def comparison_plot(f, u, Omega, filename='tmp.pdf', plot_title='', ymin=None, ymax=None, u_legend='approximation'): """Compare f(x) and u(x) for x in Omega in a plot.""" x = sm.Symbol('x') print 'f:', f f = sm.lambdify([x], f, modules="numpy") u = sm.lambdify([x], u, modules="numpy") if len(Omega) != 2: raise ValueError('Omega=%s must be an interval (2-list)' % str(Omega)) # When doing symbolics, Omega can easily contain symbolic expressions, # assume .evalf() will work in that case to obtain numerical # expressions, which then must be converted to float before calling # linspace below if not isinstance(Omega[0], (int,float)): Omega[0] = float(Omega[0].evalf()) if not isinstance(Omega[1], (int,float)): Omega[1] = float(Omega[1].evalf()) resolution = 401 # no of points in plot xcoor = linspace(Omega[0], Omega[1], resolution) # Vectorized functions expressions does not work with # lambdify'ed functions without the modules="numpy" exact = f(xcoor) approx = u(xcoor) plot(xcoor, approx, '-') hold('on') plot(xcoor, exact, '-') legend([u_legend, 'exact']) title(plot_title) xlabel('x') if ymin is not None and ymax is not None: axis([xcoor[0], xcoor[-1], ymin, ymax]) savefig(filename)
def comparison_plot(f, u, Omega, plotfile='tmp'): """Compare f(x,y) and u(x,y) for x,y in Omega in a plot.""" x, y = sm.symbols('x y') f = sm.lambdify([x,y], f, modules="numpy") u = sm.lambdify([x,y], u, modules="numpy") # When doing symbolics, Omega can easily contain symbolic expressions, # assume .evalf() will work in that case to obtain numerical # expressions, which then must be converted to float before calling # linspace below for r in range(2): for s in range(2): if not isinstance(Omega[r][s], (int,float)): Omega[r][s] = float(Omega[r][s].evalf()) resolution = 41 # no of points in plot xcoor = linspace(Omega[0][0], Omega[0][1], resolution) ycoor = linspace(Omega[1][0], Omega[1][1], resolution) xv, yv = ndgrid(xcoor, ycoor) # Vectorized functions expressions does not work with # lambdify'ed functions without the modules="numpy" exact = f(xv, yv) approx = u(xv, yv) figure() surfc(xv, yv, exact, title='f(x,y)', colorbar=True, colormap=hot(), shading='flat') if plotfile: savefig('%s_f.pdf' % plotfile, color=True) savefig('%s_f.png' % plotfile) figure() surfc(xv, yv, approx, title='f(x,y)', colorbar=True, colormap=hot(), shading='flat') if plotfile: savefig('%s_u.pdf' % plotfile, color=True) savefig('%s_u.png' % plotfile)
def solver(T, dt, v0, Cd, rho, A, m, Source=None): """ This is the main solver function for the program. It takes the problem specific variables as arguments, and returns two meshes containing the velocity and time points respectively. """ a = Cd * rho * A / (2 * m) # Set up the constant a for compact code v = zeros(int(T / dt) + 1) # Create the velocity mesh v[0] = v0 g = 9.81 #Initial velocity and the value of gravity acceleration # Description of the functions X(t) and Y(t) is given in the PDF file def X(t): if (Source == None): return -g else: return -g + Source(t + dt / 2.) / m def Y(t): return a #Calculate the velocity at each meshpoint for i in range(1, len(v)): v[i] = skydiving_iterate(v[i - 1], dt * (i - 1), dt, X, Y) return v, linspace(0, T, T / dt + 1)
def comparison_plot(u, Omega, u_e=None, filename='tmp.eps', plot_title='', ymin=None, ymax=None): x = sp.Symbol('x') u = sp.lambdify([x], u, modules="numpy") if len(Omega) != 2: raise ValueError('Omega=%s must be an interval (2-list)' % str(Omega)) # When doing symbolics, Omega can easily contain symbolic expressions, # assume .evalf() will work in that case to obtain numerical # expressions, which then must be converted to float before calling # linspace below if not isinstance(Omega[0], (int,float)): Omega[0] = float(Omega[0].evalf()) if not isinstance(Omega[1], (int,float)): Omega[1] = float(Omega[1].evalf()) resolution = 401 # no of points in plot xcoor = linspace(Omega[0], Omega[1], resolution) # Vectorized functions expressions does not work with # lambdify'ed functions without the modules="numpy" approx = u(xcoor) plot(xcoor, approx) legends = ['approximation'] if u_e is not None: exact = u_e(xcoor) hold('on') plot(xcoor, exact) legends = ['exact'] legend(legends) title(plot_title) xlabel('x') if ymin is not None and ymax is not None: axis([xcoor[0], xcoor[-1], ymin, ymax]) savefig(filename)
def test_easyviz(): from scitools.std import linspace, ndgrid, plot, contour, peaks, \ quiver, surfc, backend, get_backend n = 21 x = linspace(-3, 3, n) xx, yy = ndgrid(x, x, sparse=False) # a basic plot plot(x, x**2, 'bx:') wait() if backend in ['gnuplot', 'vtk', 'matlab', 'dx', 'visit', 'veusz']: # a contour plot contour(peaks(n), title="contour plot") wait() # a vector plot uu = yy vv = xx quiver(xx, yy, uu, vv) wait() # a surface plot with contours zz = peaks(xx, yy) surfc(xx, yy, zz, colorbar=True) wait() if backend == 'grace': g = get_backend() g('exit')
def _test(): # from InverseFunction import InverseFunction as I from scitools.std import log, linspace, plot def f(x): return log(x) x = linspace(1, 5, 101) f_inv = InverseFunction(f, x) plot(x,f(x),x, f_inv.values,legend=['log(x)', 'inv log(x)']) raw_input('Press Enter to quit: ')
def _test(): x0 = float(sys.argv[1]) x, info = Newton(_g, x0, _dg, store=True) print('root: %.16g' % x) for i in range(len(info)): print('Iteration %2d: f(%g)=%g' % (i, info[i][0], info[i][1])) x = linspace(-7, 7, 401) y = _g(x) plot(x, y)
def graph(self, resolution=1001): ''' graphs the Lagrange polynomial over self.points ''' #from scitools.std import * from scitools.std import zeros, linspace, plot, array points = self.points xlist = linspace(points[0,0], points[-1,0], resolution) ylist = self.__call__(xlist) plot(xlist, ylist)
def graph(self, resolution=1001): ''' graphs the Lagrange polynomial over self.points ''' #from scitools.std import * from scitools.std import zeros, linspace, plot, array points = self.points xlist = linspace(points[0, 0], points[-1, 0], resolution) ylist = self.__call__(xlist) plot(xlist, ylist)
def __call__(self, x): from scitools.std import linspace, sum, zeros,iseq f, a, n = self.f, self.a, self.n h = (x-a)/float(n) I = 0.5*f(a) ar = zeros(len(linspace(1,n-1, n-1))) for i in iseq(1, n-1): ar[i-1] = f(a + i*h) I = sum(ar) I += 0.5*f(x) I *= h return I
def __call__(self, x): from scitools.std import linspace, sum, zeros, iseq f, a, n = self.f, self.a, self.n h = (x - a) / float(n) I = 0.5 * f(a) ar = zeros(len(linspace(1, n - 1, n - 1))) for i in iseq(1, n - 1): ar[i - 1] = f(a + i * h) I = sum(ar) I += 0.5 * f(x) I *= h return I
def comparison_plot(f, u, Omega, filename='tmp.pdf'): x = sm.Symbol('x') f = sm.lambdify([x], f, modules="numpy") u = sm.lambdify([x], u, modules="numpy") resolution = 401 # no of points in plot xcoor = linspace(Omega[0], Omega[1], resolution) exact = f(xcoor) approx = u(xcoor) plot(xcoor, approx) hold('on') plot(xcoor, exact) legend(['approximation', 'exact']) savefig(filename)
def _test(): from scitools.std import sin, cos, exp, linspace, plot, pi import sys x0 = float(sys.argv[1]) x, info = Newton(_g, x0, _dg, store=True) print("root: %.16g" % x) for i in range(len(info)): print("Iteration %2d: f(%g)=%g" % (i, info[i][0], info[i][1])) x = linspace(-7, 7, 401) y = _g(x) plot(x, y)
def _test(): from scitools.std import sin, cos, exp, linspace, plot, pi import sys x0 = float(sys.argv[1]) x, info = Newton(_g, x0, _dg, store=True) print('root: %.16g' % x) for i in range(len(info)): print('Iteration %2d: f(%g)=%g' % \ (i, info[i][0], info[i][1])) x = linspace(-7, 7, 401) y = _g(x) plot(x, y)
def forward_leaper(I,a,b,T,dt): """ Solves u'(t) = -a(t)*u(t) + b(t), u(0) = I with a forward difference scheme. """ raise_type(a) raise_type(b) dt = float(dt) N = int(round(T/dt)) # Rounds off to the closest integer T = N*dt # Recalculate the T value based upon the new N value u = zeros(N+1) t = linspace(0,T,N+1) for n in range(0,N): u[n+1] = u[n] - dt*a(dt*n)*u[n] + dt*b(dt*n) return t,u
def forward_leaper(I, a, b, T, dt): """ Solves u'(t) = -a(t)*u(t) + b(t), u(0) = I with a forward difference scheme. """ raise_type(a) raise_type(b) dt = float(dt) N = int(round(T / dt)) # Rounds off to the closest integer T = N * dt # Recalculate the T value based upon the new N value u = zeros(N + 1) t = linspace(0, T, N + 1) for n in range(0, N): u[n + 1] = u[n] - dt * a(dt * n) * u[n] + dt * b(dt * n) return t, u
def finite_difference(L, Nx, N, dt, C, P_L, P_R): x = linspace(0, L, Nx+1) dx = x[1] - x[0] C = 0.4*C*dt/(dx**2) print C Q = zeros(Nx+1) Q_1 = P_R**2*ones(Nx+1) for n in range(0, N): # Compute u at inner mesh points for i in range(1, Nx): Q[i] = Q_1[i] + C*(Q_1[i-1]**2.5 - 2*Q_1[i]**2.5 + Q_1[i+1]**2.5) # Insert boundary conditions Q[0]=P_L**2; Q[Nx]=P_R**2 # Update u_1 before next step Q_1[:]= Q return sqrt(Q), x
def finite_difference(L, Nx, N, dt, C, P_L, P_R): x = linspace(0, L, Nx+1) dx = x[1] - x[0] C = C*dt/(dx**2) print C P = zeros(Nx+1) P_1 = P_R*ones(Nx+1) for n in range(0, N): # Compute u at inner mesh points for i in range(1, Nx): #print P_1 P[i] = P_1[i] + C*(P_1[i-1]**2 - 2*P_1[i]**2 + P_1[i+1]**2) # Insert boundary conditions P[0]=P_L; P[Nx]=P_R # Update u_1 before next step P_1[:]= P return P, x
def solver(T, dt, v0, Cd, rho, A, m, Source=None): """ This is the main solver function for the program. It takes the problem specific variables as arguments, and returns two meshes containing the velocity and time points respectively. """ a = Cd*rho*A/(2*m) # Set up the constant a for compact code v = zeros(int(T/dt) + 1) # Create the velocity mesh v[0] = v0; g = 9.81;#Initial velocity and the value of gravity acceleration # Description of the functions X(t) and Y(t) is given in the PDF file def X(t): if(Source == None): return -g else: return -g + Source(t+dt/2.)/m def Y(t): return a #Calculate the velocity at each meshpoint for i in range(1,len(v)): v[i] = skydiving_iterate(v[i-1], dt*(i-1), dt, X, Y) return v, linspace(0, T, T/dt +1)
""" Exercise 5.31: Animate a wave packet Author: Weiyun Lu """ from scitools.std import exp, sin, pi, linspace, plot, movie import time import glob import os f = lambda x, t: exp(-(x - 3 * t)**2) * sin(3 * pi * (x - t)) fps = float(1 / 6) xp = linspace(-6, 6, 1001) tp = linspace(-1, 1, 61) counter = 0 for name in glob.glob('pix/plot_wave*.png'): os.remove(name) for t in tp: yp = f(xp, t) plot(xp, yp, '-b', axis=[xp[0], xp[-1], -1.5, 1.5], legend='t=%4.2f' % t,\ title='Evolution of wave over time', savefig='pix/plot_wave%04d.png' \ % counter) counter += 1 time.sleep(fps) #movie('pix/plot_wave*.png')
def solver(I, V_, f_, c, Lx, Ly, Nx, Ny, dt, T, b, user_action=None, version='scalar', skip_every_n_frame=10, show_cpu_time=False,display_warnings=True, plotting=False): order = 'C' # Store arrays in a column-major order (in memory) x = linspace(0, Lx, Nx+1) # mesh points in x dir y = linspace(0, Ly, Ny+1) # mesh points in y dir dx = x[1] - x[0] dy = y[1] - y[0] xv = x[:,newaxis] # for vectorized function evaluations yv = y[newaxis,:] # Assuming c is a function: c_ = zeros((Nx+1,Ny+1), order='c') for i,xx in enumerate(x): for j,yy in enumerate(y): c_[i,j] = c(xx,yy) # Loop through x and y with indices i,j at the same time c_max = c_.max() # Pick out the largest value from c(x,y) q = c_**2 stability_limit = (1/float(c_max))*(1/sqrt(1/dx**2 + 1/dy**2)) if dt <= 0: # shortcut for max time step is to use i.e. dt = -1 safety_factor = -dt # use negative dt as safety factor extra_factor = 1 # Easy way to make dt even smaller dt = safety_factor*stability_limit*extra_factor elif dt > stability_limit and display_warnings: print '\nWarning: (Unless you are testing the program), be aware that' print 'dt: %g is currently exceeding the stability limit: %g\n' %(dt, stability_limit) Nt = int(round(T/float(dt))) t = linspace(0, Nt*dt, Nt+1) # mesh points in time dt2 = dt**2 # Constants for simple calculation A = (1 + b*dt/2)**(-1) B = (b*dt/2 - 1) dtdx2 = dt**2/(2*dx**2) dtdy2 = dt**2/(2*dy**2) # Make f(x,y,t) and V(x,y) ready for computation with different schemes if f_ is None or f_ == 0: f = (lambda x, y, t: 0) if version == 'scalar' else \ lambda x, y, t: zeros((xv.shape[0], yv.shape[1])) else: if version == 'scalar': f = f_ if V_ is None or V_ == 0: V = (lambda x, y: 0) if version == 'scalar' else \ lambda x, y: zeros((xv.shape[0], yv.shape[1])) else: if version == 'scalar': V = V_ if version == 'vectorized': # Generate and fill matrices for first timestep f = zeros((Nx+1,Ny+1), order=order) V = zeros((Nx+1,Ny+1), order=order) f[:,:] = f_(xv,yv,0) V[:,:] = V_(xv,yv) u = zeros((Nx+1,Ny+1), order=order) # solution array u_1 = zeros((Nx+1,Ny+1), order=order) # solution at t-dt u_2 = zeros((Nx+1,Ny+1), order=order) # solution at t-2*dt Ix = range(0, u.shape[0]) # Index set notation Iy = range(0, u.shape[1]) It = range(0, t.shape[0]) import time; t0 = time.clock() # for measuring CPU time # Load initial condition into u_1 if version == 'scalar': for i in Ix: for j in Iy: u_1[i,j] = I(x[i], y[j]) else: # use vectorized version u_1[:,:] = I(xv, yv) if user_action is not None: if plotting: user_action(u_1, x, xv, y, yv, t, 0, skip_every_n_frame) else: user_action(u_1, x, xv, y, yv, t, 0) # Special formula for first time step n = 0 # First step requires a special formula, use either the scalar # or vectorized version (the impact of more efficient loops than # in advance_vectorized is small as this is only one step) if version == 'scalar': u,cpu_time = advance_scalar(u, u_1, u_2, q, f, x, y, t, n, A, B, dt2, dtdx2,dtdy2, V, step1=True) else: u,cpu_time = advance_vectorized(u, u_1, u_2, q, f, t, n, A, B, dt2, dtdx2,dtdy2, V, step1=True) if user_action is not None: if plotting: user_action(u, x, xv, y, yv, t, 1, skip_every_n_frame) else: user_action(u_1, x, xv, y, yv, t, 1) # Update data structures for next step u_2, u_1, u = u_1, u, u_2 # Time loop for all later steps for n in It[1:-1]: if version == 'scalar': # use f(x,y,t) function u,cpu_time = advance_scalar(u, u_1, u_2, q, f, x, y, t, n, A, B, dt2, dtdx2,dtdy2) if show_cpu_time: percent = (float(n)/It[-2])*100.0 sys.stdout.write("\rLast step took: %.3f sec with [scalar-code]. Computation is %d%% " %(cpu_time,percent)) sys.stdout.flush() else: # Use vectorized code f[:,:] = f_(xv, yv, t[n]) # must precompute the matrix f u,cpu_time = advance_vectorized(u, u_1, u_2, q, f, t, n, A, B, dt2, dtdx2,dtdy2) if show_cpu_time: percent = (float(n)/It[-2])*100.0 sys.stdout.write("\rLast step took: %.5f sec with [vec-code]. Computation is %d%% " %(cpu_time,percent)) sys.stdout.flush() if user_action is not None: if plotting: if user_action(u, x, xv, y, yv, t, n+1, skip_every_n_frame): break else: if user_action(u, x, xv, y, yv, t, n+1): break # Update data structures for next step #u_2[:] = u_1; u_1[:] = u # safe, but slower u_2, u_1, u = u_1, u, u_2 # Important to set u = u_1 if u is to be returned! t1 = time.clock() # dt might be computed in this function so return the value return dt, t1 - t0
def graph(self, resolution=1001): ''' graphs the Lagrange polynomial over self.points ''' #from scitools.std import * from scitools.std import zeros, linspace, plot, array points = self.points xlist = linspace(points[0, 0], points[-1, 0], resolution) ylist = self.__call__(xlist) plot(xlist, ylist) if __name__ == '__main__': from scitools.std import * x = linspace(0, pi, 5) y = sin(x) points = array(zip(x, y)) l = Lagrange(points) l.verify() figure() hold('on') axis([-.1, pi + .1, -.1, 1.1]) for i in [5, 10, 20, 55, 70, 100]: x = linspace(0, pi, i) y = sin(x) points = array(zip(x, y)) l = Lagrange(points) l.graph() xlabel('x')
def visualize(self, r_start, r_stop, n=100): from scitools.std import plot, linspace r = linspace(r_start, r_stop, n) g = self.force(r) title = 'Gravity force: m=%g, M=%g' % (self.m, self.M) plot(r, g, title=title)
def table(self, n, l, r): from scitools.std import linspace, array x = linspace(l, r, n) print '%10s %10s' % ('x', 'f(x)') for i in x: print '%10f %10f' % (i, value(i))
def graph(f, n, xmin, xmax, resolution=1001): Xp = linspace(xmin, xmax, n) Yp = f(Xp) Xr = linspace(xmin, xmax, resolution) #array of values to plot Yr = array([p_L(x, Xp, Yp) for x in Xr]) #get interpolation points plot(Xr, Yr, '-r', Xp, Yp, 'bo', title='Lagrange Interpolation')
s = 0 #initialize sum n = len(xp) - 1 for k in range(n + 1): s += yp[k] * L_k(x, k, xp, yp) return s def test_p_L(xp, yp): n = len(xp) - 1 eps = 10e-12 count = 0 #count how many answers are not close enough for k in range(n + 1): if abs(p_L(xp[k], xp, yp) - yp[k]) > eps: count += 1 if count == 0: print 'Success! The Lagrange interpolation polynomial indeed passes',\ 'through all the points (xp,yp).' else: print 'Oh no! There were %d points where the interpolation polynomial'\ %(count), 'fails to pass through (xp,yp).' if __name__ == '__main__': Xp = linspace(0, pi, 5) Yp = sin(Xp) test_p_L(Xp, Yp) x = Xp[2] - Xp[1] / 2.0 y = sin(x) y_inter = p_L(x, Xp, Yp) print 'Take the point between Xp[1] and Xp[2]. Evaluating the sin function',\ 'directly yields %.6f, whilst the interpolated value is %.6f.' %(y, y_inter)
from scitools.std import plot, linspace, vectorize def v_all(x, mu=1E-6, exp=math.exp): x = np.float128(x) mu = np.float128(mu) num = (1 - exp(float(x) / mu)) denom = (1 - exp(1.0 / mu)) return num, denom, num / denom def v(x, mu=1E-6, exp=math.exp): return v_all(x, mu, exp)[2] for x in linspace(0, 1, 25): for f in [math.exp, np.exp]: try: print v_all(x, 1E-3, f) except: print('Could not compute an instance of v(x).') #This function is subject to overflow. #Many more instances succeed with float128 than default float64. x = linspace(0, 1, 10000) v = vectorize(v) plot(x, v(x, 1.0, np.exp), '-r',
""" Exercise 5.7: Demonstrate array slicing Author: Weiyun Lu """ from scitools.std import linspace w = linspace(0, 3, 31) print w print w[:] #should just be the whole thing print w[:-2] #up to but not including 2nd last, so should be up to 2.8 print w[::5] #every fifth element starting with 0 print w[2:-2:6] #start with 0.2 and up to 2.8; every 6th element
if __name__ == '__main__': c = Calculator(10, 5) #d = Calculator(10, 5) #print c + d print 'Adding: ', c.add() print 'Subtracting: ', c.subtract() print 'Multiplying: ', c.multiply() print 'Divifing: ', c.divide() print 'Changeing variables...' c.change_variables(6, 3) print 'Now adding: ', c.add() print 'Now trying functions...' print 'f(x) = x^2, x = 2: ', c.function('x**2', 2) print 'Trying with array...' c.change_variables(linspace(-5, -3, 3), linspace(-1, 1, 3)) print 'Adding linspace(-5, -3, 5), linspace(-1, 1, 5):' print c.add() print 'f(x) = x^2, x = linspace(-1, 1, 11): ' print c.function('x**2', linspace(-1, 1, 21)) x = linspace(-5, 5) plot(x, c.function('x**2+x**4-3', x)) raw_input() ''' Bergem$ python Adding: 15 Subtracting: 5 Multiplying: 50 Divifing: 2.0 Changeing variables...
omega1 = 2 * pi / P1 a1 = sqrt(omega1 / (2 * k)) A2 = 7 # amplitude of yearly temperature variations (in C) P2 = 24 * 60 * 60 * 365. # oscillation period of 1 yr (in seconds) # angular frequency of yearly temperature variations (in rad/s) omega2 = 2 * pi / P2 a2 = sqrt(omega2 / (2 * k)) dt = P2 / 30 # time lag: 0.1 yr tmax = 3 * P2 # 3 year simulation T0 = 10 # mean surface temperature in Celsius D = -(1 / a1) * log(0.001) # max depth n = 501 # no of points in the z direction z = linspace(0, D, n) def z_scaled(x, s): a = x[0] b = x[-1] return a + (b - a) * ((x - a) / (b - a))**s zs = z_scaled(z, 3) animate(tmax, dt, zs, T, T0 - A2 - A1, T0 + A2 + A1, 0, 'z', 'T') movie('tmp_*.png', encoder='convert', fps=6) import glob import os
# from __future__ import unicode_literals # import matplotlib # matplotlib.rcParams['text.usetex'] = True # matplotlib.rcParams['text.latex.unicode'] = True from matplotlib import rc import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scitools.std import sqrt, pi, exp, linspace import os def f(x, m, s): return (1.0/(sqrt(2*pi)*s))*exp(-0.5*((x-m)/s)**2) m=0 s_min = 0.2 s_max = 2 x = linspace(m -3*s_max, m + 3*s_max, 100) s_values = linspace(s_max, s_min, 5) # f is max for x=m; smaller s gives larger max value max_f = f(m, m, s_min) os.system("rm ./tmp*.png") #plt.figure(1, figsize=(6, 4)) # # plt.ion()
k = 1E-6 # thermal diffusivity (in m**2/s) A1 = 15 # amplitude of the daily temperature variations (in C) P1 = 24 * 60 * 60. # oscillation period of 24 h (in seconds) omega1 = 2 * pi / P1 # angular freq of daily temp variations (in rad/s) a1 = sqrt(omega1 / (2 * k)) A2 = 7 # amplitude of yearly temperature variations (in C) P2 = 24 * 60 * 60 * 365. # oscillation period of 1 yr (in seconds) omega2 = 2 * pi / P2 # angular freq of yearly temp variations (in rad/s) a2 = sqrt(omega2 / (2 * k)) dt = P2 / 20 # time lag: 0.1 yr tmax = 3 * P2 # 3 year simulation T0 = 10 # mean surface temperature in Celsius D = -(1 / a1) * log(0.001) # max depth n = 501 # no of points in the z direction # set T0, A, k, omega, D, n, tmax, dt z = linspace(0, D, n) animate(tmax, dt, z, T, T0 - A2 - A1, T0 + A2 + A1, 0, 'z', 'T') movie('tmp_*.png', encoder='convert', fps=6, outputfile='tmp_heatwave.gif') import glob import os # Remove frames for filename in glob.glob('tmp_*.png'): os.remove(filename)
return s def test_p_L(xp, yp): n = len(xp) - 1 eps = 10e-12 count = 0 #count how many answers are not close enough for k in range(n + 1): if abs(p_L(xp[k], xp, yp) - yp[k]) > eps: count += 1 if count == 0: print 'Success! The Lagrange interpolation polynomial indeed passes',\ 'through all the points (xp,yp).' else: print 'Oh no! There were %d points where the interpolation polynomial'\ %(count), 'fails to pass through (xp,yp).' def graph(f, n, xmin, xmax, resolution=1001): Xp = linspace(xmin, xmax, n) Yp = f(Xp) Xr = linspace(xmin, xmax, resolution) #array of values to plot Yr = array([p_L(x, Xp, Yp) for x in Xr]) #get interpolation points plot(Xr, Yr, '-r', Xp, Yp, 'bo', title='Lagrange Interpolation') if __name__ == '__main__': XP = linspace(0, pi, 5) YP = sin(XP) test_p_L(XP, YP) graph(sin, 5, 0, pi)
plt.figure() plt.plot(t,nsy,'r-') plt.title('Diffusion D = %.1f ' % D) plt.xlabel('time [MD]') #plt.xlabel('time [fs]') plt.ylabel('msq/t [MD]') #plt.ylabel('msq/t [m^2/t]') plt.legend(('Diffusion constant'), loc='lower right') #######################################3 print timeiterations l_binz = len(binz) print l_binz radius = linspace(0,(l_binz+1)*0.1,l_binz) #plt.figure() #plt.plot(radius,binz) volumeR = zeros(l_binz) for i in range(l_binz-1): volumeR[i] = (4./3)*pi*(radius[i+1]**3 - radius[i]**3) # volume of shell in range [r,r+dr] binz[1:] = binz[1:]/(timeiterations*N*rho*volumeR[i]) # mean number of particles in volume plt.figure() plt.plot(radius,binz,'r-*') plt.title('Average number of particles in distance r from atom')
""" Exercise 5.41: Plot functions from the command line Author: Weiyun Lu """ import sys from scitools.std import StringFunction, plot, linspace from numpy import * try: f = StringFunction(sys.argv[1]) f = vectorize(f) min = eval(sys.argv[2]) max = eval(sys.argv[3]) except IndexError: print('You must supply a function, a minimum value, and a maximum value!') sys.exit(1) except ValueError or TypeError: print('You must supply a function (as a string), and valid min and max', 'numerical values!') sys.exit(1) if sys.argv[4] != None: n = eval(sys.argv[4]) else: n = 501 x = linspace(min, max, n) plot(x, f(x), xlabel='x', ylabel='f(x)', title='f(x)=%s' % sys.argv[1])
""" Exercise 5.28: Plot the viscosity of water Author: Weiyun Lu """ from scitools.std import plot, linspace A = 2.414e-5 B = 247.8 C = 140.0 mu = lambda T: A * 10**(B / (T - C)) #viscosity in terms of Kelvin mu_celcius = lambda T: mu(T + 273) #calculate mu in terms of celcius x = linspace(0, 100, 100) y = mu_celcius(x) plot(x, y, '-b', xlabel='Temperature (C)', ylabel='Viscosity (Pa s)', \ title='Viscocity of Water')
""" Exercise 5.26: Plot a wave packet Author: Weiyun Lu """ from scitools.std import exp, sin, pi, linspace, plot f = lambda x, t : exp(-(x-3*t)**2) * sin(3*pi*(x-t)) xp = linspace(-4,4,100) yp = f(xp, 0) plot(xp, yp , '-b', title='A wave localized in space')
def graph(self, resolution=1001): ''' graphs the Lagrange polynomial over self.points ''' #from scitools.std import * from scitools.std import zeros, linspace, plot, array points = self.points xlist = linspace(points[0,0], points[-1,0], resolution) ylist = self.__call__(xlist) plot(xlist, ylist) if __name__ == '__main__': from scitools.std import * x = linspace(0, pi, 5) y = sin(x) points = array(zip(x,y)) l = Lagrange(points) l.verify() figure() hold('on') axis([-.1, pi+.1, -.1, 1.1]) for i in [5,10,20,55,70, 100]: x = linspace(0, pi, i) y = sin(x) points = array(zip(x,y)) l = Lagrange(points) l.graph() xlabel('x')
# plt.plot(x, B1energyVec) # plt.xlabel('$x_1$') # plt.ylabel('$u_3$') # plt.title('Deflection of a cantilever beam under self weight') # def f(x,m,s): return (1.0/(sqrt(2*pi)*s))*exp(-0.5*((x-m)/s)**2) m=0 s_min=0.2 s_max=2 x=linspace(m-3*s_max, m+3*s_max,10) s_values =linspace(s_max, s_min, 3) max_f=f(m,m,s_min) # plt.ion() y=f(x,m, s_max) print len(x), "\n", len(y) print x, \ "\n", \ y plt.plot(x,y) plt.axis([x[0], x[-1], -0.1, max_f]) # plt.xlabel('x') # plt.ylabel('f')
from scitools.std import sqrt, pi, exp, linspace, plot, movie import time, glob, os, sys # Clean up old frames for name in glob.glob('tmp_*.pdf'): os.remove(name) def f(x, m, s): return (1.0/(sqrt(2*pi)*s))*exp(-0.5*((x-m)/s)**2) m = 0 s_max = 2 s_min = 0.2 x = linspace(m -3*s_max, m + 3*s_max, 1000) s_values = linspace(s_max, s_min, 30) # f is max for x=m; smaller s gives larger max value max_f = f(m, m, s_min) # Show the movie, and make hardcopies of frames simulatenously counter = 0 for s in s_values: y = f(x, m, s) plot(x, y, '-', axis=[x[0], x[-1], -0.1, max_f], xlabel='x', ylabel='f', legend='s=%4.2f' % s, savefig='tmp_%04d.png' % counter) counter += 1 #time.sleep(0.2) # can insert a pause to control movie speed if '--no-moviefile' in sys.argv: # Drop making movie files import sys; sys.exit(0)
""" Exercise 5.12: Plot exact and inexact Fahrenheit-Celcius conversion formulas Author: Weiyun Lu """ from scitools.std import linspace, plot F = linspace(-20,120,20) C_approx = (F-30) / 2.0 C_actual = (F-32) * 5.0/9 plot(F, C_approx, '-r', F, C_actual, '-b', legend=('approx C', 'actual C'),\ xlabel='Fahrenheit', ylabel='Celcius')
plt.figure() plt.plot(t, nsy, 'r-') plt.title('Diffusion D = %.1f ' % D) plt.xlabel('time [MD]') #plt.xlabel('time [fs]') plt.ylabel('msq/t [MD]') #plt.ylabel('msq/t [m^2/t]') plt.legend(('Diffusion constant'), loc='lower right') #######################################3 print timeiterations l_binz = len(binz) print l_binz radius = linspace(0, (l_binz + 1) * 0.1, l_binz) #plt.figure() #plt.plot(radius,binz) volumeR = zeros(l_binz) for i in range(l_binz - 1): volumeR[i] = (4. / 3) * pi * (radius[i + 1]**3 - radius[i]**3 ) # volume of shell in range [r,r+dr] binz[1:] = binz[1:] / (timeiterations * N * rho * volumeR[i] ) # mean number of particles in volume plt.figure() plt.plot(radius, binz, 'r-*')
""" Exercise 5.3: Fill arrays; vectorized (plot) Author: Weiyun Lu """ from scitools.std import sqrt, pi, exp, linspace, plot h = lambda x : (1/(sqrt(2*pi))) * exp(-0.5*x**2) xlist = linspace(-4,4,41) hlist = h(xlist) pairs = zip(xlist,hlist) plot(xlist, hlist, axis=[xlist[0], xlist[-1], 0, 0.5], xlabel='x', \ ylabel='h(x)', title='Standard Gaussian')
def visualize(self, r_start, r_stop, n=100): from scitools.std import plot, linspace r = linspace(r_start, r_stop, n) g = self.force(r) title='Gravity force: m=%g, M=%g' % (self.m, self.M) plot(r, g, title=title)
def differentiate(self): """Differentiate this polynomial in-place.""" from scitools.std import linspace n = len(self.coeff) self.coeff[:-1] = linspace(1, n-1, n-1)*self.coeff[1:] self.coeff = self.coeff[:-1]