def NK_priors(para):
    para = cp.asnumpy(para)
    shape = np.zeros(11)
    scale = np.zeros(11)
    c = np.zeros(2)
    d = np.zeros(2)
    mu = np.array([.125, .015, 0.031, .2, .3, 1.2, .99, .5, 1.6, .2, .15])
    sig = np.array([.09, .011, .022, .1, .2, .15, .001, .2, .15, .15, .1])
    for i in range(11):
        shape[i] = (mu[i] / sig[i])**2
        scale[i] = sig[i]**2 / mu[i]

    shape[3] = (mu[3] / sig[3])**2 + 2
    scale[3] = (shape[3] - 1) * mu[3]

    c[0] = (mu[6]**2) * ((1 - mu[6]) / ((sig[6])**2) - (1 / mu[6]))
    d[0] = c[0] * ((1 / mu[6]) - 1)
    c[1] = (mu[7]**2) * ((1 - mu[7]) / ((sig[7])**2) - (1 / mu[7]))
    d[1] = c[1] * ((1 / mu[7]) - 1)

    P1 = gamma.logpdf((1 / para[1]), a=shape[0], scale=scale[0])
    P6 = gamma.logpdf(para[6], a=shape[1], scale=scale[1])
    P5 = gamma.logpdf(para[5], a=shape[4], scale=scale[4])
    P10 = gamma.logpdf(para[10], a=shape[5], scale=scale[5])
    P2 = gamma.logpdf(para[2], a=shape[8], scale=scale[8])
    P3 = gamma.logpdf(para[3], a=shape[9], scale=scale[9])

    P7 = gamma.logpdf(para[7], a=shape[2], scale=scale[2])

    P9 = norm.logpdf(para[9], .3, .05**2)

    # P4 = gamma.logpdf(para[4],a=shape[6],scale=.001)

    # muU = .99
    # sigU = .01

    # alphaaz = ((1-muU)/sigU** - 1/muU)*muU**2

    # Betaaz = alphaaz*(1/muU-1)

    # P4 = beta.logpdf(para[4],alphaaz,Betaaz)

    P13 = gamma.logpdf(para[13], a=shape[7], scale=scale[7])

    shape[3] = (mu[3] / sig[3])**2 - 2
    scale[3] = (shape[3] - 1) * (mu[3])

    shape[10] = (mu[10] / sig[10])**2 - 2
    scale[10] = (shape[10] - 1) * (mu[10])

    P8 = invgamma.logpdf(para[8], a=shape[3], scale=scale[3])
    P15 = invgamma.logpdf(para[15], a=shape[3], scale=scale[3])
    P16 = invgamma.logpdf(para[16], a=shape[3], scale=scale[3])
    #np.log(np.exp(np.log(2) - np.log(math.gamma(.5*b)) + .5*b*np.log(b*(a**2)*.5) - ((b+1)*.5)*np.log(x**2) - (b*a**2)*(x**-2)*.5))

    prioc = P1 + P6 + P2 + P3 + P9 + P5 + P10 + P8 + P15 + P16 + P13 + P7  #+P4
    return prioc
Exemple #2
def simple_model_prior_logpdf(values):
    means = np.sum([uniform_logpdf(val, START, END) for val in values[components:(2*components)]])
    scales = np.sum([invgamma.logpdf(val, A, LOC, SCALE) for val in values[(2*components):(3*components)]])
    weights = multivariate_normal.logpdf(values[:components],
    return weights + means + scales
 def test_inverse_gamma_log_pdf(self):
     from scipy.stats import invgamma
     alpha = 3.0
     beta = 2.0
     for x in np.linspace(0.001,10,25):
         expected = invgamma.logpdf(x,alpha,scale=beta)
         got = inverse_gamma_log_pdf(x,alpha,beta)
         # print x,got,expected
Exemple #4
def simple_model_prior_logpdf(values):
    means = np.sum([
        uniform_logpdf(val, START, END)
        for val in values[components:(2 * components)]
    scales = np.sum([
        invgamma.logpdf(val, A, LOC, SCALE)
        for val in values[(2 * components):(3 * components)]
    weights = multivariate_normal.logpdf(values[:components],
                                         cov=COV_ALPHA * np.eye(components))
    return weights + means + scales
Exemple #5
 def __calc_likelihood(self):
     lh = np.sum(self.pdf, axis=0)
     eps = 1e-300
     lh = np.where(lh < eps, eps, lh)
     logsumlh = np.sum(np.log(lh))
     if self.map_sigma:
         lh_map = np.sum(
         return logsumlh + lh_map
         return logsumlh
Exemple #6
    def log_like(x, m_z_stack, C_z_stack):
        Calculate the log-likelihood for a set of parameters x.
        A = m_z_stack[:, 0].flat
        G = m_z_stack[:, 1].flat
        h = x[:2].reshape(2)

        v = x[2]
        a_var = 100

        J = np.eye(2, dtype=float)
        J[1, 0] = h[1] - h[0]
        C_1 =[[a_var, 0.0], [0.0, v]], dtype=float)).dot(J.T)
        C = C_1 + C_z_stack
        C_inv = np.linalg.inv(C)

        m1 = (h[1] - h[0]) * A + h[0]

        w = -0.5 * (m1 - G)**2 * C_inv[:, 1, 1]
        sign, logdet = np.linalg.slogdet(C)
        w += -0.5 * sign * logdet

        w = np.sum(w)

        # # Priors
        v_a_p = 0.01
        v_b_p = 0.01
        w += invgamma.logpdf(v, a=v_a_p, scale=v_b_p)

        # Correlated prior
        off_diag = np.where(~np.eye(2, dtype=bool))
        corr = np.eye(2, dtype=float)
        corr[off_diag] = 0.5
        std = 100
        C_prior = np.full((2, 2), std, dtype=float)
        C_prior *= C_prior.T
        C_prior *= corr
        h_m_p = np.zeros(2, dtype=float)
        h_cov_p = C_prior

        w += multivariate_normal.logpdf(h, mean=h_m_p, cov=h_cov_p)

        if w == np.inf:
            root_logger.debug("Likelihood too big...")
        return w
Exemple #7
    def log_prior(self):
        Compute the prior probability of F, mu0, and lmbda
        from graphistician.internals.utils import \
            normal_inverse_wishart_log_prob, \
        lp = 0

        # Log prior of F under spherical Gaussian prior
        from scipy.stats import norm, invgamma
        lp += invgamma.logpdf(self.eta, 1, 1)
        lp += norm.logpdf(self.b, 0, 1)
        lp += norm.logpdf(self.L, 0, 1).sum()

        lp += inverse_wishart_log_prob(self.cov)
        lp += normal_inverse_wishart_log_prob(self._self_gaussian)

        # Log prior of mu_0 and mu_self
        return lp
    def log_prior(self):
        Compute the prior probability of F, mu0, and lmbda
        from graphistician.internals.utils import \
            normal_inverse_wishart_log_prob, \
        lp = 0

        # Log prior of F under spherical Gaussian prior
        from scipy.stats import norm, invgamma
        lp += invgamma.logpdf(self.eta, 1, 1)
        lp += norm.logpdf(self.b, 0, 1)
        lp += norm.logpdf(self.L, 0, 1).sum()

        lp += inverse_wishart_log_prob(self.cov)
        lp += normal_inverse_wishart_log_prob(self._self_gaussian)

        # Log prior of mu_0 and mu_self
        return lp
Exemple #9
    def test_logpdf(self):
        shapes = np.arange(0.1, 20, 0.5)
        scales = np.arange(0.1, 10, 0.5)
        xs = np.arange(0.001, 10, 0.5)

        test_params = cartesian([xs, shapes, scales]).astype(np.float64)

        python_results = np.zeros(test_params.shape[0])
        for ind in range(test_params.shape[0]):
            x = test_params[ind, 0]
            shape = test_params[ind, 1]
            scale = test_params[ind, 2]

            python_results[ind] = invgamma.logpdf(x, shape, scale=scale)

        opencl_results = invgamma_logpdf().evaluate(
                'x': test_params[:, 0],
                'shape': test_params[:, 1],
                'scale': test_params[..., 2]
            }, test_params.shape[0])

        assert_allclose(opencl_results, python_results, atol=1e-7, rtol=1e-7)
Exemple #10
def linvgamma(x,a,beta):
	return invgamma.logpdf(x,a,scale=beta)
Exemple #11
def compute_marg_likelihood_and_NSE_galaxies(y, iters, init, hypers):
    ''' Compute the marginal likelihood from the Gibbs Sampler output according to Chib (1995)
    y : (array-like) endogeneous variables
    iters: (int) length of the MCMC
    init: (array-like) initialisation parameters
    hypers: (array-like) hyper-parameters
    returns: (float) the marginal likelihood/normalizing constant 

    # Initialisation
    d = init['d']
    mu_params, sigma_square_params, q_params = init['mu_params'], init[
        'sigma_square_params'], init['q_params']

    mu, sigma_square, q, mu_hat, B, n_for_estim_sigma, delta, n_for_estim_q = GibbsSampler_galaxies(
        y, iters, init, hypers)

    mu_star = np.array(mu).mean(axis=0)
    sigma_square_star = np.array(sigma_square).mean(axis=0)
    q_star = np.array(q).mean(axis=0)

    ## Marginal likelihood computation P7, right column
    # First term:
    y_given_mu_and_sigma2_stars_pdf = np.stack([
        norm.pdf(x=y, loc=mu_star[i], scale=sigma_square_star[i])
        for i in range(d)
    ])[:, :, 0].T
    log_like = np.log(
        (q_star * y_given_mu_and_sigma2_stars_pdf).sum(axis=1)).sum()

    # Second term
    mu_prior = multivariate_normal.logpdf(
        x=mu_star, mean=mu_params[0], cov=mu_params[1]).sum(
        )  # Sum because of a the use of logpdf instead of pdf
    sigma_square_prior = invgamma.logpdf(x=sigma_square_star,
    q_square_prior = dirichlet.logpdf(x=q_star, alpha=q_params).sum()

    log_prior = mu_prior + sigma_square_prior + q_square_prior

    # Third term
    conditional_densities_mu = np.array([, mean=mu_hat[i], cov=B[i]))
        for i in range(iters)

    conditional_densities_sigma = np.array([, a=(sigma_square_params[0]+n_for_estim_sigma[i])/2,\
                                                         scale=(sigma_square_params[1]+delta[i])/2)) for i in range(iters)])

    conditional_densities_q = np.array([
        dirichlet.pdf(x=q_star, alpha=q_params + n_for_estim_q[i])
        for i in range(iters)

    conditional_densities = conditional_densities_mu * conditional_densities_sigma * conditional_densities_q

    log_posterior = np.log(conditional_densities.mean())

    log_marg_likelihood = log_like + log_prior - log_posterior

    #Numerical Standard Error Computation
    h = np.array([
        conditional_densities_mu, conditional_densities_sigma,

    h_hat = np.array([

    var = compute_var_h_hat(h, h_hat)

    NSE = / h_hat).reshape(1, -1), var),
                 (1 / h_hat).reshape(-1, 1))[0, 0]

    return log_marg_likelihood, NSE
Exemple #12
loglik = np.zeros((len(phi_grid), 10))
for r, phi_c in enumerate(phi_grid):
    for c in range(10):
        loglik[r,c] = stocVol_bootstrap(y, N, phi=phi_c, sigma=sigma, beta=beta)['loglik']

_ = plt.boxplot(loglik.T, labels = phi_grid)
_ = plt.title("Ten loglik estimates (y-axis) per phi value (x-axis)")
# %% [markdown]
# # H.3 (b)
# According to this webpage we get the equivalent InvGamma distribution by writing the following:
# `scipy.stats.invgamma(alpha, loc=0, scale=beta)`  

logprior_sigma2 = lambda sigma2 :invgamma.logpdf(sigma2, 0.01, loc=0, scale=0.01)
logprior_beta2 = lambda beta2 :invgamma.logpdf(beta2, 0.01, loc=0, scale=0.01)

def compute_logprob(sigma2, beta2, N):
    loglik = stocVol_bootstrap(y, N, phi=phi, sigma=np.sqrt(sigma2), beta=np.sqrt(beta2))['loglik']
    return loglik + logprior_sigma2(sigma2) + logprior_beta2(beta2)

num_samples = 2000
N = 100
step_size = 0.008
trace = {
    'sigma2' : np.zeros((num_samples,)),
    'beta2' : np.zeros((num_samples,)),
    'posterior' : np.zeros((num_samples,)),
    'accept_ratio' : np.zeros((num_samples,)),
def AdPMCMC_M1(NSteps, T, AdaptiveRate, Y, L, N_0):
    # draw uniforms for accept-reject procedure
    Uniforms = np.random.uniform(0, 1, NSteps)
    # inverse gamma prior hyperparameters
    AlphaEps = AlphaW =  T/2 
    BetaEps = BetaW = 2*(AlphaEps - 1)/10
    # trajectory history
    NHist = []

    # Parameters initialization
    B_0 = np.random.normal(0, 1)
    B_1 = np.random.normal(0, 1)
    SigmaEps = np.sqrt(invgamma.rvs(a=AlphaEps, scale=BetaEps))
    SigmaW = np.sqrt(invgamma.rvs(a=AlphaW, scale=BetaW))
    N_0 = N_0
    Theta = np.array([B_0, B_1, SigmaEps, SigmaW, N_0])
    ThetaHist = [Theta]
    for j in tqdm(range(NSteps), desc="Running AdPMCMC"):
        # draw candidate theta wrt non adaptive proposal
        if np.random.rand() < 1 - AdaptiveRate or j < 500:
            ThetaProp = non_adaptive_theta_proposal(Theta)
            ThetaProp = adaptive_theta_proposal(ThetaHist)

        # unpack theta
        B_0, B_1, SigmaEps, SigmaW, N_0 = ThetaProp
        # To avoid negative std deviation errors 
        SigmaEps, SigmaW = np.abs(SigmaEps), np.abs(SigmaW)
        ThetaProp = np.array([B_0, B_1, SigmaEps, SigmaW, N_0])
        # run SMC
        LogParticles, LogW, LogMarginalLikelihood = SMC(
            Y, T, L, N_0, 'M1', SigmaEps, SigmaW, B_0, B_1)
        # sample a candidate path
        idx = np.random.choice(a=L, size=1, p=np.exp(LogW[-1,:]))[0]
        CandidatePath = LogParticles[:, idx]

        # compute acceptance proba
        if j == 0:
            # always accept first draw (initialization)
            alpha = 1
            # last accepted theta
            PrevB_0, PrevB_1, PrevSigmaEps, PrevSigmaW, PrevN_0 = Theta

            # SMC marginal likelihood ratio
            MarginalLikelihoodRatio = np.exp(LogMarginalLikelihood - 
            # b_0 prior ratio
            MarginalB_0_ratio = np.exp(0.5*(PrevB_0**2 - B_0**2))
            # b_1 prior ratio
            MarginalB_1_ratio = np.exp(0.5*(PrevB_1**2 - B_1**2))

            # sigma_eps prior ratio
            MarginalEpsRatio = np.exp(invgamma.logpdf(x=SigmaEps**2, a=AlphaEps, scale=BetaEps) -
                                  invgamma.logpdf(x=PrevSigmaEps**2, a=AlphaEps, scale=BetaEps))

            # sigma_w prior ratio            
            MarginalWRatio = np.exp(invgamma.logpdf(x=SigmaW**2, a=AlphaW, scale=BetaW) -
                                  invgamma.logpdf(x=PrevSigmaW**2, a=AlphaW, scale=BetaW))

            alpha = (MarginalLikelihoodRatio * MarginalB_0_ratio * MarginalB_1_ratio *
                     MarginalEpsRatio * MarginalWRatio)
        # accept-reject 
        if Uniforms[j] < alpha:
            Theta = ThetaProp
            PrevLogMarginalLikelihood = LogMarginalLikelihood
        if j==1000 and len(ThetaHist) < 5 :
            raise ValueError("Too few accepted samples")

    print("Number of samples : {}".format(len(ThetaHist)))
    return ThetaHist
Exemple #14
    def _logp(self, value, shape, scale):

        return np.sum(invgamma.logpdf(value, shape, scale=scale))
 def log_likelihood(self, x_list, params=None, **kwargs):
     params = self.params_handler('load', params, **kwargs)
     ll = 0
     for x in x_list:
         ll += invgamma.logpdf(x, params.shape, 0.0, params.scale)
     return ll