Exemple #1
def objective(pars,Z,ycovar):
    """The objective function"""
    bcost= pars[0]
    t= pars[1]
    Pb= pars[2]
    Xb= pars[3]
    Yb= pars[4]
    Zb= sc.array([Xb,Yb])
    Vb1= sc.exp(pars[5])
    Vb2= sc.exp(pars[6])
    corr= pars[7]
    V= sc.array([[Vb1,sc.sqrt(Vb1*Vb2)*corr],[sc.sqrt(Vb1*Vb2)*corr,Vb2]])
    v= sc.array([-sc.sin(t),sc.cos(t)])
    if Pb < 0. or Pb > 1.:
        return -sc.finfo(sc.dtype(sc.float64)).max
    if corr < -1. or corr > 1.:
        return -sc.finfo(sc.dtype(sc.float64)).max
    delta= sc.dot(v,Z.T)-bcost
    sigma2= sc.dot(v,sc.dot(ycovar,v))

    ndata= Z.shape[0]
    detVycovar= sc.zeros(ndata)
    deltaOUT= sc.zeros(ndata)
    for ii in range(ndata):
        detVycovar[ii]= m.sqrt(linalg.det(V+ycovar[:,ii,:]))
        deltaOUT[ii]= sc.dot(Z[ii,:]-Zb,sc.dot(linalg.inv(V+ycovar[:,ii,:]),Z[ii,:]-Zb))
    return sc.sum(sc.log((1.-Pb)/sc.sqrt(2.*m.pi*sigma2)*
Exemple #2
def objective(pars, Z, ycovar):
    """The objective function"""
    bcost = pars[0]
    t = pars[1]
    Pb = pars[2]
    Xb = pars[3]
    Yb = pars[4]
    Zb = sc.array([Xb, Yb])
    Vb1 = sc.exp(pars[5])
    Vb2 = sc.exp(pars[6])
    corr = pars[7]
    V = sc.array([[Vb1, sc.sqrt(Vb1 * Vb2) * corr],
                  [sc.sqrt(Vb1 * Vb2) * corr, Vb2]])
    v = sc.array([-sc.sin(t), sc.cos(t)])
    if Pb < 0. or Pb > 1.:
        return -sc.finfo(sc.dtype(sc.float64)).max
    if corr < -1. or corr > 1.:
        return -sc.finfo(sc.dtype(sc.float64)).max
    delta = sc.dot(v, Z.T) - bcost
    sigma2 = sc.dot(v, sc.dot(ycovar, v))

    ndata = Z.shape[0]
    detVycovar = sc.zeros(ndata)
    deltaOUT = sc.zeros(ndata)
    for ii in range(ndata):
        detVycovar[ii] = m.sqrt(linalg.det(V + ycovar[:, ii, :]))
        deltaOUT[ii] = sc.dot(
            Z[ii, :] - Zb,
            sc.dot(linalg.inv(V + ycovar[:, ii, :]), Z[ii, :] - Zb))
    return sc.sum(
        sc.log((1. - Pb) / sc.sqrt(2. * m.pi * sigma2 / sc.cos(t)**2.) *
               sc.exp(-0.5 * delta**2. / sigma2) +
               Pb / 2. / m.pi / detVycovar * sc.exp(-0.5 * deltaOUT)))
Exemple #3
    def doTestMapElements(self, use1to1cache):
        dds = mango.data.gaussian_noise(self.shape,
        mapDds = mango.map_element_values(dds,
                                          lambda x: x * x,
        self.assertTrue(sp.all(dds.asarray()**2 == mapDds.asarray()))

        mapDds = mango.map_element_values(dds,
                                          lambda x: sp.sqrt(x),
        self.assertEqual(sp.dtype("float32"), mapDds.dtype)
        self.assertTrue(not hasattr(mapDds, "mtype"))
        diff = sp.sqrt(dds.asarray()) - mapDds.asarray()
        rootLogger.info("min, max diff = %s,%s" % (np.min(diff), np.max(diff)))
        self.assertTrue(sp.all(sp.absolute(diff) <= 1.0e-6))

        mapDds = mango.map_element_values(dds,
                                          lambda x: sp.sqrt(x),
        self.assertEqual(sp.dtype("float32"), mapDds.dtype)
        self.assertTrue(hasattr(mapDds, "mtype"))
        self.assertEqual(mapDds.mtype, mango.mtype("tomo_float"))
        diff = sp.sqrt(dds.asarray()) - mapDds.asarray()
        rootLogger.info("min, max diff = %s,%s" % (np.min(diff), np.max(diff)))
        self.assertTrue(sp.all(sp.absolute(diff) <= 1.0e-6))
Exemple #4
def get_motor_cal(motor_maps, table_size=50):
    Returns list of motors calibrations sorted by motor number.
    cal_list = []

    # Sort motor calibrations by motor number
    num_key_pairs = [(v['number'], k) for k, v in motor_maps.iteritems()]

    # Loop over motors and get motor calibration data
    for n, k in num_key_pairs:
        cal = {}
        if motor_maps[k]['type'] == 'RC':
            cal['type'] = 'table'
            # Get bounds and produce lookup table
            max_pos = motor_maps[k]['caldata'][:, 1].max()
            min_pos = motor_maps[k]['caldata'][:, 1].min()
            unit_data = scipy.linspace(min_pos, max_pos, table_size)
            ind_data = _convert_unit2ind(unit_data, motor_maps[k])
            unit_data = unit_data.reshape((table_size, 1))
            ind_data = ind_data.reshape((table_size, 1))
            cal['unit_data'] = unit_data.astype(scipy.dtype('float32'))
            cal['ind_data'] = ind_data.astype(scipy.dtype('float32'))
            cal['type'] = 'mult'
            cal['unit_per_ind'] = motor_maps[k]['unit_per_ind']

    return cal_list
Exemple #5
def densidad(qe):
    """El metodo de ponderacion implementado es el CIC"""
    global x, rhoe, rhoi, dx, nparticulas, npuntos_malla, pared_izquierda, pared_derecha

    j1 = sp.dtype(sp.int32)  # Asegura que la variable permanezca entera
    j2 = sp.dtype(sp.int32)

    # Factor de ponderacion de carga
    re = qe / dx
    # Densidad electronica
    rhoe = sp.zeros(npuntos_malla + 1)
    # Mapa de cargas sobre la malla
    for i in range(nparticulas):
        xa = x[i] / dx  # xparticula/dx
        j1 = int(xa)  # indices de la malla fija xmalla/dx
        j2 = j1 + 1  # Siguiente punto en la malla
        f2 = xa - j1  # |xmalla - xparticula|/dx
        f1 = 1.0 - f2
        rhoe[j1] = rhoe[j1] + re * f1
        rhoe[j2] = rhoe[j2] + re * f2

    # Condiciones de frontera periodica
    rhoe[0] += rhoe[npuntos_malla]
    rhoe[npuntos_malla] = rhoe[0]

    # Se agrega una densidad de iones neutral
    rhoi = rho0

    return True
 def _leastSquaresXY(self, tilts, positions, tilt):
     m = len(tilts)
     n = 3
     a = scipy.zeros((m, n), scipy.dtype('d'))
     b = scipy.zeros((m, 1), scipy.dtype('d'))
     for i in range(m):
         v = tilts[i]
         for j in range(n):
             a[i, j] = v**j
         b[i] = positions[i]
     x, resids, rank, s = lstsq(a, b)
     position = 0
     for j in range(n):
         position += x[j] * tilt**j
     return position
Exemple #7
	def _leastSquaresXY(self, tilts, positions, tilt):
		m = len(tilts)
		n = 3
		a = scipy.zeros((m, n), scipy.dtype('d'))
		b = scipy.zeros((m, 1), scipy.dtype('d'))
		for i in range(m):
			v = tilts[i]
			for j in range(n):
				a[i, j] = v**j
			b[i] = positions[i]
		x, resids, rank, s = lstsq(a, b)
		position = 0
		for j in range(n):
			position += x[j]*tilt**j
		return position
Exemple #8
def unique_rows(x):
    """This function takes a 2D scipy array x and makes it unique by rows."""

    y = sp.ascontiguousarray(x).view(sp.dtype((sp.void, x.dtype.itemsize * x.shape[1])))
    _, idx = sp.unique(y, return_index=True)

    return x[idx]
	def __init__(self, system):
		self.system = system
		self.screen = array([800,800])
		#Initialize pygame
		pygame.display.set_caption('Dynamics Visualizer')
		glViewport(0, 0, self.screen[0], self.screen[1])

		#HACK: PyOpenGL is stupid, sometimes it returns an array other times it doesn't.  WTF?
		shape_list = system.shape_db.shape_list
		num_shapes = len(shape_list)
		if(num_shapes == 0):
			self.textures = []
		elif(num_shapes == 1):
			self.textures = [glGenTextures(num_shapes)]
			self.textures = glGenTextures(num_shapes)
		#Cache all of the textures
		for s in shape_list:
			glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB, self.textures[s.shape_num])
			#Need to flatten array and threshold colors properly
			s_flat = array(255. * s.indicator / max(s.indicator.flatten()), dtype('uint8'))
			glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB, 0, GL_LUMINANCE, s_flat.shape[1], s_flat.shape[0], 0, GL_RED, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, s_flat.tostring('C'))
Exemple #10
def unique_rows(arr):
    """Returns a copy of arr with duplicate rows removed.
    From Stackoverflow "Find unique rows in numpy.array."
    arr : :py:class:`Array`, (`m`, `n`). The array to find the unique rows of.
    unique : :py:class:`Array`, (`p`, `n`) where `p` <= `m`
        The array `arr` with duplicate rows removed.
    b = scipy.ascontiguousarray(arr).view(
        scipy.dtype((scipy.void, arr.dtype.itemsize * arr.shape[1])))
        dum, idx = scipy.unique(b, return_index=True)
    except TypeError:
        # Handle bug in numpy 1.6.2:
        rows = [_Row(row) for row in b]
        srt_idx = sorted(range(len(rows)), key=rows.__getitem__)
        rows = scipy.asarray(rows)[srt_idx]
        row_cmp = [-1]
        for k in xrange(1, len(srt_idx)):
            row_cmp.append(rows[k - 1].__cmp__(rows[k]))
        row_cmp = scipy.asarray(row_cmp)
        transition_idxs = scipy.where(row_cmp != 0)[0]
        idx = scipy.asarray(srt_idx)[transition_idxs]
    return arr[idx]
Exemple #11
def unique_rows(arr):
    """Returns a copy of arr with duplicate rows removed.
    From Stackoverflow "Find unique rows in numpy.array."
    arr : :py:class:`Array`, (`m`, `n`). The array to find the unique rows of.
    unique : :py:class:`Array`, (`p`, `n`) where `p` <= `m`
        The array `arr` with duplicate rows removed.
    b = scipy.ascontiguousarray(arr).view(
        scipy.dtype((scipy.void, arr.dtype.itemsize * arr.shape[1]))
        dum, idx = scipy.unique(b, return_index=True)
    except TypeError:
        # Handle bug in numpy 1.6.2:
        rows = [_Row(row) for row in b]
        srt_idx = sorted(range(len(rows)), key=rows.__getitem__)
        rows = scipy.asarray(rows)[srt_idx]
        row_cmp = [-1]
        for k in xrange(1, len(srt_idx)):
        row_cmp = scipy.asarray(row_cmp)
        transition_idxs = scipy.where(row_cmp != 0)[0]
        idx = scipy.asarray(srt_idx)[transition_idxs]
    return arr[idx]
Exemple #12
	def residuals(self, parameters, args_list):
		# residual_list is the values which sum of squares is to be minimized
		residuals_list = []
		position_groups = self.model(parameters, args_list)
		for i, positions in enumerate(position_groups):
			n = positions.shape[0]
			cos_tilts, sin_tilts, x0, y0, x, y = args_list[i]
			residuals = scipy.zeros((n, 2), scipy.dtype('d'))
			residuals[:, 0] = x
			residuals[:, 1] = y
			residuals -= positions[:, :2]
			residuals_list.extend(residuals[:, 0])
			residuals_list.extend(residuals[:, 1])
		residuals_list = scipy.array(residuals_list, scipy.dtype('d'))
		residuals_list.shape = (residuals_list.size,)
		return residuals_list
Exemple #13
	def _getCorrelationCoefficient(self,xs,ys):
		if len(xs) != len(ys):
			return 0
		m = len(xs)
		xa = scipy.zeros((m, 1), scipy.dtype('d'))
		ya = scipy.zeros((m, 1), scipy.dtype('d'))
		for i in range(m):
			xa[i] = xs[i]
			ya[i] = ys[i]
		xmean = sum(xa)/m
		ssxx = sum(xa*xa) - m*xmean*xmean
		ymean = sum(ya)/m
		ssyy = sum(ya*ya) - m*ymean*ymean
		ssxy = sum(xa*ya) - m*xmean*ymean
		r2 = ssxy * ssxy / (ssxx * ssyy)
		return r2
def loadTextPDB(filename):
    with open(filename) as f:
        data = f.readlines()

    pdbtype = [('atomId', int),
               ('atom', ('S4', [('element', 'S2'), ('distance', 'c'),
                                ('branch', 'c')])), ('altLoc', 'S1'),
               ('resName', 'S4'), ('chain', 'S1'), ('resID', 'S5'),
               ('resNum', int), ('iCode', 'S1'), ('coords', float, 3),
               ('occupancy', float), ('beta', float), ('segment', 'S4'),
               ('element', 'S2'), ('charge', 'S2'), ('weight', float)]

    atomLines = [line for line in data if line[0:6] == 'ATOM  ']
    pdb = empty(len(atomLines), dtype(pdbtype))

    for n, line in enumerate(atomLines):
        pdb[n] = (int(line[6:11]), line[12:16], line[16], line[17:21].strip(),
                  line[21], line[22:27], int(line[22:26]), line[26],
                  (float(line[30:38]), float(line[38:46]), float(line[46:54])),
                  float(line[54:60]), float(line[60:67]), line[72:76].strip(),
                  line[76:78].strip(), line[78:80].strip(), 0)

    pdb = rec.array(pdb)

    weights = [(' C', 12.01), (' H', 1.01), (' O', 16.00), (' P', 30.97),
               (' N', 14.01), ('Na', 22.99), ('Cl', 35.45), (' S', 28.09)]
    for at, w in weights:
        pdb.weight[pdb.element == at] = w

    return pdb
 def leastSquaresXY(self, tilts, xs, ys, tilt, n=5):
     n = self.fitdata + 1
     position = scipy.zeros(2, scipy.dtype('d'))
     for i, positions in enumerate((xs, ys)):
         position[i] = self._leastSquaresXY(tilts[-n:], positions[-n:],
     return position
Exemple #16
 def __init__(self, tdvp, n, KLnm1, tau=1, sanity_checks=False):
     self.D = tdvp.D
     self.q = tdvp.q
     self.tdvp = tdvp
     self.n = n
     self.KLnm1 = KLnm1
     self.sanity_checks = sanity_checks
     self.sanity_tol = 1E-12
     d = self.D[n - 1] * self.D[n] * self.q[n]
     self.shape = (d, d)
     self.dtype = sp.dtype(tdvp.typ)
     self.calls = 0
     self.tau = tau
     if n > 1:
             self.lm1_i = tdvp.l[n - 1].inv()
         except AttributeError:
             self.lm1_i = m.invmh(tdvp.l[n - 1])
         self.lm1_i = tdvp.l[n - 1]
 def _getCorrelationCoefficient(self, xs, ys):
     if len(xs) != len(ys):
         return 0
     m = len(xs)
     xa = scipy.zeros((m, 1), scipy.dtype('d'))
     ya = scipy.zeros((m, 1), scipy.dtype('d'))
     for i in range(m):
         xa[i] = xs[i]
         ya[i] = ys[i]
     xmean = sum(xa) / m
     ssxx = sum(xa * xa) - m * xmean * xmean
     ymean = sum(ya) / m
     ssyy = sum(ya * ya) - m * ymean * ymean
     ssxy = sum(xa * ya) - m * xmean * ymean
     r2 = ssxy * ssxy / (ssxx * ssyy)
     return r2
 def residuals(self, parameters, args_list):
     # residual_list is the values which sum of squares is to be minimized
     residuals_list = []
     position_groups = self.model(parameters, args_list)
     for i, positions in enumerate(position_groups):
         n = positions.shape[0]
         cos_tilts, sin_tilts, x0, y0, x, y = args_list[i]
         residuals = scipy.zeros((n, 2), scipy.dtype('d'))
         residuals[:, 0] = x
         residuals[:, 1] = y
         residuals -= positions[:, :2]
         residuals_list.extend(residuals[:, 0])
         residuals_list.extend(residuals[:, 1])
     residuals_list = scipy.array(residuals_list, scipy.dtype('d'))
     residuals_list.shape = (residuals_list.size, )
     return residuals_list
Exemple #19
def sixaxff_c_wrapper(kine, config):
    Python wrapper for sixaxwff function. Performs force-feedback
    task. Spawns real-time thread to handle kinematics outscan, data
    acquisition, and yaw dynamics. During outscaning displays
    information regarding ongoing real-time task.
      kine    = Nx7 array of wing kinematics in indices, one column is for 
      config  = system configuration dictionary 

    # Convert kinematics to integers
    kine = convert2int(kine)

    config_struct = create_config_struct(config)

    # Create c kinematics array structure
    kine_int = kine.astype(scipy.dtype('int'))
    kine_struct = get_c_array_struct(kine_int)

    # Time, position, velocity, and torque arrays for return data
    n = kine.shape[0]
    t = scipy.zeros((n, 1), dtype=scipy.dtype('float64'))
    pos = scipy.zeros((n, 2), dtype=scipy.dtype('float32'))
    vel = scipy.zeros((n, 2), dtype=scipy.dtype('float32'))
    ft = scipy.zeros((n, 6), dtype=scipy.dtype('float32'))

    # Create c data structure
    data_struct = data_t()
    data_struct.t = get_c_array_struct(t)
    data_struct.pos = get_c_array_struct(pos)
    data_struct.vel = get_c_array_struct(vel)
    data_struct.ft = get_c_array_struct(ft)

    # Create array for ending positions
    end_pos = (ctypes.c_int * config['num_motor'])()

    # Call C library sixaxff function
    ret_val = lib.sixaxff(kine_struct, config_struct, data_struct, end_pos)
    if ret_val == FAIL:
        raise RuntimeError, "lib.sizaxff call failed"

    end_pos = scipy.array(end_pos)

    return t, pos, vel, ft, end_pos
Exemple #20
    def __init__(self, A1, A2, left, use_batch=False):
        """Creates a new LinearOperator interface to the superoperator E.
        This is a wrapper to be used with SciPy's sparse linear algebra routines.
        A1 : ndarray
            Ket parameter tensor. 
        A2 : ndarray
            Bra parameter tensor.
        left : bool
            Whether to multiply with a vector to the left (or to the right).
        self.A1G = [list(map(garr.to_gpu, A1k)) for A1k in A1]
        self.A2G = [list(map(garr.to_gpu, A2k)) for A2k in A2]
        self.tmp = list(map(garr.empty_like, self.A1G[0]))
        self.tmp2 = list(map(garr.empty_like, self.A1G[0]))

        self.use_batch = use_batch
        self.left = left

        self.D = A1[0].shape[1]
        self.shape = (self.D**2, self.D**2)
        self.dtype = sp.dtype(A1[0][0].dtype)

        self.calls = 0

        self.out = garr.empty((self.D, self.D), dtype=self.dtype)
        self.xG = garr.empty((self.D, self.D), dtype=self.dtype)

        if use_batch:
            self.A1G_p = list(map(get_batch_ptrs, self.A1G))
            self.A2G_p = list(map(get_batch_ptrs, self.A2G))
            self.tmp_p = get_batch_ptrs(self.tmp)
            self.tmp2_p = get_batch_ptrs(self.tmp2)
            self.xG_p = get_batch_ptrs([self.xG] * len(A1[0]))
            self.out_p = get_batch_ptrs([self.out] * len(A1[0]))
            self.A1G_p = None
            self.A2G_p = None
            self.tmp_p = None
            self.tmp2_p = None
            self.xG_p = None
            self.out_p = None

            self.ones = [
                garr.zeros((1), dtype=sp.complex128) for s in range(len(A1[0]))
            self.ones = [one.fill(1) for one in self.ones]
            self.zeros = [
                garr.zeros((1), dtype=sp.complex128) for s in range(len(A1[0]))

            self.streams = []
            for s in range(A1[0].shape[0]):

        self.hdl = cb.cublasCreate()
Exemple #21
	def calc(self,T,concentrations,params):
		"""Converts the arguments to their appropriate ctypes, passes to the DLL, and returns the calculated enthalpies.

		T : float
			The experimental temperature (in Kelvin)
		concentrations : list of dicts
			Concentrations of components from the experiment at each injection point.
		params : list of floats
			Model parameter values

		list of doubles
			The integrated enthalpies at each injection point.

			If DLL returns a non-zero error code.

			Named components are "TRAP" (lattice) and "Trp" (ligand).
		n = len(concentrations)
		Q = scipy.zeros(n,scipy.dtype('d'))
		# patch for compatibility with general model nomenclature
		if 'TRAP' not in concentrations[0]:
			concentrations = [{'TRAP':concentrations[i]['Macromolecule'],'Trp':concentrations[i]['Ligand']} for i in range(n)]
		status = self._lib.calc(
			ctypes.c_int( n ),
			ctypes.c_double( T ),
			scipy.array([c['TRAP'] for c in concentrations],scipy.dtype('d')).ctypes,
			scipy.array([c['Trp']  for c in concentrations],scipy.dtype('d')).ctypes,
		if status != 0:
			raise Exception("DLL returned a non-zero error code: %i"%(status))

		return Q
Exemple #22
def unique_rows(x):
    """This function takes a 2D scipy array x and makes it unique by rows."""

    y = sp.ascontiguousarray(x).view(
        sp.dtype((sp.void, x.dtype.itemsize * x.shape[1])))
    _, idx = sp.unique(y, return_index=True)

    return x[idx]
Exemple #23
	def getParameters(self, parameters):
		phi = parameters[0]
		optical_axis = parameters[1]
		if self.fixed_model == True:
			phi = self.phi0
			optical_axis = self.offset0
		zs = scipy.array(parameters[2:], scipy.dtype('d'))
		return phi, optical_axis, zs
 def getParameters(self, parameters):
     phi = parameters[0]
     optical_axis = parameters[1]
     if self.fixed_model == True:
         phi = self.phi0
         optical_axis = self.offset0
     zs = scipy.array(parameters[2:], scipy.dtype('d'))
     return phi, optical_axis, zs
 def __init__(self, iqfile, datatype, block_length, block_offset,
     self.iqfile = iqfile
     self.datatype = datatype
     self.sizeof_data = self.datatype.nbytes  # number of bytes per sample in file
     self.block_length = block_length
     self.sample_rate = sample_rate
     self.block_offset = block_offset
     self.binary_offset = self.block_offset * scipy.dtype(
Exemple #26
def eps(value):
    Give the smallest epsilon that value can accept as a change.

    It depends both on value and type.
    tv = type(value)
    t = scipy.dtype(type(value))
    tv = t.type
    return value * eps.values[tv]
Exemple #27
def get_c_array_struct(x):
    Get the C array structure associated with the scipy or numpy array.
    x_struct = array_t()
    x_struct.data = x.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p)
    x_struct.nrow = x.ctypes.shape[0]
    x_struct.ncol = x.ctypes.shape[1]
    x_struct.s0 = x.ctypes.strides[0]
    x_struct.s1 = x.ctypes.strides[1]
    if x.dtype == scipy.dtype('int'):
        x_struct.type = INT_ARRAY
    elif x.dtype == scipy.dtype('float32'):
        x_struct.type = FLT_ARRAY
    elif x.dtype == scipy.dtype('float64'):
        x_struct.type = DBL_ARRAY
        raise ValueError, "array must be of type INT_ARRAY, FLT_ARRAY or DBL_ARRAY"
    return x_struct
Exemple #28
def objective(pars,X,Y,yerr):
    """The objective function"""
    b= pars[0]
    s= pars[1]
    Pb= pars[2]
    Yb= pars[3]
    Vb= m.exp(pars[4])
    if Pb < 0. or Pb > 1.:
        return -sc.finfo(sc.dtype(sc.float64)).max
    return sc.sum(sc.log((1.-Pb)/sc.sqrt(2.*m.pi)/yerr*sc.exp(-0.5*(Y-s*X-b)**2./yerr**2.)+Pb/sc.sqrt(2.*m.pi*(Vb+yerr**2.))*sc.exp(-0.5*(Y-Yb)**2./(Vb+yerr**2.))))#+pars[4]
Exemple #29
def eps(value):
    Give the smallest epsilon that value can accept as a change.

    It depends both on value and type.
    tv = type(value)
    t = scipy.dtype(type(value))
    tv = t.type
    return value*eps.values[tv]
Exemple #30
    def __init__(self, A1, A2, left, use_batch=False):
        """Creates a new LinearOperator interface to the superoperator E.
        This is a wrapper to be used with SciPy's sparse linear algebra routines.
        A1 : ndarray
            Ket parameter tensor. 
        A2 : ndarray
            Bra parameter tensor.
        left : bool
            Whether to multiply with a vector to the left (or to the right).
        self.A1G = [list(map(garr.to_gpu, A1k)) for A1k in A1]
        self.A2G = [list(map(garr.to_gpu, A2k)) for A2k in A2]
        self.tmp = list(map(garr.empty_like, self.A1G[0]))
        self.tmp2 = list(map(garr.empty_like, self.A1G[0]))
        self.use_batch = use_batch
        self.left = left
        self.D = A1[0].shape[1]        
        self.shape = (self.D**2, self.D**2)        
        self.dtype = sp.dtype(A1[0][0].dtype)
        self.calls = 0        
        self.out = garr.empty((self.D, self.D), dtype=self.dtype)        
        self.xG = garr.empty((self.D, self.D), dtype=self.dtype)

        if use_batch:
            self.A1G_p = list(map(get_batch_ptrs, self.A1G))
            self.A2G_p = list(map(get_batch_ptrs, self.A2G))
            self.tmp_p = get_batch_ptrs(self.tmp)
            self.tmp2_p = get_batch_ptrs(self.tmp2)
            self.xG_p = get_batch_ptrs([self.xG] * len(A1[0]))
            self.out_p = get_batch_ptrs([self.out] * len(A1[0]))
            self.A1G_p = None
            self.A2G_p = None
            self.tmp_p = None
            self.tmp2_p = None
            self.xG_p = None
            self.out_p = None

            self.ones = [garr.zeros((1), dtype=sp.complex128) for s in range(len(A1[0]))]
            self.ones = [one.fill(1) for one in self.ones]
            self.zeros = [garr.zeros((1), dtype=sp.complex128) for s in range(len(A1[0]))]
            self.streams = []
            for s in range(A1[0].shape[0]):
        self.hdl = cb.cublasCreate()
Exemple #31
	def calc(self,T,concentrations,params):
		n = len(concentrations)
		Q = scipy.zeros(n,scipy.dtype('d'))
		# patch for compatibility with general model nomenclature
		if 'TRAP' not in concentrations[0]:
			concentrations = [{'TRAP':concentrations[i]['Macromolecule'],'Trp':concentrations[i]['Ligand']} for i in xrange(n)]
		status = self.lib.calc(
			ctypes.c_int( n ),
			ctypes.c_double( T ),
			scipy.array([c['TRAP'] for c in concentrations],scipy.dtype('d')).ctypes,
			scipy.array([c['Trp']  for c in concentrations],scipy.dtype('d')).ctypes,
		if status != 0:
			raise Exception("DLL returned a non-zero error code: %i"%(status))

		return Q
Exemple #32
def map_element_values(input, ufunc, mtype=None, dtype=None, use1to1cache=True):
    Maps each element value if :samp:`input` array to new value calculated by :samp:`ufunc`.
    :type input: :obj:`mango.Dds`
    :param input: Elements of this array are mapped to new values via the :samp:`ufunc` argument.
    :type ufunc: callable :obj:`object`
    :param ufunc: Unary function which accepts a :samp:`input.dtype` argument and returns
       a :samp:`dtype` (or :samp:`mtype.dtype`) value.
    :type mtype: :obj:`mango.mtype` or :obj:`str`
    :param mtype: The :obj:`mango.mtype` of the returned :obj:`mango.Dds` object.
    :type dtype: :obj:`numpy.dtype` or :obj:`str`
    :param dtype: The :obj:`numpy.dtype` of the returned :obj:`mango.Dds` array.
    :type use1to1cache: :obj:`bool`
    :param use1to1cache: If :samp:`True`, an internal lookup table is kept which
       saves multiple calls of the :samp:`ufunc` function for the same argument.
       Can excessively use memory (for float data types, say) and is not correct if
       the :samp:`ufunc` function is not a 1-to-1 mapping. 
    :rtype: :obj:`mango.Dds`
    :return: Array with elements mapped as per :samp:`ufunc` mapping.
       import mango
       import mango.data
       import math
       def cubed_root_func(x):
          return math.pow(x,1.0/3.0)
       srcDds  = mango.data.gaussian_noise(shape=(64,128,128), mean=2000, stdd=10, dtype="int32")
       sqrdDds = mango.map_element_values(srcDds, lambda x: x*x)
       sqrtDds = mango.map_element_values(srcDds, lambda x: math.sqrt(x), dtype="float32")
       cubdDds = mango.map_element_values(srcDds, cubed_root_func, mtype="tomo_float")
    if (mtype != None):
        # Convert to object in case mtype argument is a string
        mtype = mango.mtype(mtype)
    if (dtype != None):
        # Convert to object in case dtype argument is a string
        dtype = sp.dtype(dtype)
    return \
Exemple #33
def loadPDBsingle(atomLines):
    pdb = empty(len(atomLines), dtype(pdbtype))
    for n, line in enumerate(atomLines):
        pdb[n] = (int(line[6:11]), line[12:16], line[17:21], line[21],
                  int(line[22:26]), (float(line[30:38]), float(line[38:46]),
                                     float(line[46:54])), float(line[54:60]),
                  float(line[60:67]), line[72:76].strip(), line[76:78].strip(),
                  line[78:80].strip(), 0)
    pdb = pdb.view(recarray)
    weights = [('C', 12.01), ('H', 1.01), ('O', 16.00), ('P', 30.97),
               ('N', 14.01), ('Na', 22.99), ('Cl', 35.45), ('S', 28.09)]
    #    for at,w in weights:
    #        pdb.weight[pdb.element == at] = w
    return pdb
Exemple #34
def evaluate_hull(x, hull):
    """evaluate_hull: evaluate h_u(x) and (optional) h_l(x)

       x     - abcissa
       hull  - the hull (see setup_hull for a definition)

      hu(x) (optional), hl(x)

       2009-05-21 - Written - Bovy (NYU)
    #Find in which [z_{i-1},z_i] interval x lies
    if x < hull[4][0]:
        #x lies in the first interval
        hux = hull[3][0] * (x - hull[1][0]) + hull[2][0]
        indx = 0
        if len(hull[5]) == 1:
            #There are only two intervals
            indx = 1
            indx = 1
            while indx < len(hull[4]) and hull[4][indx] < x:
                indx = indx + 1
            indx = indx - 1
        hux = hull[3][indx] * (x - hull[1][indx]) + hull[2][indx]
    #Now evaluate hlx
    neginf = sc.finfo(sc.dtype(sc.float64)).min
    if x < hull[1][0] or x > hull[1][-1]:
        hlx = neginf
        if indx == 0:
            hlx = ((hull[1][1] - x) * hull[2][0] +
                   (x - hull[1][0]) * hull[2][1]) / (hull[1][1] - hull[1][0])
        elif indx == len(hull[4]):
            hlx = (
                (hull[1][-1] - x) * hull[2][-2] +
                (x - hull[1][-2]) * hull[2][-1]) / (hull[1][-1] - hull[1][-2])
        elif x < hull[1][indx + 1]:
            hlx = ((hull[1][indx + 1] - x) * hull[2][indx] +
                   (x - hull[1][indx]) * hull[2][indx + 1]) / (
                       hull[1][indx + 1] - hull[1][indx])
            hlx = ((hull[1][indx + 2] - x) * hull[2][indx + 1] +
                   (x - hull[1][indx + 1]) * hull[2][indx + 2]) / (
                       hull[1][indx + 2] - hull[1][indx + 1])
    return hux, hlx
Exemple #35
    def __init__(self, filename=None, dtype=None, **kwargs):
        :type filename: str
        :param filename: Path on the filesystem to the physical file.
        :type dtype: dtype resolveable
        :param dtype: A numpy dtype

        # members
        self.dtype = sp.dtype(dtype or sp.float32)
        self.fp = None

        # initialize
        self._initialize_file(filename, **kwargs)
Exemple #36
    def __init__(self, filename=None, dtype=None, **kwargs):
        :type filename: str
        :param filename: Path on the filesystem to the physical file.
        :type dtype: dtype resolveable
        :param dtype: A numpy dtype

        # members
        self.dtype = sp.dtype(dtype or sp.float32)
        self.fp = None

        # initialize
        self._initialize_file(filename, **kwargs)
Exemple #37
def get_start_pos(setpt, config):
    Python wrapper for get_start_pos function. Returns starting position of

    config_struct = create_config_struct(config)
    kine = scipy.zeros((1, config['num_motor']), dtype=scipy.dtype('float32'))
    kine_c_array = get_c_array_struct(kine)
    setpt_c_float = ctypes.c_float(setpt)

    ret_val = lib.get_start_pos(setpt_c_float, kine_c_array, config_struct)
    if ret_val == FAIL:
        raise RuntimeError, "lib.get_start_pos call failed"

    return kine
Exemple #38
def __addClassAttributes():
    Adds some attributes to the _mango_open_core_so._Dds_(.*) classes, in particular
    __getitem__ method, __setitem__ method, and the dtype attribute.
    thingStrList = dir(_mango_open_core_so)
    ddsClsRegEx = re.compile("_Dds_(.*)")
    for thingStr in thingStrList:
        mtch = ddsClsRegEx.match(thingStr)
        if (mtch != None):
            thing = getattr(_mango_open_core_so, thingStr)
            thing.dtype = sp.dtype(mtch.group(1))
            thing.__getitem__ = _ddsGetItem
            thing.__setitem__ = _ddsSetItem
            thing.copy = _ddsCopy
Exemple #39
def yawff_ctlr_c_wrapper(setpt, config):
    Python wrapper for yawff_w_ctlr function. Perform yaw force-feedback
    task with yaw controller.  Spawns real-time thread to handle controller,
    data acquisition, and yaw dynamics. During outscan displays information
    regarding ongoing real-time task.

        setpt   = Nx1 array of setpt values at time steps 0, dt, ... (N-1)*dt
        config  = system configuration dictionary 
    config_struct = create_config_struct(config)

    # Create c structure for setpt data
    setpt_float32 = setpt.astype(scipy.dtype('float32'))
    setpt_struct = get_c_array_struct(setpt_float32)

    # Create time, position, velocity, torque, and kinematics arrarys for
    # return data
    n = setpt.shape[0]
    t = scipy.zeros((n, 1), dtype=scipy.dtype('float64'))
    pos = scipy.zeros((n, 1), dtype=scipy.dtype('float32'))
    vel = scipy.zeros((n, 1), dtype=scipy.dtype('float32'))
    torq = scipy.zeros((n, 2), dtype=scipy.dtype('float32'))
    kine = scipy.zeros((n, config['num_motor']), scipy.dtype('float32'))
    u = scipy.zeros((n, 1), dtype=scipy.dtype('float32'))

    # Create c data structure
    data_struct = data_t()
    data_struct.t = get_c_array_struct(t)
    data_struct.pos = get_c_array_struct(pos)
    data_struct.vel = get_c_array_struct(vel)
    data_struct.torq = get_c_array_struct(torq)
    kine_struct = get_c_array_struct(kine)
    u_struct = get_c_array_struct(u)

    # Create array for ending positions
    end_pos = (ctypes.c_int * config['num_motor'])()

    # Call C library yawff function
    ret_val = lib.yawff_w_ctlr(setpt_struct, config_struct, kine_struct,
                               u_struct, data_struct, end_pos)
    if ret_val == FAIL:
        raise RuntimeError, "lib.yawff_w_ctlr call failed"

    end_pos = scipy.array(end_pos)

    return t, pos, vel, torq, kine, u, end_pos
Exemple #40
    def from_data(data):
        """produce a SimPkg from bytedata

            data : str
                The data to produce the package from.

        # length check
        if len(data) < SimPkg.HLEN:
            raise ValueError('length < SimPkg.HLEN')

        # read header
        idx = SimPkg.HLEN
        tid, ident, frame, nitems = unpack(SimPkg.HDEF, data[:idx])
        cont = []

        # content loop
        while idx < len(data):

            # read contents header
            dim0, dim1, nbytes, dtype_str = unpack(
                ContentItem.HDEF, data[idx:idx + ContentItem.HLEN])

            idx += ContentItem.HLEN

            # read content data
            cont_item = N.fromstring(data[idx:idx + nbytes],
            if dim0 >= 0:
                if dim1 >= 0:
                    dim = [dim0, dim1]
                    dim = [dim0]
                cont_item.shape = dim

            idx += nbytes

        # return
        assert len(
        ) == nitems, 'cont list length (%s) does not match nitems (%s)!' % (
            len(cont), nitems)
        return SimPkg(tid, ident, frame, tuple(cont))
Exemple #41
def g(N):
    ab_type = sp.dtype([('val',sp.float64),('a',sp.int16),('b',sp.int16)])
    k_max = int(N*sp.log(sp.pi+1)) + 1

    ff = [f(N,k) for k in range(0,k_max+1)]

    ab_dat = sp.zeros((k_max*(k_max+1))/2, dtype = ab_type)
    ix = 0
    for a in xrange(1,k_max+1):
        for b in xrange(1,a+1):
            ab_dat[ix]['val'] = ff[a] + ff[b]
            ab_dat[ix]['a'] = a
            ab_dat[ix]['b'] = b
            ix += 1
            if ix%1000000 == 0:
                print 'Building %d/%d'%(ix,len(ab_dat))

    gmin = sp.pi
    amin,bmin,cmin,dmin = 0,0,0,0

    for ix in xrange(len(ab_dat)):
        if ix%1000000 == 0:
            print 'Searching %d/%d'%(ix,len(ab_dat))
        jx = bisect(ab_dat, sp.pi-ab_dat[ix]['val'])
        if jx > 0:
            v = ab_dat[ix]['val'] + ab_dat[jx-1]['val']
            if abs(v-sp.pi) < gmin:
                gmin = abs(v - sp.pi)
                listmin = [ab_dat[ix]['a'],ab_dat[ix]['b'],
                amin,bmin,cmin,dmin = tuple(listmin)
                print v,amin,bmin,cmin,dmin,amin**2+bmin**2+cmin**2+dmin**2
        if jx < len(ab_dat):
            v = ab_dat[ix]['val'] + ab_dat[jx]['val']
            if abs(v-sp.pi) < gmin:
                gmin = abs(v - sp.pi)
                listmin = [ab_dat[ix]['a'],ab_dat[ix]['b'],
                amin,bmin,cmin,dmin = tuple(listmin)
                print v,amin,bmin,cmin,dmin,amin**2+bmin**2+cmin**2+dmin**2

    return amin,bmin,cmin,dmin,ff[amin]+ff[bmin]+ff[cmin]+ff[dmin],gmin
def _loadEGM96():
    """load the EGM96 geoid model into a spline object"""
    # load the data resource file into a string
    flc = resource_string(__name__, "data/egm96.dac")

    # setup basic coordinates
    lon = sp.linspace(0, 2 * sp.pi, 1440, False)
    lat = sp.linspace(0, sp.pi, 721)

    # parse the raw data string
    data = sp.fromstring(flc, sp.dtype(sp.int16).newbyteorder("B"),
                         1038240).reshape((lat.size, lon.size)) / 100.0

    # interpolate data
    lut = RectSphereBivariateSpline(lat[1: -1], lon, data[1: -1],
                                    pole_values=(sp.mean(data[1]), sp.mean(data[-1])))

    return lut
Exemple #43
    def from_data(data):
        """produce a SimPkg from bytedata

            data : str
                The data to produce the package from.

        # length check
        if len(data) < SimPkg.HLEN:
            raise ValueError('length < SimPkg.HLEN')

        # read header
        idx = SimPkg.HLEN
        tid, ident, frame, nitems = unpack(SimPkg.HDEF, data[:idx])
        cont = []

        # content loop
        while idx < len(data):

            # read contents header
            dim0, dim1, nbytes, dtype_str = unpack(ContentItem.HDEF, data[idx:idx + ContentItem.HLEN])

            idx += ContentItem.HLEN

            # read content data
            cont_item = N.fromstring(
                data[idx:idx + nbytes],
            if dim0 >= 0:
                if dim1 >= 0:
                    dim = [dim0, dim1]
                    dim = [dim0]
                cont_item.shape = dim

            idx += nbytes

        # return
        assert len(cont) == nitems, 'cont list length (%s) does not match nitems (%s)!' % (len(cont), nitems)
        return SimPkg(tid, ident, frame, tuple(cont))
Exemple #44
def evaluate_hull(x,hull):
    """evaluate_hull: evaluate h_u(x) and (optional) h_l(x)

       x     - abcissa
       hull  - the hull (see setup_hull for a definition)

      hu(x) (optional), hl(x)

       2009-05-21 - Written - Bovy (NYU)
    #Find in which [z_{i-1},z_i] interval x lies
    if x < hull[4][0]:
        #x lies in the first interval
        hux= hull[3][0]*(x-hull[1][0])+hull[2][0]
        indx= 0
        if len(hull[5]) == 1:
            #There are only two intervals
            indx= 1
            indx= 1
            while indx < len(hull[4]) and hull[4][indx] < x:
                indx= indx+1
            indx= indx-1
        hux= hull[3][indx]*(x-hull[1][indx])+hull[2][indx]
    #Now evaluate hlx
    neginf= sc.finfo(sc.dtype(sc.float64)).min
    if x < hull[1][0] or x > hull[1][-1]:
        hlx= neginf
        if indx == 0:
            hlx= ((hull[1][1]-x)*hull[2][0]+(x-hull[1][0])*hull[2][1])/(hull[1][1]-hull[1][0])
        elif indx == len(hull[4]):
            hlx= ((hull[1][-1]-x)*hull[2][-2]+(x-hull[1][-2])*hull[2][-1])/(hull[1][-1]-hull[1][-2])
        elif x < hull[1][indx+1]:
            hlx= ((hull[1][indx+1]-x)*hull[2][indx]+(x-hull[1][indx])*hull[2][indx+1])/(hull[1][indx+1]-hull[1][indx])
            hlx= ((hull[1][indx+2]-x)*hull[2][indx+1]+(x-hull[1][indx+1])*hull[2][indx+2])/(hull[1][indx+2]-hull[1][indx+1])
    return hux, hlx
Exemple #45
 def __init__(self, tdvp, n, KLn, tau=1, sanity_checks=False):
     self.D = tdvp.D
     self.q = tdvp.q
     self.tdvp = tdvp
     self.n = n
     self.KLn = KLn
     self.sanity_checks = sanity_checks
     self.sanity_tol = 1E-12
     d = self.D[n] * self.D[n]
     self.shape = (d, d)
     self.dtype = sp.dtype(tdvp.typ)
     self.calls = 0
     self.tau = tau
Exemple #46
    def read_csv(self, path):
        self.__data_h5 = h5.File('memfile.h5',
        csvdata = pd.read_csv(path, header=0)

        #convert chromosome numbers to strings if not already done.
        if csvdata['chromosomes'].dtype == sp.dtype('int'):
            csvdata['chromosomes'] = [
                "chr{:d}".format(x) for x in csvdata['chromosomes']
        chr_names = sorted(set(csvdata['chromosomes'].values))

        csvdata['scores'] = -sp.log10(csvdata['pvals'].values)

        for chr_name in chr_names:
            subdata = csvdata[csvdata['chromosomes'] == chr_name]
            h5_chr_group = self.__data_h5.create_group(
            for col in subdata.columns:
                if col == 'chromosomes' or col == 'pvals':
                h5_chr_group.create_dataset(col, data=subdata[col].values)

        # create attributes
        h5_pvalues_group = self.__data_h5['/pvalues']
        h5_pvalues_group.attrs['analysis_method'] = 'N/A'
        h5_pvalues_group.attrs['bh_thres'] = -sp.log10(
        h5_pvalues_group.attrs['bonferroni_threshold'] = -sp.log10(
            0.05 / csvdata.shape[0])
        ks_stats = stats.calc_ks_stats(csvdata['pvals'].values)
        h5_pvalues_group.attrs['ks_pval'] = ks_stats['p_val']
        h5_pvalues_group.attrs['ks_stat'] = ks_stats['D']
        h5_pvalues_group.attrs['max_score'] = csvdata['scores'].values.max()
        h5_pvalues_group.attrs['med_pval'] = sp.median(csvdata['pvals'].values)
        h5_pvalues_group.attrs['numberOfSNPs'] = csvdata.shape[0]
        h5_pvalues_group.attrs['transformation'] = 'raw'
Exemple #47
    def __init__(self, capacity=64, dimension=1, dtype=None):
        :type capacity: int
        :param capacity: capacity of the ringbuffer (rows)
        :type dimension: tuple or int
        :param dimension: dimensionality of the items to store in the
            ringbuffer. If int, this will be converted internally to (int,)
        :type dtype: dtype resolvable
        :param dtype: dtype of single entries

        # checks
        if capacity < 1:
            raise ValueError('capacity < 1')
        if isinstance(dimension, int):
            dimension = (dimension, )
        elif isinstance(dimension, tuple):
            raise ValueError('dimension has to be tuple or int')

        # members
        self._capacity = int(capacity)
        self._dimension = dimension
        self._dtype = sp.dtype(dtype or sp.float32)
        self._data = sp.empty((self._capacity, ) + self._dimension,
        self._next = 0
        self._full = False

        # mapping prototypes
        self._idx_belowcap_proto = lambda: range(self._next)
        self._idx_fullcap_proto =\
        lambda:range(self._next, self._capacity) + range(self._next)

        # mappings
        self._idx_append = self._idx_fullcap_proto
        self._idx_retrieve = self._idx_belowcap_proto
Exemple #48
    def __new__(cls,
                lon=sp.zeros((1, 1)),
                lat=sp.zeros((1, 1)),

        if (lon.ndim == 1) and (lat.ndim == 1):
            lon, lat = sp.meshgrid(lon, lat)

        im = lon.shape
        jm = lat.shape
        km = lev.shape


        obj = sp.ndarray.__new__(cls, (), dtype=dtype)
        obj['lon'] = lon
        obj['lat'] = lat
        obj['lev'] = lev
        return obj
Exemple #49
    def __init__(self, capacity=64, dimension=1, dtype=None):
        :type capacity: int
        :param capacity: capacity of the ringbuffer (rows)
        :type dimension: tuple or int
        :param dimension: dimensionality of the items to store in the
            ringbuffer. If int, this will be converted internally to (int,)
        :type dtype: dtype resolvable
        :param dtype: dtype of single entries

        # checks
        if capacity < 1:
            raise ValueError("capacity < 1")
        if isinstance(dimension, int):
            dimension = (dimension,)
        elif isinstance(dimension, tuple):
            raise ValueError("dimension has to be tuple or int")

        # members
        self._capacity = int(capacity)
        self._dimension = dimension
        self._dtype = sp.dtype(dtype or sp.float32)
        self._data = sp.empty((self._capacity,) + self._dimension, dtype=self._dtype)
        self._next = 0
        self._full = False

        # mapping prototypes
        self._idx_belowcap_proto = lambda: range(self._next)
        self._idx_fullcap_proto = lambda: range(self._next, self._capacity) + range(self._next)

        # mappings
        self._idx_append = self._idx_fullcap_proto
        self._idx_retrieve = self._idx_belowcap_proto
def _loadEGM96():
    """load the EGM96 geoid model into a spline object"""

    #load the data resource file into a string
    flc = resource_string(__name__, "data/egm96.dac")

    #setup basic coordinates
    lon = sp.linspace(0, 2 * sp.pi, 1440, False)
    lat = sp.linspace(0, sp.pi, 721)

    #parse the raw data string
    data = sp.fromstring(flc,
                         1038240).reshape((lat.size, lon.size)) / 100.0

    #interpolate the bad boy
    lut = RectSphereBivariateSpline(lat[1:-1],

    return lut
 def setUp(self):
     self.rows = 100
     self.intSample = FieldContainer(
         scipy.arange(0, self.rows),
         # dimensions=INDEX,
         longname=u"Integer sample",
     self.intSample2 = FieldContainer(
         2 * scipy.arange(0, self.rows), Quantity("1m"), longname=u"Integer sample No2", shortname=u"i2"
     self.floatSample = FieldContainer(
         scipy.arange(self.rows / 2, self.rows, 0.5), Quantity("1s"), longname=u"Float sample", shortname=u"t"
     self.shortFloatSample1 = FieldContainer(
         scipy.array([1.0, 2.0, 10.0]), Quantity("1.0 s**2"), longname=u"Short Float sample 1", shortname=u"short1"
     self.shortFloatSample2 = FieldContainer(
         scipy.array([5.0, 10.0, 1.0]), Quantity("1.0 kg * m"), longname=u"Short Float sample 2", shortname=u"short2"
     self.desc = scipy.dtype(
             "names": [u"i", u"t"],
             "formats": [self.intSample.data.dtype, self.floatSample.data.dtype],
             "titles": [self.intSample.longname, self.floatSample.longname],
     self.data = scipy.rec.fromarrays([self.intSample.data, self.floatSample.data], dtype=self.desc)
     self.longname = u"Toller Sample"
     self.shortname = u"phi"
     self.sampleContainer = SampleContainer([self.intSample, self.floatSample], self.longname, self.shortname)
     self.sampleContainerNeu = SampleContainer(
         [self.intSample, self.intSample2, self.floatSample, self.shortFloatSample1, self.shortFloatSample2],
         "New Sample",
    def __init__(self, weight=0.05, cond=50, dtype=None):
        :type weight: float
        :param weight: from [0.0, 1.0]. new observations will be weighted and
            contribute to the update with the factor weight. (exp model)
        :type cond: float
        :param cond: condition number to assert if the loaded
            matrix is requested.
        :type dtype: dtype resolvable
        :param dtype: anything that can be used as a numpy.dtype object

        # members
        self.dtype = sp.dtype(dtype or sp.float32)

        # privates
        self._weight = weight
        self._cond = float(cond)
        self._is_initialised = False
        self._n_upd = 0
        self._n_upd_smpl = 0
def itemfreq(a):
    items,ind, inv = sp.unique(a, return_inverse=True,return_index=True)
    freq = sp.bincount(inv)
    return sp.array([ind, items, freq]).T

if __name__ in "__main__":
    f = h5py.File(sys.argv[1])

    raw = f['Genotype']['raw'][:]
    sample_ids = f['Genotype']['sample_ids'][:]
    chr_index = f['Genotype']['chr_index'][:]
    position_index = f['Genotype']['position_index'][:]

    rawT = raw.T
    snp_strings = sp.ascontiguousarray(rawT).view(sp.dtype((sp.void,rawT.dtype.itemsize * rawT.shape[1])))
    frequencies = itemfreq(snp_strings)

    ind = sp.where(frequencies[:,2]<=int(sys.argv[3]))[0]
    indices = sp.array(frequencies[ind,0],dtype="int")
    print "Number of Samples:\t\t\t", raw.shape[0]
    print "Number of SNPs before Filtering:\t", raw.shape[1]
    print "Number of truly unique SNPs:\t\t", sp.where(frequencies[ind,2]==1)[0].shape[0]
    print sp.histogram(frequencies[:,2],bins=[1,2,5,10,50,100,500,1000,2000])

    out = h5py.File(sys.argv[2],'w')
    g = out.create_group("Genotype")
    def loadData(self,settings=None):
        Load Phenotype Data
            if settings.phenotype_file==None:
                self.__y = self.__dbfile['Phenotypes/' + str(settings.phenotype_id) + '/y'][:]
                self.__sample_ids = self.__dbfile['Phenotypes/' + str(settings.phenotype_id) + '/sample_ids'][:]
                self.__phenotype_name = self.__dbfile['Phenotypes/' + str(settings.phenotype_id) + "/name"].value 
                f = h5py.File(settings.phenotype_file,'r')
                self.__y = f['Phenotypes/' + str(settings.phenotype_id) + '/y'][:]
                self.__sample_ids = f['Phenotypes/' + str(settings.phenotype_id) + '/sample_ids'][:]
                self.__phenotype_name = f['Phenotypes/' + str(settings.phenotype_id) + "/name"].value 
            print "[ERROR] Loading Phenotype went wrong"
        #remove missing values
        ind = sp.where(~sp.isnan(self.__y))[0]
        self.__y = self.__y[ind]
        self.__sample_ids = self.__sample_ids[ind]
        #transform phenotypes
        self.__y = self.transformData(self.__y,settings.phenotype_transformation)
        Load Covariate Data and restrict samples
        self.__cov = None
        covariates = settings.covariates
        for covariate in covariates:
                cov = self.__dbfile['Covariates/' + str(covariate) + '/y'][:]
                sample_ids = self.__dbfile['Covariates/' + str(covariate) + '/sample_ids'][:]
                print "[ERROR] Loading Covariate went wrong"
            #transform covariates
            cov = self.transformData(cov,settings.covariate_transformation)
            #match samples
            sample_indices = (sp.reshape(sample_ids,(sample_ids.shape[0],1))==self.__sample_ids).nonzero()
            sample_ids = sample_ids[sample_indices[0]]
            if self.__cov==None:
                self.__cov = cov[sample_indices[0]]
                self.__cov = sp.column_stack([self.__cov,cov])
            self.__y = self.__y[sample_indices[1]]
            self.__sample_ids = self.__sample_ids[sample_indices[1]]
        Load Genotype Data and restrict samples
        sample_ids_file = self.__dbfile['Genotype/sample_ids'][:]
        raw_data = self.__dbfile['Genotype/raw'][:]
        self.__chr_index = self.__dbfile['Genotype/chr_index'][:]
        self.__pos_index = self.__dbfile['Genotype/position_index'][:]
        sample_indices = (sp.reshape(self.__sample_ids,(self.__sample_ids.shape[0],1))==sample_ids_file).nonzero()
        self.__sample_ids = self.__sample_ids[sample_indices[0]]
        self.__y = self.__y[sample_indices[0]]
        if not self.__cov is None:
            self.__cov = self.__cov[sample_indices[0]]
        raw_data = raw_data[sample_indices[1],:]
        self.__raw = raw_data
        if settings.homozygous==True:
            [self.__x, self.__maf_data] = self.encodeHomozygousData(raw_data)
            [self.__x, self.__maf_data] = self.encodeHeterozygousData(raw_data,settings.snp_encoding)
            #if settings.snp_encoding!="additive":
                #[self.__x_additive, self.__maf_data] = self.encodeHeterozygousData(raw_data)
                #This was experimental to use an additve Kinship in case a other encoding was selected, now we only use the MAF filtering based
                #on an additve model! Comment the next line out if you wish to use the additve kinship matrix again
            #    self.__x_additive = None
        if settings.maf > 0.0:
        if settings.principle_components > 0:
            if not self.__x_additive is None:
                cov = sp.real(self.computePCA(X=self.__x_additive,number_pcs=settings.principle_components))
                cov = sp.real(self.computePCA(X=self.__x,number_pcs=settings.principle_components))
            if self.__cov == None:
                self.__cov = cov
                self.__cov = sp.column_stack([self.__cov,cov])

        if not self.__x_additive is None:
            tmpX = self.__x_additive.T
            tmpX = self.__x.T
        #compute kinship kernel if necessary
        if self.__algorithm == "FaSTLMM" or self.__algorithm=="EMMAX" or self.__algorithm=="EMMAXperm":
            if settings.unique_snps_only:
                tmp,uindex = sp.unique(self.__snp_hash,return_index=True)
                if not self.__x_additive is None:
                if not self.__x_additive is None:
Exemple #55
           'UI16MAX', 'UI32MAX', 'UI64MAX', 'VERBOSE', 'log']


import logging
import scipy as sp


logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format='')
log = logging.getLogger('BOTMpy')


## index type
INDEX_DTYPE = sp.dtype(sp.int64)

## integer max values
SI8MAX = sp.iinfo(sp.int8).max
SI16MAX = sp.iinfo(sp.int16).max
SI32MAX = sp.iinfo(sp.int32).max
SI64MAX = sp.iinfo(sp.int64).max
UI8MAX = sp.iinfo(sp.uint8).max
UI16MAX = sp.iinfo(sp.uint16).max
UI32MAX = sp.iinfo(sp.uint32).max
UI64MAX = sp.iinfo(sp.uint64).max


class VERBOSE(object):
def to_ind(f, alpha=0.):
	return array(f > alpha, dtype('float'))
Exemple #57
            return v**(-i+1)
    return 0

for v in scipy.floating.__subclasses__():
    eps.values[v] = find_eps(v)

def centered(arr, newsize):
    # Return the center newsize portion of the array.
    newsize = asarray(newsize)
    currsize = array(arr.shape)
    startind = (currsize - newsize) / 2
    endind = startind + newsize
    myslice = [slice(startind[k], endind[k]) for k in range(len(endind))]
    return arr[tuple(myslice)]

__bigendian = dtype("=i") == dtype(">i")
def bigendian():
    return __bigendian

def compare_versions(v1, v2):
    n1 = [ int(i) for i in v1.split('.') ]
    n2 = [ int(i) for i in v2.split('.') ]
    for i1,i2 in zip(n1, n2):
        if i1 < i2:
            return -1
        elif i1 > i2:
            return 1
    if len(n1) < len(n2):
        return -1
    elif len(n1) > len(n2):
        return 1
def partial_dot(left, right):
    """Perform matrix multiplication on some subset of the axes.

    This is similar to a numpy `tensordot` but it is aware of the matrix and
    vector nature of the inputs and returns appropriate objects.  It decides
    which axes to 'dot' based on the axis names.

    If a `vect` is passed, it is treated as `mat` with one row if it's the
    first arguments and a matrix with one column if it's the second.  If the
    output matrix has either only a single row or a single column, it is cast
    as a `vect`.

    This function can properly deal with block diagonal structure and axes
    sorted in any order.

    The axes in the output array as sorted such in order of block diagonal axes
    then row-only axes then col-only axes.

    left: mat or vect
    right: mat or vect

    out: mat or vect
        Tensor product of `left` and `right`, with any named axes appearing in
        both `left`'s columns and `right`'s rows contracted.

    # Figure out what kind of object the inputs are.
    msg = "Inputs must be either mat or vect objects."
    if isinstance(left, matrix.MatrixObject):
        left_rows = list(left.rows)
        left_cols = list(left.cols)
    elif isinstance(left, vector.VectorObject):
        left_rows = []
        left_cols = range(left.ndim)
        raise TypeError(msg)

    if isinstance(right, matrix.MatrixObject):
        right_rows = list(right.rows)
        right_cols = list(right.cols)
    elif isinstance(right, vector.VectorObject):
        right_rows = range(right.ndim)
        right_cols = []
        raise TypeError(msg)

    # Find axes that are block diagonal make copies of the rows and cols that
    # ommits the block diagonal ones.
    left_cols_only = list(left_cols)
    left_rows_only = list(left_rows)
    right_cols_only = list(right_cols)
    right_rows_only = list(right_rows)
    left_diag = []
    left_diag_names = []
    left_col_only_names = []
    for axis in left_cols:
        if axis in left_rows:

    right_diag = []
    right_diag_names = []
    right_row_only_names = []
    for axis in list(right_rows):
        if axis in right_cols:

    # Divide all axes into groups based on what we are going to do with them.
    # To not be dotted.
    left_notdot = []

    # Block diagonal axis to not dot.
    left_notdot_diag = []

    # To be dotted with a normal axis.
    left_todot = []
    right_todot = []

    # To be dotted with a block diagonal axis.
    left_todot_with_diag = []
    right_todot_with_diag = []

    # Block diagonal axes to be dotted with a normal axis.
    left_todot_diag = []
    right_todot_diag = []

    # Block diagonal axes to be dotted with a block diagonal axis.
    left_todot_diag_diag = []
    right_todot_diag_diag = []

    for axis in left_cols:
        axis_name = left.axes[axis]
        if axis_name in left_col_only_names and \
           axis_name not in right_row_only_names and \
           axis_name not in right_diag_names:


        elif axis_name in left_diag_names and \
             axis_name not in right_row_only_names and \
             axis_name not in right_diag_names:


        elif axis_name in left_col_only_names and \
             axis_name in right_row_only_names:


        elif axis_name in left_diag_names and \
             axis_name in right_row_only_names:


        elif axis_name in left_col_only_names and \
             axis_name in right_diag_names:


        elif axis_name in left_diag_names and \
             axis_name in right_diag_names:


    right_notdot = list(set(right_rows_only) - set(right_todot)
                        - set(right_todot_with_diag))


    right_notdot_diag = list(set(right_diag) - set(right_todot_diag)
                             - set(right_todot_diag_diag))


    # Need shapes and names for all of these.
    left_notdot_shape = [left.shape[axis] for axis in left_notdot]
    left_notdot_names = [left.axes[axis] for axis in left_notdot]
    left_notdot_diag_shape = [left.shape[axis] for axis in left_notdot_diag]
    left_notdot_diag_names = [left.axes[axis] for axis in left_notdot_diag]
    left_todot_shape = [left.shape[axis] for axis in left_todot]
    left_todot_names = [left.axes[axis] for axis in left_todot]

    left_todot_with_diag_shape = [left.shape[axis] for axis in

    left_todot_with_diag_names = [left.axes[axis] for axis in

    left_todot_diag_shape = [left.shape[axis] for axis in left_todot_diag]
    left_todot_diag_names = [left.axes[axis] for axis in left_todot_diag]

    left_todot_diag_diag_shape = [left.shape[axis] for axis in

    left_todot_diag_diag_names = [left.axes[axis] for axis in

    left_rows_only_shape = [left.shape[axis] for axis in left_rows_only]
    left_rows_only_names = [left.axes[axis] for axis in left_rows_only]
    right_notdot_shape = [right.shape[axis] for axis in right_notdot]
    right_notdot_names = [right.axes[axis] for axis in right_notdot]

    right_notdot_diag_shape = [right.shape[axis]
                               for axis in right_notdot_diag]

    right_notdot_diag_names = [right.axes[axis] for axis in right_notdot_diag]
    right_todot_shape = [right.shape[axis] for axis in right_todot]
    right_todot_names = [right.axes[axis] for axis in right_todot]

    right_todot_with_diag_shape = [right.shape[axis] for axis in

    right_todot_with_diag_names = [right.axes[axis] for axis in

    right_todot_diag_shape = [right.shape[axis] for axis in right_todot_diag]
    right_todot_diag_names = [right.axes[axis] for axis in right_todot_diag]

    right_todot_diag_diag_shape = [right.shape[axis] for axis in

    right_todot_diag_diag_names = [right.axes[axis] for axis in

    right_cols_only_shape = [right.shape[axis] for axis in right_cols_only]
    right_cols_only_names = [right.axes[axis] for axis in right_cols_only]

    # Figure out the shape, names, rows and cols of the output.
    out_shape = (left_notdot_diag_shape + left_todot_diag_diag_shape
                 + right_notdot_diag_shape + left_todot_diag_shape
                 + left_rows_only_shape + right_notdot_shape
                 + left_notdot_shape + right_todot_diag_shape
                 + right_cols_only_shape)

    out_names = (left_notdot_diag_names + left_todot_diag_diag_names
                 + right_notdot_diag_names + left_todot_diag_names
                 + left_rows_only_names + right_notdot_names
                 + left_notdot_names + right_todot_diag_names
                 + right_cols_only_names)

    # First add the block diagonal axes as both rows and columns.
    out_rows = range(len(left_notdot_diag) + len(left_todot_diag_diag)
                     + len(right_notdot_diag))

    out_cols = list(out_rows)

    # Now add the others.
    out_rows += range(len(out_rows), len(out_rows) + len(left_todot_diag)
                      + len(left_rows_only) + len(right_notdot))
    out_cols += range(len(out_rows), len(out_shape))

    # Output data type.
    # This is no good because it crashes for length 0 arrays.
    #out_dtype = (left.flat[[0]] * right.flat[[0]]).dtype
    # There are functions that do this in higher versions of numpy.
    out_dtype = sp.dtype(float)

    # Allowcate memory.
    out = sp.empty(out_shape, dtype=out_dtype)

    # All the block diagonal axes will be treated together. Get the global
    # shape of them.
    all_diag_shape = (left_notdot_diag_shape + left_todot_diag_diag_shape
                      + right_notdot_diag_shape + left_todot_diag_shape
                      + right_todot_diag_shape)

    n_diag_axes = len(all_diag_shape)
    all_diag_size = 1

    for s in all_diag_shape:
        all_diag_size *= s

    # Each of these block diagonal axes are associated with different axes in
    # the input and output arrays.  Figure out the associations for each of
    # them.  These arrays are the length of the number of diagonal axes and
    # each entry refers to an axis in that array.  If the axis does not apply
    # to that array, put None.
    out_diag_inds = []
    left_diag_inds = []
    right_diag_inds = []
    tmp_n_out_axes_passed = 0
    for ii in range(len(left_notdot_diag)):

    tmp_n_out_axes_passed += len(left_notdot_diag)
    for ii in range(len(left_todot_diag_diag)):
        out_diag_inds.append(ii + tmp_n_out_axes_passed)

    tmp_n_out_axes_passed += len(left_todot_diag_diag)
    for ii in range(len(right_notdot_diag)):
        out_diag_inds.append(ii + tmp_n_out_axes_passed)

    tmp_n_out_axes_passed += len(right_notdot_diag)
    for ii in range(len(left_todot_diag)):
        out_diag_inds.append(ii + tmp_n_out_axes_passed)

    tmp_n_out_axes_passed += (len(left_todot_diag) + len(left_rows_only)
                              + len(right_notdot) + len(left_notdot))

    for ii in range(len(right_todot_diag)):
        out_diag_inds.append(ii + tmp_n_out_axes_passed)

    # Once we index all the diagonal axes, the ones we want to dot will be in
    # the wrong place.  Find the location of the axes we'll need in the new
    # array.
    left_sliced_rows_only = list(left_rows_only)
    left_sliced_notdot = list(left_notdot)
    left_sliced_todot = list(left_todot)
    for diag_axis in left_diag_inds:
        if diag_axis is not None:
            for ii in range(len(left_rows_only)):
                if diag_axis < left_rows_only[ii]:
                    left_sliced_rows_only[ii] -= 1
            for ii in range(len(left_notdot)):
                if diag_axis < left_notdot[ii]:
                    left_sliced_notdot[ii] -= 1
            for ii in range(len(left_todot)):
                if diag_axis < left_todot[ii]:
                    left_sliced_todot[ii] -= 1

    right_sliced_cols_only = list(right_cols_only)
    right_sliced_notdot = list(right_notdot)
    right_sliced_todot = list(right_todot)
    for diag_axis in right_diag_inds:
        if diag_axis is not None:
            for ii in range(len(right_cols_only)):
                if diag_axis < right_cols_only[ii]:
                    right_sliced_cols_only[ii] -= 1
            for ii in range(len(right_notdot)):
                if diag_axis < right_notdot[ii]:
                    right_sliced_notdot[ii] -= 1
            for ii in range(len(right_todot)):
                if diag_axis < right_todot[ii]:
                    right_sliced_todot[ii] -= 1

    # Once we slice the arrays to get one block, we will permute the axes to be
    # in the proper order for dotting.
    left_sliced_permute = (left_sliced_rows_only + left_sliced_notdot
                           + left_sliced_todot)

    right_sliced_permute = (right_sliced_todot + right_sliced_notdot
                            + right_sliced_cols_only)

    # Then we'll reshape both into 2D arrays (matricies).
    left_sliced_reshape = (sp.prod(left_rows_only_shape + left_notdot_shape),

    right_sliced_reshape = (sp.prod(right_todot_shape),
                            sp.prod(right_notdot_shape +

    # After the dot, we will neet to reshape back.
    out_sliced_reshape = tuple(left_rows_only_shape + left_notdot_shape
                               + right_notdot_shape + right_cols_only_shape)

    # And finally we will need to permute the out axes.
    out_sliced_permute = range(len(left_rows_only))

    out_sliced_permute += range(len(left_rows_only) + len(left_notdot_shape),
                                len(left_rows_only) + len(left_notdot_shape)
                                + len(right_notdot))

    out_sliced_permute += range(len(left_rows_only), len(left_rows_only)
                                + len(left_notdot))

    out_sliced_permute += range(len(out_sliced_reshape) - len(right_cols_only),

    # Create an index for each of left, right and out.
    left_slice = [slice(None)] * left.ndim
    right_slice = [slice(None)] * right.ndim
    out_slice = [slice(None)] * out.ndim

    # Flags for corner cases of 0D arrays.
    left_scalar_flag = False
    right_scalar_flag = False

    # Now we loop over all the block diagonal axes.
    for ii in xrange(all_diag_size):
        # Figure out exactly which blocks we are dealing with.
        tmp_ii = ii
        for kk in xrange(n_diag_axes - 1, -1, -1):
            this_index = tmp_ii % all_diag_shape[kk]
            out_slice[out_diag_inds[kk]] = this_index
            if left_diag_inds[kk] is not None:
                left_slice[left_diag_inds[kk]] = this_index
            if right_diag_inds[kk] is not None:
                right_slice[right_diag_inds[kk]] = this_index
            tmp_ii = tmp_ii // all_diag_shape[kk]

        this_left = left[tuple(left_slice)]
        this_right = right[tuple(right_slice)]

        # Permute and reshape the axes so the fast dot function can be used.
        # Corner case, if this_left or this_right are scalars (0D arrays).
        # TODO: Really these flags can be set outside the loop with a few more
        # lines of code.
        if ii == 0:
            if this_left.ndim == 0:
                left_scalar_flag = True
            if this_left.ndim == 0 and this_right.ndim == 0:
                right_scalar_flag = True

        if not left_scalar_flag:
            this_left = this_left.transpose(left_sliced_permute)
            this_left = sp.reshape(this_left, left_sliced_reshape)

        if not right_scalar_flag:
            this_right = this_right.transpose(right_sliced_permute)
            this_right = sp.reshape(this_right, right_sliced_reshape)

        # Dot them.
        if left_scalar_flag or right_scalar_flag:
            this_out = this_left * this_right
            this_out = sp.dot(this_left, this_right)

        # Reshape, permute and copy to the output.
        if not (left_scalar_flag and right_scalar_flag):
            this_out.shape = out_sliced_reshape
            this_out = this_out.transpose(out_sliced_permute)

        out[tuple(out_slice)] = this_out

    # XXX There is a bug where this crashes for certain cases if these lines
    # are before the loop.
    if not out_rows or not out_cols:
        out = vector.make_vect(out, out_names)
        out = matrix.make_mat(out, axis_names=out_names, row_axes=out_rows,

    return out
if socket.gethostname() == "Christopher-Kleins-MacBook-Pro.local" or           \
    socket.gethostname()[:8] == "airbears":
    coadd_directory = "/Volumes/Extra_HDD/Research/DECam_Data/coadds/chip21_coadds_and_data"
    coadd_directory = "/global/scratch2/sd/cenko/DES/Jan2014/coadds/"
""" End of local laptop testing and development modification. """

chip_num_list = range(1, 61)

rrl_datatype = dtype([('ra', 'float'),
                     ('dec', 'float'),
                     ('ogle_id', '|S20'),
                     ('type', '|S4'),
                     ('period', 'float'),
                     ('V_mag', 'float'),
                     ('I_mag', 'float'),
                     ('decam_z_mag', 'float'),
                     ('decam_z_magerr', 'float'),
                     ('sdss_z_mag', 'float'),
                     ('sdss_z_magerr', 'float')])
rrl_data_flag = False
for chip_num in chip_num_list:
    chip_str = "C%02d" % (chip_num,)
    for field in range(30):
        field_str = "1" + "%02d" % (field,)
        rrl_datafile = coadd_directory + "/" + field_str + "-" + chip_str      \
                                                     + "_psf_coadd_rrl_data.txt"
        if not rrl_data_flag:
                rrl_data = loadtxt(rrl_datafile, dtype=rrl_datatype)