Exemple #1
def do_mh(display=False):
  f1_pdf = norm(1, sqrt(25)).pdf
  f2_pdf = norm(-2, 1).pdf
  f3_pdf = norm(3, 2).pdf
  def f_pdf(x):
    return 0.2 * f1_pdf(x) + 0.3 * f2_pdf(x) + 0.5 * f3_pdf(x)
  mew, sigma = 0, 100
  samples = []
  num_accepts = 0
  num_samples = 500
  x = rand.normal(mew, sigma, 1)[0] # initialize with a direct sample
  for i in range(num_samples):
    x_prime = x + rand.normal(mew, sigma, 1)[0]
    # p(x' -> x) / p(x -> x') = 1 b/c normal is symmetric
    alpha = (f_pdf(x_prime)/f_pdf(x))
    u = rand.uniform(0, 1, 1)[0]
    if u < alpha:
      # accept!
      x = x_prime
      num_accepts += 1
      # reject :(
  print "Metropolis Hastings"
  print "\taccept_rate = {0}".format(float(num_accepts)/num_samples)
  plot_histogram(samples, "Histogram of 500 Metropolis Hastings Samples with SD={0}".format(sigma), "mh_sd-{0}.jpg".format(sigma), display=display, bins=50, width=0.2)
Exemple #2
    def white_gaussian_polar(self,phase_dev, mag_dev,n_ports=1,**kwargs):
        Complex zero-mean gaussian white-noise network.

        Creates a network whose s-matrix is complex zero-mean gaussian
        white-noise, of given standard deviations for phase and
        magnitude components.
        This 'noise' network can be added to networks to simulate
        additive noise.

        phase_mag : number
                standard deviation of magnitude
        phase_dev : number
                standard deviation of phase
        n_ports : int
                number of ports.
        \*\*kwargs : passed to :class:`~skrf.network.Network`

        result : :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
                a noise network
        shape = (self.frequency.npoints, n_ports,n_ports)
        phase_rv= stats.norm(loc=0, scale=phase_dev).rvs(size = shape)
        mag_rv = stats.norm(loc=0, scale=mag_dev).rvs(size = shape)

        result = Network(**kwargs)
        result.frequency = self.frequency
        result.s = mag_rv*npy.exp(1j*phase_rv)
        return result
def sense_door(x, m):
    A door sensor returns either True (=door) or False (=no door) with some perception errors
    # Set the (true) perception model: a gaussian mixture model with three modals (=peaks=models)
    multimodal = [(m["left-door"], 0.25), (m["middle-door"], 0.25), (m["right-door"], 0.25)]
    door_width = m["door-width"]

    # lamdas contains the weight to each element in probs
    # lamdas is normalized to sum up to one
    dists = [abs(modal[0] - x) for modal in multimodal]
    lamdas = [
        1.0 if d == min(dists) else 0.0 for d in dists
    ]  # for now, lamda is one for the nearest modal, otherwise zero

    p_total = 0
    for i, modal in enumerate(multimodal):
        cdf_lo = stat.norm(loc=modal[0], scale=modal[1]).cdf(x - door_width / 2)
        cdf_hi = stat.norm(loc=modal[0], scale=modal[1]).cdf(x + door_width / 2)
        p = cdf_hi - cdf_lo

        p_total = p_total + (lamdas[i] * p)

    # This is a bernoulli dist.
    door = np.random.binomial(n=1, p=p_total)

    return door
Exemple #4
def mcmc_sym_dist(alignment, num_imp, dem_ratios, directory, length, burnin):
	acceptances = 0
	d = transprobs(TRANSITIONS, MARGINAL)
	pd = pdn(alignment)
	mins = np.array([sorted(i) for i in pd])
	nloc, nscale = norm.fit(mins)
	dist = norm(nloc, nscale)
	# Build first state of Markov chain
	print 'Imputing first alignment...'
	current = impute.imp_align(num_imp, alignment, dem_ratios)
	current.loglik = loglik(current)+math.log(distlik(current, num_imp, nloc, 1000))
	print '\t Log likelihood %2f' % current.loglik
	if not burnin: AlignIO.write(current, '%s/%d.fasta' % (directory,0), 'fasta')
	# Run chain
	for i in xrange(1,length+1):
		proposal = propose(current,num_imp,max(norm(loc=2,scale=1).rvs(),1), d)
		l1 = loglik(proposal)
		l2 = math.log(distlik(proposal, num_imp, nloc, 1000))
		proposal.loglik = l1+l2
		p = proposal.loglik-current.loglik
		print 'Current LLH: %2f; Proposed LLH: %2f' % (current.loglik, proposal.loglik)
		print '\tPhylogeny component: %2f; Distance component: %2f' % (l1, l2)
		print '\tAcceptance probability %e' % math.exp(p)
		if random.random()<math.exp(p):
			current = proposal
			acceptances += 1
			print '\tAccepted'
		else: print '\tNot accepted'
		if i > burnin:
			AlignIO.write(current, '%s/%d.fasta' % (directory,i-burnin), 'fasta')
	return float(acceptances)/length
Exemple #5
def main():
    fig = plt.figure()
    # the number of sample
    for c, datapoints in enumerate([2, 4, 10, 100]):
        ds = normal(loc=0, scale=1, size=datapoints)
        # estimate arithematic mean
        mu = np.mean(ds)
        # estimate standard deviation
        sigma = np.sqrt(np.var(ds))

        subplot = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, c + 1)
        subplot.set_title("N=%d" % datapoints)
        linex = np.arange(-10, 10.1, 0.1)
        orig = norm(loc=0, scale=1)
        # norm.pdf
        # Probability dencity function
        subplot.plot(linex, orig.pdf(linex), color='green', linestyle='--')

        est = norm(loc=mu, scale=np.sqrt(sigma))
        label = "Sigma=%.2f" % sigma
        subplot.plot(linex, est.pdf(linex), color="red", label=label)

        subplot.scatter(ds, orig.pdf(ds), marker='o', color='blue')
        subplot.set_xlim(-4, 4)
Exemple #6
 def power_dist(self, speed, direction, sstd=None, dstd=None, n=None, normalise=False):
     """Returns an array of power interpolated from the speed and direction pairs,
     with independent normal distribution applied to the speed and direction.
     Due to the implemtation of the RectBivariateSpline, which requires that the data
     is monotonic increasing, this must loop through values and do them pairwise 
             speed: 1d array of wind speed values
             sstd:  1d array of wind direction values
             dstd:  standard deviation to apply to wind speed values when sampling from Normal distribution
             dddev: standard deviation to wind direction values when sampling from Normal distribution
             n:     number of sample points to use when drawing from distributions
             ndarray with first dimension the same as speed and direction, and second dimension of size n if specified"""
     from scipy.stats import norm
     assert speed.shape==direction.shape
     # generate a randomly sampled speed distribution
     sdist = np.array([norm(loc=s, scale=sstd).rvs(n) for s in speed])
     ddist = np.array([norm(loc=d, scale=dstd).rvs(n) for d in direction])
     pdist = np.array([self._spline(s,d) for (s,d) in zip(sdist.flatten(), ddist.flatten())])
     if normalise:
         print '\n\n\n*********NORMALISING****************'
         pdist = pdist/float(np.max(self._pcentres))
     return pdist.reshape(speed.shape[0], n)
Exemple #7
 def pdf(self, sample):
     """ get the probability of a specific sample """
     v = sample[0]
     pv = ss.norm(0, 3).pdf(v)
     xs = sample[1:]
     pxs = [ss.norm(0, np.sqrt(np.e**v)).pdf(x_k) for x_k in xs]
     return np.array([pv] + pxs)
def main():
    # p_1 is the normal distribution for mu=4, sigma=1 and a P(C=1)=0.3.
    # p_2 is the normal distribution for mu=7, sigma=2 and a P(C=2)=0.7.
    x = sp.linspace(-4, 15, 100)
    p_1 = norm(loc=4, scale=1).pdf(x) * 0.3
    p_2 = norm(loc=7, scale=1.5).pdf(x) * 0.7

    # p_1 and p_2 are plotted.
    plt.plot(x, p_1,
             'b-', label='$P_{XC}(x, C=1)$')
    plt.plot(x, p_2,
             'r-', label='$P_{XC}(x, C=2)$')
    # P(C=1|x) and P(C=2|x) plotted.
    # P(C=1|x) = p_1 / (p_1 + p_2)
    # P(C=2|x) = p_2 / (p_1 + p_2)
    plt.plot(x, p_1 / (p_1 + p_2), 'b--', label='$P(C=1|X)$')
    plt.plot(x, p_2 / (p_1 + p_2), 'r--', label='$P(C=2|X)$')
    plt.title("Normal distributions of the example and their class boundaries"
              "\nFor P(C=1)=0.3, $\mu_1=4$ and $\sigma_1=1$"
              " and for P(C=2)=0.7, $\mu_2=7$ and $\sigma_2=2$")
    plt.xlim(-4, 15)
    plt.ylim(0, 1)
def logllk(theta):
    #Estimands (declare and transfer to constrained parameters)
    betak = theta[0]
    sigmaeps = np.exp(theta[1])
    pibetan = theta[2]
    gamma = theta[3]
    sigmaeta = np.exp(theta[4])
    covepseta = (1/(1+np.exp(-theta[5])) - .5)*2*np.exp(theta[1])*np.exp(theta[4])    
    covxieta = sigmaeta**2 -covepseta
    sigmaxi  = np.sqrt(sigmaeta**2 +sigmaeps**2 -2*covepseta)
    xi_star =  z*gamma -n*(pibetan) -kappa*betak
    l_0 = norm(0,1).cdf(-xi_star/sigmaxi)
    pdf_l1 = norm(0, 1).pdf((w -z*gamma)/sigmaeta)   
    arg1_cdf_l1 = xi_star + (covxieta/(sigmaeta**2))*(w -z*gamma)
    arg2_cdf_l1 = np.sqrt(sigmaxi**2 -(covxieta**2)/(sigmaeta**2))
    cdf_l1 = norm(0,1).cdf(arg1_cdf_l1/arg2_cdf_l1) 
    l_1 = (1/sigmaeta)*pdf_l1*cdf_l1 
    return -np.sum(d*np.log(l_1) +(1-d)*np.log(l_0))
 def _get_random_field(self):
     if self.seed == True:
     '''simulates the Gaussian random field'''
     # evaluate the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the autocorrelation
     # matrix
     _lambda, phi = self.eigenvalues
     # simulation points from 0 to 1 with an equidistant step for the LHS
     randsim = linspace(0, 1, len(self.xgrid) + 1) - 0.5 / (len(self.xgrid))
     randsim = randsim[1:]
     # shuffling points for the simulation
     # matrix containing standard Gauss distributed random numbers
     xi = transpose(
         ones((self.nsim, len(self.xgrid))) * array([norm().ppf(randsim)]))
     # eigenvalue matrix
     LAMBDA = eye(len(self.xgrid)) * _lambda
     # cutting out the real part
     ydata = dot(dot(phi, (LAMBDA) ** 0.5), xi).real
     if self.distr_type == 'Gauss':
         # scaling the std. distribution
         scaled_ydata = ydata * self.stdev + self.mean
     elif self.distr_type == 'Weibull':
         # setting Weibull params
         Pf = norm().cdf(ydata)
         scaled_ydata = weibull_min(
             self.shape, scale=self.scale, loc=self.loc).ppf(Pf)
     self.reevaluate = False
     rf = reshape(scaled_ydata, len(self.xgrid))
     if self.non_negative_check == True:
         if (rf < 0).any():
             raise ValueError, 'negative value(s) in random field'
     return rf
    def sample(self, model, evidence):
        g = evidence['g']
        h = evidence['h']
        C = evidence['C']
        z = evidence['z']
        shot_id = evidence['shot_id']
        noise_proportion = evidence['noise_proportion']
        observation_var_g = evidence['observation_var_g']
        observation_var_h = evidence['observation_var_h']

        canopy_cover = model.known_params['canopy_cover']
        z_min = model.known_params['z_min']
        z_max = model.known_params['z_max']

        prior_p = model.hyper_params['T']['p']

        N = len(z)
        T = zeros(N)
        noise_rv = stats.uniform(z_min, z_max - z_min)
        min_index = min(z.index)
        for i in shot_id.index:
            l = zeros(3)
            index = i-min_index
            shot_index = shot_id[i]-min(shot_id)
            l[0] = noise_proportion*noise_rv.pdf(z[i])
            g_norm = stats.norm(g[shot_index], sqrt(observation_var_g))
            C_i = canopy_cover[C[shot_index]]
            l[1] = (1-noise_proportion)*(1-C_i)*g_norm.pdf(z[i])
            h_norm = stats.norm(h[shot_index] + g[shot_index], sqrt(observation_var_h))
            if z[i] > g[shot_index]+3:
                l[2] = (1-noise_proportion)*(C_i)*h_norm.pdf(z[i])
            p = l/sum(l)
            T[index] = Categorical(p).rvs()

        return T
Exemple #12
Fichier : IS.py Projet : sakuv2/ARS
def __test():
    L = 17000000
    X_p = sst.norm.rvs(0., 1., size=L)
    X_q = sst.norm.rvs(5., 1., size=L)

    p = sst.norm(loc=0, scale=1).pdf
    q = sst.norm(loc=5, scale=1).pdf
    f = lambda x: x >= 5

    print "S_p =", np.mean(f(X_p))
    print "var_p =", np.var(f(X_p))

    print "S_q =", np.mean(p(X_q) / q(X_q) * f(X_q))
    print "var_q =", np.var(p(X_q) / q(X_q) * f(X_q))

    print "S =", scipy.integrate.quad(sst.norm.pdf, 5.0, np.inf)[0]

    #plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))


    x = np.arange(0.0, 35.0, 0.05)
def ergodic_chain(args):
    (burnin, run_length, alpha_count_slow, alpha_count_fast,
     alpha_mu_slow, alpha_mu_fast, buckets_slow, buckets_fast) = args

    np.random.seed((os.getpid() << 16) | (int(time.time()) & 0xFFFF))
    rh_slow = create_rolling_histogram_class(
                alpha_mu=alpha_mu_slow, alpha_count=alpha_count_slow),
    rh_fast = create_rolling_histogram_class(
                alpha_mu=alpha_mu_fast, alpha_count=alpha_count_fast),

    jagged = [stats.uniform(x, x + 1) for x in range(200)]
    #for val in gen_value(jagged, burnin):
    #for val in gen_value([stats.uniform(0, 1)], burnin):
    for val in gen_value([stats.norm(0, 1)], burnin):
    #for val in gen_value([stats.cauchy(0)], burnin):
    data = [[] for _ in range(len(FUNC_LIST))]
    #for val in gen_value(jagged, run_length):
    #for val in gen_value([stats.uniform(0, 1)], run_length):
    for val in gen_value([stats.norm(0, 1)], run_length):
    #for val in gen_value([stats.cauchy(0)], run_length):
        cdf_long = rh_slow.get_CDF()
        cdf_short = rh_fast.get_CDF()
        for i, func in enumerate(FUNC_LIST):
            data[i].append(func(cdf_short, cdf_long))
    return data
def v_posts_from_dataframe(df,N=1e4,alpha=0.23,l0=20,sigl=20):
    """ names: Prot, e_Prot, R, e_R, vsini, e_vsini
    vsini_posts = []
    veq_posts = []
    if 'ep_R' in df:
        for R,dR_p,dR_m,P,dP,v,dv in zip(df['R'],df['ep_R'],df['em_R'],
            if dR_p==dR_m:
                R_dist = dists.fit_doublegauss(R,dR_m,dR_p)
                Prot_dist = stats.norm(P,dP)
        for R,dR,P,dP,v,dv in zip(df['R'],df['e_R'],
    return vsini_posts,veq_posts
Exemple #15
def draw_gauss(f, xset, yset, w, SD, beta, filename=None):
    def cal_std(x):
        psi = array([x**i for i in range(len(w))])
        std = (1/beta + mdotl(psi, SD, psi.T))**0.5
        return std

    step = linspace(0, 1, 100)
    # this change is made to match this certain polymonial circumstance
    xset = xset[:, 0]
    regression = [
        for x in (sum([w[i]*x**i for i in range(len(w))]) for x in step)
    std = list(map(cal_std, step))
    basis = list(map(f, step))

    Y1 = [norm(regression[i], std[i]).interval(0.95)[0] for i in range(len(step))]
    Y2 = [norm(regression[i], std[i]).interval(0.95)[1] for i in range(len(step))]

    plt.xlim(0, 1)
    plt.ylim(-1.5, 1.5)
    plt.fill_between(step, Y1, Y2, color='pink')
    plt.scatter(xset, yset, color='b')
    plt.plot(step, basis, color='g')
    plt.plot(step, regression, color='r')

    if filename:
    def accuracy_vs_kth(self, n=100, trials=100):
        """Evalute the accuracy of the algorithm as a function of k.

        N : int
          Number of random samples.
        trials : int
          Number of independent drawing experiments.

        (err, stddev) The mean error and standard deviation around the
        analytical value for different values of k from 1 to 15.
        p = stats.norm(0, 1)
        q = stats.norm(0.2, 0.9)

        k = np.arange(1, 16)

        out = []
        for n in range(trials):
            out.append(dd.kldiv(p.rvs(n), q.rvs(n), k))
        out = np.array(out)

        # Compare with analytical value
        err = out - analytical_KLDiv(p, q)

        # Return mean and standard deviation
        return err.mean(0), err.std(0)
Exemple #17
def _random_different_mean(n1, n2, ncases, mean, std):
    """Return random samples from two populations with different 
    standard deviation and different mean

    Generate a number of populations from Normal(mean, std^2) and
    Normal(0, 1).

    n1 : number of samples in population 1
    n2 : number of samples in population 2
    ncases : number of populations to generate
    mean -- mean of population 1
    std -- standard deviation of population 1

    pop1 : 2D array
           pop1[i, :] contains the `n1` samples from population number i
    pop2 : 2D array
           pop2[i, :] contains the `n2` samples from population number i
    mean = mean*_DISTR_STD
    pop1_distr = stats.norm(loc=0., scale=_DISTR_STD*std)
    pop2_distr = stats.norm(loc=mean, scale=_DISTR_STD)
    pop1 = pop1_distr.rvs(size=(ncases, n1))
    pop2 = pop2_distr.rvs(size=(ncases, n2))
    return pop1, pop2
def EmaxTm1(EyTm1,z,h,n,kappa,EyT):
    part1 = 1.0 - norm(0,1).cdf(-xi_starTm1(z,h,n,kappa)/sigma_xi)
    pdf_ = norm(0,1).pdf(-xi_starTm1(z,h,n,kappa)/sigma_xi)
    cdf_ = norm(0,1).cdf(-xi_starTm1(z,h,n,kappa)/sigma_xi)
    part2 = W1(EyTm1,z,h,n) + delta*EmaxT(EyT,z,h + 1.0,n,kappa) + (sigma_eta_xi/sigma_xi)*(pdf_/(1.0 - cdf_))
    part3 = W0(EyTm1,kappa,n) + delta*EmaxT(EyT,z,h,n,kappa) - (sigma_eps_xi/sigma_xi)*(pdf_/cdf_)
    return part1*part2 + (1.0 - part1)*part3
Exemple #19
def pdfPsi2(x,y):
    xDist1 = norm(-0.5,1)
    yDist1 = norm(-1,1)    
    xDist2 = norm(1,1)
    yDist2 = norm(0.5,1)   
    rVal = 0.5*(xDist1.pdf(x)*yDist1.pdf(y)) + 0.5*(xDist2.pdf(x)*yDist2.pdf(y))
    return rVal
def smear_with_gaussian_convolution(x,y,mean,sigma):

    npts = len(x)

    convolving_term = stats.norm(mean,sigma)
    convolving_pts = convolving_term.pdf(x)

    # Try adding another Gaussian to the.
    convolving_term_2 = stats.norm(2.0,5.0)

    for i,pt in enumerate(convolving_pts):
        convolving_pts[i] += convolving_term_2.pdf(x[i])

    convolving_pts[i] /= 2.0

    convolved_function = signal.convolve(y/y.sum(),convolving_pts)

    # Have to carve out the middle of the curve, because
    # the returned array has too many points in it. 
    znpts = len(convolved_function)
    begin = znpts/2 - npts/2
    end = znpts/2 + npts/2

    print "%d %d %d %d" % (npts,znpts,begin,end)

    return convolved_function[begin:end],convolving_pts
def EmaxT(EyT,z,h,n,kappa):
    part1 = 1.0 - norm(0,1).cdf(-xi_starT(z,h,n,kappa)/sigma_xi)
    pdf_ = norm(0,1).pdf(-xi_starT(z,h,n,kappa)/sigma_xi)
    cdf_ = norm(0,1).cdf(-xi_starT(z,h,n,kappa)/sigma_xi)
    part2 = W1(EyT,z,h,n) + (sigma_eta_xi/sigma_xi)*(pdf_/(1-cdf_))
    part3 = W0(EyT,kappa,n) - (sigma_eps_xi/sigma_xi)*(pdf_/cdf_)
    return part1*part2 + (1.0 - part1)*part3
Exemple #22
    def frequency_response(self, N_points, freq_range=(0,200), mirror=False):
        """ Frequency response curve of the sensor

                freq_range (tuple): min and max frequency, defining the frequency range of the response
                N_points (int): number of points generated in the curve (lenght of the response arrays)
                mirror (bool): if true generates a mirror of the response for negative frequencies. The
                    effective freq_range would be from -1*freq_range[1] to freq_range[1]  
                list: with two arrays, one of the frequency range array and the other with the corresponding
                    intensities, normalized from 0 to 1, 1 being the response in the resonant frequency.
        if not mirror:
            f_array = np.linspace(*freq_range, N_points)
            freq_response = norm(scale=self.bandwidth/2, loc=self.resonant_freq).pdf(f_array)
            freq_response /= max(freq_response)
            f_array = np.linspace(*freq_range, N_points//2)
            freq_response = norm(scale=self.bandwidth/2, loc=self.resonant_freq).pdf(f_array)
            freq_response /= max(freq_response)
            mirrored = (np.flip(f_array*-1, 0), np.flip(freq_response, 0))
            f_array = np.hstack((mirrored[0], f_array))
            freq_response = np.hstack((freq_response, mirrored[1]))
        return [f_array, freq_response]
Exemple #23
def plotAlignments(outDir,alignments,scoreOptimal,label):
    fontSize = 25
    scores = [ getAlignScore(a) for a in alignments ] 
    fig = pPlotUtil.figure(xSize=24,ySize=12)
    meanScore,stdevScore,bins = plotScoreHistograms(scores,fontSize,'k')
    plt.title("Shuffled DNA alignment Histogram",
    pdfFunc = norm(loc=meanScore,scale=stdevScore).pdf(bins)
    plotPDF = lambda :  plt.plot(bins,pdfFunc,'g--',linewidth=3.0,
    ax = plt.subplot(1,2,2)
    zScore = (scoreOptimal-meanScore)/stdevScore
    print("Z Score for {:s} is {:.2f}".format(label,zScore))
    # ??? is this the real p Value? Dont think so
    extrProb = 1-norm().cdf(zScore)
    plt.title(("Histogram of optimal alignment score for {:d} trials\n" + 
               "Optimal score: {:d}*sigma from shuffled mean.\n"
               "P(shuffled score>=optimal) ~ {:.5g}").\
                label="Optimal global alignment score using {:s}: {:d}".\
    pPlotUtil.savefig(fig,outDir+ "q2Histograms" + label)
def logllk(thetae):

    theta = {}
    theta['betak'] = thetae[0]
    theta['sigmaeps'] = np.exp(thetae[1])
    theta['betan'] = thetae[2]
    theta['gamma1'] = thetae[3]
    theta['gamma2'] = thetae[4]
    theta['delta'] = thetae[5]
    theta['sigmaeta'] = np.exp(thetae[6])
    theta['covepseta'] = thetae[7]
    theta['pi'] = thetae[8]

    theta['sigmaxi'] = np.sqrt(theta['sigmaeta']**2 + theta['sigmaeps']**2 - 2.0*theta['covepseta'])   
    theta['covxieta'] = theta['sigmaeta']**2 - theta['covepseta']
    xi_star = np.zeros((N,T))
    for t in range(0,T):
        exec("xi_star[:," + str(t) + "] = xi_starTm" + str(T-1-t) 
        + "(z[:," + str(t) + "], h[:," + str(t) + "]\
        , n[:," + str(t) + "], kappa[:," + str(t) + "],theta)")

    l_0 = norm(0,1).cdf(-xi_star/theta['sigmaxi'])
    pdf_l1 = norm(0, 1).pdf((w -z*theta['gamma1'] -h*theta['gamma2'])/theta['sigmaeta'])   
    arg1_cdf_l1 = xi_star + (theta['covxieta']/(theta['sigmaeta']**2))*(w -z*theta['gamma1'] -h*theta['gamma2'])
    arg2_cdf_l1 = np.sqrt(theta['sigmaxi']**2 -(theta['covxieta']**2)/(theta['sigmaeta']**2))
    cdf_l1 = norm(0,1).cdf(arg1_cdf_l1/arg2_cdf_l1) 
    l_1 = (1/theta['sigmaeta'])*pdf_l1*cdf_l1 
    return -np.sum(d*np.log(l_1) +(1.0-d)*np.log(l_0))
def expand_sf_data(inpat):
    dates = pd.date_range('1/1/2013', periods = 30, freq = 'M')
    if len(inpat) > 3:
        mu = inpat['DiffDate'].mean()
        st = inpat['DiffDate'].std()
        obj = norm(loc=mu, scale=st)
        obj = norm(loc=pat_mu, scale=pat_std)
    outdata = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['CohortSF', 'PatSF', 'LastVisit', 'DiffDays'],  
                           index = pd.Index(dates, name = 'Date'))
        ldate = inpat.iloc[-2]['Date']
        lvisit = inpat.index[-2][1]
    except IndexError:
        lvisit = 'R01'
        ldate = inpat.iloc[0]['Date']
    outdata['LastVisit'] = lvisit
    for date in dates:
        diff_date = (date - ldate).days

        outdata.ix[date]['CohortSF'] = cohort_norm[lvisit].sf(diff_date)
        outdata.ix[date]['PatSF'] = obj.sf(diff_date)
        outdata.ix[date]['DiffDays'] = diff_date
    return outdata
Exemple #26
def calcH2Continuous_twotails(XXT, phe, keepArr, prev, h2coeff):

	print 'computing h2 for a two-tails ascertained study...'
	XXT = XXT[np.ix_(keepArr, keepArr)]
	phe = phe[keepArr]	

	t1 = stats.norm(0,1).ppf(prev)
	t2 = stats.norm(0,1).isf(prev)
	phit1 = stats.norm(0,1).pdf(t1)
	phit2 = stats.norm(0,1).pdf(t2)
	K1 = prev
	K2 = prev
	xCoeff = ((phit2*t2 - phit1*t1 + K1 + K2)**2 * (K1+K2)**2 - (phit2-phit1)**4) / (K1 + K2)**4
	intersect = ((phit2-phit1) / (K1+K2))**2
	pheMean = 0
	pheVar = 1
	x = (xCoeff * h2coeff) * XXT 
	y = np.outer((phe-pheMean)/np.sqrt(pheVar), (phe-pheMean)/np.sqrt(pheVar))
	y -= intersect
	y = y[np.triu_indices(y.shape[0], 1)]
	x = x[np.triu_indices(x.shape[0], 1)]
	slope, intercept, rValue, pValue, stdErr = stats.linregress(x,y)	
	return slope
Exemple #27
def calcH2Continuous(XXT, phe, keepArr, prev, h2coeff):
	t = stats.norm(0,1).isf(prev)
	phit = stats.norm(0,1).pdf(t)
	K1 = 1 - prev
	K2 = 1 - K1
	P = np.sum(phe<t) / float(phe.shape[0])	
	P2 = 1.0
	P1 = K2*P2*P / (K1*(1-P))
	R = P2 / P1
	XXT = XXT[np.ix_(keepArr, keepArr)]
	phe = phe[keepArr]
	xCoeff = (((R-1)*phit*t + K1 + R*K2)**2 * (K1+R*K2)**2 - ((R-1)*phit)**4) / (K1 + R*K2)**4
	x = (xCoeff * h2coeff) * XXT 
	pheMean = 0
	pheVar = 1	
	y = np.outer((phe-pheMean) / np.sqrt(pheVar), (phe-pheMean)/np.sqrt(pheVar))
	y -= ((R-1)*phit / (K1+R*K2))**2
	y = y[np.triu_indices(y.shape[0], 1)]
	x = x[np.triu_indices(x.shape[0], 1)]
	slope, intercept, rValue, pValue, stdErr = stats.linregress(x,y)
	return slope
Exemple #28
 def stress_vector(self, N_points, time_range = (0, 1), peek_value_relative_time = 0.5, multiple_axis=True):
     """ Generates a temporal stress normal curve, simulating a vehicle passing at a point.
             N_points (int): number of samples in the arrays.
             time_range (tuple): the start and stop time for the samples.
             peek_value_relative_time (float): the point where the max_tire_pressure occurrs, relative
                 to the time_range. Expected to be a value between 0 and 1.
             multiple_axis (bool): considers the effect of multiple tires passing through. Generates 
                 multiple stress pulses delayed by the tire_space and speed.
             list: list with two arrays, one corresponding to the time stample, and the other to the 
                 stress in one point.
     t_array = np.linspace(*time_range, N_points)
     std, m = self.tire_contact_time/6, (time_range[1]-time_range[0])*peek_value_relative_time
     p_array = norm(scale=std, loc=m).pdf(t_array)
     if multiple_axis:
         delay = 0
         for _ in np.arange(self.N_axis-1):
             delay += self.tire_space/self.speed
             p_array += norm(scale=std, loc=m+delay).pdf(t_array)
     # normalizing and applying the max_stress to the peak
     p_array /= max(p_array)
     p_array *= self.max_tire_pressure
     return [t_array, p_array]
Exemple #29
def calcH2Binary(XXT, phe, probs, thresholds, keepArr, prev, h2coeff):
	K = prev
	P = np.sum(phe>0) / float(phe.shape[0])
	XXT = XXT[np.ix_(keepArr, keepArr)]
	phe = phe[keepArr]
	if (thresholds is None):
		t = stats.norm(0,1).isf(K)
		phit = stats.norm(0,1).pdf(t)
		xCoeff = P*(1-P) / (K**2 * (1-K)**2) * phit**2 * h2coeff
		y = np.outer((phe-P) / np.sqrt(P*(1-P)), (phe-P) / np.sqrt(P*(1-P)))
		x = xCoeff * XXT
		probs = probs[keepArr]
		thresholds = thresholds[keepArr]
		Ki = K*(1-P) / (P*(1-K)) * probs / (1 + K*(1-P) / (P*(1-K))*probs - probs)
		phit = stats.norm(0,1).pdf(thresholds)	
		probsInvOuter = np.outer(probs*(1-probs), probs*(1-probs))
		y = np.outer(phe-probs, phe-probs) / np.sqrt(probsInvOuter)	
		sumProbs = np.tile(np.column_stack(probs).T, (1,probs.shape[0])) + np.tile(probs, (probs.shape[0], 1))
		Atag0 = np.outer(phit, phit) * (1 - (sumProbs)*(P-K)/(P*(1-K)) + np.outer(probs, probs)*(((P-K)/(P*(1-K)))**2)) / np.sqrt(probsInvOuter)
		B0 = np.outer(Ki + (1-Ki)*(K*(1-P))/(P*(1-K)), Ki + (1-Ki)*(K*(1-P))/(P*(1-K)))
		x = (Atag0 / B0 * h2coeff) * XXT	
	y = y[np.triu_indices(y.shape[0], 1)]
	x = x[np.triu_indices(x.shape[0], 1)]
	slope, intercept, rValue, pValue, stdErr = stats.linregress(x,y)
	return slope
Exemple #30
    def learn(self, idx=None):
        self.normals = []

        # all indices used in the learning process
        if idx == None:
            idx = range(0, len(self.arr))

        items = np.array([self.arr[i] for i in idx])

        # mask for all males
        mask = np.ma.array(items[:,0] < 1)
        subs = getRows(items, mask)

        # calculate one patch of normals (for males)
        self.means.append(np.mean(subs[:,1:], axis=0))
        self.stds.append(np.std(subs[:,1:], axis=0))

        self.normals.append([stats.norm(loc=self.means[0][i], \
            scale=self.stds[0][i]) for i in range(0, len(self.means[0]))])

        # inverse mask. Mark for the ladies
        mask = [not i for i in mask]
        subs = getRows(items, mask)

        # Calc mean and stdev for females
        self.means.append(np.mean(subs[:,1:], axis=0))
        self.stds.append(np.std(subs[:,1:], axis=0))

        self.normals.append([stats.norm(loc=self.means[1][i], \
            scale=self.stds[1][i]) for i in range(0, len(self.means[1]))])
Exemple #31
def process_chromosome_values(chromosome,
    Go over depth values for a given chromosome in an input list and write
    to a list of filtered positions if a position is less or greater than
    threshhold values derived the cummulative distribution function of a
    normal distribution.

    chromosome -- The name of the chromosome.  Used only in printing.
    chromosome_values -- list of chromosome depths at every position.
    mu -- Describes normal distribution, used to filter abnormal depths.
    sigma -- Describes normal distribution, used to filter abnormal depths.
    OUT -- File handle to write filtered positions with abnormal depths.
    window -- Window to smooth depth values.
    p_threshold -- Probability applied to the CDF of the normal distribution
                   to generate depth thresholds for filtering.
    def write_interval_to_filter(chromosome, start, end):
            str(end + 1),

    d = int((window - 1) / 2)
    norm_dist = norm(mu, sigma)

    keep_threshold = [mu, mu]
    filter_threshold = [float('-inf'), float('inf')]

    first = float('inf')
    last = float('-inf')
    side = 0
    last_side = 0

    max = len(chromosome_values)

    for i in range(0, max):

        if i < d:
            window_start = 0
            window_end = i + d + 1
        elif i >= (max - d):
            window_start = i - d
            window_end = max
            window_start = i - d
            window_end = i + d + 1

        window_depth = numpy.mean(chromosome_values[window_start:window_end])

        if not (window_depth >= keep_threshold[0]
                and window_depth <= keep_threshold[1]):
            if (window_depth <= filter_threshold[0]
                    or window_depth >= filter_threshold[1]):
                if window_depth < mu:
                    side = -1
                    side = 1
                if i - last > merge_window or last_side * side == -1:
                    if last - first > 0:
                    first = i
                last = i
                last_side = side
                if window_depth < mu:
                    side = -1
                    p = norm_dist.cdf(window_depth)

                    if p >= p_threshold:
                        keep_threshold[0] = window_depth
                        filter_threshold[0] = window_depth
                        if i - last > merge_window or last_side * side == -1:
                            if last - first > 0:
                            first = i
                        last = i
                        last_side = side

                elif window_depth > mu:
                    side = 1
                    p = 1. - norm_dist.cdf(window_depth)

                    if p >= p_threshold:
                        keep_threshold[1] = window_depth
                        filter_threshold[1] = window_depth
                        if i - last > merge_window or last_side * side == -1:
                            if last - first > 0:
                            first = i
                        last = i
                        last_side = side
    if last - first > 0:
   incident rate change based on their reproductive behaviors' change"""
"""First part:
   Reproductive behavior implementation in the past 15 years
# *****************************************************************************

# Breastfeeding probability vector in 2000s
# Use the data from "The changes in female physical and childbearing
# characteristics in china and potential association with risk of breast cancer"
# Based on the research in 2012, for the cohort of women aged 25-34, the average
# number of parity they have is 1.01, and their accumulative breastfeeding period
# has a mean of 13.62 and SD 9.80. We can draw a normal distribution from the data
# to estimate the breastfeeding duration time per child for women in 2000s.
#fig = plt.figure()
mu1, sigma1 = 13.62, 9.80
pb01 = norm(loc=mu1, scale=sigma1)
""" For every child a woman gives birth to, the probability of her devoting no 
    breastfeeding is pb01_0, probability of her devoting 0~12 months breastfeeding
    is pb01_12, and 12~24, more than 24 months breastfeeding are pb01_24, pb01_36. 
pb01_0 = pb01.cdf(0)
pb01_12 = pb01.cdf(12) - pb01.cdf(0)
pb01_24 = pb01.cdf(24) - pb01.cdf(12)
pb01_36 = 1 - pb01.cdf(24)
pb00s_1 = [
    pb01_12 / (1 - pb01_0), pb01_24 / (1 - pb01_0),
    pb01_36 / (1 - pb01_0 - pb01_12), pb01_0
""" If a woman bears two children, the probability of her devoting no 
    breastfeeding is pb02_0, probability of her devoting 0~12 months breastfeeding
    is pb02_12, and 12~24, more than 24 months breastfeeding are pb02_24, pb02_36. 
Exemple #33
lnsig_air = 1e-8

x0, z0, r0 = -6., -4., 3.
x1, z1, r1 = 6., -4., 3.

ln_sigback = -5.
ln_sigc = -3.
ln_sigr = -7.

noisemean = 0.
noisevar = 0.0
overburden_extent = 0.
ln_over = -4.
#m = (lnsig_background)*np.ones(mesh.nC);
#mu =np.ones(mesh.nC);
mtrue = ln_sigback * np.ones(mesh.nC) + norm(noisemean, noisevar).rvs(mesh.nC)

overb = (mesh.gridCC[:, 1] > -overburden_extent) & (mesh.gridCC[:, 1] <= 0)
mtrue[overb] = ln_over * np.ones_like(mtrue[overb]) + norm(
    noisemean, noisevar).rvs(np.prod((mtrue[overb]).shape))

csph = (np.sqrt((mesh.gridCC[:, 1] - z0)**2. +
                (mesh.gridCC[:, 0] - x0)**2.)) < r0
mtrue[csph] = ln_sigc * np.ones_like(mtrue[csph]) + norm(
    noisemean, noisevar).rvs(np.prod((mtrue[csph]).shape))

#Define the sphere limit
rsph = (np.sqrt((mesh.gridCC[:, 1] - z1)**2. +
                (mesh.gridCC[:, 0] - x1)**2.)) < r1
mtrue[rsph] = ln_sigr * np.ones_like(mtrue[rsph]) + norm(
    noisemean, noisevar).rvs(np.prod((mtrue[rsph]).shape))
Exemple #34
# D0 = 0.66e-9

# most sensitive Connectom-like scheme
# grad (T/m), DELTA (s), delta (s)
scheme_connectom = np.array([[0.3, 40e-3, 40e-3]])

# data SNR at B0
SNRs = [30.0, 300.0]

for isnr in range(len(SNRs)):
    SNR = SNRs[isnr]

    # significance level
    alphas = np.array([0.05])
    # compute sigma_bar for the diameter limit formula
    sigmabs = norm().ppf(1 - alphas) / SNR

    d_mins = nilsson_diameter(sigmabs, D0, scheme_connectom[0, 2],
                              scheme_connectom[0, 0])

    # diameters in m
    diams = np.arange(0.1, 5.1, 0.05) * 1e-6

    # number of noise trial
    Ntrial = 10000

    fit_data = np.zeros(
        (len(diams), Ntrial), dtype=np.complex
    )  # when gaussian noise bring signal > 1 (i.e. b0), you get imaginary diameter (to be disarded)
from numpy import mean
from numpy import std
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from scipy.stats import norm
from preprocessing.oasis_subject import deserialize_bulk_from_csv_file

INDEX_SOURCE = '../../data/external_raw/csv/oasis_cross-sectional.csv'

subjects = deserialize_bulk_from_csv_file(INDEX_SOURCE)

rv = norm()

def draw_plot_for_freq_data(name, data, fig, subplot, _min, _max, overscan=5, step=1, show_normal=True):
    fit = norm.pdf(data, mean(data), std(data))

    xvals = [x * step for x in range(_min, int(_max/step)+1)]

    freq = {}
    for i in xvals:
        freq[i] = 0
    for i in xvals:
        for datum in data:
            if datum == i:
                freq[i] += 1
    for i in xvals:
        freq[i] /= float(len(ages))

    freq_arr = freq.values()

Exemple #36
import scipy.stats as ss

x = 1123.00 #number of responses
n = 1783.00 #sample size
alpha = .10 #confidence interval 1-alpha

#point estimate for a parameter of a normal distribution
#determine p_hat as the sample mean
p_hat = x/n

#compute the sample standard deviation
std = math.sqrt((p_hat*(1-p_hat))/n)

#standard error E
E = std / math.sqrt(n)

#create a normal distribution and get the z score of z sub alpha /2
pd = ss.norm(loc = 0, scale = 1)
z = abs(pd.ppf((alpha/2)))

#get the cofidence intervals about the mean
lbound = p_hat - (z * std)
ubound = p_hat + (z * std)

print "p hat: " + "{0:.3f}".format(p_hat)
print "std: " + "{0:.3f}".format(std)
print("E: " + "{0:.3f}".format(E))
print("z score: " + "{0:.3f}".format(z))
print("lbound: " + "{0:3f}".format(lbound))
print("ubound: " + "{0:3f}".format(ubound))
def quadratic_grad(params,x = rec.Fneu[4], y = rec.F[4],k=4,v=False):
    guess = params[0] + params[1] * x
    res = y - guess #data points above line are positive
    outer_derivative = (res>0)*(2*res)+(res<0)*(k*res**(2))
    theta_0 = np.sum(outer_derivative)*(-1)
    theta_1 = np.sum(outer_derivative*(-x))
    grad = (theta_0, theta_1)
    return grad

def normalize(x,y):
    vector = np.array((x,y))
    norms = np.linalg.norm(vector,axis=0)
    return vector / norms

dirac = norm(0,1e-2).pdf

def guess(x, y):
    slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = linregress(x,y)
    return (intercept, slope)

class ParabolicRegressor:
    default_k = 70
    def loss(cls,params,x, y, k=None, v=False):
        if k is None: k = cls.default_k
        guess = params[0] + params[1] * x
        residuals = y - guess #data points above line are positive
        upper_cost = np.sum(ramp(residuals)**2)
        lower_cost = np.sum(2*ramp(-residuals)**(2))
Exemple #38
setup_text_plots(fontsize=8, usetex=True)

# Define the distributions to be plotted
sigma_values = [0.5, 1.0, 2.0]
linestyles = ['-', '--', ':']
mu = 0
x = np.linspace(-10, 10, 1000)

# plot the distributions
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(5, 3.75))

for sigma, ls in zip(sigma_values, linestyles):
    # create a gaussian / normal distribution
    dist = norm(mu, sigma)

             label=r'$\mu=%i,\ \sigma=%.1f$' % (mu, sigma))

plt.xlim(-5, 5)
plt.ylim(0, 0.85)

plt.title('Gaussian Distribution')

Exemple #39
 def model(args):
     return {"y": st.norm(args['x'], sigma).rvs()}
Exemple #40
            y2, Sigy2 = testModel(mod2, np.array([optimizerX[i, :]]))
            temp_x_pareto = np.vstack(
                (copyxPareto, np.array([optimizerX[i, :]])))
            New_Weights_, New_Paretos_ = WeightPoints(temp_x_pareto, dataset,
                                                      Kernels, Kinv_0, Kinv_1,
            slide_size = len(SlidingY)
            for j in (range(slide_size)):
                temp_pareto = np.vstack(
                     np.array([SlidingY[j, 0], SlidingY[j, 1]])))
                found_temp_pareto = mPareto(temp_pareto)
                usef_weights = New_Weights_[parY_X(temp_pareto,

                Probs_dim1 = norm(y1, Sigy1).pdf(SlidingY[j, 0])
                Probs_dim2 = norm(y2, Sigy2).pdf(SlidingY[j, 1])
                EHVI_New = Expected_HVI(found_temp_pareto, usef_weights,
                                        Faster[j]) * Probs_dim1 * Probs_dim2
                Total_HVI_diff += EHVI_New
        indx = imp_log.index(max(imp_log))
        Best_x = x_log[indx][0]
        Best_y = function(np.array([Best_x
                                    ]))[0, 0], function(np.array([Best_x]))[0,
        if Best_x not in dataset.data:
            sys.exit("Couldn't go on, almost the same point! Why?!")
# Calculate their estimated Sharpe ratio (SR^). *It is "estimated" because it use the historical returns as a prediction of the future returns.*

sr_st1 = estimated_sharpe_ratio(returns_st1)
print('SR st1 dist.:', sr_st1)

sr_ann_st1 = ann_estimated_sharpe_ratio(returns_st1, periods=52)
print('SR Annual. st1 dist.:', round(sr_ann_st1, 2))

# ## Strategy 2 - *Simulate a normal distribution of returns with better `mean` and same `std` as the strategy 1*

# By definition the SR, in a big data sample, of this strategy (this returns distribution) must be greater than the SR of Strategy 1...but with a few data?

# +
EXTRA_EDGE = 0.0012

dist_st2 = norm(loc=true_mean + EXTRA_EDGE, scale=true_std)
# -

true_mean_st2 = dist_st2.stats('m').item()
true_std_st2 = np.sqrt(dist_st2.stats('v').item())
true_skew_st2 = dist_st2.stats('s').item()
true_kurt_st2 = dist_st2.stats('k').item() + 3
print('Long term true weekly mean returns st2: {:.2%}'.format(true_mean_st2))
print('Long term true std returns st2: {:.2%}'.format(true_std_st2))
print('Long term true skew returns st2: {:.2f}'.format(true_skew_st2))
print('Long term true kurt returns st2: {:.2f}'.format(true_kurt_st2))

# Generates random **weekly returns** and check their moments statistic (in a large sample the *mean* and *std* should be equal to the `moments_st1`, and the *skew* should be 0 and *kurtosis* 3)

# +
SEED_ST2 = 9563
Exemple #42
 def p_y_given_model(mu_x_model):
     res = st.norm(mu_x_model, sp.sqrt(sigma**2 + sigma**2)).pdf(y_observed)
     return res
Exemple #43

a = 0.0
b = 3.0

tscale = 0.05

invariant_distribution = poly1d( [-1 for x in range(int(a))], True)*poly1d( [1 for x in range(int(b))], True)

def eigenvalue(n):
    return theta*n*(n+a+b+1)/(a+b+2)

gaussian_var = norm()
def dW(dt):
    return norm.rvs() / sqrt(dt)

def random_walk(y0, tmax, dt, times = None):
    dt = dt * tscale
    def rhs(y,t):
        return -theta*(y-(a-b)/(a+b+2)) + sqrt(2*theta*(1-y*y)/(a+b+2))*dW(dt/tscale)
    if (times is None):
        times = arange(0,tmax,dt)
    y = zeros(shape=times.shape, dtype=float)
    y[0] = y0
    for i in range(1,y.shape[0]):
        y[i] = y[i-1] + rhs(y[i-1], times[i])*dt
        if abs(y[i]) > 1:
            y[i] = y[i] / abs(y[i])
Exemple #44
def main(argv=None):

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description="PINT tool for MCMC optimization of timing models using event data."

    parser.add_argument("eventfile", help="event file to use")
    parser.add_argument("parfile", help="par file to read model from")
    parser.add_argument("gaussianfile", help="gaussian file that defines template")
    parser.add_argument("--ft2", help="Path to FT2 file.", default=None)
        help="name of weight column (or 'CALC' to have them computed",
        "--nwalkers", help="Number of MCMC walkers (def 200)", type=int, default=200
        help="Number of MCMC steps for burn in (def 100)",
        help="Number of MCMC steps to compute (def 1000)",
        "--minMJD", help="Earliest MJD to use (def 54680)", type=float, default=54680.0
        "--maxMJD", help="Latest MJD to use (def 57250)", type=float, default=57250.0
        "--phs", help="Starting phase offset [0-1] (def is to measure)", type=float
        "--phserr", help="Error on starting phase", type=float, default=0.03
        help="Minimum weight to include (def 0.05)",
        help="Raise computed weights to this power (or 0.0 to disable any rescaling of weights)",
        help="Make plots to evalute weight cuts?",
        help="Run initial scipy opt before MCMC?",
        help="Multiply par file errors by this factor when initializing walker starting values",
        help="Multiple par file errors by this factor when setting gaussian prior widths",
        help="Read events from pickle file, if available?",

    global nwalkers, nsteps, ftr

    args = parser.parse_args(argv)

    eventfile = args.eventfile
    parfile = args.parfile
    gaussianfile = args.gaussianfile
    weightcol = args.weightcol

    if args.ft2 is not None:
        # Instantiate Fermi observatory once so it gets added to the observatory registry
        get_satellite_observatory("Fermi", args.ft2)

    nwalkers = args.nwalkers
    burnin = args.burnin
    nsteps = args.nsteps
    if burnin >= nsteps:
        log.error("burnin must be < nsteps")
    nbins = 256  # For likelihood calculation based on gaussians file
    outprof_nbins = 256  # in the text file, for pygaussfit.py, for instance
    minMJD = args.minMJD
    maxMJD = args.maxMJD  # Usually set by coverage of IERS file

    minWeight = args.minWeight
    do_opt_first = args.doOpt
    wgtexp = args.wgtexp

    # Read in initial model
    modelin = pint.models.get_model(parfile)

    # The custom_timing version below is to manually construct the TimingModel
    # class, which allows it to be pickled. This is needed for parallelizing
    # the emcee call over a number of threads.  So far, it isn't quite working
    # so it is disabled.  The code above constructs the TimingModel class
    # dynamically, as usual.
    # modelin = custom_timing(parfile)

    # Remove the dispersion delay as it is unnecessary
    # modelin.delay_funcs['L1'].remove(modelin.dispersion_delay)
    # Set the target coords for automatic weighting if necessary
    if "ELONG" in modelin.params:
        tc = SkyCoord(
        tc = SkyCoord(modelin.RAJ.quantity, modelin.DECJ.quantity, frame="icrs")

    target = tc if weightcol == "CALC" else None

    # TODO: make this properly handle long double
    ts = None
    if args.usepickle:
            ts = toa.load_pickle(eventfile)
        except IOError:
    if ts is None:
        # Read event file and return list of TOA objects
        tl = fermi.load_Fermi_TOAs(
            eventfile, weightcolumn=weightcol, targetcoord=target, minweight=minWeight
        # Limit the TOAs to ones in selected MJD range and above minWeight
        tl = [
            for ii in range(len(tl))
            if (
                tl[ii].mjd.value > minMJD
                and tl[ii].mjd.value < maxMJD
                and (weightcol is None or float(tl[ii].flags["weight"]) > minWeight)
        log.info("There are %d events we will use" % len(tl))
        # Now convert to TOAs object and compute TDBs and posvels
        ts = toa.TOAs(toalist=tl)
        ts.filename = eventfile
        ts.compute_posvels(ephem="DE421", planets=False)

    if weightcol is not None:
        if weightcol == "CALC":
            weights = np.asarray([float(x["weight"]) for x in ts.table["flags"]])
                "Original weights have min / max weights %.3f / %.3f"
                % (weights.min(), weights.max())
            # Rescale the weights, if requested (by having wgtexp != 0.0)
            if wgtexp != 0.0:
                weights **= wgtexp
                wmx, wmn = weights.max(), weights.min()
                # make the highest weight = 1, but keep min weight the same
                weights = wmn + ((weights - wmn) * (1.0 - wmn) / (wmx - wmn))
            for ii, x in enumerate(ts.table["flags"]):
                x["weight"] = str(weights[ii])
        weights = np.asarray([float(x["weight"]) for x in ts.table["flags"]])
            "There are %d events, with min / max weights %.3f / %.3f"
            % (len(weights), weights.min(), weights.max())
        weights = None
        log.info("There are %d events, no weights are being used." % ts.ntoas)

    # Now load in the gaussian template and normalize it
    gtemplate = read_gaussfitfile(gaussianfile, nbins)
    gtemplate /= gtemplate.mean()

    # Set the priors on the parameters in the model, before
    # instantiating the emcee_fitter
    # Currently, this adds a gaussian prior on each parameter
    # with width equal to the par file uncertainty * priorerrfact,
    # and then puts in some special cases.
    # *** This should be replaced/supplemented with a way to specify
    # more general priors on parameters that need certain bounds
    phs = 0.0 if args.phs is None else args.phs
    fitkeys, fitvals, fiterrs = get_fit_keyvals(modelin, phs=phs, phserr=args.phserr)

    for key, v, e in zip(fitkeys[:-1], fitvals[:-1], fiterrs[:-1]):
        if key == "SINI" or key == "E" or key == "ECC":
            getattr(modelin, key).prior = Prior(uniform(0.0, 1.0))
        elif key == "PX":
            getattr(modelin, key).prior = Prior(uniform(0.0, 10.0))
        elif key.startswith("GLPH"):
            getattr(modelin, key).prior = Prior(uniform(-0.5, 1.0))
            getattr(modelin, key).prior = Prior(
                norm(loc=float(v), scale=float(e * args.priorerrfact))

    # Now define the requirements for emcee
    ftr = emcee_fitter(ts, modelin, gtemplate, weights, phs, args.phserr)

    # Use this if you want to see the effect of setting minWeight
    if args.testWeights:
        log.info("Checking H-test vs weights")

    # Now compute the photon phases and see if we see a pulse
    phss = ftr.get_event_phases()
    maxbin, like_start = marginalize_over_phase(
        phss, gtemplate, weights=ftr.weights, minimize=True, showplot=False
    log.info("Starting pulse likelihood: %f" % like_start)
    if args.phs is None:
        fitvals[-1] = 1.0 - maxbin[0] / float(len(gtemplate))
        if fitvals[-1] > 1.0:
            fitvals[-1] -= 1.0
        if fitvals[-1] < 0.0:
            fitvals[-1] += 1.0
        log.info("Starting pulse phase: %f" % fitvals[-1])
            "Measured starting pulse phase is %f, but using %f"
            % (1.0 - maxbin / float(len(gtemplate)), args.phs)
        fitvals[-1] = args.phs
    ftr.fitvals[-1] = fitvals[-1]
    ftr.phaseogram(plotfile=ftr.model.PSR.value + "_pre.png")
    # ftr.phaseogram()

    # Write out the starting pulse profile
    vs, xs = np.histogram(
        ftr.get_event_phases(), outprof_nbins, range=[0, 1], weights=ftr.weights
    f = open(ftr.model.PSR.value + "_prof_pre.txt", "w")
    for x, v in zip(xs, vs):
        f.write("%.5f  %12.5f\n" % (x, v))

    # Try normal optimization first to see how it goes
    if do_opt_first:
        result = op.minimize(ftr.minimize_func, np.zeros_like(ftr.fitvals))
        newfitvals = np.asarray(result["x"]) * ftr.fiterrs + ftr.fitvals
        like_optmin = -result["fun"]
        log.info("Optimization likelihood: %f" % like_optmin)
        ftr.set_params(dict(zip(ftr.fitkeys, newfitvals)))
        like_optmin = -np.inf

    # Set up the initial conditions for the emcee walkers.  Use the
    # scipy.optimize newfitvals instead if they are better
    ndim = ftr.n_fit_params
    if like_start > like_optmin:
        # Keep the starting deviations small...
        pos = [
            ftr.fitvals + ftr.fiterrs * args.initerrfact * np.random.randn(ndim)
            for ii in range(nwalkers)
        # Set starting params
        for param in ["GLPH_1", "GLEP_1", "SINI", "M2", "E", "ECC", "PX", "A1"]:
            if param in ftr.fitkeys:
                idx = ftr.fitkeys.index(param)
                if param == "GLPH_1":
                    svals = np.random.uniform(-0.5, 0.5, nwalkers)
                elif param == "GLEP_1":
                    svals = np.random.uniform(minMJD + 100, maxMJD - 100, nwalkers)
                    # svals = 55422.0 + np.random.randn(nwalkers)
                elif param == "SINI":
                    svals = np.random.uniform(0.0, 1.0, nwalkers)
                elif param == "M2":
                    svals = np.random.uniform(0.1, 0.6, nwalkers)
                elif param in ["E", "ECC", "PX", "A1"]:
                    # Ensure all positive
                    svals = np.fabs(
                        ftr.fitvals[idx] + ftr.fiterrs[idx] * np.random.randn(nwalkers)
                    if param in ["E", "ECC"]:
                        svals[svals > 1.0] = 1.0 - (svals[svals > 1.0] - 1.0)
                for ii in range(nwalkers):
                    pos[ii][idx] = svals[ii]
        pos = [
            newfitvals + ftr.fiterrs * args.initerrfact * np.random.randn(ndim)
            for i in range(nwalkers)
    # Set the 0th walker to have the initial pre-fit solution
    # This way, one walker should always be in a good position
    pos[0] = ftr.fitvals

    import emcee

    # Following are for parallel processing tests...
    if 0:

        def unwrapped_lnpost(theta, ftr=ftr):
            return ftr.lnposterior(theta)

        import pathos.multiprocessing as mp

        pool = mp.ProcessPool(nodes=8)
        sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(
            nwalkers, ndim, unwrapped_lnpost, pool=pool, args=[ftr]
        sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers, ndim, ftr.lnposterior)
    # The number is the number of points in the chain
    sampler.run_mcmc(pos, nsteps)

    def chains_to_dict(names, sampler):
        chains = [sampler.chain[:, :, ii].T for ii in range(len(names))]
        return dict(zip(names, chains))

    def plot_chains(chain_dict, file=False):
        npts = len(chain_dict)
        fig, axes = plt.subplots(npts, 1, sharex=True, figsize=(8, 9))
        for ii, name in enumerate(chain_dict.keys()):
            axes[ii].plot(chain_dict[name], color="k", alpha=0.3)
        axes[npts - 1].set_xlabel("Step Number")
        if file:

    chains = chains_to_dict(ftr.fitkeys, sampler)
    plot_chains(chains, file=ftr.model.PSR.value + "_chains.png")

    # Make the triangle plot.
    samples = sampler.chain[:, burnin:, :].reshape((-1, ndim))
        import corner

        fig = corner.corner(
        fig.savefig(ftr.model.PSR.value + "_triangle.png")
    except ImportError:

    # Plot the scaled prior probability alongside the initial gaussian probability distribution and the histogrammed samples
    ftr.plot_priors(chains, burnin, scale=True)
    plt.savefig(ftr.model.PSR.value + "_priors.png")

    # Make a phaseogram with the 50th percentile values
    # ftr.set_params(dict(zip(ftr.fitkeys, np.percentile(samples, 50, axis=0))))
    # Make a phaseogram with the best MCMC result
    ftr.set_params(dict(zip(ftr.fitkeys[:-1], ftr.maxpost_fitvals[:-1])))
    ftr.phaseogram(plotfile=ftr.model.PSR.value + "_post.png")

    # Write out the output pulse profile
    vs, xs = np.histogram(
        ftr.get_event_phases(), outprof_nbins, range=[0, 1], weights=ftr.weights
    f = open(ftr.model.PSR.value + "_prof_post.txt", "w")
    for x, v in zip(xs, vs):
        f.write("%.5f  %12.5f\n" % (x, v))

    # Write out the par file for the best MCMC parameter est
    f = open(ftr.model.PSR.value + "_post.par", "w")

    # Print the best MCMC values and ranges
    ranges = map(
        lambda v: (v[1], v[2] - v[1], v[1] - v[0]),
        zip(*np.percentile(samples, [16, 50, 84], axis=0)),
    log.info("Post-MCMC values (50th percentile +/- (16th/84th percentile):")
    for name, vals in zip(ftr.fitkeys, ranges):
        log.info("%8s:" % name + "%25.15g (+ %12.5g  / - %12.5g)" % vals)

    # Put the same stuff in a file
    f = open(ftr.model.PSR.value + "_results.txt", "w")

    f.write("Post-MCMC values (50th percentile +/- (16th/84th percentile):\n")
    for name, vals in zip(ftr.fitkeys, ranges):
        f.write("%8s:" % name + " %25.15g (+ %12.5g  / - %12.5g)\n" % vals)

    f.write("\nMaximum likelihood par file:\n")

    import pickle

    pickle.dump(samples, open(ftr.model.PSR.value + "_samples.pickle", "wb"))
Exemple #45
def tmu_pvalue(tmu):
    z0 = np.sqrt(tmu)
    p0 = 2. * (1. - stats.norm(0., 1.).cdf(z0))
    return p0
Exemple #46
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
from scipy import stats as stats

matplotlib.rcParams["axes.facecolor"] = "#23272E"
matplotlib.rcParams["figure.facecolor"] = "#23272E"
matplotlib.rcParams["axes.grid"] = False

gaussian = lambda x, mu=0, sigma=1: stats.norm(mu, sigma).pdf(x)

x = np.linspace(-10, 10, 1000)
g0 = gaussian(x, 0, 1.3)

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
ax = fig.add_subplot()
ax.set_xlim(-4, 4)
ax.set_ylim(-4, 4)

yshift = -3.0
yscale = 20
plt.plot(x, yscale * g0 + yshift, c="#5E81AC", lw=50)

Exemple #47
            Pz = Wc[k] * np.outer(c, c)
            covv_z = np.cov(c, c) + R
        Pz += R  # sebagai S
        inv_covv_z = pinv(covv_z)

        # Cross covariance Weight sebelum dan weights sesudah unscented transform
        Pxz = np.zeros(sigmas.shape)  # Tut
        for k in range(kmax):
            cc = np.subtract(X_, Mz)  # sebagai T
            Pxz = Wc[k] * np.outer(cc, c)
            covv_xz = np.cov(cc, c)

        # Kalman gain
        Kk = np.dot(covv_xz, inv_covv_z)
        K1 = np.dot(Pxz, inv(P))
        Knorm = np.reshape(norm(K1[:, 0], (-1, 1)), (-1, 1))  # tambahan doang
        K = np.reshape(K1[:, 0], (-1, 1))

        # innovasi dari dash 2014
        dash = np.dot(gamma**-2, np.identity(n))
        # =============================================================================
        #         P2 = np.subtract(inv(P),P1) # inv berdaasarkan paper dash 2014
        #         P3 = np.dot(Pz,K.T)
        #         P = P2 - np.dot(K,P3) # besarnya error kovarian matriks
        # =============================================================================

        # P = P - np.dot(Pz,K) # np.dot(Pz,K.T))
        P = P - np.dot(K, np.dot(Pz.sum(), K.T))
        P += Q

Exemple #48
def qmu_pvalue(qmu):
    z0 = np.sqrt(qmu)
    p0 = 1. - stats.norm(0., 1.).cdf(z0)
    return p0
 def erro_verdadeiro(self):
   erro_min = self.error_avg - (st.norm().ppf(self.confianca) * self.std_error)
   erro_max = self.error_avg + (st.norm().ppf(self.confianca) * self.std_error)
   return erro_min, erro_max
Exemple #50
def main(_):
    gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=0.85)

    with tf.device('/gpu:' + str(FLAGS.gpu)):
        with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(gpu_options=gpu_options, allow_soft_placement=True)) as sess:
            # setting seed for reproducibility
            if FLAGS.seed is not -1:
                print("setting seed for reproducibility to " + str(FLAGS.seed))

            # inputs
            gen_input = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[FLAGS.batch_size, 32])
            # model
            g = models_cleaned.generator_32
            dde = models_cleaned.dde_32

            # generator
            avg_styles = None
            if FLAGS.avg_styles is not "":
                # load avg styles
                import pickle
                with open(FLAGS.avg_styles, 'rb') as f:
                    avg_styles = pickle.load(f)
                    avg_styles = avg_styles.astype(np.float32)

            noise_ph = get_noise_placeholders(FLAGS.batch_size)

            if FLAGS.g_act == 'lrelu':
                act = partial(leaky_relu, leak=0.2)
            elif FLAGS.g_act == 'relu':
                act = tf.nn.relu
            elif FLAGS.g_act == 'tanh':
                act = tf.nn.tanh
            elif FLAGS.g_act == 'swish':
                act = swish
                act = tf.nn.softplus

            fake_img = g(gen_input, FLAGS.batch_size, noises=noise_ph, avg_styles=avg_styles,
                         psi=FLAGS.trun_factor, scope='generator', act=act, linear=FLAGS.linear,
                         clip=FLAGS.clip, norm=FLAGS.normalize, reuse=False)

            if FLAGS.dde_act == 'lrelu':
                dde_act = partial(leaky_relu, leak=0.2)
            elif FLAGS.dde_act == 'relu':
                dde_act = tf.nn.relu
            elif FLAGS.dde_act == 'tanh':
                dde_act = tf.nn.tanh
            elif FLAGS.dde_act == 'swish':
                dde_act = swish
                dde_act = tf.nn.softplus

            # fake dde
            noisy_fake_img = fake_img + tf.random.normal(shape=tf.shape(fake_img), mean=0., stddev=FLAGS.sigma)
            fake_dde = dde(noisy_fake_img, act=dde_act, scope='fake_dde', reuse=False)
            grad_fake_dde = tf.gradients(fake_dde, noisy_fake_img)[0]
            denoised_fake_img = noisy_fake_img + grad_fake_dde * FLAGS.sigma ** 2

            # load model
            saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=None)
            saver.restore(sess, FLAGS.model_name)
            print('loaded model from :' + FLAGS.model_name)

            mu = 0.
            sigma = 1.
            import scipy.stats as stats
            n = stats.norm(loc=mu, scale=sigma)

            # get some samples
            noise_batch = n.rvs(FLAGS.batch_size*32)
            layer_noise = get_layer_noise(FLAGS.batch_size, n)
            noise_batch = np.reshape(noise_batch, (FLAGS.batch_size, 32))
            fake_imgs, fake_imgs_den = sess.run(
                [fake_img, denoised_fake_img],
                feed_dict={gen_input: noise_batch,
                           noise_ph[0]: layer_noise[0],
                           noise_ph[1]: layer_noise[1],
                           noise_ph[2]: layer_noise[2],
                           noise_ph[3]: layer_noise[3],
                           noise_ph[4]: layer_noise[4],
                           noise_ph[5]: layer_noise[5],
                           noise_ph[6]: layer_noise[6],
                           noise_ph[7]: layer_noise[7],
                           noise_ph[8]: layer_noise[8]})

            if FLAGS.store_single:
                for i in range(FLAGS.batch_size):
                    img = fake_imgs[i]
                    img = cv2.cvtColor(np.clip(img + 0.5, 0, 1), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
                    cv2.imwrite(FLAGS.out_single_file % (i+1+FLAGS.id_offset), img * 255, [cv2.IMWRITE_PNG_COMPRESSION, 9])
                    print('\rwrote %d / %d images' % (i+1, FLAGS.batch_size), end='')

                out_img = imgrid(fake_imgs)
                # out_img_den = imgrid(fake_imgs_den)

                # data is in [-0.5, 0.5]
                out_img += 0.5
                # out_img_den += 0.5

                # we store clipped and normalized version
                out_img_norm = out_img - np.min(out_img)
                out_img_norm = out_img_norm / np.max(out_img_norm)
                out_img_norm = cv2.cvtColor(out_img_norm, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
                out_img_clip = cv2.cvtColor(np.clip(out_img, 0., 1.), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
                cv2.imwrite(FLAGS.out_file, out_img_clip*255, [cv2.IMWRITE_PNG_COMPRESSION, 9])
                out_file_norm = FLAGS.out_file.replace('.png', '_norm.png')
                cv2.imwrite(out_file_norm, out_img_norm * 255, [cv2.IMWRITE_PNG_COMPRESSION, 9])
plt.hlines(pi_bar[1], 0, T, 'r', '--')
plt.title('Percent of Time Unemployed')

# Now add McCall Search Model
from scipy.stats import norm

#using quaterly data
alpha_q = (1 - (1 - alpha)**3)  # alpha is monthly and alpha_q is quarterly
gamma = 1.

logw_dist = norm(np.log(20.), 1)
w = np.linspace(0., 175, 201)  # wage grid

#compute probability of each wage level
cdf = logw_dist.cdf(np.log(w))
pdf = cdf[1:] - cdf[:-1]
pdf /= pdf.sum()
w = (w[1:] + w[:-1]) / 2

#Find the quilibirum
LME = LakeModel_Equilibrium(alpha_q, gamma, 0.99, 2.00, pdf, w)

#possible levels of unemployment insurance
cvec = np.linspace(1., 75, 25)
T, W, U, EV, pi = map(np.vstack,
                      zip(*[LME.find_steady_state_tax(c) for c in cvec]))
Exemple #52
from scipy.stats import norm
from scipy.integrate import quad
Exemple #53
def f1_prob_mass_Gauss(y, delta):
    return norm(1, 1).cdf(y) - norm(1, 1).cdf(y - delta)
Exemple #54
def get_p_value(ydata,
    ydata = np.array(ydata)
    #Assume poisson is gaussian with N+1 variance
    if not yerr:
        yerr = np.sqrt(ydata + 1)
        yerr = np.array(yerr)

    def fit_func(x, p1, p2, p3):
        #see the ATLAS diboson resonance search: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1708.04445.pdf.
        xi = 0.
        y = x / 13000.
        return p1 * (1. - y)**(p2 - xi * p3) * y**-p3

    xdata = np.array([
        0.5 * (binvals[i] + binvals[i + 1])
        for i in range(0,
                       len(binvals) - 1)
    xwidths = np.array(
        [-binvals[i] + binvals[i + 1] for i in range(0,
                                                     len(binvals) - 1)])

    #Assuming inputs are bin counts, this is needed to get densities. Important for variable-width bins
    ydata = np.array(ydata) * 100 / xwidths
    yerr = np.array(yerr) * 100 / np.array(xwidths)

    #Least square fit, masking out the signal region
    popt, pcov = curve_fit(fit_func,
                           np.delete(xdata, mask),
                           np.delete(ydata, mask),
                           sigma=np.delete(yerr, mask),
    if verbose:
        print('fit params: ', popt)

    ydata_fit = np.array(
        [fit_func(x, popt[0], popt[1], popt[2]) for x in xdata])

    #Check that the function is a good fit to the sideband
    residuals = np.delete((ydata - ydata_fit) / yerr, mask)

    if verbose > 0:
        print("Goodness: ", kstest(residuals, norm(loc=0, scale=1).cdf))
        print(((ydata - ydata_fit) / yerr)[mask])

    #The following code is used to get the bin errors by propagating the errors on the fit params
    def fit_func_array(parr):
        #see the ATLAS diboson resonance search: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1708.04445.pdf.
        p1, p2, p3 = parr
        xi = 0.
        return np.array([
            p1 * (1. - (x / 13000.))**(p2 - xi * p3) * (x / 13000.)**-p3
            for x in xdata

    jac = numdifftools.core.Jacobian(fit_func_array)
    x_cov = np.dot(np.dot(jac(popt), pcov), jac(popt).T)
    #For plot, take systematic error band as the diagonal of the covariance matrix
    y_unc = np.sqrt([row[i] for i, row in enumerate(x_cov)])

    if (plotfile != None) & (plotfile != 'ax'):
        if plotsys:
                             ydata_fit + y_unc,
                             ydata_fit - y_unc,
        yerr2 = np.array(yerr)
        yerr2[yerr >= ydata] = yerr2[yerr >= ydata] * 0.8
                     ydata, [yerr2, yerr],
        plt.plot(xdata, ydata_fit, 'r--', label='data')
        plt.yscale('log', nonposy='clip')
    if plotfile == 'ax':
        if plotsys:
                              ydata_fit + y_unc,
                              ydata_fit - y_unc,
        yerr2 = np.array(yerr)
        yerr2[yerr >= ydata] = yerr2[yerr >= ydata] * 0.8
                      ydata, [yerr2, yerr],
        myax.plot(xdata, ydata_fit, 'r--', label='data')
        myax.set_yscale('log', nonposy='clip')
    if plotfile == 'show':
    elif plotfile:

    #Now, let's compute some statistics.
    #  Will use asymptotic formulae for p0 from Cowan et al arXiv:1007.1727
    #  and systematics procedure from https://cds.cern.ch/record/2242860/files/NOTE2017_001.pdf

    #First get systematics in the signal region

    #This function returns array of signal predictions in the signal region
    def signal_fit_func_array(parr):
        #see the ATLAS diboson resonance search: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1708.04445.pdf.
        p1, p2, p3 = parr
        xi = 0.
        return np.array([
                p1 * (1. - (x / 13000.))**(p2 - xi * p3) * (x / 13000.)**-p3 *
                xwidths[mask[i]] / 100 for i, x in enumerate(xdata[mask])

    #Get covariance matrix of prediction uncertainties in the signal region
    jac = numdifftools.core.Jacobian(signal_fit_func_array)
    x_signal_cov = np.dot(np.dot(jac(popt), pcov), jac(popt).T)
    #Inverse signal region covariance matrix:
    inv_x_signal_cov = inv(x_signal_cov)

    #Get observed and predicted event counts in the signal region
    obs = np.array(
        [np.sum(np.array(ydata)[mask] * np.array(xwidths)[mask] / 100)])
    expected = np.array([
            fit_func(xdata[targetbin], popt[0], popt[1], popt[2]) *
            xwidths[targetbin] / 100 for targetbin in mask

    #Negative numerator of log likelihood ratio, for signal rate mu = 0
    def min_log_numerator(expected_nuis_arr):
        #expected_nuis_arr is the array of systematic background uncertainty nuisance parameters
        #These are event rate densities
        expected_nuis_arr = np.array(expected_nuis_arr)
        to_return = 0
        #Poisson terms
        for i, expected_nuis in enumerate(expected_nuis_arr):
            #Poisson lambda. Have to rescale nuisance constribution by bin width
            my_lambda = expected[i] + expected_nuis_arr[i]
            #Prevent negative predicted rates
            if my_lambda < 10**-10:
                my_lambda = 10**-10
            #Poisson term. Ignore the factorial piece which will cancel in likelihood ratio
            to_return = to_return + (obs[i] * np.log(my_lambda) - my_lambda)

        #Gaussian nuisance term
        nuisance_term = -0.5 * np.dot(
            np.dot(expected_nuis_arr, inv_x_signal_cov), expected_nuis_arr)
        to_return = to_return + nuisance_term
        return -to_return

    def jac_min_log_numerator(expected_nuis_arr):
        #expected_nuis_arr is the array of systematic background uncertainty nuisance parameters
        #These are event rate densities
        expected_nuis_arr = np.array(expected_nuis_arr)
        to_return = np.array([0.])
        #Poisson terms
        #Poisson lambda. Have to rescale nuisance constribution by bin width
        my_lambda = expected + expected_nuis_arr
        dmy_lambda = np.array([1.])
        #Prevent negative predicted rates
        my_lambda[my_lambda < 10**-10] = np.ones(
            len(my_lambda[my_lambda < 10**-10])) * 10**-10
        dmy_lambda[my_lambda < 10**-10] = 0
        #Poisson term. Ignore the factorial piece which will cancel in likelihood ratio
        to_return = to_return + (obs * dmy_lambda / my_lambda - dmy_lambda)
        #Gaussian nuisance term
        nuisance_term = -np.dot(inv_x_signal_cov, expected_nuis_arr)
        to_return = to_return + nuisance_term
        return -to_return

    #Initialization of nuisance params
    expected_nuis_array_init = [0.02]

    #shift log likelihood to heklp minimization algo
    def rescaled_min_log_numerator(expected_nuis_arr):
        return min_log_numerator(expected_nuis_arr) - min_log_numerator(

    #Perform minimization over nuisance parameters. Set bounds for bg nuisance at around 8 sigma.
    bnds = [[-8 * y_unc[mask[0]], 8 * y_unc[mask[0]]]]
    minimize_log_numerator = minimize(rescaled_min_log_numerator,

    if verbose:
        print("numerator: ", minimize_log_numerator.items(), '\n')

    #Now get likelihood ratio denominator
    def min_log_denom(nuis_arr):
        #nuis_arr contains the bg systematics and also the signal rate
        expected_nuis_arr = np.array(nuis_arr)[:1]
        mu = nuis_arr[1]
        #Signal prediction
        pred = [mu]
        to_return = 0
        #Poisson terms
        for i, expected_nuis in enumerate(expected_nuis_arr):
            #Poisson lambda
            my_lambda = expected[i] + expected_nuis_arr[i] + pred[i]
            #Prevent prediction from going negative
            if my_lambda < 10**-10:
                my_lambda = 10**-10
            #Poisson term. Ignore the factorial piece which will cancel in likelihood ratio
            to_return = to_return + (obs[i] * np.log(my_lambda) - my_lambda)

        #Gaussian nuisance term
        nuisance_term = -0.5 * np.dot(
            np.dot(expected_nuis_arr, inv_x_signal_cov), expected_nuis_arr)
        to_return = to_return + nuisance_term
        return -to_return

    def jac_min_log_denom(nuis_arr):
        #expected_nuis_arr is the array of systematic background uncertainty nuisance parameters
        #These are event rate densities
        expected_nuis_arr = np.array(nuis_arr)[:1]
        mu = nuis_arr[1]
        pred = [mu]
        to_return_first = np.array([0.])
        #Poisson terms
        #Poisson lambda. Have to rescale nuisance constribution by bin width
        my_lambda = expected + expected_nuis_arr + pred
        dmy_lambda = np.array([1.])
        #Prevent prediction from going negative
        my_lambda[my_lambda < 10**-10] = np.ones(
            len(my_lambda[my_lambda < 10**-10])) * 10**-10
        dmy_lambda[my_lambda < 10**-10] = 0
        #Poisson term. Ignore the factorial piece which will cancel in likelihood ratio
        to_return_first = to_return_first + (obs * dmy_lambda / my_lambda -
        #Gaussian nuisance term
        nuisance_term = -np.dot(inv_x_signal_cov, expected_nuis_arr)
        to_return_first = to_return_first + nuisance_term

        to_return_last = np.array([0.])

        dpred = np.array([[1.]])

        my_lambda = expected + expected_nuis_arr + pred
        dmy_lambda = dpred
        to_return_last = np.dot(
            (obs / my_lambda), dmy_lambda.T) - np.sum(dmy_lambda, axis=1)

        return -np.append(to_return_first, to_return_last)

    #initizalization for minimization
    nuis_array_init = [0.01, 1.]

    #Shift log likelihood for helping minimization algo.
    def rescaled_min_log_denom(nuis_arr):
        return min_log_denom(nuis_arr) - min_log_denom(nuis_array_init)

    bnds = ((None, None), (None, None))
    minimize_log_denominator = minimize(rescaled_min_log_denom,

    if verbose:
        print("Denominator: ", minimize_log_denominator.items(), '\n')

    if minimize_log_denominator.x[-1] < 0:
        Zval = 0
        neglognum = 0
        neglogden = 0
        neglognum = min_log_numerator(minimize_log_numerator.x)
        neglogden = min_log_denom(minimize_log_denominator.x)
        Zval = np.sqrt(2 * (neglognum - neglogden))

    p0 = 1 - norm.cdf(Zval)

    if verbose:
        print("z = ", Zval)
        print("p0 = ", p0)

#     if plotfile == 'show':
#         plt.show()
#     elif plotfile:
#         plt.savefig(plotfile)

    if return_teststat:
        return p0, 2 * (neglognum - neglogden)
        return p0
Exemple #55
_26 = Object()
_26.data = np.repeat((0, 1), (3, 6))
with pm.Model() as _26.na:
    _26.p = pm.Uniform('p', 0, 1)
    _26.w = pm.Binomial('w', n=len(_26.data), p=_26.p, observed=_26.data.sum())
    _26.mean_p = pm.find_MAP()
    _26.std_q = ((1 / pm.find_hessian(_26.mean_p, vars=[_26.p]))**0.5)[0]

_26.mean_p['p'], _26.std_q
# -

# Assuming the posterior is Gaussian, it's maximized at $0.67$ and its standard deviation is $0.16$.

# 89% confidence interval:

_26.norm_dist = stats.norm(_26.mean_p['p'], _26.std_q)
_26.z = stats.norm.ppf([(1 - .89) / 2, 1 - (1 - 0.89) / 2])
print("89% confidence interval:", _26.mean_p['p'] + _26.std_q * _26.z)

# # Medium
# ## 2M1

_2m1 = Object()
_2m1.NUM = 100
_2m1.p_grid = np.linspace(0, 1, _2m1.NUM)
_2m1.prior = np.repeat(1, _2m1.NUM)

# ### Item 1 | W, W, W

_2m1.item_1 = Object()
_2m1.item_1.likelihood = binom.pmf(k=3, n=3, p=_2m1.p_grid)
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

data = np.loadtxt('data.txt')
density = np.asarray(data[:, 0])
w, p = stats.shapiro(density)
wL, pL = stats.shapiro(np.log(density))
plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)

x = np.linspace(min(density) - 2, max(density) + 1, 100)
mu, sigma = stats.norm.fit(density)
new_norm = stats.norm(mu, sigma)
plt.hist(density, normed=1, label='Density Hist')
plt.plot(x, new_norm.pdf(x), label='Best Normal Fit')
plt.title('Shapiro-Wilk for Gaussianity')
plt.text(-1, 0.6, 'p value=%f' % (p))
plt.text(-1, 0.5, 'w value=%f' % (w))
plt.ylabel('Asteroid Density')

plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
muL, sigmaL = stats.norm.fit(np.log(density))
new_normL = stats.norm(muL, sigmaL)
y = np.linspace(min(np.log(density) - 1), max(np.log(density) + 1), 100)
plt.hist(np.log(density), normed=1, label='Log(Density) Hist')
plt.plot(y, new_normL.pdf(y), label='Best Normal fit')
plt.text(-1, 1.5, 'p value=%f' % (pL))
plt.text(-1, 1.3, 'w value=%f' % (wL))
Exemple #57
from nose.tools import *
from os.path import abspath, dirname, join
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.stats import norm, lognorm
import wntr

testdir = dirname(abspath(str(__file__)))
datadir = join(testdir, '..', '..', 'tests', 'networks_for_testing')

FC1 = wntr.scenario.FragilityCurve()
FC1.add_state('Major', 2, {'Default': norm(loc=1, scale=2)})
FC1.add_state('Minor', 1, {'Default': norm(loc=0, scale=1)})

FC2 = wntr.scenario.FragilityCurve()
FC2.add_state('Minor', 1, {
    'Default': lognorm(0.25, loc=0, scale=1),
    '3': lognorm(0.2, loc=0, scale=1)
FC2.add_state('Major', 2, {'Default': lognorm(0.25, loc=1, scale=2)})

#x = np.linspace(-5,5,100)
#for name, state in FC2.states():
#    dist=state.distribution['Default']
#    plt.plot(x,dist.cdf(x), label=name)

def test_get_priority_map():
    priority_map = FC1.get_priority_map()
Exemple #58
def kernel_smooth(spike_vector, sigma, edges, bin_size=None, padding='symmetric', border_correction = False):
    Receives an array of spike times (point-process like), and smoothes it
    by convolving with a _gaussian_ kernel, of width *sigma*. The time
    position will be alocated with a time precision that is a ratio of sigma,
    given by tp = sigma/precision_factor.

    spike_vector : array
        Point process like spike times, *in milisseconds*

    sigma : int
        Width of the window, in ms

    edges : tuple
        Starting and ending time of the window of interest, in ms.

    precision_factor : int, default 10
        Factor of the precision ratio sigma/temporal_precision

    bin_size : int, default None
        The size (in ms) of each step in the returning smoothed data.
        By default is the minimum, equal to 1ms.

    padding : str, default None
        The kind of padding on array edges. Possible values are
        'constant', 'edge', 'maximum', 'mean', 'median', 'minimum', 'reflect',
        'symmetric', 'wrap', or a <function>.

    border_correction : bool, default False
        whether to divide borders by spikevector true contribution
        Raises a ValueError if used adjoined with padding

    smoothed_data : array
        The estimated firing rate as each interval of bin_size
        in *spikes per second*

    times : array
        The time at the left edge of each interval

    Total kernel size is 6*sigma, 3 sigma for each size.

    See also
    numpy.pad for padding options and information.

    tp = 1# int(sigma/precision_factor)
    if bin_size is None:
        bin_size = tp

        assert float(bin_size) == bin_size # Is multiple
    except AssertionError:
        raise ValueError("Bin size must be a multiple of temporal precision.")

    n_bins = int(bin_size*int((edges[1]-edges[0])/bin_size))
    edges= (edges[0], bin_size*int(n_bins/bin_size)+edges[0])
    if edges[1] <= edges[0]:
        return ([],[])

    if sigma is None:
        return np.histogram(spike_vector, bins=int((edges[1]-edges[0])/bin_size), range=edges)
    spike_count, times = np.histogram(spike_vector, bins=n_bins, range=edges)

    each_size_len = int(3*sigma + 1)
    if padding is not None:
        if border_correction:
            raise ValueError('Padding and correction cannot be used together')
        spike_count = np.pad(spike_count, each_size_len, padding)
    s=sigma # Just for one-lining below
    kernel = st.norm(0,s).pdf( np.linspace(-3*s, 3*s, 2*each_size_len + 1) )
    smoothed = np.convolve(spike_count, kernel,
                'valid' if padding is not None else 'same')

    if border_correction:
        contrib = st.norm(0,s).cdf(np.linspace(0, 3*s, each_size_len))
        smoothed[:each_size_len] /=  contrib
        smoothed[-each_size_len:]/= contrib[::-1]

    cs = np.hstack((0, smoothed.cumsum()))*1000/bin_size
    return np.diff(cs[::bin_size]), times[:-bin_size:bin_size]
Exemple #59
    def run(self):
        Instantiate the random mu, pi and var
        self.mu = [-8, 8, 5]
        self.pi = [1 / 3, 1 / 3, 1 / 3]
        self.var = [5, 3, 1]

        for iter in range(self.iterations):
            """Create the array r with dimensionality nxK"""
            r = np.zeros((len(X_tot), 3))
            Probability for each datapoint x_i to belong to gaussian g 
            for c, g, p in zip(range(3), [
                    norm(loc=self.mu[0], scale=self.var[0]),
                    norm(loc=self.mu[1], scale=self.var[1]),
                    norm(loc=self.mu[2], scale=self.var[2])
            ], self.pi):
                r[:, c] = p * g.pdf(
                )  # Write the probability that x belongs to gaussian c in column c.
                # Therewith we get a 60x3 array filled with the probability that each x_i belongs to one of the gaussians
            Normalize the probabilities such that each row of r sums to 1 and weight it by mu_c == the fraction of points belonging to 
            cluster c
            for i in range(len(r)):
                r[i] = r[i] / (np.sum(self.pi) * np.sum(r, axis=1)[i])
            """Plot the data"""

            fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
            ax0 = fig.add_subplot(111)
            for i in range(len(r)):
                            c=np.array([r[i][0], r[i][1], r[i][2]]),
            """Plot the gaussians"""
            for g, c in zip([
                    norm(loc=self.mu[0], scale=self.var[0]).pdf(
                        np.linspace(-20, 20, num=60)),
                    norm(loc=self.mu[1], scale=self.var[1]).pdf(
                        np.linspace(-20, 20, num=60)),
                    norm(loc=self.mu[2], scale=self.var[2]).pdf(
                        np.linspace(-20, 20, num=60))
            ], ['r', 'g', 'b']):
                ax0.plot(np.linspace(-20, 20, num=60), g, c=c)
            """calculate m_c"""
            m_c = []
            for c in range(len(r[0])):
                m = np.sum(r[:, c])
                )  # For each cluster c, calculate the m_c and add it to the list m_c
            """calculate pi_c"""
            for k in range(len(m_c)):
                self.pi[k] = (
                    m_c[k] / np.sum(m_c)
                )  # For each cluster c, calculate the fraction of points pi_c which belongs to cluster c
            """calculate mu_c"""
            self.mu = np.sum(self.X.reshape(len(self.X), 1) * r, axis=0) / m_c
            """calculate var_c"""
            var_c = []
            for c in range(len(r[0])):
                var_c.append((1 / m_c[c]) * np.dot(
                    ((np.array(r[:, c]).reshape(60, 1)) *
                     (self.X.reshape(len(self.X), 1) - self.mu[c])).T,
                    (self.X.reshape(len(self.X), 1) - self.mu[c])))
Exemple #60
def smoothing_matrix(measure, vertids, fwhm, exclude=None, minpool=6):
    """Define a matrix to smooth voxels using surface geometry.

    If T is an n_voxel x n_tp timeseries matrix, the resulting object S can
    be used to smooth the timeseries with the matrix operation S * T.

    measure : surface.SurfaceMeasure object
        Object for measuring distance along a cortical mesh.
    vertids : 1d numpy array
        Array of vertex IDs corresponding to each cortical voxel.
    fwhm : float
        Size of the smoothing kernel, in mm.
    exclude : 1d numpy array
        Binary array defining voxels that should be excluded and interpolated
        during smoothing.
    minpool : int
        Minimum number of neighborhood vertices to include in smoothing pool.

    S : csr sparse matrix
        Matrix with smoothing weights.

    # Define the weighting function
    if fwhm <= 0:
        raise ValueError("Smoothing kernel fwhm must be positive")
    sigma = fwhm / (2 * np.sqrt(2 * np.log(2)))
    norm = stats.norm(0, sigma)

    # Define the vertex ids that will be included in the smoothing
    if exclude is None:
        exclude = np.zeros_like(vertids)
    clean = ~(exclude.astype(bool))
    clean_verts = set(vertids[clean])

    # Define a mapping from vertex index to voxel index
    voxids = np.full(measure.n_v, -1, np.int)
    for i, v in enumerate(vertids):
        voxids[v] = i

    # Initialize the sparse smoothing matrix
    n_voxels = len(vertids)
    mat_size = n_voxels, n_voxels
    S = sparse.lil_matrix(mat_size)

    # Ensure that the minpool isn't larger than the surface
    minpool = min(minpool, clean.sum())

    # Build the matrix by rows
    for voxid, vertid in enumerate(vertids):

        # Find the distance to a minmimum number of neighboring voxels
        factor = 4
        pool = 0
        while pool < minpool:
            all_dist = measure(vertid, sigma * factor)
            distmap = {v: d for v, d in all_dist.items() if v in clean_verts}
            pool = len(distmap)
            factor += 1
            if factor > 10:
                # TODO probably better not to fail but to return data with nans
                # (or at least make that an  option) and handle downstream
                raise RuntimeError("Could not find enough neighbors in mesh")

        # Find weights for nearby voxels
        verts, distances = zip(*distmap.items())
        voxels = voxids[list(verts)]
        w = norm.pdf(distances)
        w /= w.sum()

        # Update the matrix
        S[voxid, voxels] = w

    return S.tocsr()