def main_loop(init_param, X, K, iter=1000, tol=1e-6):
    Gaussian Mixture Model
    - `X`: Input data (2D array, [[x11, x12, ..., x1D], ..., [xN1, ... xND]]).
    - `K`: Number of clusters.
    - `iter`: Number of iterations to run.
    - `tol`: Tolerance.
    X = sp.asarray(X)
    N, D = X.shape
    pi = sp.asarray(init_param["coff"])
    mu = sp.asarray(init_param["mean"])
    sigma = sp.asarray(init_param["cov"])

    L = sp.inf

    for i in xrange(iter):
        # E-step
        gamma = sp.apply_along_axis(
            lambda x: sp.fromiter(
                (pi[k] * gauss_mixture_calculate(x, mu[k], sigma[k]) for k in xrange(K)), dtype=float
        gamma /= sp.sum(gamma, 1)[:, sp.newaxis]

        # M-step
        Nk = sp.sum(gamma, 0)
        mu = sp.sum(X * gamma.T[..., sp.newaxis], 1) / Nk[..., sp.newaxis]
        xmu = X[:, sp.newaxis, :] - mu
        sigma = (
            sp.sum(gamma[..., sp.newaxis, sp.newaxis] * xmu[:, :, sp.newaxis, :] * xmu[:, :, :, sp.newaxis], 0)
            / Nk[..., sp.newaxis, sp.newaxis]
        pi = Nk / N

        # Likelihood
        Lnew = sp.sum(
                        lambda x: sp.fromiter(
                            (pi[k] * gauss_mixture_calculate(x, mu[k], sigma[k]) for k in xrange(K)), dtype=float
        if abs(L - Lnew) < tol:
        L = Lnew
        print "log likelihood=%s" % L

    return dict(pi=pi, mu=mu, sigma=sigma, gamma=gamma)
def main_loop(init_param, X, K, iter=1000, tol=1e-6):
    Gaussian Mixture Model
    - `X`: Input data (2D array, [[x11, x12, ..., x1D], ..., [xN1, ... xND]]).
    - `K`: Number of clusters.
    - `iter`: Number of iterations to run.
    - `tol`: Tolerance.
    X = sp.asarray(X)
    N, D = X.shape
    pi = sp.asarray(init_param['coff'])
    mu = sp.asarray(init_param['mean'])
    sigma = sp.asarray(init_param['cov'])

    L = sp.inf

    for i in xrange(iter):
        # E-step
        gamma = sp.apply_along_axis(
            lambda x: sp.fromiter(
                (pi[k] * gauss_mixture_calculate(x, mu[k], sigma[k])
                 for k in xrange(K)),
                dtype=float), 1, X)
        gamma /= sp.sum(gamma, 1)[:, sp.newaxis]

        # M-step
        Nk = sp.sum(gamma, 0)
        mu = sp.sum(X * gamma.T[..., sp.newaxis], 1) / Nk[..., sp.newaxis]
        xmu = X[:, sp.newaxis, :] - mu
        sigma = sp.sum(
            gamma[..., sp.newaxis, sp.newaxis] * xmu[:, :, sp.newaxis, :] *
            xmu[:, :, :, sp.newaxis], 0) / Nk[..., sp.newaxis, sp.newaxis]
        pi = Nk / N

        # Likelihood
        Lnew = sp.sum(
                        lambda x: sp.fromiter((pi[k] * gauss_mixture_calculate(
                            x, mu[k], sigma[k]) for k in xrange(K)),
                                              dtype=float), 1, X), 1)))
        if abs(L - Lnew) < tol: break
        L = Lnew
        print "log likelihood=%s" % L

    return dict(pi=pi, mu=mu, sigma=sigma, gamma=gamma)
Exemple #3
def print_all_stats(ctx, series):
    ftime = get_ftime(series)
    start = 0 
    end = ctx.interval
    print('start-time, samples, min, avg, median, 90%, 95%, 99%, max')
    while (start < ftime):  # for each time interval
        end = ftime if ftime < end else end
        sample_arrays = [ s.get_samples(start, end) for s in series ]
        samplevalue_arrays = []
        for sample_array in sample_arrays:
                [ sample.value for sample in sample_array ] )
        #print('samplevalue_arrays len: %d' % len(samplevalue_arrays))
        #print('samplevalue_arrays elements len: ' + \
               #str(map( lambda l: len(l), samplevalue_arrays)))
        # collapse list of lists of sample values into list of sample values
        samplevalues = reduce( array_collapser, samplevalue_arrays, [] )
        #print('samplevalues: ' + str(sorted(samplevalues)))
        # compute all stats and print them
        myarray = scipy.fromiter(samplevalues, float)
        mymin = scipy.amin(myarray)
        myavg = scipy.average(myarray)
        mymedian = scipy.median(myarray)
        my90th = scipy.percentile(myarray, 90)
        my95th = scipy.percentile(myarray, 95)
        my99th = scipy.percentile(myarray, 99)
        mymax = scipy.amax(myarray)
        print( '%f, %d, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f' % (
            start, len(samplevalues), 
            mymin, myavg, mymedian, my90th, my95th, my99th, mymax))

        # advance to next interval
        start += ctx.interval
        end += ctx.interval
    def __repr__(self):
        """Returns a representation of the MatrixGraph object.



            The string representation of the object to be printed by the Python interpreter.
        max_vertex_length = sp.fromiter((len(str(vertex))
                                         for vertex in self.vertices), int,
        max_value_length = len(str(self.__graph.max()))
        max_length = max([max_vertex_length, max_value_length])

        representation = "<MatrixGraph object>\n"
        representation += ((max_length + 2) * " " + " ".join([
            str(x).ljust(max_length + 1, " ")
            for x in self.vertices_list.keys()
        ]) + "\n\n")

        for label, index in self.label_to_index_mapping:
            representation += (str(label).ljust(max_length + 2, " ") +
                               " ".join([
                                   str(n).ljust(max_length + 1, " ")
                                   for n in self.__graph[int(index)]
                               ]) + "\n")

        return representation[:-1]
Exemple #5
    def __repr__(self):
        """Returns a representation of the ListGraph object.



            The string representation of the object to be printed by the Python interpreter.
        max_length = sp.fromiter(
            (len(str(vertex)) for vertex in self.vertices), int,

        representation = "<ListGraph object>\n"

        for vertex in self.vertices:
            if self.is_pondered:
                adjacency = [
                    f"{destination}: {weight}"
                    for destination, weight in self[vertex].items()
                adjacency = [
                    f"{destination}" for destination in self[vertex].keys()
            representation += (str(vertex).ljust(max_length, " ") + " -> " +
                               ", ".join(adjacency) + "\n")

        return representation
    def find_neighbor_throats(self, pores, mode='union', flatten=True):
        Returns a list of throats neighboring the given pore(s)

        pores : array_like
            Indices of pores whose neighbors are sought
        flatten : boolean, optional
            If flatten is True (default) a 1D array of unique throat ID numbers
            is returned. If flatten is False the returned array contains arrays
            of neighboring throat ID numbers for each input pore, in the order
            they were sent.
        mode : string, optional
            Specifies which neighbors should be returned.  The options are:

            **'union'** : All neighbors of the input pores

            **'intersection'** : Only neighbors shared by all input pores

            **'not_intersection'** : Only neighbors not shared by any input pores

        neighborTs : 1D array (if flatten is True) or ndarray of arrays (if
            flatten if False)

        >>> import OpenPNM
        >>> pn = OpenPNM.Network.TestNet()
        >>> pn.find_neighbor_throats(pores=[0, 1])
        array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
        >>> pn.find_neighbor_throats(pores=[0, 1],flatten=False)
        array([array([0, 1, 2]), array([0, 3, 4, 5])], dtype=object)
        pores = self._parse_locations(pores)
        if sp.size(pores) == 0:
            return sp.array([], ndmin=1, dtype=int)
        # Test for existence of incidence matrix
            neighborTs = self._incidence_matrix['lil'].rows[[pores]]
            temp = self.create_incidence_matrix(sprsfmt='lil')
            self._incidence_matrix['lil'] = temp
            neighborTs = self._incidence_matrix['lil'].rows[[pores]]
        if flatten:
            # Convert rows of lil into single flat list
            neighborTs = itertools.chain.from_iterable(neighborTs)
            # Convert list to numpy array
            neighborTs = sp.fromiter(neighborTs, dtype=int)
            if mode == 'not_intersection':
                neighborTs = sp.unique(sp.where(sp.bincount(neighborTs) == 1)[0])
            elif mode == 'union':
                neighborTs = sp.unique(neighborTs)
            elif mode == 'intersection':
                neighborTs = sp.unique(sp.where(sp.bincount(neighborTs) > 1)[0])
            return sp.array(neighborTs, ndmin=1, dtype=int)
            # Convert lists in array to numpy arrays
            neighborTs = [sp.array(neighborTs[i]) for i in range(0, len(pores))]
            return sp.array(neighborTs, ndmin=1)
    def find_neighbor_pores(self, pores, mode='union', flatten=True, excl_self=True):
        Returns a list of pores neighboring the given pore(s)

        pores : array_like
            ID numbers of pores whose neighbors are sought.
        flatten : boolean, optional
            If flatten is True  a 1D array of unique pore ID numbers is
            returned. If flatten is False the returned array contains arrays
            of neighboring pores for each input pore, in the order they were
        excl_self : bool, optional (Default is False)
            If this is True then the input pores are not included in the
            returned list.  This option only applies when input pores
            are in fact neighbors to each other, otherwise they are not
            part of the returned list anyway.
        mode : string, optional
            Specifies which neighbors should be returned.  The options are:

            **'union'** : All neighbors of the input pores

            **'intersection'** : Only neighbors shared by all input pores

            **'not_intersection'** : Only neighbors not shared by any input pores

        neighborPs : 1D array (if flatten is True) or ndarray of ndarrays (if
        flatten if False)

        >>> import OpenPNM
        >>> pn = OpenPNM.Network.TestNet()
        >>> pn.find_neighbor_pores(pores=[0, 2])
        array([ 1,  3,  5,  7, 25, 27])
        >>> pn.find_neighbor_pores(pores=[0, 1])
        array([ 2,  5,  6, 25, 26])
        >>> pn.find_neighbor_pores(pores=[0, 1], mode='union', excl_self=False)
        array([ 0,  1,  2,  5,  6, 25, 26])
        >>> pn.find_neighbor_pores(pores=[0, 2], flatten=False)
        array([array([ 1,  5, 25]), array([ 1,  3,  7, 27])], dtype=object)
        >>> pn.find_neighbor_pores(pores=[0, 2], mode='intersection')
        >>> pn.find_neighbor_pores(pores=[0, 2], mode='not_intersection')
        array([ 3,  5,  7, 25, 27])
        pores = self._parse_locations(pores)
        allowed_modes = ['union', 'intersection', 'not_intersection']
        mode = self._parse_mode(mode, allowed=allowed_modes, single=True)
        if sp.size(pores) == 0:
            return sp.array([], ndmin=1, dtype=int)
        # Test for existence of incidence matrix
            neighborPs = self._adjacency_matrix['lil'].rows[[pores]]
            temp = self.create_adjacency_matrix(sprsfmt='lil')
            self._adjacency_matrix['lil'] = temp
            neighborPs = self._adjacency_matrix['lil'].rows[[pores]]
        if flatten:
            # Convert rows of lil into single flat list
            neighborPs = itertools.chain.from_iterable(neighborPs)
            # Add input pores to list
            neighborPs = itertools.chain.from_iterable([neighborPs, pores])
            # Convert list to numpy array
            neighborPs = sp.fromiter(neighborPs, dtype=int)
            # Apply logic to include/exclude items of the set
            if mode == 'not_intersection':
                temp = sp.where(sp.bincount(neighborPs) == 1)[0]
                neighborPs = sp.unique(temp)
            elif mode == 'union':
                neighborPs = sp.unique(neighborPs)
            elif mode == 'intersection':
                temp = sp.where(sp.bincount(neighborPs) > 1)[0]
                neighborPs = sp.unique(temp)
            if excl_self:
                neighborPs = neighborPs[~sp.in1d(neighborPs, pores)]
            return sp.array(neighborPs, ndmin=1, dtype=int)
            # Convert lists in array to numpy arrays
            neighborPs = [sp.array(neighborPs[i]) for i in range(0, len(pores))]
            return sp.array(neighborPs, ndmin=1)
Exemple #8
    def _find_neighbors(self, pores, element, mode, flatten, excl_self):
        Private method for finding the neighboring pores or throats connected
        directly to given set of pores.

        pores : array_like
            The list of pores whose neighbors are sought
        element : string, either 'pore' or 'throat'
            Whether to find neighboring pores or throats
        mode : string
            Controls how the neighbors are filtered.  Options are:

            **'union'** : All neighbors of the input pores

            **'intersection'** : Only neighbors shared by all input pores

            **'not_intersection'** : Only neighbors not shared by any input

        flatten : boolean
            If flatten is True (default) a 1D array of unique neighbors is
            returned. If flatten is False the returned array contains arrays
            of neighboring throat ID numbers for each input pore, in the order
            they were sent.
        excl_self : bool
            When True the input pores are not included in the returned list of
            neighboring pores.  This option only applies when input pores are
            in fact neighbors to each other, otherwise they are not part of the
            returned list anyway.  This is ignored with the element is

        See Also

        element = self._parse_element(element=element, single=True)
        pores = self._parse_locations(pores)
        if sp.size(pores) == 0:
            return sp.array([], ndmin=1, dtype=int)

        # Test for existence of incidence or adjacency matrix
        if element == 'pore':
                neighbors = self._adjacency_matrix['lil'].rows[[pores]]
                temp = self.create_adjacency_matrix(sprsfmt='lil')
                self._adjacency_matrix['lil'] = temp
                neighbors = self._adjacency_matrix['lil'].rows[[pores]]
        elif element == 'throat':
                neighbors = self._incidence_matrix['lil'].rows[[pores]]
                temp = self.create_incidence_matrix(sprsfmt='lil')
                self._incidence_matrix['lil'] = temp
                neighbors = self._incidence_matrix['lil'].rows[[pores]]

        if flatten:
            # Convert rows of lil into single flat list
            neighbors = itertools.chain.from_iterable(neighbors)
            if element == 'pore':  # Add input pores to list
                neighbors = itertools.chain.from_iterable([neighbors, pores])
            # Convert list to numpy array
            neighbors = sp.fromiter(neighbors, dtype=int)
            if mode == 'not_intersection':
                neighbors = sp.unique(sp.where(sp.bincount(neighbors) == 1)[0])
            elif mode == 'union':
                neighbors = sp.unique(neighbors)
            elif mode == 'intersection':
                neighbors = sp.unique(sp.where(sp.bincount(neighbors) > 1)[0])
            if excl_self and element == 'pore':  # Remove input pores from list
                neighbors = neighbors[~sp.in1d(neighbors, pores)]
            return sp.array(neighbors, ndmin=1, dtype=int)
            # Convert lists in array to numpy arrays
            neighbors = [sp.array(neighbors[i]) for i in range(0, len(pores))]
            return sp.array(neighbors, ndmin=1)
Exemple #9
 def wavefunction(r):
     iterable = (basis_function(r, k, w)
                     for (k, w) in zip(*contour))
     basis_vec = sp.fromiter(iterable, complex, count=length)
     return, eigvec)
Exemple #10
 def wavefunction(r):
     iterable = (basis_function(r, n)
                 for n in range(length))
     basis_vec = sp.fromiter(iterable, complex, count=length)
     return, eigvec)
    def _find_neighbors(self, pores, element, mode, flatten, excl_self):
        Private method for finding the neighboring pores or throats connected
        directly to given set of pores.

        pores : array_like
            The list of pores whose neighbors are sought
        element : string, either 'pore' or 'throat'
            Whether to find neighboring pores or throats
        mode : string
            Controls how the neighbors are filtered.  Options are:

            **'union'** : All neighbors of the input pores

            **'intersection'** : Only neighbors shared by all input pores

            **'not_intersection'** : Only neighbors not shared by any input

        flatten : boolean
            If flatten is True (default) a 1D array of unique neighbors is
            returned. If flatten is False the returned array contains arrays
            of neighboring throat ID numbers for each input pore, in the order
            they were sent.
        excl_self : bool
            When True the input pores are not included in the returned list of
            neighboring pores.  This option only applies when input pores are
            in fact neighbors to each other, otherwise they are not part of the
            returned list anyway.  This is ignored with the element is

        See Also

        element = self._parse_element(element=element, single=True)
        pores = self._parse_locations(pores)
        if sp.size(pores) == 0:
            return sp.array([], ndmin=1, dtype=int)

        # Test for existence of incidence or adjacency matrix
        if element == 'pore':
                neighbors = self._adjacency_matrix['lil'].rows[[pores]]
                temp = self.create_adjacency_matrix(sprsfmt='lil')
                self._adjacency_matrix['lil'] = temp
                neighbors = self._adjacency_matrix['lil'].rows[[pores]]
        elif element == 'throat':
                neighbors = self._incidence_matrix['lil'].rows[[pores]]
                temp = self.create_incidence_matrix(sprsfmt='lil')
                self._incidence_matrix['lil'] = temp
                neighbors = self._incidence_matrix['lil'].rows[[pores]]

        if flatten:
            # Convert rows of lil into single flat list
            neighbors = itertools.chain.from_iterable(neighbors)
            if element == 'pore':  # Add input pores to list
                neighbors = itertools.chain.from_iterable([neighbors, pores])
            # Convert list to numpy array
            neighbors = sp.fromiter(neighbors, dtype=int)
            if mode == 'not_intersection':
                neighbors = sp.unique(sp.where(sp.bincount(neighbors) == 1)[0])
            elif mode == 'union':
                neighbors = sp.unique(neighbors)
            elif mode == 'intersection':
                neighbors = sp.unique(sp.where(sp.bincount(neighbors) > 1)[0])
            if excl_self and element == 'pore':  # Remove input pores from list
                neighbors = neighbors[~sp.in1d(neighbors, pores)]
            return sp.array(neighbors, ndmin=1, dtype=int)
            # Convert lists in array to numpy arrays
            neighbors = [sp.array(neighbors[i]) for i in range(0, len(pores))]
            return sp.array(neighbors, ndmin=1)
Exemple #12
    def find_neighbor_throats(self, pores, mode='union', flatten=True):
        Returns a list of throats neighboring the given pore(s)

        pores : array_like
            Indices of pores whose neighbors are sought
        flatten : boolean, optional
            If flatten is True (default) a 1D array of unique throat ID numbers
            is returned. If flatten is False the returned array contains arrays
            of neighboring throat ID numbers for each input pore, in the order
            they were sent.
        mode : string, optional
            Specifies which neighbors should be returned.  The options are:

            **'union'** : All neighbors of the input pores

            **'intersection'** : Only neighbors shared by all input pores

            **'not_intersection'** : Only neighbors not shared by any input pores

        neighborTs : 1D array (if flatten is True) or ndarray of arrays (if
            flatten if False)

        >>> import OpenPNM
        >>> pn = OpenPNM.Network.TestNet()
        >>> pn.find_neighbor_throats(pores=[0, 1])
        array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
        >>> pn.find_neighbor_throats(pores=[0, 1],flatten=False)
        array([array([0, 1, 2]), array([0, 3, 4, 5])], dtype=object)
        pores = self._parse_locations(pores)
        if sp.size(pores) == 0:
            return sp.array([], ndmin=1, dtype=int)
        # Test for existence of incidence matrix
            neighborTs = self._incidence_matrix['lil'].rows[[pores]]
            temp = self.create_incidence_matrix(sprsfmt='lil')
            self._incidence_matrix['lil'] = temp
            neighborTs = self._incidence_matrix['lil'].rows[[pores]]
        if flatten:
            # Convert rows of lil into single flat list
            neighborTs = itertools.chain.from_iterable(neighborTs)
            # Convert list to numpy array
            neighborTs = sp.fromiter(neighborTs, dtype=int)
            if mode == 'not_intersection':
                neighborTs = sp.unique(
                    sp.where(sp.bincount(neighborTs) == 1)[0])
            elif mode == 'union':
                neighborTs = sp.unique(neighborTs)
            elif mode == 'intersection':
                neighborTs = sp.unique(
                    sp.where(sp.bincount(neighborTs) > 1)[0])
            return sp.array(neighborTs, ndmin=1, dtype=int)
            # Convert lists in array to numpy arrays
            neighborTs = [
                sp.array(neighborTs[i]) for i in range(0, len(pores))
            return sp.array(neighborTs, ndmin=1)
Exemple #13
    def find_neighbor_pores(self,
        Returns a list of pores neighboring the given pore(s)

        pores : array_like
            ID numbers of pores whose neighbors are sought.
        flatten : boolean, optional
            If flatten is True  a 1D array of unique pore ID numbers is
            returned. If flatten is False the returned array contains arrays
            of neighboring pores for each input pore, in the order they were
        excl_self : bool, optional (Default is False)
            If this is True then the input pores are not included in the
            returned list.  This option only applies when input pores
            are in fact neighbors to each other, otherwise they are not
            part of the returned list anyway.
        mode : string, optional
            Specifies which neighbors should be returned.  The options are:

            **'union'** : All neighbors of the input pores

            **'intersection'** : Only neighbors shared by all input pores

            **'not_intersection'** : Only neighbors not shared by any input pores

        neighborPs : 1D array (if flatten is True) or ndarray of ndarrays (if
        flatten if False)

        >>> import OpenPNM
        >>> pn = OpenPNM.Network.TestNet()
        >>> pn.find_neighbor_pores(pores=[0, 2])
        array([ 1,  3,  5,  7, 25, 27])
        >>> pn.find_neighbor_pores(pores=[0, 1])
        array([ 2,  5,  6, 25, 26])
        >>> pn.find_neighbor_pores(pores=[0, 1], mode='union', excl_self=False)
        array([ 0,  1,  2,  5,  6, 25, 26])
        >>> pn.find_neighbor_pores(pores=[0, 2], flatten=False)
        array([array([ 1,  5, 25]), array([ 1,  3,  7, 27])], dtype=object)
        >>> pn.find_neighbor_pores(pores=[0, 2], mode='intersection')
        >>> pn.find_neighbor_pores(pores=[0, 2], mode='not_intersection')
        array([ 3,  5,  7, 25, 27])
        pores = self._parse_locations(pores)
        allowed_modes = ['union', 'intersection', 'not_intersection']
        mode = self._parse_mode(mode, allowed=allowed_modes, single=True)
        if sp.size(pores) == 0:
            return sp.array([], ndmin=1, dtype=int)
        # Test for existence of incidence matrix
            neighborPs = self._adjacency_matrix['lil'].rows[[pores]]
            temp = self.create_adjacency_matrix(sprsfmt='lil')
            self._adjacency_matrix['lil'] = temp
            neighborPs = self._adjacency_matrix['lil'].rows[[pores]]
        if flatten:
            # Convert rows of lil into single flat list
            neighborPs = itertools.chain.from_iterable(neighborPs)
            # Add input pores to list
            neighborPs = itertools.chain.from_iterable([neighborPs, pores])
            # Convert list to numpy array
            neighborPs = sp.fromiter(neighborPs, dtype=int)
            # Apply logic to include/exclude items of the set
            if mode == 'not_intersection':
                temp = sp.where(sp.bincount(neighborPs) == 1)[0]
                neighborPs = sp.unique(temp)
            elif mode == 'union':
                neighborPs = sp.unique(neighborPs)
            elif mode == 'intersection':
                temp = sp.where(sp.bincount(neighborPs) > 1)[0]
                neighborPs = sp.unique(temp)
            if excl_self:
                neighborPs = neighborPs[~sp.in1d(neighborPs, pores)]
            return sp.array(neighborPs, ndmin=1, dtype=int)
            # Convert lists in array to numpy arrays
            neighborPs = [
                sp.array(neighborPs[i]) for i in range(0, len(pores))
            return sp.array(neighborPs, ndmin=1)
Exemple #14
def get_source_info(*,
    Return field array containing source positions, fluxes and backgrounds.

        pixel_array (2-D array like):    The measured values of the image

        stddev_array (2-D array like):    The estimated variance of the image

        mask_array (2-D array like):    Quality flags for the image pixels.

        source_positions:    The return value from get_source_positions().

        aperture:    The size of the aperture to use for measuring the flux.

        bg_radii((float, float)):    The inner and outer radius to use for the
            background annulus.

        (scipy field array):
            All relevant source information in the following fields:

                - x: The x coordinates of the sources.

                - y: The y coordinates of the sources.

                - flux: The measured fluxes of the sources.

                - flux_err: Estimated error of the flux.

                - bg: The measured backgrounds of the sources.

                - bg_err: Estimated error of the background.

                - bg_npix: The number of pixels used in determining the

    def add_flux_info(result, measure_background):
        """Measure the flux of the sources and add to result."""

        fit_star_shape = FitStarShape(
            grid=[[-1.1 * aperture, 1.1 * aperture],
                  [-1.1 * aperture, 1.1 * aperture]],
        result_tree =

        get_flux = SubPixPhot(apertures=[aperture])
            (pixel_array, stddev_array, mask_array),
        result['flux'] = flux_from_magnitude(

    result = scipy.empty(len(source_positions),
                         dtype=[('ID', 'S5'),
                                ('x', scipy.float64),
                                ('y', scipy.float64),
                                ('flux', scipy.float64),
                                ('bg', scipy.float64),
                                ('bg_err', scipy.float64),
                                ('bg_npix', scipy.uint64),
                                ('enabled', scipy.float64)])
    result['enabled'][:] = True
    src_x = scipy.fromiter((pos[0] for pos in source_positions), dtype=c_double)
    src_y = scipy.fromiter((pos[1] for pos in source_positions), dtype=c_double)
    for int_id in range(result.size):
        result['ID'][int_id] = '%5.5d' % int_id
    result['x'] = src_x
    result['y'] = src_y

    measure_background = BackgroundExtractor(pixel_array, *bg_radii)
    result['bg'], result['bg_err'], result['bg_npix'] = measure_background(

    add_flux_info(result, measure_background)

    return result