.hist(np.log10(G.exprad_r[K * KK]), color='r', **kwargs) KK = (G.fracdev_r >= 0.5) plt.hist(np.log10(G.devrad_r[K * KK]), color='b', **kwargs) plt.xlabel('*rad_r (arcsec)') loc, lab = plt.xticks() plt.xticks(loc, ['%g' % (10.**x) for x in loc]) plt.title('Star/Galaxy ipe mismatches') ps.savefig() # Pairs where both are galaxies K = ((M1.type == 3) * (M2.type == 3)) G1 = M1[K] G2 = M2[K] print len(G1), 'pairs where both are galaxies' #for plt.clf() c, cerr = 'modelmag_r', 'modelmagerr_r' n, b, p = plt.hist(dscale * np.abs(G1.get(c) - G2.get(c)) / G1.get(cerr), 100, range=(0, hi), histtype='step', color='r') plt.xlabel('N sigma of ' + c) yy = np.exp(-0.5 * b**2) yy *= sum(n) / np.sum(yy) plt.plot(b, yy, 'k-') ps.savefig() loghist(np.abs(G1.get(c) - G2.get(c)), G1.get(cerr), 100, range=((0, 2), (0, 2)), clamp=True) plt.xlabel('Inter-ipe difference: ' + c) plt.ylabel('Photo error: ' + cerr) ps.savefig() loghist(np.log10(np.abs(G1.get(c) - G2.get(c))), np.log10(G1.get(cerr)), 100, range=((-3, 1), (-3, 1)), clamp=True) plt.xlabel('Inter-ipe difference: ' + c) plt.ylabel('Photo error: ' + cerr) ps.savefig() plt.clf() loghist(G1.fracdev_r, G2.fracdev_r, 100, range=((0, 1), (0, 1)), clamp=True) plt.xlabel('G1 fracdev_r') plt.ylabel('G2 fracdev_r') ps.savefig() dscale = 1. I = (G1.fracdev_r < 0.5) * (G2.fracdev_r < 0.5) print sum(I), 'of', len(G1), 'both have fracdev_r < 0.5' E1 = G1[I] E2 = G2[I] I = (G1.fracdev_r >= 0.5) * (G2.fracdev_r >= 0.5) print sum(I), 'of', len(G1), 'both have fracdev_r >= 0.5' D1 = G1[I] D2 = G2[I] for t, H1, H2 in [('exp', E1, E2), ('dev', D1, D2)]: c, cerr = '%smag_r' % t, '%smagerr_r' % t dval = np.abs(H1.get(c) - H2.get(c)) derr = H1.get(cerr) rng = ((0, 1), (0, 1)) loghist(dval, derr, 100, range=rng, clamp=True) plt.xlabel('Inter-ipe difference: ' + c) plt.ylabel('Photo error: ' + cerr) ps.savefig() loghist(np.log10(dval), np.log10(derr), 100, range=((-3, 0), (-3, 0)), clamp=True) plt.xlabel('Inter-ipe difference: log ' + c) plt.ylabel('Photo error: log ' + cerr) ps.savefig() c, cerr = '%sab_r' % t, '%saberr_r' % t dval = np.abs(H1.get(c) - H2.get(c)) derr = H1.get(cerr) rng = ((0, 1), (0, 1)) loghist(dval, derr, 100, range=rng, clamp=True) plt.xlabel('Inter-ipe difference: ' + c) plt.ylabel('Photo error: ' + cerr) ps.savefig() loghist(np.log10(dval), np.log10(derr), 100, range=((-3, 0), (-3, 0)), clamp=True) plt.xlabel('Inter-ipe difference: log ' + c) plt.ylabel('Photo error: log ' + cerr) ps.savefig() c, cerr = '%srad_r' % t, '%sraderr_r' % t dval = np.abs(H1.get(c) - H2.get(c)) derr = H1.get(cerr) rng = ((0, 30), (0, 30)) loghist(dval, derr, 100, range=rng, clamp=True) plt.xlabel('Inter-ipe difference: ' + c) plt.ylabel('Photo error: ' + cerr) ps.savefig() loghist(np.log10(dval), np.log10(derr), 100, range=((-2, 2), (-2, 2)), clamp=True) plt.xlabel('Inter-ipe difference: log ' + c) plt.ylabel('Photo error: log ' + cerr) ps.savefig() return I, J, d = match_radec(T.ra, T.dec, T.ra, T.dec, 0.5 / 3600., notself=True) print len(I), 'matches' plt.clf() loghist((T.ra[I] - T.ra[J]) * np.cos(np.deg2rad(T.dec[I])) * 3600., (T.dec[I] - T.dec[J]) * 3600., 100, range=((-1, 1), (-1, 1))) plt.savefig('ipe4.png') K = (I < J) I = I[K] J = J[K] d = d[K] print 'Cut to', len(I), 'symmetric' plt.clf() plt.plot(T.ra, T.dec, 'r.') plt.plot(T.ra[I], T.dec[I], 'bo', mec='b', mfc='none') plt.savefig('ipe2.png') dra, ddec = [], [] raerr, decerr = [], [] RC = * 10 + T.camcol RCF = * 10 * 1000 + T.camcol * 1000 + T.field for i in np.unique(I): K = (I == i) JJ = J[K] print print 'Source', i, 'has', len(JJ), 'matches' print ' ', np.sum(RC[JJ] == RC[i]), 'in the same run/camcol' print ' ', np.sum(RCF[JJ] == RCF[i]), 'in the same run/camcol/field' orc = (RC[JJ] != RC[i]) print ' ', np.sum(orc), 'are in other run/camcols' print ' ', len(np.unique(RC[JJ][orc])), 'unique other run/camcols' print ' ', len(np.unique( RCF[JJ][orc])), 'unique other run/camcols/fields' print ' other sources:', JJ dra.extend((T.ra[JJ] - T.ra[i]) * np.cos(np.deg2rad(T.dec[i]))) ddec.extend(T.dec[JJ] - T.dec[i]) raerr.extend([T.raerr[i]] * len(JJ)) decerr.extend([T.decerr[i]] * len(JJ)) dra, ddec = np.array(dra), np.array(ddec) raerr, decerr = np.array(raerr), np.array(decerr) plt.clf() plt.hist(np.hypot(dra, ddec) / np.hypot(raerr, decerr), 100) plt.savefig('ipe3.png')
def art_qi2(img, airmask, ncoils=12, erodemask=True, out_file='qi2_fitting.txt'): """ Calculates **qi2**, the distance between the distribution of noise voxel (non-artifact background voxels) intensities, and a centered Chi distribution. :param numpy.ndarray img: input data :param numpy.ndarray airmask: input air mask without artifacts """ out_file = op.abspath(out_file) open(out_file, 'a').close() if erodemask: struc = nd.generate_binary_structure(3, 2) # Perform an opening operation on the background data. airmask = nd.binary_erosion(airmask, structure=struc).astype(np.uint8) # Artifact-free air region data = img[airmask > 0] if np.all(data <= 0): return 0.0, out_file # Compute an upper bound threshold thresh = np.percentile(data[data > 0], 99.5) # If thresh is too low, for some reason there is no noise # in the background image (image was preprocessed, etc) if thresh < 1.0: return 0.0, out_file # Threshold image data = data[data < thresh] maxvalue = int(data.max()) nbins = maxvalue if maxvalue < 100 else 100 # Estimate data pdf hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(data, density=True, bins=nbins) bin_centers = [float(np.mean(bin_edges[i:i+1])) for i in range(len(bin_edges)-1)] max_pos = np.argmax(hist) json_out = { 'x': bin_centers, 'y': [float(v) for v in hist] } # Fit central chi distribution param =, 2*ncoils, loc=bin_centers[max_pos]) pdf_fitted = chi.pdf(bin_centers, *param[:-2], loc=param[-2], scale=param[-1]) json_out['y_hat'] = [float(v) for v in pdf_fitted] # Find t2 (intensity at half width, right side) ihw = 0.5 * hist[max_pos] t2idx = 0 for i in range(max_pos + 1, len(bin_centers)): if hist[i] < ihw: t2idx = i break json_out['x_cutoff'] = float(bin_centers[t2idx]) # Compute goodness-of-fit (gof) gof = float(np.abs(hist[t2idx:] - pdf_fitted[t2idx:]).sum() / len(pdf_fitted[t2idx:])) # Clip values for sanity gof = 1.0 if gof > 1.0 else gof gof = 0.0 if gof < 0.0 else gof json_out['gof'] = gof with open(out_file, 'w' if PY3 else 'wb') as ofd: json.dump(json_out, ofd) return gof, out_file
def main(): """ The main code - generates the training, validation and test samples """ # get the command line args args = parser() np.random.seed(args.seed) # redefine things for conciseness Tobs = args.Tobs # observation time fs = args.fsample # sampling frequency dets = args.detectors # detectors isnr = args.isnr # integrated SNR ndet = len(dets) # number of detectors N = Tobs*fs # the total number of time samples n = N // 2 + 1 # the number of frequency bins # make the psds psds = [gen_psd(fs,Tobs,op='AdvDesign',det=d) for d in args.detectors] wpsds = (2.0/fs)*np.ones((ndet,n)) # define effective PSD for whited data # loop over signals peakSNRvec = [] # store individual detector peak SNRs intSNRvec = [] # store indiviual detector integrated SNRs optSNRm = np.zeros(args.Nsig) # store optimal SNR testSNRm = np.zeros(args.Nsig) # store alternative optimal SNR woptSNRm = np.zeros(args.Nsig) # store optimal SNR for whitened signal wtestSNRm = np.zeros(args.Nsig) # store alternative optimal SNR for whitened data filtSNRm = np.zeros(args.Nsig) # store exact filter measured SNR nfiltSNRm = np.zeros(args.Nsig) # store exact filter noise only measured SNR wfiltSNRm = np.zeros(args.Nsig) # store exact filter measured SNR for whitened data wnfiltSNRm = np.zeros(args.Nsig) # store exact filter noise only measured SNR and whitened data maxtsSNRm = np.zeros(args.Nsig) # store maximised (over time) measured SNR nmaxtsSNRm = np.zeros(args.Nsig) # store maximised (over time) noise only measured SNR wmaxtsSNRm = np.zeros(args.Nsig) # store maximised (over time) measured SNR and whitened data wnmaxtsSNRm = np.zeros(args.Nsig) # store maximised (over time) noise only measured SNR and whitenee data print '{}: starting to generate data'.format(time.asctime()) for i in xrange(args.Nsig): # generate unwhitened time-series sig,noise,par,hpc = gen_ts(fs,Tobs,isnr,dets) data = sig + noise # whiten data wdata = np.array([whiten_data(s,,fs) for s,psd in zip(data,psds)]).reshape(ndet,-1) print '{}: Whitened data variance -> {}'.format(time.asctime(),np.std(wdata[0,int(0.1*N):int(0.9*N)])) # whiten signal and template (ndet signals and 2 templates for +,x) wsig = np.array([whiten_data(s,,fs) for s,psd in zip(sig,psds)]).reshape(ndet,-1) whpc = np.array([whiten_data(h,,fs) for h,psd in zip(hpc,psds)]).reshape(2,-1) peakSNRvec.append(np.max(np.abs(wsig),axis=1)) # whiten noise wnoise = np.array([whiten_data(s,,fs) for s,psd in zip(noise,psds)]).reshape(ndet,-1) print '{}: Whitened noise variance -> {}'.format(time.asctime(),np.std(wnoise[0,int(0.1*N):int(0.9*N)])) # compute optimal SNR in 2 different ways optSNR = np.array([get_snr(s,Tobs,fs, for s,p in zip(sig,psds)]) testSNRsq = np.array([inner(s,s,Tobs,fs, for s,p in zip(sig,psds)]) optSNRm[i] = np.sqrt(np.sum(optSNR**2)) testSNRm[i] = np.sqrt(np.sum(testSNRsq)) intSNRvec.append(optSNR) print '{}: optimal multidetector SNR = {}'.format(time.asctime(),optSNRm[i]) print '{}: optimal multidetector SNR (test) = {}'.format(time.asctime(),testSNRm[i]) # compute optimal SNR for whitened signal woptSNR = np.array([get_snr(s,Tobs,fs,p) for s,p in zip(wsig,wpsds)]) wtestSNRsq = np.array([inner(s,s,Tobs,fs,p) for s,p in zip(wsig,wpsds)]) woptSNRm[i] = np.sqrt(np.sum(woptSNR**2)) wtestSNRm[i] = np.sqrt(np.sum(wtestSNRsq)) print '{}: optimal multidetector SNR (whited signal) = {}'.format(time.asctime(),woptSNRm[i]) print '{}: optimal multidetector SNR (whitened data test) = {}'.format(time.asctime(),wtestSNRm[i]) # compute measured SNR using the exact template filtSNR = np.array([meas_snr(d,s,np.zeros(N),Tobs,fs, for d,s,p in zip(data,sig,psds)]) filtSNRm[i] = np.sqrt(np.sum(filtSNR**2)) print '{}: exact template multidetector SNR = {}'.format(time.asctime(),filtSNRm[i]) # compute measured SNR on whitened data using the exact template wfiltSNR = np.array([meas_snr(d,s,np.zeros(N),Tobs,fs,p) for d,s,p in zip(wdata,wsig,wpsds)]) wfiltSNRm[i] = np.sqrt(np.sum(wfiltSNR**2)) print '{}: exact template multidetector SNR (whitened data) = {}'.format(time.asctime(),wfiltSNRm[i]) # compute measured SNR *on noise only* using the exact template nfiltSNR = np.array([meas_snr(n,s,np.zeros(N),Tobs,fs, for n,s,p in zip(noise,sig,psds)]) nfiltSNRm[i] = np.sqrt(np.sum(nfiltSNR**2)) print '{}: exact template noise only multidetector SNR = {}'.format(time.asctime(),nfiltSNRm[i]) # compute measured SNR *on noise only* whitened data using the exact template wnfiltSNR = np.array([meas_snr(n,s,np.zeros(N),Tobs,fs,p) for n,s,p in zip(wnoise,wsig,wpsds)]) wnfiltSNRm[i] = np.sqrt(np.sum(wnfiltSNR**2)) print '{}: exact template noise only multidetector SNR (whitened data) = {}'.format(time.asctime(),wnfiltSNRm[i]) # compute measured SNR as a function of time # using LOSC convolution method tsSNR = np.array([snr_ts(d,hpc[0],hpc[1],Tobs,fs, for d,p in zip(data,psds)]) maxtsSNR = np.max(tsSNR,axis=1) maxtsSNRm[i] = np.sqrt(np.sum(maxtsSNR**2)) print '{}: maximised multidetector SNR = {}'.format(time.asctime(),maxtsSNRm[i]) # compute measured SNR *on noise only* as a function of time # using LOSC convolution method ntsSNR = np.array([snr_ts(n,hpc[0],hpc[1],Tobs,fs, for n,p in zip(noise,psds)]) nmaxtsSNR = np.max(ntsSNR,axis=1) nmaxtsSNRm[i] = np.sqrt(np.sum(nmaxtsSNR**2)) print '{}: maximised noise only multidetector SNR = {}'.format(time.asctime(),nmaxtsSNRm[i]) # compute measured SNR as a function of time on whitened data # using LOSC convolution method wtsSNR = np.array([snr_ts(d,whpc[0],whpc[1],Tobs,fs,p) for d,p in zip(wdata,wpsds)]) wmaxtsSNR = np.max(wtsSNR,axis=1) wmaxtsSNRm[i] = np.sqrt(np.sum(wmaxtsSNR**2)) print '{}: maximised multidetector SNR = {}'.format(time.asctime(),wmaxtsSNRm[i]) # compute measured SNR *on noise only* as a function of time on # whitened data using LOSC convolution method wntsSNR = np.array([snr_ts(n,whpc[0],whpc[1],Tobs,fs,p) for n,p in zip(wnoise,wpsds)]) wnmaxtsSNR = np.max(wntsSNR,axis=1) wnmaxtsSNRm[i] = np.sqrt(np.sum(wnmaxtsSNR**2)) print '{}: maximised noise only multidetector SNR = {}'.format(time.asctime(),wnmaxtsSNRm[i]) # make distribution plots nbins = int(np.sqrt(args.Nsig)) temp = np.linspace(0,isnr+5,1000) plt.figure() plt.hist(filtSNRm,nbins,normed=True,alpha=0.5) plt.hist(maxtsSNRm,nbins,normed=True,alpha=0.5) plt.hist(nfiltSNRm,nbins,normed=True,alpha=0.5) plt.hist(nmaxtsSNRm,nbins,normed=True,alpha=0.5) plt.plot(temp,norm.pdf(temp,loc=isnr),'k') plt.plot(temp,chi.pdf(temp,2),'k') plt.xlim([0,np.max(temp)]) plt.savefig('./verify.png') # make distribution plots plt.figure() plt.hist(wfiltSNRm,nbins,normed=True,alpha=0.5) plt.hist(wmaxtsSNRm,nbins,normed=True,alpha=0.5) plt.hist(wnfiltSNRm,nbins,normed=True,alpha=0.5) plt.hist(wnmaxtsSNRm,nbins,normed=True,alpha=0.5) plt.plot(temp,norm.pdf(temp,loc=isnr),'k') plt.plot(temp,chi.pdf(temp,2),'k') plt.xlim([0,np.max(temp)]) plt.savefig('./verify_whitened.png') # make peak vs int snr plots peakSNRvec = np.array(peakSNRvec).flatten() intSNRvec = np.array(intSNRvec).flatten() plt.figure() plt.plot(peakSNRvec,intSNRvec,'.') plt.xlim([0,1.2*np.max(peakSNRvec)]) plt.ylim([0,1.2*np.max(intSNRvec)]) plt.savefig('./peakvsint.png') plt.figure() plt.hist(intSNRvec/peakSNRvec,nbins,normed=True,alpha=0.5) plt.savefig('./peakintratio.png')
return y def kdeplot(x, lower=-np.inf, upper=np.inf): x_grid = np.linspace(max(lower, np.min(x)), min(upper, np.max(x)), 1000) k = gaussian_kde(x) dd = k(x_grid) return x_grid, dd # plot distn of r for diff D, also do same for uniform ball x = np.linspace(0, 2.0, 1000) plt.figure() for dim, color in zip(D, colors): pdf = chi.pdf(np.sqrt(dim) * x, df=dim) plt.plot(x, pdf / np.max(pdf), color, label='$D=%d$' % dim) plt.xlabel('$r$ (rescaled)') plt.ylabel('$\chi$ pdf (rescaled)') plt.legend() plt.title('distributions on radius in gaussians') plt.savefig('fig0' + ext, dpi=300) plt.figure() for dim, color in zip(D, colors): pdf = powerlaw.pdf(np.sqrt(dim) * x, a=dim, loc=0, scale=np.sqrt(dim)) plt.plot(x, pdf / np.max(pdf), color, label='$D=%d$' % dim) plt.xlabel('$r$ (rescaled)') plt.ylabel('power law pdf (rescaled)') plt.legend() plt.title('distributions on radius in uniform ball')