Exemple #1
def propose(values, log_likelihood):
    trials = 1
    curr_values = np.copy(values)
    for i in range(trials):
        # propose weights
        log_weights = np.log(values[:components])
        new_log_weights = multivariate_normal.rvs(mean=log_weights, cov=np.eye(components)*WEIGHT_VAR)
        # convert from softmax
        new_weights = np.exp(new_log_weights)
        # propose means
        means = values[components:(2*components)]
        new_means = multivariate_normal.rvs(mean=means, cov=np.eye(components)*MEAN_VAR)

        # propose variances
        variances = values[(2*components):(3*components)]
        new_vars = multivariate_normal.rvs(mean=variances, cov=np.eye(components)*VAR_VAR)

        new_value = np.append(new_weights, np.append(new_means, new_vars))

            prob_new = log_likelihood(new_value)
            prob_old = log_likelihood(values)

        if prob_new == -np.inf or prob_old == -np.inf:

        if np.all(means >= 0) and np.all(variances >= 0) and \
                (prob_new > prob_old or random.random() < np.exp(prob_new - prob_old)):
            curr_values = np.copy(new_value)

    return curr_values
def gen_synthetic_classifications(f_prior_mean=None, nx=100, ny=100):
    # f_prior_mean should contain the means for all the grid squares
    # Generate some data
    ls = [10, 10]
    sigma = 0.1 
    N = 2000
    #C = 100 # number of labels for training
    s = 1 # inverse precision scale for the latent function.
    # Some random feature values
    xvals = np.random.choice(nx, N, replace=True)[:, np.newaxis]
    yvals = np.random.choice(ny, N, replace=True)[:, np.newaxis]
    # remove repeated coordinates
    for coord in range(N):
        while np.sum((xvals==xvals[coord]) & (yvals==yvals[coord])) > 1:
            xvals[coord] = np.random.choice(nx, 1)
            yvals[coord] = np.random.choice(ny, 1)           
    K = matern_3_2_from_raw_vals(np.concatenate((xvals, yvals), axis=1), ls)
    if f_prior_mean is None:
        f = mvn.rvs(cov=K/s) # zero mean        
        f = mvn.rvs(mean=f_prior_mean[xvals, yvals].flatten(), cov=K/s) # zero mean
    # generate the noisy function values for the pairs
    fnoisy = norm.rvs(scale=sigma, size=N) + f
    # generate the discrete labels from the noisy function
    labels = sigmoid(fnoisy)
    return N, nx, ny, labels, xvals, yvals, f, K
def HtWtDataGenerator(nSubj, rndsd=None):
    # Specify parameters of multivariate normal (MVN) distributions.
    # Men:
    HtMmu = 69.18
    HtMsd = 2.87
    lnWtMmu = 5.14
    lnWtMsd = 0.17
    Mrho = 0.42
    Mmean = np.array([HtMmu , lnWtMmu])
    Msigma = np.array([[HtMsd**2, Mrho * HtMsd * lnWtMsd],
                     [Mrho * HtMsd * lnWtMsd, lnWtMsd**2]])

    # Women cluster 1:
    HtFmu1 = 63.11
    HtFsd1 = 2.76
    lnWtFmu1 = 5.06
    lnWtFsd1 = 0.24
    Frho1 = 0.41
    prop1 = 0.46
    Fmean1 = np.array([HtFmu1, lnWtFmu1])
    Fsigma1 = np.array([[HtFsd1**2, Frho1 * HtFsd1 * lnWtFsd1],
                     [Frho1 * HtFsd1 * lnWtFsd1, lnWtFsd1**2]])
    # Women cluster 2:
    HtFmu2 = 64.36
    HtFsd2 = 2.49
    lnWtFmu2 = 4.86
    lnWtFsd2 = 0.14
    Frho2 = 0.44
    prop2 = 1 - prop1
    Fmean2 = np.array([HtFmu2, lnWtFmu2])
    Fsigma2 = np.array([[HtFsd2**2 , Frho2 * HtFsd2 * lnWtFsd2],
                [Frho2 * HtFsd2 * lnWtFsd2 , lnWtFsd2**2]])

    # Randomly generate data values from those MVN distributions.
    if rndsd is not None:
    datamatrix = np.zeros((nSubj, 3))
    # arbitrary coding values
    maleval = 1
    femaleval = 0 
    for i in range(0, nSubj):
        # Flip coin to decide sex
        sex = np.random.choice([maleval, femaleval], replace=True, p=(.5,.5), size=1)
        if sex == maleval:
            datum = multivariate_normal.rvs(mean=Mmean, cov=Msigma) 
        if sex == femaleval:
            Fclust = np.random.choice([1, 2], replace=True, p=(prop1, prop2), size=1)
            if Fclust == 1:
                datum = multivariate_normal.rvs(mean=Fmean1, cov=Fsigma1)
            if Fclust == 2: 
                datum = multivariate_normal.rvs(mean=Fmean2, cov=Fsigma2)
        datamatrix[i] = np.concatenate([sex, np.round([datum[0], np.exp(datum[1])], 1)])

    return datamatrix
    def new_cluster(self, X, a, B, c, m):

        x is a np.matrix
        s is a float
        a is a float
        c is a float
        B is a np.matrix
        m is a np.matrix
        d = float(X.shape[0])
        s = float(X.shape[1])
        x_mean = np.mean(X, axis=1)
        m_p = c/(s+c) * m + 1/(s+c) * np.sum(X, axis=1)
        c_p = s + c
        a_p = a + s

        sum_B = np.matlib.zeros((d,d))
        for i in np.arange(s):
            sum_B = sum_B + (X - x_mean) * (X - x_mean).T
        B_p = B + sum_B + s/(a*s + 1) * (x_mean - m) * (x_mean - m).T

        sigma_p = wishart.rvs(df=a_p, scale=inv(B_p))
        mean_p = multivariate_normal.rvs(mean=m_p, cov=inv(c_p * sigma_p)) #transpose omitted
        return mean_p, sigma_p
def randomBatch(batch_size, sequenceLength): 

    cov = np.identity(sequenceLength)

    for i in range(0, sequenceLength): 
        for j in range(0, sequenceLength): 

            if abs(i - j) < 2: 
                cov[i][j] = 0.05

            if i % 10 == j % 10: 
                cov[i][j] = 1.0

    y = []

    for i in range(0, batch_size): 
        meanDelta = np.random.randint(-5, 5)

        mean = [0.0]

        for j in range(1, sequenceLength): 
            mean += [mean[-1] + 0.01 * meanDelta]

        y_new = multivariate_normal.rvs(mean = mean, cov = cov)


        y += [y_new]

    return np.asarray(y)
    def rvs(self, size=1):
        c_weights = self.weights.cumsum()  # Cumulative weights
        c_weights = np.hstack([0, c_weights])
        r_weights = np.random.rand(size)  # Randomly sampled weights
        r_weights = np.sort(r_weights)

        if self.ndims > 1:
            rvs = np.zeros((size, self.ndims))
            rvs = np.zeros(size)
        prev_max = 0
        for i, c_weight in enumerate(c_weights):
            if i == c_weights.size - 1:

            size_i = r_weights[r_weights > c_weight].size
            size_i = size_i - r_weights[r_weights > c_weights[i + 1]].size
            range_ = np.arange(size_i) + prev_max
            range_ = range_.astype(int)

            prev_max = range_[-1]
            mean = self.means[i]
            covariance = self.covariances[i]

            rvs[range_] = multivariate_normal.rvs(mean, covariance, size_i)

        return rvs
Exemple #7
    def fit_nce(self, X, k=1, mu_noise=None, L_noise=None,
                mu0=None, L0=None, c0=None, method='minimize',
                maxnumlinesearch=None, maxnumfuneval=None, verbose=False):
        _class = self.__class__
        D, Td = X.shape
        self._init_params(D, mu_noise, L_noise, mu0, L0, c0)

        noise = self._params_noise
        Y = mvn.rvs(noise.mu, noise.L, k * Td).T

        maxnumlinesearch = maxnumlinesearch or DEFAULT_MAXNUMLINESEARCH
        obj = lambda u: _class.J(X, Y, noise.mu, noise.L, *vec_to_params(u))
        grad = lambda u: params_to_vec(
            *_class.dJ(X, Y, noise.mu, noise.L, *vec_to_params(u)))

        t0 = params_to_vec(*self._params_nce)
        if method == 'minimize':
            t_star = minimize(t0, obj, grad,
                              maxnumfuneval=maxnumfuneval, verbose=verbose)[0]
            t_star = sp_minimize(obj, t0, method='BFGS', jac=grad,
                                 options={'disp': verbose,
                                          'maxiter': maxnumlinesearch}).x
        self._params_nce = GaussParams(*vec_to_params(t_star))
        return (self._params_nce, Y)
def test_rvs_shape():
    # Check that rvs parses the mean and covariance correctly, and returns
    # an array of the right shape
    N = 300
    d = 4
    sample = multivariate_normal.rvs(mean=np.zeros(d), cov=1, size=N)
    assert_equal(sample.shape, (N, d))

    sample = multivariate_normal.rvs(mean=None,
                                     cov=np.array([[2, .1], [.1, 1]]),
    assert_equal(sample.shape, (N, 2))

    u = multivariate_normal(mean=0, cov=1)
    sample = u.rvs(N)
    assert_equal(sample.shape, (N, ))
Exemple #9
 def __call__(self, state_post_prev):
     state_post_prev = np.array(state_post_prev)
     n_particles, n_states = state_post_prev.shape
     # assume that noise are generated by multivariate gaussian
     noise = multivariate_normal.rvs(cov=self.noise_cov, size=n_particles)
     noise = noise.reshape(n_particles, n_states)
     state_pre = np.dot(self.transition_matrix, state_post_prev.T).T + noise
     return state_pre
Exemple #10
def SampleGP(mean,Cholesky):
    Transform sample from MVN to BetaMatrix format
    Care the interface of cholesky decomposition
    return GP
Exemple #11
    def test_check_grad(self):
        D = 2
        S = c_[[2., .2], [.2, 2.]]
        X = mvn.rvs(randn(2), S, 100).T

        mu_noise, P_noise = r_[-1., 1.], .5 * c_[[1., .1], [.1, 1.]]
        L_noise = cholesky(P_noise)
        Y = mvn.rvs(mu_noise, inv(P_noise), 200).T

        obj = lambda u: NceGauss.J(
            X, Y, mu_noise, L_noise, *vec_to_params(u))
        grad = lambda u: params_to_vec(
            *NceGauss.dJ(X, Y, mu_noise, L_noise, *vec_to_params(u)))
        grad_diff = lambda u: check_grad(obj, grad, u)

        for i in xrange(100):
            u = r_[0,0,2,0,2,1] + randn(6) / 10
            self.assertLess(grad_diff(u), 1e-5)
    def sample_state(self, num_time_instants):
        """Sample a sequence of states from the prior"""

        # Get system matices
        F = self.transition_matrix()
        Q = self.transition_covariance()

        # Initialise state sequence
        state = np.zeros((num_time_instants,self.ds))

        # Sample first value from prior
        state[0] = mvn.rvs( mean=self.initial_state_prior.mn,
                            cov=self.initial_state_prior.vr )

        # Loop through time, sampling each state
        for kk in range(1,num_time_instants):
            state[kk] = mvn.rvs( mean=np.dot(F,state[kk-1]), cov=Q )

        return state
Exemple #13
def simple_model_sample_prior():
    vals = np.zeros(3 * components)
    vals[:components] = \
    for i in range(components, 2*components):
        vals[i] = random.random() * (END - START) + START

    vals[(2*components):(3*components)] = \
        invgamma.rvs(A, LOC, SCALE, size=components)

    return vals
Exemple #14
 def sample_gp(t, cov_func):
   Draws samples from a gaussian process with covariance given by cov_func.
   cov_func should be a function of 2 variables e.g. cov_func(tx, ty).  For
   the x,y coordinates of the matrix.  If the underlying covariance function
   requires more than 2 arguments, then they should be passed via a lambda
   tx, ty = np.meshgrid(t, t)
   cov = cov_func(tx, ty)
   return norm.rvs(cov = np.array(cov))
Exemple #15
def mc_spearmanr(x, y, cov, N=1000):
    mu = np.asarray(zip(x, y))
    rs = list()
    for i in range(N):
        rvs = list()
        for m, s in zip(mu, cov):
            rv = multivariate_normal.rvs(mean=m, cov=s)
        rvs = np.asarray(rvs)
    rs = np.asarray(rs)[:, 0]
    return rs.mean(), rs.std()
Exemple #16
def build_toy_dataset(N, V):
  """A simulator mimicking the data set from 2015-2016 NBA season with
  308 NBA players and ~150,000 shots."""
  L = np.tril(np.random.normal(2.5, 0.1, size=[V, V]))
  K = np.matmul(L, L.T)
  x = np.zeros([N, V])
  for n in range(N):
    f_n = multivariate_normal.rvs(cov=K, size=1)
    for v in range(V):
      x[n, v] = poisson.rvs(mu=np.exp(f_n[v]), size=1)

  return x
Exemple #17
def multivariate_t(nu, mu, sigma):
    Density of the multivariate t distribution with nu degress of freedom.

    Keyword parameters:
    nu -- degress of fredom
    mu -- location
    sigma -- scale
    d = len(mu)
    Y = multivariate_normal.rvs(mean=np.zeros(d), cov=sigma)
    U = chi2.rvs(nu)
    return mu + Y*np.sqrt(nu/U)
Exemple #18
def InitialGP(DistanceMatrix,parameter=np.array((1,1))):
    #The cholesky decomposition for corvarianceMatrix
    #Sigma=L%*%L.T cholesky decomposition
    #we want get sample~MVN(0,Sigma)
    #so get sample~MVN(0,Identity(n))%*%L 
    return sample
Exemple #19
    def test_sanity_fit(self):
        mu, P = r_[0., 0.], c_[[2., .2], [.2, 2.]]
        L = cholesky(P)
        Td, k = 100, 2
        X = mvn.rvs(mu, inv(P), Td).T
        theta = GaussParams(zeros(2), eye(2), 1.)

        theta_star, Y = self.model.fit_nce(
            X, k, mu_noise=randn(2), L_noise=(rand() + 1) * eye(2),
            mu0=mu, L0=L, maxnumlinesearch=2000, verbose=False)
        noise = self.model.params_noise
        self.assertLess(NceGauss.J(X, Y, noise.mu, noise.L, *theta_star),
                        NceGauss.J(X, Y, noise.mu, noise.L, *theta))
            *NceGauss.dJ(X, Y, noise.mu, noise.L, *theta_star)) ** 2), 1e-6)
def test_large_sample():
    # Generate large sample and compare sample mean and sample covariance
    # with mean and covariance matrix.


    n = 3
    mean = np.random.randn(n)
    M = np.random.randn(n, n)
    cov = np.dot(M, M.T)
    size = 5000

    sample = multivariate_normal.rvs(mean, cov, size)

    assert_allclose(numpy.cov(sample.T), cov, rtol=1e-1)
    assert_allclose(sample.mean(0), mean, rtol=1e-1)
    def sample_observ(self, state):
        """Sample a sequence of observations from the prior"""

        # Get system matrices
        H = self.observation_matrix()
        R = self.observation_covariance()

        # Initialise observation sequence
        num_time_instants = len(state)
        observ = np.zeros((num_time_instants,self.do))

        # Loop through time, sampling each observation
        for kk in range(num_time_instants):
            observ[kk] = mvn.rvs( mean=np.dot(H,state[kk]), cov=R )

        return observ
Exemple #22
def IntegralApprox(y,lam,r,beta,w,G=1,size=100):
    """estimates the integral in Eq.17 of Rasmussen (2000)"""
    temp = np.zeros(len(y))
    inv_betaw = inv(beta*w)
    inv_r = inv(r)
    i = 0
    bad = 0
    while i<size:
        mu = mv_norm.rvs(mean=lam,cov=inv_r,size=1)
        s = drawWishart(float(beta),inv_betaw)
            temp += mv_norm.pdf(y,mean=np.squeeze(mu),cov=G*inv(s))
            bad += 1
        i += 1
    return temp/float(size)
    def backward_simulation(self, flt):
        """Use backward simulation to sample from the state joint posterior"""

        # Get system matrices
        F = self.transition_matrix()
        Q = self.transition_covariance() + 1E-10*np.identity(self.ds)

        # Initialise sampled sequence
        num_time_instants = flt.num_time_instants
        x = np.zeros((num_time_instants, self.ds))

        # Loop through time instatnts, sampling each state
        for kk in reversed(range(num_time_instants)):
            if kk < num_time_instants-1:
                samp_dens,_ = kal.correct(flt.get_instant(kk), x[kk+1], F, Q)
                samp_dens = flt.get_instant(kk)
            x[kk] = mvn.rvs(mean=samp_dens.mn, cov=samp_dens.vr)

        return x
def sample_GP(num_functions,n_pts,mean,cov):
	''' From updated mean and covariance, sample the num_functions from the prescribed GP
			num_functions: the number of functions you want to sample from the GP
			n_pts        : the number of points to sample for each function
			mean         : the updated mean of the GP
			cov          : the updated covariance of the GP
			sampled_func : ndarray where the columns are the sampled functions
			Written by TWK to remove multiple instances of the same/similar loop to do this

	sampled_func = np.zeros((n_pts,num_functions))
	for ii in xrange(num_functions):
		# Sample the function from a multivariate normal, prescribed by mean and cov
		sampled_func[:,ii] = multivariate_normal.rvs(mean=mean,cov=cov)

	return sampled_func
    def fit(self, X, y):

        # If polynomial transformation
        if self.poly_degree:
            X = polynomial_features(X, degree=self.poly_degree)

        n_samples, n_features = np.shape(X)

        X_X = X.T.dot(X)

        # Least squares approximate of beta
        beta_hat = np.linalg.pinv(X_X).dot(X.T).dot(y)

        # The posterior parameters can be determined analytically since we assume
        # conjugate priors for the likelihoods.

        # Normal prior / likelihood => Normal posterior
        mu_n = np.linalg.pinv(X_X + self.omega0).dot(X_X.dot(beta_hat)+self.omega0.dot(self.mu0))
        omega_n = X_X + self.omega0
        # Scaled inverse chi-squared prior / likelihood => Scaled inverse chi-squared posterior
        nu_n = self.nu0 + n_samples
        sigma_sq_n = (1.0/nu_n)*(self.nu0*self.sigma_sq0 + \
            (y.T.dot(y) + self.mu0.T.dot(self.omega0).dot(self.mu0) - mu_n.T.dot(omega_n.dot(mu_n))))

        # Simulate parameter values for n_draws
        beta_draws = np.empty((self.n_draws, n_features))
        for i in range(self.n_draws):
            sigma_sq = self._draw_scaled_inv_chi_sq(n=1, df=nu_n, scale=sigma_sq_n)
            beta = multivariate_normal.rvs(size=1, mean=mu_n[:,0], cov=sigma_sq*np.linalg.pinv(omega_n))
            # Save parameter draws
            beta_draws[i, :] = beta

        # Select the mean of the simulated variables as the ones used to make predictions
        self.w = np.mean(beta_draws, axis=0)

        # Lower and upper boundary of the credible interval
        l_eti = 50 - self.cred_int/2
        u_eti = 50 + self.cred_int/2
        self.eti = np.array([[np.percentile(beta_draws[:,i], q=l_eti), np.percentile(beta_draws[:,i], q=u_eti)] \
                                for i in range(n_features)])
Exemple #26
	def GPGenerate(self, predict_range = ((0, 1), (0, 1)), num_samples = (20, 20), seed = 142857):
		Generates a draw from the gaussian process

		@param predict_range - map range for each dimension
		@param num_samples - number of samples for each dimension
		@return dict mapping locations to values 

		assert(len(predict_range) == len(num_samples))

		# Number of dimensions of the multivariate gaussian is equal to the number of grid points
		ndims = len(num_samples)
		grid_res = [float(predict_range[x][1]-predict_range[x][0])/float(num_samples[x]) for x in xrange(ndims)]
		npoints = reduce(lambda a, b: a * b, num_samples) 

		# Mean function is assumed to be zero
		u = np.zeros(npoints)

		# List of points
		grid1dim = [slice(predict_range[x][0],predict_range[x][1],grid_res[x]) for x in xrange(ndims)]
		grids = np.mgrid[grid1dim]
		points = grids.reshape(ndims, -1).T

		#print points

		assert points.shape[0] == npoints

		# construct covariance matrix
		cov_mat = self.CovarianceMesh(points, points)

		# Draw vector
		drawn_vector = multivariate_normal.rvs(mean=u, cov=cov_mat)
		assert drawn_vector.shape[0] == npoints

		return MapValueDict(points, drawn_vector)
Exemple #27
def myMcMcSampler_mwg(lnlike, xinit, Vinit, draws, burn, damper, aopt, *args):
    nb     = np.shape(xinit)[1]
    xold   = xinit
    lam    = 2.38**2/nb*np.ones((1,nb))
    old    = lnlike(xold, *args)
    val    = []
    Accept = np.zeros((1,nb))
    alpha  = np.zeros((1,nb))
    xs     = []
    mu     = np.array(xold).flatten()

    for i in tqdm(range(0,draws), leave=True):
        accept = np.zeros((1,nb))
        for j in range(0,nb):
            xpro = np.copy(xold)
            xpro[0,j] = xold[0,j]+multivariate_normal.rvs(0)*np.sqrt(Vinit[j,j])*lam[0,j]
            xpro = np.reshape(np.matrix(xpro),(1,-1))
            pro = lnlike(xpro, *args)                        
            if np.isnan(xpro[0,j]):
                alpha[0,j] = 0
            elif pro > old:
                alpha[0,j] = 1
                alpha[0,j] = np.exp(pro - old)
            if np.random.uniform(0,1) < alpha[0,j]:
                old    = pro
                xold   = xpro
                accept[0,j] = 1
        lam = lam*np.exp(1/(i+1)**damper*(alpha-aopt)) 
        Accept = np.vstack((Accept,accept))
    return xs, val, Accept
Exemple #28
    def fit(self, X, y):

        X_X = X.T.dot(X)
        # Least squares approximate of beta
        beta_hat = np.linalg.pinv(X_X).dot(X.T).dot(y)

        # The posterior parameters can be determined analytically since we assume conjugate priors for the likelihoods
        # Normal prior / likelihood => Normal posterior
        mu_n = np.linalg.pinv(X_X + self.omega0).dot(X_X.dot(beta_hat) + self.omega0.dot(self.mu0))
        omega_n = X_X + self.omega0
        # Scaled inverse chi-squared prior / likelihood => Scaled inverse chi-squared posterior
        nu_n = self.nu0 + np.shape(X)[0]
        sigma_sq_n = (1.0 / nu_n) * (self.nu0 * self.sigma_sq0 + (y.T.dot(y) + self.mu0.T.dot(self.omega0).dot(self.mu0) - mu_n.T.dot(omega_n.dot(mu_n))))

        # Simulate parameter values for n_iter
        beta_draws = np.empty((self.n_iterations, np.shape(X)[1]))
        for i in range(self.n_iterations):
            # Allows for simulation from the scaled inverse chi squared distribution.
            X = chi2.rvs(size=1, df=nu_n)
            sigma_sq = nu_n * sigma_sq_n / X
            beta = multivariate_normal.rvs(size=1, mean=mu_n[:, 0], cov=sigma_sq * np.linalg.pinv(omega_n))
            beta_draws[i, :] = beta

        self.w = np.mean(beta_draws, axis=0)
H_Q = ('iw', df, df * np.diag(
    (transX_object_1sd**2, transY_object_1sd**2, rotAngle_object_1sd**2)))
H_x = ('mvnL', np.eye(dxA), .01 * np.eye(dxA))
H_S = ('iw', df, df * np.diag(
    (transX_parts_1sd**2, transY_parts_1sd**2, rotAngle_parts_1sd**2)))

# be careful with initial part configuration prior
H_theta = ('mvnL', np.eye(dxA), np.diag((10**2, 10**2, 1**2)))
H_E = ('iw', df, df * np.diag((5, 1)))

# true parameters
zero = np.zeros(dxA)

Q = np.diag(np.diag(iw.rvs(*H_Q[1:])))
x = np.zeros((T, ) + dxGm)
x[0] = m.expm(m.alg(mvn.rvs(m.algi(m.logm(H_x[1])), H_x[2])))

for t in range(1, T):
    xVec = mvn.rvs(zero, Q)
    x[t] = x[t - 1].dot(m.expm(m.alg(xVec)))

# part
E = np.stack([np.diag(np.diag(iw.rvs(*H_E[1:]))) for k in range(K)])
S = np.stack([iw.rvs(*H_S[1:]) for k in range(K)])
theta = np.zeros((T, K) + dxGm)

for k in range(K):
    theta[0, k] = m.expm(m.alg(mvn.rvs(m.algi(m.logm(H_theta[1])),

for t in range(1, T):
Exemple #30
              [0.5, 0, 2, 0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0], [0, 0.5, 0, 0, 1, 0],
              [0.5, 0, 1, 0, 0, 2]])
# Reference measure
REF = tensap.RandomVector(
    [tensap.UniformRandomVariable(-x, x) for x in 5 * np.diag(S)])

# Density, defined with respect to the reference measure
def U(x):
    return multivariate_normal.pdf(x, np.zeros(ORDER), S) * \

# %% Training and test samples
NUM_TRAIN = 1e5  # Training sample size
X_TRAIN = multivariate_normal.rvs(np.zeros(ORDER), S, int(NUM_TRAIN))

NUM_TEST = 1e4  # Test sample size
X_TEST = multivariate_normal.rvs(np.zeros(ORDER), S, int(NUM_TEST))

NUM_REF = 1e4  # Size of the sample used to compute the L2 error
XI = REF.random(NUM_REF)

# %% Approximation basis
# Orthonormal bases in each dimension, with respect to the reference measure
                                     range(DEGREE + 1))
    for x in REF.random_variables
Exemple #31
def test_ABC(k1, k2, k3):

    #Generate a model
    model = MM_SSA(k1, k2, k3, max_time=10)

    #Set threshold
    epsilon = 1200

    #Generate a random trajectory - considered real trajectory
    T = model.get_trajectory()

    #Get number of samples
    n_samples = len(model.time)

    #Initialize index
    i = 0

    #Initialize first prior mutlivariate Gaussian distribution (mean, covariance)
    #    theta_guess = np.random.uniform(0, 1, (3,3))
    theta_guess = np.array([[k1 - 0.1, k2 - 0.002, k3 - 0.03],
                            [k1 - 0.04, k2 - 0.05, k3],
                            [k1 - 0.7, k2 - 0.01, k3 + 0.2]])
    #theta_guess = np.array([k1-0.01, k2-0.02, k3-0.1]).reshape(1,3)
    distribution = {
        'mean': np.mean(theta_guess, axis=0),
        'cov': np.cov(theta_guess, rowvar=True)

    #Create the theta_list
    theta = theta_guess

    print('Starting example')
                                cov=distribution['cov']).reshape(1, 3))

    while (i < 400):
        #Generate a random set (k1,k2,k3) by prior distribution which is GOOD
        trails_500 = 0
        trails_1000 = 0
        while (True):
            #print('Entered Loop')

            theta_guess = multivariate_normal.rvs(
                size=1, mean=distribution['mean'],
                cov=distribution['cov']).reshape(1, 3)
            if (trails_500 > 100):
                theta_guess = distribution['mean'].reshape(1, 3)
            #print('Blocked here 1')
            model_guess = MM_SSA(*theta_guess[0], max_time=n_samples + 1)
            #print('Blocked here 2')
            #print('Blocked here 3')
            T_star = model_guess.get_trajectory()
            #print('Blocked here 4')
            if (epsilon_test(np.array(T), np.array(T_star), epsilon)):
                theta = np.append(theta, theta_guess, axis=0)
                epsilon = (manhattan_distance(np.array(T), np.array(T_star)) +
                           12 * epsilon) / 13

            if (trails_500 > 3999):
                trails_500 = 0
                epsilon = (
                    2 * manhattan_distance(np.array(T), np.array(T_star)) +
                    epsilon) / 3
            elif (trails_1000 > 4000):
                return distribution
            trails_500, trails_1000 = trails_500 + 1, trails_1000 + 1
            #print(f'{trails} trails')

        print(f'Accepted with epsilon = {epsilon}')
        #Create the new posterior distribution
        #Prior Distribution

        prior_distribution = distribution

        #Likelihood D
            mean = np.mean(theta, axis=0)
            cov = np.cov(theta, rowvar=0)
            likelihood_distribution = {'mean': mean, 'cov': cov}
            likelihood_distribution = {'mean': mean, 'cov': cov}
            #Update new posterior distribution
            distribution = {

        print(f'i= {i}')
        #Update index
        i = i + 1

    return distribution
 def sample(self, num_sample):
     dw_sample = normal.rvs(
         size=[num_sample, self.num_time_interval]) * self.sqrth
     return dw_sample[:, np.newaxis, :]
def plot_vi_logistics(number_points_per_class,
    from distribution_prediction.blackbox_vi.blackbox_vi_logistics import variational_inference_logistics

    def _plot(fig,
        colorbar = None
        colorbar_2 = None

        # plt.cla()
        # plt.clf()


        xlim = (-5., 5.)
        ylim = (-5., 5.)
        xlist = np.linspace(*xlim, 100)
        ylist = np.linspace(*ylim, 100)
        X_, Y_ = np.meshgrid(xlist, ylist)
        Z = np.dstack((X_, Y_))
        Z = Z.reshape(-1, 2)
        predictions = onp.mean(probability_class_1(Z, array_samples_theta),
        predictions = predictions.reshape(100, 100)
        # print("finished")
        if np.size(predictions):
            CS = ax1.contourf(X_, Y_, predictions, cmap="cividis")
        ax1.scatter(X_1[:, 0], X_1[:, 1])
        ax1.scatter(X_2[:, 0], X_2[:, 1])
        ax1.set_title("Predicted probability of belonging to C_1")
        ax3 = fig.add_axes(Bbox([[0.43, 0.11], [0.453, 0.88]]))
        if np.size(predictions):
            colorbar = fig.colorbar(
        ax1.set_position(Bbox([[0.125, 0.11], [0.39, 0.88]]))

        x_prior = np.linspace(-3, 3, 100)
        y_prior = np.linspace(-3, 3, 100)
        X_prior, Y_prior = np.meshgrid(x_prior, y_prior)
        Z = np.dstack((X_prior, Y_prior))
        Z = Z.reshape(-1, 2)
        prior_values = multivariate_normal.pdf(Z, np.zeros(2), np.identity(2))
        prior_values = prior_values.reshape(100, 100)

        std_x = onp.sqrt(sigma[0, 0])
        std_y = onp.sqrt(sigma[1, 1])
        x_posterior = np.linspace(mean[0] - 3 * std_x, mean[0] + 3 * std_x,
        y_posterior = np.linspace(mean[1] - 3 * std_y, mean[1] + 3 * std_y,
        X_post, Y_post = np.meshgrid(x_posterior, y_posterior)

        Z_post = np.dstack((X_post, Y_post)).reshape(-1, 2)
        posterior_values = multivariate_normal.pdf(Z_post, mean, sigma)
        posterior_values = posterior_values.reshape(100, 100)

        ax2.contour(X_post, Y_post, posterior_values)
        ax2.contour(X_, Y_, prior_values, cmap="inferno")
        ax2.set_title("Two contour plots respectively showing\n"
                      "The prior and the approximated posterior distributions")

        if interactive:
            if np.size(predictions):

        return True

    mean_1 = onp.array([-2, 2])
    mean_2 = onp.array([2, -2])

    X_1 = onp.random.randn(number_points_per_class, 2) + mean_1
    X_2 = onp.random.randn(number_points_per_class, 2) + mean_2

    X = onp.vstack((X_1, X_2))
    y_1 = onp.ones(shape=(X_1.shape[0], 1))
    y_2 = onp.zeros(shape=(X_2.shape[0], 1))
    y = onp.vstack((y_1, y_2))

    fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2)
    mean, sigma = None, None
    count = 0
    for mean, sigma, *_ in variational_inference_logistics(
            X, y, 50, sigma_prior=1., number_iterations=number_iterations):
        mean = mean.flatten()
        array_samples_theta = multivariate_normal.rvs(mean, sigma, 1000)
        if interactive and count % interval_plot == 0:
        count += 1
        array_samples_theta = multivariate_normal.rvs(mean, sigma, 1000)

    xlim = (-4., 4.)
    ylim = (-4., 4.)
    xlist = onp.linspace(*xlim, 100)
    ylist = onp.linspace(*ylim, 100)
    X_, Y_ = onp.meshgrid(xlist, ylist)
    Z = onp.dstack((X_, Y_))
    Z = Z.reshape(-1, 2)
    predictions = onp.mean(probability_class_1(Z, array_samples_theta), axis=1)
    predictions = predictions.reshape(100, 100)

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
    CS = plt.contourf(X_, Y_, predictions, levels=20)
    colorbar = plt.colorbar(CS)
    plt.scatter(X_1[:, 0], X_1[:, 1])
    plt.scatter(X_2[:, 0], X_2[:, 1])

Exemple #34
    def sample(self, n_samples=2000, observed_states=None, random_state=None):
        """Generate random samples from the self.

        n : int
            Number of samples to generate.

        observed_states : array
            If provided, states are not sampled.

        random_state: RandomState or an int seed
            A random number generator instance. If None is given, the
            object's random_state is used

        samples : array_like, length (``n_samples``, ``n_features``)
                  List of samples

        states : array_like, shape (``n_samples``)
                 List of hidden states (accounting for tied states by giving
                 them the same index)

        if random_state is None:
            random_state = self.random_state
        random_state = check_random_state(random_state)

        samples = np.zeros((n_samples, self.n_features))
        states = np.zeros(n_samples)

        if observed_states is None:
            startprob_pdf = np.exp(np.copy(self._log_startprob))
            startdist = stats.rv_discrete(name='custm',
            states[0] = startdist.rvs(size=1)[0]

            transmat_pdf = np.exp(np.copy(self._log_transmat))
            transmat_cdf = np.cumsum(transmat_pdf, 1)

            nrand = random_state.rand(n_samples)
            for idx in range(1,n_samples):
                newstate = (transmat_cdf[int(states[idx-1])] > nrand[idx-1]).argmax()
                states[idx] = newstate

            states = observed_states

        mu = np.copy(self._mu_)
        precision = np.copy(self._precision_)
        for idx in range(n_samples):
            mean_ = mu[states[idx]]

            covar_ = np.linalg.inv(precision[states[idx]])
            samples[idx] = multivariate_normal.rvs(mean=mean_, cov=covar_,
        states = self._process_sequence(states)
        return samples, states
Exemple #35
    empiricalCorrelations = ['r', 'r_S', 'r_Q']
    variateCorrelations = [[[[0 for l in range(len(empiricalCorrelations))]
                             for k in range(len(measuares))]
                            for j in range(len(sizes))]
                           for i in range(len(correlations_1))]
    mixedVariateCorrelations = [[[0 for l in range(len(empiricalCorrelations))]
                                 for k in range(len(measuares))]
                                for j in range(len(sizes))]

    for i in range(len(correlations_1)):
        covariance = Covariance(variances_1,
                                [[1, correlations_1[i]], [correlations_1[i], 1]])
        for j in range(len(sizes)):
            P, S, Q = [], [], []
            for m in range(count):
                rvs = multivariate_normal.rvs(means, covariance, sizes[i])
                x, y = rvs[:, 0], rvs[:, 1]
                p, tmp = pearsonr(x, y)
                s, tmp = spearmanr(x, y)
                Q.append(QuadrantCorrelation(x, y))
            empCors = [P, S, Q]
            for k in range(len(measuares)):
                for l in range(len(empCors)):
                    variateCorrelations[i][j][k][l] = measuares[k][1](empCors[l])
    mixedCovariances = [Covariance(variances_1, [[1, correlations_2[0]], [correlations_2[0], 1]]),
                        Covariance(variances_2, [[1, correlations_2[1]], [correlations_2[1], 1]])]
    for j in range(len(sizes)):
        P, S, Q = [], [], []
# why 2 * 2?
# we need 2 components for the mean,
# and 2 components for the standard deviation!

# ignore bias terms for simplicity.

def forward(x, W1, W2):
    hidden = np.tanh(x.dot(W1))
    output = hidden.dot(W2)  # no activation!
    mean = output[:2]
    stddev = softplus(output[2:])
    return mean, stddev

# make a random input
x = np.random.randn(4)

# get the parameters of the Gaussian
mean, stddev = forward(x, W1, W2)
print("mean:", mean)
print("stddev:", stddev)

# draw samples
samples = mvn.rvs(mean=mean, cov=stddev**2, size=10000)

# plot the samples
plt.scatter(samples[:, 0], samples[:, 1], alpha=0.5)
Exemple #37
for k, (mean, covar, color) in enumerate(zip(Mu_p, Sig_p, color_iter)):
    v, w = linalg.eigh(covar)
    u = w[0] / linalg.norm(w[0])
    angle = np.arctan(u[1] / u[0])
    angle = 180 * angle / np.pi  # convert to degrees
    ell = mpl.patches.Ellipse([mean[1], mean[0]],
                              180 + angle,
    for i in range(int(5000 * 2 * pi_p[k])):  #)):#
        X = multivariate_normal.rvs(mean=mean, cov=covar)
        plt.scatter(X[1], X[0], s=5, marker='.', color=color, alpha=0.2)

for i in range(len(p_temp)):
    plt.scatter(p_temp[i][1], p_temp[i][0], marker='x', c=colors[zp[i]])
# Number of samples per component
n_samples = 500

# Generate random sample, two components
C = np.array([[0., -0.1], [1.7, .4]])
X = np.r_[np.dot(np.random.randn(n_samples, 2), C),
          .7 * np.random.randn(n_samples, 2) + np.array([-6, 3])]
        row_sums = tmpprod.sum(axis=1)
        new_matrix = tmpprod / row_sums

        _inputs = new_matrix
        if _inputs.shape[0] > 2:
            inputs = Variable(torch.from_numpy(
                    2)  # use all orders excpet the last one for each user
            targets = Variable(
                    2))  # use shifted input as output
            daysS = np.asarray([dictOrderIDDayS[x] for x in tmp])[:-1]

            user_g = torch.from_numpy(
            rhot = Variable(torch.from_numpy(pow((t0 + daysS), -kappa)),

            # Use teacher forcing 50% of the time
            force = random.random() < 0.5
            outputs, hidden, mutmp, logvartmp, recon_batch = model(
                inputs, user_g, rhot, None, force)
            mu[iter] = mutmp.detach().numpy()
            logvar[iter] = logvartmp.detach().numpy()[0]

            loss = lossFun_vae(recon_batch, targets, mutmp, logvartmp,
                               inputsize, outputs)
from scipy.stats import rv_discrete
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

K = 3
N = 1000

mean = [np.array([0, 0]), np.array([10, 3]), np.array([5, 9])]

cov = [
    np.array([[1, 0], [0, 2]]),
    np.array([[5, 1.5], [1, 2]]),
    np.array([[1, 2], [2, 7]])

vk = np.arange(K)
pk = (0.3, 0.4, 0.3)
sk = np.zeros((N, K))

cat = rv_discrete(name='cat', values=(vk, pk))
xs = []
ys = []
for i in range(N):
    sk = cat.rvs()
    (x, y) = mult.rvs(mean=mean[sk], cov=cov[sk])
    xs = xs + [x]
    ys = ys + [y]

plt.scatter(xs, ys)
Exemple #40
def bivar(graphtype=2, mubass=[4, 3], sigmabass=[[1, 0.75], [0.75, 1]], musalmon=[2, 2], sigmasalmon=[[1, 0], [0, 1]], interactive=False):

  # Compute probability of (x,y) for a given mu and sigma
  def getprob(x, y, mu, sigma):
    vec = np.matrix([x, y])
    mua = np.matrix(mu)
    E = 2.0 * np.pi * np.sqrt(np.linalg.det(sigma))
    P = (1/E) * np.exp(-1 * ((vec-mua) * np.linalg.inv(sigma) * (vec.T-mua.T) / 2.0))
    return float(P)

  # initialise default parameters
  Nbass = 100
  Nsalmon = 100

  # Generate distribution surface data
  bass = multivariate_normal.rvs(mubass,sigmabass,Nbass);
  salmon = multivariate_normal.rvs(musalmon,sigmasalmon,Nsalmon);
  x = np.arange(0, 6.1, 0.1)
  y = np.arange(0, 6.1, 0.1)

  Pbass = np.zeros((len(y), len(x)))
  Psalmon = np.zeros((len(y), len(x)))
  for i in range(len(x)):
    for j in range(len(y)):
      Pbass[j,i] = getprob(x[i], y[j], mubass, sigmabass)
      Psalmon[j,i] = getprob(x[i], y[j], musalmon, sigmasalmon)

  Pb = (1 / (2 * np.pi * np.sqrt(np.linalg.det(sigmabass  )))) * np.exp(-1/2.0)
  Ps = (1 / (2 * np.pi * np.sqrt(np.linalg.det(sigmasalmon)))) * np.exp(-1/2.0)

  LR = np.divide(Pbass, Psalmon)

  # Do the plotting
  if interactive:
  if graphtype == 2:
    # 2D scatter plots and standard deviation contours
    fig2D = plt.figure()
    ax = fig2D.add_subplot( 111 )
    ax.scatter(bass[:,0], bass[:,1], color='k',)
    ax.scatter(salmon[:,0], salmon[:,1], color='r')
    ax.contour(x, y, Pbass, [Pb], colors='k')
    ax.contour(x, y, Psalmon, [Ps], colors='r')
    ax.contour(x, y, LR, [1], colors='g')
  elif graphtype == 32:
    # 2D projection of 3D surfaces + standard deviation contours
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)

    vmin=np.min(np.nanmin(Pbass), np.nanmin(Psalmon))
    vmax=np.max(np.nanmax(Pbass), np.nanmax(Psalmon))

    Pbs = np.maximum(Pbass, Psalmon)
    ax.contourf(x, y, Pbs, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
    # ax.contourf(x, y, Psalmon, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, alpha=.6)
    # ax.contourf(x, y, Pbass, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax,  alpha=.4)

    ax.contour(x, y, Pbass, [Pb], colors='k', linewidths=3)
    ax.contour(x, y, Psalmon, [Ps], colors='r', linewidths=3)
    ax.contour(x, y, LR, [1], colors='g', linewidths=3)
  elif graphtype == 3:
    # 3D surfaces and standard deviation contours
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')

    Pbs = np.maximum(Pbass, Psalmon)

    xl, yl= np.meshgrid(x, y)
    ax.plot_surface(xl, yl, Pbs,\
      vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax,\
      rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=plt.cm.jet, alpha=0.3, linewidth=0, antialiased=False)

    ax.contour(xl, yl, Pbass, [Pb], colors='k', linewidths=5)
    ax.contour(xl, yl, Psalmon, [Ps], colors='r', linewidths=5)
    ax.contour(xl, yl, LR, [1], offset=0, colors='g', linewidths=5)

    ax.set_zlim(0, 1.5*vmax)
    ax.view_init(elev=90, azim=-90)
    print("Unknown plotting option: %d" % graphtype)
  if interactive:
Exemple #41
        g = 9.81  ### grav. zrychlení [m/s^2]
        dt = 1  # čas. krok v sekundách
        A = np.array([[1, dt], [0, 1]])  # matice A
        B = np.array([-.5 * dt, -dt])  # matice B
        u = g  # pro forma, g=u
        var_wht = 10  ### variance šumu na výšce w_ht
        var_wvt = 10  ### variance šumu na rychlosti w_vt
        var_y = 90000  ### variance šumu měření v_t

        x = np.zeros((2, ndat))
        x[:, 0] = [h0, v0]
        y = np.zeros(ndat)

        for t in range(1, ndat):
            x[:, t] = A.dot(x[:, t - 1]) + B.dot(u)
            x[:, t] += mvn.rvs(cov=np.diag([var_wht, var_wvt]))
            y[t] = x[0, t] + norm.rvs(scale=np.sqrt(var_y))

        Q = np.diag([var_wht, var_wvt])  # Toto už jsme v simulaci také udělali
        R = var_y
        H = np.array([1, 0])

        filtr = KF(A=A, B=B, H=H, R=R, Q=Q)  # Instance Kalmanova filtru
        for yt in y:
    #        input('asdf')
        log_x = np.array(filtr.log_x).T
Exemple #42
def draw_MVNormal(mean=0, cov=1, size=1):
    returns multivariate normally distributed samples
    return mv_norm.rvs(mean=mean, cov=cov, size=size)
Exemple #43
def test1():
    # データの生成
    data_count = 500
    data = np.zeros([5, data_count // 5, 2])
    for cc in range(data.shape[0]):
        centers = [[0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0], [0.5, 0.5], [1.0, 0.0], [1.0,
        data[cc] = np.random.randn(data.shape[1],
                                   2) + np.array(centers) * 10 - 5
    data = data.reshape([-1, 2])
    n = len(data)

    # (12.33), (12.34) のハイパーパラメータ(少し改ざん)
    alpha = 3  # 書籍は1
    beta = 1 / 3
    nu = 3  # 書籍は15
    S = np.array([[0.1, 0], [0, 0.1]])
    S_inv = inv(S)

    # 初期設定
    s = np.zeros([n], dtype=int)
    c = 1
    n_i = np.array([n], dtype=int)
    mu0 = data.mean(axis=0)
    Lambda_all = inv(np.cov(data.T))
    thetas = [(mu0, Lambda_all)]
    p_max = -np.inf
    best_s = s
    best_thetas = thetas

    # (12.35) の不変部分
    v12_35 = beta / ((1 + beta) * np.pi) * gamma(
        (nu + 1) / 2) / (det(S)**(nu / 2) * gamma((nu + 1 - 2) / 2))

    for iteration in range(100):
        # 所属クラスタの更新
        for k in range(n):
            Sb = inv(S_inv + beta /
                     (1 + beta) * np.outer(data[k] - mu0, data[k] - mu0))
            probs = [(n_i[i] - (1 if s[k] == i else 0)) *
                     p_x_theta(data[k], thetas[i]) for i in range(c)]
            probs.append(alpha * v12_35 * det(Sb)**((nu + 1) / 2))
            probs = np.array(probs, dtype=float)
            probs /= probs.sum()

            new_c = np.random.choice(c + 1, p=probs)
            old_c = s[k]
            s[k] = new_c

            if new_c == c:
                n_i = np.concatenate((n_i, [1]))
                thetas.append((data[k], Lambda_all))
                c += 1
                n_i[new_c] += 1

            n_i[old_c] -= 1
            if n_i[old_c] == 0:
                n_i = np.delete(n_i, old_c)
                del thetas[old_c]
                c -= 1
                s[np.where(s >= old_c)] -= 1

        # 各クラスタのパラメータの更新
        x_bar = np.zeros([c, 2])
        mu_c = np.zeros([c, 2])
        for k in range(n):
            x_bar[s[k]] += data[k]
        for i in range(c):
            mu_c[i] = (x_bar[i] + beta * mu0) / (n_i[i] + beta)
            x_bar[i] /= n_i[i]

        Sq_inv = np.zeros((c, ) + S.shape) + S_inv
        for i in range(c):
            Sq_inv[i] += n_i[i] * beta / (n_i[i] + beta) * np.outer(
                x_bar[i] - mu0, x_bar[i] - mu0)
        for k in range(n):
            Sq_inv[s[k]] += np.outer(data[k] - x_bar[s[k]],
                                     data[k] - x_bar[s[k]])

        for i in range(c):
            nu_c = nu + n_i[i]
            Lambda_i = wishart.rvs(nu_c, inv(Sq_inv[i]))
            Lambda_c = (n_i[i] + beta) * Lambda_i
            mu_i = multivariate_normal.rvs(mu_c[i], inv(Lambda_c))
            thetas[i] = (mu_i, Lambda_i)

        # 事後確率最大化(対数を取っています)
        v = log_p_s(alpha, n_i, c, n)
        v += sum(math.log(g0(theta, mu0, beta, nu, S)) for theta in thetas)
        v += sum(math.log(p_x_theta(data[k], thetas[s[k]])) for k in range(n))
        if v > p_max:
            p_max = v
            best_s = copy.copy(s)
            best_thetas = copy.copy(thetas)
            print("p_max", p_max)
            for i in range(c):
                print("\t", thetas[i][0])

    # Matplotlib で表示
    plt.plot(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], "ro")
    for i in range(len(best_thetas)):
        plot_cov_ellipse(best_thetas[i][1], best_thetas[i][0])
#Plot data
for i, color in colors:
    cluster = clusters[i - 1]
    plt.scatter([c[0] for c in cluster], [c[1] for c in cluster], color=color)

#Plot centroids
plt.scatter([c[0] for c in centroids], [c[1] for c in centroids],


# Non-convex clusters

c1 = multivariate_normal.rvs(mean=[0, 2], cov=0.1, size=100)
c1 = np.vstack((c1, multivariate_normal.rvs(mean=[0, 1], cov=0.1, size=100)))
c1 = np.vstack((c1, multivariate_normal.rvs(mean=[0, 0], cov=0.1, size=100)))
c1 = np.vstack((c1, multivariate_normal.rvs(mean=[1, 0], cov=0.1, size=100)))
c1 = np.vstack((c1, multivariate_normal.rvs(mean=[2, 0], cov=0.1, size=100)))
c1 = np.vstack((c1, multivariate_normal.rvs(mean=[3, 0], cov=0.1, size=100)))

c2 = multivariate_normal.rvs(mean=[1.5, 2], cov=0.1, size=100)
c2 = np.vstack((c2, multivariate_normal.rvs(mean=[2.5, 2], cov=0.1, size=100)))
c2 = np.vstack((c2, multivariate_normal.rvs(mean=[3.5, 2], cov=0.1, size=100)))

X = np.vstack((c1, c2))

g = mixture.GMM(n_components=2, covariance_type='full')
Exemple #45
        C : array, shape = [n_samples]
            Predicted class label per sample.
        metric = SIM_METRICS[self.metric]
        # compute fuzzy similarity between samples and Decision templates
        dist = metric(X, self.DT_)

        return self.classes_.take(np.argmax(dist, axis=1), axis=0)

if __name__ == "__main__":

    from sklearn.datasets import load_svmlight_file
    #X, y = load_svmlight_file("meta_level.svm")

    true_mean = [2, 4]
    true_cov = [[10, 5], [5, 10]]

    X = multivariate_normal.rvs(mean=true_mean,
    y = np.ones(X.shape[0])

    N, D = X.shape

    vig = VIG()
    vig.fit(X, y)
    pred = vig.predict(X)
    print(multivariate_normal.pdf(X, mean=true_mean, cov=true_cov))
Exemple #46
        GroundTruthState(np.array([[xy[0]], [xy[1]]]),
                         timestamp=start_time + timedelta(seconds=n)))

#Plot the result
ax.plot([state.state_vector[0, 0] for state in truth],
        [state.state_vector[1, 0] for state in truth],

from scipy.stats import multivariate_normal

from stonesoup.types.detection import Detection

measurements = []
for state in truth:
    x, y = multivariate_normal.rvs(state.state_vector.ravel(),
                                   cov=np.diag([0.75, 0.75]))
        Detection(np.array([[x], [y]]), timestamp=state.timestamp))

# Plot the result
ax.scatter([state.state_vector[0, 0] for state in measurements],
           [state.state_vector[1, 0] for state in measurements],

# Create Models and Kalman Filter
from stonesoup.models.transition.linear import CombinedLinearGaussianTransitionModel, ConstantVelocity
transition_model = CombinedLinearGaussianTransitionModel(
    (ConstantVelocity(0.05), ConstantVelocity(0.05)))
# u3  = np.array([16, 1]).T
# cov1 = cov2 = cov3 = np.array([[5, 3],[3, 4]])

## Q12c
print("\nLetra c")
u1 = np.array([1, 1]).T
u2 = np.array([10, 5]).T
u3 = np.array([11, 1]).T
cov1 = cov2 = cov3 = np.array([[7, 4], [4, 5]])

# Create random data
x1 = np.empty([N1, 2])
x2 = np.empty([N1, 2])
x3 = np.empty([N1, 2])
for i in range(N1):
    x1[i, :] = multivariate_normal.rvs(mean=u1, cov=cov1)
    x2[i, :] = multivariate_normal.rvs(mean=u2, cov=cov2)
    x3[i, :] = multivariate_normal.rvs(mean=u3, cov=cov3)

x = np.reshape([x1, x2, x3], [N, 2])
y = np.reshape([np.zeros([N1, 1]),
                np.ones([N1, 1]),
                np.ones([N1, 1]) * 2], [

plt.scatter(x[:, 0], x[:, 1])

## Euclidean classifier
# Class 1: y = 0
# %%
# The next tutorial will go into much more detail on sampling methods. For the moment we'll just
# assert that we're generating 2000 points from the state prediction above.
# We need these imports and parameters:
from scipy.stats import multivariate_normal

from stonesoup.types.particle import Particle
from stonesoup.types.numeric import Probability  # Similar to a float type
from stonesoup.types.state import ParticleState

number_particles = 2000

# Sample from the Gaussian prediction distribution
samples = multivariate_normal.rvs(prediction.state_vector.ravel(),
particles = [
    Particle(sample.reshape(-1, 1), weight=Probability(1 / number_particles))
    for sample in samples
# Create prior particle state.
pred_samples = ParticleState(particles, timestamp=start_time)

from stonesoup.resampler.particle import SystematicResampler
resampler = SystematicResampler()
from stonesoup.updater.particle import ParticleUpdater
pupdater = ParticleUpdater(measurement_model, resampler)

predict_meas_samples = pupdater.predict_measurement(pred_samples)
Exemple #49
 def x_MC_samples(self):
     if self.method == 'Monte_Carlo':
         return multivariate_normal.rvs(self.x, self.cov_matrix,
         return print('x_MC_samples defined only for Monte_Carlo method')
# Initialise a prior
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# To start we create a prior estimate. This is a set of :class:`~.Particle` and we sample from
# Gaussian distribution (using the same parameters we had in the previous examples).

from scipy.stats import multivariate_normal

from stonesoup.types.particle import Particle
from stonesoup.types.numeric import Probability  # Similar to a float type
from stonesoup.types.state import ParticleState

number_particles = 200

# Sample from the prior Gaussian distribution
samples = multivariate_normal.rvs(np.array([0, 1, 0, 1]),
                                  np.diag([1.5, 0.5, 1.5, 0.5]),

particles = [
    Particle(sample.reshape(-1, 1), weight=Probability(1 / number_particles))
    for sample in samples

# Create prior particle state.
prior = ParticleState(particles, timestamp=start_time)

# %%
# Run the tracker
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# We now run the predict and update steps, propagating the collection of particles and re-sampling
# when told to (at every step).
x, y = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-5, 5, 100), np.linspace(-5, 5, 100))
z = np.dstack((x, y))

# hyper parameter of prior distribution
hp_m = np.array([0.0, 0.0])
hp_beta = 2.0
hp_W = np.array([[0.5, 1.0], [0.5, 1.5]])
hp_v = 2.0
# parameter of posterior gaussian distribution
Sigma = np.array([[1.0, 0.5], [0.5, 2.0]])
mu = np.array([1.0, 1.0])

for j, N in enumerate([3, 10, 50]):
    # observed data
    X = multivariate_normal.rvs(mu, Sigma, N, random_state=1234)
    # update parameter
    sum_x = np.matrix(np.sum(X, axis=0))
    new_beta = N + hp_beta
    new_m = (1 / new_beta) * (sum_x + hp_beta * hp_m)
    hp_m_ = np.asmatrix(hp_m).reshape(2, 1)
    new_m_ = np.asmatrix(new_m).reshape(2, 1)
    X_ = np.matrix(X).reshape(2, N)
    new_W_inv = (X_ * X_.T) + (hp_beta * hp_m_ * hp_m_.T) - (
        new_beta * new_m_ * new_m_.T) + np.linalg.inv(hp_W)
    new_v = N + hp_v
    # posterior distribution
    new_Lambda = wishart.rvs(df=new_v, scale=np.linalg.inv(new_W_inv), size=N)
    new_mu = multivariate_normal.pdf(z, np.squeeze(np.asarray(new_m)),
                                     np.linalg.inv(new_beta * new_Lambda))
Exemple #52
 def draw(self, mode_size=1000):
     return np.vstack([
         multivariate_normal.rvs(mean, self.cov, size=mode_size)
         for mean in self.means
def HtWtDataGenerator(nSubj, rndsd=None):
    # Specify parameters of multivariate normal (MVN) distributions.
    # Men:
    HtMmu = 69.18
    HtMsd = 2.87
    lnWtMmu = 5.14
    lnWtMsd = 0.17
    Mrho = 0.42
    Mmean = np.array([HtMmu, lnWtMmu])
    Msigma = np.array([[HtMsd**2, Mrho * HtMsd * lnWtMsd],
                       [Mrho * HtMsd * lnWtMsd, lnWtMsd**2]])

    # Women cluster 1:
    HtFmu1 = 63.11
    HtFsd1 = 2.76
    lnWtFmu1 = 5.06
    lnWtFsd1 = 0.24
    Frho1 = 0.41
    prop1 = 0.46
    Fmean1 = np.array([HtFmu1, lnWtFmu1])
    Fsigma1 = np.array([[HtFsd1**2, Frho1 * HtFsd1 * lnWtFsd1],
                        [Frho1 * HtFsd1 * lnWtFsd1, lnWtFsd1**2]])
    # Women cluster 2:
    HtFmu2 = 64.36
    HtFsd2 = 2.49
    lnWtFmu2 = 4.86
    lnWtFsd2 = 0.14
    Frho2 = 0.44
    prop2 = 1 - prop1
    Fmean2 = np.array([HtFmu2, lnWtFmu2])
    Fsigma2 = np.array([[HtFsd2**2, Frho2 * HtFsd2 * lnWtFsd2],
                        [Frho2 * HtFsd2 * lnWtFsd2, lnWtFsd2**2]])

    # Randomly generate data values from those MVN distributions.
    if rndsd is not None:
    datamatrix = np.zeros((nSubj, 3))
    # arbitrary coding values
    maleval = 1
    femaleval = 0
    for i in range(0, nSubj):
        # Flip coin to decide sex
        sex = np.random.choice([maleval, femaleval],
                               p=(.5, .5),
        if sex == maleval:
            datum = multivariate_normal.rvs(mean=Mmean, cov=Msigma)
        if sex == femaleval:
            Fclust = np.random.choice([1, 2],
                                      p=(prop1, prop2),
            if Fclust == 1:
                datum = multivariate_normal.rvs(mean=Fmean1, cov=Fsigma1)
            if Fclust == 2:
                datum = multivariate_normal.rvs(mean=Fmean2, cov=Fsigma2)
        datamatrix[i] = np.concatenate(
            [sex, np.round([datum[0], np.exp(datum[1])], 1)])

    return datamatrix
Exemple #54
def genSamp(th_t,model):
    # proposal algorithm, given the current theta_t, propose the next theta
    sig = model['sig_th']/1.5 # std deviation for the proposal distr
    th = mvn.rvs(th_t,np.power(sig,2))
    return th
Exemple #55
 def sample_given_y(self, y):
   g = self.gaussians[y]
   return clamp_sample( mvn.rvs(mean=g['m'], cov=g['c']) )
Exemple #56
def SCEP_MH_COV(x_obs, gamma, mu_vector, rhos, param_list):
    Cov_matrix, matrix_diag, cond_coeff, cond_means_coeff, cond_vars = param_list
    p = len(x_obs)
    Cov_matrix_off = np.matrix.copy(Cov_matrix)
    for i in range(p):
        Cov_matrix_off[i, i] = Cov_matrix[i, i] - matrix_diag[i]
    rej = 0
    tildexs = []
    cond_mean = mu_vector + np.reshape(
        cond_coeff @ np.reshape(x_obs - mu_vector, [p, 1]), p)
    cond_cov = Cov_matrix - cond_coeff @ Cov_matrix_off
    ws = multivariate_normal.rvs(cond_mean, cond_cov)

    def q_prop_pdf_log(num_j, vec_j, prop_j):
        num_j = num_j + 1
        if num_j != (len(vec_j) - p + 1):
            return ("error")
        temp_mean = (
            mu_vector[num_j - 1] + cond_means_coeff[num_j - 1] @ np.reshape(
                vec_j - np.concatenate([mu_vector, mu_vector[0:(num_j - 1)]]),
                [len(vec_j), 1]))[0, 0]
        return (-(prop_j - temp_mean)**2 / (2 * cond_vars[num_j - 1]) -
                0.5 * math.log(2 * math.pi * cond_vars[num_j - 1]))

    parallel_chains = np.reshape(x_obs.tolist() * p, [p, p])
    for j in range(p):
        parallel_chains[j, j] = ws[j]
    marg_density_log = p_marginal_log(rhos, p, x_obs)
    parallel_marg_density_log = [0] * p
    for j in range(p):
        if j == 0:
                j] = marg_density_log + p_marginal_trans_log(
                    rhos, p, 1, ws[0], 0) + p_marginal_trans_log(
                        rhos, p, 2, x_obs[1], ws[0]) - p_marginal_trans_log(
                            rhos, p, 1, x_obs[0], 0) - p_marginal_trans_log(
                                rhos, p, 2, x_obs[1], x_obs[0])
        if j == p - 1:
                j] = marg_density_log + p_marginal_trans_log(
                    rhos, p, p, ws[p - 1],
                    x_obs[p - 2]) - p_marginal_trans_log(
                        rhos, p, p, x_obs[p - 1], x_obs[p - 2])
        if j > 0 and j < p - 1:
                j] = marg_density_log + p_marginal_trans_log(
                    rhos, p, j + 1, ws[j],
                    x_obs[j - 1]) + p_marginal_trans_log(
                        rhos, p, j + 2,
                        x_obs[j + 1], ws[j]) - p_marginal_trans_log(
                            rhos, p, j + 1, x_obs[j],
                            x_obs[j - 1]) - p_marginal_trans_log(
                                rhos, p, j + 2, x_obs[j + 1], x_obs[j])
    cond_density_log = 0
    parallel_cond_density_log = [0] * p
    for j in range(p):
        true_vec = np.concatenate([x_obs, ws[0:j]])
        alter_vec = np.concatenate([x_obs, ws[0:j]])
        alter_vec[j] = ws[j]
        acc_ratio_log = q_prop_pdf_log(
            j, alter_vec, x_obs[j]
        ) + parallel_marg_density_log[j] + parallel_cond_density_log[j] - (
            marg_density_log + cond_density_log +
            q_prop_pdf_log(j, true_vec, ws[j]))
        if math.log(np.random.uniform()) <= acc_ratio_log + math.log(gamma):
            cond_density_log = cond_density_log + q_prop_pdf_log(
                j, true_vec, ws[j]) + log(gamma) + min(0, acc_ratio_log)
            if j + 2 <= p:
                true_vec_j = np.concatenate(
                    [parallel_chains[j + 1, :], ws[0:j]])
                alter_vec_j = np.concatenate(
                    [parallel_chains[j + 1, :], ws[0:j]])
                alter_vec_j[j] = ws[j]
                j_acc_ratio_log = q_prop_pdf_log(
                    j, alter_vec_j, x_obs[j]
                ) + parallel_cond_density_log[
                    j] + parallel_marg_density_log[j] + p_marginal_trans_log(
                        rhos, p, j + 2,
                        ws[j + 1], ws[j]) - p_marginal_trans_log(
                            rhos, p, j + 2, x_obs[j + 1], ws[j])
                if j + 3 <= p:
                    j_acc_ratio_log = j_acc_ratio_log + p_marginal_trans_log(
                        rhos, p, j + 3, x_obs[j + 2],
                        ws[j + 1]) - p_marginal_trans_log(
                            rhos, p, j + 3, x_obs[j + 2], x_obs[j + 1])
                j_acc_ratio_log = j_acc_ratio_log - (
                    parallel_cond_density_log[j + 1] +
                    parallel_marg_density_log[j + 1] +
                    q_prop_pdf_log(j, true_vec_j, ws[j]))
                    j + 1] = parallel_cond_density_log[j + 1] + q_prop_pdf_log(
                        j, true_vec_j, ws[j]) + log(gamma) + min(
                            0, j_acc_ratio_log)
            if j + 3 <= p:
                for ii in range(j + 2, p):
                    parallel_cond_density_log[ii] = cond_density_log
            rej = rej + 1
            cond_density_log = cond_density_log + q_prop_pdf_log(
                j, true_vec,
                ws[j]) + log(1 - gamma * min(1, math.exp(acc_ratio_log)))
            if j + 2 <= p:
                true_vec_j = np.concatenate(
                    [parallel_chains[j + 1, :], ws[0:j]])
                alter_vec_j = np.concatenate(
                    [parallel_chains[j + 1, :], ws[0:j]])
                alter_vec_j[j] = ws[j]
                j_acc_ratio_log = q_prop_pdf_log(
                    j, alter_vec_j, x_obs[j]
                ) + parallel_cond_density_log[
                    j] + parallel_marg_density_log[j] + p_marginal_trans_log(
                        rhos, p, j + 2,
                        ws[j + 1], ws[j]) - p_marginal_trans_log(
                            rhos, p, j + 2, x_obs[j + 1], ws[j])
                if j + 3 <= p:
                    j_acc_ratio_log = j_acc_ratio_log + p_marginal_trans_log(
                        rhos, p, j + 3, x_obs[j + 2],
                        ws[j + 1]) - p_marginal_trans_log(
                            rhos, p, j + 3, x_obs[j + 2], x_obs[j + 1])
                j_acc_ratio_log = j_acc_ratio_log - (
                    parallel_cond_density_log[j + 1] +
                    parallel_marg_density_log[j + 1] +
                    q_prop_pdf_log(j, true_vec_j, ws[j]))
                    j + 1] = parallel_cond_density_log[j + 1] + q_prop_pdf_log(
                        j, true_vec_j,
                        ws[j]) + log(1 -
                                     gamma * min(1, math.exp(j_acc_ratio_log)))
            if j + 3 <= p:
                for ii in range(j + 2, p):
                    parallel_cond_density_log[ii] = cond_density_log
    return (tildexs)
Exemple #57
    def rvs(cls, mean: OptNumeric = None, cov: Numeric = 1, df: float = None, size: Numeric = 1, type_='shifted',
            random_state: Optional[int] = None):
        Draw random samples from a multivariate student T distribution

        mean: array like, optional
            Mean of the distribution (default zero)

        cov: array like, optional
            Covariance matrix of the distribution (default 1.0)

        df: float, optional
            Degrees of freedom for the distribution (default 4.6692)

        size: int, optional
            Number of samples to draw (default 1)

        type_: {'kshirsagar', 'shifted'}, optional
            Type of non-central multivariate t distribution.

            'Kshirsagar' is the non-central t-distribution needed for calculating the power of multiple contrast
            tests under a normality assumption.

            'Shifted' is a location shifted version of the central t-distribution. This non-central multivariate
            t-distribution appears for example as the Bayesian posterior distribution for the regression coefficients
            in a linear regression.

            In the central case both types coincide. Defaults ('shifted')

        random_state: int, optional
            Sets the seed for drawing the random variates

        rvs: ndarray or scalar
            Random variates of size (`size`, `N`), where `N` is the dimension of the random variable.
        if not (isinstance(size, int) or np.asarray(size).dtype == 'int'):
            raise ValueError('size argument must be integer or iterable of integers')

        if df is None:
            raise ValueError("Degrees of freedom 'df' must be a scalar float and greater than 0")
        elif df <= 0:
            raise ValueError("Degrees of freedom 'df' must be greater than 0")
        elif df > cls._T_LIMIT:
            return np.asarray(mvn.rvs(mean, cov, size, random_state), dtype=float)

        if random_state is not None:
        d = np.sqrt(np.random.chisquare(df, size) / df)

        if isinstance(size, abc.Iterable):
            d = d.reshape(*size, -1)
            size_is_iterable = True
            if size > 1:
                d = d.reshape(size, -1)
            size_is_iterable = False

        # size and dim used to reshape generated tensor correctly before dividing by chi-square rvs
        dim = 1 if not isinstance(cov, abc.Sized) else len(cov)

        if type_.casefold() == 'kshirsagar':
            r = mvn.rvs(mean, cov, size, random_state)
            if size_is_iterable:
                r = r.reshape(*size, dim)
            r /= d

        elif type_.casefold() == 'shifted':
            r = mvn.rvs(np.zeros(len(cov)), cov, size, random_state)
            if size_is_iterable:
                r = r.reshape(*size, dim)
            r /= d

            if mean is not None:
                r += mean  # location shifting
            raise ValueError(f"Unknown centrality type {type_}. Use one of 'Kshirsagar', 'shifted'")

        return float(r) if r.size == 1 else np.asarray(r)
Exemple #58
def get_gen_data(path_to_gen_file,
        path_to_gen_file : str
            Full path to file where gen data stored(or will store)
        X_good : np.array
            Train data which have "0" label value.
        n_samples : int
            Number of generated samples.
        n_components : int
            The number of mixture components.
        sigma : float
            Standard deviation of the normal distribution which adds to data for fit GMM.
        recalculate : bool
            If it is False, that will be loaded old values from gen_file.
            Else these values will be calculated and saved to path_to_gen_file.
        X_gen : np.array, shape=(n_samples, X_good.shape[1])
            Generated data.
        w_gen : np.array, shape=(n_samples, )
            Weights of samples.
    if os.path.isfile(path_to_gen_file) and not recalculate:
        # load
        gen_file = np.load(path_to_gen_file)
        X_gen = gen_file['X_gen']
        w_gen = gen_file['w_gen']
        return X_gen, w_gen

    # calculate GMM
    gm = GaussianMixture(n_components=n_components,
    gm.fit(X_good + np.random.normal(0, sigma, X_good.shape))
    print("BIC: ", gm.bic(X_good))

    # generate data
    X_gen = np.array(
                                size=ceil(gm.weights_[0] * n_samples)))
    for d in range(1, gm.n_components):
        X_gen = np.vstack(
                                     size=ceil(gm.weights_[d] * n_samples))))
    X_gen = np.random.permutation(X_gen)[:n_samples]

    # weights ~ 1/max_proba
    probas = np.empty((gm.n_components, X_gen.shape[0]))
    for d in range(gm.n_components):
        probas[d] = multivariate_normal.pdf(X_gen,
    maxprob = np.max(probas, axis=0)
    w_gen = 1. / (maxprob + 1e-2)
    w_gen = w_gen * n_samples / np.sum(w_gen)

    # save
    np.savez(path_to_gen_file, X_gen=X_gen, w_gen=w_gen)

    return X_gen, w_gen
Exemple #59
 def generate_sample(self, frozen_params=None):
     if frozen_params is None:
         frozen_params = self.params()
     mu, Sigma = frozen_params
     return np.atleast_1d(multivariate_normal.rvs(mean=mu, cov=Sigma))
Exemple #60
 def sample_given_y(self, c):
     g = self.gaussians[c]
     return mvn.rvs(mean=g["mean"], cov=g["cov"])