Exemple #1
 def reduction_T_3(self, I):
     A = logical_or(I[0:-1:2, :], I[1::2, :])
     A = logical_and(A[:, 0:-1:2], A[:, 1::2])
     B = logical_and(I[0:-1:2, :], I[1::2, :])
     B = logical_or(B[:, 0:-1:2], B[:, 1::2])
     C = logical_and(A, B)
     return C
Exemple #2
    def _check_bounds(self, x_new, y_new):
        """Check the inputs for being in the bounds of the interpolated data.

            x_new (float array):
            y_new (float array):

            out_of_bounds (Boolean array): The mask on x_new and y_new of
            values that are NOT of bounds.
        below_bounds_x = x_new < self._xlim[0]
        above_bounds_x = x_new > self._xlim[1]

        below_bounds_y = y_new < self._ylim[0]
        above_bounds_y = y_new > self._ylim[1]

        # !! Could provide more information about which values are out of bounds
        if self.bounds_error and below_bounds_x.any():
            raise ValueError("A value in x is below the interpolation "
        if self.bounds_error and above_bounds_x.any():
            raise ValueError("A value in x is above the interpolation "
        if self.bounds_error and below_bounds_y.any():
            raise ValueError("A value in y is below the interpolation "
        if self.bounds_error and above_bounds_y.any():
            raise ValueError("A value in y is above the interpolation "

        out_of_bounds = scipy.logical_not(scipy.logical_or(scipy.logical_or(below_bounds_x, above_bounds_x),
                                                           scipy.logical_or(below_bounds_y, above_bounds_y)))
        return out_of_bounds
Exemple #3
def showVectorDisplacements():

    global testImage, croppedRefImage, u, v, valid, q1, umean, vmean, x, y, sxyVar, wxyVar, goodvectorsVar
    from scipy import where, compress, logical_and, median, logical_or, nan
    from pylab import resize, transpose, quiver, title, show, find, imshow, hist, figure, clf, draw, save, load, xlabel, ylabel, flipud

    mxy = 3
    wxy = int(wxyVar.get())
    sxy = int(sxyVar.get())
    goodvectors = float(goodvectorsVar.get())
    #process to find PIV-style displacements
    x, y, u, v, q1, valid = simplepiv(croppedRefImage, testImage, wxy, mxy,
    good = where(logical_and(q1 > goodvectors, valid > 0), True, False)
    umean = median(compress(good.flat, u.flat))
    vmean = median(compress(good.flat, v.flat))
    u = where(logical_or(q1 < goodvectors, valid < 0), 0, u)
    v = where(logical_or(q1 < goodvectors, valid < 0), 0, v)
    u = u - umean
    v = v - vmean
    save('vecx.out', x)
    save('vecy.out', y)
    save('vecu.out', u)
    save('vecv.out', v)
    save('vecq1.out', q1)
    save('vecvalid.out', valid)
    u = flipud(u)
    v = -flipud(v)
    quiver(x, y, u, v)
    title('Vector displacements')
Exemple #4
    def MR_boudnary_extraction(self, img=None):
        if img == None:
            img = cv2.cvtColor(camera(), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
        lab_img = self._MR_saliency__MR_readimg(img)
        mark_color = (1, 0, 0)
        labels = self._MR_saliency__MR_superpixel(lab_img)

        up_img = lab_img.copy()
        up_ids = sp.unique(labels[0, :]).astype(int)
        up_mask = sp.zeros(labels.shape).astype(bool)
        for i in up_ids:
            up_mask = sp.logical_or(up_mask, labels == i)
        up_img[up_mask] = mark_color
        up_img = mark_boundaries(up_img, labels)

        right_img = lab_img.copy()
        right_ids = sp.unique(labels[:, labels.shape[1] - 1]).astype(int)
        right_mask = sp.zeros(labels.shape).astype(bool)
        for i in right_ids:
            right_mask = sp.logical_or(right_mask, labels == i)
        right_img[right_mask] = mark_color
        right_img = mark_boundaries(right_img, labels)

        low_img = lab_img.copy()
        low_ids = sp.unique(labels[labels.shape[0] - 1, :]).astype(int)
        low_mask = sp.zeros(labels.shape).astype(bool)
        for i in low_ids:
            low_mask = sp.logical_or(low_mask, labels == i)
        low_img[low_mask] = mark_color
        low_img = mark_boundaries(low_img, labels)

        left_img = lab_img.copy()
        left_ids = sp.unique(labels[:, 0]).astype(int)
        left_mask = sp.zeros(labels.shape).astype(bool)
        for i in left_ids:
            left_mask = sp.logical_or(left_mask, labels == i)
        left_img[left_mask] = mark_color
        left_img = mark_boundaries(left_img, labels)

        plt.subplot(2, 2, 1)

        plt.subplot(2, 2, 2)

        plt.subplot(2, 2, 3)

        plt.subplot(2, 2, 4)

Exemple #5
    def _check_bounds(self, x_new, y_new):
        """Check the inputs for being in the bounds of the interpolated data.

            x_new (float array):
            y_new (float array):

            out_of_bounds (Boolean array): The mask on x_new and y_new of
            values that are NOT of bounds.
        below_bounds_x = x_new < self._xlim[0]
        above_bounds_x = x_new > self._xlim[1]

        below_bounds_y = y_new < self._ylim[0]
        above_bounds_y = y_new > self._ylim[1]

        # !! Could provide more information about which values are out of bounds
        if self.bounds_error and below_bounds_x.any():
            raise ValueError("A value in x is below the interpolation "
        if self.bounds_error and above_bounds_x.any():
            raise ValueError("A value in x is above the interpolation "
        if self.bounds_error and below_bounds_y.any():
            raise ValueError("A value in y is below the interpolation "
        if self.bounds_error and above_bounds_y.any():
            raise ValueError("A value in y is above the interpolation "

        out_of_bounds = scipy.logical_not(scipy.logical_or(scipy.logical_or(below_bounds_x, above_bounds_x),
                                                           scipy.logical_or(below_bounds_y, above_bounds_y)))
        return out_of_bounds
def separate_cal(data, n_bins_cal, cal_mask=None) :
    """Function separates data into cal_on and cal off.
    No Guarantee that data argument remains unchanged."""
    # Allowcate memeory for output    
    ntime, npol, nfreq = data.shape
    n_bins_after_cal = ntime//n_bins_cal
    out_data = sp.zeros((n_bins_after_cal, npol, 2, nfreq), dtype=sp.float32)
    # Get the phase offset of the cal.
    try :
        if cal_mask is None:
            first_on, n_blank = get_cal_mask(data, n_bins_cal)
        else :
            first_on, n_blank = cal_mask
    except ce.DataError :
        print "Discarded record due to bad profile. "
        out_data[:] = float('nan')
    else :
        # How many samples for each cal state.
        n_cal_state = n_bins_cal//2 - n_blank
        first_off = (first_on + n_bins_cal//2) % n_bins_cal

        # Reshape data to add an index to average over.
        data.shape = (n_bins_after_cal, n_bins_cal) + data.shape[1:]

        # Get the masks for the on and off data.
        inds = sp.arange(n_bins_cal)
        if first_on == min((sp.arange(n_cal_state) +
                        first_on)% n_bins_cal) :
            on_mask = sp.logical_and(inds >= first_on, inds < 
        else :
            on_mask = sp.logical_or(inds >= first_on, inds < 
                                (first_on + n_cal_state) % n_bins_cal)
        if first_off == min((sp.arange(n_cal_state) +
                        first_off)% n_bins_cal) :
            off_mask = sp.logical_and(inds >= first_off, inds < 
                                  first_off + n_cal_state)
        else :
            off_mask = sp.logical_or(inds >= first_off, inds < 
                                 (first_off + n_cal_state) % n_bins_cal)

        # Find cal on and cal off averages.  Always use mean not median due to
        # discretization noise.
        # This loop is much faster than the built in numpy mean() for some
        # reason.
        for ii in range(n_bins_cal) :
            if on_mask[ii]:
                out_data[:,:,0,:] += data[:,ii,:,:]
            elif off_mask[ii]:
                out_data[:,:,1,:] += data[:,ii,:,:]
        out_data[:,:,0,:] /= sp.sum(on_mask)
        out_data[:,:,1,:] /= sp.sum(off_mask)

    return out_data
Exemple #7
def velocity_dof(domain, ax):
    # Calculate velocity dof numbers forr each cell
    rm = roll( domain, 1, axis=ax )
    type_3 = logical_and( domain, rm )
    type_2 = logical_or(  domain, rm )
    dof = cumsum( logical_not( logical_or( type_3, type_2 ) ) ).reshape( domain.shape ) - 1
    # Do logic to figure out type 2 and 3
    dof[type_2 == 1] = -2
    dof[type_3 == 1] = -3

    return dof.astype(int64)
Exemple #8
def triangulate_debug(canvas, options=None):
    print("### Starting interpolation in debug mode ###")
    # Depending on whether we are in GUI mode or not, we will use the
    # matplotlib.pyplot library directly, or through the DebugWindow interface
    # (defined below), which wraps the graphs in a tkinter window. This is
    # necessary as tkinter doesn't play well with matplotlib windows and
    # plt.show() would not stop execution until the main Magic2 windows is
    # closed (and that's not very useful). By redefining plt we are able to
    # leave the code in this function alone, so that it still works in
    # headless mode (with main_old.py)
    global plt
    if options is not None:
        plt = DebugWindow(options)
    tri = Triangulation(sp.transpose(sp.nonzero(canvas.fringes_image_clean)),
    plt.imshow(canvas.fringes_image_clean, cmap=m2graphics.cmap)
    # Plot the triangulation. Flat triangles will be green
    plt.triplot(tri.points[:, 1], tri.points[:, 0], tri.get_simplices())
    plt.triplot(tri.points[:, 1], tri.points[:, 0],
                [tri.triangles[i].vertices for i in tri.flat_triangles])
    # plt.triplot(tri.points[:, 1], tri.points[:, 0], tri.dt.simplices)
    # Plot the optimised triangulation. Flat triangles will be green
    plt.imshow(canvas.fringe_phases, cmap=m2graphics.cmap)
    # print(tri.flat_triangles)
    # print(added_points)
    # plt.triplot(tri.points[:, 1], tri.points[:, 0], [tri.triangles[i].vertices for i in tri.flat_triangles])
    plt.triplot(tri.points[:, 1], tri.points[:, 0], tri.get_simplices())
    plt.triplot(tri.points[:, 1], tri.points[:, 0],
                [tri.triangles[i].vertices for i in tri.flat_triangles])
    # Perform interpolation
        sp.logical_or(canvas.mask == False, canvas.interpolated == -1024.0),
        sp.logical_or(canvas.mask == False, canvas.interpolated == -1024.0),
    plt.triplot(tri.points[:, 1], tri.points[:, 0], tri.get_simplices())
    def _check_bounds(self,x_new):
        # If self.bounds_error = 1, we raise an error if any x_new values
        # fall outside the range of x.  Otherwise, we return an array indicating
        # which values are outside the boundary region.  
        # !! Needs some work for multi-dimensional x !!
        below_bounds = less(x_new,self.x[0])
        above_bounds = greater(x_new,self.x[-1])
        #  Note: sometrue has been redefined to handle length 0 arrays
        # !! Could provide more information about which values are out of bounds
        # RHC -- Changed these ValueErrors to PyDSTool_BoundsErrors
        if self.bounds_error and any(sometrue(below_bounds)):
##            print "Input:", x_new
##            print "Bound:", self.x[0]
##            print "Difference input - bound:", x_new-self.x[0]
            raise PyDSTool_BoundsError, " A value in x_new is below the"\
                              " interpolation range."
        if self.bounds_error and any(sometrue(above_bounds)):
##            print "Input:", x_new
##            print "Bound:", self.x[-1]
##            print "Difference input - bound:", x_new-self.x[-1]
            raise PyDSTool_BoundsError, " A value in x_new is above the"\
                              " interpolation range."
        # !! Should we emit a warning if some values are out of bounds.
        # !! matlab does not.
        out_of_bounds = logical_or(below_bounds,above_bounds)
        return out_of_bounds
Exemple #10
 def _check_bounds(self, x_new):
     # If self.bounds_error = 1, we raise an error if any x_new values
     # fall outside the range of x.  Otherwise, we return an array indicating
     # which values are outside the boundary region.
     # !! Needs some work for multi-dimensional x !!
     below_bounds = less(x_new, self.x[0])
     above_bounds = greater(x_new, self.x[-1])
     #  Note: sometrue has been redefined to handle length 0 arrays
     # !! Could provide more information about which values are out of bounds
     # RHC -- Changed these ValueErrors to PyDSTool_BoundsErrors
     if self.bounds_error and any(sometrue(below_bounds)):
         ##            print "Input:", x_new
         ##            print "Bound:", self.x[0]
         ##            print "Difference input - bound:", x_new-self.x[0]
         raise PyDSTool_BoundsError, " A value in x_new is below the"\
                           " interpolation range."
     if self.bounds_error and any(sometrue(above_bounds)):
         ##            print "Input:", x_new
         ##            print "Bound:", self.x[-1]
         ##            print "Difference input - bound:", x_new-self.x[-1]
         raise PyDSTool_BoundsError, " A value in x_new is above the"\
                           " interpolation range."
     # !! Should we emit a warning if some values are out of bounds.
     # !! matlab does not.
     out_of_bounds = logical_or(below_bounds, above_bounds)
     return out_of_bounds
Exemple #11
def normMn(n, vals, x1, x2, ymin, yatx):  
    output = scipy.zeros(vals.shape)
    avg = (x1+x2)/2
    diff = abs(x2-x1)
    output = pow(2,n)*(yatx-ymin)*pow((vals-avg)/diff,n) + ymin
    output[scipy.logical_or(vals < x1, vals > x2)] = 0. 
    return output
Exemple #12
def normM2(vals, x1, x2, ymin, yatx):
    output = scipy.zeros(vals.shape)
    #temp = (x1+x2)/(2*x1*x2)
    F = 4*(ymin-yatx)/(x2-x1)/(x1-x2)
    output = F*(vals-x1)*(vals-x2) + yatx
    output[scipy.logical_or(vals < x1, vals > x2)] = 0. 
    return output
Exemple #13
def have_same_subd_decomp(dds0, dds1):
    Returns :samp:`True` if pairs of non-halo-sub-domains on all processes have the
    same (global) non-halo-sub-domain origin index and
    same non-halo-sub-domain shape. Note: performs an MPI *allreduce* operation.
    :type dds0: :obj:`mango.Dds`
    :param dds0: Array.
    :type dds1: :obj:`mango.Dds`
    :param dds1: Array.
    :rtype: :obj:`bool`
    :return: :samp:`True` if MPI non-halo-subdomain decomposition is the
       same for :samp:`dds0` and :samp:`dds1`.  

    numDiff = 0
    if (sp.any(sp.logical_or(dds0.subd.origin != dds1.subd.origin, (dds0.subd.shape != dds1.subd.shape)))):
        numDiff = 1
    mpiComm = None
    if (hasattr(dds0, "mpi") and hasattr(dds0.mpi, "comm") and (dds0.mpi.comm != None)):
        mpiComm = dds0.mpi.comm
        numDiff = mpiComm.allreduce(numDiff, op=mango.mpi.SUM)

    return (numDiff == 0)
Exemple #14
        def updateTime(val):
            t_idx = int(timeSlider.val)

            psi.set_xlim([0.5, 1.2])
            psi.set_ylim([-0.8, 0.8])

            title.set_text('LIUQE Reconstruction, $t = %(t).2f$ s' % {'t':t[t_idx]})
            psi.set_xlabel('$R$ [m]')
            psi.set_ylabel('$Z$ [m]')
            if macx is not None:
                psi.plot(macx, macy, 'k', linewidth=3, zorder=5)
            elif limx is not None:
            # catch NaNs separating disjoint sections of R,ZLCFS in mask
            maskarr = scipy.where(scipy.logical_or(RLCFS[t_idx] > 0.0,scipy.isnan(RLCFS[t_idx])))
            RLCFSframe = RLCFS[t_idx,maskarr[0]]
            ZLCFSframe = ZLCFS[t_idx,maskarr[0]]
            if fill:
            if mask:
                patchdraw = psi.add_patch(patch)

            psi.set_xlim([0.5, 1.2])
            psi.set_ylim([-0.8, 0.8])

Exemple #15
def showContours_v():

    global umean, vmean, modelgreylevelvar, goodvectorsVar, lowerLevelVar, upperLevelVar, tickvar, numcontourVar
    from scipy import zeros, where, logical_or, r_, argmin, shape, ravel, nan, compress, flipud
    from pylab import imshow, clf, title, save, load, figure, contourf, cm, hold, contour, xlabel, ylabel

    x = load('vecx.out.npy')
    y = load('vecy.out.npy')
    u = load('vecu.out.npy')
    v = load('vecv.out.npy')
    q1 = load('vecq1.out.npy')
    valid = load('vecvalid.out.npy')
    modelgreylevel = float(modelgreylevelVar.get())
    goodvectors = float(goodvectorsVar.get())
    v = where(logical_or(q1 < goodvectors, valid < 0), modelgreylevel, v)
    v = -flipud(v)
    lowerLevel = float(lowerLevelVar.get())
    upperLevel = float(upperLevelVar.get())
    numcontour = int(numcontourVar.get())
    tick = float(upperLevel - lowerLevel) / numcontour
    vv = r_[lowerLevel:upperLevel:tick]
    contourf(x, y, v, vv, cmap=cm.gray)
    contourf(x, y, v, vv, cmap=cm.gray)
Exemple #16
        def updateTime(val):
            t_idx = int(timeSlider.val)

            psi.set_xlim([0.5, 1.2])
            psi.set_ylim([-0.8, 0.8])

            title.set_text('LIUQE Reconstruction, $t = %(t).2f$ s' % {'t':t[t_idx]})
            psi.set_xlabel('$R$ [m]')
            psi.set_ylabel('$Z$ [m]')
            if macx is not None:
                psi.plot(macx, macy, 'k', linewidth=3, zorder=5)
            elif limx is not None:
            # catch NaNs separating disjoint sections of R,ZLCFS in mask
            maskarr = scipy.where(scipy.logical_or(RLCFS[t_idx] > 0.0,scipy.isnan(RLCFS[t_idx])))
            RLCFSframe = RLCFS[t_idx,maskarr[0]]
            ZLCFSframe = ZLCFS[t_idx,maskarr[0]]
            if fill:
            if mask:
                patchdraw = psi.add_patch(patch)

            psi.set_xlim([0.5, 1.2])
            psi.set_ylim([-0.8, 0.8])

Exemple #17
def normMn2(n, vals, x1, x2, ymin):  
    output = scipy.zeros(vals.shape)
    avg = (x1+x2)/2
    diff = abs(x2-x1)
    output = pow(2,n)*(1-ymin)*pow((vals-avg)/diff,n) + ymin
    output[scipy.logical_or(vals < x1, vals > x2)] = 0. 
    output /= scipy.sum(output)
    return output
Exemple #18
def despike(samplein):
    replace spikes with the median of sourounding 3 values if they are more than 50% (or only a third) of the median
    sample = samplein.copy()
    med = ndimage.median_filter(sample, size=3, mode='mirror')
    mask = sp.logical_or(sample / med > 1.5, sample / med < 0.66)
    sample[mask] = med[mask]
    return sample
Exemple #19
 def _detectOutliers(self):
     """ Binary vector for which dimension saw an outlier gradient:
     considers oultier curvature as well. """
     hs = mean(self._last_diaghessians, axis=0)
     var = (self._vhbar - self._hbar**2) / self.batch_size
     res = logical_or(vSGD._detectOutliers(self),
                      (hs - self._hbar)**2 > self.outlier_level**2 * var)
     del hs, var
     return res
Exemple #20
def despike(samplein):
    replace spikes with the median of sourounding 3 values if they are more than 50% (or only a third) of the median
    med = ndimage.median_filter(sample,size=3,mode='mirror')
    mask = sp.logical_or(sample/med > 1.5, sample/med < 0.66)
    sample[mask] = med[mask]
    return sample
Exemple #21
 def _detectOutliers(self):
     """ Binary vector for which dimension saw an outlier gradient:
     considers oultier curvature as well. """
     hs = mean(self._last_diaghessians, axis=0) 
     var = (self._vhbar - self._hbar ** 2) / self.batch_size
     res = logical_or(vSGD._detectOutliers(self),
                      (hs - self._hbar) ** 2 > self.outlier_level ** 2 * var)
     del hs, var
     return res
Exemple #22
    def get_data(self, col):

        if self.task == 'HSmice_data_REVISIONS':
            self.trait = self.measures[col]
            self.pheno = self.all_pheno[:, col]
            covs2use = self.all_covs2use[col].split(',')
            Ic = sp.zeros(self.measures.shape[0], dtype=bool)
            for cov in covs2use:
                Ic = sp.logical_or(Ic, self.measures == cov)
            self.covs = self.all_covs[:, Ic]

        elif self.task == 'HSmice_hip_REVISIONS':
            self.trait = self.measures[col]
            self.pheno = self.all_pheno[:, col]
            covs2use = ['GENDER', 'group_size']
            Ic = sp.zeros(self.measures.shape[0], dtype=bool)
            for cov in covs2use:
                Ic = sp.logical_or(Ic, self.measures == cov)
            self.covs = self.all_covs[:, Ic]

        elif 'HSmice_simulations' in self.task:
            self.trait = self.measures[col]
            self.pheno = self.all_pheno[:, col]
            self.covs = None

            print "Nothing done: task unknown!"

        return {
            'trait': self.trait,
            'pheno': self.pheno,
            'pheno_ID': self.pheno_ID,
            'covs': self.covs,
            'covs_ID': self.covs_ID,
            'kinship_type': self.kinship_type,
            'kinship_full': self.kinship_full,
            'kinship_full_ID': self.kinship_full_ID,
            'cage_full': self.cage_full,
            'cage_full_ID': self.cage_full_ID,
            'subset_IDs': self.subset_IDs
    def get_data(self,col):
        if self.task == 'HSmice_data_REVISIONS':
            self.pheno = self.all_pheno[:,col]
            covs2use = self.all_covs2use[col].split(',')
            Ic = sp.zeros(self.measures.shape[0],dtype=bool)
            for cov in covs2use:
                Ic = sp.logical_or(Ic,self.measures==cov)
            self.covs = self.all_covs[:,Ic]

        elif self.task == 'HSmice_hip_REVISIONS':
            self.pheno = self.all_pheno[:,col]
            covs2use = ['GENDER','group_size']
            Ic = sp.zeros(self.measures.shape[0],dtype=bool)
            for cov in covs2use:
                Ic = sp.logical_or(Ic,self.measures==cov)
            self.covs = self.all_covs[:,Ic]

        elif 'HSmice_simulations' in self.task:
            self.trait = self.measures[col]
            self.pheno = self.all_pheno[:,col]
            self.covs = None

            print "Nothing done: task unknown!"

        return {'trait' : self.trait,
                'pheno' : self.pheno,
                'pheno_ID' : self.pheno_ID,
                'covs' : self.covs,
                'covs_ID' : self.covs_ID,
                'kinship_type' : self.kinship_type,
                'kinship_full' : self.kinship_full,
                'kinship_full_ID' : self.kinship_full_ID,
                'cage_full' : self.cage_full,
                'cage_full_ID' : self.cage_full_ID,
                'subset_IDs' : self.subset_IDs}
Exemple #24
 def idxLineOrCurve(self, contour, corners):
     threshDist = 3
     isLinePt = np.zeros([1, len(contour)], dtype=bool)
     for i in range(0, 2):
         point1 = corners[2 * i, :]
         point2 = corners[2 * i + 1, :]
         kLine = point2 - point1
         kLineNorm = kLine / np.linalg.norm(kLine)
         normVector = np.asarray([-kLineNorm[1], kLineNorm[0]])
         distance = abs((contour - point1).dot(normVector))
         isInlierLine = distance <= threshDist
         isLinePt = scipy.logical_or(isLinePt, isInlierLine)
     linePtsIdx = np.where(isLinePt == True)[1]
     curvePtsIdx = np.where(isLinePt == False)[1]
     return linePtsIdx, curvePtsIdx
Exemple #25
 def __init__(self, filename, fi=None, m=None, imshow=None):
     # An image is loaded, and only its first colour component is taken
     # out of red, green, blue, alpha.
     # The .png images supplied are greyscale.
     self.error = False
         if filename != 'dump' and fi is None:
             # The image may have 3-4 channels if its RGB(A), we only
             # need one of them
                 image = plt.imread(filename.name)[:, :, 0]
             # If the image is greyscale, just take the whole thing
             except IndexError:
                 image = plt.imread(filename.name)
             # Fringes are black, extract them from the image
             self.fringes_image = image == 0
             # This is the user defined mask, it was grey (so neither black
             # nor white, which is the condition we're using here)
             self.mask = sp.logical_or(image == 1, self.fringes_image)
             # This uses a provide mask and image (for example from an .m2 file)
             self.fringes_image = fi
             self.mask = m
         # This will store only the labelled fringes, currently empty
         self.fringes_image_clean = sp.zeros_like(self.fringes_image)-0
         # -1024 indicates an area where there is no data
         # Visual stores the fringe phases, but allows for width, making
         # the fringes easier to display
         self.fringe_phases_visual = sp.zeros_like(self.fringes_image)-1024
         # In fringe_phases all the fringes have their initial width
         self.fringe_phases = sp.zeros_like(self.fringes_image)-1024
         # Indexing starts at 0, so -1 is a good choice for 'not an index'
         self.fringe_indices = sp.zeros_like(self.fringes_image)-1
         # x and y are used during interpolation processes to make
         # calculations easier, they store the x and y position of
         # every pixel
         self.x, self.y = sp.meshgrid(sp.arange(0, len(self.fringes_image[0])),
                                      sp.arange(0, len(self.fringes_image)))
         self.xy = sp.transpose([self.y.ravel(), self.x.ravel()])
         # Interpolated will store the interpolated version of the image
         self.interpolation_done = False
         self.interpolated = sp.zeros_like(self.fringes_image)-1024.0
         # this parameter will store the object returned by matplotlib's
         # imshow function, making it easy to change the data being displayed
         self.imshow = imshow
     except OSError:
         self.error = True
Exemple #26
    def run(self, frame):
        self.prev_frame = self.frame
        self.frame = frame
        from copy import copy
        self.orientation = copy(self.frame)
        self.dist(self.frame, self.prev_frame)
        self.edge_frame = self.canny(frame)
        self.hand_colored_frame = self.hand_color_detect(frame)
        # self.res = scipy.logical_and(self.hand_colored_frame, self.edge_frame)
        # self.res = scipy.logical_and(self.remove_background_frame, self.res)
        # self.res = scipy.logical_and(self.hand_colored_frame, self.remove_background_frame)
        self.res = self.remove_background_frame
        self.res = scipy.logical_or(self.res, self.frame_edge())
        # self.res = self.remove_background_frame
        self.res = 255 * self.res
        self.res = self.res.astype(np.uint8)
        # self.res = cv2.GaussianBlur(self.res, (5, 5), 0)
        # self.res = cv2.erode(self.res, None, iterations=1)
        # self.res = cv2.dilate(self.res, None, iterations=1)
        # self.res = cv2.erode(self.res, None, iterations=2)
        line, m = self.base_line_func()
        rows, cols = self.res.shape
        angle = math.degrees(math.atan(m))*-1
        rotateMatrixM = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((cols/2, rows/2), angle, 1)
        dst = cv2.warpAffine(self.res,rotateMatrixM,(cols,rows))
        # color_dst = cv2.warpAffine(self.frame, rotateMatrixM, (cols, rows))
        dst = cv2.GaussianBlur(dst, (5, 5), 7)
        for y in xrange(dst.shape[0]):
        	for x in xrange(dst.shape[1]):
        		if dst[y, x] > 90:
        			dst[y, x] = 255
        			dst[y, x] = 0

        dst = cv2.erode(dst, None, iterations=2)
        dst = cv2.dilate(dst, None, iterations=1)
        # now f*****g count fingers!
        cr, rr = dst.shape
        cr, rr = int(cr*1.15), int(rr*1.15)
        self.res = cv2.resize(dst, (rr, cr))
    def log_density(self, x, rdn_meas, geom, bounds):
        """Log probability density combines prior and likelihood terms"""

        # First check bounds
        if bounds is not None and any(s.logical_or(x < bounds[0], x > bounds[1])):
            return -s.Inf

        # Prior term
        Sa = self.fm.Sa(x, geom)
        xa = self.fm.xa(x, geom)
        pa = self.stable_mvnpdf(xa, Sa, x)

        # Data likelihood term
        Seps = self.fm.Seps(x, rdn_meas, geom)
        Seps_win = s.array([Seps[i, self.winidx] for i in self.winidx])
        rdn_est = self.fm.calc_rdn(x, geom, rfl=None, Ls=None)
        pm = self.stable_mvnpdf(rdn_est[self.winidx], Seps_win,
        return pa+pm
Exemple #28
 def __read_geometry(self):
     """reads in bmp and generates contacts and other
     objects of interest"""
     from PIL import Image
     from scipy import where, asarray, array, transpose, logical_or, logical_and, cos, pi
     from aux import Contact
     img = Image.open(self.atlas)
     arr = asarray(img)
     self.p.canvas = arr
     self.p.Boffset = arr.shape[0] / 10
     self.p.Bdummy = arr.shape[0] / 5
     self.p.raw_coords = logical_and(arr > 0, arr % 5 == 0).nonzero()
     self.p.tuple_canvas_coordinates = tuple(zip(*self.p.raw_coords))
     self.p.El = 2 * self.p.t0 * (1 - cos(pi /
                                          (self.p.canvas.shape[1] - 2)))
     contacts = []
     shades = [(103, 115), (133, 145), (163, 175), (193, 205)]
     contact_index = 0
     for shade in shades:
         contact_temp_tuple_coords = tuple(zip(*where(arr == shade[1])))
         interface_temp_tuple_coords = tuple(
             zip(*logical_or(arr == shade[0], arr == shade[1]).nonzero()))
         a = Contact(contact_temp_tuple_coords, interface_temp_tuple_coords)
         if a.length == 0: continue
         a.index = contact_index
         # try:
         #     if any(arr[a.interface_raw_coordinates[0][0]+1,:]==239):
         #         a.SO = True
         #     else:
         #         a.SO = False
         # except IndexError:
         #     if any(arr[a.interface_raw_coordinates[0][0]-1,:] == 239):
         #         a.SO = True
         #     else:
         #         a.SO = False
         contact_index += 1
     if len(contacts) == 0:
         print '--------------------------------------'
         print 'No contacts found! This will not work!'
         print '--------------------------------------'
     # from pudb import set_trace; set_trace()
     self.p.contacts = contacts
Exemple #29
def score_accuracy(y_predicted, y_real):
     score = (y_real AND y_predicted)/(y_real OR y_predicted)

    @param y_predicted:
    @param y_real:
    @return: score

    if isinstance(y_predicted, np.ndarray):
        y_predicted = y_predicted.ravel()
        y_predicted = y_predicted.toarray().ravel()

    y_real = y_real.toarray().ravel()

    numerator = np.sum(1. * (logical_and(y_real, y_predicted)))
    denominator = np.sum(1. * (logical_or(y_real, y_predicted)))

    return numerator / denominator
Exemple #30
 def __read_geometry(self):
     """reads in bmp and generates contacts and other
     objects of interest"""
     from PIL import Image
     from scipy import where, asarray, array, transpose,logical_or,logical_and,cos,pi
     from aux import Contact
     img = Image.open(self.atlas)
     arr = asarray(img)
     self.p.canvas = arr
     self.p.Boffset = arr.shape[0]/10
     self.p.Bdummy = arr.shape[0]/5
     self.p.raw_coords =logical_and(arr > 0,arr %5 ==0).nonzero()
     self.p.tuple_canvas_coordinates = tuple(zip(*self.p.raw_coords))
     contacts = []
     shades = [(103,115), (133,145), (163,175), (193,205)]
     contact_index = 0
     for shade in shades:
         contact_temp_tuple_coords = tuple(zip(*where(arr == shade[1])))
         interface_temp_tuple_coords = tuple(zip(*logical_or(arr == shade[0],arr ==shade[1]).nonzero()))
         a = Contact(contact_temp_tuple_coords, interface_temp_tuple_coords)
         if a.length == 0: continue
         a.index = contact_index
         # try:
         #     if any(arr[a.interface_raw_coordinates[0][0]+1,:]==239):
         #         a.SO = True
         #     else:
         #         a.SO = False
         # except IndexError:
         #     if any(arr[a.interface_raw_coordinates[0][0]-1,:] == 239):
         #         a.SO = True
         #     else:
         #         a.SO = False
         contact_index +=1
     if len(contacts) == 0:
         print '--------------------------------------'
         print 'No contacts found! This will not work!'
         print '--------------------------------------'
     # from pudb import set_trace; set_trace()
     self.p.contacts = contacts
Exemple #31
def updateTime(val):
    # clear the figure
    # enPlot.clear()

    # check the timining on the slider
    t_idx = int(timeSlider.val)
    # redo the plot for the psi
    # first find the closest index to the t_idx
    indPsi = numpy.argmin(numpy.abs(eq.getTimeBase() - times[t_idx]))
    psi.set_xlim([0.5, 1.2])
    psi.set_ylim([-0.8, 0.8])
    psi.set_title('LIUQE Reconstruction, $t = %(t).2f$ s' %
                  {'t': eq.getTimeBase()[indPsi]})
    psi.set_xlabel('$R$ [m]')
    psi.set_ylabel('$Z$ [m]')
    # # catch NaNs separating disjoint sections of R,ZLCFS in mask
    maskarr = scipy.where(
        scipy.logical_or(RLCFS[indPsi] > 0.0, scipy.isnan(RLCFS[indPsi])))
    RLCFSframe = RLCFS[indPsi, maskarr[0]]
    ZLCFSframe = ZLCFS[indPsi, maskarr[0]]
    psi.plot(RLCFSframe, ZLCFSframe, 'r', lw=3, zorder=3)
    psi.contour(rGrid, zGrid, psiRZ[indPsi], 50, colors='k')
    psi.set_xlim([0.5, 1.2])
    psi.set_ylim([-0.8, 0.8])

    # redo the plot for the density
    # enPlot.plot(enAvg[enAvg.dims[0]],enAvg.values/1e19, 'b')
    # enPlot.set_ylabel(r'n$_e$ [10$^{19}$ fringes]', fontsize = 16)
    # # add a dashed line with the first time of thomson data chosen
    # enPlot.axvline(times[t_idx], linestyle ='--', color = 'orange')
    # redo the plot for the profile
    rho = eq.rz2psinorm(rPos, zPos, times[t_idx], sqrt=True)
    pr.set_xdata(rho[dataEn[:, t_idx] != -1])
    pr.set_ydata(dataEn[dataEn[:, t_idx] != -1, t_idx] / 1e19)
    thPlot.set_ylim([0, dataEn[:, t_idx].max() / 1e19])
Exemple #32
def coordinate_datasets(reference_genotype_file, hdf5_file, summary_dict,
                        max_freq_discrep = 0.15,
    summary_dict[3.9]={'name':'dash', 'value':'Coordination'}
    t0 = time.time()
    if validation_genotype_file is not None:
        print('Coordinating datasets (Summary statistics, LD reference genotypes, and Validation genotypes).')
        print('Coordinating datasets (Summary statistics and LD reference genotypes).')
    plinkf = plinkfile.PlinkFile(reference_genotype_file)

    # Figure out chromosomes and positions.
    if debug:
        print('Parsing plinkf_dict_val reference genotypes')
    loci = plinkf.get_loci()
    summary_dict[4]={'name':'Num individuals in LD Reference data:','value':plinkfiles.get_num_indivs(reference_genotype_file)}
    summary_dict[4.1]={'name':'SNPs in LD Reference data:','value':len(loci)}
    gf_chromosomes = [l.chromosome for l in loci]
    chromosomes = sp.unique(gf_chromosomes)

    chr_dict = plinkfiles.get_chrom_dict(loci, chromosomes)
    if validation_genotype_file is not None:
        if debug:
            print('Parsing LD validation bim file')
        plinkf_val = plinkfile.PlinkFile(validation_genotype_file)

        # Loads only the individuals... 
        plinkf_dict_val = plinkfiles.get_phenotypes(plinkf_val)
        loci_val = plinkf_val.get_loci()
        summary_dict[5]={'name':'SNPs in Validation data:','value':len(loci_val)}

        chr_dict_val = plinkfiles.get_chrom_dict(loci_val, chromosomes)

        # Open HDF5 file and prepare out data
        assert not 'iids' in hdf5_file, 'Something is wrong with the HDF5 file, no individuals IDs were found.'
        if plinkf_dict_val['has_phenotype']:
            hdf5_file.create_dataset('y', data=plinkf_dict_val['phenotypes'])
            summary_dict[6]={'name':'Num validation phenotypes:','value':plinkf_dict_val['num_individs']}
        hdf5_file.create_dataset('fids', data=sp.array(plinkf_dict_val['fids'], dtype=util.fids_dtype))
        hdf5_file.create_dataset('iids', data=sp.array(plinkf_dict_val['iids'], dtype=util.iids_dtype))

        maf_adj_risk_scores = sp.zeros(plinkf_dict_val['num_individs'])

    # Now summary statistics
    ssf = hdf5_file['sum_stats']
    cord_data_g = hdf5_file.create_group('cord_data')

    num_common_snps = 0
    # corr_list = []

    chromosomes_found = set()
    num_snps_common_before_filtering =0
    num_snps_common_after_filtering =0
    tot_num_non_matching_nts = 0
    tot_num_non_supported_nts = 0
    tot_num_ambig_nts = 0
    tot_num_freq_discrep_filtered_snps = 0
    tot_num_maf_filtered_snps = 0
    tot_g_ss_nt_concord_count = 0
    if validation_genotype_file is not None:
        tot_g_vg_nt_concord_count = 0
        tot_vg_ss_nt_concord_count = 0
    # Now iterate over chromosomes
    chrom_i = 0
    for chrom in chromosomes:
        chrom_i +=1
        if not debug:
            sys.stdout.write('\r%0.2f%%' % (100.0 * (float(chrom_i) / (len(chromosomes)+1))))
            chr_str = 'chrom_%d' % chrom
            ssg = ssf[chr_str]
        except Exception as err_str:
                print('Did not find chromosome %d in SS dataset.'%chrom)
        if debug:
            print('Coordinating data for chromosome %s' % chr_str)

        #Get summary statistics chromosome group
        ssg = ssf['chrom_%d' % chrom]
        ss_sids = (ssg['sids'][...]).astype(util.sids_u_dtype)
        if validation_genotype_file is not None:
            chrom_d_val = chr_dict_val[chr_str]
            vg_sids = chrom_d_val['sids']
            common_sids = sp.intersect1d(ss_sids, vg_sids)
            # A map from sid to index for validation data        
            vg_sid_dict = {}
            for i, sid in enumerate(vg_sids):
                vg_sid_dict[sid] = i
            common_sids = ss_sids

        # A map from sid to index for summary stats        
        ss_sid_dict = {}
        for i, sid in enumerate(ss_sids):
            ss_sid_dict[sid] = i

        #The indices to retain for the LD reference genotypes
        chrom_d = chr_dict[chr_str]
        g_sids = chrom_d['sids']
        common_sids = sp.intersect1d(common_sids, g_sids)
        # A map from sid to index for LD reference data        
        g_sid_dict = {}
        for i, sid in enumerate(g_sids):
            g_sid_dict[sid] = i

        if debug:
            print('Found %d SNPs on chrom %d that were common across all datasets' % (len(common_sids), chrom))
            print('Ordering SNPs by genomic positions (based on LD reference genotypes).')
        g_snp_map = []
        for sid in common_sids:
        # order by positions (based on LD reference file)
        g_positions = sp.array(chrom_d['positions'])[g_snp_map]
        order = sp.argsort(g_positions)

        g_snp_map = sp.array(g_snp_map)[order]
        g_snp_map = g_snp_map.tolist()
        common_sids = sp.array(common_sids)[order]

        # Get the ordered sum stats SNPs indices.
        ss_snp_map = []
        for sid in common_sids:

        # Get the ordered validation SNPs indices
        if validation_genotype_file is not None:
            vg_snp_map = []
            for sid in common_sids:
            vg_nts = sp.array(chrom_d_val['nts'])
            vg_nts_ok = sp.array(vg_nts)[vg_snp_map]

        g_nts = sp.array(chrom_d['nts'])
        ss_nts = (ssg['nts'][...]).astype(util.nts_u_dtype)
        betas = ssg['betas'][...]
        log_odds = ssg['log_odds'][...]

        if 'freqs' in ssg:
            ss_freqs = ssg['freqs'][...]

        g_ss_nt_concord_count = sp.sum(
            g_nts[g_snp_map] == ss_nts[ss_snp_map]) / 2.0
        if validation_genotype_file is not None:
            vg_ss_nt_concord_count = sp.sum(vg_nts_ok == ss_nts[ss_snp_map]) / 2.0
            g_vg_nt_concord_count = sp.sum(g_nts[g_snp_map] == vg_nts_ok) / 2.0
            if debug:
                print('Nucleotide concordance counts out of %d genotypes, vg-rg: %d ; vg-ss: %d' % (len(g_snp_map), g_vg_nt_concord_count, vg_ss_nt_concord_count))
            tot_vg_ss_nt_concord_count += vg_ss_nt_concord_count
            tot_g_vg_nt_concord_count += g_vg_nt_concord_count
        tot_g_ss_nt_concord_count += g_ss_nt_concord_count
        if debug:
            print('Nucleotide concordance counts out of %d genotypes, rg-ss: %d' % (len(g_snp_map), g_ss_nt_concord_count))

        num_freq_discrep_filtered_snps = 0
        num_non_matching_nts = 0
        num_non_supported_nts = 0
        num_ambig_nts = 0

        # Identifying which SNPs have nucleotides that are ok..
        ok_nts = []
        ok_indices = {'g': [], 'ss': []}
        if validation_genotype_file is not None:

        #Now loop over SNPs to coordinate nucleotides.        
        if validation_genotype_file is not None:
            for g_i, vg_i, ss_i in zip(g_snp_map, vg_snp_map, ss_snp_map):
                # To make sure, is the SNP id the same?
                assert g_sids[g_i] == vg_sids[vg_i] == ss_sids[ss_i], 'Some issues with coordinating the genotypes.'
                g_nt = g_nts[g_i]
                if not skip_coordination:
                    vg_nt = vg_nts[vg_i]
                    ss_nt = ss_nts[ss_i]
                    # Is the nucleotide ambiguous.
                    g_nt = [g_nts[g_i][0], g_nts[g_i][1]]
                    if tuple(g_nt) in util.ambig_nts:
                        num_ambig_nts += 1
                    # First check if nucleotide is sane?
                    if (not g_nt[0] in util.valid_nts) or (not g_nt[1] in util.valid_nts):
                        num_non_supported_nts += 1
                    os_g_nt = sp.array(
                        [util.opp_strand_dict[g_nt[0]], util.opp_strand_dict[g_nt[1]]])
                    flip_nts = False
                    #Coordination is a bit more complicate when validation genotypes are provided..
                    if not ((sp.all(g_nt == ss_nt) or sp.all(os_g_nt == ss_nt)) and (sp.all(g_nt == vg_nt) or sp.all(os_g_nt == vg_nt))):
                        if sp.all(g_nt == vg_nt) or sp.all(os_g_nt == vg_nt):
                            flip_nts = (g_nt[1] == ss_nt[0] and g_nt[0] == ss_nt[1]) or (
                                os_g_nt[1] == ss_nt[0] and os_g_nt[0] == ss_nt[1])
                            # Try flipping the SS nt
                            if flip_nts:
                                betas[ss_i] = -betas[ss_i]
                                log_odds[ss_i] = -log_odds[ss_i]
                                if 'freqs' in ssg:
                                    ss_freqs[ss_i] = 1 - ss_freqs[ss_i]
                                if debug:
                                    print("Nucleotides don't match after all?: g_sid=%s, ss_sid=%s, g_i=%d, ss_i=%d, g_nt=%s, ss_nt=%s" % \
                                          (g_sids[g_i], ss_sids[ss_i], g_i,
                                           ss_i, str(g_nt), str(ss_nt)))
                                num_non_matching_nts += 1
                            num_non_matching_nts += 1
                            # Opposite strand nucleotides
                # everything seems ok.
            for g_i, ss_i in zip(g_snp_map, ss_snp_map):
                # To make sure, is the SNP id the same?
                assert g_sids[g_i] == ss_sids[ss_i], 'Some issues with coordinating the genotypes.'
                g_nt = g_nts[g_i]
                if not skip_coordination:
                    ss_nt = ss_nts[ss_i]
                    # Is the nucleotide ambiguous.
                    g_nt = [g_nts[g_i][0], g_nts[g_i][1]]
                    if tuple(g_nt) in util.ambig_nts:
                        num_ambig_nts += 1
                    # First check if nucleotide is sane?
                    if (not g_nt[0] in util.valid_nts) or (not g_nt[1] in util.valid_nts):
                        num_non_matching_nts += 1
                    os_g_nt = sp.array(
                        [util.opp_strand_dict[g_nt[0]], util.opp_strand_dict[g_nt[1]]])
                    flip_nts = False
                    #Coordination is a bit more complicate when validation genotypes are provided..
                    if not sp.all(g_nt == ss_nt) or sp.all(os_g_nt == ss_nt):
                        flip_nts = (g_nt[1] == ss_nt[0] and g_nt[0] == ss_nt[1]) or (
                            os_g_nt[1] == ss_nt[0] and os_g_nt[0] == ss_nt[1])
                        # Try flipping the SS nt
                        if flip_nts:
                            betas[ss_i] = -betas[ss_i]
                            log_odds[ss_i] = -log_odds[ss_i]
                            if 'freqs' in ssg and ss_freqs[ss_i]>0:
                                ss_freqs[ss_i] = 1.0 - ss_freqs[ss_i]
                            if debug:
                                print("Nucleotides don't match after all?: g_sid=%s, ss_sid=%s, g_i=%d, ss_i=%d, g_nt=%s, ss_nt=%s" % \
                                      (g_sids[g_i], ss_sids[ss_i], g_i,
                                       ss_i, str(g_nt), str(ss_nt)))
                            num_non_matching_nts += 1
                # everything seems ok.
        if debug:
            print('%d SNPs had ambiguous nucleotides.' % num_ambig_nts)
            print('%d SNPs were excluded due to nucleotide issues.' % num_non_matching_nts)

        # Resorting by position
        positions = sp.array(chrom_d['positions'])[ok_indices['g']]

        # Now parse SNPs ..
        snp_indices = sp.array(chrom_d['snp_indices'])
        # Pinpoint where the SNPs are in the file.
        snp_indices = snp_indices[ok_indices['g']]
        raw_snps, freqs = plinkfiles.parse_plink_snps(
            reference_genotype_file, snp_indices)
        snp_stds = sp.sqrt(2 * freqs * (1 - freqs))
        snp_means = freqs * 2

        betas = betas[ok_indices['ss']]  
        log_odds = log_odds[ok_indices['ss']]  

        ns = ssg['ns'][...][ok_indices['ss']]
        ps = ssg['ps'][...][ok_indices['ss']]
        nts = sp.array(ok_nts)  
        sids = (ssg['sids'][...]).astype(util.sids_u_dtype)
        sids = sids[ok_indices['ss']]

        #Parse validation genotypes, if available
        if validation_genotype_file is not None:
            snp_indices_val = sp.array(chrom_d_val['snp_indices'])
            # Pinpoint where the SNPs are in the file.
            snp_indices_val = snp_indices_val[ok_indices['vg']]
            raw_snps_val, freqs_val = plinkfiles.parse_plink_snps(
                validation_genotype_file, snp_indices_val)
            snp_stds_val = sp.sqrt(2 * freqs_val * (1 - freqs_val))
            snp_means_val = freqs_val * 2

        # Check SNP frequencies, screen for possible problems..
        if max_freq_discrep<1 and 'freqs' in ssg:
            ss_freqs = ss_freqs[ok_indices['ss']]
            ok_freq_snps = sp.logical_or(sp.absolute(ss_freqs - freqs) < max_freq_discrep,sp.absolute(ss_freqs + freqs-1) < max_freq_discrep) #Array of np.bool values
            ok_freq_snps = sp.logical_or(ok_freq_snps,ss_freqs<=0) #Only consider SNPs that actually have frequencies
            num_freq_discrep_filtered_snps = len(ok_freq_snps)- sp.sum(ok_freq_snps)
            assert num_freq_discrep_filtered_snps>=0, "Problems when filtering SNPs with frequency discrepencies"
            if num_freq_discrep_filtered_snps>0:
                # Filter freq_discrepancy_snps
                raw_snps = raw_snps[ok_freq_snps]
                snp_stds = snp_stds[ok_freq_snps]
                snp_means = snp_means[ok_freq_snps]
                freqs = freqs[ok_freq_snps]
                ps = ps[ok_freq_snps]
                ns = ns[ok_freq_snps]
                positions = positions[ok_freq_snps]
                nts = nts[ok_freq_snps]
                sids = sids[ok_freq_snps]
                betas = betas[ok_freq_snps]
                log_odds = log_odds[ok_freq_snps]
                if validation_genotype_file is not None:
                    raw_snps_val = raw_snps_val[ok_freq_snps]
                    snp_stds_val = snp_stds_val[ok_freq_snps]
                    snp_means_val = snp_means_val[ok_freq_snps]
                    freqs_val = freqs_val[ok_freq_snps]
            if debug:
                print('Filtered %d SNPs due to frequency discrepancies'%num_freq_discrep_filtered_snps)

        # Filter minor allele frequency SNPs.
        maf_filter = (freqs > min_maf) * (freqs < (1 - min_maf))
        num_maf_filtered_snps = len(maf_filter)-sp.sum(maf_filter)
        assert num_maf_filtered_snps>=0, "Problems when filtering SNPs with low minor allele frequencies"
        if num_maf_filtered_snps>0:
            raw_snps = raw_snps[maf_filter]
            snp_stds = snp_stds[maf_filter]
            snp_means = snp_means[maf_filter]
            freqs = freqs[maf_filter]
            ps = ps[maf_filter]
            ns = ns[maf_filter]
            positions = positions[maf_filter]
            nts = nts[maf_filter]
            sids = sids[maf_filter]
            betas = betas[maf_filter]
            log_odds = log_odds[maf_filter]
            if validation_genotype_file is not None:
                raw_snps_val = raw_snps_val[maf_filter]
                snp_stds_val = snp_stds_val[maf_filter]
                snp_means_val = snp_means_val[maf_filter]
                freqs_val = freqs_val[maf_filter]
            if debug:
                print('Filtered %d SNPs due to low MAF'%num_maf_filtered_snps)

        genetic_map = []
        if genetic_map_dir is not None:
            with gzip.open(genetic_map_dir + 'chr%d.interpolated_genetic_map.gz' % chrom) as f:
                for line in f:
                    l = line.split()
#                     if l[0] in sid_set:
#                         genetic_map.append(l[0])
            genetic_map = None

        coord_data_dict = {'chrom': 'chrom_%d' % chrom, 
                           'raw_snps_ref': raw_snps, 
                           'snp_stds_ref': snp_stds, 
                           'snp_means_ref': snp_means, 
                           'freqs_ref': freqs,
                           'ps': ps,
                           'ns': ns,
                           'positions': positions,
                           'nts': nts,
                           'sids': sids,
                           'genetic_map': genetic_map,
                           'betas': betas,
                           'log_odds': log_odds}
        if validation_genotype_file is not None:
            maf_adj_prs = sp.dot(log_odds, raw_snps_val)
            if debug and plinkf_dict_val['has_phenotype']:
                maf_adj_corr = sp.corrcoef(plinkf_dict_val['phenotypes'], maf_adj_prs)[0, 1]
                print('Log odds, per genotype PRS correlation w phenotypes for chromosome %d was %0.4f' % (chrom, maf_adj_corr))
            maf_adj_risk_scores += maf_adj_prs
        write_coord_data(cord_data_g, coord_data_dict, debug=debug)
        if debug:
            print('%d SNPs were retained on chromosome %d.' % (len(sids), chrom))
        num_snps_common_before_filtering += len(common_sids)
        num_snps_common_after_filtering += len(sids)
        tot_num_ambig_nts += num_ambig_nts
        tot_num_non_supported_nts += num_non_supported_nts
        tot_num_non_matching_nts += num_non_matching_nts
        tot_num_freq_discrep_filtered_snps += num_freq_discrep_filtered_snps
        tot_num_maf_filtered_snps += num_maf_filtered_snps

    if not debug:
        sys.stdout.write('\r%0.2f%%\n' % (100.0))

    # Now calculate the prediction r^2
    if validation_genotype_file:
        if debug and plinkf_dict_val['has_phenotype']:
            maf_adj_corr = sp.corrcoef(
                plinkf_dict_val['phenotypes'], maf_adj_risk_scores)[0, 1]
            print('Log odds, per PRS correlation for the whole genome was %0.4f (r^2=%0.4f)' % (maf_adj_corr, maf_adj_corr ** 2))
            print('Overall nucleotide concordance counts: rg_vg: %d, rg_ss: %d, vg_ss: %d' % (tot_g_vg_nt_concord_count, tot_g_ss_nt_concord_count, tot_vg_ss_nt_concord_count))
        if debug:
            print('Overall nucleotide concordance counts, rg_ss: %d' % (tot_g_ss_nt_concord_count))        
    summary_dict[7]={'name':'Num chromosomes used:','value':len(chromosomes_found)}
    summary_dict[8]={'name':'SNPs common across datasets:','value':num_snps_common_before_filtering}
    summary_dict[9]={'name':'SNPs retained after filtering:','value':num_snps_common_after_filtering}
    if tot_num_ambig_nts>0:
        summary_dict[10]={'name':'SNPs w ambiguous nucleotides filtered:','value':tot_num_ambig_nts}
    if tot_num_non_supported_nts>0:
        summary_dict[10.1]={'name':'SNPs w unknown/unsupported nucleotides filtered:','value':tot_num_non_supported_nts}
    if tot_num_non_matching_nts>0:
        summary_dict[11]={'name':'SNPs w other nucleotide discrepancies filtered:','value':tot_num_non_matching_nts}
    if min_maf>0:
        summary_dict[12]={'name':'SNPs w MAF<%0.3f filtered:'%min_maf,'value':tot_num_maf_filtered_snps}
    if max_freq_discrep<0.5:
        summary_dict[13]={'name':'SNPs w allele freq discrepancy > %0.3f filtered:'%max_freq_discrep,'value':tot_num_freq_discrep_filtered_snps}

    t1 = time.time()
    t = (t1 - t0)
    summary_dict[13.9]={'name':'dash', 'value':'Running times'}
    summary_dict[15]={'name':'Run time for coordinating datasets:','value': '%d min and %0.2f sec'%(t / 60, t % 60)}
def add_genewise_score(icd_gene_clinical, rand_score, measure, nrand, alterations):
    all_mend_gn = mendelian_code.get_mendelian_genes(icd_gene_clinical)
    for alt in rand_score:
        ### add genewise scores
        genewise_score = rand_score[alt]['disease_score'].copy(deep=True)
        genewise_score.iloc[:,:] = 1
        #disease_score = rand_score[alt]['disease_score'].copy(deep=True)
        #disease_score.iloc[:,:] = 1
        gene_winner = [['']*rand_score[alt]['disease_score'].shape[1] for i in range(len(icd_gene_clinical))]
        gene_connect = [['']*rand_score[alt]['disease_score'].shape[1] for i in range(len(icd_gene_clinical))]        
        set_connected = [['']*rand_score[alt]['disease_score'].shape[1] for i in range(len(icd_gene_clinical))]
        set_connection = [['']*rand_score[alt]['disease_score'].shape[1] for i in range(len(icd_gene_clinical))]        

        for row, md in enumerate(rand_score[alt]['disease_score'].index):
            #mend_gn = icd_gene_clinical[md]['gene_omim'].keys()
            #if alt == 'del_peak' and md == 'Specified Anomalies of the Musculoskeletal System':
            #    pdb.set_trace()
            mend_gn = [g for g in all_mend_gn if g in icd_gene_clinical[md]['gene_omim']]

            if len(mend_gn) == 0: continue
            gene_scores = rand_score[alt]['gene_score'].loc[mend_gn,:]

            #B background_set =  set(background[alt].index) - set(mend_gn)
            #B background_probability = [0]*gene_scores.shape[1]
            #B gscore_vs_background = [0]*gene_scores.shape[1]
            gene_sp = ['']*gene_scores.shape[1]
            connect = ['']*gene_scores.shape[1]
            set_gene_con = ['']*gene_scores.shape[1]
            set_connect = ['']*gene_scores.shape[1]
            genewise_score.iloc[row,:] = gene_scores.min(axis=0)    
            gsa = np.array(gene_scores)
            gsel = np.nonzero(scipy.logical_and(scipy.logical_or(gsa == scipy.tile(gsa.min(axis=0), (gsa.shape[0],1)),
                                                                gsa <= .05*float(nrand)),
                                                gsa < nrand))

            for (c_i, c) in enumerate(gene_scores.columns):
                #B background_genes = background_set - alterations[alt][c][1]
                #B p = (background[alt].loc[background_genes, c] < .05).sum()/float(len(background_genes))
                #B background_probability[c_i] =p
                #B n_siggene = (gene_scores.loc[:,c] < .05*float(nrand)).sum(axis=0)
                #B gscore_vs_background[c_i] = 1 - stats.binom.cdf(n_siggene - 1, gene_scores.shape[0], p)
                #B if n_siggene == 0:
                #B    gscore_vs_background[c_i] = 1.0
                genes =[]
                conns = []
                for i in gsel[0][gsel[1]==c_i]:
                    g = gene_scores.index[i]
                    genes += [g]
                    conns += [measure[alt]['connection'][all_mend_gn.index(g)][c_i].strip(',')]
                gene_sp[c_i] = ','.join(genes)
                connect[c_i] = ';'.join(conns)
                genes = []
                conns = []
                #if (md =='"Pervasive, Specified Congenital Anomalies"' ) and (c == 'GBM'): pdb.set_trace()
                for g in gene_scores.index:
                    c_conn = measure[alt]['connection'][all_mend_gn.index(g)][c_i].strip(",")
                    if not c_conn == '':
                        genes += [g]
                        conns += [c_conn]
                set_gene_con[c_i] = ','.join(genes)
                set_connect[c_i] = ';'.join(conns)

            #B genewise_score.iloc[row,:] = gscore_vs_background
            gene_winner[row] = gene_sp
            gene_connect[row] = connect
            set_connected[row] = set_gene_con
            set_connection[row] = set_connect

        rand_score[alt]['genewise_disease_score'] = genewise_score*1/float(nrand)
        rand_score[alt]['genewise_disease_best'] = gene_winner
        rand_score[alt]['genewise_disease_connect'] = gene_connect
        rand_score[alt]['set_connected'] = set_connected
        rand_score[alt]['set_connection'] = set_connection
Exemple #34
def scale_by_cal(Data, scale_t_ave=True, scale_f_ave=False, sub_med=False,
                 scale_f_ave_mod=False, rotate=False) :
    """Puts all data in units of the cal temperature.
    Data is put into units of the cal temperature, thus removing dependence on
    the gain.  This can be done by dividing by the time average of the cal
    (scale_t_ave=True, Default) thus removing dependence on the frequency-
    dependant gain.  Alternatively, you can scale by the frequency average to
    remove the time-dependent gain (scale_f_ave=True). Data is then in units of
    the frequency averaged cal temperture. You can also do both (recommended).
    After some scaling the data ends up in units of the cal temperture as a
    funciton of frequency.

    Optionally you can also subtract the time average of the data off here
    (subtract_time_median), since you might be done with the cal information at
    this point.
    on_ind = 0
    off_ind = 1
    if (Data.field['CAL'][on_ind] != 'T' or
        Data.field['CAL'][off_ind] != 'F') :
            raise ce.DataError('Cal states not in expected order.')
    if tuple(Data.field['CRVAL4']) == (-5, -7, -8, -6) :
        # Here we check the polarizations and cal indicies
        xx_ind = 0
        yy_ind = 3
        xy_inds = [1,2]
        # A bunch of calculations used to test phase closure.  Not acctually
        # relevant to what is being done here.
        #a = (Data.data[5, xy_inds, on_ind, 15:20]
        #     - Data.data[5, xy_inds, off_ind, 15:20])
        #a /= sp.sqrt( Data.data[5, xx_ind, on_ind, 15:20] 
        #              - Data.data[5, xx_ind, off_ind, 15:20])
        #a /= sp.sqrt( Data.data[5, yy_ind, on_ind, 15:20] 
        #              - Data.data[5, yy_ind, off_ind, 15:20])
        #print a[0,:]**2 + a[1,:]**2
        diff_xx = Data.data[:,xx_ind,on_ind,:] - Data.data[:,xx_ind,off_ind,:]
        diff_yy = Data.data[:,yy_ind,on_ind,:] - Data.data[:,yy_ind,off_ind,:]
        if scale_t_ave :
            # Find the cal means (in time) and scale by them.
            # Means work much better than medians.  Medians seems to bias the
            # result by up to 10%.  This seems to be discretization noise.  Cal
            # switches fast enough that we shouldn't need this anyway.
            cal_tmed_xx = ma.mean(diff_xx, 0)
            cal_tmed_yy = ma.mean(diff_yy, 0)
            cal_tmed_xx[sp.logical_or(cal_tmed_xx<=0, cal_tmed_yy<=0)] = ma.masked
            cal_tmed_yy[cal_tmed_xx.mask] = ma.masked

            Data.data[:,xx_ind,:,:] /= cal_tmed_xx
            Data.data[:,yy_ind,:,:] /= cal_tmed_yy
            Data.data[:,xy_inds,:,:] /= ma.sqrt(cal_tmed_yy*cal_tmed_xx)

        if scale_f_ave :
            # The frequency gains have have systematic structure to them, 
            # they are not by any approximation gaussian distributed.  Use
            # means, not medians across frequency.
            operation = ma.mean
            cal_fmea_xx = operation(diff_xx, -1)
            cal_fmea_yy = operation(diff_yy, -1)
            # Flag data with wierd cal power.  Still Experimental.
            cal_fmea_xx[sp.logical_or(cal_fmea_xx<=0,cal_fmea_yy<=0)] = ma.masked
            cal_fmea_yy[cal_fmea_xx.mask] = ma.masked
            cal_xx = ma.mean(cal_fmea_xx)
            cal_yy = ma.mean(cal_fmea_yy)
            cal_fmea_xx[sp.logical_or(abs(cal_fmea_xx.anom()) >= 0.1*cal_xx,
                            abs(cal_fmea_yy.anom()) >= 0.1*cal_yy)] = ma.masked
            cal_fmea_yy[cal_fmea_xx.mask] = ma.masked
            ntime = len(cal_fmea_xx)
            cal_fmea_xx.shape = (ntime, 1, 1)
            cal_fmea_yy.shape = (ntime, 1, 1)
            Data.data[:,xx_ind,:,:] /= cal_fmea_xx
            Data.data[:,yy_ind,:,:] /= cal_fmea_yy
            cal_fmea_xx.shape = (ntime, 1, 1, 1)
            cal_fmea_yy.shape = (ntime, 1, 1, 1)
            Data.data[:,xy_inds,:,:] /= ma.sqrt(cal_fmea_yy*cal_fmea_xx)

        if scale_f_ave_mod :
            # The frequency gains have have systematic structure to them, 
            # they are not by any approximation gaussian distributed.  Use
            # means, not medians across frequency.
            operation = ma.mean
            cal_fmea_xx = operation(diff_xx, -1)
            cal_fmea_yy = operation(diff_yy, -1)
            cal_fmea_xx_off = operation(Data.data[:,xx_ind,off_ind,:], -1)
            cal_fmea_yy_off = operation(Data.data[:,yy_ind,off_ind,:], -1)

            sys_xx = cal_fmea_xx_off/cal_fmea_xx
            sys_yy = cal_fmea_yy_off/cal_fmea_yy
            percent_ok = 0.03
            sys_xx_tmed = ma.median(sys_xx)
            sys_yy_tmed = ma.median(sys_yy)

            maskbad_xx = (sys_xx > sys_xx_tmed + sys_xx_tmed*percent_ok)|(sys_xx < sys_xx_tmed - sys_xx_tmed*percent_ok)
            maskbad_yy = (sys_yy > sys_yy_tmed + sys_yy_tmed*percent_ok)|(sys_yy < sys_yy_tmed - sys_yy_tmed*percent_ok)

            cal_fmea_xx[sp.logical_or(cal_fmea_xx<=0,cal_fmea_yy<=0)] = ma.masked
            cal_fmea_yy[cal_fmea_xx.mask] = ma.masked
            cal_fmea_xx[maskbad_xx] = ma.masked
            cal_fmea_yy[maskbad_yy] = ma.masked  
            cal_xx = ma.mean(cal_fmea_xx)
            cal_yy = ma.mean(cal_fmea_yy)

            ntime = len(cal_fmea_xx)
            cal_fmea_xx.shape = (ntime, 1, 1)
            cal_fmea_yy.shape = (ntime, 1, 1)
            Data.data[:,xx_ind,:,:] /= cal_fmea_xx
            Data.data[:,yy_ind,:,:] /= cal_fmea_yy
            cal_fmea_xx.shape = (ntime, 1, 1, 1)
            cal_fmea_yy.shape = (ntime, 1, 1, 1)
            Data.data[:,xy_inds,:,:] /= ma.sqrt(cal_fmea_yy*cal_fmea_xx) 

        if scale_f_ave and scale_t_ave :
            # We have devided out t_cal twice so we need to put one factor back
            # in.
            cal_xx = operation(cal_tmed_xx)
            cal_yy = operation(cal_tmed_yy)
            Data.data[:,xx_ind,:,:] *= cal_xx
            Data.data[:,yy_ind,:,:] *= cal_yy
            Data.data[:,xy_inds,:,:] *= ma.sqrt(cal_yy*cal_xx)

        if scale_f_ave_mod and scale_t_ave :
            #Same divide out twice problem.
            cal_xx = operation(cal_tmed_xx)
            cal_yy = operation(cal_tmed_yy)
            Data.data[:,xx_ind,:,:] *= cal_xxcal_imag_mean
            Data.data[:,yy_ind,:,:] *= cal_yy
            Data.data[:,xy_inds,:,:] *= ma.sqrt(cal_yy*cal_xx)
        if scale_f_ave and scale_f_ave_mod :
            raise ce.DataError("time averaging twice") 

        if rotate:
            # Define the differential cal phase to be zero and rotate all data
            # such that this is true.
            cal_real_mean = ma.mean(Data.data[:,1,0,:] - Data.data[:,1,1,:], 0)
            cal_imag_mean = ma.mean(Data.data[:,2,0,:] - Data.data[:,2,1,:], 0)
            # Get the cal phase angle as a function of frequency.
            cal_phase = -ma.arctan2(cal_imag_mean, cal_real_mean)

            # Rotate such that the cal phase is zero. Imperative to have a
            # temporary variable.
            New_data_real = (ma.cos(cal_phase) * Data.data[:,1,:,:]
                             - ma.sin(cal_phase) * Data.data[:,2,:,:])
            New_data_imag = (ma.sin(cal_phase) * Data.data[:,1,:,:]
                             + ma.cos(cal_phase) * Data.data[:,2,:,:])
            Data.data[:,1,:,:] = New_data_real
            Data.data[:,2,:,:] = New_data_imag

    elif tuple(Data.field['CRVAL4']) == (1, 2, 3, 4) :
        # For the shot term, just devide everything by on-off in I.
        I_ind = 0
        cal_I_t = Data.data[:,I_ind,on_ind,:] - Data.data[:,I_ind,off_ind,:]
        cal_I = ma.mean(cal_I_t, 0)

        Data.data /= cal_I
    else :
        raise ce.DataError("Unsupported polarization states.")

    # Subtract the time median if desired.
    if sub_med :
        Data.data -= ma.median(Data.data, 0)
def get_LFP_RT(dates,blocks,key,sequential=False,task='multi',**kwargs):
    Assumes code structure is 2,15, cotarg, lfptarg, 28, 5,6,7,9,30
    This take RT as (28) - lfptarg 

    sequential = true returns a 1d array with RT and targets 
    in the order that they occurred
    if key.LFP_only:
        rew_key = key.lfp_only_rew
        rew_key = key.rew

    if ('use_kin_strobed' in kwargs.keys() and kwargs['use_kin_strobed']):
        backup_ext = ''
        print 'using kin'
        backup_ext = '_kin'

    if task=='phaseBMI':
        targ_keys = [64, 68]

        targ_keys = key.lfp_targ

    n = []
    RT = dict()
    # for tg in targ_keys:
    #   RT[tg]=np.empty((1,))
    if 'anim' in kwargs.keys():
        anim = kwargs['anim']
        anim = 'seba'

    for d,day in enumerate(dates):
        for b,bl in enumerate(blocks[d][0]):
            fname = anim+day+bl+fname_ext+'.mat'
            fname_backup = anim+day+bl+backup_ext+'.mat'
                d = sio.loadmat(key.pre+fname,variable_names='Strobed')
                print 'loading kin'
                d = sio.loadmat(key.pre+fname_backup, variable_names='Strobed')

            print 'fname: ', fname
            strobed = d['Strobed']

            if task=='multi': #Get reward trials
                tsk_ind = np.nonzero(strobed[:,1]==rew_key)[0]

            elif task=='cue_flash': #Get init trials
                tsk_ind = np.nonzero(strobed[:,1]==key.mc_go)[0]

            elif scipy.logical_or(task == 'mc', task=='MC'): 
                tsk_ind = np.nonzero(strobed[:,1]==rew_key)[0]

            elif task=='phaseBMI':
                tsk_ind = np.nonzero(strobed[:,1]==rew_key)[0]

            init = np.empty((len(tsk_ind),))
            targ = np.empty((len(tsk_ind),))

            go_cue_time = np.empty((len(tsk_ind),))

            for j,t_ind in enumerate(tsk_ind):
                if key.LFP_only:
                    start = np.max([t_ind - 4, 0])

                elif task=='multi':
                    start = np.max([t_ind - 8, 0])

                elif task=='cue_flash':
                    start = np.max([t_ind - 5, 0])

                elif task == 'mc':
                    start = np.max([t_ind - 4, 0])

                elif task == 'phaseBMI':
                    start = np.max([t_ind - 7, 0])

                tmp = strobed[start:t_ind,1] #Codes from trial
                    init_ind = start+[i for i,t in enumerate(list(tmp)) if np.any(t==targ_keys)][-1]
                    init[j] = int(init_ind) #Target index in strobed
                    targ[j] = strobed[int(init[j]),1] #LFP target ID

                    if key.LFP_only:
                        go_cue_time[j] = strobed[int(t_ind)-2,0]
                    elif task=='phaseBMI':
                        go_cue_time[j] = strobed[int(t_ind)-3, 0]
                        go_cue_time[j] = 0 #Generated in other functions

                    print goose
                    print 'help!'

            #Take diff between time entered into periphery (code 28) and init (codes 84-87): 
            rt = strobed[init.astype(int)+1,0] - strobed[init.astype(int),0]

            if 'RT_sequ' in locals():
                RT_sequ = np.hstack((RT_sequ,rt))
                targ_sequ = np.hstack((targ_sequ,targ))
                go_cue_sequ = np.hstack((go_cue_sequ, go_cue_time))
                RT_sequ = rt
                targ_sequ = targ
                go_cue_sequ = go_cue_time

            for t,tg in enumerate(targ_keys):
                targ_ind = np.nonzero(targ==tg)[0]
                if tg in RT.keys():
                    RT[tg] = np.hstack((RT[tg],rt[targ_ind]))
                    RT[tg] = rt[targ_ind]

        print 'done with ' + day +'!'
    if sequential and key.LFP_only:
        return RT_sequ, targ_sequ, n, go_cue_sequ
    elif sequential and task=='phaseBMI':
        return RT_sequ, targ_sequ, n, go_cue_sequ

    elif sequential:
        return RT_sequ, targ_sequ, n
        return RT, n
def RT_files(dates,blocks,key,fname,sequential=True,task='multi',key_save=None, **kwargs):
    sequ = dict()

    if 'only_basics' in kwargs.keys():
        abs_time_go, n = get_MC_RTs(dates,blocks,key,sequential=True,task=task,**kwargs)
        trial_type = 0

    if 'only_basics_plus_MC' in kwargs.keys():
        abs_time_go, n, MC_label = get_MC_RTs(dates,blocks,key,sequential=True,task=task,**kwargs)
        trial_type = 0
        sequ['MC_label'] = MC_label

        if task=='LFP_only': #NOT IMPLEMENTED ELSEWHERE, fix
            LFP_RT, LFP_label, n, abs_time_go = get_LFP_RT(dates,blocks,key,sequential=True,task=task,**kwargs) 
            sequ['LFP_RT'] = LFP_RT
            sequ['LFP_label'] = LFP_label
        elif scipy.logical_or(task=='MC',task=='mc'):
            MC1_RT, MC2_RT, MC_label, LFP_label, abs_time_go, n, trial_type = get_MC_RTs(dates,blocks,key,
            sequ['MC1_RT'] = MC1_RT
            sequ['MC2_RT'] = MC2_RT
            sequ['MC_label'] = MC_label

        elif task == 'targ_jump':
            MC1_RT, MC2_RT, MC_label1, MC_label2, abs_time_go, n, trial_type = get_MC_RTs(dates,blocks,key,
            #Here, MC1 = 5--> 6, MC2 = t2 -->7
            #MC_label1 = MC targ 1
            #MC_label2 = MC targ 2
            sequ['MC1_RT'] = MC1_RT
            sequ['MC2_RT'] = MC2_RT
            sequ['MC_label1'] = MC_label1
            sequ['MC_label2'] = MC_label2

        elif task == 'phaseBMI':
            phase_RT, phase_label, n, abs_time_go = get_LFP_RT(dates,blocks,key,sequential=True, 
            sequ['phase_RT'] = phase_RT
            sequ['phase_label'] = phase_label
            trial_type = np.ones((np.sum(n),))+8    

            LFP_RT, LFP_label, n = get_LFP_RT(dates,blocks,key,sequential=True,task=task,**kwargs)
            MC1_RT, MC2_RT, MC_label, LFP_label, abs_time_go, n, trial_type = get_MC_RTs(dates,blocks,key,
            sequ['MC1_RT'] = MC1_RT
            sequ['MC2_RT'] = MC2_RT
            sequ['MC_label'] = MC_label
            sequ['LFP_RT'] = LFP_RT
            sequ['LFP_label'] = LFP_label
    sequ['abs_time_go'] = abs_time_go
    sequ['n'] = n
    sequ['trial_type'] = trial_type
    if fname is not False:
        if key_save is None:
        return sequ
    nc       = Dataset(os.path.join(path,filename),mode='r')
    time = num2date(nc.variables['time'][:],nc.variables['time'].units)
    G = nc.groups
    OBS  = G['OBS_d22']

    os.system('mkdir -p '+ppath+varname)

# Specify which WM sensor to use for validation
        sensor = bestWMsensor[station]
    except KeyError:
        sensor = 0

    obs = ma.array(OBS.variables[varname][sensor])
    obs.data[obs.mask==True] = sp.nan # make sure all masked values are nan 
    obs.mask = sp.logical_or(obs.mask, sp.isnan(obs.data))
    units = OBS.variables[varname].units

    if (all(sp.isnan(obs.data)) or all(obs.mask==True)):
        print 'no data for '+station+' during '+timestr

    # select variable from  each model:
    modeldata = select_var_from_models(G,varname)

    # append to list for all stations:
    for gname, var in modeldata.iteritems():
        if gname in mod_all.keys():
Exemple #38
def get_psi_map(e, plot=True, t_val=None):
    ''' Get Psi map only in confined region. 
    The first argument is an 'eqtools' tree, the second the time [s] to get psi map at. 
    if plot and t_val is None:
        print('Plotting at t=1.2 s')
        t_val = 1.2

    times = e.getTimeBase()

    # get major radius on axis
    R0 = e.getMagR()

    # flux on R,Z grids
    psiRZ = e.getFluxGrid()
    rGrid = e.getRGrid(length_unit='m')
    zGrid = e.getZGrid(length_unit='m')

    # coordinates along LCFS
    RLCFS = e.getRLCFS(length_unit='m')
    ZLCFS = e.getZLCFS(length_unit='m')

    # find center (largest flux)
    R0 = e.getMagR()
    Z0 = e.getMagZ()
    psiRZ_masked = np.zeros_like(psiRZ)

    # interpolate psiRZ on denser grid
    Rdense = np.linspace(np.min(rGrid), np.max(rGrid), 200)
    Zdense = np.linspace(np.min(zGrid), np.max(zGrid), 250)

    RR, ZZ = np.meshgrid(Rdense, Zdense)
    psinormRZ_dense = e.rz2phinorm(
        RR, ZZ, times, sqrt=True)  #normalized sqrt of poloidal flux coordinate

    # conditions used to identify the confined plasma region at every time step
    cond1 = np.stack([ZZ<np.min(ZLCFS[t_idxx,\
                      for t_idxx in range(len(times))])
    cond2 = np.stack([ZZ>np.max(ZLCFS[t_idxx,\
                                      scipy.where(scipy.logical_or(RLCFS[t_idxx,:] > 0.0,scipy.isnan(RLCFS[t_idxx,:])))[0]])\
                      for t_idxx in range(len(times))])

    mask = np.logical_or(
        np.logical_or(np.logical_or(cond1, cond2), psinormRZ_dense > 1),
    psinormRZ_masked = np.ma.masked_array(psinormRZ_dense,

    if plot:
        # plot at a specific time, given by the user
        t_idx = np.argmin(np.abs(times - t_val))

        maskarr = scipy.where(
            scipy.logical_or(RLCFS[t_idx] > 0.0, scipy.isnan(RLCFS[t_idx])))
        RLCFSframe = RLCFS[t_idx, maskarr[0]]
        ZLCFSframe = ZLCFS[t_idx, maskarr[0]]

        fluxPlot = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 11))
        gs = mplgs.GridSpec(2, 1, height_ratios=[30, 1])
        psi = fluxPlot.add_subplot(gs[0, 0])
        xlim = psi.get_xlim()
        ylim = psi.get_ylim()

        # dummy plot to get x,ylims
        psi.contour(rGrid, zGrid, psiRZ[0], 1)

        # add LCFS contour
        psi.plot(RLCFSframe, ZLCFSframe, 'r', linewidth=2.0, zorder=3)

        # plot masked flux surfaces
        psi.contourf(Rdense, Zdense, psinormRZ_masked[t_idx, :, :])

        # plot separately the masked flux surfaces
        plt.imshow(psinormRZ_masked[t_idx, :, :])

    return psinormRZ_masked
Exemple #39

for key in mm:
        x=f.variables[key]; x.set_auto_maskandscale(True)
    except KeyError:

for tt,xx in enumerate(exp.ctl.time):
    var=exp.ctl.fromfile('ty_trans', tind=tt)

    except KeyError:
        print 'No ty_trans_gm is found.'

for l in reversed(xrange(km-1)):

ty.data+=gm.data; ty.data*=-1
Exemple #40
def coordinate_datasets(reference_genotype_file, hdf5_file, summary_dict,
                        max_freq_discrep = 0.15,
    summary_dict[3.9]={'name':'dash', 'value':'Coordination'}
    t0 = time.time()
    if validation_genotype_file is not None:
        print('Coordinating datasets (Summary statistics, LD reference genotypes, and Validation genotypes).')
        print('Coordinating datasets (Summary statistics and LD reference genotypes).')
    plinkf = plinkfile.PlinkFile(reference_genotype_file)

    # Figure out chromosomes and positions.
    if debug:
        print('Parsing plinkf_dict_val reference genotypes')
    loci = plinkf.get_loci()
    summary_dict[4]={'name':'Num individuals in LD Reference data:','value':plinkfiles.get_num_indivs(reference_genotype_file)}
    summary_dict[4.1]={'name':'SNPs in LD Reference data:','value':len(loci)}
    gf_chromosomes = [l.chromosome for l in loci]
    chromosomes = sp.unique(gf_chromosomes)

    chr_dict = plinkfiles.get_chrom_dict(loci, chromosomes)
    if validation_genotype_file is not None:
        if debug:
            print('Parsing LD validation bim file')
        plinkf_val = plinkfile.PlinkFile(validation_genotype_file)

        # Loads only the individuals... 
        plinkf_dict_val = plinkfiles.get_phenotypes(plinkf_val)
        loci_val = plinkf_val.get_loci()
        summary_dict[5]={'name':'SNPs in Validation data:','value':len(loci_val)}

        chr_dict_val = plinkfiles.get_chrom_dict(loci_val, chromosomes)

        # Open HDF5 file and prepare out data
        assert not 'iids' in hdf5_file, 'Something is wrong with the HDF5 file, no individuals IDs were found.'
        if plinkf_dict_val['has_phenotype']:
            hdf5_file.create_dataset('y', data=plinkf_dict_val['phenotypes'])
            summary_dict[6]={'name':'Num validation phenotypes:','value':plinkf_dict_val['num_individs']}
        hdf5_file.create_dataset('fids', data=sp.array(plinkf_dict_val['fids'], dtype=util.fids_dtype))
        hdf5_file.create_dataset('iids', data=sp.array(plinkf_dict_val['iids'], dtype=util.iids_dtype))

        maf_adj_risk_scores = sp.zeros(plinkf_dict_val['num_individs'])

    # Now summary statistics
    ssf = hdf5_file['sum_stats']
    cord_data_g = hdf5_file.create_group('cord_data')

    num_common_snps = 0
    # corr_list = []

    chromosomes_found = set()
    num_snps_common_before_filtering =0
    num_snps_common_after_filtering =0
    tot_num_non_matching_nts = 0
    tot_num_non_supported_nts = 0
    tot_num_ambig_nts = 0
    tot_num_freq_discrep_filtered_snps = 0
    tot_num_maf_filtered_snps = 0
    tot_g_ss_nt_concord_count = 0
    if validation_genotype_file is not None:
        tot_g_vg_nt_concord_count = 0
        tot_vg_ss_nt_concord_count = 0
    # Now iterate over chromosomes
    chrom_i = 0
    for chrom in chromosomes:
        chrom_i +=1
        if not debug:
            sys.stdout.write('\b\b\b\b\b\b\b%0.2f%%' % (100.0 * (float(chrom_i) / (len(chromosomes)+1))))
            chr_str = 'chrom_%d' % chrom
            ssg = ssf[chr_str]
        except Exception as err_str:
                print('Did not find chromosome %d in SS dataset.'%chrom)
        if debug:
            print('Coordinating data for chromosome %s' % chr_str)

        #Get summary statistics chromosome group
        ssg = ssf['chrom_%d' % chrom]
        ss_sids = (ssg['sids'][...]).astype(util.sids_u_dtype)
        if validation_genotype_file is not None:
            chrom_d_val = chr_dict_val[chr_str]
            vg_sids = chrom_d_val['sids']
            common_sids = sp.intersect1d(ss_sids, vg_sids)
            # A map from sid to index for validation data        
            vg_sid_dict = {}
            for i, sid in enumerate(vg_sids):
                vg_sid_dict[sid] = i
            common_sids = ss_sids

        # A map from sid to index for summary stats        
        ss_sid_dict = {}
        for i, sid in enumerate(ss_sids):
            ss_sid_dict[sid] = i

        #The indices to retain for the LD reference genotypes
        chrom_d = chr_dict[chr_str]
        g_sids = chrom_d['sids']
        common_sids = sp.intersect1d(common_sids, g_sids)
        # A map from sid to index for LD reference data        
        g_sid_dict = {}
        for i, sid in enumerate(g_sids):
            g_sid_dict[sid] = i

        if debug:
            print('Found %d SNPs on chrom %d that were common across all datasets' % (len(common_sids), chrom))
            print('Ordering SNPs by genomic positions (based on LD reference genotypes).')
        g_snp_map = []
        for sid in common_sids:
        # order by positions (based on LD reference file)
        g_positions = sp.array(chrom_d['positions'])[g_snp_map]
        order = sp.argsort(g_positions)

        g_snp_map = sp.array(g_snp_map)[order]
        g_snp_map = g_snp_map.tolist()
        common_sids = sp.array(common_sids)[order]

        # Get the ordered sum stats SNPs indices.
        ss_snp_map = []
        for sid in common_sids:

        # Get the ordered validation SNPs indices
        if validation_genotype_file is not None:
            vg_snp_map = []
            for sid in common_sids:
            vg_nts = sp.array(chrom_d_val['nts'])
            vg_nts_ok = sp.array(vg_nts)[vg_snp_map]

        g_nts = sp.array(chrom_d['nts'])
        ss_nts = (ssg['nts'][...]).astype(util.nts_u_dtype)
        betas = ssg['betas'][...]
        log_odds = ssg['log_odds'][...]

        if 'freqs' in ssg:
            ss_freqs = ssg['freqs'][...]

        g_ss_nt_concord_count = sp.sum(
            g_nts[g_snp_map] == ss_nts[ss_snp_map]) / 2.0
        if validation_genotype_file is not None:
            vg_ss_nt_concord_count = sp.sum(vg_nts_ok == ss_nts[ss_snp_map]) / 2.0
            g_vg_nt_concord_count = sp.sum(g_nts[g_snp_map] == vg_nts_ok) / 2.0
            if debug:
                print('Nucleotide concordance counts out of %d genotypes, vg-rg: %d ; vg-ss: %d' % (len(g_snp_map), g_vg_nt_concord_count, vg_ss_nt_concord_count))
            tot_vg_ss_nt_concord_count += vg_ss_nt_concord_count
            tot_g_vg_nt_concord_count += g_vg_nt_concord_count
        tot_g_ss_nt_concord_count += g_ss_nt_concord_count
        if debug:
            print('Nucleotide concordance counts out of %d genotypes, rg-ss: %d' % (len(g_snp_map), g_ss_nt_concord_count))

        num_freq_discrep_filtered_snps = 0
        num_non_matching_nts = 0
        num_non_supported_nts = 0
        num_ambig_nts = 0

        # Identifying which SNPs have nucleotides that are ok..
        ok_nts = []
        ok_indices = {'g': [], 'ss': []}
        if validation_genotype_file is not None:

        #Now loop over SNPs to coordinate nucleotides.        
        if validation_genotype_file is not None:
            for g_i, vg_i, ss_i in zip(g_snp_map, vg_snp_map, ss_snp_map):
                # To make sure, is the SNP id the same?
                assert g_sids[g_i] == vg_sids[vg_i] == ss_sids[ss_i], 'Some issues with coordinating the genotypes.'
                g_nt = g_nts[g_i]
                if not skip_coordination:
                    vg_nt = vg_nts[vg_i]
                    ss_nt = ss_nts[ss_i]
                    # Is the nucleotide ambiguous.
                    g_nt = [g_nts[g_i][0], g_nts[g_i][1]]
                    if tuple(g_nt) in util.ambig_nts:
                        num_ambig_nts += 1
                    # First check if nucleotide is sane?
                    if (not g_nt[0] in util.valid_nts) or (not g_nt[1] in util.valid_nts):
                        num_non_supported_nts += 1
                    os_g_nt = sp.array(
                        [util.opp_strand_dict[g_nt[0]], util.opp_strand_dict[g_nt[1]]])
                    flip_nts = False
                    #Coordination is a bit more complicate when validation genotypes are provided..
                    if not ((sp.all(g_nt == ss_nt) or sp.all(os_g_nt == ss_nt)) and (sp.all(g_nt == vg_nt) or sp.all(os_g_nt == vg_nt))):
                        if sp.all(g_nt == vg_nt) or sp.all(os_g_nt == vg_nt):
                            flip_nts = (g_nt[1] == ss_nt[0] and g_nt[0] == ss_nt[1]) or (
                                os_g_nt[1] == ss_nt[0] and os_g_nt[0] == ss_nt[1])
                            # Try flipping the SS nt
                            if flip_nts:
                                betas[ss_i] = -betas[ss_i]
                                log_odds[ss_i] = -log_odds[ss_i]
                                if 'freqs' in ssg:
                                    ss_freqs[ss_i] = 1 - ss_freqs[ss_i]
                                if debug:
                                    print("Nucleotides don't match after all?: g_sid=%s, ss_sid=%s, g_i=%d, ss_i=%d, g_nt=%s, ss_nt=%s" % \
                                          (g_sids[g_i], ss_sids[ss_i], g_i,
                                           ss_i, str(g_nt), str(ss_nt)))
                                num_non_matching_nts += 1
                            num_non_matching_nts += 1
                            # Opposite strand nucleotides
                # everything seems ok.
            for g_i, ss_i in zip(g_snp_map, ss_snp_map):
                # To make sure, is the SNP id the same?
                assert g_sids[g_i] == ss_sids[ss_i], 'Some issues with coordinating the genotypes.'
                g_nt = g_nts[g_i]
                if not skip_coordination:
                    ss_nt = ss_nts[ss_i]
                    # Is the nucleotide ambiguous.
                    g_nt = [g_nts[g_i][0], g_nts[g_i][1]]
                    if tuple(g_nt) in util.ambig_nts:
                        num_ambig_nts += 1
                    # First check if nucleotide is sane?
                    if (not g_nt[0] in util.valid_nts) or (not g_nt[1] in util.valid_nts):
                        num_non_matching_nts += 1
                    os_g_nt = sp.array(
                        [util.opp_strand_dict[g_nt[0]], util.opp_strand_dict[g_nt[1]]])
                    flip_nts = False
                    #Coordination is a bit more complicate when validation genotypes are provided..
                    if not sp.all(g_nt == ss_nt) or sp.all(os_g_nt == ss_nt):
                        flip_nts = (g_nt[1] == ss_nt[0] and g_nt[0] == ss_nt[1]) or (
                            os_g_nt[1] == ss_nt[0] and os_g_nt[0] == ss_nt[1])
                        # Try flipping the SS nt
                        if flip_nts:
                            betas[ss_i] = -betas[ss_i]
                            log_odds[ss_i] = -log_odds[ss_i]
                            if 'freqs' in ssg and ss_freqs[ss_i]>0:
                                ss_freqs[ss_i] = 1.0 - ss_freqs[ss_i]
                            if debug:
                                print("Nucleotides don't match after all?: g_sid=%s, ss_sid=%s, g_i=%d, ss_i=%d, g_nt=%s, ss_nt=%s" % \
                                      (g_sids[g_i], ss_sids[ss_i], g_i,
                                       ss_i, str(g_nt), str(ss_nt)))
                            num_non_matching_nts += 1
                # everything seems ok.
        if debug:
            print('%d SNPs had ambiguous nucleotides.' % num_ambig_nts)
            print('%d SNPs were excluded due to nucleotide issues.' % num_non_matching_nts)

        # Resorting by position
        positions = sp.array(chrom_d['positions'])[ok_indices['g']]

        # Now parse SNPs ..
        snp_indices = sp.array(chrom_d['snp_indices'])
        # Pinpoint where the SNPs are in the file.
        snp_indices = snp_indices[ok_indices['g']]
        raw_snps, freqs = plinkfiles.parse_plink_snps(
            reference_genotype_file, snp_indices)
        snp_stds = sp.sqrt(2 * freqs * (1 - freqs))
        snp_means = freqs * 2

        betas = betas[ok_indices['ss']]  
        log_odds = log_odds[ok_indices['ss']]  

        ps = ssg['ps'][...][ok_indices['ss']]
        nts = sp.array(ok_nts)  
        sids = (ssg['sids'][...]).astype(util.sids_u_dtype)
        sids = sids[ok_indices['ss']]

        #Parse validation genotypes, if available
        if validation_genotype_file is not None:
            snp_indices_val = sp.array(chrom_d_val['snp_indices'])
            # Pinpoint where the SNPs are in the file.
            snp_indices_val = snp_indices_val[ok_indices['vg']]
            raw_snps_val, freqs_val = plinkfiles.parse_plink_snps(
                validation_genotype_file, snp_indices_val)
            snp_stds_val = sp.sqrt(2 * freqs_val * (1 - freqs_val))
            snp_means_val = freqs_val * 2

        # Check SNP frequencies, screen for possible problems..
        if max_freq_discrep<1 and 'freqs' in ssg:
            ss_freqs = ss_freqs[ok_indices['ss']]
            ok_freq_snps = sp.logical_or(sp.absolute(ss_freqs - freqs) < max_freq_discrep,sp.absolute(ss_freqs + freqs-1) < max_freq_discrep) #Array of np.bool values
            ok_freq_snps = sp.logical_or(ok_freq_snps,ss_freqs<=0) #Only consider SNPs that actually have frequencies
            num_freq_discrep_filtered_snps = len(ok_freq_snps)- sp.sum(ok_freq_snps)
            assert num_freq_discrep_filtered_snps>=0, "Problems when filtering SNPs with frequency discrepencies"
            if num_freq_discrep_filtered_snps>0:
                # Filter freq_discrepancy_snps
                raw_snps = raw_snps[ok_freq_snps]
                snp_stds = snp_stds[ok_freq_snps]
                snp_means = snp_means[ok_freq_snps]
                freqs = freqs[ok_freq_snps]
                ps = ps[ok_freq_snps]
                positions = positions[ok_freq_snps]
                nts = nts[ok_freq_snps]
                sids = sids[ok_freq_snps]
                betas = betas[ok_freq_snps]
                log_odds = log_odds[ok_freq_snps]
                if validation_genotype_file is not None:
                    raw_snps_val = raw_snps_val[ok_freq_snps]
                    snp_stds_val = snp_stds_val[ok_freq_snps]
                    snp_means_val = snp_means_val[ok_freq_snps]
                    freqs_val = freqs_val[ok_freq_snps]
            if debug:
                print('Filtered %d SNPs due to frequency discrepancies'%num_freq_discrep_filtered_snps)

        # Filter minor allele frequency SNPs.
        maf_filter = (freqs > min_maf) * (freqs < (1 - min_maf))
        num_maf_filtered_snps = len(maf_filter)-sp.sum(maf_filter)
        assert num_maf_filtered_snps>=0, "Problems when filtering SNPs with low minor allele frequencies"
        if num_maf_filtered_snps>0:
            raw_snps = raw_snps[maf_filter]
            snp_stds = snp_stds[maf_filter]
            snp_means = snp_means[maf_filter]
            freqs = freqs[maf_filter]
            ps = ps[maf_filter]
            positions = positions[maf_filter]
            nts = nts[maf_filter]
            sids = sids[maf_filter]
            betas = betas[maf_filter]
            log_odds = log_odds[maf_filter]
            if validation_genotype_file is not None:
                raw_snps_val = raw_snps_val[maf_filter]
                snp_stds_val = snp_stds_val[maf_filter]
                snp_means_val = snp_means_val[maf_filter]
                freqs_val = freqs_val[maf_filter]
            if debug:
                print('Filtered %d SNPs due to low MAF'%num_maf_filtered_snps)

        genetic_map = []
        if genetic_map_dir is not None:
            with gzip.open(genetic_map_dir + 'chr%d.interpolated_genetic_map.gz' % chrom) as f:
                for line in f:
                    l = line.split()
#                     if l[0] in sid_set:
#                         genetic_map.append(l[0])
            genetic_map = None

        coord_data_dict = {'chrom': 'chrom_%d' % chrom, 
                           'raw_snps_ref': raw_snps, 
                           'snp_stds_ref': snp_stds, 
                           'snp_means_ref': snp_means, 
                           'freqs_ref': freqs,
                           'ps': ps,
                           'positions': positions,
                           'nts': nts,
                           'sids': sids,
                           'genetic_map': genetic_map,
                           'betas': betas,
                           'log_odds': log_odds}
        if validation_genotype_file is not None:
            maf_adj_prs = sp.dot(log_odds, raw_snps_val)
            if debug and plinkf_dict_val['has_phenotype']:
                maf_adj_corr = sp.corrcoef(plinkf_dict_val['phenotypes'], maf_adj_prs)[0, 1]
                print('Log odds, per genotype PRS correlation w phenotypes for chromosome %d was %0.4f' % (chrom, maf_adj_corr))
            maf_adj_risk_scores += maf_adj_prs
        write_coord_data(cord_data_g, coord_data_dict, debug=debug)
        if debug:
            print('%d SNPs were retained on chromosome %d.' % (len(sids), chrom))
        num_snps_common_before_filtering += len(common_sids)
        num_snps_common_after_filtering += len(sids)
        tot_num_ambig_nts += num_ambig_nts
        tot_num_non_supported_nts += num_non_supported_nts
        tot_num_non_matching_nts += num_non_matching_nts
        tot_num_freq_discrep_filtered_snps += num_freq_discrep_filtered_snps
        tot_num_maf_filtered_snps += num_maf_filtered_snps

    if not debug:
        sys.stdout.write('\b\b\b\b\b\b\b%0.2f%%\n' % (100.0))

    # Now calculate the prediction r^2
    if validation_genotype_file:
        if debug and plinkf_dict_val['has_phenotype']:
            maf_adj_corr = sp.corrcoef(
                plinkf_dict_val['phenotypes'], maf_adj_risk_scores)[0, 1]
            print('Log odds, per PRS correlation for the whole genome was %0.4f (r^2=%0.4f)' % (maf_adj_corr, maf_adj_corr ** 2))
            print('Overall nucleotide concordance counts: rg_vg: %d, rg_ss: %d, vg_ss: %d' % (tot_g_vg_nt_concord_count, tot_g_ss_nt_concord_count, tot_vg_ss_nt_concord_count))
        if debug:
            print('Overall nucleotide concordance counts, rg_ss: %d' % (tot_g_ss_nt_concord_count))        
    summary_dict[7]={'name':'Num chromosomes used:','value':len(chromosomes_found)}
    summary_dict[8]={'name':'SNPs common across datasets:','value':num_snps_common_before_filtering}
    summary_dict[9]={'name':'SNPs retained after filtering:','value':num_snps_common_after_filtering}
    if tot_num_ambig_nts>0:
        summary_dict[10]={'name':'SNPs w ambiguous nucleotides filtered:','value':tot_num_ambig_nts}
    if tot_num_non_supported_nts>0:
        summary_dict[10.1]={'name':'SNPs w unknown/unsupported nucleotides filtered:','value':tot_num_non_supported_nts}
    if tot_num_non_matching_nts>0:
        summary_dict[11]={'name':'SNPs w other nucleotide discrepancies filtered:','value':tot_num_non_matching_nts}
    if min_maf>0:
        summary_dict[12]={'name':'SNPs w MAF<%0.3f filtered:'%min_maf,'value':tot_num_maf_filtered_snps}
    if max_freq_discrep<0.5:
        summary_dict[13]={'name':'SNPs w allele freq discrepancy > %0.3f filtered:'%max_freq_discrep,'value':tot_num_freq_discrep_filtered_snps}

    t1 = time.time()
    t = (t1 - t0)
    summary_dict[13.9]={'name':'dash', 'value':'Running times'}
    summary_dict[15]={'name':'Run time for coordinating datasets:','value': '%d min and %0.2f sec'%(t / 60, t % 60)}
Exemple #41
### READ 
CodesDf = bhv.parse_code_map(code_map_path)
code_map = dict(zip(CodesDf['code'],CodesDf['name']))
Data = bhv.parse_arduino_log(log_path, code_map)

# the names of the things present in the log
span_names = [name.split('_ON')[0] for name in CodesDf['name'] if name.endswith('_ON')]
event_names = [name.split('_EVENT')[0] for name in CodesDf['name'] if name.endswith('_EVENT')]

Spans = bhv.log2Spans(Data, span_names)
Events = bhv.log2Events(Data, event_names)

# filter unrealistic licks
bad_licks = sp.logical_or(Spans['LICK']['dt'] < 20,Spans['LICK']['dt'] > 100)
Spans['LICK'] = Spans['LICK'].loc[~bad_licks]

# add lick_event
Lick_Event = pd.DataFrame(sp.stack([['NA']*Spans['LICK'].shape[0],Spans['LICK']['t_on'].values,['LICK_EVENT']*Spans['LICK'].shape[0]]).T,columns=['code','t','name'])
Lick_Event['t'] = Lick_Event['t'].astype('float')
Data = Data.append(Lick_Event)

Events['LICK'] = bhv.log2Event(Data,'LICK')


colors = sns.color_palette('hls',n_colors=len(event_names)+len(span_names))[::-1]
Exemple #42
    def make_rdnoise(self):
        if self.verbose:
            print('Loading {}'.format(infile))

        #Read in input fits file using astropy
        with fits.open(self.infile) as h:
            self.data = h[1].data
            self.hdr = h[1].header
            self.hdr0 = h[0].header

        #Keep only the first integration
        if len(self.data.shape) == 4:
            print('WARNING: Input data cube has 4 dimensions.')
            print('Extracting the first integration only and continuing.')
            self.data = self.data[0, :, :, :]
        elif len(self.data.shape) < 3:
            print 'ERROR: data cube has less than 3 dimensions!!! Quitting!'

        #Make sure the data are full frame
        Ngroups, ny, nx = self.data.shape
        if (ny, nx) != (2048, 2048):
            print("WARNING: input data from {} appear not to be full frame!".
            print("x,y dimensions are {}x{}".format(nx, ny))

        if self.verbose:
            print('Number of groups: {}'.format(Ngroups))

        #Set step sizes
        stepsizex = self.stepsizex
        stepsizey = self.stepsizey
        if stepsizex is None:
            stepsizex = self.boxsizex
        if stepsizey is None:
            stepsizey = self.boxsizey

        halfstepsizex = int(0.5 * stepsizex)
        halfstepsizey = int(0.5 * stepsizey)

        # get the xy limits.
        if (self.xmin is None):
            xmin = 0
            xmin = self.xmin
        if (self.xmax is None):
            xmax = self.data.shape[2]
            xmax = self.xmax
        if (self.ymin is None):
            ymin = 0
            ymin = self.ymin
        if (self.ymax is None):
            ymax = self.data.shape[1]
            ymax = self.ymax
        if self.verbose:
            print('xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax: {}, {}, {}, {}'.format(
                xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax))

        sigmacut = calcaverageclass()
        #Create a series of CDS frames
        diffim = self.data[1:Ngroups, :, :] - self.data[0:Ngroups - 1, :, :]

        # define output matrices
        self.im_rdnoise = scipy.zeros((self.data.shape[1], self.data.shape[2]),
        self.im_rdnoise_err = scipy.zeros(self.im_rdnoise.shape, dtype=float)
        im_Nused = scipy.zeros(self.im_rdnoise.shape, dtype=int)
        im_Pskipped = scipy.zeros(self.im_rdnoise.shape, dtype=float)

        # load mask
        if self.bpm is not None:
            print('Loading mask file {}'.format(self.bpm))

            with fits.open(self.bpm) as bpmhdu:
                self.bpmdata = bpmhdu[1].data

            if self.bpmdata.shape != (2048, 2048):
                    "WARNING! Bad pixel mask shape is incorrect or was improperly read!"

            mask = scipy.where(
                scipy.logical_and(self.bpmdata, self.bpmval) > 0, True, False)

            # mask the overscan (THIS ASSUMES WE ARE WORKING ON FULL FRAME DATA)
            mask[0:4, :] = 1
            mask[2044:2048, :] = 1
            mask[:, 0:4] = 1
            mask[:, 2044:2048] = 1

            mask = scipy.zeros((self.data.shape[1], self.data.shape[2]),

        #load epoxy mask if needed
        detector = self.hdr0['DETECTOR']
        if detector in [
                'NRCA1', 'NRCA3', 'NRCA4', 'NRCALONG', 'NRCB1', 'NRCB4'
            epoxymask = self.load_epoxy_mask(detector)

            #invert the epoxy mask if requested
            if self.invert_epoxy:
                    "Inverting the epoxy mask to work within the epoxy void region."
                epoxymask = epoxymask - 1
                epoxymask[epoxymask == -1] = 1

            #add the epoxy mask to the bpm
            mask = scipy.logical_or(mask, epoxymask)

            #create an inverted epoxy mask for later when filling in readnoise values
            #inv_epoxymask = epoxymask.astype(bool)
            #inv_epoxymask = np.invert(inv_epoxymask)

        x = xmin + halfstepsizex
        OneoverSQR2 = 1.0 / math.sqrt(2)
        xtransitions = [512, 2 * 512, 3 * 512]

        if self.gmin is None:
            gmin = 0
            gmin = self.gmin
        if self.gmax is None:
            gmax = diffim.shape[0]
            gmax = self.gmax
            if gmax > diffim.shape[0]:
                gmax = diffim.shape[0]

        #lists of starting and stopping indexes for the filling later
        xfills = []
        xfille = []
        yfills = []
        yfille = []

        grange = range(gmin, gmax)

        while x < xmax:

            # define the x1,x2 of the box for stats
            x1 = x - int(0.5 * self.boxsizex)
            if x1 < 0: x1 = 0
            if self.forcexylimits and (x1 < xmin): x1 = xmin

            x2 = int(x + max(1, 0.5 * self.boxsizex))
            if x2 > self.data.shape[2]: x2 = self.data.shape[2]
            if self.forcexylimits and (x2 > xmax): x2 = xmax

            # make sure that the box contains only data from the same amp!!!
            for xtransition in xtransitions:
                if x >= xtransition and x1 < xtransition: x1 = xtransition
                if x < xtransition and x2 >= xtransition: x2 = xtransition

            y = ymin + halfstepsizey
            while y < ymax:

                # define the y1,y2 of the box for stats
                y1 = y - int(0.5 * self.boxsizey)
                if y1 < 0: y1 = 0
                if self.forcexylimits and (y1 < ymin): y1 = ymin

                y2 = int(y + max(1, 0.5 * self.boxsizey))
                if y2 > self.data.shape[2]: y2 = self.data.shape[1]
                if self.forcexylimits and (y2 > ymax): y2 = ymax

                if self.verbose:
                    if (x % 64) == 0 and (y == 0):
                        print('(x,y)=(%d,%d) box:%d:%d,%d:%d' %
                              (x, y, x1, x2, y1, y2))

                stdevs = []
                Nused = []
                Pskipped = []
                for g in grange:
                    sigmacut.calcaverage_sigmacutloop(diffim[g, y1:y2, x1:x2],
                                                      mask=mask[y1:y2, x1:x2],
                    if self.verbose:
                        print('x:%d y:%d g:%d' % (x, y, g), sigmacut.__str__())
                    if sigmacut.converged and sigmacut.Nused > self.Npixmin and 100.0 * sigmacut.Nskipped / (
                            sigmacut.Nused +
                            sigmacut.Nskipped) < self.Pclipmax:
                        Pskipped.append(100.0 * sigmacut.Nskipped /
                                        (sigmacut.Nused + sigmacut.Nskipped))

                if len(stdevs) > 1:
                    if sigmacut.converged:
                        self.im_rdnoise[y, x] = sigmacut.mean * OneoverSQR2
                            y, x] = sigmacut.mean_err * OneoverSQR2
                    if self.verbose:
                        print('x:%d y:%d average' % (x, y), sigmacut.__str__())
                    im_Nused[y, x] = scipy.median(Nused)
                    im_Pskipped[y, x] = scipy.median(Pskipped)
                elif len(stdevs) == 1:
                    self.im_rdnoise[y, x] = sigmacut.stdev * OneoverSQR2
                                        x] = sigmacut.stdev_err * OneoverSQR2
                    im_Nused[y, x] = 1
                    im_Pskipped[y, x] = 0.0

                if self.fill:

                    xx1 = x - halfstepsizex
                    for xtransition in xtransitions:
                        if x - stepsizex < xtransition and x >= xtransition:
                            xx1 = xtransition
                    if x - stepsizex < 0: xx1 = 0
                    if xx1 < x1: xx1 = x1
                    if xx1 < 0: xx1 = 0
                    xx2 = x + max(1, halfstepsizex)
                    for xtransition in xtransitions:
                        if x + stepsizex >= xtransition and x < xtransition:
                            xx2 = xtransition
                    if x + stepsizex > self.data.shape[2]:
                        xx2 = self.data.shape[2]
                    if xx2 > x2: xx2 = x2
                    if xx2 > self.data.shape[2]: xx2 = self.data.shape[2]

                    yy1 = y - halfstepsizey
                    if y - stepsizey < 0: yy1 = 0
                    if yy1 < y1: yy1 = y1
                    if yy1 < 0: yy1 = 0
                    yy2 = y + max(1, halfstepsizey)
                    if y + stepsizey > self.data.shape[1]:
                        yy2 = self.data.shape[1]
                    if yy2 > y2: yy2 = y2
                    if yy2 > self.data.shape[1]: yy2 = self.data.shape[1]

                    #save the x and y coordinates for filling in missing data later

                    if len(stdevs) > 0:
                        self.im_rdnoise[yy1:yy2, xx1:xx2] = self.im_rdnoise[y,
                                            xx1:xx2] = self.im_rdnoise_err[y,
                        im_Nused[yy1:yy2, xx1:xx2] = im_Nused[y, x]
                        im_Pskipped[yy1:yy2, xx1:xx2] = im_Pskipped[y, x]

                y += stepsizey
            x += stepsizex

        #fill in the gaps in the map (i.e. the partial boxes that contain less than the minimum number
        #of pixels needed for calculating the readnoise

        for iter in range(self.fill_iterations):
            #print('BEGINNING FILL ITERATION {}'.format(iter))
            self.im_rdnoise = self.fill_empty_regions(self.im_rdnoise, xfills,
                                                      xfille, yfills, yfille)
            self.im_rdnoise_err = self.fill_empty_regions(
                self.im_rdnoise_err, xfills, xfille, yfills, yfille)

        #mask out the pixels in the low epoxy area
        if detector in [
                'NRCA1', 'NRCA3', 'NRCA4', 'NRCALONG', 'NRCB1', 'NRCB4'
            self.im_rdnoise[epoxymask.astype(bool)] = 0.
            self.im_rdnoise_err[epoxymask.astype(bool)] = 0.

        #save output file
        outfilename = self.save_readnoise_file(self.im_rdnoise)

        #redcat team checks

        return outfilename, self.im_rdnoise
Exemple #43
def scale_by_cal(Data,
    """Puts all data in units of the cal temperature.
    Data is put into units of the cal temperature, thus removing dependence on
    the gain.  This can be done by dividing by the time average of the cal
    (scale_t_ave=True, Default) thus removing dependence on the frequency-
    dependant gain.  Alternatively, you can scale by the frequency average to
    remove the time-dependent gain (scale_f_ave=True). Data is then in units of
    the frequency averaged cal temperture. You can also do both (recommended).
    After some scaling the data ends up in units of the cal temperture as a
    funciton of frequency.

    Optionally you can also subtract the time average of the data off here
    (subtract_time_median), since you might be done with the cal information at
    this point.

    on_ind = 0
    off_ind = 1
    if (Data.field['CAL'][on_ind] != 'T' or Data.field['CAL'][off_ind] != 'F'):
        raise ce.DataError('Cal states not in expected order.')

    if tuple(Data.field['CRVAL4']) == (-5, -7, -8, -6):
        # Here we check the polarizations and cal indicies
        xx_ind = 0
        yy_ind = 3
        xy_inds = [1, 2]

        # A bunch of calculations used to test phase closure.  Not acctually
        # relevant to what is being done here.
        #a = (Data.data[5, xy_inds, on_ind, 15:20]
        #     - Data.data[5, xy_inds, off_ind, 15:20])
        #a /= sp.sqrt( Data.data[5, xx_ind, on_ind, 15:20]
        #              - Data.data[5, xx_ind, off_ind, 15:20])
        #a /= sp.sqrt( Data.data[5, yy_ind, on_ind, 15:20]
        #              - Data.data[5, yy_ind, off_ind, 15:20])
        #print a[0,:]**2 + a[1,:]**2

        diff_xx = Data.data[:, xx_ind, on_ind, :] - Data.data[:, xx_ind,
                                                              off_ind, :]
        diff_yy = Data.data[:, yy_ind, on_ind, :] - Data.data[:, yy_ind,
                                                              off_ind, :]

        if scale_t_ave:
            # Find the cal means (in time) and scale by them.
            # Means work much better than medians.  Medians seems to bias the
            # result by up to 10%.  This seems to be discretization noise.  Cal
            # switches fast enough that we shouldn't need this anyway.
            cal_tmed_xx = ma.mean(diff_xx, 0)
            cal_tmed_yy = ma.mean(diff_yy, 0)
            cal_tmed_xx[sp.logical_or(cal_tmed_xx <= 0,
                                      cal_tmed_yy <= 0)] = ma.masked
            cal_tmed_yy[cal_tmed_xx.mask] = ma.masked

            Data.data[:, xx_ind, :, :] /= cal_tmed_xx
            Data.data[:, yy_ind, :, :] /= cal_tmed_yy
            Data.data[:, xy_inds, :, :] /= ma.sqrt(cal_tmed_yy * cal_tmed_xx)

        if scale_f_ave:
            # The frequency gains have have systematic structure to them,
            # they are not by any approximation gaussian distributed.  Use
            # means, not medians across frequency.
            operation = ma.mean
            cal_fmea_xx = operation(diff_xx, -1)
            cal_fmea_yy = operation(diff_yy, -1)

            # Flag data with wierd cal power.  Still Experimental.
            cal_fmea_xx[sp.logical_or(cal_fmea_xx <= 0,
                                      cal_fmea_yy <= 0)] = ma.masked
            cal_fmea_yy[cal_fmea_xx.mask] = ma.masked
            cal_xx = ma.mean(cal_fmea_xx)
            cal_yy = ma.mean(cal_fmea_yy)
                abs(cal_fmea_xx.anom()) >= 0.1 * cal_xx,
                abs(cal_fmea_yy.anom()) >= 0.1 * cal_yy)] = ma.masked
            cal_fmea_yy[cal_fmea_xx.mask] = ma.masked

            ntime = len(cal_fmea_xx)
            cal_fmea_xx.shape = (ntime, 1, 1)
            cal_fmea_yy.shape = (ntime, 1, 1)
            Data.data[:, xx_ind, :, :] /= cal_fmea_xx
            Data.data[:, yy_ind, :, :] /= cal_fmea_yy
            cal_fmea_xx.shape = (ntime, 1, 1, 1)
            cal_fmea_yy.shape = (ntime, 1, 1, 1)
            Data.data[:, xy_inds, :, :] /= ma.sqrt(cal_fmea_yy * cal_fmea_xx)

        if scale_f_ave_mod:
            # The frequency gains have have systematic structure to them,
            # they are not by any approximation gaussian distributed.  Use
            # means, not medians across frequency.
            operation = ma.mean
            cal_fmea_xx = operation(diff_xx, -1)
            cal_fmea_yy = operation(diff_yy, -1)
            cal_fmea_xx_off = operation(Data.data[:, xx_ind, off_ind, :], -1)
            cal_fmea_yy_off = operation(Data.data[:, yy_ind, off_ind, :], -1)

            sys_xx = cal_fmea_xx_off / cal_fmea_xx
            sys_yy = cal_fmea_yy_off / cal_fmea_yy
            percent_ok = 0.03
            sys_xx_tmed = ma.median(sys_xx)
            sys_yy_tmed = ma.median(sys_yy)

            maskbad_xx = (sys_xx > sys_xx_tmed + sys_xx_tmed * percent_ok) | (
                sys_xx < sys_xx_tmed - sys_xx_tmed * percent_ok)
            maskbad_yy = (sys_yy > sys_yy_tmed + sys_yy_tmed * percent_ok) | (
                sys_yy < sys_yy_tmed - sys_yy_tmed * percent_ok)

            cal_fmea_xx[sp.logical_or(cal_fmea_xx <= 0,
                                      cal_fmea_yy <= 0)] = ma.masked
            cal_fmea_yy[cal_fmea_xx.mask] = ma.masked
            cal_fmea_xx[maskbad_xx] = ma.masked
            cal_fmea_yy[maskbad_yy] = ma.masked
            cal_xx = ma.mean(cal_fmea_xx)
            cal_yy = ma.mean(cal_fmea_yy)

            ntime = len(cal_fmea_xx)
            cal_fmea_xx.shape = (ntime, 1, 1)
            cal_fmea_yy.shape = (ntime, 1, 1)
            Data.data[:, xx_ind, :, :] /= cal_fmea_xx
            Data.data[:, yy_ind, :, :] /= cal_fmea_yy
            cal_fmea_xx.shape = (ntime, 1, 1, 1)
            cal_fmea_yy.shape = (ntime, 1, 1, 1)
            Data.data[:, xy_inds, :, :] /= ma.sqrt(cal_fmea_yy * cal_fmea_xx)

        if scale_f_ave and scale_t_ave:
            # We have devided out t_cal twice so we need to put one factor back
            # in.
            cal_xx = operation(cal_tmed_xx)
            cal_yy = operation(cal_tmed_yy)
            Data.data[:, xx_ind, :, :] *= cal_xx
            Data.data[:, yy_ind, :, :] *= cal_yy
            Data.data[:, xy_inds, :, :] *= ma.sqrt(cal_yy * cal_xx)

        if scale_f_ave_mod and scale_t_ave:
            #Same divide out twice problem.
            cal_xx = operation(cal_tmed_xx)
            cal_yy = operation(cal_tmed_yy)
            Data.data[:, xx_ind, :, :] *= cal_xxcal_imag_mean
            Data.data[:, yy_ind, :, :] *= cal_yy
            Data.data[:, xy_inds, :, :] *= ma.sqrt(cal_yy * cal_xx)

        if scale_f_ave and scale_f_ave_mod:
            raise ce.DataError("time averaging twice")

        if rotate:
            # Define the differential cal phase to be zero and rotate all data
            # such that this is true.
            cal_real_mean = ma.mean(
                Data.data[:, 1, 0, :] - Data.data[:, 1, 1, :], 0)
            cal_imag_mean = ma.mean(
                Data.data[:, 2, 0, :] - Data.data[:, 2, 1, :], 0)
            # Get the cal phase angle as a function of frequency.
            cal_phase = -ma.arctan2(cal_imag_mean, cal_real_mean)

            # Rotate such that the cal phase is zero. Imperative to have a
            # temporary variable.
            New_data_real = (ma.cos(cal_phase) * Data.data[:, 1, :, :] -
                             ma.sin(cal_phase) * Data.data[:, 2, :, :])
            New_data_imag = (ma.sin(cal_phase) * Data.data[:, 1, :, :] +
                             ma.cos(cal_phase) * Data.data[:, 2, :, :])
            Data.data[:, 1, :, :] = New_data_real
            Data.data[:, 2, :, :] = New_data_imag

    elif tuple(Data.field['CRVAL4']) == (1, 2, 3, 4):
        # For the shot term, just devide everything by on-off in I.
        I_ind = 0
        cal_I_t = Data.data[:, I_ind, on_ind, :] - Data.data[:, I_ind,
                                                             off_ind, :]
        cal_I = ma.mean(cal_I_t, 0)

        Data.data /= cal_I
        raise ce.DataError("Unsupported polarization states.")

    # Subtract the time median if desired.
    if sub_med:
        Data.data -= ma.median(Data.data, 0)
    def calcSphericalCavityLabels(self, dds):
        mpidims = dds.mpi.shape
        if (dds.mpi.comm != None):
            mpidims = (dds.mpi.comm.Get_size(), 1, 1)
        dds = mango.copy(dds, mpidims=mpidims)
        rootLogger.info("Calculating neighbourhood mean image...")
        fltDds = mango.copy(dds, mtype="tomo_float", halo=self.se.getHaloSize())
        nMeanDds = mango.image.mean_filter(fltDds, self.se)
        nMeanDds = mango.copy(nMeanDds, halo=(0,0,0))
        rootLogger.info("Calculating neighbourhood stdd image...")
        nStddDds = mango.image.stdd_filter(fltDds, self.se)
        nStddDds = mango.copy(nStddDds, halo=(0,0,0))
        del fltDds
        self.maskLowStddVoxels(dds, nMeanDds, nStddDds)
        rootLogger.info("Calculating mean vs stdd histogram...")
        h2d, edges = mango.image.histogramdd([nMeanDds, nStddDds], bins=(1024, 8192))
        h2d = h2d[:, :-2]
        rootLogger.info("h2d.shape = %s, edges[0].shape=%s, edges[1].shape=%s" % (h2d.shape, edges[0].shape, edges[1].shape))
        rootLogger.info("Done calculating mean vs stdd histogram...")
        maxIdx = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(h2d), h2d.shape)
        rootLogger.info("np.argmax(h2d) = %s" % (maxIdx,))
        backgroundMean = 0.5 * (edges[0][maxIdx[0]] + edges[0][maxIdx[0] + 1])
        backgroundStdd = 0.5 * (edges[1][maxIdx[1]] + edges[1][maxIdx[1] + 1])

        mskDds = mango.copy(dds)
        rootLogger.info("Background (mean,stdd) = (%s, %s)." % (backgroundMean, backgroundStdd))
        mskDds.subd.asarray()[...] = \
                    nStddDds.subd.asarray() < (8 * backgroundStdd),
                    nMeanDds.subd.asarray() < (backgroundMean + 3 * backgroundStdd),
        del nMeanDds, nStddDds

        self.writeIntermediateDds("_AaaPrePercentileTailMask", mskDds)
        self.eliminatePercentileTails(mskDds, 1.0, 92.5)
        rootLogger.info("Calculating neighbourhood stdd image...")
        nStddDds = mango.image.stdd_filter(mskDds, self.se)
        self.eliminatePercentileTails(nStddDds, 33.0, 100.0)
        rootLogger.info("Copying stdd percentile tail mask to mskDds...")
        mango.copy_masked(nStddDds, mskDds)
        rootLogger.info("Done copying stdd percentile tail mask to mskDds.")
        self.writeIntermediateDds("_AaaPstPercentileTailMask", mskDds)
        rootLogger.info("Eliminating small clusters from mskDds...")
        self.eliminateSmallClusters(mskDds, 0.1)
        rootLogger.info("Done eliminating small clusters from mskDds.")
        self.writeIntermediateDds("_AaaPstSmallClusterMask", mskDds)
        del nStddDds
        segEdtDds = mango.zeros_like(mskDds, mtype="segmented")
        segEdtDds.asarray()[...] = sp.where(mskDds.asarray() == mskDds.mtype.maskValue(), 0, 1)
        self.writeIntermediateDds("_AaaPreCvxHullMask", segEdtDds)
        rootLogger.info("Calculating convex hull...")
        cvxHullMsk = mango.image.convex_hull_3d(segEdtDds, inputmsk=0, outhull=segEdtDds.mtype.maskValue(), inhull=1)
        segEdtDds.asarray()[...] = sp.where(cvxHullMsk.asarray() == cvxHullMsk.mtype.maskValue(), 1, segEdtDds.asarray())
        rootLogger.info("Done calculating convex hull.")

        self.writeIntermediateDds("_AaaPstCvxHullMask", segEdtDds)
        rootLogger.info("Calculating EDT image...")
        edtDds = mango.image.distance_transform_edt(segEdtDds, val=0)
        self.writeIntermediateDds("_AaaPstCvxHullMaskEdt", edtDds)
        rootLogger.info("Calculating MCR image...")
        mcrDds = mango.image.max_covering_radius(edtDds, maxdist=0.5*(np.min(edtDds.shape)), filecache=True)
        mango.copy_masked(cvxHullMsk, mcrDds)
        rootLogger.info("Calculating (min,max) MCR values...")
        mcrMin, mcrMax = mango.minmax(mcrDds)
        rootLogger.info("Masking small MCR values...")
        mcrDds.asarray()[...] = sp.where(mcrDds.asarray() >= 0.05*mcrMax, mcrDds.asarray(), mcrDds.mtype.maskValue())
        self.writeIntermediateDds("_AaaPstCvxHullMaskMcr", mcrDds)
        del cvxHullMsk, edtDds
        # Normalise the intensities so that a relative-gradient is computed for the largest
        # MCR radii.
        rootLogger.info("Normalising MCR image...")
        mnmx = mango.minmax(mcrDds)
        tmpDds = mango.copy(mcrDds)
        tmpDds.asarray()[...] -= mnmx[1]
        tmpDds.asarray()[...] *= tmpDds.asarray()
        tmpDds.asarray()[...] = 1+mnmx[1]*np.exp(-(tmpDds.asarray())/(2*0.133*0.133*(mnmx[1]*mnmx[1])))
        mcrDds.asarray()[...] = sp.where(mcrDds.asarray() > 0, mcrDds.asarray()/tmpDds.asarray(), mcrDds.asarray())
        rootLogger.info("Calculating MCR image gradient...")
        grdMcrDds = mango.image.discrete_gaussian_gradient_magnitude(mcrDds, 0.65, errtol=0.01)
        grdMcrDds.asarray()[...] = sp.where(grdMcrDds.asarray() <= 3.0e-2, mcrDds.asarray(), mcrDds.mtype.maskValue())
        rootLogger.info("Calculating unique MCR low-gradient values...")
        u = mango.unique(grdMcrDds)
        rootLogger.info("Converting low gradient MCR image to binary segmentation...")
        segDds = mango.map_element_values(grdMcrDds, lambda x: x in u, mtype="segmented")
        rootLogger.info("Labeling low gradient MCR regions...")
        mango.copy_masked(mcrDds, segDds)
        lblDds = mango.image.label(segDds, val=1, connectivity=26, dosort=True)
        self.writeIntermediateDds("_AaaPstCvxHullMaskMcrGrdLbl", lblDds)
        del segDds, grdMcrDds

        rootLogger.info("Calculating Principal Moment of Inertia...")
        self.pmoi, self.pmoi_axes, self.com = mango.image.moment_of_inertia(mskDds)
        rootLogger.info("Done calculating Principal Moment of Inertia.")
        return lblDds, mcrDds, segEdtDds
Exemple #45
 def reduction_T_1(self, I):
     A = logical_or(I[0:-1:2, :], I[1::2, :])
     A = logical_or(A[:, 0:-1:2], A[:, 1::2])
     return A
        # import data considers only cagemates that are both genotypes and phenotyped
        in_file = '/Users/casale/Desktop/rat/dirIndirVD/data/HSrats_noHaplotypes.hdf5'
        f = h5py.File(in_file,'r')

        # get sample ID
        geno_sampleID = f['kinships']['genotypes_IBS']['cols_subjects']['outbred'][:]
        sampleID = f['phenotypesNcovariates']['rows_subjects']['outbred'][:]
        has_geno = sp.array([sampleID[i] in geno_sampleID for i in range(sampleID.shape[0])])

        # read trait and covariantes 
        trait = 'Distance0_30_bc'
        measures = f['phenotypesNcovariates']['cols_measures']['measures'][:]
        Ip = measures==trait
        covs = f['phenotypesNcovariates']['cols_measures']['covariates2use'][Ip][0].split(',')
        Ic = sp.zeros(Ip.shape[0],dtype=bool)
        for cov in covs:    Ic = sp.logical_or(Ic,measures==cov)
        Y = f['phenotypesNcovariates']['array'][Ip,:].T
        covs = f['phenotypesNcovariates']['array'][Ic,:].T
        Is = sp.logical_and((covs!=-999).all(1),Y[:,0]!=-999)
        Is = sp.logical_and(has_geno,Is)
        Y = Y[Is,:]; covs = covs[Is,:]
        cage = f['phenotypesNcovariates']['rows_subjects']['cage'][Is]
        sampleID = sampleID[Is]

        # normalize pheno (not needed if not for numerical stability)

        # grab kinship
        idxs = sp.array([sp.where(geno_sampleID==sampleID[i])[0][0] for i in range(sampleID.shape[0])])
        kinship = f['kinships']['genotypes_IBS']['array'][:][idxs][:,idxs]
Exemple #47
def resample_to_shape(source_file, region, sp_res, grid, prefix=None,
                      nan_value=None, dest_nan_value=None, variables=None,
    Resamples images and clips country boundaries

    source_file : str
        Path to source file.
    region : str
        Identifier of the region in the shapefile. If the default shapefile is
        used, this would be the FIPS country code.
    sp_res : int or float
        Spatial resolution of the shape-grid.
    grid : poets.grid.RegularGrid or poets.grid.ShapeGrid
        Grid to resample data to.
    prefix : str, optional
        Prefix for the variable in the NetCDF file, should be name of source
    nan_value : int, float, optional
        Not a number value of the original data as given by the data provider
    dest_nan_value : int or float, optional
        NaN value used in the final NetCDF file.
    variables : list of str, optional
        Variables to resample from original file.
    shapefile : str, optional
        Path to shape file, uses "world country admin boundary shapefile" by

    res_data : dict of numpy.arrays
        resampled image
    dest_lon : numpy.array
        longitudes of the points in the resampled image
    dest_lat : numpy.array
        latitudes of the points in the resampled image
    gpis : numpy.array
        grid point indices
    timestamp : datetime.date
        date of the image
    metadata : dict
        Metadata derived from input file.

    if prefix is not None:
        prefix += '_'

    fileExtension = os.path.splitext(source_file)[1].lower()

    if region == 'global':
        lon_min = -180
        lon_max = 180
        lat_min = -90
        lat_max = 90
        shp = Shape(region, shapefile)
        lon_min = shp.bbox[0]
        lon_max = shp.bbox[2]
        lat_min = shp.bbox[1]
        lat_max = shp.bbox[3]

    if fileExtension in ['.nc', '.nc3', '.nc4']:
        data_src, lon, lat, timestamp, metadata = nc.read_image(source_file,
        if (lon_min >= lon.max() or lon_max <= lon.min() or
            lat_max <= lat.min() or lat_min >= lat.max()):
            return "No data"
        data, src_lon, src_lat = nc.clip_bbox(data_src, lon, lat, lon_min,
                                              lat_min, lon_max, lat_max)
    elif fileExtension in ['.h5']:
        data_src, lon, lat, timestamp, metadata = h5.read_image(source_file,
        if (lon_min >= lon.max() or lon_max <= lon.min() or
            lat_max <= lat.min() or lat_min >= lat.max()):
            return "No data"
        data, src_lon, src_lat = nc.clip_bbox(data_src, lon, lat, lon_min,
                                              lat_min, lon_max, lat_max)
    elif fileExtension in imgfiletypes:
        data, src_lon, src_lat, timestamp, metadata = bbox_img(source_file,

    if nan_value is not None:
        for key in data.keys():
            data[key] = np.ma.array(data[key], mask=(data[key] == nan_value))

    src_lon, src_lat = np.meshgrid(src_lon, src_lat)

    lons = grid.arrlon[0:grid.shape[0]]
    dest_lon, dest_lat = np.meshgrid(lons, np.unique(grid.arrlat)[::-1])

    gpis = grid.get_bbox_grid_points(grid.arrlat.min(), grid.arrlat.max(),
                                     grid.arrlon.min(), grid.arrlon.max())

    search_rad = 180000 * sp_res

    data = resample.resample_to_grid(data, src_lon, src_lat, dest_lon,
                                     dest_lat, search_rad=search_rad)

    res_data = {}
    path = []

    if region != 'global':
        _, _, multipoly = shp._get_shape()
        for ring in multipoly:
            poly_verts = list(ring.exterior.coords)

        coords = [grid.arrlon, grid.arrlat[::-1]]
        coords2 = np.zeros((len(coords[0]), 2))

        for idx in range(0, len(coords[0])):
            coords2[idx] = [coords[0][idx], coords[1][idx]]

        mask_old = path[0].contains_points(coords2)

    for key in data.keys():
        if variables is not None:
            if key not in variables:
                del metadata[key]

        if region != 'global':
            for ring in path:
                mask_new = (ring.contains_points(coords2))
                mask_rev = scipy.logical_or(mask_old, mask_new)
                mask_old = mask_rev

            mask_rev = mask_rev.reshape(dest_lon.shape)
            mask = np.invert(mask_rev)

            mask[data[key].mask == True] = True
            mask = data[key].mask

        if prefix is None:
            var = key
            var = prefix + key

        if metadata is not None:
            metadata[var] = metadata[key]
            if var != key:
                del metadata[key]
        res_data[var] = np.ma.masked_array(data[key], mask=np.copy(mask),

        dat = np.copy(res_data[var].data)
        dat[mask == True] = dest_nan_value

        res_data[var] = np.ma.masked_array(dat, mask=np.copy(mask),

    return res_data, dest_lon, dest_lat, gpis, timestamp, metadata
def invertRSTO(RSTO,Iono,alpha_list=1e-2,invtype='tik',rbounds=[100,200],Nlin=0):
    """ This will run the inversion program given an ionocontainer, an alpha and """
    if Nlin !=0:
    overlaps = RSTO.overlaps
    dims= [n_r,n_z]
    ang_vec=sp.array([[i[0],i[1]] for i in anglist])
    # trim out cruft
    altlog= sp.logical_and(zin>zmin,zin<zmax)
    allrng= RSTO.simparams['Rangegatesfinal']
    posang_log1= sp.logical_and(ang_vec[:,0]<=180.,ang_vec[:,0]>=0)
    negang_log1 = sp.logical_or(ang_vec[:,0]>180.,ang_vec[:,0]<0)
    azin_pos = sp.logical_and(azin<=180.,azin>=0)
    azin_neg = sp.logical_or(azin>180.,azin<0)
    if sp.any(posang_log1):
    if sp.any(negang_log1):
    # set up derivative matrix
    # need the sparse vstack to make srue things stay sparse
    # New parameter matrix
    if isinstance(alpha_list,numbers.Number):
    ave_data_const = sp.zeros_like(ave_datadif)
    for itimen, itime in enumerate(time_out):
        print('Making Outtime {0:d} of {1:d}'.format(itimen+1,len(time_out)))
        #curintimes=[i[0] for i in allovers]
        #for it_in_n,it in enumerate(curintimes):
        #print('\t Making Intime {0:d} of {1:d}'.format(it_in_n+1,len(curintimes)))
        for ip in range(nl):
            print('\t\t Making Lag {0:d} of {1:d}'.format(ip+1,nl))
            if invtype.lower()=='tik':
            elif invtype.lower()=='tikd':
            elif invtype.lower()=='tv':
            if ip==0:
                constraints= [xr>=0]
#                    new_params[keeplog,it,ip]=xr.value.flatten()
                xcomp=sp.array(xr.value + 1j*xi.value).flatten()*q
#                    new_params[keeplog,it,ip]=xcomp
            if invtype.lower()=='tik':
            elif invtype.lower()=='tikd':
            elif invtype.lower()=='tv':
            # set up nans                    
    ionoout=IonoContainer(coordlist=RSTO.Cart_Coords_In,paramlist=new_params,times = time_out,sensor_loc = sp.zeros(3),ver =0,coordvecs =
    return (ionoout,datadif,constval)
Exemple #49
def resample_to_shape(source_file,
    Resamples images and clips country boundaries

    source_file : str
        Path to source file.
    region : str
        Identifier of the region in the shapefile. If the default shapefile is
        used, this would be the FIPS country code.
    sp_res : int or float
        Spatial resolution of the shape-grid.
    grid : poets.grid.RegularGrid or poets.grid.ShapeGrid
        Grid to resample data to.
    prefix : str, optional
        Prefix for the variable in the NetCDF file, should be name of source
    nan_value : int, float, optional
        Not a number value of the original data as given by the data provider
    dest_nan_value : int or float, optional
        NaN value used in the final NetCDF file.
    variables : list of str, optional
        Variables to resample from original file.
    shapefile : str, optional
        Path to shape file, uses "world country admin boundary shapefile" by

    res_data : dict of numpy.arrays
        resampled image
    dest_lon : numpy.array
        longitudes of the points in the resampled image
    dest_lat : numpy.array
        latitudes of the points in the resampled image
    gpis : numpy.array
        grid point indices
    timestamp : datetime.date
        date of the image
    metadata : dict
        Metadata derived from input file.

    if prefix is not None:
        prefix += '_'

    fileExtension = os.path.splitext(source_file)[1].lower()

    if region == 'global':
        lon_min = -180
        lon_max = 180
        lat_min = -90
        lat_max = 90
        shp = Shape(region, shapefile)
        lon_min = shp.bbox[0]
        lon_max = shp.bbox[2]
        lat_min = shp.bbox[1]
        lat_max = shp.bbox[3]

    if fileExtension in ['.nc', '.nc3', '.nc4']:
        data_src, lon, lat, timestamp, metadata = nc.read_image(
            source_file, variables)
        if (lon_min >= lon.max() or lon_max <= lon.min()
                or lat_max <= lat.min() or lat_min >= lat.max()):
            return "No data"
        data, src_lon, src_lat = nc.clip_bbox(data_src, lon, lat, lon_min,
                                              lat_min, lon_max, lat_max)
    elif fileExtension in ['.h5']:
        data_src, lon, lat, timestamp, metadata = h5.read_image(
            source_file, variables)
        if (lon_min >= lon.max() or lon_max <= lon.min()
                or lat_max <= lat.min() or lat_min >= lat.max()):
            return "No data"
        data, src_lon, src_lat = nc.clip_bbox(data_src, lon, lat, lon_min,
                                              lat_min, lon_max, lat_max)
    elif fileExtension in imgfiletypes:
        data, src_lon, src_lat, timestamp, metadata = bbox_img(
            source_file, region, fileExtension, shapefile)

    if nan_value is not None:
        for key in data.keys():
            data[key] = np.ma.array(data[key], mask=(data[key] == nan_value))

    src_lon, src_lat = np.meshgrid(src_lon, src_lat)

    lons = grid.arrlon[0:grid.shape[0]]
    dest_lon, dest_lat = np.meshgrid(lons, np.unique(grid.arrlat)[::-1])

    gpis = grid.get_bbox_grid_points(grid.arrlat.min(), grid.arrlat.max(),
                                     grid.arrlon.min(), grid.arrlon.max())

    search_rad = 180000 * sp_res

    data = resample.resample_to_grid(data,

    res_data = {}
    path = []

    if region != 'global':
        _, _, multipoly = shp._get_shape()
        for ring in multipoly:
            poly_verts = list(ring.exterior.coords)

        coords = [grid.arrlon, grid.arrlat[::-1]]
        coords2 = np.zeros((len(coords[0]), 2))

        for idx in range(0, len(coords[0])):
            coords2[idx] = [coords[0][idx], coords[1][idx]]

        mask_old = path[0].contains_points(coords2)

    for key in data.keys():
        if variables is not None:
            if key not in variables:
                del metadata[key]

        if region != 'global':
            for ring in path:
                mask_new = (ring.contains_points(coords2))
                mask_rev = scipy.logical_or(mask_old, mask_new)
                mask_old = mask_rev

            mask_rev = mask_rev.reshape(dest_lon.shape)
            mask = np.invert(mask_rev)

            mask[data[key].mask == True] = True
            mask = data[key].mask

        if prefix is None:
            var = key
            var = prefix + key

        if metadata is not None:
            metadata[var] = metadata[key]
            if var != key:
                del metadata[key]
        res_data[var] = np.ma.masked_array(data[key],

        dat = np.copy(res_data[var].data)
        dat[mask == True] = dest_nan_value

        res_data[var] = np.ma.masked_array(dat,

    return res_data, dest_lon, dest_lat, gpis, timestamp, metadata
def dirFilter2D(mSize,nBands):
    dirs[0,:] =X.transpose()
    dirs[1,:] =Y.transpose()
    for k in np.array(range(nBands),np.float): 
       ang1 = (k-0.5)*math.pi/nBands;
       ang2 = (k+ 0.5)*math.pi/nBands;
       theta = np.array([ang1, ang2, ang1, ang2, ang1],float)
       if flag==0:
           #triangular section generation
        #       xCor,yCor=cv.polarToCart(Rho,Theta)
        #       polyVertices=polyVerticesTemp.reshape(2,3)
        #       polyVerticesNew=polyVertices.transpose()
           Mask1=cv.fillConvexPoly(Mask1, polyVerticesTemp, 1)
        #       xCor,yCor=cv.polarToCart(Rho,Theta)
        #       polyVertices=polyVerticesTemp.reshape(2,3)
        #       polyVerticesNew=polyVertices.transpose()
           Mask2=cv.fillConvexPoly(Mask2, polyVerticesTemp, 1)
           Mask=sc.logical_or(Mask1, Mask2)
           #rectangle generation
           rho = np.array([1,1,-1,-1,1],float)*(mSize/2)
#           X=X+math.ceil(mSize/2)
#           Y=Y+math.ceil(mSize/2)
           Mask=cv.fillConvexPoly(Mask, polyVerticesNew, 1)

    return filts, dirs