Exemple #1
    def plotNewtonStats(movelens, its, functionValues, max_vals, max_names,
                        difs, numOfIts):

        i = []
        for s in range(its.shape[0]):
            if not functionValues[s] == 0:
                 np.split(movelens, [len(i), movelens.shape[0] - len(i)])[0])
            np.split(functionValues, [len(i), movelens.shape[0] - len(i)])[0])
        plt.title("funtion values")
                 np.split(max_vals, [len(i), movelens.shape[0] - len(i)])[0])
        plt.plot(i, np.split(difs, [len(i), movelens.shape[0] - len(i)])[0])
Exemple #2
def spindens(self,lrgm_out):
    from scipy import split,pi,complex128,zeros,repeat
    number_of_lattice_points = self.canvas.shape[0]*self.canvas.shape[1]
    number_of_nodes = len(self.tuple_canvas_coordinates)
    if number_of_nodes  == number_of_lattice_points:
        if self.order == 'even':
            Gup, Gdown = split(lrgm_out.reshape(self.canvas.shape[0],self.canvas.shape[1]*2),2,axis=1)
        if self.order == 'odd':
            Gup, Gdown =  split(lrgm_out.reshape(-1,2),2,axis=1)
            Gup, Gdown =  Gup.reshape(self.canvas.shape), Gdown.reshape(self.canvas.shape)
            print "Please specify order of Nodes, i.e 'even' for allspinup-allspindown per sclice or odd for spinup-spindown-spinup-..."
        Sz = self.p.upar.hbar/(4*pi*1j*self.p.upar.a**2)*(Gup-Gdown)
    elif number_of_nodes < number_of_lattice_points:
            Sz= zeros(self.canvas.shape,dtype=complex128)
            print 'calculating spin density for sparse structure'
            lrgm_out = self.p.hbar/(4*pi*1j*self.p.upar.a**2)*lrgm_out
            expanded_array_of_coords = repeat(self.tuple_canvas_coordinates,2,axis=0)
            for index,node_name in enumerate(self.nodelist):
                if node_name % 2 == 0:
                    sign = 1
                    sign = -1
                Sz[tuple(expanded_array_of_coords[node_name])] += sign * lrgm_out[index]
        print 'Number of nodes larger than canvas, something is wrong!'
    print 'max Spin Split: ', Sz.real.max()-Sz.real.min()
#Realteil scheint wahrscheinlicher, imag oszilliert wie bloed
    return Sz.real
Exemple #3
 def splitTargetChunk(self):
     ## create mosaic data-structure + list of 'pointers' to the tiles in
     ## this structure
     self.mosaic = scipy.zeros((self.sliceDim[1]*self.Tiles[1]/self.NPlacers,
                             self.sliceDim[0]*self.Tiles[0], 3), dtype='i')
     VertSplitFinalArrs = scipy.split(self.mosaic, self.Tiles[0], axis=1)
     for VertSplitFinalArr in VertSplitFinalArrs:
         SplitFinalArrs = scipy.split(VertSplitFinalArr,
                                      self.Tiles[1]/self.NPlacers, axis=0)
         for SplitFinalArr in SplitFinalArrs:
Exemple #4
 def getTargetChunk(self):
     #print "P{} > listening".format(self.rank) 
     NodeArr = self.comm.recv(source=0, tag=1, status=self.status)
     #print "P{} < listening".format(self.rank) 
     #%% Divide the NodeArr into tiles
     #print "P{} > dividing".format(self.rank) 
     VertSplitArrs = scipy.split(NodeArr, self.Tiles[0], axis=1)
     for VertSplitArr in VertSplitArrs:
         SplitArrs = scipy.split(VertSplitArr,self.Tiles[1]/self.NPlacers,
         for splitArr in SplitArrs:
def detect_signals():
    vector, label = weeklydataset_sg_ndata(
        "/media/4AC0AB31C0AB21E5/Documents and Settings/Claudio/Documenti/Thesis/Workloads/MSClaudio/ews/access_log-20110805.csv",
    x, target = aggregatebymins_sg_ndata(vector[1])

    starttime = time.time()
    y = array(target)
    t = array(x)
    thr = max(y) * 2 / 3
    print thr
    I = pylab.find(y > thr)
    #    print I
    #    pylab.plot(t,y, 'b',label='signal')
    #    pylab.plot(t[I], y[I],'ro',label='detections')
    #    pylab.plot([0, t[len(t)-1]], [thr,thr], 'g--')

    J = pylab.find(diff(I) > 1)
    argpeak = []
    targetpeak = []
    for K in split(I, J + 1):
        ytag = y[K]
        peak = pylab.find(ytag == max(ytag))
        #        pylab.plot(peak+K[0],ytag[peak],'sg',ms=7)
        argpeak.append(peak + K[0])

    eta = time.time() - starttime
    print "time elapsed %f" % eta
    return list(itertools.chain(*argpeak)), list(itertools.chain(*targetpeak))
Exemple #6
def get_HRRR_data(filename):
    grbs = pygrib.open(filename)

    msgs = [str(grb) for grb in grbs]

    string = 'Geopotential Height:gpm'
    temp = [
        msg for msg in msgs
        if msg.find(string) > -1 and msg.find('isobaricInhPa') > -1
    pressure_levels_Pa = s.array([int(s.split(' ')[3]) for s in temp])

    geo_pot_height_grbs = grbs.select(name = 'Geopotential Height', \
                                      typeOfLevel='isobaricInhPa', level=lambda l: l > 0)
    temperature_grbs = grbs.select(name = 'Temperature', \
                                   typeOfLevel='isobaricInhPa', level=lambda l: l > 0)
    rh_grbs = grbs.select(name = 'Relative humidity', \
                          typeOfLevel='isobaricInhPa', level=lambda l: l > 0)

    lat, lon = geo_pot_height_grbs[0].latlons()

    geo_pot_height = s.stack([grb.values for grb in geo_pot_height_grbs])
    temperature = s.stack([grb.values for grb in temperature_grbs])
    rh = s.stack([grb.values for grb in rh_grbs])

    return lat, lon, geo_pot_height, temperature, rh, pressure_levels_Pa
	def crossvalidation(self, fold, v, k):
		error = 0
		data = Data(k, 0, 0)

		n = data.train_cat.shape[1]
		all_indices = sp.arange(n)

		sq = SquaredErrorLinearClassifier(v,k)

		dataset_indices = sp.split(all_indices, fold)

		for i in range(fold):
			set_without_D_i_indices = sp.concatenate(dataset_indices[0:i]+dataset_indices[i+1:fold])
			#print "-"*30+"train"+"-"*30
			sq.train(data.train_left[:,set_without_D_i_indices], data.train_right[:,set_without_D_i_indices], data.train_cat[:,set_without_D_i_indices])
			#print "-"*30+"classify"+"-"*30
			results, classes = sq.classify(data.train_left[:,dataset_indices[i]], data.train_right[:,dataset_indices[i]])
			#print "-"*30+"error"+"-"*30

			err,  _ = sq.error(results, data.train_cat[:,dataset_indices[i]].T)

			error += fold/(n*1.0)*err

		error = error / fold

		with open("results/crossvalidation.txt", "a") as myfile:
			toWrite = "v="+str(v)+" error="+str(error)
def Merge_pores(network, pores, Neighbor,Cordinate, trimradius, labels=['merged']):
    # Assert that `pores` is list of lists
    except (TypeError, IndexError):
        pores = [pores]        
    N = len(pores)
    NBs, XYZs = [], []
    for Ps in pores:
    op.topotools.extend(network, pore_coords=XYZs, labels=labels)
    Pnew = network.Ps[-N::]
    pores_set = [set(items) for items in pores]
    NBs_set = [set(items) for items in NBs]
    ps1, ps2 = [], []    
    from itertools import combinations
    for i, j in combinations(range(N), 2):
        if not NBs_set[i].isdisjoint(pores_set[j]):
    # Add (possible) connections between the new pores
    op.topotools.connect_pores(network, pores1=ps1, pores2=ps2, labels=labels)
    # Add connections between the new pores and the rest of the network
    op.topotools.connect_pores(network, pores2=sp.split(Pnew, N), pores1=NBs, labels=labels)
    # Trim merged pores from the network
    op.topotools.trim(network=network, pores=sp.concatenate(pores))
    Ps = network.find_nearby_pores(pores=network.Ps[-len(pores)::], r=trimradius, flatten=True)
    op.topotools.trim(network=network, pores=Ps)
Exemple #9
def chunk(A, n_chunks=10):
    """ split A into n chunks, ignore overhaning samples """
    chunk_size = sp.floor(A.shape[0] / n_chunks)
    drop = int(A.shape[0] % chunk_size)
    if drop != 0:
        A = A[:-drop]
    A_chunks = sp.split(A, n_chunks)
    return A_chunks
 def weights(self, new_weights):
     sections = shapesToSections(self.shapes)
     syn_wo, inter_ws, syn_wi, wi, wo = split(new_weights.copy(), sections)
     shapes = self.shapes
     self.syn_wo = syn_wo.reshape(shapes['syn_wo'])
     self.inter_ws = inter_ws
     self.syn_wi = syn_wi.reshape(shapes['syn_wi'])
     self.wi = wi.reshape(shapes['wi'])
     self.wo = wo.reshape(shapes['wo'])
 def weights(self, new_weights):
     sections = shapesToSections(self.shapes)
     syn_wo, inter_ws, syn_wi, wi, wo = split(new_weights.copy(), sections)
     shapes = self.shapes
     self.syn_wo = syn_wo.reshape(shapes['syn_wo'])
     self.inter_ws = inter_ws
     self.syn_wi = syn_wi.reshape(shapes['syn_wi'])
     self.wi = wi.reshape(shapes['wi'])
     self.wo = wo.reshape(shapes['wo'])
Exemple #12
def animate(frame):
    updated = [Sun.point, Sun.patch] #sun doesnt move
    for planet in LargeList[1:]: #large bodies after sun
        planet.pos = planet.orbitPos(times[frame])
    Demo2.pos, Demo2.vel = sp.split(path.sol(times[frame]), 2)# x, y, v_x, v_y
    focus(ax2, Demo2)
    return tuple(updated)
Exemple #13
 def fastKineticsCrop(self, rawArray, n):
     """in fast kinetic picture we have one large array and then need to crop it into n equal arrays vertically.
     Uses scipy split function which returns a python list of the arrays
     returned list has the order of first picture taken --> last picture taken. i.e. [atomsImage,lightImage]"""
         return scipy.split(rawArray, n, axis=0)
     except ValueError as e:
             "fastKinetics crop couldn't equally divide the image into n=%s. This will fail. You must crop the image to a divisble size first."
             % n)
         raise e
Exemple #14
def edens(self, lrgm_out):
    from scipy import split, pi, asarray, sum
    # TODO implement sparse and noncoliear structure mapping
    number_of_lattice_points = self.canvas.shape[0] * self.canvas.shape[1]
    number_of_nodes = len(self.tuple_canvas_coordinates)
    if number_of_nodes == number_of_lattice_points:
        print 'Using stride bases reshape, Attention !!! Probably not what you want!'

        if self.p.multi == 1:
            edensity = lrgm_out.reshape(asarray(self.canvas.shape) +
                                        [0, 0]) * 2 / (2 * pi * self.p.upar.a**
                                                       2)  #times 2 for spin
        if self.p.multi == 2:
            if self.order == 'even':
                Gup, Gdown = split(lrgm_out.reshape(self.canvas.shape[0],
                                                    self.canvas.shape[1] * 2),
                edensity = 1 / (2 * pi * self.upar.p.a**2) * (Gup + Gdown)
            if self.order == 'odd':
                edensity = 1 / (2 * pi * self.p.upar.a**2) * sum(
                    lrgm_out.reshape(-1, 2), axis=1).reshape(self.canvas.shape)
                print "Please specify order of Nodes, i.e 'even' for allspinup-allspindown per sclice or odd for spinup-spindown-spinup-..."
    elif number_of_nodes < number_of_lattice_points:
        from scipy import zeros, complex128, repeat
        edensity_spin_up = zeros(self.canvas.shape, dtype=complex128)
        edensity_spin_down = zeros(self.canvas.shape, dtype=complex128)
        if self.p.multi == 1:
            print 'calculating electron density without SO'
            lrgm_out = lrgm_out * 2 / (2 * pi * self.p.upar.a**2)
            for index, node_name in enumerate(self.nodelist):
                    self.tuple_canvas_coordinates[node_name]] = lrgm_out[index]
        if self.p.multi == 2:
            print 'calculating electron density with SO'
            lrgm_out = lrgm_out * 1 / (2 * pi * self.p.upar.a**2)
            expanded_array_of_coords = repeat(self.tuple_canvas_coordinates,
            for index, node_name in enumerate(self.nodelist):
                if node_name % 2 == 0:
                        expanded_array_of_coords[node_name])] = lrgm_out[index]
                        expanded_array_of_coords[node_name])] = lrgm_out[index]
        edensity = edensity_spin_up + edensity_spin_down
        edensity = (edensity.real, edensity_spin_up.real,
        print 'Number of nodes larger than canvas, something is wrong!'
    # print 'max Electron Density: ', edensity.max()
    return edensity
Exemple #15
def Grafica(x, y, vx, vy, Np):
    x1 = sp.zeros(Np // 2)
    x2 = sp.zeros(Np // 2)
    vx1 = sp.zeros(Np // 2)
    vx2 = sp.zeros(Np // 2)
    y1 = sp.zeros(Np // 2)
    y2 = sp.zeros(Np // 2)
    vy1 = sp.zeros(Np // 2)
    vy2 = sp.zeros(Np // 2)
    x1, x2 = sp.split(x, 2)
    vx1, vx2 = sp.split(vx, 2)
    [y1, y2] = sp.split(y, 2)
    [vy1, vy2] = sp.split(vy, 2)
    plt.plot(x, y, '.', markersize=1)

    plt.figure('Velocidades x')
    plt.plot(x1, vx1, '.', markersize=1, c='m')
    plt.plot(x2, vx2, '.', markersize=1, c='c')

    plt.figure('Velocidades y')
    plt.plot(y1, vy1, '.', markersize=1, c='m')
    plt.plot(y2, vy2, '.', markersize=1, c='c')
Exemple #16
def spindens(self, lrgm_out):
    from scipy import split, pi, complex128, zeros, repeat
    number_of_lattice_points = self.canvas.shape[0] * self.canvas.shape[1]
    number_of_nodes = len(self.tuple_canvas_coordinates)
    if number_of_nodes == number_of_lattice_points:
        if self.order == 'even':
            Gup, Gdown = split(lrgm_out.reshape(self.canvas.shape[0],
                                                self.canvas.shape[1] * 2),
        if self.order == 'odd':
            Gup, Gdown = split(lrgm_out.reshape(-1, 2), 2, axis=1)
            Gup, Gdown = Gup.reshape(self.canvas.shape), Gdown.reshape(
            print "Please specify order of Nodes, i.e 'even' for allspinup-allspindown per sclice or odd for spinup-spindown-spinup-..."
        Sz = self.p.upar.hbar / (4 * pi * 1j * self.p.upar.a**2) * (Gup -
    elif number_of_nodes < number_of_lattice_points:
        Sz = zeros(self.canvas.shape, dtype=complex128)
        print 'calculating spin density for sparse structure'
        lrgm_out = self.p.hbar / (4 * pi * 1j * self.p.upar.a**2) * lrgm_out
        expanded_array_of_coords = repeat(self.tuple_canvas_coordinates,
        for index, node_name in enumerate(self.nodelist):
            if node_name % 2 == 0:
                sign = 1
                sign = -1
                expanded_array_of_coords[node_name])] += sign * lrgm_out[index]
        print 'Number of nodes larger than canvas, something is wrong!'
    print 'max Spin Split: ', Sz.real.max() - Sz.real.min()
    #Realteil scheint wahrscheinlicher, imag oszilliert wie bloed
    return Sz.real
Exemple #17
 def fastKineticsCrop(self, rawArray, n):
     """in fast kinetic picture we have one large array and then need to crop it into n equal arrays vertically.
     Uses scipy split function which returns a python list of the arrays
     returned list has the order of first picture taken --> last picture taken. i.e. [atomsImage,lightImage]"""
     if self.cut_white_line:
         # split the image, but remove some lines, which are usually very bright, we are not quite sure about the reason
         cut1 = 509
         padding = 3
         pic1, pic2 = rawArray[:cut1], rawArray[cut1 + padding:2 * cut1 +
         return pic1, pic2
             return scipy.split(rawArray, n, axis=0)
         except ValueError as e:
             print "Kinetics crop did not work"
Exemple #18
def shred_data_run_pnc():
    subs_mats=[i.split('_')[0] for i in iplist]
    subs_pheno=[sp.split('.')[0] for sp in subs_pheno]
    substouse=sorted(list(set(subs_mats) & set(subs_pheno)))

    iplist=[ip for ip in iplist if any([s in ip for s in substouse])]

    mats=[pd.read_csv(m,sep='\t',header=None).dropna(axis=1).values for m in iplist]

    return ipmats,pmatvals,substouse
def animate(frame):
    updated = [Sun.point, Sun.patch] #sun doesnt move
    for planet in LargeList[1:]: #large bodies after sun
        planet.pos = planet.orbitPos(t[frame])
    Demo2.pos, Demo2.vel = sp.split(path.sol(t[frame]), 2)#x, y, v_x, v_y
#    vel_text.set_text('velocity = %.1f' % Demo2.vel) #¢€€€€€
    ax2.legend(["velocty = %.1f" %(mag(Demo2.vel[0] , Demo2.vel[1]))  ])
  #  ax2.title("test")

    return tuple(updated)
Exemple #20
def edens(self,lrgm_out):
    from scipy import split,pi,asarray,sum
# TODO implement sparse and noncoliear structure mapping
    number_of_lattice_points = self.canvas.shape[0]*self.canvas.shape[1]
    number_of_nodes = len(self.tuple_canvas_coordinates)
    if number_of_nodes  == number_of_lattice_points:
        print 'Using stride bases reshape, Attention !!! Probably not what you want!'

        if self.p.multi ==1:
                edensity = lrgm_out.reshape(asarray(self.canvas.shape)+[0,0])*2/(2*pi*self.p.upar.a**2) #times 2 for spin
        if self.p.multi ==2:
            if self.order == 'even':
                Gup, Gdown = split(lrgm_out.reshape(self.canvas.shape[0],self.canvas.shape[1]*2),2,axis=1)
                edensity = 1/(2*pi*self.upar.p.a**2)*(Gup+Gdown)
            if self.order == 'odd':
                edensity = 1/(2*pi*self.p.upar.a**2)*sum(lrgm_out.reshape(-1,2), axis=1).reshape(self.canvas.shape)
                print "Please specify order of Nodes, i.e 'even' for allspinup-allspindown per sclice or odd for spinup-spindown-spinup-..."
    elif number_of_nodes < number_of_lattice_points:
        from scipy import zeros,complex128,repeat
        edensity_spin_up = zeros(self.canvas.shape,dtype=complex128)
        edensity_spin_down = zeros(self.canvas.shape,dtype=complex128)
        if self.p.multi ==1:
            print 'calculating electron density without SO'
            lrgm_out = lrgm_out *2/(2*pi*self.p.upar.a**2)
            for index,node_name in enumerate(self.nodelist):
                edensity_spin_up[self.tuple_canvas_coordinates[node_name]]= lrgm_out[index]
        if self.p.multi ==2:
            print 'calculating electron density with SO'
            lrgm_out = lrgm_out*1/(2*pi*self.p.upar.a**2)
            expanded_array_of_coords = repeat(self.tuple_canvas_coordinates,2,axis=0)
            for index,node_name in enumerate(self.nodelist):
                if node_name % 2 ==0: 
                    edensity_spin_up[tuple(expanded_array_of_coords[node_name])] = lrgm_out[index]
                    edensity_spin_down[tuple(expanded_array_of_coords[node_name])] = lrgm_out[index]
        edensity = edensity_spin_up + edensity_spin_down
        edensity = (edensity.real, edensity_spin_up.real , edensity_spin_down.real)
        print 'Number of nodes larger than canvas, something is wrong!'
    # print 'max Electron Density: ', edensity.max()
    return edensity
Exemple #21
def gen(kf,upper,lower,r=25):



	for y in yv:
    		for x in xv:

	K= sp.array(buildKsym(kf,X))

	zv = sp.random.multivariate_normal(m,K)

	g = lambda x:f(x[0,0],x[0,1])[0]
	return g
Exemple #22
 def transfersigma(self, ind_contact, E):
     from scipy.linalg import eig, inv
     from scipy.sparse import lil_matrix
     from aux import SparseBlocks
     from scipy import argsort, dot, eye, hstack, vstack, zeros, complex128, asarray, split
     E = E + self.zplus
     Ndim = len(self.p.tuple_canvas_coordinates)
     block = ind_contact.length
     Hblock = SparseBlocks(self.H, self.block_sizes)
     self.Hblock = Hblock
     I = eye(block * self.p.multi)
     Zeros = zeros((block * self.p.multi, block * self.p.multi))
     #if ind_contact.SO is False:
     #    H00 = 4*self.t0*eye(block) -self.t0*eye(block,k=1) -self.t0*eye(block,k=-1)
     #    Hhop = -self.t0*I #no Bfield as of now
     #    inv_Hhop = -1/self.t0*I #no Bfield as of now
     if ind_contact.index == 0:
         H00 = asarray(Hblock[0, 0].todense())
         #H10 = asarray(Hblock[1,0].todense())
         H01 = asarray(Hblock[0, 1].todense())
         inv_H01 = inv(H01)
     if ind_contact.index == 1:
         H00 = asarray(Hblock[-1, -1].todense())
         #H10 = asarray(Hblock[-1,-2].todense())
         H01 = asarray(Hblock[-2, -1].todense())
         """indices switch because hopping matrices go the other
         direction x --> -x, better results this way altough not much difference"""
         inv_H01 = inv(H01)
     TransMatrix = vstack((hstack(
         (dot(inv_H01, E * I - H00), dot(-inv_H01,
                                         H01.conj().T))), hstack(
                                             (I, Zeros))))
     v, S = eig(TransMatrix)
     ndx = argsort(abs(v))
     S = S[:, ndx]
     v = v[ndx]
     self.S = S
     self.v = v
     Sleft, Sright = split(S, 2, axis=1)
     S4, S3 = split(Sright, 2, axis=0)
     S2, S1 = split(Sleft, 2, axis=0)
     #S2 =S[:block*self.p.multi,:block*self.p.multi]
     #S1= S[block*self.p.multi:,:block*self.p.multi]
     self.S2 = S2
     self.S1 = S1
     self.S4 = S4
     self.S3 = S3
     print 'S1 shape: ', S1.shape
     print 'S2 shape: ', S2.shape
     if ind_contact.index == 0:
         dotted = dot(S2, inv(S1))
     if ind_contact.index == 1:
         dotted = dot(S3, inv(S4))
     invBracket = inv(E * I - H00 - dot(H01, dotted))
     SigmaRet = self.t0**2 * invBracket
     if ind_contact.index == 0:
         self.SigmaRet1 = SigmaRet
         #temp = zeros((60,60),dtype=complex128)
         #temp[30:60,30:60] =SigmaRet[:30,:30]
         self.SigmaRet2 = SigmaRet
     print 'SigaRet shape: ', SigmaRet.shape
     sigma = lil_matrix((self.p.multi * Ndim, self.p.multi * Ndim),
     print 'sigma shape: ', sigma.shape
     if ind_contact.index == 0:
         sigma[0:SigmaRet.shape[0], 0:SigmaRet.shape[1]] = SigmaRet
         self.sigma1 = sigma
     elif ind_contact.index == 1:
         sigma[-SigmaRet.shape[0]:, -SigmaRet.shape[1]:] = SigmaRet
         self.sigma2 = sigma
     import pudb
     return sigma
arrival_times, service_times = getRandomArrivalServiceTimes(n_process, arrival_rate, service_rate)
server_prob = array([0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2])
n_server = server_prob.size
# maps kth process to ith server
server_address_table = digitize(uniform.rvs(size = n_process), cumsum(server_prob))
server_arrival_times = [arrival_times[server_address_table == i] for i in range(n_server)]
server_service_times = [service_times[server_address_table == i] for i in range(n_server)]
results = map(mm1, server_arrival_times, server_service_times)
print "Mean Wait(1)", array([mean(result['wait_times']) for result in results])
print "Mean QueueSize(1)", array([mean(result['queue_size']) for result in results])
server_prob_matrix = array([[ 0.2,  0.2,  0.2,  0.2,  0.2],
                            [ 0.2,  0.2,  0.2,  0.2,  0.2],
                            [ 0.2,  0.2,  0.2,  0.2,  0.2],
                            [ 0.2,  0.2,  0.2,  0.2,  0.2],
                            [ 0.2,  0.2,  0.2,  0.2,  0.2]])
server_prob_matrix_cumsumed = cumsum(server_prob_matrix, axis = 1)
server_address_tables = [
    digitize(uniform.rvs(size = len(server_arrival_times[i])), server_prob_matrix_cumsumed[i])
    for i in range(n_server)
server_arrival_times = [
    sort(concatenate([results[i]['completion_times'][server_address_tables[i] == k]
                      for i in range(n_server)])) 
    for k in range(n_server)
new_service_times = getRandomArrivalServiceTimes(n_process, arrival_rate, service_rate)[1]
server_service_times = split(new_service_times, cumsum([x.size for x in server_arrival_times]))[:-1]
results2 = map(mm1, server_arrival_times, server_service_times)
print "Mean Wait(2)", array([mean(result['wait_times']) for result in results2])
print "Mean QueueSize(2)", array([mean(result['queue_size']) for result in results2])
        output_hdulist.writeto(progenitor_image_name.replace("coadd", "fakestars1_" + str(h) + "_" + str(g)))
        # Call Source Extractor in two-image mode for both sky apertures and weight
        # apertures.
        make_sex_cat_fake_stars(progenitor_image_name.replace("coadd", "fakestars1_" + str(h) + "_" + str(g)), 
            progenitor_image_name, weight_image_name, aperture_size)
            progenitor_image_name.replace("coadd", "fakestars1_" + str(h) + "_" + str(g)), weight_image_name,
        # Delete the fakestars image, we don't need it anymore.
        system("rm " + progenitor_image_name.replace("coadd", "fakestars1_" + str(h) + "_" + str(g)))
        # Read the SEX catalogs into data lists. The format of the sex_file is: 
        # ra, dec, inst_mag, e_inst_mag, flags, fwhm, signal, noise
        temp_array = loadtxt(file(progenitor_image_name.replace(".fits", ".sex")))
        aperture_data = append(aperture_data, temp_array)
        aperture_data = split(aperture_data, len(aperture_data)/8)

        flux_array = append(flux_array, (temp_array[:,6]))

        temp_array = loadtxt(file(weight_image_name.replace(".fits", ".sex")))
        weight_aperture_data = append(weight_aperture_data, temp_array)
        weight_aperture_data = split(weight_aperture_data, len(weight_aperture_data)/8)

for g in range(order):
    for h in range(order):
        fake_star_data = zeros([height,width])
        for i in range(int(width/aperture_size/order)-1):
            for j in range(int(height/aperture_size/order)-1):
                fake_star_data[int((j+1-1./(order*2))*spacing+aperture_size*h)][int((i+1-1./(order*2))*spacing+aperture_size*g)] = peak
        blurred_fake_star_data = zeros([height,width])
        gaussian_filter(fake_star_data*weight_mask_expanded, 0.7, 
Exemple #25
    def generate_sigma(self):
        import networkx as nx
        from scipy.linalg import inv,schur,eig
        from scipy.sparse import lil_matrix
        from numpy import asarray_chkfinite,isfinite,inf
        from aux import SparseBlocks, eigenvector_from_eigenvalue, all_elements_are_unique
        from scipy import argsort,dot,eye,hstack,vstack,zeros,complex128,split,asarray,diag,array
        # should be able to turn zplus off, but then i need better eigenvalue comparison
        E= self.p.E+self.p.zplus
        Ndim = len(self.p.tuple_canvas_coordinates)
        Zeros = zeros((block,block))
        Hlead = nx.to_numpy_matrix(self.graph,nodelist=self.nodelist,dtype=complex128)
        self.Hlead = Hlead
        #import pudb; pudb.set_trace()
        # add 4*self.t0 because the matrix from graph lacks diagonal (no self-loops)
            H00 = asarray_chkfinite(Hlead[:block,:block])+4*self.p.t0 * I
            self.H00 = H00
        except ValueError:
            print 'H00 contains infs or NaNs'
            import pudb; pudb.set_trace()
            H01 = asarray_chkfinite(Hlead[:block,block:])
            self.H01 = H01
        except ValueError:
            print 'H01 contains infs or NaNs'
            import pudb; pudb.set_trace()
        inv_H01 = inv(H01)
        while not isfinite(inv_H01).all():
            print 'inv_H01 contains infs or NaNs, repeating'
            inv_H01 = inv(H01)
            #import pudb; pudb.set_trace()
        self.inv_H01 = inv_H01
        CompanionMatrix_array =vstack((hstack((Zeros,I)),hstack((dot(-inv_H01,H01.conj().T),dot(inv_H01,E*I-H00)))))
        if not isfinite(CompanionMatrix_array).all():
            print 'CompanionMatrix contains infs or NaNs'
            import pudb; pudb.set_trace()
        #CompanionMatrix_array =vstack((hstack((dot(inv_H01,E*I-H00),dot(-inv_H01,H01.conj().T))),hstack((I,Zeros))))
        # the following 'complex' might be superfluous and only for real input matrices.
        T,Z,number_sorted= schur(CompanionMatrix_array,sort='iuc')
        eigenvalues = diag(T)
        # propagating_eigenvalues = []
        # propagating_eigenvectors = []
        # for eigenvalue in eigenvalues:
        #     if abs(abs(eigenvalue)-1) < 0.01:
        #         propagating_eigenvalues.append(eigenvalue)
        #         eigenvector = eigenvector_from_eigenvalue(CompanionMatrix_array, eigenvalue)
        #         propagating_eigenvectors.append(eigenvector)
        # prop_eig_array = array(propagating_eigenvectors).T
        if not all_elements_are_unique(eigenvalues):
            print "--------------WARNING!!!!!---------------"
            print "One or more eigenvalues are identical, please rotate eigenvectors, I don't know how to do that"
        #v,d = eig(CompanionMatrix_array)
        #ndx = argsort(v)
        #Sleft,Sright = split(S,2,axis=1)
        #S4,S3 = split(Sright,2,axis=0)
        #S2,S1 = split(Sleft,2,axis=0)
        #S2 =S[:block*self.p.multi,:block*self.p.multi]
        #S1= S[block*self.p.multi:,:block*self.p.multi]
        #self.S2 = S2
        #self.S1 = S1
        #self.S4 = S4
        #self.S3 = S3
        #print 'S1 shape: ',S1.shape
        #print 'S2 shape: ',S2.shape
        # sort eigenvalues and Z according to acending abs(eigenvalue), TODO: do better sorting, now it
        # depends on luck. sort using the calulated eigenvectors above
        # sorting_indices = abs(eigenvalues).argsort()
        #T = T[:,sorting_indices][sorting_indices,:]
        #Z = Z[:,sorting_indices][sorting_indices,:]
        Zleft,Zright = split(Z,2,axis=1)
        #S4,S3 = split(Sright,2,axis=0)
        Z11,Z21 = split(Zleft,2,axis=0)
        self.Z11 = Z11
        self.Z21 = Z21
        if self.index == 0:
            SigmaRet = dot(H01,dot(Z21,inv(Z11)))
            SigmaRet = dot(H01.conj(),dot(Z21,inv(Z11)))
        self.SigmaRet = SigmaRet
        print '- SimgaRet (',self.index,') shape: ',SigmaRet.shape
        sigma = lil_matrix((self.p.multi*Ndim,self.p.multi*Ndim), dtype=complex128)
        print '- sigma shape: ',sigma.shape
#implement polarization like (for spin up) reshape(-1,2) --> [:,1] = 0 --> reshape(shape(SigmaRet))
        if self.index == 0:
            if 'up' in self.current:
                print 'Up polarized input'
                SigmaRet.reshape(-1,2)[:,1] = 0
            elif 'down' in self.current:
                print 'Down polarized input'
                SigmaRet.reshape(-1,2)[:,0] = 0
            sigma[0:SigmaRet.shape[0], 0:SigmaRet.shape[1]] = SigmaRet
        elif self.index == 1:
            sigma[-SigmaRet.shape[0]:, -SigmaRet.shape[1]:] = SigmaRet
        return sigma
Exemple #26
    def solve(self, wls):
        """Anisotropic solver.

        wls = wavelengths to scan (any asarray-able object).

        self.DEO1, self.DEE1, self.DEO3, self.DEE3 = power reflected
        and transmitted.

        self.wls = S.atleast_1d(wls)

        LAMBDA = self.LAMBDA
        n = self.n
        multilayer = self.multilayer
        alpha = self.alpha
        delta = self.delta
        psi = self.psi
        phi = self.phi

        nlayers = len(multilayer)
        i = S.arange(-n, n + 1)
        nood = 2 * n + 1
        hmax = nood - 1

        DEO1 = S.zeros((nood, self.wls.size))
        DEO3 = S.zeros_like(DEO1)
        DEE1 = S.zeros_like(DEO1)
        DEE3 = S.zeros_like(DEO1)

        c1 = S.array([1., 0., 0.])
        c3 = S.array([1., 0., 0.])
        # grating on the xy plane
        K = 2 * pi / LAMBDA * \
            S.array([S.sin(phi), 0., S.cos(phi)], dtype=complex)
        dirk1 = S.array([S.sin(alpha) * S.cos(delta),
                         S.sin(alpha) * S.sin(delta),

        # D polarization vector
        u = S.array([S.cos(psi) * S.cos(alpha) * S.cos(delta) - S.sin(psi) * S.sin(delta),
                     S.cos(psi) * S.cos(alpha) * S.sin(delta) +
                     S.sin(psi) * S.cos(delta),
                     -S.cos(psi) * S.sin(alpha)])

        kO1i = S.zeros((3, i.size), dtype=complex)
        kE1i = S.zeros_like(kO1i)
        kO3i = S.zeros_like(kO1i)
        kE3i = S.zeros_like(kO1i)

        Mp = S.zeros((4 * nood, 4 * nood, nlayers), dtype=complex)
        M = S.zeros((4 * nood, 4 * nood, nlayers), dtype=complex)

        dlt = (i == 0).astype(int)

        for iwl, wl in enumerate(self.wls):

            nO1 = nE1 = multilayer[0].mat.n(wl).item()
            nO3 = nE3 = multilayer[-1].mat.n(wl).item()

            # wavevectors
            k = 2 * pi / wl

            eps1 = S.diag(S.asarray([nE1, nO1, nO1]) ** 2)
            eps3 = S.diag(S.asarray([nE3, nO3, nO3]) ** 2)

            # ordinary wave
            abskO1 = k * nO1
            # abskO3 = k * nO3
            # extraordinary wave
            # abskE1 = k * nO1 *nE1 / S.sqrt(nO1**2 + (nE1**2 - nO1**2) * S.dot(-c1, dirk1)**2)
            # abskE3 = k * nO3 *nE3 / S.sqrt(nO3**2 + (nE3**2 - nO3**2) * S.dot(-c3, dirk1)**2)

            k1 = abskO1 * dirk1

            kO1i[0, :] = k1[0] - i * K[0]
            kO1i[1, :] = k1[1] * S.ones_like(i)
            kO1i[2, :] = - \
                dispersion_relation_ordinary(kO1i[0, :], kO1i[1, :], k, nO1)

            kE1i[0, :] = kO1i[0, :]
            kE1i[1, :] = kO1i[1, :]
                 :] = -dispersion_relation_extraordinary(kE1i[0,

            kO3i[0, :] = kO1i[0, :]
            kO3i[1, :] = kO1i[1, :]
                2, :] = dispersion_relation_ordinary(
                    0, :], kO3i[
                    1, :], k, nO3)

            kE3i[0, :] = kO1i[0, :]
            kE3i[1, :] = kO1i[1, :]
                2, :] = dispersion_relation_extraordinary(
                    0, :], kE3i[
                    1, :], k, nO3, nE3, c3)

            # k2i = S.r_[[k1[0] - i * K[0]], [k1[1] - i * K[1]], [k1[2] - i * K[2]]]
            k2i = S.r_[[k1[0] - i * K[0]], [k1[1] - i * K[1]], [- i * K[2]]]

            # aliases for constant wavevectors
            kx = kO1i[0, :]  # o kE1i(1,;), tanto e' lo stesso
            ky = k1[1]

            # matrices
            I = S.eye(nood, dtype=complex)
            ZERO = S.zeros((nood, nood), dtype=complex)
            Kx = S.diag(kx / k)
            Ky = ky / k * I
            Kz = S.diag(k2i[2, :] / k)
            KO1z = S.diag(kO1i[2, :] / k)
            KE1z = S.diag(kE1i[2, :] / k)
            KO3z = S.diag(kO3i[2, :] / k)
            KE3z = S.diag(kE3i[2, :] / k)

            ARO = Kx * eps1[0, 0] + Ky * eps1[1, 0] + KO1z * eps1[2, 0]
            BRO = Kx * eps1[0, 1] + Ky * eps1[1, 1] + KO1z * eps1[2, 1]
            CRO_1 = inv(Kx * eps1[0, 2] + Ky * eps1[1, 2] + KO1z * eps1[2, 2])

            ARE = Kx * eps1[0, 0] + Ky * eps1[1, 0] + KE1z * eps1[2, 0]
            BRE = Kx * eps1[0, 1] + Ky * eps1[1, 1] + KE1z * eps1[2, 1]
            CRE_1 = inv(Kx * eps1[0, 2] + Ky * eps1[1, 2] + KE1z * eps1[2, 2])

            ATO = Kx * eps3[0, 0] + Ky * eps3[1, 0] + KO3z * eps3[2, 0]
            BTO = Kx * eps3[0, 1] + Ky * eps3[1, 1] + KO3z * eps3[2, 1]
            CTO_1 = inv(Kx * eps3[0, 2] + Ky * eps3[1, 2] + KO3z * eps3[2, 2])

            ATE = Kx * eps3[0, 0] + Ky * eps3[1, 0] + KE3z * eps3[2, 0]
            BTE = Kx * eps3[0, 1] + Ky * eps3[1, 1] + KE3z * eps3[2, 1]
            CTE_1 = inv(Kx * eps3[0, 2] + Ky * eps3[1, 2] + KE3z * eps3[2, 2])

            DRE = c1[1] * KE1z - c1[2] * Ky
            ERE = c1[2] * Kx - c1[0] * KE1z
            FRE = c1[0] * Ky - c1[1] * Kx

            DTE = c3[1] * KE3z - c3[2] * Ky
            ETE = c3[2] * Kx - c3[0] * KE3z
            FTE = c3[0] * Ky - c3[1] * Kx

            b = S.r_[u[0] * dlt, u[1] * dlt, (k1[1] / k * u[2] - k1[2] / k * u[1]) * dlt, (
                k1[2] / k * u[0] - k1[0] / k * u[2]) * dlt]
            Ky_CRO_1 = ky / k * CRO_1
            Ky_CRE_1 = ky / k * CRE_1
            Kx_CRO_1 = kx[:, S.newaxis] / k * CRO_1
            Kx_CRE_1 = kx[:, S.newaxis] / k * CRE_1
            MR31 = -S.dot(Ky_CRO_1, ARO)
            MR32 = -S.dot(Ky_CRO_1, BRO) - KO1z
            MR33 = -S.dot(Ky_CRE_1, ARE)
            MR34 = -S.dot(Ky_CRE_1, BRE) - KE1z
            MR41 = S.dot(Kx_CRO_1, ARO) + KO1z
            MR42 = S.dot(Kx_CRO_1, BRO)
            MR43 = S.dot(Kx_CRE_1, ARE) + KE1z
            MR44 = S.dot(Kx_CRE_1, BRE)
            MR = S.asarray(S.bmat([[I, ZERO, I, ZERO],
                                   [ZERO, I, ZERO, I],
                                   [MR31, MR32, MR33, MR34],
                                   [MR41, MR42, MR43, MR44]]))

            Ky_CTO_1 = ky / k * CTO_1
            Ky_CTE_1 = ky / k * CTE_1
            Kx_CTO_1 = kx[:, S.newaxis] / k * CTO_1
            Kx_CTE_1 = kx[:, S.newaxis] / k * CTE_1
            MT31 = -S.dot(Ky_CTO_1, ATO)
            MT32 = -S.dot(Ky_CTO_1, BTO) - KO3z
            MT33 = -S.dot(Ky_CTE_1, ATE)
            MT34 = -S.dot(Ky_CTE_1, BTE) - KE3z
            MT41 = S.dot(Kx_CTO_1, ATO) + KO3z
            MT42 = S.dot(Kx_CTO_1, BTO)
            MT43 = S.dot(Kx_CTE_1, ATE) + KE3z
            MT44 = S.dot(Kx_CTE_1, BTE)
            MT = S.asarray(S.bmat([[I, ZERO, I, ZERO],
                                   [ZERO, I, ZERO, I],
                                   [MT31, MT32, MT33, MT34],
                                   [MT41, MT42, MT43, MT44]]))


            for nlayer in range(nlayers - 2, 0, -1):  # internal layers

                layer = multilayer[nlayer]
                thickness = layer.thickness

                EPS2, EPS21 = layer.getEPSFourierCoeffs(
                    wl, n, anisotropic=True)

                # Exx = S.squeeze(EPS2[0, 0, :])
                # Exx = toeplitz(S.flipud(Exx[0:hmax + 1]), Exx[hmax:])
                Exy = S.squeeze(EPS2[0, 1, :])
                Exy = toeplitz(S.flipud(Exy[0:hmax + 1]), Exy[hmax:])
                Exz = S.squeeze(EPS2[0, 2, :])
                Exz = toeplitz(S.flipud(Exz[0:hmax + 1]), Exz[hmax:])

                Eyx = S.squeeze(EPS2[1, 0, :])
                Eyx = toeplitz(S.flipud(Eyx[0:hmax + 1]), Eyx[hmax:])
                Eyy = S.squeeze(EPS2[1, 1, :])
                Eyy = toeplitz(S.flipud(Eyy[0:hmax + 1]), Eyy[hmax:])
                Eyz = S.squeeze(EPS2[1, 2, :])
                Eyz = toeplitz(S.flipud(Eyz[0:hmax + 1]), Eyz[hmax:])

                Ezx = S.squeeze(EPS2[2, 0, :])
                Ezx = toeplitz(S.flipud(Ezx[0:hmax + 1]), Ezx[hmax:])
                Ezy = S.squeeze(EPS2[2, 1, :])
                Ezy = toeplitz(S.flipud(Ezy[0:hmax + 1]), Ezy[hmax:])
                Ezz = S.squeeze(EPS2[2, 2, :])
                Ezz = toeplitz(S.flipud(Ezz[0:hmax + 1]), Ezz[hmax:])

                Exx_1 = S.squeeze(EPS21[0, 0, :])
                Exx_1 = toeplitz(S.flipud(Exx_1[0:hmax + 1]), Exx_1[hmax:])
                Exx_1_1 = inv(Exx_1)

                # lalanne
                Ezz_1 = inv(Ezz)
                Ky_Ezz_1 = ky / k * Ezz_1
                Kx_Ezz_1 = kx[:, S.newaxis] / k * Ezz_1
                Exz_Ezz_1 = S.dot(Exz, Ezz_1)
                Eyz_Ezz_1 = S.dot(Eyz, Ezz_1)
                H11 = 1j * S.dot(Ky_Ezz_1, Ezy)
                H12 = 1j * S.dot(Ky_Ezz_1, Ezx)
                H13 = S.dot(Ky_Ezz_1, Kx)
                H14 = I - S.dot(Ky_Ezz_1, Ky)
                H21 = 1j * S.dot(Kx_Ezz_1, Ezy)
                H22 = 1j * S.dot(Kx_Ezz_1, Ezx)
                H23 = S.dot(Kx_Ezz_1, Kx) - I
                H24 = -S.dot(Kx_Ezz_1, Ky)
                H31 = S.dot(Kx, Ky) + Exy - S.dot(Exz_Ezz_1, Ezy)
                H32 = Exx_1_1 - S.dot(Ky, Ky) - S.dot(Exz_Ezz_1, Ezx)
                H33 = 1j * S.dot(Exz_Ezz_1, Kx)
                H34 = -1j * S.dot(Exz_Ezz_1, Ky)
                H41 = S.dot(Kx, Kx) - Eyy + S.dot(Eyz_Ezz_1, Ezy)
                H42 = -S.dot(Kx, Ky) - Eyx + S.dot(Eyz_Ezz_1, Ezx)
                H43 = -1j * S.dot(Eyz_Ezz_1, Kx)
                H44 = 1j * S.dot(Eyz_Ezz_1, Ky)
                H = 1j * S.diag(S.repeat(S.diag(Kz), 4)) + \
                    S.asarray(S.bmat([[H11, H12, H13, H14],
                                      [H21, H22, H23, H24],
                                      [H31, H32, H33, H34],
                                      [H41, H42, H43, H44]]))

                q, W = eig(H)
                W1, W2, W3, W4 = S.split(W, 4)

                # boundary conditions
                # x = [R T]
                # R = [ROx ROy REx REy]
                # T = [TOx TOy TEx TEy]
                # b + MR.R = M1p.c
                # M1.c = M2p.c
                # ...
                # ML.c = MT.T
                # therefore: b + MR.R = (M1p.M1^-1.M2p.M2^-1. ...).MT.T
                # missing equations from (46)..(49) in glytsis_rigorous
                # [b] = [-MR Mtot.MT] [R]
                # [0]   [...........] [T]

                z = S.zeros_like(q)
                z[S.where(q.real > 0)] = -thickness
                D = S.exp(k * q * z)
                Sy0 = W1 * D[S.newaxis, :]
                Sx0 = W2 * D[S.newaxis, :]
                Uy0 = W3 * D[S.newaxis, :]
                Ux0 = W4 * D[S.newaxis, :]

                z = thickness * S.ones_like(q)
                z[S.where(q.real > 0)] = 0
                D = S.exp(k * q * z)
                D1 = S.exp(-1j * k2i[2, :] * thickness)
                Syd = D1[:, S.newaxis] * W1 * D[S.newaxis, :]
                Sxd = D1[:, S.newaxis] * W2 * D[S.newaxis, :]
                Uyd = D1[:, S.newaxis] * W3 * D[S.newaxis, :]
                Uxd = D1[:, S.newaxis] * W4 * D[S.newaxis, :]

                Mp[:, :, nlayer] = S.r_[Sx0, Sy0, -1j * Ux0, -1j * Uy0]
                M[:, :, nlayer] = S.r_[Sxd, Syd, -1j * Uxd, -1j * Uyd]

            Mtot = S.eye(4 * nood, dtype=complex)
            for nlayer in range(1, nlayers - 1):
                Mtot = S.dot(
                    S.dot(Mtot, Mp[:, :, nlayer]), inv(M[:, :, nlayer]))

            BC_b = S.r_[b, S.zeros_like(b)]
            BC_A1 = S.c_[-MR, S.dot(Mtot, MT)]
            BC_A2 = S.asarray(S.bmat(
                [[(c1[0] * I - c1[2] * S.dot(CRO_1, ARO)), (c1[1] * I - c1[2] * S.dot(CRO_1, BRO)), ZERO, ZERO, ZERO,
                  ZERO, ZERO, ZERO],
                 [ZERO, ZERO, (DRE - S.dot(S.dot(FRE, CRE_1), ARE)), (ERE - S.dot(S.dot(FRE, CRE_1), BRE)), ZERO, ZERO,
                  ZERO, ZERO],
                 [ZERO, ZERO, ZERO, ZERO, (c3[0] * I - c3[2] * S.dot(CTO_1, ATO)),
                  (c3[1] * I - c3[2] * S.dot(CTO_1, BTO)), ZERO, ZERO],
                 [ZERO, ZERO, ZERO, ZERO, ZERO, ZERO, (DTE - S.dot(S.dot(FTE, CTE_1), ATE)),
                  (ETE - S.dot(S.dot(FTE, CTE_1), BTE))]]))

            BC_A = S.r_[BC_A1, BC_A2]

            x = linsolve(BC_A, BC_b)

            ROx, ROy, REx, REy, TOx, TOy, TEx, TEy = S.split(x, 8)

            ROz = -S.dot(CRO_1, (S.dot(ARO, ROx) + S.dot(BRO, ROy)))
            REz = -S.dot(CRE_1, (S.dot(ARE, REx) + S.dot(BRE, REy)))
            TOz = -S.dot(CTO_1, (S.dot(ATO, TOx) + S.dot(BTO, TOy)))
            TEz = -S.dot(CTE_1, (S.dot(ATE, TEx) + S.dot(BTE, TEy)))

            denom = (k1[2] - S.dot(u, k1) * u[2]).real
            DEO1[:, iwl] = -((S.absolute(ROx) ** 2 + S.absolute(ROy) ** 2 + S.absolute(ROz) ** 2) * S.conj(kO1i[2, :]) -
                             (ROx * kO1i[0, :] + ROy * kO1i[1, :] + ROz * kO1i[2, :]) * S.conj(ROz)).real / denom
            DEE1[:, iwl] = -((S.absolute(REx) ** 2 + S.absolute(REy) ** 2 + S.absolute(REz) ** 2) * S.conj(kE1i[2, :]) -
                             (REx * kE1i[0, :] + REy * kE1i[1, :] + REz * kE1i[2, :]) * S.conj(REz)).real / denom
            DEO3[:, iwl] = ((S.absolute(TOx) ** 2 + S.absolute(TOy) ** 2 + S.absolute(TOz) ** 2) * S.conj(kO3i[2, :]) -
                            (TOx * kO3i[0, :] + TOy * kO3i[1, :] + TOz * kO3i[2, :]) * S.conj(TOz)).real / denom
            DEE3[:, iwl] = ((S.absolute(TEx) ** 2 + S.absolute(TEy) ** 2 + S.absolute(TEz) ** 2) * S.conj(kE3i[2, :]) -
                            (TEx * kE3i[0, :] + TEy * kE3i[1, :] + TEz * kE3i[2, :]) * S.conj(TEz)).real / denom

        # save the results
        self.DEO1 = DEO1
        self.DEE1 = DEE1
        self.DEO3 = DEO3
        self.DEE3 = DEE3

        return self
TilesHor = (TargetSize[0]*PixPerTile[1]*TilesVert)/(TargetSize[1]*PixPerTile[0])
Tiles = scipy.array((TilesHor, TilesVert), dtype=int)
TilesPerNode = scipy.array((TilesHor, TilesVert/NPlacers), dtype=int)
TotalTilesPerNode = scipy.prod(TilesPerNode)
Pixels = Tiles*PixPerTile
UnscaledWidth = (TargetSize[1]*Tiles[0])/Tiles[1]# the width of the original size image to yield the correct aspect ratio
CropMargin = (TargetSize[0] - UnscaledWidth)/2
CroppedImg = TargetImg.transform((UnscaledWidth,TargetSize[1]), Image.EXTENT, (CropMargin,0, CropMargin+UnscaledWidth,TargetImg.size[1]))
CroppedArr = scipy.array(CroppedImg)

#%% reduce CroppedArr to NPlacers NodeArrs
NodeHeightInCroppedArr = float(TargetSize[1])/NPlacers
sections = scipy.array(scipy.arange(NodeHeightInCroppedArr, TargetSize[1], NodeHeightInCroppedArr), dtype=int)
NodeArrs = scipy.split(CroppedArr, sections, axis=0) # each tile in the image

#%% reduce NodeArr to TilesPerNode TileArrs
NodeArr = NodeArrs.pop(0)

pm = photo_match.photoMatch()
TileArrs = [] # each tile in the image
TileCompacts = [] # each tile in the image
whichSources = scipy.zeros((TotalTilesPerNode), dtype=int)
Distances = scipy.ones((TotalTilesPerNode))*scipy.Inf # the quality of the current fit for each tile (put at infinity to start with)

TileWidthInCroppedArr = float(UnscaledWidth)/Tiles[0]
vertSections = scipy.array(scipy.arange(TileWidthInCroppedArr, UnscaledWidth-.5*TileWidthInCroppedArr, TileWidthInCroppedArr), dtype=int)
VertSplitArrs = scipy.split(NodeArr, vertSections, axis=1)
for VertSplitArr in VertSplitArrs:
    TileHeightInCroppedArr = float(VertSplitArr.shape[0])/Tiles[1]*NPlacers
Exemple #28
    def solve(self, wls):
        """Isotropic solver.

        wls = wavelengths to scan (any asarray-able object).

        self.DE1, self.DE3 = power reflected and transmitted.

        Moharam, "Formulation for stable and efficient implementation
        of the rigorous coupled-wave analysis of binary gratings",
        JOSA A, 12(5), 1995
        Lalanne, "Highly improved convergence of the coupled-wave
        method for TM polarization", JOSA A, 13(4), 1996
        Moharam, "Stable implementation of the rigorous coupled-wave
        analysis for surface-relief gratings: enhanced trasmittance
        matrix approach", JOSA A, 12(5), 1995

        self.wls = S.atleast_1d(wls)

        LAMBDA = self.LAMBDA
        n = self.n
        multilayer = self.multilayer
        alpha = self.alpha
        delta = self.delta
        psi = self.psi
        phi = self.phi

        nlayers = len(multilayer)
        i = S.arange(-n, n + 1)
        nood = 2 * n + 1
        hmax = nood - 1

        # grating vector (on the xz plane)
        # grating on the xy plane
        K = 2 * pi / LAMBDA * np.array(
            [S.sin(phi), 0., S.cos(phi)], dtype=complex)

        DE1 = S.zeros((nood, self.wls.size))
        DE3 = S.zeros_like(DE1)

        dirk1 = np.array([
            S.sin(alpha) * S.cos(delta),
            S.sin(alpha) * S.sin(delta),

        # usefull matrices
        I = S.eye(i.size)
        I2 = S.eye(i.size * 2)
        ZERO = S.zeros_like(I)

        X = S.zeros((2 * nood, 2 * nood, nlayers), dtype=complex)
        MTp1 = S.zeros((2 * nood, 2 * nood, nlayers), dtype=complex)
        MTp2 = S.zeros_like(MTp1)

        EPS2 = S.zeros(2 * hmax + 1, dtype=complex)
        EPS21 = S.zeros_like(EPS2)

        dlt = (i == 0).astype(int)

        for iwl, wl in enumerate(self.wls):

            # free space wavevector
            k = 2 * pi / wl

            n1 = multilayer[0].mat.n(wl).item()
            n3 = multilayer[-1].mat.n(wl).item()

            # incident plane wave wavevector
            k1 = k * n1 * dirk1

            # all the other wavevectors
            tmp_x = k1[0] - i * K[0]
            tmp_y = k1[1] * S.ones_like(i)
            tmp_z = dispersion_relation_ordinary(tmp_x, tmp_y, k, n1)
            k1i = S.r_[[tmp_x], [tmp_y], [tmp_z]]

            # k2i = S.r_[[k1[0] - i*K[0]], [k1[1] - i * K[1]], [-i * K[2]]]

            tmp_z = dispersion_relation_ordinary(tmp_x, tmp_y, k, n3)
            k3i = S.r_[[k1i[0, :]], [k1i[1, :]], [tmp_z]]

            # aliases for constant wavevectors
            kx = k1i[0, :]
            ky = k1[1]

            # angles of reflection
            # phi_i = S.arctan2(ky,kx)
            phi_i = S.arctan2(ky, kx.real)  # OKKIO

            Kx = S.diag(kx / k)
            Ky = ky / k * I
            Z1 = S.diag(k1i[2, :] / (k * n1**2))
            Y1 = S.diag(k1i[2, :] / k)
            Z3 = S.diag(k3i[2, :] / (k * n3**2))
            Y3 = S.diag(k3i[2, :] / k)
            # Fc = S.diag(S.cos(phi_i))
            fc = S.cos(phi_i)
            # Fs = S.diag(S.sin(phi_i))
            fs = S.sin(phi_i)

            MR = S.asarray(
                S.bmat([[I, ZERO], [-1j * Y1, ZERO], [ZERO, I],
                        [ZERO, -1j * Z1]]))

            MT = S.asarray(
                S.bmat([[I, ZERO], [1j * Y3, ZERO], [ZERO, I], [ZERO,
                                                                1j * Z3]]))

            # internal layers (grating or layer)
            for nlayer in range(nlayers - 2, 0, -1):  # internal layers

                layer = multilayer[nlayer]
                d = layer.thickness

                EPS2, EPS21 = layer.getEPSFourierCoeffs(wl,

                E = toeplitz(EPS2[hmax::-1], EPS2[hmax:])
                E1 = toeplitz(EPS21[hmax::-1], EPS21[hmax:])
                E11 = inv(E1)
                # B = S.dot(Kx, linsolve(E,Kx)) - I
                B = kx[:, S.newaxis] / k * linsolve(E, Kx) - I
                # A = S.dot(Kx, Kx) - E
                A = S.diag((kx / k)**2) - E

                # Note: solution bug alfredo
                # randomizzo Kx un po' a caso finche' cond(A) e' piccolo (<1e10)
                # soluzione sporca... :-(
                # per certi kx, l'operatore di helmholtz ha 2 autovalori nulli e A, B
                # non sono invertibili --> cambio leggermente i kx... ma dovrei invece
                # trattare separatamente (analiticamente) questi casi
                if cond(A) > 1e10:
                    warning("BAD CONDITIONING: randomization of kx")
                    while cond(A) > 1e10:
                        Kx = Kx * (1 + 1e-9 * S.rand())
                        B = kx[:, S.newaxis] / k * linsolve(E, Kx) - I
                        A = S.diag((kx / k)**2) - E

                if S.absolute(K[2] / k) > 1e-10:

                    raise ValueError(
                        "First Order Helmholtz Operator not implemented, yet!")

                elif ky == 0 or S.allclose(S.diag(Ky / ky * k), 1):

                    # lalanne
                    # H_U_reduced = S.dot(Ky, Ky) + A
                    H_U_reduced = (ky / k)**2 * I + A
                    # H_S_reduced = S.dot(Ky, Ky) + S.dot(Kx, linsolve(E, S.dot(Kx, E11))) - E11
                    H_S_reduced = ((ky / k)**2 * I + kx[:, S.newaxis] / k *
                                   linsolve(E, kx[:, S.newaxis] / k * E11) -

                    q1, W1 = eig(H_U_reduced)
                    q1 = S.sqrt(q1)
                    q2, W2 = eig(H_S_reduced)
                    q2 = S.sqrt(q2)

                    # boundary conditions

                    # V11 = S.dot(linsolve(A, W1), S.diag(q1))
                    V11 = linsolve(A, W1) * q1[S.newaxis, :]
                    V12 = (ky / k) * S.dot(linsolve(A, Kx), W2)
                    V21 = (ky / k) * S.dot(linsolve(B, Kx), linsolve(E, W1))
                    # V22 = S.dot(linsolve(B, W2), S.diag(q2))
                    V22 = linsolve(B, W2) * q2[S.newaxis, :]

                    # Vss = S.dot(Fc, V11)
                    Vss = fc[:, S.newaxis] * V11
                    # Wss = S.dot(Fc, W1)  + S.dot(Fs, V21)
                    Wss = fc[:, S.newaxis] * W1 + fs[:, S.newaxis] * V21
                    # Vsp = S.dot(Fc, V12) - S.dot(Fs, W2)
                    Vsp = fc[:, S.newaxis] * V12 - fs[:, S.newaxis] * W2
                    # Wsp = S.dot(Fs, V22)
                    Wsp = fs[:, S.newaxis] * V22
                    # Wpp = S.dot(Fc, V22)
                    Wpp = fc[:, S.newaxis] * V22
                    # Vpp = S.dot(Fc, W2)  + S.dot(Fs, V12)
                    Vpp = fc[:, S.newaxis] * W2 + fs[:, S.newaxis] * V12
                    # Wps = S.dot(Fc, V21) - S.dot(Fs, W1)
                    Wps = fc[:, S.newaxis] * V21 - fs[:, S.newaxis] * W1
                    # Vps = S.dot(Fs, V11)
                    Vps = fs[:, S.newaxis] * V11

                    Mc2bar = S.asarray(
                            [Vss, Vsp, Vss, Vsp],
                            [Wss, Wsp, -Wss, -Wsp],
                            [Wps, Wpp, -Wps, -Wpp],
                            [Vps, Vpp, Vps, Vpp],

                    x = S.r_[S.exp(-k * q1 * d), S.exp(-k * q2 * d)]

                    # Mc1 = S.dot(Mc2bar, S.diag(S.r_[S.ones_like(x), x]))
                    xx = S.r_[S.ones_like(x), x]
                    Mc1 = Mc2bar * xx[S.newaxis, :]

                    X[:, :, nlayer] = S.diag(x)

                    MTp = linsolve(Mc2bar, MT)
                    MTp1[:, :, nlayer] = MTp[0:2 * nood, :]
                    MTp2 = MTp[2 * nood:, :]

                    MT = S.dot(
                                 linsolve(MTp1[:, :, nlayer], X[:, :,
                                                                nlayer])), ],


                        "Second Order Helmholtz Operator not implemented, yet!"

            # M = S.asarray(S.bmat([-MR, MT]))
            M = S.c_[-MR, MT]
            b = S.r_[S.sin(psi) * dlt,
                     1j * S.sin(psi) * n1 * S.cos(alpha) * dlt,
                     -1j * S.cos(psi) * n1 * dlt,
                     S.cos(psi) * S.cos(alpha) * dlt, ]

            x = linsolve(M, b)
            R, T = S.split(x, 2)
            Rs, Rp = S.split(R, 2)
            for ii in range(1, nlayers - 1):
                T = S.dot(linsolve(MTp1[:, :, ii], X[:, :, ii]), T)
            Ts, Tp = S.split(T, 2)

            DE1[:, iwl] = (k1i[2, :] / (k1[2])).real * S.absolute(Rs)**2 + (
                k1i[2, :] / (k1[2] * n1**2)).real * S.absolute(Rp)**2
            DE3[:, iwl] = (k3i[2, :] / (k1[2])).real * S.absolute(Ts)**2 + (
                k3i[2, :] / (k1[2] * n3**2)).real * S.absolute(Tp)**2

        # save the results
        self.DE1 = DE1
        self.DE3 = DE3

        return self
Exemple #29
def process(pars, data=None):   
#%% load the parameters that CAN be specified from the command line
    NPlacers = pars['NPlacers']
    NScrapers = pars['NScrapers']
    iters = pars['iters']
    MaxTilesVert = pars['MaxTilesVert']
    per_page = pars['per_page']
    fidelity = pars['fidelity']
    poolSize = pars['poolSize']

    if (data != None):
        tags = data['search'].split(', ')
        #tags = ('Minimalism',)
        tags = ('Face','Leuven','Belgium','Computer')
        #tags = ('Bussum','Football','PSV','Minimalism','urbex')
#%% MPI stuff
    comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
    rank = comm.Get_rank()
    size = comm.Get_size()
    status = MPI.Status()

#%% initiate plogger   
    logger = plogger.PLogger(rank, host_url=LOGGER_HOST)

#%% print the values of those parameters that CAN be specified via the command line
    #for key, value in pars.iteritems():
        #print "M{}: {} is now {}".format(rank, key, value)

#%% identify oneself
    #print "Master, process {} out of {}".format(rank, size)
    #print "M{}: > init".format(rank) 
    logger.write('Initializing', status=plogger.INIT)

#%% initialize the photo matcher
    pmPars = {'fidelity': fidelity}
    pm = photo_match.photoMatch(pmPars)

    # create empty save-path
    if not pars['useDB']:
        if (os.path.exists(pars['savepath'])):
            shutil.rmtree(pars['savepath'], ignore_errors=True)
#%% call the scrapers right at the beginning, as it is probably the slowest
    PixPerTile = scipy.array((75,75))
    ComparePixPerTile = scipy.array((fidelity,fidelity))
    scraperPars = {'pm': pm, 'tags': tags, 'PixPerTile': PixPerTile, 'poolSize': poolSize}
    for scraper in range(1,1+NScrapers):
	comm.send(scraperPars, dest=scraper, tag=0)

    TilesVert = int(MaxTilesVert/NPlacers) * NPlacers

    TargetImg = Image.open('./output/doesnotmatter.jpg')
    #TargetImg = Image.open('./Matilda.JPG')
    #TargetImg = Image.open('./rainbow_flag_by_kelly.jpg')
    #TargetImg = Image.open('./korneel_test.jpg')
    TargetSize = TargetImg.size
    TilesHor = (TargetSize[0]*PixPerTile[1]*TilesVert)/(TargetSize[1]*PixPerTile[0])
    Tiles = scipy.array((TilesHor, TilesVert), dtype=int)
    TilesPerNode = scipy.array((TilesHor, TilesVert/NPlacers), dtype=int)
    Pixels        = Tiles*PixPerTile
    ratio = 2.0 / 3.0
    TargetChunkPixels = Tiles*scipy.int_(PixPerTile*ratio)
    ComparePixels = Tiles*scipy.int_(ComparePixPerTile*ratio)
#%% adjust the image to have the correct shape (aspect ratio) for turning it into a mosaic
    UnscaledWidth = (TargetSize[1]*Tiles[0])/Tiles[1]# the width of the original size image to yield the correct aspect ratio
    CropMargin = (TargetSize[0] - UnscaledWidth)/2
    CroppedImg = TargetImg.transform((ComparePixels[0],ComparePixels[1]), Image.EXTENT, (CropMargin,0, CropMargin+UnscaledWidth,TargetImg.size[1]))
    CroppedArr = color.rgb2lab(scipy.array(CroppedImg))

#%% send each placer some parameters
    placerPars = {'TilesPerNode': TilesPerNode, 'UnscaledWidth': UnscaledWidth, 
                  'Tiles': Tiles, 'pm': pm, 'iters': iters, 'PixPerTile': PixPerTile, 'ComparePixPerTile' : ComparePixPerTile}
    for placer in range(NPlacers):
        comm.send(placerPars, dest=1+NScrapers+placer, tag=0)
    #print "M{}: < init".format(rank) 
    #print "M{}: > dividing image".format(rank) 
#%% reduce CroppedArr to NPlacers NodeArrs
    NodeArrs = scipy.split(CroppedArr, NPlacers, axis=0) 

#%% send each of the placers its piece of the picture
    for placer in range(NPlacers):
        comm.send(NodeArrs[placer], dest=1+NScrapers+placer, tag=1)

    #%% create the final image and divide it into pieces for the placers to FinalArr = CroppedArr.copy()
    # now the division has to be accurate!
    FinalArr = scipy.zeros((TargetChunkPixels[1], TargetChunkPixels[0], 3), dtype='i')
    # FinalArr = scipy.zeros((Tiles[1]*PixPerTile[1], Tiles[0]*PixPerTile[0], 3), dtype='i')
    NodeFinalArrs = scipy.split(FinalArr, NPlacers, axis=0)
    #print "M{}: < dividing image".format(rank) 

#%% listen to the placers' intermediate results
    tempNodeFinalArr = NodeFinalArrs[0].copy() # for receiving the data, before it is known whence it came
    for it in range(iters):
        #print "M{}: > not listening to the placer to scraper broadcast".format(rank) 
        dummy_arrs = scipy.zeros((per_page, PixPerTile[1], PixPerTile[0], 3), dtype=scipy.uint8)
        for scraper in range(1, 1+NScrapers):
            #print "M{}: not listening to scraper {}".format(rank, scraper)
            comm.Bcast(dummy_arrs, root=scraper)
        #print "M{}: < not listening to the placer to scraper broadcast".format(rank) 
        #print "M{}: now listening for placer results at iter {} out of {}".format(rank, it, iters)
        #print "M{}: > listening for results".format(rank) 
        logger.write('Listening for placers', status=plogger.RECEIVING)
        for p in range(NPlacers): # listen for the placers
            #print "M{}: NodeFinalArrs[{}] has shape ".format(rank, placer), NodeFinalArrs[placer].shape
            #print "M{}: NodeFinalArrs[{}] has type ".format(rank, placer), type(NodeFinalArrs[placer][0,0,0])
            comm.Recv([tempNodeFinalArr, MPI.INT], source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE, tag=4, status=status)
            placer = status.Get_source()
            NodeFinalArrs[placer-(1+NScrapers)][:,:,:] = tempNodeFinalArr
        #print "M{}: < listening for results".format(rank) 
        #print "M{}: > writing image".format(rank) 
        partial_filename = 'output/mosaic_{}.png'.format(it)
        FinalImg = Image.fromarray(scipy.array(FinalArr, dtype=scipy.uint8), 'RGB')
        FinalImg.save(partial_filename) # for fewer output images
        # Notify gui
        #print "M{}: < writing image at iter {}".format(rank, it)
    writepars = pars.copy()

    strrep = '_'.join(['{}{:d}'.format(item, value) for item, value in sorted(writepars.items())])
    final_filename = 'output/final{}_{}.png'.format(strrep, int(time.time()))
    os.chmod(final_filename, 0744)
    print "M{}: Final image saved".format(rank)

    shutil.copy('log', 'output/log_'+strrep)

    # email result
    if (data != None):
        msg = MIMEMultipart()
        msg['Subject'] = "KU Leuven openbedrijvendag - uw mozaiek"
        msg['From'] = "SuperPi <*****@*****.**>"
        msg['To'] = data['email']
        fp = open(final_filename, 'rb')
        img = MIMEImage(fp.read())
        s = smtplib.SMTP('mail4.cs.kuleuven.be')
        s.sendmail('*****@*****.**', [msg['To']], msg.as_string())
#%% signal completion
    logger.write('Finished', status=plogger.FINISHED)
Exemple #30
    def solve(self, wls):
        """Isotropic solver.

        wls = wavelengths to scan (any asarray-able object).

        self.DE1, self.DE3 = power reflected and transmitted.

        Moharam, "Formulation for stable and efficient implementation
        of the rigorous coupled-wave analysis of binary gratings",
        JOSA A, 12(5), 1995
        Lalanne, "Highly improved convergence of the coupled-wave
        method for TM polarization", JOSA A, 13(4), 1996
        Moharam, "Stable implementation of the rigorous coupled-wave
        analysis for surface-relief gratings: enhanced trasmittance
        matrix approach", JOSA A, 12(5), 1995

        self.wls = S.atleast_1d(wls)

        LAMBDA = self.LAMBDA
        n = self.n
        multilayer = self.multilayer
        alpha = self.alpha
        delta = self.delta
        psi = self.psi
        phi = self.phi

        nlayers = len(multilayer)
        i = S.arange(-n, n + 1)
        nood = 2 * n + 1
        hmax = nood - 1

        # grating vector (on the xz plane)
        # grating on the xy plane
        K = 2 * pi / LAMBDA * \
            S.array([S.sin(phi), 0., S.cos(phi)], dtype=complex)

        DE1 = S.zeros((nood, self.wls.size))
        DE3 = S.zeros_like(DE1)

        dirk1 = S.array([S.sin(alpha) * S.cos(delta),
                         S.sin(alpha) * S.sin(delta),

        # usefull matrices
        I = S.eye(i.size)
        I2 = S.eye(i.size * 2)
        ZERO = S.zeros_like(I)

        X = S.zeros((2 * nood, 2 * nood, nlayers), dtype=complex)
        MTp1 = S.zeros((2 * nood, 2 * nood, nlayers), dtype=complex)
        MTp2 = S.zeros_like(MTp1)

        EPS2 = S.zeros(2 * hmax + 1, dtype=complex)
        EPS21 = S.zeros_like(EPS2)

        dlt = (i == 0).astype(int)

        for iwl, wl in enumerate(self.wls):

            # free space wavevector
            k = 2 * pi / wl

            n1 = multilayer[0].mat.n(wl).item()
            n3 = multilayer[-1].mat.n(wl).item()

            # incident plane wave wavevector
            k1 = k * n1 * dirk1

            # all the other wavevectors
            tmp_x = k1[0] - i * K[0]
            tmp_y = k1[1] * S.ones_like(i)
            tmp_z = dispersion_relation_ordinary(tmp_x, tmp_y, k, n1)
            k1i = S.r_[[tmp_x], [tmp_y], [tmp_z]]

            # k2i = S.r_[[k1[0] - i*K[0]], [k1[1] - i * K[1]], [-i * K[2]]]

            tmp_z = dispersion_relation_ordinary(tmp_x, tmp_y, k, n3)
            k3i = S.r_[[k1i[0, :]], [k1i[1, :]], [tmp_z]]

            # aliases for constant wavevectors
            kx = k1i[0, :]
            ky = k1[1]

            # angles of reflection
            # phi_i = S.arctan2(ky,kx)
            phi_i = S.arctan2(ky, kx.real)  # OKKIO

            Kx = S.diag(kx / k)
            Ky = ky / k * I
            Z1 = S.diag(k1i[2, :] / (k * n1 ** 2))
            Y1 = S.diag(k1i[2, :] / k)
            Z3 = S.diag(k3i[2, :] / (k * n3 ** 2))
            Y3 = S.diag(k3i[2, :] / k)
            # Fc = S.diag(S.cos(phi_i))
            fc = S.cos(phi_i)
            # Fs = S.diag(S.sin(phi_i))
            fs = S.sin(phi_i)

            MR = S.asarray(S.bmat([[I, ZERO],
                                   [-1j * Y1, ZERO],
                                   [ZERO, I],
                                   [ZERO, -1j * Z1]]))

            MT = S.asarray(S.bmat([[I, ZERO],
                                   [1j * Y3, ZERO],
                                   [ZERO, I],
                                   [ZERO, 1j * Z3]]))

            # internal layers (grating or layer)
            for nlayer in range(nlayers - 2, 0, -1):  # internal layers

                layer = multilayer[nlayer]
                d = layer.thickness

                EPS2, EPS21 = layer.getEPSFourierCoeffs(
                    wl, n, anisotropic=False)

                E = toeplitz(EPS2[hmax::-1], EPS2[hmax:])
                E1 = toeplitz(EPS21[hmax::-1], EPS21[hmax:])
                E11 = inv(E1)
                # B = S.dot(Kx, linsolve(E,Kx)) - I
                B = kx[:, S.newaxis] / k * linsolve(E, Kx) - I
                # A = S.dot(Kx, Kx) - E
                A = S.diag((kx / k) ** 2) - E

                # Note: solution bug alfredo
                # randomizzo Kx un po' a caso finche' cond(A) e' piccolo (<1e10)
                # soluzione sporca... :-(
                # per certi kx, l'operatore di helmholtz ha 2 autovalori nulli e A, B
                # non sono invertibili --> cambio leggermente i kx... ma dovrei invece
                # trattare separatamente (analiticamente) questi casi
                if cond(A) > 1e10:
                    warning('BAD CONDITIONING: randomization of kx')
                    while cond(A) > 1e10:
                        Kx = Kx * (1 + 1e-9 * S.rand())
                        B = kx[:, S.newaxis] / k * linsolve(E, Kx) - I
                        A = S.diag((kx / k) ** 2) - E

                if S.absolute(K[2] / k) > 1e-10:

                    raise ValueError(
                        'First Order Helmholtz Operator not implemented, yet!')

                elif ky == 0 or S.allclose(S.diag(Ky / ky * k), 1):

                    # lalanne
                    # H_U_reduced = S.dot(Ky, Ky) + A
                    H_U_reduced = (ky / k) ** 2 * I + A
                    # H_S_reduced = S.dot(Ky, Ky) + S.dot(Kx, linsolve(E, S.dot(Kx, E11))) - E11
                    H_S_reduced = (ky / k) ** 2 * I + kx[:, S.newaxis] / k * linsolve(E,
                                                                                      kx[:, S.newaxis] / k * E11) - E11

                    q1, W1 = eig(H_U_reduced)
                    q1 = S.sqrt(q1)
                    q2, W2 = eig(H_S_reduced)
                    q2 = S.sqrt(q2)

                    # boundary conditions

                    # V11 = S.dot(linsolve(A, W1), S.diag(q1))
                    V11 = linsolve(A, W1) * q1[S.newaxis, :]
                    V12 = (ky / k) * S.dot(linsolve(A, Kx), W2)
                    V21 = (ky / k) * S.dot(linsolve(B, Kx), linsolve(E, W1))
                    # V22 = S.dot(linsolve(B, W2), S.diag(q2))
                    V22 = linsolve(B, W2) * q2[S.newaxis, :]

                    # Vss = S.dot(Fc, V11)
                    Vss = fc[:, S.newaxis] * V11
                    # Wss = S.dot(Fc, W1)  + S.dot(Fs, V21)
                    Wss = fc[:, S.newaxis] * W1 + fs[:, S.newaxis] * V21
                    # Vsp = S.dot(Fc, V12) - S.dot(Fs, W2)
                    Vsp = fc[:, S.newaxis] * V12 - fs[:, S.newaxis] * W2
                    # Wsp = S.dot(Fs, V22)
                    Wsp = fs[:, S.newaxis] * V22
                    # Wpp = S.dot(Fc, V22)
                    Wpp = fc[:, S.newaxis] * V22
                    # Vpp = S.dot(Fc, W2)  + S.dot(Fs, V12)
                    Vpp = fc[:, S.newaxis] * W2 + fs[:, S.newaxis] * V12
                    # Wps = S.dot(Fc, V21) - S.dot(Fs, W1)
                    Wps = fc[:, S.newaxis] * V21 - fs[:, S.newaxis] * W1
                    # Vps = S.dot(Fs, V11)
                    Vps = fs[:, S.newaxis] * V11

                    Mc2bar = S.asarray(S.bmat([[Vss, Vsp, Vss, Vsp],
                                               [Wss, Wsp, -Wss, -Wsp],
                                               [Wps, Wpp, -Wps, -Wpp],
                                               [Vps, Vpp, Vps, Vpp]]))

                    x = S.r_[S.exp(-k * q1 * d), S.exp(-k * q2 * d)]

                    # Mc1 = S.dot(Mc2bar, S.diag(S.r_[S.ones_like(x), x]))
                    xx = S.r_[S.ones_like(x), x]
                    Mc1 = Mc2bar * xx[S.newaxis, :]

                    X[:, :, nlayer] = S.diag(x)

                    MTp = linsolve(Mc2bar, MT)
                    MTp1[:, :, nlayer] = MTp[0:2 * nood, :]
                    MTp2 = MTp[2 * nood:, :]

                    MT = S.dot(
                        Mc1, S.r_[
                            I2, S.dot(
                                MTp2, linsolve(
                                        :, :, nlayer], X[
                                        :, :, nlayer]))])


                        'Second Order Helmholtz Operator not implemented, yet!')

            # M = S.asarray(S.bmat([-MR, MT]))
            M = S.c_[-MR, MT]
            b = S.r_[S.sin(psi) * dlt,
                     1j * S.sin(psi) * n1 * S.cos(alpha) * dlt,
                     -1j * S.cos(psi) * n1 * dlt,
                     S.cos(psi) * S.cos(alpha) * dlt]

            x = linsolve(M, b)
            R, T = S.split(x, 2)
            Rs, Rp = S.split(R, 2)
            for ii in range(1, nlayers - 1):
                T = S.dot(linsolve(MTp1[:, :, ii], X[:, :, ii]), T)
            Ts, Tp = S.split(T, 2)

            DE1[:, iwl] = (k1i[2, :] / (k1[2])).real * S.absolute(Rs) ** 2 + \
                          (k1i[2, :] / (k1[2] * n1 ** 2)).real * \
                S.absolute(Rp) ** 2
            DE3[:, iwl] = (k3i[2, :] / (k1[2])).real * S.absolute(Ts) ** 2 + \
                          (k3i[2, :] / (k1[2] * n3 ** 2)).real * \
                S.absolute(Tp) ** 2

        # save the results
        self.DE1 = DE1
        self.DE3 = DE3

        return self
Exemple #31
 def generate_sigma(self):
     import networkx as nx
     from scipy.linalg import inv, schur, eig
     from scipy.sparse import lil_matrix
     from numpy import asarray_chkfinite, isfinite, inf
     from aux import SparseBlocks, eigenvector_from_eigenvalue, all_elements_are_unique
     from scipy import argsort, dot, eye, hstack, vstack, zeros, complex128, split, asarray, diag, array
     # should be able to turn zplus off, but then i need better eigenvalue comparison
     E = self.p.E + self.p.zplus
     Ndim = len(self.p.tuple_canvas_coordinates)
     block = self.graph.order() / 2
     I = eye(block)
     Zeros = zeros((block, block))
     Hlead = nx.to_numpy_matrix(self.graph,
     self.Hlead = Hlead
     #import pudb; pudb.set_trace()
     # add 4*self.t0 because the matrix from graph lacks diagonal (no self-loops)
         H00 = asarray_chkfinite(Hlead[:block, :block]) + 4 * self.p.t0 * I
         self.H00 = H00
     except ValueError:
         print 'H00 contains infs or NaNs'
         import pudb
         H01 = asarray_chkfinite(Hlead[:block, block:])
         self.H01 = H01
     except ValueError:
         print 'H01 contains infs or NaNs'
         import pudb
     inv_H01 = inv(H01)
     while not isfinite(inv_H01).all():
         print 'inv_H01 contains infs or NaNs, repeating'
         inv_H01 = inv(H01)
         #import pudb; pudb.set_trace()
     self.inv_H01 = inv_H01
     CompanionMatrix_array = vstack(
         (hstack((Zeros, I)),
                      H01.conj().T), dot(inv_H01, E * I - H00)))))
     if not isfinite(CompanionMatrix_array).all():
         print 'CompanionMatrix contains infs or NaNs'
         import pudb
     #CompanionMatrix_array =vstack((hstack((dot(inv_H01,E*I-H00),dot(-inv_H01,H01.conj().T))),hstack((I,Zeros))))
     # the following 'complex' might be superfluous and only for real input matrices.
     T, Z, number_sorted = schur(CompanionMatrix_array, sort='iuc')
     eigenvalues = diag(T)
     # propagating_eigenvalues = []
     # propagating_eigenvectors = []
     # for eigenvalue in eigenvalues:
     #     if abs(abs(eigenvalue)-1) < 0.01:
     #         propagating_eigenvalues.append(eigenvalue)
     #         eigenvector = eigenvector_from_eigenvalue(CompanionMatrix_array, eigenvalue)
     #         propagating_eigenvectors.append(eigenvector)
     # prop_eig_array = array(propagating_eigenvectors).T
     if not all_elements_are_unique(eigenvalues):
         print "--------------WARNING!!!!!---------------"
         print "One or more eigenvalues are identical, please rotate eigenvectors, I don't know how to do that"
     #v,d = eig(CompanionMatrix_array)
     #ndx = argsort(v)
     #Sleft,Sright = split(S,2,axis=1)
     #S4,S3 = split(Sright,2,axis=0)
     #S2,S1 = split(Sleft,2,axis=0)
     #S2 =S[:block*self.p.multi,:block*self.p.multi]
     #S1= S[block*self.p.multi:,:block*self.p.multi]
     #self.S2 = S2
     #self.S1 = S1
     #self.S4 = S4
     #self.S3 = S3
     #print 'S1 shape: ',S1.shape
     #print 'S2 shape: ',S2.shape
     # sort eigenvalues and Z according to acending abs(eigenvalue), TODO: do better sorting, now it
     # depends on luck. sort using the calulated eigenvectors above
     # sorting_indices = abs(eigenvalues).argsort()
     #T = T[:,sorting_indices][sorting_indices,:]
     #Z = Z[:,sorting_indices][sorting_indices,:]
     Zleft, Zright = split(Z, 2, axis=1)
     #S4,S3 = split(Sright,2,axis=0)
     Z11, Z21 = split(Zleft, 2, axis=0)
     self.Z11 = Z11
     self.Z21 = Z21
     if self.index == 0:
         SigmaRet = dot(H01, dot(Z21, inv(Z11)))
         SigmaRet = dot(H01.conj(), dot(Z21, inv(Z11)))
     self.SigmaRet = SigmaRet
     print '- SimgaRet (', self.index, ') shape: ', SigmaRet.shape
     sigma = lil_matrix((self.p.multi * Ndim, self.p.multi * Ndim),
     print '- sigma shape: ', sigma.shape
     #implement polarization like (for spin up) reshape(-1,2) --> [:,1] = 0 --> reshape(shape(SigmaRet))
     if self.index == 0:
         if 'up' in self.current:
             print 'Up polarized input'
             SigmaRet.reshape(-1, 2)[:, 1] = 0
         elif 'down' in self.current:
             print 'Down polarized input'
             SigmaRet.reshape(-1, 2)[:, 0] = 0
         sigma[0:SigmaRet.shape[0], 0:SigmaRet.shape[1]] = SigmaRet
     elif self.index == 1:
         sigma[-SigmaRet.shape[0]:, -SigmaRet.shape[1]:] = SigmaRet
     self.sigma = sigma
     return sigma
Exemple #32
    def to_dataframe(cls, network=None, phases=[], join=False, delim=' | '):
        Convert the Network (and optionally Phase) data to Pandas DataFrames.

        network: OpenPNM Network Object
            The network containing the data to be stored

        phases : list of OpenPNM Phase Objects
            The data on each supplied phase will be added to DataFrame

        join : boolean
            If ``False`` (default), two DataFrames are returned with *pore*
            data in one, and *throat* data in the other.  If ``True`` the pore
            and throat data are combined into a single DataFrame.  This can be
            problematic as it will put NaNs into all the *pore* columns which
            are shorter than the *throat* columns.

        Pandas ``DataFrame`` object containing property and label data in each
        column.  If ``join`` was False (default) the two DataFrames are
        returned i a named tuple, or else a single DataFrame with pore and
        throat data in the same file, despite the column length being

        project, network, phases = cls._parse_args(network=network,

        # Initialize pore and throat data dictionary using Dict class
        pdata = Dict.to_dict(network=network,
        tdata = Dict.to_dict(network=network,
        pdata = FlatDict(pdata, delimiter=delim)
        tdata = FlatDict(tdata, delimiter=delim)

        # Scan data and convert non-1d arrays to multiple columns
        for key in list(pdata.keys()):
            if sp.shape(pdata[key]) != (network[0].Np, ):
                arr = pdata.pop(key)
                tmp = sp.split(arr, arr.shape[1], axis=1)
                cols = range(len(tmp))
                    {key + '[' + str(i) + ']': tmp[i].squeeze()
                     for i in cols})
        for key in list(tdata.keys()):
            if sp.shape(tdata[key]) != (network[0].Nt, ):
                arr = tdata.pop(key)
                tmp = sp.split(arr, arr.shape[1], axis=1)
                cols = range(len(tmp))
                    {key + '[' + str(i) + ']': tmp[i].squeeze()
                     for i in cols})

        # Convert sanitized dictionaries to DataFrames
        pdata = pd.DataFrame(sanitize_dict(pdata))
        tdata = pd.DataFrame(sanitize_dict(tdata))

        # Prepare DataFrames to be returned
        if join:
            data = tdata.join(other=pdata, how='left')
            nt = namedtuple('dataframes', ('pore', 'throat'))
            data = nt(pore=pdata, throat=tdata)

        return data
Exemple #33
 def transfersigma(self,ind_contact,E):
     from scipy.linalg import eig,inv
     from scipy.sparse import lil_matrix
     from aux import SparseBlocks
     from scipy import argsort,dot,eye,hstack,vstack,zeros,complex128,asarray,split
     E= E+self.zplus
     Ndim = len(self.p.tuple_canvas_coordinates)
     Hblock = SparseBlocks(self.H,self.block_sizes)
     self.Hblock = Hblock
     Zeros = zeros((block*self.p.multi,block*self.p.multi))
     #if ind_contact.SO is False:
     #    H00 = 4*self.t0*eye(block) -self.t0*eye(block,k=1) -self.t0*eye(block,k=-1)
     #    Hhop = -self.t0*I #no Bfield as of now
     #    inv_Hhop = -1/self.t0*I #no Bfield as of now
     if ind_contact.index == 0:
         H00 = asarray(Hblock[0,0].todense())
         #H10 = asarray(Hblock[1,0].todense())
         H01 = asarray(Hblock[0,1].todense())
         inv_H01 = inv(H01)
     if ind_contact.index == 1:
         H00 = asarray(Hblock[-1,-1].todense())
         #H10 = asarray(Hblock[-1,-2].todense())
         H01 = asarray(Hblock[-2,-1].todense())
         """indices switch because hopping matrices go the other
         direction x --> -x, better results this way altough not much difference"""
         inv_H01 = inv(H01)
     TransMatrix =vstack((hstack((dot(inv_H01,E*I-H00),dot(-inv_H01,H01.conj().T))),hstack((I,Zeros))))
     v,S = eig(TransMatrix)
     ndx = argsort(abs(v))
     self.v =v
     Sleft,Sright = split(S,2,axis=1)
     S4,S3 = split(Sright,2,axis=0)
     S2,S1 = split(Sleft,2,axis=0)
     #S2 =S[:block*self.p.multi,:block*self.p.multi]
     #S1= S[block*self.p.multi:,:block*self.p.multi]
     self.S2 = S2
     self.S1 = S1
     self.S4 = S4
     self.S3 = S3
     print 'S1 shape: ',S1.shape
     print 'S2 shape: ',S2.shape
     if ind_contact.index == 0:
         dotted = dot(S2,inv(S1))
     if ind_contact.index == 1:
         dotted = dot(S3,inv(S4))
     invBracket =inv(E*I-H00-dot(H01,dotted))
     if ind_contact.index == 0:
         self.SigmaRet1 = SigmaRet
         #temp = zeros((60,60),dtype=complex128)
         #temp[30:60,30:60] =SigmaRet[:30,:30]
     else :
         self.SigmaRet2 = SigmaRet
     print 'SigaRet shape: ',SigmaRet.shape
     sigma = lil_matrix((self.p.multi*Ndim,self.p.multi*Ndim), dtype=complex128)
     print 'sigma shape: ',sigma.shape
     if ind_contact.index == 0:
         sigma[0:SigmaRet.shape[0], 0:SigmaRet.shape[1]] = SigmaRet
     elif ind_contact.index == 1:
         sigma[-SigmaRet.shape[0]:, -SigmaRet.shape[1]:] = SigmaRet
     import pudb; pudb.set_trace()
     return sigma
Exemple #34
    def solve(self, wls):
        """Anisotropic solver.

        wls = wavelengths to scan (any asarray-able object).

        self.DEO1, self.DEE1, self.DEO3, self.DEE3 = power reflected
        and transmitted.

        self.wls = S.atleast_1d(wls)

        LAMBDA = self.LAMBDA
        n = self.n
        multilayer = self.multilayer
        alpha = self.alpha
        delta = self.delta
        psi = self.psi
        phi = self.phi

        nlayers = len(multilayer)
        i = S.arange(-n, n + 1)
        nood = 2 * n + 1
        hmax = nood - 1

        DEO1 = S.zeros((nood, self.wls.size))
        DEO3 = S.zeros_like(DEO1)
        DEE1 = S.zeros_like(DEO1)
        DEE3 = S.zeros_like(DEO1)

        c1 = np.array([1., 0., 0.])
        c3 = np.array([1., 0., 0.])
        # grating on the xy plane
        K = 2 * pi / LAMBDA * np.array(
            [S.sin(phi), 0., S.cos(phi)], dtype=complex)
        dirk1 = np.array([
            S.sin(alpha) * S.cos(delta),
            S.sin(alpha) * S.sin(delta),

        # D polarization vector
        u = np.array([
            S.cos(psi) * S.cos(alpha) * S.cos(delta) -
            S.sin(psi) * S.sin(delta),
            S.cos(psi) * S.cos(alpha) * S.sin(delta) +
            S.sin(psi) * S.cos(delta),
            -S.cos(psi) * S.sin(alpha),

        kO1i = S.zeros((3, i.size), dtype=complex)
        kE1i = S.zeros_like(kO1i)
        kO3i = S.zeros_like(kO1i)
        kE3i = S.zeros_like(kO1i)

        Mp = S.zeros((4 * nood, 4 * nood, nlayers), dtype=complex)
        M = S.zeros((4 * nood, 4 * nood, nlayers), dtype=complex)

        dlt = (i == 0).astype(int)

        for iwl, wl in enumerate(self.wls):

            nO1 = nE1 = multilayer[0].mat.n(wl).item()
            nO3 = nE3 = multilayer[-1].mat.n(wl).item()

            # wavevectors
            k = 2 * pi / wl

            eps1 = S.diag(S.asarray([nE1, nO1, nO1])**2)
            eps3 = S.diag(S.asarray([nE3, nO3, nO3])**2)

            # ordinary wave
            abskO1 = k * nO1
            # abskO3 = k * nO3
            # extraordinary wave
            # abskE1 = k * nO1 *nE1 / S.sqrt(nO1**2 + (nE1**2 - nO1**2) * S.dot(-c1, dirk1)**2)
            # abskE3 = k * nO3 *nE3 / S.sqrt(nO3**2 + (nE3**2 - nO3**2) * S.dot(-c3, dirk1)**2)

            k1 = abskO1 * dirk1

            kO1i[0, :] = k1[0] - i * K[0]
            kO1i[1, :] = k1[1] * S.ones_like(i)
            kO1i[2, :] = -dispersion_relation_ordinary(kO1i[0, :], kO1i[1, :],
                                                       k, nO1)

            kE1i[0, :] = kO1i[0, :]
            kE1i[1, :] = kO1i[1, :]
            kE1i[2, :] = -dispersion_relation_extraordinary(
                kE1i[0, :], kE1i[1, :], k, nO1, nE1, c1)

            kO3i[0, :] = kO1i[0, :]
            kO3i[1, :] = kO1i[1, :]
            kO3i[2, :] = dispersion_relation_ordinary(kO3i[0, :], kO3i[1, :],
                                                      k, nO3)

            kE3i[0, :] = kO1i[0, :]
            kE3i[1, :] = kO1i[1, :]
            kE3i[2, :] = dispersion_relation_extraordinary(
                kE3i[0, :], kE3i[1, :], k, nO3, nE3, c3)

            # k2i = S.r_[[k1[0] - i * K[0]], [k1[1] - i * K[1]], [k1[2] - i * K[2]]]
            k2i = S.r_[[k1[0] - i * K[0]], [k1[1] - i * K[1]], [-i * K[2]]]

            # aliases for constant wavevectors
            kx = kO1i[0, :]  # o kE1i(1,;), tanto e' lo stesso
            ky = k1[1]

            # matrices
            I = S.eye(nood, dtype=complex)
            ZERO = S.zeros((nood, nood), dtype=complex)
            Kx = S.diag(kx / k)
            Ky = ky / k * I
            Kz = S.diag(k2i[2, :] / k)
            KO1z = S.diag(kO1i[2, :] / k)
            KE1z = S.diag(kE1i[2, :] / k)
            KO3z = S.diag(kO3i[2, :] / k)
            KE3z = S.diag(kE3i[2, :] / k)

            ARO = Kx * eps1[0, 0] + Ky * eps1[1, 0] + KO1z * eps1[2, 0]
            BRO = Kx * eps1[0, 1] + Ky * eps1[1, 1] + KO1z * eps1[2, 1]
            CRO_1 = inv(Kx * eps1[0, 2] + Ky * eps1[1, 2] + KO1z * eps1[2, 2])

            ARE = Kx * eps1[0, 0] + Ky * eps1[1, 0] + KE1z * eps1[2, 0]
            BRE = Kx * eps1[0, 1] + Ky * eps1[1, 1] + KE1z * eps1[2, 1]
            CRE_1 = inv(Kx * eps1[0, 2] + Ky * eps1[1, 2] + KE1z * eps1[2, 2])

            ATO = Kx * eps3[0, 0] + Ky * eps3[1, 0] + KO3z * eps3[2, 0]
            BTO = Kx * eps3[0, 1] + Ky * eps3[1, 1] + KO3z * eps3[2, 1]
            CTO_1 = inv(Kx * eps3[0, 2] + Ky * eps3[1, 2] + KO3z * eps3[2, 2])

            ATE = Kx * eps3[0, 0] + Ky * eps3[1, 0] + KE3z * eps3[2, 0]
            BTE = Kx * eps3[0, 1] + Ky * eps3[1, 1] + KE3z * eps3[2, 1]
            CTE_1 = inv(Kx * eps3[0, 2] + Ky * eps3[1, 2] + KE3z * eps3[2, 2])

            DRE = c1[1] * KE1z - c1[2] * Ky
            ERE = c1[2] * Kx - c1[0] * KE1z
            FRE = c1[0] * Ky - c1[1] * Kx

            DTE = c3[1] * KE3z - c3[2] * Ky
            ETE = c3[2] * Kx - c3[0] * KE3z
            FTE = c3[0] * Ky - c3[1] * Kx

            b = S.r_[u[0] * dlt, u[1] * dlt,
                     (k1[1] / k * u[2] - k1[2] / k * u[1]) * dlt,
                     (k1[2] / k * u[0] - k1[0] / k * u[2]) * dlt, ]
            Ky_CRO_1 = ky / k * CRO_1
            Ky_CRE_1 = ky / k * CRE_1
            Kx_CRO_1 = kx[:, S.newaxis] / k * CRO_1
            Kx_CRE_1 = kx[:, S.newaxis] / k * CRE_1
            MR31 = -S.dot(Ky_CRO_1, ARO)
            MR32 = -S.dot(Ky_CRO_1, BRO) - KO1z
            MR33 = -S.dot(Ky_CRE_1, ARE)
            MR34 = -S.dot(Ky_CRE_1, BRE) - KE1z
            MR41 = S.dot(Kx_CRO_1, ARO) + KO1z
            MR42 = S.dot(Kx_CRO_1, BRO)
            MR43 = S.dot(Kx_CRE_1, ARE) + KE1z
            MR44 = S.dot(Kx_CRE_1, BRE)
            MR = S.asarray(
                    [I, ZERO, I, ZERO],
                    [ZERO, I, ZERO, I],
                    [MR31, MR32, MR33, MR34],
                    [MR41, MR42, MR43, MR44],

            Ky_CTO_1 = ky / k * CTO_1
            Ky_CTE_1 = ky / k * CTE_1
            Kx_CTO_1 = kx[:, S.newaxis] / k * CTO_1
            Kx_CTE_1 = kx[:, S.newaxis] / k * CTE_1
            MT31 = -S.dot(Ky_CTO_1, ATO)
            MT32 = -S.dot(Ky_CTO_1, BTO) - KO3z
            MT33 = -S.dot(Ky_CTE_1, ATE)
            MT34 = -S.dot(Ky_CTE_1, BTE) - KE3z
            MT41 = S.dot(Kx_CTO_1, ATO) + KO3z
            MT42 = S.dot(Kx_CTO_1, BTO)
            MT43 = S.dot(Kx_CTE_1, ATE) + KE3z
            MT44 = S.dot(Kx_CTE_1, BTE)
            MT = S.asarray(
                    [I, ZERO, I, ZERO],
                    [ZERO, I, ZERO, I],
                    [MT31, MT32, MT33, MT34],
                    [MT41, MT42, MT43, MT44],


            for nlayer in range(nlayers - 2, 0, -1):  # internal layers

                layer = multilayer[nlayer]
                thickness = layer.thickness

                EPS2, EPS21 = layer.getEPSFourierCoeffs(wl,

                # Exx = S.squeeze(EPS2[0, 0, :])
                # Exx = toeplitz(S.flipud(Exx[0:hmax + 1]), Exx[hmax:])
                Exy = S.squeeze(EPS2[0, 1, :])
                Exy = toeplitz(S.flipud(Exy[0:hmax + 1]), Exy[hmax:])
                Exz = S.squeeze(EPS2[0, 2, :])
                Exz = toeplitz(S.flipud(Exz[0:hmax + 1]), Exz[hmax:])

                Eyx = S.squeeze(EPS2[1, 0, :])
                Eyx = toeplitz(S.flipud(Eyx[0:hmax + 1]), Eyx[hmax:])
                Eyy = S.squeeze(EPS2[1, 1, :])
                Eyy = toeplitz(S.flipud(Eyy[0:hmax + 1]), Eyy[hmax:])
                Eyz = S.squeeze(EPS2[1, 2, :])
                Eyz = toeplitz(S.flipud(Eyz[0:hmax + 1]), Eyz[hmax:])

                Ezx = S.squeeze(EPS2[2, 0, :])
                Ezx = toeplitz(S.flipud(Ezx[0:hmax + 1]), Ezx[hmax:])
                Ezy = S.squeeze(EPS2[2, 1, :])
                Ezy = toeplitz(S.flipud(Ezy[0:hmax + 1]), Ezy[hmax:])
                Ezz = S.squeeze(EPS2[2, 2, :])
                Ezz = toeplitz(S.flipud(Ezz[0:hmax + 1]), Ezz[hmax:])

                Exx_1 = S.squeeze(EPS21[0, 0, :])
                Exx_1 = toeplitz(S.flipud(Exx_1[0:hmax + 1]), Exx_1[hmax:])
                Exx_1_1 = inv(Exx_1)

                # lalanne
                Ezz_1 = inv(Ezz)
                Ky_Ezz_1 = ky / k * Ezz_1
                Kx_Ezz_1 = kx[:, S.newaxis] / k * Ezz_1
                Exz_Ezz_1 = S.dot(Exz, Ezz_1)
                Eyz_Ezz_1 = S.dot(Eyz, Ezz_1)
                H11 = 1j * S.dot(Ky_Ezz_1, Ezy)
                H12 = 1j * S.dot(Ky_Ezz_1, Ezx)
                H13 = S.dot(Ky_Ezz_1, Kx)
                H14 = I - S.dot(Ky_Ezz_1, Ky)
                H21 = 1j * S.dot(Kx_Ezz_1, Ezy)
                H22 = 1j * S.dot(Kx_Ezz_1, Ezx)
                H23 = S.dot(Kx_Ezz_1, Kx) - I
                H24 = -S.dot(Kx_Ezz_1, Ky)
                H31 = S.dot(Kx, Ky) + Exy - S.dot(Exz_Ezz_1, Ezy)
                H32 = Exx_1_1 - S.dot(Ky, Ky) - S.dot(Exz_Ezz_1, Ezx)
                H33 = 1j * S.dot(Exz_Ezz_1, Kx)
                H34 = -1j * S.dot(Exz_Ezz_1, Ky)
                H41 = S.dot(Kx, Kx) - Eyy + S.dot(Eyz_Ezz_1, Ezy)
                H42 = -S.dot(Kx, Ky) - Eyx + S.dot(Eyz_Ezz_1, Ezx)
                H43 = -1j * S.dot(Eyz_Ezz_1, Kx)
                H44 = 1j * S.dot(Eyz_Ezz_1, Ky)
                H = 1j * S.diag(S.repeat(S.diag(Kz), 4)) + S.asarray(
                        [H11, H12, H13, H14],
                        [H21, H22, H23, H24],
                        [H31, H32, H33, H34],
                        [H41, H42, H43, H44],

                q, W = eig(H)
                W1, W2, W3, W4 = S.split(W, 4)

                # boundary conditions
                # x = [R T]
                # R = [ROx ROy REx REy]
                # T = [TOx TOy TEx TEy]
                # b + MR.R = M1p.c
                # M1.c = M2p.c
                # ...
                # ML.c = MT.T
                # therefore: b + MR.R = (M1p.M1^-1.M2p.M2^-1. ...).MT.T
                # missing equations from (46)..(49) in glytsis_rigorous
                # [b] = [-MR Mtot.MT] [R]
                # [0]   [...........] [T]

                z = S.zeros_like(q)
                z[S.where(q.real > 0)] = -thickness
                D = S.exp(k * q * z)
                Sy0 = W1 * D[S.newaxis, :]
                Sx0 = W2 * D[S.newaxis, :]
                Uy0 = W3 * D[S.newaxis, :]
                Ux0 = W4 * D[S.newaxis, :]

                z = thickness * S.ones_like(q)
                z[S.where(q.real > 0)] = 0
                D = S.exp(k * q * z)
                D1 = S.exp(-1j * k2i[2, :] * thickness)
                Syd = D1[:, S.newaxis] * W1 * D[S.newaxis, :]
                Sxd = D1[:, S.newaxis] * W2 * D[S.newaxis, :]
                Uyd = D1[:, S.newaxis] * W3 * D[S.newaxis, :]
                Uxd = D1[:, S.newaxis] * W4 * D[S.newaxis, :]

                Mp[:, :, nlayer] = S.r_[Sx0, Sy0, -1j * Ux0, -1j * Uy0]
                M[:, :, nlayer] = S.r_[Sxd, Syd, -1j * Uxd, -1j * Uyd]

            Mtot = S.eye(4 * nood, dtype=complex)
            for nlayer in range(1, nlayers - 1):
                Mtot = S.dot(S.dot(Mtot, Mp[:, :, nlayer]), inv(M[:, :,

            BC_b = S.r_[b, S.zeros_like(b)]
            BC_A1 = S.c_[-MR, S.dot(Mtot, MT)]
            BC_A2 = S.asarray(
                        (c1[0] * I - c1[2] * S.dot(CRO_1, ARO)),
                        (c1[1] * I - c1[2] * S.dot(CRO_1, BRO)),
                        (DRE - S.dot(S.dot(FRE, CRE_1), ARE)),
                        (ERE - S.dot(S.dot(FRE, CRE_1), BRE)),
                        (c3[0] * I - c3[2] * S.dot(CTO_1, ATO)),
                        (c3[1] * I - c3[2] * S.dot(CTO_1, BTO)),
                        (DTE - S.dot(S.dot(FTE, CTE_1), ATE)),
                        (ETE - S.dot(S.dot(FTE, CTE_1), BTE)),

            BC_A = S.r_[BC_A1, BC_A2]

            x = linsolve(BC_A, BC_b)

            ROx, ROy, REx, REy, TOx, TOy, TEx, TEy = S.split(x, 8)

            ROz = -S.dot(CRO_1, (S.dot(ARO, ROx) + S.dot(BRO, ROy)))
            REz = -S.dot(CRE_1, (S.dot(ARE, REx) + S.dot(BRE, REy)))
            TOz = -S.dot(CTO_1, (S.dot(ATO, TOx) + S.dot(BTO, TOy)))
            TEz = -S.dot(CTE_1, (S.dot(ATE, TEx) + S.dot(BTE, TEy)))

            denom = (k1[2] - S.dot(u, k1) * u[2]).real
            DEO1[:, iwl] = (-(
                (S.absolute(ROx)**2 + S.absolute(ROy)**2 + S.absolute(ROz)**2)
                * S.conj(kO1i[2, :]) -
                (ROx * kO1i[0, :] + ROy * kO1i[1, :] + ROz * kO1i[2, :]) *
                S.conj(ROz)).real / denom)
            DEE1[:, iwl] = (-(
                (S.absolute(REx)**2 + S.absolute(REy)**2 + S.absolute(REz)**2)
                * S.conj(kE1i[2, :]) -
                (REx * kE1i[0, :] + REy * kE1i[1, :] + REz * kE1i[2, :]) *
                S.conj(REz)).real / denom)
            DEO3[:, iwl] = (
                (S.absolute(TOx)**2 + S.absolute(TOy)**2 + S.absolute(TOz)**2)
                * S.conj(kO3i[2, :]) -
                (TOx * kO3i[0, :] + TOy * kO3i[1, :] + TOz * kO3i[2, :]) *
                S.conj(TOz)).real / denom
            DEE3[:, iwl] = (
                (S.absolute(TEx)**2 + S.absolute(TEy)**2 + S.absolute(TEz)**2)
                * S.conj(kE3i[2, :]) -
                (TEx * kE3i[0, :] + TEy * kE3i[1, :] + TEz * kE3i[2, :]) *
                S.conj(TEz)).real / denom

        # save the results
        self.DEO1 = DEO1
        self.DEE1 = DEE1
        self.DEO3 = DEO3
        self.DEE3 = DEE3

        return self
Exemple #35


for i in range(1,p+1):






for s in lista:
    for i in test: