Exemple #1
    def print_stats_on_matches(self):

        l = self.get_matches()
        nref = len(l)

        from libtbx.table_utils import simple_table
        from scitbx.math import five_number_summary
        twotheta_resid = l['2theta_resid']
        w_2theta = l['2theta.weights']

        msg = "\nSummary statistics for {0} observations".format(nref) +\
              " matched to predictions:"
        header = ["", "Min", "Q1", "Med", "Q3", "Max"]
        rows = []
            row_data = five_number_summary(twotheta_resid)
            rows.append(["2theta_c - 2theta_o (deg)"] +
                        ["%.4g" % (e * RAD2DEG) for e in row_data])
            row_data = five_number_summary(w_2theta)
            rows.append(["2theta weights"] +
                        ["%.4g" % (e * DEG2RAD**2) for e in row_data])
            st = simple_table(rows, header)
        except IndexError:
            # zero length reflection list
                "Unable to calculate summary statistics for zero observations")
Exemple #2
  def print_stats_on_matches(self):

    l = self.get_matches()
    nref = len(l)

    from libtbx.table_utils import simple_table
    from scitbx.math import five_number_summary
    twotheta_resid = l['2theta_resid']
    w_2theta = l['2theta.weights']

    msg = "\nSummary statistics for {0} observations".format(nref) +\
          " matched to predictions:"
    header = ["", "Min", "Q1", "Med", "Q3", "Max"]
    rows = []
      row_data = five_number_summary(twotheta_resid)
      rows.append(["2theta_c - 2theta_o (deg)"] + ["%.4g" % (e * RAD2DEG) for e in row_data])
      row_data = five_number_summary(w_2theta)
      rows.append(["2theta weights"] + ["%.4g" % (e * DEG2RAD**2) for e in row_data])
      st = simple_table(rows, header)
    except IndexError:
      # zero length reflection list
      logger.warning("Unable to calculate summary statistics for zero observations")
Exemple #3
    def print_stats_on_matches(self):

        l = self.get_matches()
        nref = len(l)
        if nref == 0:
                "Unable to calculate summary statistics for zero observations")

        twotheta_resid = l["2theta_resid"]
        w_2theta = l["2theta.weights"]

        msg = ("\nSummary statistics for {} observations".format(nref) +
               " matched to predictions:")
        header = ["", "Min", "Q1", "Med", "Q3", "Max"]
        rows = []
        row_data = five_number_summary(twotheta_resid)
        rows.append(["2theta_c - 2theta_o (deg)"] +
                    ["%.4g" % (e * RAD2DEG) for e in row_data])
        row_data = five_number_summary(w_2theta)
        rows.append(["2theta weights"] +
                    ["%.4g" % (e * DEG2RAD**2) for e in row_data])
        st = simple_table(rows, header)
Exemple #4
    def print_stats_on_matches(self):

        l = self.get_matches()
        nref = len(l)
        if nref == 0:
                "Unable to calculate summary statistics for zero observations"

        twotheta_resid = l["2theta_resid"]
        w_2theta = l["2theta.weights"]

        msg = (
            f"\nSummary statistics for {nref} observations" + " matched to predictions:"
        header = ["", "Min", "Q1", "Med", "Q3", "Max"]
        rows = []
        row_data = five_number_summary(twotheta_resid)
            ["2theta_c - 2theta_o (deg)"] + [f"{e * RAD2DEG:.4g}" for e in row_data]
        row_data = five_number_summary(w_2theta)
        rows.append(["2theta weights"] + [f"{e * DEG2RAD ** 2:.4g}" for e in row_data])
        logger.info(tabulate(rows, header) + "\n")
Exemple #5
  def adjust_errors(self, dI_derrorterms = None, compute_sums = True):
    """ Propagate errors to the scaled and merged intensity errors based on statistical error propagation.
    This uses 1) and estimate of the errors in the post-refined parametes from the observed population
    and 2) partial derivatives of the scaled intensity with respect to each of the post-refined parameters.
    assert self.scaler.params.postrefinement.algorithm == 'rs'

    refls = self.scaler.ISIGI
    ct = self.scaler.crystal_table

    if self.error_terms is None:

    if dI_derrorterms is None:
      dI_derrorterms = self.dI_derrorterms()
    dI_dIobs, dI_dthetax, dI_dthetay, dI_dlambda, dI_deff = dI_derrorterms[0:5]
    dI_dgstar = dI_derrorterms[5:]
    sigma_Iobs = refls['scaled_intensity']/refls['isigi']
    r = self.r

    # Propagate errors
    refls['isigi'] = refls['scaled_intensity'] / \
                     flex.sqrt((sigma_Iobs**2 * dI_dIobs**2) +
                     sum([self.error_terms.sigma_gstar[j]**2 * dI_dgstar[j]**2 for j in xrange(len(self.error_terms.sigma_gstar))]) +
                     (self.error_terms.sigma_thetax**2 * dI_dthetax**2) +
                     (self.error_terms.sigma_thetay**2 * dI_dthetay**2) +
                     (self.error_terms.sigma_lambda**2 * dI_dlambda**2) +
                     (self.error_terms.sigma_deff**2 * dI_deff**2))
    if self.verbose:
      # Show results of propagation
      from scitbx.math import five_number_summary
      all_data = [(refls['iobs'], "Iobs"),
                  (sigma_Iobs, "Original errors"),
                  (1/r['D'], "Total scale factor"),
                  (refls['iobs']/r['D'], "Inflated intensities"),
                  (refls['scaled_intensity']/refls['isigi'], "Propagated errors"),
                  (flex.sqrt(sigma_Iobs**2 * dI_dIobs**2), "Iobs term"),
                  (flex.sqrt(self.error_terms.sigma_thetax**2 * dI_dthetax**2), "Thetax term"),
                  (flex.sqrt(self.error_terms.sigma_thetay**2 * dI_dthetay**2), "Thetay term"),
                  (flex.sqrt(self.error_terms.sigma_lambda**2 * dI_dlambda**2), "Wavelength term"),
                  (flex.sqrt(self.error_terms.sigma_deff**2 * dI_deff**2), "Deff term")] + \
                 [(flex.sqrt(self.error_terms.sigma_gstar[j]**2 * dI_dgstar[j]**2), "Gstar term %d"%j) for j in xrange(len(self.error_terms.sigma_gstar))]
      print >> self.log, "%20s % 20s % 20s % 20s"%("Data name","Quartile 1", "Median", "Quartile 3")
      for data, title in all_data:
        fns = five_number_summary(data)
        print >> self.log, "%20s % 20d % 20d % 20d"%(title, fns[1], fns[2], fns[3])

    if compute_sums:
      # Final terms for cxi.merge
      self.scaler.summed_weight= flex.double(self.scaler.n_refl, 0.)
      self.scaler.summed_wt_I  = flex.double(self.scaler.n_refl, 0.)

      Intensity = refls['scaled_intensity']
      sigma = Intensity / refls['isigi']
      variance = sigma * sigma

      for i in xrange(len(refls)):
        j = refls['miller_id'][i]
        self.scaler.summed_wt_I[j] += Intensity[i] / variance[i]
        self.scaler.summed_weight[j] += 1 / variance[i]
def tanh_fit(x, y, iqr_multiplier=None):

    from scitbx.math import curve_fitting

    tf = curve_fitting.tanh_fit(x, y)
    f = curve_fitting.tanh(*tf.params)

    if iqr_multiplier is not None:
        assert iqr_multiplier > 0
        yc = f(x)
        dy = y - yc

        from scitbx.math import five_number_summary

        min_x, q1_x, med_x, q3_x, max_x = five_number_summary(dy)
        iqr_x = q3_x - q1_x
        cut_x = iqr_multiplier * iqr_x
        outliers = (dy > q3_x + cut_x) | (dy < q1_x - cut_x)
        if outliers.count(True) > 0:
            xo = x.select(~outliers)
            yo = y.select(~outliers)
            tf = curve_fitting.tanh_fit(xo, yo)
            f = curve_fitting.tanh(*tf.params)

    return f(x)
Exemple #7
def tanh_fit(x, y, iqr_multiplier=None):
    Fit a tanh function to the values y(x) and return this fit

    x, y should be iterables containing floats of the same size. This is used for
    fitting a curve to CC½.

    tf = curve_fitting.tanh_fit(x, y)
    f = curve_fitting.tanh(*tf.params)

    if iqr_multiplier:
        assert iqr_multiplier > 0
        yc = f(x)
        dy = y - yc

        min_x, q1_x, med_x, q3_x, max_x = five_number_summary(dy)
        iqr_x = q3_x - q1_x
        cut_x = iqr_multiplier * iqr_x
        outliers = (dy > q3_x + cut_x) | (dy < q1_x - cut_x)
        if outliers.count(True) > 0:
            xo = x.select(~outliers)
            yo = y.select(~outliers)
            tf = curve_fitting.tanh_fit(xo, yo)
            f = curve_fitting.tanh(*tf.params)

    return f(x)
    def unit_cell_histogram(self, plot_name=None):

        uc_params = [flex.double() for i in range(6)]
        for expt in self._data_manager.experiments:
            uc = expt.crystal.get_unit_cell()
            for i in range(6):

        iqr_ratio = 1.5
        outliers = flex.bool(uc_params[0].size(), False)
        for p in uc_params:
            from scitbx.math import five_number_summary

            min_x, q1_x, med_x, q3_x, max_x = five_number_summary(p)
                "Five number summary: min %.2f, q1 %.2f, med %.2f, q3 %.2f, max %.2f"
                % (min_x, q1_x, med_x, q3_x, max_x)
            iqr_x = q3_x - q1_x
            if iqr_x < 1e-6:
            cut_x = iqr_ratio * iqr_x
            outliers.set_selected(p > q3_x + cut_x, True)
            outliers.set_selected(p < q1_x - cut_x, True)
        logger.info("Identified %i unit cell outliers" % outliers.count(True))

        plot_uc_histograms(uc_params, outliers)
 def reject_outliers(self, data):
   from scitbx.math import five_number_summary
   min_x, q1_x, med_x, q3_x, max_x = five_number_summary(data)
   #print "Five number summary: min %.1f, q1 %.1f, med %.1f, q3 %.1f, max %.1f"%(min_x, q1_x, med_x, q3_x, max_x)
   iqr_x = q3_x - q1_x
   cut_x = 1.5 * iqr_x
   outliers = flex.bool(len(data), False)
   outliers.set_selected(data > q3_x + cut_x, True)
   outliers.set_selected(data < q1_x - cut_x, True)
   return outliers
Exemple #10
 def reject_outliers(self, data):
     from scitbx.math import five_number_summary
     min_x, q1_x, med_x, q3_x, max_x = five_number_summary(data)
     #print "Five number summary: min %.1f, q1 %.1f, med %.1f, q3 %.1f, max %.1f"%(min_x, q1_x, med_x, q3_x, max_x)
     iqr_x = q3_x - q1_x
     cut_x = 1.5 * iqr_x
     outliers = flex.bool(len(data), False)
     outliers.set_selected(data > q3_x + cut_x, True)
     outliers.set_selected(data < q1_x - cut_x, True)
     return outliers
Exemple #11
  def _detect_outliers(self, cols):

    from scitbx.math import five_number_summary

    outliers = flex.bool(len(cols[0]), False)
    for col in cols:
      min_x, q1_x, med_x, q3_x, max_x = five_number_summary(col)
      iqr_x = q3_x - q1_x
      cut_x = self._iqr_multiplier * iqr_x
      outliers.set_selected(col > q3_x + cut_x, True)
      outliers.set_selected(col < q1_x - cut_x, True)

    return outliers
Exemple #12
 def width(self):
   if len(self.dvals) < 3: return 999
   _, q1, _, q3, _ = five_number_summary(self.dvals)
   iqr = q3 - q1
   sel_lt = self.dvals < q3 + 1.5*iqr
   sel_gt = self.dvals > q1 - 1.5*iqr
   sel = sel_lt & sel_gt
   if sel.count(True) < 0.8*self.target_refl_count:
     return 999
     result = self.dvals.select(sel).sample_standard_deviation()
     print(f'width {result:.5f} from {sel.count(True)} dvals')
     return result
Exemple #13
    def _detect_outliers(self, cols):

        from scitbx.math import five_number_summary

        outliers = flex.bool(len(cols[0]), False)
        for col in cols:
            min_x, q1_x, med_x, q3_x, max_x = five_number_summary(col)
            iqr_x = q3_x - q1_x
            cut_x = self._iqr_multiplier * iqr_x
            outliers.set_selected(col > q3_x + cut_x, True)
            outliers.set_selected(col < q1_x - cut_x, True)

        return outliers
Exemple #14
 def reject_outliers(self, data, iqr_ratio=1.5):
     eps = 1e-6
     outliers = flex.bool(len(data), False)
     if iqr_ratio is None:
         return outliers
     from scitbx.math import five_number_summary
     min_x, q1_x, med_x, q3_x, max_x = five_number_summary(data)
     #print "Five number summary: min %.1f, q1 %.1f, med %.1f, q3 %.1f, max %.1f"%(min_x, q1_x, med_x, q3_x, max_x)
     iqr_x = q3_x - q1_x
     cut_x = iqr_ratio * iqr_x
     outliers.set_selected(data > q3_x + cut_x + eps, True)
     outliers.set_selected(data < q1_x - cut_x - eps, True)
     #print "Rejecting", outliers.count(True), "out of", len(outliers)
     return outliers
def outlier_selection(uc_params, iqr_ratio=1.5):
    outliers = flex.bool(uc_params[0].size(), False)
    for p in uc_params:
        min_x, q1_x, med_x, q3_x, max_x = five_number_summary(p)
            "Five number summary: min %.2f, q1 %.2f, med %.2f, q3 %.2f, max %.2f"
            % (min_x, q1_x, med_x, q3_x, max_x))
        iqr_x = q3_x - q1_x
        if iqr_x < 1e-6:
        cut_x = iqr_ratio * iqr_x
        outliers.set_selected(p > q3_x + cut_x, True)
        outliers.set_selected(p < q1_x - cut_x, True)
    logger.info("Identified %i unit cell outliers" % outliers.count(True))
    return outliers
Exemple #16
def run(params):
    node_names = get_log()
    counter = 0
    root = params.input_path
    good_total = fail_total = 0
    good_elapsed = flex.double()
    good_channels = flex.double()
    good_logger = flex.double()
    all_rank = flex.int()
    channels_rank = flex.int()
    logger_rank = flex.int()
    device_elapsed = dict()
    for rank in range(params.ranks):
        filename = "rank_%d.log" % (rank)
        if 'rank' not in filename: continue
        node_num = rank // params.ranks_per_device // params.devices_per_node
        device_num = (rank //
                      params.ranks_per_device) % params.devices_per_node
        device_addr = (node_num, device_num)
        device_elapsed[device_addr] = device_elapsed.get(device_addr, [])

        counter += 1
        if counter % 100 == 1: print(filename, counter)
        for line in open(os.path.join(root, filename)):
            if not line.startswith('idx------finis-------->'): continue
                _, _, _, _, ts, _, elapsed = line.strip().split()
                epoch_finis = float(ts)
            except ValueError:
            elapsed = float(elapsed)

        print("Rank", rank, "node", node_num, node_names[node_num], "device",
    print("There are %d images" % (len(all_rank)))
    print("There are %d device addresses" % (len(device_elapsed)))
    for node_num, device_num in device_elapsed:
        good_elapsed = device_elapsed[(node_num, device_num)]
        sorted_elapsed = sorted(good_elapsed)
        print("Median elapsed", "node", node_num, node_names[node_num],
              "device", device_num,
              "is %.4f" % (sorted_elapsed[len(sorted_elapsed) // 2]),
              "5# summary of %d times:" % (len(good_elapsed)),
              ["%.4f" % a for a in five_number_summary(good_elapsed)])
Exemple #17
    def _find_peaks(self, grid_real, d_min):
        grid_real_binary = grid_real.deep_copy()
        rmsd = math.sqrt(
                flex.pow2(grid_real_binary.as_1d() -
            grid_real_binary < (self._params.rmsd_cutoff) * rmsd, 0)
        grid_real_binary.as_1d().set_selected(grid_real_binary.as_1d() > 0, 1)
        grid_real_binary = grid_real_binary.iround()
        from cctbx import masks

        # real space FFT grid dimensions
        cell_lengths = [self._n_points * d_min / 2 for i in range(3)]
        self._fft_cell = uctbx.unit_cell(cell_lengths + [90] * 3)

        flood_fill = masks.flood_fill(grid_real_binary, self._fft_cell)
        if flood_fill.n_voids() < 4:
            # Require at least peak at origin and one peak for each basis vector
            raise indexing.DialsIndexError(
                "Indexing failed: fft3d peak search failed to find sufficient number of peaks."

        # the peak at the origin might have a significantly larger volume than the
        # rest so exclude any anomalously large peaks from determining minimum volume
        from scitbx.math import five_number_summary

        outliers = flex.bool(flood_fill.n_voids(), False)
        grid_points_per_void = flood_fill.grid_points_per_void()
        min_x, q1_x, med_x, q3_x, max_x = five_number_summary(
        iqr_multiplier = 5
        iqr_x = q3_x - q1_x
        cut_x = iqr_multiplier * iqr_x
            grid_points_per_void.as_double() > (q3_x + cut_x), True)
        # print q3_x + cut_x, outliers.count(True)
        isel = (grid_points_per_void > int(
            self._params.peak_volume_cutoff *

        sites = flood_fill.centres_of_mass_frac().select(isel)
        volumes = flood_fill.grid_points_per_void().select(isel)
        return sites, volumes
Exemple #18
    def print_stats_on_matches(self):
        """Print some basic statistics on the matches"""

        l = self.get_matches()
        nref = len(l)
        if nref == 0:
                "Unable to calculate summary statistics for zero observations"

        from libtbx.table_utils import simple_table
        from scitbx.math import five_number_summary

            x_resid = l["x_resid"]
            y_resid = l["y_resid"]
            delpsi = l["delpsical.rad"]
            w_x, w_y, _ = l["xyzobs.mm.weights"].parts()
            w_delpsi = l["delpsical.weights"]
        except KeyError:

        header = ["", "Min", "Q1", "Med", "Q3", "Max"]
        rows = []
        row_data = five_number_summary(x_resid)
        rows.append(["Xc - Xo (mm)"] + ["%.4g" % e for e in row_data])
        row_data = five_number_summary(y_resid)
        rows.append(["Yc - Yo (mm)"] + ["%.4g" % e for e in row_data])
        row_data = five_number_summary(delpsi)
        rows.append(["DeltaPsi (deg)"] + ["%.4g" % (e * RAD2DEG) for e in row_data])
        row_data = five_number_summary(w_x)
        rows.append(["X weights"] + ["%.4g" % e for e in row_data])
        row_data = five_number_summary(w_y)
        rows.append(["Y weights"] + ["%.4g" % e for e in row_data])
        row_data = five_number_summary(w_delpsi)
            ["DeltaPsi weights"] + ["%.4g" % (e * DEG2RAD ** 2) for e in row_data]

        msg = (
            "\nSummary statistics for {} observations".format(nref)
            + " matched to predictions:"
        st = simple_table(rows, header)
Exemple #19
def show_image_statistics(experiments, im_type):

    if im_type == "raw":
        raw = True
    elif im_type == "corrected":
        raw = False
        raise ValueError(f"Unknown im_type: {im_type}")

    # To show image statistics, check_format has to be true. So we have to reinstatiate
    # the experiment list here
        experiments = ExperimentListFactory.from_json(experiments.as_json(),
    except OSError as e:
        raise Sorry(
            f"Unable to read image data. Please check {e.filename} is accessible"

    print(f"Five number summary of the {im_type} images")
    for i_expt, expt in enumerate(experiments):
        for i in range(len(expt.imageset)):
            identifier = os.path.basename(
            if raw:
                pnl_data = expt.imageset.get_raw_data(i)
                pnl_data = expt.imageset.get_corrected_data(i)
            if not isinstance(pnl_data, tuple):
                pnl_data = (pnl_data, )
            flat_data = pnl_data[0].as_1d()
            for p in pnl_data[1:]:
            fns = five_number_summary(flat_data)
                "{}: Min: {:.1f} Q1: {:.1f} Med: {:.1f} Q3: {:.1f} Max: {:.1f}"
                .format(identifier, *fns))
Exemple #20
    def print_stats_on_matches(self):
        """Print some basic statistics on the matches"""

        l = self.get_matches()
        nref = len(l)
        if nref == 0:
                "Unable to calculate summary statistics for zero observations"

            x_resid = l["x_resid"]
            y_resid = l["y_resid"]
            phi_resid = l["phi_resid"]
            w_x, w_y, w_phi = l["xyzobs.mm.weights"].parts()
        except KeyError:

        msg = (
            "\nSummary statistics for {} observations".format(nref)
            + " matched to predictions:"
        header = ["", "Min", "Q1", "Med", "Q3", "Max"]
        rows = []
        row_data = five_number_summary(x_resid)
        rows.append(["Xc - Xo (mm)"] + ["%.4g" % e for e in row_data])
        row_data = five_number_summary(y_resid)
        rows.append(["Yc - Yo (mm)"] + ["%.4g" % e for e in row_data])
        row_data = five_number_summary(phi_resid)
        rows.append(["Phic - Phio (deg)"] + ["%.4g" % (e * RAD2DEG) for e in row_data])
        row_data = five_number_summary(w_x)
        rows.append(["X weights"] + ["%.4g" % e for e in row_data])
        row_data = five_number_summary(w_y)
        rows.append(["Y weights"] + ["%.4g" % e for e in row_data])
        row_data = five_number_summary(w_phi)
        rows.append(["Phi weights"] + ["%.4g" % (e * DEG2RAD ** 2) for e in row_data])
        st = simple_table(rows, header)

Exemple #21
    def print_stats_on_matches(self):
        """Print some basic statistics on the matches"""

        l = self.get_matches()
        nref = len(l)
        if nref == 0:
                "Unable to calculate summary statistics for zero observations")

            x_resid = l["x_resid"]
            y_resid = l["y_resid"]
            phi_resid = l["phi_resid"]
            w_x, w_y, w_phi = l["xyzobs.mm.weights"].parts()
        except KeyError:

        msg = (f"\nSummary statistics for {nref} observations" +
               " matched to predictions:")
        header = ["", "Min", "Q1", "Med", "Q3", "Max"]
        rows = []
        row_data = five_number_summary(x_resid)
        rows.append(["Xc - Xo (mm)"] + [f"{e:.4g}" for e in row_data])
        row_data = five_number_summary(y_resid)
        rows.append(["Yc - Yo (mm)"] + [f"{e:.4g}" for e in row_data])
        row_data = five_number_summary(phi_resid)
        rows.append(["Phic - Phio (deg)"] +
                    [f"{e * RAD2DEG:.4g}" for e in row_data])
        row_data = five_number_summary(w_x)
        rows.append(["X weights"] + [f"{e:.4g}" for e in row_data])
        row_data = five_number_summary(w_y)
        rows.append(["Y weights"] + [f"{e:.4g}" for e in row_data])
        row_data = five_number_summary(w_phi)
        rows.append(["Phi weights"] +
                    [f"{e * DEG2RAD ** 2:.4g}" for e in row_data])

        logger.info(dials.util.tabulate(rows, header, numalign="right") + "\n")
Exemple #22
def run(params):
  script_start, script_finis = get_log(params)

  counter = 0
  datum = None
  fig_object = plt.figure()
  good_total = fail_total = 0
  good_timepoints = flex.double()
  good_elapsed = flex.double()
  good_channels = flex.double()
  good_logger = flex.double()
  all_rank = flex.int()
  channels_rank = flex.int()
  logger_rank = flex.int()

  for filename in os.listdir(root):
    if os.path.splitext(filename)[1] != '.log': continue
    if 'rank' not in filename: continue

    rank = int(filename.split('_')[1].split('.')[0])
    counter += 1
    if counter%100==1: print (filename, counter)
    for line in open(os.path.join(root,filename)):
      if line.startswith('datetime for channels'):
        goodtime = float(line.split()[6])
      if "finished with the rank logger" in line:
        goodtime = float(line.split()[1])
      if not line.startswith('idx------finis-------->'): continue
        _, _, _, _, ts, _, elapsed = line.strip().split()
        epoch_finis = float(ts)
      except ValueError:
      elapsed = float(elapsed)
      epoch_start = epoch_finis - elapsed
      if datum is None:
        datum = epoch_start
      datum = min(datum, epoch_start)


    chanx,chany,sbx,sby = get_channcalc(params)
    plt.plot(chanx-datum, chany, 'c.', markersize="0.8")
    plt.plot(sbx-datum, sby, 'b.', markersize="0.8")
  except Exception: pass
  plt.plot(good_channels-datum, channels_rank, 'r.', markersize="1")
  plt.plot(good_timepoints-datum, all_rank, 'g.', markersize="1")
  plt.plot(good_logger-datum, logger_rank, 'k.', markersize="0.8")
  good_total = len(good_timepoints)
  max_rank = max(all_rank)

  sorted_elapsed = sorted(list(good_elapsed))
  print ("the median weather time is %.5f"%(sorted_elapsed[len(sorted_elapsed)//2]), "for job", os.path.basename(os.path.abspath(".")))
  print("Five number summary of %d good image processing times:"%good_total, ["%.5f"%a for a in five_number_summary(good_elapsed)])

  plt.plot([0., max(good_timepoints)-datum],[-(1./30.)*max_rank,-(1./30.)*max_rank], 'r-', label="foreach image")
  print ("The total envelope time is %.1f seconds"%(max(good_timepoints)-datum))
  plt.xlabel('Wall time (sec)')
  plt.ylabel('MPI Rank Number')

  mpi_finish, mpi_elapse = get_MPI_time()
  mpi_start = mpi_finish - mpi_elapse
  plt.plot([mpi_finish-mpi_elapse-datum, mpi_finish-datum],[-(2./30.)*max_rank,-(2./30.)*max_rank], color = "orange", label="MPI comm")
  print ("The total MPI communicator time is %.1f seconds, with %.1f sec before 'foreach' and %.1f sec trailing"%(
           mpi_elapse, datum - mpi_start, mpi_finish - max(good_timepoints) ))

  py_finish, py_elapse = get_py_time()
  py_start = py_finish - py_elapse
  plt.plot([py_finish-py_elapse-datum, py_finish-datum],[-(3./30.)*max_rank,-(3./30.)*max_rank], color = "blue", label="Python time")
  print ("The total Python time is %.1f seconds, with %.1f sec for imports and %.1f sec trailing"%(
           py_elapse, mpi_start - py_start, py_finish - mpi_finish ))

  if script_start is not None:
    plt.plot([script_start-datum, script_finis-datum],[-(4./30.)*max_rank,-(4./30.)*max_rank], color = "magenta", label="jsrun time")
    print ("The total script time is %.1f seconds, with %.1f sec for ahead and %.1f sec trailing"%(
           script_finis - script_start, py_start - script_start, script_finis - py_finish ))
    print ("""A: startup jsrun  %6.2f"""%(py_start - script_start))
  print ("""B: Python imports %6.2f
C: MPI gather SF  %6.2f
D: MPI broadcast  %6.2f
E: logger redirect%6.2f, mean %6.2f
F: set CUDA device%6.2f
G: big data to GPU%6.2f, mean %6.2f
"""%(mpi_start - py_start, flex.max(chanx) - mpi_start, flex.max(sbx) - flex.max(chanx),
     flex.max(good_logger) - flex.max(sbx),
     flex.mean(good_logger - flex.max(sbx)),
     datum - flex.max(good_logger), flex.max(good_channels-datum), flex.mean(good_channels-datum)
  plt.title(params.plot_title + " " + os.path.basename(os.path.abspath(".")))
  if params.pickle_plot:
    from libtbx.easy_pickle import dump
    dump('%s'%params.pickle_filename, fig_object)
  if params.show_plot:
    plt.legend(loc="upper right")
Exemple #23
def run_with_preparsed(experiments, reflections, params):
    from dxtbx.model import ExperimentList
    from scitbx.math import five_number_summary

    print("Found", len(reflections), "reflections", "and", len(experiments),

    filtered_reflections = flex.reflection_table()
    filtered_experiments = ExperimentList()

    skipped_reflections = flex.reflection_table()
    skipped_experiments = ExperimentList()

    if params.detector is not None:
        culled_reflections = flex.reflection_table()
        culled_experiments = ExperimentList()
        detector = experiments.detectors()[params.detector]
        for expt_id, experiment in enumerate(experiments):
            refls = reflections.select(reflections['id'] == expt_id)
            if experiment.detector is detector:
                refls['id'] = flex.int(len(refls), len(culled_experiments) - 1)
                refls['id'] = flex.int(len(refls),
                                       len(skipped_experiments) - 1)

        print("RMSD filtering %d experiments using detector %d, out of %d" %
              (len(culled_experiments), params.detector, len(experiments)))
        reflections = culled_reflections
        experiments = culled_experiments

    difference_vector_norms = (reflections['xyzcal.mm'] -

    if params.max_delta is not None:
        sel = difference_vector_norms <= params.max_delta
        reflections = reflections.select(sel)
        difference_vector_norms = difference_vector_norms.select(sel)

    data = flex.double()
    counts = flex.double()
    for i in range(len(experiments)):
        dvns = difference_vector_norms.select(reflections['id'] == i)
        if len(dvns) == 0:
        rmsd = math.sqrt(flex.sum_sq(dvns) / len(dvns))
    data *= 1000
    subset = data.select(counts > 0)
    print(len(subset), "experiments with > 0 reflections")

    if params.show_plots:
        h = flex.histogram(subset, n_slots=40)
        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = fig.add_subplot('111')
                h.slots().as_numpy_array(), '-')
        plt.title("Histogram of %d image RMSDs" % len(subset))

        fig = plt.figure()
        plt.boxplot(subset, vert=False)
        plt.title("Boxplot of %d image RMSDs" % len(subset))

    outliers = counts == 0
    min_x, q1_x, med_x, q3_x, max_x = five_number_summary(subset)
        "Five number summary of RMSDs (microns): min %.1f, q1 %.1f, med %.1f, q3 %.1f, max %.1f"
        % (min_x, q1_x, med_x, q3_x, max_x))
    iqr_x = q3_x - q1_x
    cut_x = params.iqr_multiplier * iqr_x
    outliers.set_selected(data > q3_x + cut_x, True)
    #outliers.set_selected(col < q1_x - cut_x, True) # Don't throw away the images that are outliers in the 'good' direction!

    for i in range(len(experiments)):
        if outliers[i]:
        refls = reflections.select(reflections['id'] == i)
        refls['id'] = flex.int(len(refls), len(filtered_experiments))

    #import IPython;IPython.embed()
    zeroes = counts == 0
    n_zero = len(counts.select(zeroes))
        "Removed %d bad experiments and %d experiments with zero reflections, out of %d (%%%.1f)"
        (len(experiments) - len(filtered_experiments) - n_zero, n_zero,
         len(experiments), 100 *
         ((len(experiments) - len(filtered_experiments)) / len(experiments))))

    if params.detector is not None:
        crystals = filtered_experiments.crystals()
        for expt_id, experiment in enumerate(skipped_experiments):
            if experiment.crystal in crystals:
                refls = skipped_reflections.select(
                    skipped_reflections['id'] == expt_id)
                refls['id'] = flex.int(len(refls),
                                       len(filtered_experiments) - 1)

    if params.delta_psi_filter is not None:
        delta_psi = filtered_reflections['delpsical.rad'] * 180 / math.pi
        sel = (delta_psi <= params.delta_psi_filter) & (
            delta_psi >= -params.delta_psi_filter)
        l = len(filtered_reflections)
        filtered_reflections = filtered_reflections.select(sel)
        print("Filtering by delta psi, removing %d out of %d reflections" %
              (l - len(filtered_reflections), l))

    print("Final experiment count", len(filtered_experiments))
    return filtered_experiments, filtered_reflections
Exemple #24
def test_stills_pred_param(tc):
    print("Testing derivatives for StillsPredictionParameterisation")

    # Build a prediction parameterisation for the stills experiment
    pred_param = StillsPredictionParameterisation(

    # Predict the reflections in place. Must do this ahead of calculating
    # the analytical gradients so quantities like s1 are correct

    ref_predictor = StillsExperimentsPredictor(tc.stills_experiments)

    # get analytical gradients
    an_grads = pred_param.get_gradients(tc.reflections)

    fd_grads = tc.get_fd_gradients(pred_param, ref_predictor)

    for i, (an_grad, fd_grad) in enumerate(zip(an_grads, fd_grads)):

        # compare FD with analytical calculations
        print(f"\nParameter {i}: {fd_grad['name']}")

        for name in ["dX_dp", "dY_dp", "dDeltaPsi_dp"]:
            a = fd_grad[name]
            b = an_grad[name]

            abs_error = a - b

            fns = five_number_summary(abs_error)
            print(("  summary of absolute errors: %9.6f %9.6f %9.6f " +
                   "%9.6f %9.6f") % fns)
            assert flex.max(flex.abs(abs_error)) < 0.0003
            # largest absolute error found to be about 0.00025 for dY/dp of
            # Crystal0g_param_3. Reject outlying absolute errors and test again.
            iqr = fns[3] - fns[1]

            # skip further stats on errors with an iqr of near zero, e.g. dDeltaPsi_dp
            # for detector parameters, which are all equal to zero
            if iqr < 1.0e-10:

            sel1 = abs_error < fns[3] + 1.5 * iqr
            sel2 = abs_error > fns[1] - 1.5 * iqr
            sel = sel1 & sel2
            tst = flex.max_index(flex.abs(abs_error.select(sel)))
            tst_val = abs_error.select(sel)[tst]
            n_outliers = sel.count(False)
            print(("  {0} outliers rejected, leaving greatest " +
                   "absolute error: {1:9.6f}").format(n_outliers, tst_val))
            # largest absolute error now 0.000086 for dX/dp of Beam0Mu2
            assert abs(tst_val) < 0.00009

            # Completely skip parameters with FD gradients all zero (e.g. gradients of
            # DeltaPsi for detector parameters)
            sel1 = flex.abs(a) < 1.0e-10
            if sel1.all_eq(True):

            # otherwise calculate normalised errors, by dividing absolute errors by
            # the IQR (more stable than relative error calculation)
            norm_error = abs_error / iqr
            fns = five_number_summary(norm_error)
            print(("  summary of normalised errors: %9.6f %9.6f %9.6f " +
                   "%9.6f %9.6f") % fns)
            # largest normalised error found to be about 25.7 for dY/dp of
            # Crystal0g_param_3.
                assert flex.max(flex.abs(norm_error)) < 30
            except AssertionError as e:
                e.args += (
                    f"extreme normalised error value: {flex.max(flex.abs(norm_error))}",
                raise e

            # Reject outlying normalised errors and test again
            iqr = fns[3] - fns[1]
            if iqr > 0.0:
                sel1 = norm_error < fns[3] + 1.5 * iqr
                sel2 = norm_error > fns[1] - 1.5 * iqr
                sel = sel1 & sel2
                tst = flex.max_index(flex.abs(norm_error.select(sel)))
                tst_val = norm_error.select(sel)[tst]
                n_outliers = sel.count(False)

                # most outliers found for for dY/dp of Crystal0g_param_3 (which had
                # largest errors, so no surprise there).
                    assert n_outliers < 250
                except AssertionError as e:
                    e.args += (f"too many outliers rejected: {n_outliers}", )
                    raise e

                    ("  {0} outliers rejected, leaving greatest " +
                     "normalised error: {1:9.6f}").format(n_outliers, tst_val))
                # largest normalied error now about -4. for dX/dp of Detector0Tau1
                assert abs(tst_val) < 6, f"should be < 6, not {tst_val}"
Exemple #25
    def __init__(self, intensities, sym_op, cc_true, cc_sig_fac):
        """Initialise a ScoreSymmetryElement object.

          intensities (cctbx.miller.array): The intensities on which to perform
            symmetry analysis.
          sym_op (cctbx.sgtbx.rt_mx): The symmetry operation for analysis.
          cc_true (float): the expected value of CC if the symmetry element is present,
            E(CC; S)
          cc_sig_fac (float): Estimation of sigma(CC) as a function of sample size.
        self.sym_op = sym_op
        assert self.sym_op.r().info().sense() >= 0
        self.cc = CorrelationCoefficientAccumulator()
        cb_op = sgtbx.change_of_basis_op(self.sym_op)
        cb_ops = [cb_op]
        if self.sym_op.r().order() > 2:
            # include inverse symmetry operation
        for cb_op in cb_ops:
            if cb_op.is_identity_op():
                cb_op = sgtbx.change_of_basis_op("-x,-y,-z")
            reindexed_intensities = intensities.change_basis(
            x, y = intensities.common_sets(reindexed_intensities,
            sel = sgtbx.space_group().expand_smx(self.sym_op).epsilon(
                x.indices()) == 1
            x = x.select(sel)
            y = y.select(sel)

            outliers = flex.bool(len(x.data()), False)
            iqr_multiplier = 20  # very generous tolerance
            for col in (x.data(), y.data()):
                if col.size():
                    min_x, q1_x, med_x, q3_x, max_x = five_number_summary(col)
                    iqr_x = q3_x - q1_x
                    cut_x = iqr_multiplier * iqr_x
                    outliers.set_selected(col > q3_x + cut_x, True)
                    outliers.set_selected(col < q1_x - cut_x, True)
            if outliers.count(True):
                    "Rejecting %s outlier value%s",
                x = x.select(~outliers)
                y = y.select(~outliers)

            self.cc += CorrelationCoefficientAccumulator(x.data(), y.data())

        self.n_refs = self.cc.n()
        if self.n_refs <= 0:
            self.likelihood = 0
            self.z_cc = 0

        self.sigma_cc = max(0.1, cc_sig_fac / self.n_refs**0.5)
        self.z_cc = self.cc.coefficient() / self.sigma_cc
        score_cc = ScoreCorrelationCoefficient(self.cc.coefficient(),
                                               self.sigma_cc, cc_true)
        self.p_cc_given_s = score_cc.p_cc_given_s
        self.p_cc_given_not_s = score_cc.p_cc_given_not_s
        self.likelihood = score_cc.p_s_given_cc
Exemple #26
def run(params):
  counter = 0
  reference = None
  fig_object = plt.figure()
  good_total = fail_total = 0
  for filename in os.listdir(root):
    if os.path.splitext(filename)[1] != '.log': continue
    if 'rank' not in filename: continue
    fail_timepoints = []
    good_timepoints = []
    rank = int(filename.split('_')[1].split('.')[0])
    counter += 1
    print (filename, rank)
    for line in open(os.path.join(root,filename)):
      if not line.startswith('idx------finis-------->'): continue
        _, _, _, _, ts, _, elapsed = line.strip().split()
        ts = float(ts)
      except ValueError:
      if reference is None:
        reference = ts - float(elapsed)

      status = 'done'
      if status in ['stop','done','fail']:
        if status == 'done':
        ok = True
        ok = False
    plt.plot(fail_timepoints, [rank]*len(fail_timepoints), 'b.')
    plt.plot(good_timepoints, [rank]*len(good_timepoints), 'g.')
    fail_total += len(fail_timepoints)
    good_total += len(good_timepoints)
    if not ok:
      plt.plot([ts - reference], [rank], 'rx')
    #if counter > 100: break

  fail_deltas = [fail_timepoints[i+1] - fail_timepoints[i] for i in range(len(fail_timepoints)-1)]
  good_deltas = [good_timepoints[i+1] - good_timepoints[i] for i in range(len(good_timepoints)-1)]
  if fail_deltas: print("Five number summary of %d fail image processing times:"%fail_total, five_number_summary(flex.double(fail_deltas)))
  if good_deltas: print("Five number summary of %d good image processing times:"%good_total, five_number_summary(flex.double(good_deltas)))

  for i in range(params.num_nodes):
    plt.plot([0,params.wall_time], [i*params.num_cores_per_node-0.5, i*params.num_cores_per_node-0.5], 'r-')
  plt.xlabel('Wall time (sec)')
  plt.ylabel('MPI Rank Number')
  if params.pickle_plot:
    from libtbx.easy_pickle import dump
    dump('%s'%params.pickle_filename, fig_object)
  if params.show_plot:
Exemple #27
  def print_stats_on_matches(self):
    """Print some basic statistics on the matches"""

    l = self.get_matches()
    nref = len(l)

    from libtbx.table_utils import simple_table
    from scitbx.math import five_number_summary
    x_resid = l['x_resid']
    y_resid = l['y_resid']
    delpsi = l['delpsical.rad']
    w_x, w_y, _ = l['xyzobs.mm.weights'].parts()
    w_delpsi = l['delpsical.weights']

    msg = "\nSummary statistics for {0} observations".format(nref) +\
          " matched to predictions:"
    header = ["", "Min", "Q1", "Med", "Q3", "Max"]
    rows = []
      row_data = five_number_summary(x_resid)
      rows.append(["Xc - Xo (mm)"] + ["%.4g" % e for e in row_data])
      row_data = five_number_summary(y_resid)
      rows.append(["Yc - Yo (mm)"] + ["%.4g" % e for e in row_data])
      row_data = five_number_summary(delpsi)
      rows.append(["DeltaPsi (deg)"] + ["%.4g" % (e * RAD2DEG) for e in row_data])
      row_data = five_number_summary(w_x)
      rows.append(["X weights"] + ["%.4g" % e for e in row_data])
      row_data = five_number_summary(w_y)
      rows.append(["Y weights"] + ["%.4g" % e for e in row_data])
      row_data = five_number_summary(w_delpsi)
      rows.append(["DeltaPsi weights"] + ["%.4g" % (e * DEG2RAD**2) for e in row_data])
    except IndexError:
      # zero length reflection list
      logger.warning("Unable to calculate summary statistics for zero observations")
    st = simple_table(rows, header)

    # sorting is expensive and the following table is only of interest in
    # special cases, so return now if verbosity is not high
    if self._verbosity < 3: return

    if nref < 20:
      logger.debug("Fewer than 20 reflections matched!")

    sl = self._sort_obs_by_residual(l)
    logger.debug("Reflections with the worst 20 positional residuals:")
    header = ['Miller index', 'x_resid', 'y_resid', 'pnl',
              'x_obs', 'y_obs', 'x_obs\nweight', 'y_obs\nweight']
    rows = []
    for i in xrange(20):
      e = sl[i]
      x_obs, y_obs, _ = e['xyzobs.mm.value']
      rows.append(['% 3d, % 3d, % 3d'%e['miller_index'],
    logger.debug(simple_table(rows, header).format())

Exemple #28
def show_experiments(experiments, show_scan_varying=False, show_image_statistics=False):

    text = []

    for i_expt, expt in enumerate(experiments):
        text.append("Experiment %i:" % i_expt)
        if expt.identifier != "":
            text.append("Experiment identifier: %s" % expt.identifier)
            "Max resolution (at corners): %f"
            % (expt.detector.get_max_resolution(expt.beam.get_s0()))
            "Max resolution (inscribed):  %f"
            % (expt.detector.get_max_inscribed_resolution(expt.beam.get_s0()))
        text.append(show_beam(expt.detector, expt.beam))
        if expt.scan is not None:
        if expt.goniometer is not None:
        from six.moves import cStringIO as StringIO

        s = StringIO()
        if expt.crystal is not None:
            expt.crystal.show(show_scan_varying=show_scan_varying, out=s)
            if expt.crystal.num_scan_points:
                from scitbx.array_family import flex
                from cctbx import uctbx

                abc = flex.vec3_double()
                angles = flex.vec3_double()
                for n in range(expt.crystal.num_scan_points):
                    a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma = expt.crystal.get_unit_cell_at_scan_point(
                    abc.append((a, b, c))
                    angles.append((alpha, beta, gamma))
                a, b, c = abc.mean()
                alpha, beta, gamma = angles.mean()
                mean_unit_cell = uctbx.unit_cell((a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma))
                text.append("  Average unit cell: %s" % mean_unit_cell)
        if expt.profile is not None:
        if expt.scaling_model is not None:

        if expt.imageset is not None and show_image_statistics:
            # XXX This is gross, gross gross!
            # check_format=False, so we can't get the image data from the imageset
            for i in range(len(expt.imageset)):
                filename = expt.imageset.get_path(i)
                el = ExperimentListFactory.from_filenames((filename,))
                if len(el) == 0:
                    raise Sorry("Cannot find image {0}".format(filename))
                pnl_data = el.imagesets()[0].get_raw_data(0)
                if not isinstance(pnl_data, tuple):
                    pnl_data = (pnl_data,)
                flat_data = pnl_data[0].as_1d()
                for p in pnl_data[1:]:
                fns = five_number_summary(flat_data)
                    "{0}: Min: {1:.1f} Q1: {2:.1f} Med: {3:.1f} Q3: {4:.1f} Max: {5:.1f}".format(
                        os.path.basename(filename), *fns
    return "\n".join(text)
Exemple #29
def run(params):
    counter = 0
    root = params.input_path
    fig_object = plt.figure()
    good_total = fail_total = 0
    all_psanats = []
    all_deltas = []
    fail_deltas = []
    good_deltas = []
    for filename in os.listdir(root):
        if os.path.splitext(filename)[1] != '.txt': continue
        if 'debug' not in filename: continue
        reference = None
        fail_timepoints = []
        good_timepoints = []
        rank = int(filename.split('_')[1].split('.')[0])
        counter += 1
        run_timepoints = []
        for line in open(os.path.join(root, filename)):
                hostname, psanats, ts, status, result = line.strip().split(',')
            except ValueError:
            if reference is None:
                sec, ms = reverse_timestamp(ts)
                reference = sec + ms * 1e-3
                assert status not in ['stop', 'done', 'fail']

            if status in ['stop', 'done', 'fail']:
                sec, ms = reverse_timestamp(ts)
                run_timepoints.append((sec + ms * 1.e-3) - reference)
                if status == 'done':
                    good_timepoints.append((sec + ms * 1.e-3) - reference)
                    good_deltas.append(good_timepoints[-1] -
                    fail_timepoints.append((sec + ms * 1.e-3) - reference)
                    fail_deltas.append(fail_timepoints[-1] -
                all_deltas.append(run_timepoints[-1] - run_timepoints[-2])
                ok = True
                ok = False
        plt.plot(fail_timepoints, [rank] * len(fail_timepoints), 'b.')
        plt.plot(good_timepoints, [rank] * len(good_timepoints), 'g.')
        fail_total += len(fail_timepoints)
        good_total += len(good_timepoints)
        if not ok:
            sec, ms = reverse_timestamp(ts)
            plt.plot([(sec + ms * 1e-3) - reference], [rank], 'rx')
        #if counter > 100: break

    if fail_deltas:
            "Five number summary of %d fail image processing times:" %
            fail_total, five_number_summary(flex.double(fail_deltas)))
    if good_deltas:
            "Five number summary of %d good image processing times:" %
            good_total, five_number_summary(flex.double(good_deltas)))

    if params.wall_time and params.num_nodes and params.num_cores_per_node - 0.5:
        for i in range(params.num_nodes):
            plt.plot([0, params.wall_time], [
                i * params.num_cores_per_node - 0.5,
                i * params.num_cores_per_node - 0.5
            ], 'r-')
    plt.xlabel('Wall time (sec)')
    plt.ylabel('MPI Rank Number')
    if params.pickle_plot:
        from libtbx.easy_pickle import dump
        dump('%s' % params.pickle_filename, fig_object)
    if params.show_plot:
Exemple #30
        def plotit(reflections, experiments):
      Make the plots for a set of reflections and experiments.
            detector = experiments.detectors()[0]
            beam = experiments.beams()[
                0]  # only used to compute resolution of 2theta
            reflections = reflections.select(
                reflections['intensity.sum.variance'] > 0)

            # Setup up deltaXY and two theta bins
            reflections['difference_vector_norms'] = (
                reflections['xyzcal.mm'] -
            reflections = setup_stats(
                detector, experiments, reflections,
                two_theta_only=True)  # add two theta to reflection table
            sorted_two_theta = flex.sorted(reflections['two_theta_obs'])
            bin_low = [
                sorted_two_theta[int((len(sorted_two_theta) / n_bins) * i)]
                for i in range(n_bins)
            bin_high = [bin_low[i + 1] for i in range(n_bins - 1)]
            bin_high.append(sorted_two_theta[-1] + arbitrary_padding)

            x_centers = flex.double()
            n_refls = flex.int()
            rmsds = flex.double()
            p25r = flex.double()
            p50r = flex.double()
            p75r = flex.double()
            p25i = flex.double()
            p50i = flex.double()
            p75i = flex.double()
            print("# 2theta Res N dXY IsigI")

            # Compute stats for each bin
            for i in range(n_bins):
                refls = reflections.select(
                    (reflections['two_theta_obs'] >= bin_low[i])
                    & (reflections['two_theta_obs'] < bin_high[i]))
                # Only compute deltaXY stats on reflections with I/sigI at least 5
                i_sigi = refls['intensity.sum.value'] / flex.sqrt(
                refls = refls.select(i_sigi >= 5)
                n = len(refls)
                if n < 10: continue
                min_r, q1_r, med_r, q3_r, max_r = five_number_summary(
                    1000 * refls['difference_vector_norms'])


                rmsds_ = 1000 * math.sqrt(
                    flex.sum_sq(refls['difference_vector_norms']) / n)

                min_i, q1_i, med_i, q3_i, max_i = five_number_summary(i_sigi)
                # x_center
                c = ((bin_high[i] - bin_low[i]) / 2) + bin_low[i]
                # resolution
                d = beam.get_wavelength() / (2 * math.sin(math.pi * c /
                                                          (2 * 180)))
                print("%d % 5.1f % 5.1f % 8d %.1f %.1f" %
                      (i, c, d, n, med_r, med_i))

            # After binning, plot the results
            for plot in figures:
                ax1 = figures[plot]['ax1']
                ax2 = figures[plot]['ax2']
                if plot == 'isigi':
                    line, = ax1.plot(x_centers.as_numpy_array(),
                                     p50i.as_numpy_array(), '-')
                    line, = ax2.plot(x_centers.as_numpy_array(),
                elif plot == 'deltaXY':
                    line, = ax1.plot(x_centers.as_numpy_array(),
                                     p50r.as_numpy_array(), '-')
                    line, = ax2.plot(x_centers.as_numpy_array(),
  def run_stills_pred_param(self, verbose = False):

    if verbose:
      print 'Testing derivatives for StillsPredictionParameterisation'
      print '========================================================'

    # Build a prediction parameterisation for the stills experiment
    pred_param = StillsPredictionParameterisation(self.stills_experiments,
                   detector_parameterisations = [self.det_param],
                   beam_parameterisations = [self.s0_param],
                   xl_orientation_parameterisations = [self.xlo_param],
                   xl_unit_cell_parameterisations = [self.xluc_param])

    # Predict the reflections in place. Must do this ahead of calculating
    # the analytical gradients so quantities like s1 are correct
    from dials.algorithms.refinement.prediction import ExperimentsPredictor
    ref_predictor = ExperimentsPredictor(self.stills_experiments)

    # get analytical gradients
    an_grads = pred_param.get_gradients(self.reflections)

    fd_grads = self.get_fd_gradients(pred_param, ref_predictor)

    for i, (an_grad, fd_grad) in enumerate(zip(an_grads, fd_grads)):

      # compare FD with analytical calculations
      if verbose: print "\nParameter {0}: {1}". format(i,  fd_grad['name'])

      for idx, name in enumerate(["dX_dp", "dY_dp", "dDeltaPsi_dp"]):
        if verbose: print name
        a = fd_grad[name]
        b = an_grad[name]

        abs_error = a - b
        denom = a + b

        fns = five_number_summary(abs_error)
        if verbose: print ("  summary of absolute errors: %9.6f %9.6f %9.6f " + \
          "%9.6f %9.6f") % fns
        assert flex.max(flex.abs(abs_error)) < 0.0003
        # largest absolute error found to be about 0.00025 for dY/dp of
        # Crystal0g_param_3. Reject outlying absolute errors and test again.
        iqr = fns[3] - fns[1]

        # skip further stats on errors with an iqr of near zero, e.g. dDeltaPsi_dp
        # for detector parameters, which are all equal to zero
        if iqr < 1.e-10:

        sel1 = abs_error < fns[3] + 1.5 * iqr
        sel2 = abs_error > fns[1] - 1.5 * iqr
        sel = sel1 & sel2
        tst = flex.max_index(flex.abs(abs_error.select(sel)))
        tst_val = abs_error.select(sel)[tst]
        n_outliers = sel.count(False)
        if verbose: print ("  {0} outliers rejected, leaving greatest " + \
          "absolute error: {1:9.6f}").format(n_outliers, tst_val)
        # largest absolute error now 0.000086 for dX/dp of Beam0Mu2
        assert abs(tst_val) < 0.00009

        # Completely skip parameters with FD gradients all zero (e.g. gradients of
        # DeltaPsi for detector parameters)
        sel1 = flex.abs(a) < 1.e-10
        if sel1.all_eq(True):

        # otherwise calculate normalised errors, by dividing absolute errors by
        # the IQR (more stable than relative error calculation)
        norm_error = abs_error / iqr
        fns = five_number_summary(norm_error)
        if verbose: print ("  summary of normalised errors: %9.6f %9.6f %9.6f " + \
          "%9.6f %9.6f") % fns
        # largest normalised error found to be about 25.7 for dY/dp of
        # Crystal0g_param_3.
          assert flex.max(flex.abs(norm_error)) < 30
        except AssertionError as e:
          e.args += ("extreme normalised error value: {0}".format(
          raise e

        # Reject outlying normalised errors and test again
        iqr = fns[3] - fns[1]
        if iqr > 0.:
          sel1 = norm_error < fns[3] + 1.5 * iqr
          sel2 = norm_error > fns[1] - 1.5 * iqr
          sel = sel1 & sel2
          tst = flex.max_index(flex.abs(norm_error.select(sel)))
          tst_val = norm_error.select(sel)[tst]
          n_outliers = sel.count(False)

          # most outliers found for for dY/dp of Crystal0g_param_3 (which had
          # largest errors, so no surprise there).
            assert n_outliers < 250
          except AssertionError as e:
            e.args += ("too many outliers rejected: {0}".format(n_outliers),)
            raise e

          if verbose: print ("  {0} outliers rejected, leaving greatest " + \
            "normalised error: {1:9.6f}").format(n_outliers, tst_val)
          # largest normalied error now about -4. for dX/dp of Detector0Tau1
          assert abs(tst_val) < 4.5
    if verbose: print

Exemple #32
  def adjust_errors(self):
    """ Propagate errors to the scaled and merged intensity errors based on statistical error propagation.
    This uses 1) and estimate of the errors in the post-refined parametes from the observed population
    and 2) partial derivatives of the scaled intensity with respect to each of the post-refined parameters.
    assert self.scaler.params.postrefinement.algorithm == 'rs'

    refls = self.scaler.ISIGI
    ct = self.scaler.crystal_table

    # Note, since the rs algorithm doesn't explicitly refine eta and deff separately, but insteads refines RS,
    # assume rs only incorporates information from deff and set eta to zero.
    ct['deff'] = 1/ct['RS']
    ct['eta'] = flex.double(len(ct), 0)

    # Compute errors by examining distributions of parameters
    stats_thetax = flex.mean_and_variance(ct['thetax'])
    stats_thetay = flex.mean_and_variance(ct['thetay'])
    stats_lambda = flex.mean_and_variance(ct['wavelength'])
    #stats_eta    = flex.mean_and_variance(ct['ETA'])
    stats_deff   = flex.mean_and_variance(ct['deff'])
    stats_rs     = flex.mean_and_variance(ct['RS'])
    sigma_thetax = stats_thetax.unweighted_sample_standard_deviation()
    sigma_thetay = stats_thetay.unweighted_sample_standard_deviation()
    sigma_lambda = stats_lambda.unweighted_sample_standard_deviation()
    sigma_eta    = 0 #stats_eta.unweighted_sample_standard_deviation()
    sigma_deff   = stats_deff.unweighted_sample_standard_deviation()
    sigma_rs     = stats_rs.unweighted_sample_standard_deviation()
    print >> self.log, "ThetaX %.4f +/- %.4f"    %(r2d(stats_thetax.mean()), r2d(sigma_thetax))
    print >> self.log, "Thetay %.4f +/- %.4f"    %(r2d(stats_thetay.mean()), r2d(sigma_thetay))
    print >> self.log, "Wavelength %.4f +/- %.4f"%(    stats_lambda.mean(),      sigma_lambda)
    #print "ETA %.4f +/- %.4f"       %(    stats_eta.mean(),         sigma_eta)
    print >> self.log, "DEFF %.4f +/- %.4f"      %(    stats_deff.mean(),        sigma_deff)
    print >> self.log, "RS %.6f +/- %.6f"        %(    stats_rs.mean(),          sigma_rs)

    # notation: dP1_dP2 is derivative of parameter 1 with respect to parameter 2. Here,
    # for example, is the derivative of rx wrt thetax
    drx_dthetax = flex.mat3_double()
    dry_dthetay = flex.mat3_double()
    s0hat = flex.vec3_double(len(refls), (0,0,-1))

    ex = col((1,0,0))
    ey = col((0,1,0))

    # Compute derivatives
    sre = symmetrize_reduce_enlarge(self.scaler.params.target_space_group.group())
    c_gstar_params = None
    gstar_params = None
    gstar_derivatives = None

    for i in xrange(len(ct)):
      n_refl = ct['n_refl'][i]

      # Derivatives of rx/y wrt thetax/y come from cctbx
      drx_dthetax.extend(flex.mat3_double(n_refl, ex.axis_and_angle_as_r3_derivative_wrt_angle(ct['thetax'][i])))
      dry_dthetay.extend(flex.mat3_double(n_refl, ey.axis_and_angle_as_r3_derivative_wrt_angle(ct['thetay'][i])))

      # Derivatives of the B matrix wrt to the unit cell parameters also come from cctbx
      p = sre.forward_independent_parameters()
      dB_dp = sre.forward_gradients()
      if gstar_params is None:
        assert gstar_derivatives is None and c_gstar_params is None
        c_gstar_params = [flex.double() for j in xrange(len(p))]
        gstar_params = [flex.double() for j in xrange(len(p))]
        gstar_derivatives = [flex.mat3_double() for j in xrange(len(p))]
      assert len(p) == len(dB_dp) == len(gstar_params) == len(gstar_derivatives) == len(c_gstar_params)
      for j in xrange(len(p)):
        gstar_params[j].extend(flex.double(n_refl, p[j]))
        gstar_derivatives[j].extend(flex.mat3_double(n_refl, tuple(dB_dp[j])))

    # Compute the error in the unit cell terms from the distribution of unit cell parameters provided
    print >> self.log, "Free G* parameters"
    sigma_gstar = []
    for j in xrange(len(gstar_params)):
      stats  = flex.mean_and_variance(c_gstar_params[j])
      print >> self.log, "G* %d %.4f *1e-5 +/- %.4f *1e-5"%(j, stats.mean()*1e5, stats.unweighted_sample_standard_deviation()*1e5)

    # Compute the scalar terms used while computing derivatives
    r = self.compute_intensity_parameters()

    # Begin computing derivatives
    sigma_Iobs = refls['scaled_intensity']/refls['isigi']
    dI_dIobs = 1/r['D']

    def compute_dI_dp(dq_dp):
      """ Deriviatives of the scaled intensity I wrt to thetax, thetay and the unit cell parameters
      are computed the same, starting with the deriviatives of those parameters wrt to q """
      dqlen_dp = r['q'].dot(dq_dp)/r['qlen']
      dd_dp    = -(1/(r['qlen']**2)) * dqlen_dp
      drs_dp   = -(r['eta']/(2 * r['d']**2)) * dd_dp
      dslen_dp = r['s'].dot(dq_dp)/r['slen']
      drhsq_dp = 2 * (r['slen'] - (1/r['wavelength'])) * dslen_dp
      dPn_dp   = 2 * r['rs'] * drs_dp
      dPd_dp   = 2 * ((r['rs'] * drs_dp) + drhsq_dp)
      dP_dp    = ((r['p_d'] * dPn_dp)-(r['p_n'] * dPd_dp))/(r['p_d']**2)
      dI_dp    = -(refls['iobs']/(r['partiality']**2 * r['G'] * r['eepsilon'])) * dP_dp
      return dI_dp

    # Derivatives wrt the unit cell parameters
    dI_dgstar = []
    for j in xrange(len(gstar_params)):
      dI_dgstar.append(compute_dI_dp(r['ry'] * r['rx'] * r['u'] * gstar_derivatives[j] * r['h']))

    # Derivatives wrt the crystal orientation
    dI_dthetax = compute_dI_dp(r['ry'] * drx_dthetax * r['u'] * r['b'] * r['h'])
    dI_dthetay = compute_dI_dp(dry_dthetay * r['rx'] * r['u'] * r['b'] * r['h'])

    # Derivatives wrt to the wavelength
    dthetah_dlambda  = 1/(flex.sqrt(1 - ((r['wavelength']/(2 * r['d']))**2)) * 2 * r['d'])
    den_dlambda      = flex.cos(r['thetah']) * dthetah_dlambda
    der_dlambda      = ((r['wavelength'] * den_dlambda) - r['sinthetah'])/r['wavelength']**2
    depsilon_dlambda = -16 * r['B'] * r['er'] * der_dlambda
    ds0_dlambda      = s0hat*(-1/r['wavelength']**2)
    dslen_dlambda    = r['s'].dot(ds0_dlambda)/r['slen']
    drhsq_dlambda    = 2*(r['slen']-(1/r['wavelength']))*(dslen_dlambda+(1/r['wavelength']**2))
    dP_dlambda       = -2*(r['p_n']/r['p_d']**2) * drhsq_dlambda
    dD_dlambda       = (r['G'] * r['eepsilon'] * dP_dlambda) + (r['partiality'] * r['G'] * r['eepsilon'] * depsilon_dlambda)
    dI_dlambda       = -(refls['iobs']/r['D']**2) * dD_dlambda

    # Derivatives wrt to the deff
    drs_deff = -1/(r['deff']**2)
    dPn_deff = 2 * r['rs'] * drs_deff
    dPd_deff = 2 * r['rs'] * drs_deff
    dP_deff  = ((r['p_d'] * dPn_deff)-(r['p_n'] * dPd_deff))/(r['p_d']**2)
    dI_deff  = -(refls['iobs']/(r['partiality']**2 * r['G'] * r['eepsilon'])) * dP_deff

    # Derivatives wrt to eta
    drs_deta = 1/(2*r['d'])
    dPn_deta = 2 * r['rs'] * drs_deta
    dPd_deta = 2 * r['rs'] * drs_deta
    dP_deta  = ((r['p_d']*dPn_deta)-(r['p_n']*dPd_deta))/(r['p_d']**2)
    dI_deta  = -(refls['iobs']/(r['partiality']**2 * r['G'] * r['eepsilon'])) * dP_deta

    if True:
      # Show comparisons to finite differences
      n_cryst_params = sre.constraints.n_independent_params()
      print "Showing finite differences and derivatives for each parameter (first few reflections only)"
      for parameter_name, table, derivatives, delta, in zip(['iobs', 'thetax', 'thetay', 'wavelength', 'deff', 'eta'] + ['c%d'%cp for cp in xrange(n_cryst_params)],
                                                    [refls, ct, ct, ct, ct, ct] + [ct]*n_cryst_params,
                                                    [dI_dIobs, dI_dthetax, dI_dthetay, dI_dlambda, dI_deff, dI_deta] + dI_dgstar,
                                                    [1e-7]*6 + [1e-11]*n_cryst_params):
        finite_g = self.finite_difference(parameter_name, table, delta)
        print parameter_name
        for refl_id in xrange(min(10, len(refls))):
          print "%d % 21.1f % 21.1f"%(refl_id, finite_g[refl_id], derivatives[refl_id])
        stats = flex.mean_and_variance(finite_g-derivatives)
        stats_finite = flex.mean_and_variance(finite_g)
        percent = 0 if stats_finite.mean() == 0 else 100*stats.mean()/stats_finite.mean()
        print "Mean difference between finite and analytical: % 24.4f +/- % 24.4f (%8.3f%% of finite d.)"%( \
            stats.mean(), stats.unweighted_sample_standard_deviation(), percent)

    # Propagate errors
    refls['isigi'] = refls['scaled_intensity'] / flex.sqrt(((sigma_Iobs**2 * dI_dIobs**2) +
                                                            sum([sigma_gstar[j]**2 * dI_dgstar[j]**2 for j in xrange(len(sigma_gstar))]) +
                                                            (sigma_thetax**2 * dI_dthetax**2) +
                                                            (sigma_thetay**2 * dI_dthetay**2) +
                                                            (sigma_lambda**2 * dI_dlambda**2) +
                                                            (sigma_deff**2 * dI_deff**2) +
                                                            (sigma_eta**2 * dI_deta**2)))

    # Show results of propagation
    from scitbx.math import five_number_summary
    all_data = [(refls['iobs'], "Iobs"),
                (sigma_Iobs, "Original errors"),
                (1/r['D'], "Total scale factor"),
                (refls['iobs']/r['D'], "Inflated intensities"),
                (refls['scaled_intensity']/refls['isigi'], "Propagated errors"),
                (flex.sqrt(sigma_Iobs**2 * dI_dIobs**2), "Iobs term"),
                (flex.sqrt(sigma_thetax**2 * dI_dthetax**2), "Thetax term"),
                (flex.sqrt(sigma_thetay**2 * dI_dthetay**2), "Thetay term"),
                (flex.sqrt(sigma_lambda**2 * dI_dlambda**2), "Wavelength term"),
                (flex.sqrt(sigma_deff**2 * dI_deff**2), "Deff term"),
                (flex.sqrt(sigma_eta**2 * dI_deta**2), "Eta term")] + \
               [(flex.sqrt(sigma_gstar[j]**2 * dI_dgstar[j]**2), "Gstar term %d"%j) for j in xrange(len(sigma_gstar))]
    print >> self.log, "%20s % 20s % 20s % 20s"%("Data name","Quartile 1", "Median", "Quartile 3")
    for data, title in all_data:
      fns = five_number_summary(data)
      print >> self.log, "%20s % 20d % 20d % 20d"%(title, fns[1], fns[2], fns[3])

    # Final terms for cxi.merge
    self.scaler.summed_weight= flex.double(self.scaler.n_refl, 0.)
    self.scaler.summed_wt_I  = flex.double(self.scaler.n_refl, 0.)

    Intensity = refls['scaled_intensity']
    sigma = Intensity / refls['isigi']
    variance = sigma * sigma

    for i in xrange(len(refls)):
      j = refls['miller_id'][i]
      self.scaler.summed_wt_I[j] += Intensity[i] / variance[i]
      self.scaler.summed_weight[j] += 1 / variance[i]
from scitbx.math import five_number_summary

message = ''' this script compares predicted (x,y) vs observed (x,y) on the detector '''
print (message)

def apply_filter(hkl_tuple, filter_array = [1,1,1]):
  return tuple((hkl_tuple[0]*filter_array[0],hkl_tuple[1]*filter_array[1] , hkl_tuple[2]*filter_array[2]))

refl_iota = load('idx-step5_MPIbatch_000064.img_indexed.pickle')

iota_dr = []

for ii in range(len(refl_iota)):
  xyzobs_iota = refl_iota['xyzobs.px.value'][ii]
  xyzcal_iota = refl_iota['xyzcal.px'][ii]


print ('Now analyzing: Printing 5-number summary of dR = |robs-rcal|')
print (five_number_summary(iota_dr))
print ('Now plotting histogram of difference in dR = |robs-rcal|')
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#plt.xlim([-1, max(max(base_dr), max(iota_dr))])

#from IPython import embed; embed(); exit()
Exemple #34
min_slow = 540
delta = 100

frame = sys.argv[1]
intensity = dxtbx.load("fft_frame_I_%s.cbf" % frame).get_raw_data()
intensity_adjust = followup_brightness_scale(intensity)
intensity = intensity[min_slow:min_slow + delta, min_fast:min_fast + delta]
intensity_adjust = intensity_adjust[min_slow:min_slow + delta,
                                    min_fast:min_fast + delta]

phases = dxtbx.load("fft_frame_phase_%s.cbf" % frame).get_raw_data()
phases = phases[min_slow:min_slow + delta, min_fast:min_fast + delta]

fast, slow = intensity.focus()

min_i, q1_i, med_i, q3_i, max_i = five_number_summary(intensity.as_1d())
iqr = (q3_i - q1_i) * 10
max_value = med_i + (iqr / 2)
print "Cutting I at", max_value
i = intensity.as_numpy_array()
i[i < 0] = 0
i[i > max_value] = max_value
i = i * (1 / max_value)

p = phases.as_numpy_array()
p = p % 180

ones = np.zeros(i.shape) + 1

plt.imshow(intensity_adjust.as_numpy_array(), cmap='gray')
Exemple #35
    def run_stills_pred_param(self, verbose=False):

        if verbose:
            print 'Testing derivatives for StillsPredictionParameterisation'
            print '========================================================'

        # Build a prediction parameterisation for the stills experiment
        pred_param = StillsPredictionParameterisation(

        # Predict the reflections in place. Must do this ahead of calculating
        # the analytical gradients so quantities like s1 are correct
        from dials.algorithms.refinement.prediction import ExperimentsPredictor
        ref_predictor = ExperimentsPredictor(self.stills_experiments)

        # get analytical gradients
        an_grads = pred_param.get_gradients(self.reflections)

        fd_grads = self.get_fd_gradients(pred_param, ref_predictor)

        for i, (an_grad, fd_grad) in enumerate(zip(an_grads, fd_grads)):

            # compare FD with analytical calculations
            if verbose: print "\nParameter {0}: {1}".format(i, fd_grad['name'])

            for idx, name in enumerate(["dX_dp", "dY_dp", "dDeltaPsi_dp"]):
                if verbose: print name
                a = fd_grad[name]
                b = an_grad[name]

                abs_error = a - b
                denom = a + b

                fns = five_number_summary(abs_error)
                if verbose:                    print ("  summary of absolute errors: %9.6f %9.6f %9.6f " + \
          "%9.6f %9.6f") % fns
                assert flex.max(flex.abs(abs_error)) < 0.0003
                # largest absolute error found to be about 0.00025 for dY/dp of
                # Crystal0g_param_3. Reject outlying absolute errors and test again.
                iqr = fns[3] - fns[1]

                # skip further stats on errors with an iqr of near zero, e.g. dDeltaPsi_dp
                # for detector parameters, which are all equal to zero
                if iqr < 1.e-10:

                sel1 = abs_error < fns[3] + 1.5 * iqr
                sel2 = abs_error > fns[1] - 1.5 * iqr
                sel = sel1 & sel2
                tst = flex.max_index(flex.abs(abs_error.select(sel)))
                tst_val = abs_error.select(sel)[tst]
                n_outliers = sel.count(False)
                if verbose:                    print ("  {0} outliers rejected, leaving greatest " + \
          "absolute error: {1:9.6f}").format(n_outliers, tst_val)
                # largest absolute error now 0.000086 for dX/dp of Beam0Mu2
                assert abs(tst_val) < 0.00009

                # Completely skip parameters with FD gradients all zero (e.g. gradients of
                # DeltaPsi for detector parameters)
                sel1 = flex.abs(a) < 1.e-10
                if sel1.all_eq(True):

                # otherwise calculate normalised errors, by dividing absolute errors by
                # the IQR (more stable than relative error calculation)
                norm_error = abs_error / iqr
                fns = five_number_summary(norm_error)
                if verbose:                    print ("  summary of normalised errors: %9.6f %9.6f %9.6f " + \
          "%9.6f %9.6f") % fns
                # largest normalised error found to be about 25.7 for dY/dp of
                # Crystal0g_param_3.
                    assert flex.max(flex.abs(norm_error)) < 30
                except AssertionError as e:
                    e.args += ("extreme normalised error value: {0}".format(
                        flex.max(flex.abs(norm_error))), )
                    raise e

                # Reject outlying normalised errors and test again
                iqr = fns[3] - fns[1]
                if iqr > 0.:
                    sel1 = norm_error < fns[3] + 1.5 * iqr
                    sel2 = norm_error > fns[1] - 1.5 * iqr
                    sel = sel1 & sel2
                    tst = flex.max_index(flex.abs(norm_error.select(sel)))
                    tst_val = norm_error.select(sel)[tst]
                    n_outliers = sel.count(False)

                    # most outliers found for for dY/dp of Crystal0g_param_3 (which had
                    # largest errors, so no surprise there).
                        assert n_outliers < 250
                    except AssertionError as e:
                        e.args += ("too many outliers rejected: {0}".format(
                            n_outliers), )
                        raise e

                    if verbose:                        print ("  {0} outliers rejected, leaving greatest " + \
              "normalised error: {1:9.6f}").format(n_outliers, tst_val)
                    # largest normalied error now about -4. for dX/dp of Detector0Tau1
                    assert abs(
                        tst_val) < 4.5, 'should be about 4 not %s' % tst_val
        if verbose: print
