def get_new_tvec(self, iev): v1 = sp.ndarray(self.ndim, self.complex_precision) # v1 = M^{-1}*r v2 = sp.ndarray(self.ndim, self.complex_precision) # v2 = M^{-1}*u idx = 0 # First half of vector for ii in range(self.nocc): for jj in range(self.nvirt): ediff = (self.evalai(ii, jj) - sp.real(self.teta[iev])) if np.abs(ediff) > 1e-8: dtmp = 1 / ediff v1[idx] = self.r_vecs[idx, iev] * dtmp v2[idx] = self.u_vecs[idx, iev] * dtmp else: print("Warning, (E_{a}-E_{i})<1e-8") v1[idx] = self.complex_precision( self.real_precision(0.0) + self.real_precision(0.0j)) v2[idx] = self.complex_precision( self.real_precision(0.0) + self.real_precision(0.0j)) idx += 1 # Second half of vector for ii in range(self.nocc): for jj in range(self.nvirt): ediff = -self.evalai(ii, jj) - sp.real(self.teta[iev]) if abs(ediff) > 1e-8: dtmp = 1 / ediff v1[idx] = self.r_vecs[idx, iev] * dtmp v2[idx] = self.u_vecs[idx, iev] * dtmp else: print("Warning, (E_{a}-E_{i})<1e-8") v1[idx] = self.complex_precision( self.real_precision(0.0) + self.real_precision(0.0j)) v2[idx] = self.complex_precision( self.real_precision(0.0) + self.real_precision(0.0j)) idx += 1 sp.savetxt("v1_c" + str(self.cycle) + "_i" + str(iev + 1) + ".txt", v1) sp.savetxt("v2_c" + str(self.cycle) + "_i" + str(iev + 1) + ".txt", v2) u_m1_u = sp.vdot(self.u_vecs[:, iev], v2) print("u_m1_u = ", u_m1_u) if abs(u_m1_u) > 1e-8: u_m1_r = sp.vdot(self.u_vecs[:, iev], v1) print("u_m1_r = ", u_m1_r) factor = u_m1_r / sp.real(u_m1_u) return factor * v2 - v1 else: return -v1
def compute_loocv_gmm(variable,model,x,y,ids,K_u,alpha,beta,log_prop_u): """ Function that computes the estimation of the loocv for the GMM model with variables ids + variable(i) Inputs: model : the GMM model x,y : the training samples and the corresponding label ids : the pool of selected variables variable : the variable to be tested from the set of available variable K_u : the initial prediction values computed with all the samples alpha, beta and log_prop_u : constant that are computed outside of the loop to increased speed Outputs: loocv_temp : the loocv Used in GMM.forward_selection() """ n = x.shape[0] ids.append(variable) # Iteratively add one of the remaining variables Kp = model.predict_gmm(x,ids=ids)[1]# Predict with all the samples with ids loocv_temp=0.0; # Initialization of the temporary loocv for j in range(n): # Predict the class with the model ids_t Kloo = Kp[j,:] + K_u # Initialization of the decision rule for sample "j" #--- Change for only not C---# c = int(y[j]-1) # Update of parameter of class c m = ([c]*model.mean[c,ids] -x[j,ids])*alpha[c] # Update the mean value xb = x[j,ids] - m # x centered cov_u = (model.cov[c,ids,:][:,ids] - sp.outer(xb,xb)*alpha[c])*beta # Update the covariance matrix logdet,rcond = safe_logdet(cov_u) Kloo[c] = logdet - 2*log_prop_u[c] + sp.vdot(xb,mylstsq(cov_u,xb.T,rcond)) # Compute the new decision rule del cov_u,xb,m,c yloo = sp.argmin(Kloo)+1 loocv_temp += float(yloo==y[j]) # Check the correct/incorrect classification rule ids.pop() # Remove the current variable return loocv_temp/n # Compute loocv for variable
def FIRE(x0, fprime, fmax=0.005, Nmin=5., finc=1.1, fdec=0.5, alphastart=0.1, fa=0.99, deltatmax=10., maxsteps=10**5): Nmin, finc, fdec, alphastart, fa, deltatmax = (5., 1.1, 0.5, 0.1, 0.99, 10.) alpha = alphastart deltat = 0.1 pos = x0.copy() v = sp.zeros_like(pos) steps_since_negative = 0 def norm(vec): return sp.sqrt(sp.sum(vec**2, 1)) def unitize(vec): return ((vec.T) / norm(vec)).T forces = fprime(pos) step_num = 0 while max(norm(forces)) > fmax and step_num < maxsteps: forces = fprime(pos) power = sp.vdot(forces, v) print "Step: {}, max_force: {}, power: {}".format( step_num, max(norm(forces)), power) v = (1.0 - alpha) * v + alpha * (norm(v) * unitize(forces).T).T if power > 0.: if steps_since_negative > Nmin: deltat = min(deltat * finc, deltatmax) alpha = alpha * fa steps_since_negative += 1 else: steps_since_negative = 0 deltat = deltat * fdec v *= 0. alpha = alphastart v += forces * deltat pos += v * deltat step_num += 1 return pos
def GetProbabilities(n, Psi): """ Get probabilites by doing mod-squared of @Psi. """ density = sp.zeros(2**n) for i in range(2**n): density[i] = sp.vdot(Psi[i], Psi[i]).real return density
def ConstructOverlapData(t, Psi, vec): """ Construct proper datapoint for overlap. """ datapoint = [t] overlap = abs(sp.vdot(Psi, vec))**2 datapoint.append(overlap) return datapoint
def ConstructOverlapData(t, Psi, vec): """ Construct proper datapoint for overlap. """ datapoint = [t] overlap = abs(sp.vdot(Psi, vec)) ** 2 datapoint.append(overlap) return datapoint
def fire(self,fmax=0.1, Nmin=5.,finc=1.1,fdec=0.5,alphastart=0.1,fa=0.99,deltatmax=10., maxsteps = 10**5): """ Do a fire relaxation """ alpha = alphastart deltat = 0.1 pos = self.get_pos_arr(force=True) v = sp.zeros_like(pos) self._update_vel(v) v = self._get_vel_arr() steps_since_negative = 0 def norm_arr(vec): return sp.sqrt(sp.sum(vec**2,1)) def unitize_arr(vec): return ((vec.T)/norm(vec)).T forces = sp.nan_to_num(sp.array([ [sp.inf,sp.inf]])) step_num = 0 print "Beginning FIRE Relaxation -- fmax={}".format(fmax) while max(norm_arr(forces)) > fmax and step_num < maxsteps: forces = self.forces power = sp.vdot(forces,v) print "Step: {}, max_force: {}, power: {}".format(step_num,max(norm_arr(forces)), power) v = (1.0 - alpha)*v + alpha*(norm_arr(v)*unitize_arr(forces).T).T if power>0.: if steps_since_negative > Nmin: deltat = min(deltat * finc, deltatmax) alpha = alpha*fa steps_since_negative += 1 else: steps_since_negative = 0 deltat = deltat * fdec v *= 0. alpha = alphastart v += forces*deltat pos += v*deltat self._update_pos(pos) step_num += 1 self._update_pos(pos) self._update_vel(v) print "Relaxation finished..."
def ConstructFidelityData(Psi, vecs, T, outdir): """ Output the fidelity for multi-T simulations by calculating \ the overlap between however many eigenstates we want. """ data = [] for i in range(0, len(vecs)): overlap = abs(sp.vdot(Psi, vecs[i])) ** 2 data.append([T, overlap]) return data
def ConstructFidelityData(Psi, vecs, T, outdir): """ Output the fidelity for multi-T simulations by calculating \ the overlap between however many eigenstates we want. """ data = [] for i in range(0, len(vecs)): overlap = abs(sp.vdot(Psi, vecs[i]))**2 data.append([T, overlap]) return data
def CheckNorm(t, nQubits, Psi, Hvecs, eps): """ Check for numerical error with normalization. """ norm = 0.0 for i in range(0, 2**nQubits): norm += abs(sp.vdot(Psi, Hvecs[:,i]))**2 if (1.0 - norm) > eps: print (str((1.0 - norm)) + " (norm error) > " + str(eps) + " (eps) @ t = " + str(t))
def FIRE(x0,fprime,fmax=0.005, Nmin=5.,finc=1.1,fdec=0.5,alphastart=0.1,fa=0.99,deltatmax=10., maxsteps = 10**5): Nmin,finc,fdec,alphastart,fa,deltatmax=(5.,1.1,0.5,0.1,0.99,10.) alpha = alphastart deltat = 0.1 pos = x0.copy() v = sp.zeros_like(pos) steps_since_negative = 0 def norm(vec): return sp.sqrt(sp.sum(vec**2,1)) def unitize(vec): return ((vec.T)/norm(vec)).T forces = fprime(pos) step_num = 0 while max(norm(forces)) > fmax and step_num < maxsteps: forces = fprime(pos) power = sp.vdot(forces,v) print "Step: {}, max_force: {}, power: {}".format(step_num,max(norm(forces)), power) v = (1.0 - alpha)*v + alpha*(norm(v)*unitize(forces).T).T if power>0.: if steps_since_negative > Nmin: deltat = min(deltat * finc, deltatmax) alpha = alpha*fa steps_since_negative += 1 else: steps_since_negative = 0 deltat = deltat * fdec v *= 0. alpha = alphastart v += forces*deltat pos += v*deltat step_num += 1 return pos
def get_reciprocal(positions, dihedral_atoms): """ In dihedral angle calculation, see if angle is the reciprocal or not. """ ii, jj, kk, ll = dihedral_atoms # vector 0->1, 1->2, 2->3 and their normalized cross products: a = positions[jj] - positions[ii] b = positions[kk] - positions[jj] c = positions[ll] - positions[kk] bxa = sp.cross(b, a) if sp.vdot(bxa, c) > 0: return True else: return False
def compute_loocv_gmm(variable, model, x, y, ids, K_u, alpha, beta, log_prop_u): """ Function that computes the estimation of the loocv for the GMM model with variables ids + variable(i) Inputs: model : the GMM model x,y : the training samples and the corresponding label ids : the pool of selected variables variable : the variable to be tested from the set of available variable K_u : the initial prediction values computed with all the samples alpha, beta and log_prop_u : constant that are computed outside of the loop to increased speed Outputs: loocv_temp : the loocv Used in GMM.forward_selection() """ n = x.shape[0] ids.append(variable) # Iteratively add one of the remaining variables Kp = model.predict_gmm(x, ids=ids)[1] # Predict with all the samples with ids loocv_temp = 0.0 # Initialization of the temporary loocv for j in range(n): # Predict the class with the model ids_t Kloo = Kp[ j, :] + K_u # Initialization of the decision rule for sample "j" #--- Change for only not C---# c = int(y[j] - 1) # Update of parameter of class c m = ([c] * model.mean[c, ids] - x[j, ids]) * alpha[c] # Update the mean value xb = x[j, ids] - m # x centered cov_u = (model.cov[c, ids, :][:, ids] - sp.outer(xb, xb) * alpha[c]) * beta # Update the covariance matrix logdet, rcond = safe_logdet(cov_u) Kloo[c] = logdet - 2 * log_prop_u[c] + sp.vdot( xb, mylstsq(cov_u, xb.T, rcond)) # Compute the new decision rule del cov_u, xb, m, c yloo = sp.argmin(Kloo) + 1 loocv_temp += float( yloo == y[j]) # Check the correct/incorrect classification rule ids.pop() # Remove the current variable return loocv_temp / n # Compute loocv for variable
def build_subspace_matrix(self): sb_dim = 0 for vs in [ self.vspace_r, self.vspace_l, self.vspace_rp, self.vspace_lp ]: if vs is not None: sb_dim = sb_dim + vs.shape[1] submat = sp.zeros((sb_dim, sb_dim), self.complex_precision) if self.vspace_r is not None: print("self.vspace_r.shape = ", self.vspace_r.shape) if self.vspace_l is not None: print("self.vspace_l.shape = ", self.vspace_l.shape) if self.vspace_rp is not None: print("self.vspace_rp.shape = ", self.vspace_rp.shape) if self.vspace_lp is not None: print("self.vspace_lp.shape = ", self.vspace_lp.shape) print("sb_dim = ", sb_dim) vi = 0 for vs in [ self.vspace_r, self.vspace_l, self.vspace_rp, self.vspace_lp ]: if vs is not None: for ii in range(vs.shape[1]): wj = 0 for ws in [ self.wspace_r, self.wspace_l, self.wspace_rp, self.wspace_lp ]: if ws is not None: for jj in range(ws.shape[1]): submat[vi + ii, wj + jj] = sp.vdot( vs[:, ii], ws[:, jj]) wj = wj + ws.shape[1] vi = vi + vs.shape[1] return submat
def gexpmv(A, v, t, anorm, m=None, tol=0.0, w=None, verbose=False, mxstep=500, break_tol=None): mxreject = 0 #matlab version has this set to 10 delta = 1.2 gamma = 0.9 if break_tol is None: #break_tol = tol break_tol = anorm*tol n = A.shape[0] if hasattr(A, "matvec"): matvec = A.matvec else: matvec = lambda v:,v) if m is None: m = min(20, n-1) if len(A.shape) != 2 or A.shape[0] != A.shape[1]: raise ValueError("A is not a square matrix") if m >= n or m <= 0: raise ValueError("m is invalid") k1 = 2 mh = m + 2 ibrkflag = 0 mbrkdwn = m nmult = 0 nreject = 0 nexph = 0 nscale = 0 t_out = abs( t ) tbrkdwn = 0.0 step_min = t_out step_max = 0.0 nstep = 0 s_error = 0.0 x_error = 0.0 t_now = 0.0 t_new = 0.0 eps = sp.finfo(A.dtype).eps rndoff = eps*anorm sgn = sp.sign(t) if w is None: #allow supplying a starting vector w = v.copy() else: w[:] = v beta = la.norm(w) vnorm = beta hump = beta #obtain the very first stepsize ... SQR1 = sqrt( 0.1 ) xm = 1.0/m p2 = tol*(((m+1)/sp.e)**(m+1)) * sqrt(2.0*sp.pi*(m+1)) t_new = (1.0/anorm) * (p2 / (4.0*beta*anorm))**xm p1 = 10.0**(round( log10( t_new )-SQR1 )-1) t_new = trunc( t_new/p1 + 0.55 ) * p1 #step-by-step integration ... while t_now < t_out: nstep = nstep + 1 t_step = min( t_out-t_now, t_new ) #initialize Krylov subspace vs = sp.zeros((m+2,n), A.dtype) vs[0,:] = w / beta H = sp.zeros((mh,mh), A.dtype) #Arnoldi loop ... for j in range(1,m+1): nmult = nmult + 1 vs[j,:] = matvec(vs[j-1,:]) for i in range(1,j+1): #Compute overlaps of new vector Av with all other Kyrlov vectors #(these are elements of an upper Hessenberg matrix) hij = sp.vdot(vs[i-1,:], vs[j,:]) vs[j,:] -= hij * vs[i-1,:] #orthogonalize new vector. maybe switch to axpy H[i-1,j-1] = hij #store matrix element hj1j = la.norm( vs[j,:] ) #if the orthogonalized Krylov vector is zero, stop! if hj1j <= break_tol: if verbose: print('breakdown: mbrkdwn =',j,' h =',hj1j) k1 = 0 ibrkflag = 1 mbrkdwn = j tbrkdwn = t_now t_step = t_out-t_now break H[j,j-1] = hj1j vs[j,:] *= 1.0/hj1j if ibrkflag == 0: #if we didn't break down nmult = nmult + 1 vs[m+1,:] = matvec(vs[m,:]) avnorm = la.norm( vs[m+1,:] ) #Orig: set 1 for the 2-corrected scheme H[m+1, m] = 1.0 #loop while ireject<mxreject until the tolerance is reached ireject = 0 #compute w = beta*V*exp(t_step*H)*e1 ... #First compute expH for a good step size while True: nexph = nexph + 1 mx = mbrkdwn + k1 #max(mx) = m+2 #irreducible rational Pade approximation. scipy's implementation automatically chooses an order expH = la.expm(sgn * t_step * H[:mx,:mx]) #nscale = nscale + ns #don't have this info #local error estimation if k1 == 0: #if breakdown has occured (the Krylov subspace is complete) err_loc = tol #matlab uses break_tol else: p1 = abs( expH[m,0] ) * beta #wsp(iexph+m) p2 = abs( expH[m+1,0] ) * beta * avnorm #avnorm is defined when k1 != 0 if p1 > 10.0*p2: err_loc = p2 xm = 1.0/m elif p1 > p2: err_loc = (p1*p2)/(p1-p2) xm = 1.0/m else: err_loc = p1 xm = 1.0/(m-1) #reject the step-size if the error is not acceptable ... if ( (k1 != 0) and (err_loc > delta*t_step*tol) and (mxreject == 0 or ireject < mxreject) ): t_old = t_step t_step = gamma * t_step * (t_step*tol/err_loc)**xm p1 = 10.0**(round( log10( t_step )-SQR1 )-1) t_step = trunc( t_step/p1 + 0.55 ) * p1 if verbose: print('t_step = ',t_old) print('err_loc = ',err_loc) print('err_required = ',delta*t_old*tol) print('stepsize rejected, stepping down to: ',t_step) ireject = ireject + 1 nreject = nreject + 1 if mxreject != 0 and ireject > mxreject: print("Failure in gexpmv: ---") print("The requested tolerance is too high.") print("Rerun with a smaller value.") iflag = 2 return else: break #step size OK (happens after a breakdown) #now update w = beta*V*exp(t_step*H)*e1 and the hump ... mx = mbrkdwn + max( 0, k1-1 ) #max(mx) = m+1 w = beta * vs[:mx,:][:mx,0]) beta = la.norm(w) hump = max( hump, beta ) #suggested value for the next stepsize ... t_new = gamma * t_step * (t_step*tol/err_loc)**xm p1 = 10.0**(round( log10( t_new )-SQR1 )-1) t_new = trunc( t_new/p1 + 0.55 ) * p1 err_loc = max( err_loc, rndoff ) #update the time covered ... t_now = t_now + t_step #display and keep some information ... if verbose: print('integration ', nstep, ' ---------------------------------') #print('scale-square = ', nscale) print('step_size = ', t_step) print('err_loc = ',err_loc) print('next_step = ',t_new) step_min = min( step_min, t_step ) step_max = max( step_max, t_step ) s_error = s_error + err_loc x_error = max( x_error, err_loc ) if mxstep == 0 or nstep < mxstep: continue iflag = 1 break return w, nstep < mxstep, nstep, ibrkflag==1, mbrkdwn
def vlen(v): return math.sqrt(scipy.vdot(v, v))
B = 1 r = 0.06 T = 1 K = 50 def f(x, strike): return max(x - strike, 0) m = scipy.array([[S * (1 - down), B * scipy.exp(r * T)], [S * (1 + up), B * scipy.exp(r * T)]]) payoff = scipy.array([f(S * (1 - down), K), f(S * (1 + up), K)]) portfolio = scipy.linalg.solve(m, payoff) value = scipy.vdot(portfolio, scipy.array([S, B])) print('portfolio: phi=', portfolio[0], 'psi=', portfolio[1], '\n') print('derivative value: ', value, '\n') ## NAME: ## USAGE: From shell prompt: python3 ## or within interactive python3 environment, import filename ## REQUIRED ARGUMENTS: none ## OPTIONS: none ## DESCRIPTION: Set up and solve for the replicating portfolio ## and the value of the corresponding derivative security in a ## single period binomial model. ## DIAGNOSTICS: none ## CONFIGURATION AND ENVIRONMENT: ## DEPENDENCIES: Scientific python
def gexpmv(A, v, t, anorm, m=None, tol=0.0, w=None, verbose=False, itrace=0, mxstep=500, break_tol=None): mxreject = 0 delta = 1.2 gamma = 0.9 if break_tol is None: #break_tol = tol break_tol = anorm * tol n = A.shape[0] if hasattr(A, "matvec"): matvec = A.matvec else: matvec = lambda v:, v) if m is None: m = min(20, n - 1) if len(A.shape) != 2 or A.shape[0] != A.shape[1]: raise ValueError("A is not a square matrix") if m >= n or m <= 0: raise ValueError("m is invalid") k1 = 2 mh = m + 2 ibrkflag = 0 mbrkdwn = m nmult = 0 nreject = 0 nexph = 0 nscale = 0 t_out = abs(t) tbrkdwn = 0.0 step_min = t_out step_max = 0.0 nstep = 0 s_error = 0.0 x_error = 0.0 t_now = 0.0 t_new = 0.0 avnorm = 0.0 #I think the EXPOKIT source relied on this being initialized to zero by the compiler #pretty sure this just computes machine epsilon eps = 0.0 p1 = 4.0 / 3.0 while eps == 0.0: p2 = p1 - 1.0 p3 = 3 * p2 eps = abs(p3 - 1.0) if tol <= eps: tol = sqrt(eps) rndoff = eps * anorm sgn = copysign(1.0, t) if w is None: #allow supplying a starting vector w = v.copy() else: w[:] = v beta = la.norm(w) vnorm = beta hump = beta #obtain the very first stepsize ... SQR1 = sqrt(0.1) xm = 1.0 / m p2 = tol * (((m + 1) / sp.e)**(m + 1)) * sqrt(2.0 * sp.pi * (m + 1)) t_new = (1.0 / anorm) * (p2 / (4.0 * beta * anorm))**xm p1 = 10.0**(round(log10(t_new) - SQR1) - 1) t_new = trunc(t_new / p1 + 0.55) * p1 #step-by-step integration ... while t_now < t_out: nstep = nstep + 1 t_step = min(t_out - t_now, t_new) #initialize Krylov subspace vs = sp.zeros((m + 2, n), A.dtype) vs[0, :] = w / beta H = sp.zeros((mh, mh), A.dtype) #Arnoldi loop ... for j in range(1, m + 1): nmult = nmult + 1 vs[j, :] = matvec(vs[j - 1, :]) for i in range(1, j + 1): #Compute overlaps of new vector Av with all other Kyrlov vectors #(these are elements of an upper Hessenberg matrix) hij = sp.vdot(vs[i - 1, :], vs[j, :]) vs[j, :] -= hij * vs[ i - 1, :] #orthogonalize new vector. maybe switch to axpy H[i - 1, j - 1] = hij #store matrix element hj1j = la.norm(vs[j, :]) #if the orthogonalized Krylov vector is zero, stop! if hj1j <= break_tol: print('breakdown: mbrkdwn =', j, ' h =', hj1j) k1 = 0 ibrkflag = 1 mbrkdwn = j tbrkdwn = t_now t_step = t_out - t_now break H[j, j - 1] = hj1j vs[j, :] *= 1.0 / hj1j if ibrkflag == 0: #if we didn't break down nmult = nmult + 1 vs[m + 1, :] = matvec(vs[m, :]) avnorm = la.norm(vs[m + 1, :]) #Orig: set 1 for the 2-corrected scheme H[m + 1, m] = 1.0 #loop while ireject<mxreject until the tolerance is reached ireject = 0 #compute w = beta*V*exp(t_step*H)*e1 ... #First compute expH for a good step size while True: nexph = nexph + 1 mx = mbrkdwn + k1 #max(mx) = m+2 #irreducible rational Pade approximation. scipy's implementation automatically chooses an order expH = la.expm(sgn * t_step * H[:mx, :mx]) #nscale = nscale + ns #don't have this info #local error estimation if k1 == 0: err_loc = tol else: p1 = abs(expH[m, 0]) * beta #wsp(iexph+m) p2 = abs( expH[m + 1, 0] ) * beta * avnorm #FIXME: avnorm is not always defined.... if p1 > 10.0 * p2: err_loc = p2 xm = 1.0 / m elif p1 > p2: err_loc = (p1 * p2) / (p1 - p2) xm = 1.0 / m else: err_loc = p1 xm = 1.0 / (m - 1) #reject the step-size if the error is not acceptable ... if ((k1 != 0) and (err_loc > delta * t_step * tol) and (mxreject == 0 or ireject < mxreject)): t_old = t_step t_step = gamma * t_step * (t_step * tol / err_loc)**xm p1 = 10.0**(round(log10(t_step) - SQR1) - 1) t_step = trunc(t_step / p1 + 0.55) * p1 if verbose: print('t_step = ', t_old) print('err_loc = ', err_loc) print('err_required = ', delta * t_old * tol) print('stepsize rejected, stepping down to: ', t_step) ireject = ireject + 1 nreject = nreject + 1 if mxreject != 0 and ireject > mxreject: print("Failure in ZGEXPV: ---") print("The requested tolerance is too high.") print("Rerun with a smaller value.") iflag = 2 return else: break #step size OK #now update w = beta*V*exp(t_step*H)*e1 and the hump ... mx = mbrkdwn + max(0, k1 - 1) #max(mx) = m+1 w = beta * vs[:mx, :][:mx, 0]) beta = la.norm(w) hump = max(hump, beta) #suggested value for the next stepsize ... t_new = gamma * t_step * (t_step * tol / err_loc)**xm p1 = 10.0**(round(log10(t_new) - SQR1) - 1) t_new = trunc(t_new / p1 + 0.55) * p1 err_loc = max(err_loc, rndoff) #update the time covered ... t_now = t_now + t_step #display and keep some information ... if itrace != 0: print('integration ', nstep, ' ---------------------------------') #print('scale-square = ', nscale) print('step_size = ', t_step) print('err_loc = ', err_loc) print('next_step = ', t_new) step_min = min(step_min, t_step) step_max = max(step_max, t_step) s_error = s_error + err_loc x_error = max(x_error, err_loc) if mxstep == 0 or nstep < mxstep: continue iflag = 1 break return w, nstep < mxstep, nstep, ibrkflag == 1, mbrkdwn