def average_ensembles(self,ens_to_avg): """ Extra variables must be averaged for this subclass """ a = super(ADCPRdiWorkhorseData,self).average_ensembles(ens_to_avg) n2 = a.n_ensembles nn = range(n2*ens_to_avg) if a.heading is not None: head = a.heading[nn].reshape(n2,ens_to_avg) a.heading = np.zeros(n2,np.float64) for i in range(n2): a.heading[i] = ssm.circmean(head[i,:]*np.pi/180)*180/np.pi if a.bt_depth is not None: a.bt_depth = au.average_vector(self.bt_depth[0,nn],(n2,ens_to_avg)) a.bt_depth = np.array([a.bt_depth]) # reformat into downward vector if a.adcp_depth is not None: a.adcp_depth = au.average_vector(self.adcp_depth[nn],(n2,ens_to_avg)) if a.bt_velocity is not None: a.bt_velocity = np.zeros((n2,2),np.float64) for i in range(2): a.bt_velocity[:,i] = au.average_array(self.bt_velocity[nn,i],(n2,ens_to_avg),axis=0) a.bt_velocity = au.average_array(self.bt_velocity[nn,:],(n2,ens_to_avg),axis=0) if a.error_vel is not None: a.error_vel = au.average_array(self.error_vel[nn,:],(n2,ens_to_avg),axis=0) return a
def average_ensembles(self, ens_to_avg): """ Extra variables must be averaged for this subclass """ a = super(ADCPRdiWorkhorseData, self).average_ensembles(ens_to_avg) n2 = a.n_ensembles nn = range(n2 * ens_to_avg) if a.heading is not None: head = a.heading[nn].reshape(n2, ens_to_avg) a.heading = np.zeros(n2, np.float64) for i in range(n2): a.heading[i] = ssm.circmean( head[i, :] * np.pi / 180) * 180 / np.pi if a.bt_depth is not None: a.bt_depth = au.average_vector(self.bt_depth[0, nn], (n2, ens_to_avg)) a.bt_depth = np.array([a.bt_depth ]) # reformat into downward vector if a.adcp_depth is not None: a.adcp_depth = au.average_vector(self.adcp_depth[nn], (n2, ens_to_avg)) if a.bt_velocity is not None: a.bt_velocity = np.zeros((n2, 2), np.float64) for i in range(2): a.bt_velocity[:, i] = au.average_array(self.bt_velocity[nn, i], (n2, ens_to_avg), axis=0) a.bt_velocity = au.average_array(self.bt_velocity[nn, :], (n2, ens_to_avg), axis=0) if a.error_vel is not None: a.error_vel = au.average_array(self.error_vel[nn, :], (n2, ens_to_avg), axis=0) return a
def calculate_circular_mean(values_in_hours): """ Calculates circular mean for timestamps, expressed as number of hours since midnight. Returns a float, representing a circular mean. values_in_hours -- list of timestamps, expressed as number of hours since midnight. """ if not isinstance(values_in_hours, list): raise ValueError("Timestamps should be a list!") for i in values_in_hours: if not isinstance(i, (int, long, float)): raise ValueError("{value} is not a number!".format(value=i)) values_in_radians = [] for value in values_in_hours: values_in_radians.append((float(value) / 24) * (math.pi * 2)) return morestats.circmean(np.array(values_in_radians)) / (math.pi * 2) * 24
def transect_preprocessor(option_file=None): """ The method finds, loads, pre-preprocess, and returns ADCPData ojects for ADCPRdiWorkhorseData compatible raw/netcdf files. It returns a list of ADCPData objects. See the default options file '' for the input options. """ np.seterr(all='ignore') data_files = None data_files_nc = None if option_file is None: option_file = default_option_file try: options, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(option_file) exec('import %s' % options) exec('reload(%s)' % options) exec("from %s import *" % options) except: print "Could not load options file: %s" % option_file raise if os.path.exists(working_directory): if (os.path.isdir(working_directory)): if file_list is not None: data_files = [] for f in file_list: fileName, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(f) if (('R.000' in f and fileExtension == '.000') or ('r.000' in f and fileExtension == '.000')): data_files.append(os.path.join(working_directory, f)) elif fileExtension == '.nc': data_files.append(os.path.join(working_directory, f)) else: print "Filename '%s' does not appear to be a valid raw (*r.000) or netcdf (*.nc) file - skipping." % f else: data_files = glob.glob( os.path.join(working_directory, '*[rR].000')) data_files += glob.glob(os.path.join(working_directory, '*.nc')) data_path = working_directory else: print "Could not open working_directory '%s' - exiting." % working_directory exit() else: print "working_directory '%s' not found - exiting." % working_directory exit() outpath = os.path.join(data_path, 'adcpy') if not os.path.exists(outpath): os.makedirs(outpath) # copy processing options shutil.copyfile(option_file, os.path.join(outpath, option_file)) hc_count = 0 if head_correct_spanning and (len(data_files) > 1): # bin data rquired for head_correct form input files mtime_a = None mtime_b = None reference_heading = None is_a = list() print 'Gathering data from data_files for head_correct spanning...' for data_file in data_files: path, fname = os.path.split(data_file) # try: a = adcpy.open_adcp(data_file, file_type="ADCPRdiWorkhorseData", num_av=1, adcp_depth=adcp_depth) m1, h1, bt1, xy1 = a.copy_head_correct_vars(xy_srs=xy_projection) if reference_heading is None: reference_heading = ssm.circmean( h1 * np.pi / 180.) * 180. / np.pi current_heading = ssm.circmean(h1 * np.pi / 180.) * 180. / np.pi if mtime_a is None: mtime_a = m1 heading_a = h1 bt_vel_a = bt1 xy_a = xy1 else: mtime_a = np.concatenate((mtime_a, m1)) heading_a = np.concatenate((heading_a, h1)) bt_vel_a = np.row_stack((bt_vel_a, bt1)) xy_a = np.row_stack((xy_a, xy1)) print '+', fname, fmt_dnum(a.mtime[0]) if debug_stop_after_n_transects: hc_count += 1 if hc_count >= debug_stop_after_n_transects: break # except: # print 'Failure reading %s for head_correct spanning!'%fname # is_a.append('True') print 'Number direction a headings:', np.shape(mtime_a) # this method is independent of self/a #try: heading_correction_a = adcpy.util.fit_head_correct( mtime_in=mtime_a, hdg_in=heading_a, bt_vel_in=bt_vel_a, xy_in=xy_a, u_min_bt=u_min_bt, hdg_bin_size=hdg_bin_size, hdg_bin_min_samples=hdg_bin_min_samples) # except: # print 'Failure fitting head_correct spanning!' # if mag_declination is not None: # print 'Using simple magnetic declination correction instead' # heading_correction_a = None # else: # print 'No magnetic declination value found - head_correct failure.' # print 'exiting' # exit() # setup compression option if use_netcdf_data_compression: zlib = True else: zlib = None # begin cycling/processing input files adcp_preprocessed = [] for data_file in data_files: # try: a = adcpy.open_adcp(data_file, file_type='ADCPRdiWorkhorseData', num_av=1, adcp_depth=adcp_depth) path, fname = os.path.split(data_file) fname, ext = os.path.splitext(fname) outname = os.path.join(outpath, fname) print 'Processing data_file:', outname if save_raw_data_to_netcdf: fname = outname + '.nc' a.write_nc(fname, zlib=zlib) # setup for heading correction based if head_correct_spanning and (len(data_files) > 1): heading_cf = heading_correction_a else: heading_cf = None a.lonlat_to_xy(xy_srs=xy_projection) a.heading_correct(cf=heading_cf, u_min_bt=u_min_bt, hdg_bin_size=hdg_bin_size, hdg_bin_min_samples=hdg_bin_min_samples, mag_dec=mag_declination) if sidelobe_drop != 0: a.remove_sidelobes(fsidelobe=sidelobe_drop) if std_drop > 0: a.sd_drop(sd=std_drop, sd_axis='elevation', interp_holes=True) a.sd_drop(sd=std_drop, sd_axis='ensemble', interp_holes=True) if average_ens > 1: a = a.average_ensembles(ens_to_avg=average_ens) if regrid_horiz_m is not None: a.xy_regrid(dxy=regrid_horiz_m, dz=regrid_vert_m, xy_srs=xy_projection, pline=None, sort=False) if smooth_kernel > 2: a.kernel_smooth(kernel_size=smooth_kernel) if extrap_boundaries: a.extrapolate_boundaries() if (save_preprocessed_data_to_netcdf): fname = outname + '' a.write_nc(fname, zlib=zlib) adcp_preprocessed.append(a) if debug_stop_after_n_transects: if len(adcp_preprocessed) >= debug_stop_after_n_transects: return (adcp_preprocessed, outpath) return (adcp_preprocessed, outpath)
def analyze_file(sky,fname=None): """ example: power,angle,intensity=polarimetry.analyze_file(sky) """ WAIT_TIME = 20 #seconds after changeTimes to start polarimetry ROT180 = True #because camera returns rotated image if fname is None: fileName = sky['fileName'] else: fileName = fname dirName = sky['dirName'] N = len(sky['changeTimes'][:-1]) fmf = FMF.FlyMovie(os.path.join(dirName,fileName)) frame,timestamp = fmf.get_frame(0) if not sky.has_key('times'): timestamps = fmf.get_all_timestamps() else: timestamps = sky['times'] for i, startTime in enumerate(sky['changeTimes'][:-1]): startInd = np.argmin(abs(startTime + WAIT_TIME - timestamps)) sys.stdout.write(time.ctime(startTime + WAIT_TIME)+'\n') #sys.stdout.write("%s\n" % (str(i))) sys.stdout.flush() pwr, phs, ints = do_polarimetry(fmf,firstFrame=startInd,nFrames=500) phs = phs - circmean(np.ravel(phs[222:261,222:272]),high=np.pi,low=-np.pi) ang = phs/2.0 # because phase offset of intensity values is twice angle between overlapping polarizers if ROT180: pwr = np.rot90(pwr,2) ang = np.rot90(ang,2) ints = np.rot90(ints,2) """ trueUpDirection = filename[3] if trueUpDirection == 'E': pwr = np.rot90(pwr,1) ang = np.rot90(ang,1) ints = np.rot90(ints,1) ang = ang + np.pi/2 elif trueUpDirection == 'S': pwr = np.rot90(pwr,2) ang = np.rot90(ang,2) ints = np.rot90(ints,2) ang = ang + np.pi elif trueUpDirection == 'W': pwr = np.rot90(pwr,3) ang = np.rot90(ang,3) ints = np.rot90(ints,3) ang = ang + 3*np.pi/2 """ mask = ints>(np.mean(ints)-.45*np.std(ints)) #hack mask[100:300,100:300] = True #not sure if central dot (polarizer) should be in or not... if so - threshold should be ~1 std below mean intensity pwr[~mask] = np.nan ang[~mask] = np.nan ang = np.mod(ang+np.pi/2,2*np.pi)-np.pi/2 ang = cmt.add_colordisc(ang,width=71) #ang = np.mod(ang+np.pi,2*np.pi)-np.pi ang = np.mod(ang,2*np.pi) if i==0: w,h=ang.shape power = np.empty([w,h,N]) power.fill(np.nan) angle = np.empty([w,h,N]) angle.fill(np.nan) intensity = np.empty([w,h,N]) intensity.fill(np.nan) power[:,:,i],angle[:,:,i],intensity[:,:,i]=pwr,ang,ints return power, angle, intensity
inds = (times > TOTAL_TIME + times[0]) orientations[inds] = numpy.nan pylab.draw() fig = pylab.figure() fig.set_facecolor('w') pylab.suptitle(fly['fileName']) for i, cT in enumerate(sky['changeTimes'][:-1]): pylab.subplot(5,4,1+i,polar=True) ax=pylab.gca() inds = (times > cT) & (times < sky['changeTimes'][i+1]) ors = orientations[inds] ors = ors[~numpy.isnan(ors)] if len(ors)>0: orw,n,b,bc,ax = flypod.rose(ors,360) m=circmean(ors,high=180,low=-180) v=circvar(ors*numpy.pi/180,high=numpy.pi,low=-numpy.pi) hold('on') polar([0,numpy.pi/2-m*numpy.pi/180],[0,ax.get_rmax()*(1-v)]) ax.set_rmax(.4) ax.set_rgrids([1],'') ax.set_thetagrids([0,90,180,270],['','','','']) title(sky['directions'][i]) #ax.set_axis_bgcolor(COLORS[sky['directions'][i]]) ax.axesPatch.set_facecolor(COLORS[sky['directions'][i]]) ax.axesPatch.set_alpha(0.4) totals[sky['directions'][i]] = numpy.concatenate((totals[sky['directions'][i]],ors)) pylab.draw()
totalTimeRecording[dNum] = (times[-1] - times[0]) inds = (times - times[0]) > MAX_TIME orientations[inds] = numpy.nan for i, cT in enumerate(sky['changeTimes'][:-1]): inds = (times > cT+POSTCHANGE_BUFFER) & (times < sky['changeTimes'][i+1]-PRECHANGE_BUFFER) ors = orientations[inds] ors = ors[~numpy.isnan(ors)] if len(ors)>0: totals[sky['directions'][i]] = numpy.concatenate((totals[sky['directions'][i]],ors)) for i, d in enumerate(COLORS): worldTotals = numpy.concatenate((worldTotals,totals[d]+ROTATIONS[d])) if totalTimeRecording[dNum] > MIN_TIME and (totalTimeRecording[dNum] - timeStopped[dNum]) > MIN_TIME*.8: M[dNum]=circmean(worldTotals,high=180,low=-180) V[dNum]=circvar(worldTotals*numpy.pi/180,high=numpy.pi,low=-numpy.pi) #meanAngSp[dNum] = numpy.mean(abs(numpy.diff(numpy.unwrap(orientations[~numpy.isnan(orientations)],180)))) #V[dNum]=numpy.mean(abs(numpy.diff(worldTotals))) #fig = pylab.figure() pylab.subplot(4,5,dNum+1,polar=True) plotArgs = dict(color='k',linewidth=2) orw,n,b,bc,ax = flypod.rose(worldTotals,plotArgs=plotArgs) pylab.hold('on') #n={} for i, d in enumerate(COLORS): plotArgs = dict(color=COLORS[d],linewidth=.5) flypod.rose(totals[d]+ROTATIONS[d],plotArgs=plotArgs) #NUMBINS = 8 #n[d], bins, patches = pylab.hist(numpy.mod(totals[d]+ROTATIONS[d],360),bins=numpy.arange(NUMBINS+1)*360/NUMBINS,range=(0,360),normed=True,visible=False)
def transect_preprocessor(option_file=None): """ The method finds, loads, pre-preprocess, and returns ADCPData ojects for ADCPRdiWorkhorseData compatible raw/netcdf files. It returns a list of ADCPData objects. See the default options file '' for the input options. """ np.seterr(all='ignore') data_files = None data_files_nc = None if option_file is None: option_file = default_option_file try: options, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(option_file) exec('import %s'%options) exec('reload(%s)'%options) exec("from %s import *"%options) except: print "Could not load options file: %s"%option_file raise if os.path.exists(working_directory): if (os.path.isdir(working_directory)): if file_list is not None: data_files = [] for f in file_list: fileName, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(f) if (('R.000' in f and fileExtension == '.000') or ('r.000' in f and fileExtension == '.000')): data_files.append(os.path.join(working_directory,f)) elif fileExtension == '.nc': data_files.append(os.path.join(working_directory,f)) else: print "Filename '%s' does not appear to be a valid raw (*r.000) or netcdf (*.nc) file - skipping."%f else: data_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(working_directory,'*[rR].000')) data_files += glob.glob(os.path.join(working_directory,'*.nc')) data_path = working_directory else: print "Could not open working_directory '%s' - exiting."%working_directory exit() else: print "working_directory '%s' not found - exiting."%working_directory exit() outpath = os.path.join(data_path,'adcpy') if not os.path.exists(outpath): os.makedirs(outpath) # copy processing options shutil.copyfile(option_file, os.path.join(outpath,option_file)) hc_count = 0 if head_correct_spanning and (len(data_files) > 1): # bin data rquired for head_correct form input files mtime_a = None mtime_b = None reference_heading = None is_a = list() print 'Gathering data from data_files for head_correct spanning...' for data_file in data_files: path, fname = os.path.split(data_file) # try: a = adcpy.open_adcp(data_file, file_type="ADCPRdiWorkhorseData", num_av=1, adcp_depth=adcp_depth) m1,h1,bt1,xy1 = a.copy_head_correct_vars(xy_srs=xy_projection) if reference_heading is None: reference_heading = ssm.circmean(h1*np.pi/180.)*180./np.pi current_heading = ssm.circmean(h1*np.pi/180.)*180./np.pi if mtime_a is None: mtime_a = m1 heading_a = h1 bt_vel_a = bt1 xy_a = xy1 else: mtime_a = np.concatenate((mtime_a,m1)) heading_a = np.concatenate((heading_a,h1)) bt_vel_a = np.row_stack((bt_vel_a,bt1)) xy_a = np.row_stack((xy_a,xy1)) print '+',fname,fmt_dnum(a.mtime[0]) if debug_stop_after_n_transects: hc_count += 1 if hc_count >= debug_stop_after_n_transects: break # except: # print 'Failure reading %s for head_correct spanning!'%fname # is_a.append('True') print 'Number direction a headings:',np.shape(mtime_a) # this method is independent of self/a #try: heading_correction_a = adcpy.util.fit_head_correct(mtime_in=mtime_a, hdg_in=heading_a, bt_vel_in=bt_vel_a, xy_in=xy_a, u_min_bt=u_min_bt, hdg_bin_size=hdg_bin_size, hdg_bin_min_samples=hdg_bin_min_samples) # except: # print 'Failure fitting head_correct spanning!' # if mag_declination is not None: # print 'Using simple magnetic declination correction instead' # heading_correction_a = None # else: # print 'No magnetic declination value found - head_correct failure.' # print 'exiting' # exit() # setup compression option if use_netcdf_data_compression: zlib = True else: zlib = None # begin cycling/processing input files adcp_preprocessed = [] for data_file in data_files: # try: a = adcpy.open_adcp(data_file, file_type='ADCPRdiWorkhorseData', num_av=1, adcp_depth=adcp_depth) path, fname = os.path.split(data_file) fname, ext = os.path.splitext(fname) outname = os.path.join(outpath,fname) print 'Processing data_file:', outname if save_raw_data_to_netcdf: fname = outname + '.nc' a.write_nc(fname,zlib=zlib) # setup for heading correction based if head_correct_spanning and (len(data_files) > 1): heading_cf = heading_correction_a else: heading_cf = None a.lonlat_to_xy(xy_srs=xy_projection) a.heading_correct(cf=heading_cf, u_min_bt=u_min_bt, hdg_bin_size=hdg_bin_size, hdg_bin_min_samples=hdg_bin_min_samples, mag_dec=mag_declination) if sidelobe_drop != 0: a.remove_sidelobes(fsidelobe=sidelobe_drop) if std_drop > 0: a.sd_drop(sd=std_drop, sd_axis='elevation', interp_holes=True) a.sd_drop(sd=std_drop, sd_axis='ensemble', interp_holes=True) if average_ens > 1: a = a.average_ensembles(ens_to_avg=average_ens) if regrid_horiz_m is not None: a.xy_regrid(dxy=regrid_horiz_m, dz=regrid_vert_m, xy_srs=xy_projection, pline=None, sort=False) if smooth_kernel > 2: a.kernel_smooth(kernel_size = smooth_kernel) if extrap_boundaries: a.extrapolate_boundaries() if (save_preprocessed_data_to_netcdf): fname = outname + '' a.write_nc(fname,zlib=zlib) adcp_preprocessed.append(a) if debug_stop_after_n_transects: if len(adcp_preprocessed) >= debug_stop_after_n_transects: return (adcp_preprocessed,outpath) return (adcp_preprocessed,outpath)
import arcpy from scipy.stats import morestats raster_path = "data/aspect_raster.tif" r = arcpy.RasterToNumPyArray(raster_path) # can't take a log of 0, offset values r += 0.01 print("""Circular Mean:\t\t\t{} Circular Std. Dev.:\t\t\t{} Circular Variance:\t\t\t{} """.format( morestats.circmean(r), morestats.circstd(r), morestats.circvar(r)))
import arcpy from scipy.stats import morestats raster_path = "data/aspect_raster.tif" r = arcpy.RasterToNumPyArray(raster_path) # can't take a log of 0, offset values r += 0.01 print("""Circular Mean:\t\t\t{} Circular Std. Dev.:\t\t\t{} Circular Variance:\t\t\t{} """.format(morestats.circmean(r), morestats.circstd(r), morestats.circvar(r)))