def __init__(self, axis=None, angle=None, R=None):
     if isinstance(R, dnp.ndarray):
         if R.shape != (3, 3):
             raise Exception('R must be a 3 by 3 matrix')
         self.R = R
         angle = dnp.arccos(0.5*(sum(dnp.diag(R))-1))
         self.angle = float(dnp.rad2deg(angle))
         x = (R[2][1]-R[1][2])/(2*dnp.sin(angle))
         y = (R[0][2]-R[2][0])/(2*dnp.sin(angle))
         z = (R[1][0]-R[0][1])/(2*dnp.sin(angle))
         axis = Vector(x,y,z)
         axis = axis.unit()
         self.axis = axis
     if isinstance(angle, dnp.ndarray):
         angle = angle[0]
     elif isinstance(angle, int):
         angle = float(angle)
     if not isinstance(angle, float):
         raise Exception('angle must be a float not {}'.format(type(angle)))
     axis = axis.unit()
     self.axis = axis
     self.angle = angle
     angle = float(dnp.radians(angle))
     M = dnp.array([[0.0, -axis.z, axis.y],
                    [axis.z, 0.0, -axis.x],
                    [-axis.y, axis.x, 0.0]])
     N = axis.tensor_product(axis)
     I = dnp.identity(3)
     self.R = I*dnp.cos(angle) + M*dnp.sin(angle) + (1-dnp.cos(angle))*N
     angle = 56
Exemple #2
def get_chi_steps(two_theta, starting_chi_value=100.0, final_chi_value=0.0):
    theta = dnp.radians(two_theta / 2.0) # converts to radians and halfs to theta
    radius = LENGTH * float(dnp.sin(theta))
    delta_chi = float(dnp.rad2deg((WIDTH / radius)))
    number_of_steps = dnp.abs(final_chi_value-starting_chi_value)/(delta_chi*0.5)
    number_of_steps = int(number_of_steps)+1
    return dnp.linspace(starting_chi_value, final_chi_value, number_of_steps)
Exemple #3
 def rawGetPosition(self):
     wlen = self.getWaveLenght()
     #        twoTheta = self.twoThOff + 2.0*theta*self.twoThSign
     theta = self.twoThSign * (float(self.tth.getPosition()) -
                               self.twoThOff) / 2.0
     self.currentposition = float(4.0 * dnp.pi / wlen *
                                  dnp.sin(theta * dnp.pi / 180))
     return self.currentposition
def dofourier(xarray, yarray, printres=False):
    nvals = len(yarray)
    avht = yarray.mean()
    angles = dnp.linspace(0, 2 * dnp.pi, len(yarray))
    # print angles
    ycarray = yarray - avht
    cosines = dnp.cos(angles)
    sines = dnp.sin(angles)
    cosint = cosines * ycarray
    sinint = sines * ycarray
    if printres:
        print "Yarray:", yarray
        print "Ycarray:", ycarray
        print "Sinint:", sinint
        print "Cosint:", cosint
    cosum = cosint[:-1].sum()
    sinsum = sinint[:-1].sum()
    cosfactor = cosum / float(nvals - 1)
    sinfactor = sinsum / float(nvals - 1)
    if printres:
        print "sinfactor, cosfactor: %.4f %.4f" % (sinfactor, cosfactor)
    ratio = sinfactor / cosfactor
    delta = math.atan(ratio)
    deltadeg = math.degrees(delta)
    if printres:
        print "Delta degrees %06.4f" % deltadeg
    halfmag = math.sqrt(sinfactor ** 2 + cosfactor ** 2)
    mag = 2.0 * halfmag
    if printres:
        print "Magnitude: %06.4f" % mag
        print "vertical centre %7.4f" % avht

    calcresult = avht + mag * dnp.cos(angles - delta)
    if printres:
        print "Calcresult:", calcresult
        for idx in range(0, len(yarray)):
            print yarray[idx], calcresult[idx]

    return (avht, mag, delta, calcresult)
def dofourier(xarray,yarray,printres=False):
    #print angles
    if printres:
        print "Yarray:",yarray
        print "Ycarray:",ycarray
        print "Sinint:",sinint
        print "Cosint:",cosint
    if printres:
        print "sinfactor, cosfactor: %.4f %.4f"%(sinfactor,cosfactor)
    if printres:
        print"Delta degrees %06.4f"%deltadeg
    if printres:
        print"Magnitude: %06.4f"%mag
        print "vertical centre %7.4f"%avht
    if printres:
        for idx in range(0,len(yarray)):
            print yarray[idx],calcresult[idx]
Exemple #6
    def project(self, energy, UB, pixels, gamma, delta, omega, alpha, nu):
        # put the detector at the right position

        dx, dy, dz = pixels

        # convert angles to radians
        gamma, delta, alpha, omega, nu = numpy.radians(
            (gamma, delta, alpha, omega, nu))

        RGam = numpy.matrix([[1, 0, 0], [0, cos(gamma), -sin(gamma)],
                             [0, sin(gamma), cos(gamma)]])
        RDel = (numpy.matrix([[cos(delta), -sin(delta), 0],
                              [sin(delta), cos(delta), 0], [0, 0, 1]])).getI()
        RNu = numpy.matrix([[cos(nu), 0, sin(nu)], [0, 1, 0],
                            [-sin(nu), 0, cos(nu)]])

        # calculate Cartesian coordinates for each pixel using clever matrix stuff
        M = numpy.mat(
                (dx.flatten(0), dy.flatten(0),
                 dz.flatten(0))).reshape(3, dx.shape[0] * dx.shape[1]))
        XYZp = RGam * RDel * RNu * M
        xp = dnp.array(XYZp[0]).reshape(dx.shape)
        yp = dnp.array(XYZp[1]).reshape(dy.shape)
        zp = dnp.array(XYZp[2]).reshape(dz.shape)
        # don't bother with the part about slits...

        # Calculate effective gamma and delta for each pixel
        d_ds = dnp.sqrt(xp**2 + yp**2 + zp**2)
        Gam = dnp.arctan2(zp, yp)
        Del = -1 * dnp.arcsin(-xp / d_ds)

        # wavenumber
        k = 2 * math.pi / 12.398 * energy

        # Define the needed matrices. The notation follows the article by Bunk &
        # Nielsen. J.Appl.Cryst. (2004) 37, 216-222.
        M1 = k * numpy.matrix(
            cos(omega) * sin(Del) - sin(omega) *
            (cos(alpha) *
             (cos(Gam) * cos(Del) - 1) + sin(alpha) * sin(Gam) * cos(Del)))
        M2 = k * numpy.matrix(
            sin(omega) * sin(Del) + cos(omega) *
            (cos(alpha) *
             (cos(Gam) * cos(Del) - 1) + sin(alpha) * sin(Gam) * cos(Del)))
        M3 = k * numpy.matrix(-sin(alpha) * (cos(Gam) * cos(Del) - 1) +
                              cos(alpha) * sin(Gam) * cos(Del))

        # invert UB matrix
        UBi = numpy.matrix(UB).getI()

        # calculate HKL
        H = UBi[0, 0] * M1 + UBi[0, 1] * M2 + UBi[0, 2] * M3
        K = UBi[1, 0] * M1 + UBi[1, 1] * M2 + UBi[1, 2] * M3
        L = UBi[2, 0] * M1 + UBi[2, 1] * M2 + UBi[2, 2] * M3

        return (H, K, L)
Exemple #7
import scisoftpy as dnp

t = dnp.arange(0.0, 2.0, 0.01)
s = dnp.sin(2 * dnp.pi * t)
dnp.plot.line(t, s)
ps = dnp.plot.getPlottingSystem()
ps.setTitle("EclipseCon France Demo")
def refl(runfiles, pathtofiles, outputpath, scalar, beamheight, footprint, angularfudgefactor, wl, back=()):
        # scalar - scale factor to divide the data by
        # beamheight FWHM in microns
        # footprint in mm
        # angular offset correction in degrees
        #  wavelength in wl
        #  back is an optional variable to subtract a background, set back=1 to do a background subtraction
        qq = []
        RR = []
        dR = []
        ii = -1
        for filename in runfiles:
            data = + "/" + str(filename) + ".dat")
            ii += 1

            theta = data.alpha
            # work out the q vector
            qqtemp = 4 * dnp.pi * dnp.sin((theta + angularfudgefactor) * dnp.pi /180) / wl
            #qqtemp = data.qdcd
            # this section is to allow users to set limits on the q range used from each file
            if not 'qmin' + str(ii) in refl.__dict__:
                qmin = qqtemp.min()
                print "USER SET",
                qmin = refl.__getattribute__('qmin' + str(ii))
            print 'refl.qmin' + str(ii) + " = " + str(qmin) + " ;",
            if not 'qmax' + str(ii) in refl.__dict__:
                qmax = qqtemp.max()
                print "USER SET",
                qmax = refl.__getattribute__('qmax' + str(ii))
            print 'refl.qmax' + str(ii) + " = " + str(qmax) + " ;",            
            roi1_sum = data.roi1_sum
            roi1_sum = roi1_sum[dnp.where((qqtemp >= qmin) & (qqtemp <= qmax))]
            roi1dr = dnp.sqrt(roi1_sum)
            theta = theta[dnp.where((qqtemp >= qmin) & (qqtemp <= qmax))]
            qqtemp = qqtemp[dnp.where((qqtemp >= qmin) & (qqtemp <= qmax))]
            bg_sum = dnp.zeros(len(roi1_sum))
            bg_dr = dnp.zeros(len(roi1dr))
            # if background ROI number given as int, convert to a single-item tuple
            if type(back) == int:
                back = (back,)
            # subtract any background ROIs from the data
            if len(back) > 0 and back[0] > 0:
                if ii==0:
                    print "Using background from " + str(len(back)) + " ROIs: " + str(back)
                for bg in back:
                    if ('roi' + str(bg) + '_sum' in data.keys()):
                        bg_cur = data[data.keys().index('roi' +str(bg) + '_sum')]
                        dr_cur = dnp.sqrt(bg_cur)
                        (bg_sum, bg_dr) = ep.EPadd(bg_sum, bg_dr, bg_cur, dr_cur)
                (bg_sum, bg_dr) = ep.EPmulk(bg_sum, bg_dr, 1.0/len(back))
                if ii==0:
                    print "Not subtracting a background"                
            (RRtemp, drtemp) = ep.EPsub(roi1_sum, roi1dr, bg_sum, bg_dr)
            # do a footprint correction.
            # assumes that the beam is gaussian in profile, with a FWHM of "beamheight".
            # footprint of sample is measured in mm.
            areamultiplier = 2*(norm.cdf(footprint * dnp.sin((theta + angularfudgefactor) / 180 * dnp.pi) / 2, 0, 1e-3 * beamheight/ (2*dnp.sqrt(2*dnp.log(2)))) - 0.5)
            RRtemp /= areamultiplier
            drtemp /= areamultiplier

            # for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th q ranges have to splice the data on the end of the preexisting data
            if(ii > 0):
                # splice
                (scalingfactor, sferror) = nsplice.getScalingInOverlap(qq, RR, dR, qqtemp, RRtemp, drtemp)
                RRtemp *= scalingfactor
                drtemp *= scalingfactor
                print "Error in scaling factor: %2.3f %%" % (sferror/scalingfactor*100)
            # now concatenate the data.
            qq = dnp.concatenate((qq, qqtemp))
            RR = dnp.concatenate((RR, RRtemp))
            dR = dnp.concatenate((dR, drtemp))
        # end of per-file loop

        RR /= scalar
        dR /= scalar
        RR = RR[np.argsort(qq)]
        dR = dR[np.argsort(qq)]
        qq = np.sort(qq)
        # write out the data.
Exemple #9
def rerefl(runfiles):
        global pathtofiles, savedbean, firstfiledata
        qq = []
        RR = []
        dR = []
        ii = -1
        for filename in runfiles:
            roi1sum = []
            roi1dr = []
            bg_sum = []
            bg_dr = []
            data = + "/" + str(filename) + ".dat")
            ii += 1
            if ii == 0:
                firstfiledata = data

            # define theta
            theta = data.alpha
            # define q
            qqtemp = 4 * dnp.pi * dnp.sin((theta + angularfudgefactor) * dnp.pi /180) / wl
            #qqtemp = data.qdcd
            qmin = qqtemp.min()
            qmax = qqtemp.max()

            # plot first image of first file
            if ii == 0:
                global image
                image =['file'][imgdisp]), warn=False)
                dnp.plot.image(image[0], name='Plot 1', resetaxes=False)

            # find ROIs from saved bean
                rois = dnp.plot.getrois(savedbean)
                norois = len(rois)
            # if we don't have any ROIs yet, ask the user to draw some
            except(KeyError, TypeError, NameError):
                if ii==0:
                    print "\nPlease define some regions of interest then type getrois()"
                    print "You must type getrois() after adding/changing any regions due to a bug in DAWN."
                norois = 0                
            # this section to be restored when ROIs are working again
            ## find ROIs from plot window
            #bean = dnp.plot.getbean('Plot 1')
            #    rois = dnp.plot.getrois(bean)
            #    norois = len(rois)
            ## if we don't have any ROIs yet, ask the user to draw some
            #except(KeyError, TypeError):
            #    if ii==0:
            #        print "Please define some regions of interest"
            #    norois = 0
            if norois > 0:
                if ii == 0:
                    print str(norois) + " ROIs defined, " + str(norois-1) + " will be used for the background"
                for imgfile in data['file']:
                    imgdata =, warn=False)
                    dnp.plot.image(imgdata[0], name="Plot 1", resetaxes=False)
                    image = imgdata[0].transpose() # Pilatus images load with axes transposed for some reason
                    bg_pt = 0
                    bgdr_pt = 0
                    for j in range(0,norois):
                        roi = image[int(rois[j].spt[0]):int(rois[j].spt[0]+rois[j].len[0]), int(rois[j].spt[1]):int(rois[j].spt[1]+rois[j].len[1])]
                        roisum_pt = dnp.float(roi.sum())
                        if j == 0:
                            (bg_pt, bgdr_pt) = ep.EPadd(bg_pt, bgdr_pt, roisum_pt, dnp.sqrt(roisum_pt))

                # convert lists to arrays
                (roi1sum, roi1dr, bg_sum, bg_dr) = (dnp.array(roi1sum), dnp.array(roi1dr), dnp.array(bg_sum), dnp.array(bg_dr))
                # normalise background
                if norois > 1:
                    bgsize = 0
                    for k in range(1, norois):
                        bgsize += rois[k].len[0]*rois[k].len[1]
                    (bg_sum, bg_dr) = ep.EPmulk(bg_sum, bg_dr, rois[0].len[0]*rois[0].len[1]/bgsize)

                # subtract background
                (RRtemp, drtemp) = ep.EPsub(roi1sum, roi1dr, bg_sum, bg_dr)

                # do a footprint correction.
                # assumes that the beam is gaussian in profile, with a FWHM of "beamheight".
                # footprint of sample is measured in mm.
                areamultiplier = 2*(norm.cdf(dnp.float(footprint) * dnp.sin((theta + dnp.float(angularfudgefactor)) / 180 * dnp.pi) / 2, 0, 1e-3 * dnp.float(beamheight)/ (2*dnp.sqrt(2*dnp.log(2)))) - 0.5)
                RRtemp /= areamultiplier
                drtemp /= areamultiplier

                # for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th q ranges have to splice the data on the end of the preexisting data
                if(ii > 0):
                    (scalingfactor, sferror) = nsplice.getScalingInOverlap(qq, RR, dR, qqtemp, RRtemp, drtemp)
                    RRtemp *= scalingfactor
                    drtemp *= scalingfactor
                # now concatenate the data.
                qq = dnp.concatenate((qq, qqtemp))
                RR = dnp.concatenate((RR, RRtemp))
                dR = dnp.concatenate((dR, drtemp))
        # end of per-file loop
        if norois > 0:
            RR /= dnp.float(scalar)
            dR /= dnp.float(scalar)
            RR = RR[np.argsort(qq)]
            dR = dR[np.argsort(qq)]
            qq = np.sort(qq)
            # write out the data.
            np.savetxt(outputpath+"/"+str(runfiles[0])+"_rerefl_bkg1.dat",dnp.concatenate((qq,RR,dR)).reshape(3,qq.shape[0]).transpose(), fmt="%.10f %.10e %.10e")
            print "Output saved to " + outputpath+"/"+str(runfiles[0])+"_rerefl_bkg1.dat"

            # plot the resulting
            dnp.plot.line(qq,dnp.log10(RR),name='Plot 2')
Exemple #10
    def project(self, energy, UB, pixels, gamma, delta, omega, alpha, nu):
        # put the detector at the right position

        dx,dy,dz = pixels

        # convert angles to radians
        gamma, delta, alpha, omega, nu = numpy.radians((gamma, delta, alpha, omega, nu))

        RGam = numpy.matrix([[1,0,0],[0,cos(gamma),-sin(gamma)],[0,sin(gamma),cos(gamma)]])
        RDel = (numpy.matrix([[cos(delta),-sin(delta),0],[sin(delta),cos(delta),0],[0,0,1]])).getI()
        RNu = numpy.matrix([[cos(nu),0,sin(nu)],[0,1,0],[-sin(nu),0,cos(nu)]])

        # calculate Cartesian coordinates for each pixel using clever matrix stuff
        M = numpy.mat(numpy.concatenate((dx.flatten(0), dy.flatten(0), dz.flatten(0))).reshape(3,dx.shape[0]*dx.shape[1])) 
        XYZp = RGam * RDel * RNu * M
        xp = dnp.array(XYZp[0]).reshape(dx.shape)
        yp = dnp.array(XYZp[1]).reshape(dy.shape)
        zp = dnp.array(XYZp[2]).reshape(dz.shape)        
        # don't bother with the part about slits...

        # Calculate effective gamma and delta for each pixel
        d_ds = dnp.sqrt(xp**2 + yp**2 + zp**2)
        Gam = dnp.arctan2(zp, yp)
        Del = -1 * dnp.arcsin(-xp/d_ds)
        # wavenumber
        k = 2 * math.pi / 12.398 * energy

        # Define the needed matrices. The notation follows the article by Bunk &
        # Nielsen. J.Appl.Cryst. (2004) 37, 216-222.        
        M1 = k * numpy.matrix(cos(omega) * sin(Del) - sin(omega) * (cos(alpha) * (cos(Gam) * cos(Del)-1) + sin(alpha) * sin(Gam) * cos(Del)))
        M2 = k * numpy.matrix(sin(omega) * sin(Del) + cos(omega) * (cos(alpha) * (cos(Gam) * cos(Del)-1) + sin(alpha) * sin(Gam) * cos(Del)))
        M3 = k * numpy.matrix(-sin(alpha) * (cos(Gam) * cos(Del)-1) + cos(alpha) * sin(Gam) * cos(Del))

        # invert UB matrix
        UBi = numpy.matrix(UB).getI()
        # calculate HKL
        H = UBi[0,0]*M1 + UBi[0,1]*M2 + UBi[0,2]*M3
        K = UBi[1,0]*M1 + UBi[1,1]*M2 + UBi[1,2]*M3
        L = UBi[2,0]*M1 + UBi[2,1]*M2 + UBi[2,2]*M3

        return (H, K, L)
Exemple #11
def refl(runfiles,
    # scalar - scale factor to divide the data by
    # beamheight FWHM in microns
    # footprint in mm
    # angular offset correction in degrees
    #  wavelength in wl
    #  back is an optional variable to subtract a background, set back=1 to do a background subtraction

    qq = []
    RR = []
    dR = []
    ii = -1
    for filename in runfiles:
        data = + "/" + str(filename) + ".dat")
        ii += 1

        theta = data.alpha
        # work out the q vector
        qqtemp = 4 * dnp.pi * dnp.sin(
            (theta + angularfudgefactor) * dnp.pi / 180) / wl
        #qqtemp = data.qdcd

        # this section is to allow users to set limits on the q range used from each file
        if not 'qmin' + str(ii) in refl.__dict__:
            qmin = qqtemp.min()
            print "USER SET",
            qmin = refl.__getattribute__('qmin' + str(ii))
        print 'refl.qmin' + str(ii) + " = " + str(qmin) + " ;",
        if not 'qmax' + str(ii) in refl.__dict__:
            qmax = qqtemp.max()
            print "USER SET",
            qmax = refl.__getattribute__('qmax' + str(ii))
        print 'refl.qmax' + str(ii) + " = " + str(qmax) + " ;",

        roi1_sum = data.roi1_sum
        roi1_sum = roi1_sum[dnp.where((qqtemp >= qmin) & (qqtemp <= qmax))]
        roi1dr = dnp.sqrt(roi1_sum)
        theta = theta[dnp.where((qqtemp >= qmin) & (qqtemp <= qmax))]
        qqtemp = qqtemp[dnp.where((qqtemp >= qmin) & (qqtemp <= qmax))]

        bg_sum = dnp.zeros(len(roi1_sum))
        bg_dr = dnp.zeros(len(roi1dr))

        # if background ROI number given as int, convert to a single-item tuple
        if type(back) == int:
            back = (back, )

        # subtract any background ROIs from the data
        if len(back) > 0 and back[0] > 0:
            if ii == 0:
                print "Using background from " + str(
                    len(back)) + " ROIs: " + str(back)
            for bg in back:
                if ('roi' + str(bg) + '_sum' in data.keys()):
                    bg_cur = data[data.keys().index('roi' + str(bg) + '_sum')]
                    dr_cur = dnp.sqrt(bg_cur)
                    (bg_sum, bg_dr) = ep.EPadd(bg_sum, bg_dr, bg_cur, dr_cur)
            (bg_sum, bg_dr) = ep.EPmulk(bg_sum, bg_dr, 1.0 / len(back))
            if ii == 0:
                print "Not subtracting a background"
        (RRtemp, drtemp) = ep.EPsub(roi1_sum, roi1dr, bg_sum, bg_dr)

        # do a footprint correction.
        # assumes that the beam is gaussian in profile, with a FWHM of "beamheight".
        # footprint of sample is measured in mm.
        areamultiplier = 2 * (norm.cdf(
            footprint * dnp.sin(
                (theta + angularfudgefactor) / 180 * dnp.pi) / 2, 0,
            1e-3 * beamheight / (2 * dnp.sqrt(2 * dnp.log(2)))) - 0.5)
        RRtemp /= areamultiplier
        drtemp /= areamultiplier

        # for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th q ranges have to splice the data on the end of the preexisting data
        if (ii > 0):
            # splice
             sferror) = nsplice.getScalingInOverlap(qq, RR, dR, qqtemp, RRtemp,
            RRtemp *= scalingfactor
            drtemp *= scalingfactor
            print "Error in scaling factor: %2.3f %%" % (sferror /
                                                         scalingfactor * 100)

        # now concatenate the data.
        qq = dnp.concatenate((qq, qqtemp))
        RR = dnp.concatenate((RR, RRtemp))
        dR = dnp.concatenate((dR, drtemp))
    # end of per-file loop

    RR /= scalar
    dR /= scalar

    RR = RR[np.argsort(qq)]
    dR = dR[np.argsort(qq)]
    qq = np.sort(qq)

    # write out the data.
        outputpath + "/" + str(runfiles[0]) + "_refl.dat",
        dnp.concatenate((qq, RR, dR)).reshape(3, qq.shape[0]).transpose())