def backup_data(self): """Backup.""" if self.ipad: notify("Not implemented on iPad") return False if self.get_data(True) is False: return False backup = self.classes + self.backup_classes for aclass in backup: if self.crypto.encrypt_backup(, aclass.json) is False: return False # Backup config file too. home = str(Path.home()) today = cfg = os.path.join(home, CONFIG_DIR) directory = os.path.join(home, CONFIG_DIR, BACKUP_DIR, f"{today}") src = os.path.join(cfg, CONFIG_FILE) dst = os.path.join(directory, CONFIG_FILE) copyfile(src, dst) # Backup keyfile file too. src = os.path.join(cfg, KEYFILE) dst = os.path.join(directory, KEYFILE) copyfile(src, dst) return True
def debug(msg, level): """Debug error handler.""" if level > HANDLER.debug_level: return msg += "\n" notify(msg)
def update(self): """Create a new list to add to SCM.""" cfg = get_config(self.scm, C_LISTS) if cfg is None: return if get_config(self.scm, C_LISTS, C_EDIT) is not True: notify("List update prohibited by config.\n") return lists = get_config(self.scm, C_LISTS, C_LIST) self._suffix = get_config(self.scm, C_LISTS, C_SUFFIX) if lists: for xlist in lists: newlist = NewList(self.scm, xlist, self._url) self.newlists.append(newlist) newlist.populate() # Separate for loop, as add_to_list may have created some too for xlist in self.newlists: xlist.generate_data(self._suffix) if xlist.upload() is None: pass # not sure what to do, just carry on!
def __init__(self, scm): """Initialise.""" self.scm = scm self.records = None self.relay = None try: home = str(Path.home()) mydir = os.path.join(home, CONFIG_DIR, RECORDS_DIR) if os.path.exists(mydir) is False: os.mkdir(mydir) filename = os.path.join(mydir, F_BASELINE) if os.path.isfile(filename) is False: with open(filename, FILE_WRITE, encoding="utf8") as file: file.write(DEFAULT_RECORDS) filename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] filename += HEADER if os.path.isfile(filename) is False: with open(filename, FILE_WRITE, encoding="utf8") as file: file.write(DEFAULT_HEADER) except EnvironmentError as error: notify(f"Cannot create default records:\n{error}\n")
def fix_search(self): """fix_search_index.""" if A_KNOWNAS in if[A_KNOWNAS]: self.newdata = {} self.newdata[A_GUID] = self.guid notify(f"Deleting index for {}...") self.newdata[A_FIRSTNAME] = "XXX" res = self.scm.api_write(self, False) if res is False: notify("Hit a snag!\n") return False notify("Recreating...") self.newdata[A_FIRSTNAME] =[A_FIRSTNAME] res = self.scm.api_write(self, False) if res is False: msg = "Hit a snag - Firstname" msg2 = "deleted - oops sorry - restore manually!\n" notify(f"{msg} '{[A_FIRSTNAME]}' {msg2}") return False notify("Success.\n") return True
def get_date(date, xformat): """Parse a date.""" try: res = datetime.datetime.strptime(date, xformat) return res except ValueError as error: notify(f"Error in date: {error}") return None
def verify_schema(data): """Verify the config file.""" try: SCHEMA.validate(data) return True except SchemaError as error: notify(f"Error in config file:\n{error}\n") return False
def analyse(self): """Analyse the data.""" notify("Analysing...\n") for aclass in self.classes: aclass.analyse() notify("Done.\n")
def restore(self, xtype): """Restore a record.""" name = interact(f"Enter name of {xtype} to restore: ") if name in self.by_name: return self.by_name[name].restore(self._url) if name in self.knownas: return self.knownas[name].restore(self._url) notify(f"{name} not found in backup of {xtype}.\n") return False
def linkage(self): """Set up cross reference links between Entities.""" notify("Linking...\n") for aclass in self.classes: aclass.linkage() if verify_schema_data(self) is False: return False return True
def se_check(self): """Check against an SE online.""" if self.scm.ipad: notify("Not implemented on iPad") return False # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from scm_helper.browser import se_check return se_check(self.scm, self.entities)
def list_fixes(self): """List any fixes.""" if len(self.fixable) == 0: notify("Nothing to fix\n") return False res = "" for fix in self.fixable: res += f"{}: {fix.fixmsg}\n" return res
def fix_secat(self): """fix_se categories.""" res = self.members.fix_secat() if res is False: return res msg = "Fixed SE Catagories" notify(f"\n{msg}\n") return True
def read_newtimes(self, filename): """Read swimtimes.""" times = SwimTimes(self.records) res = times.merge_times(filename, self.scm) if self.records.newrecords: for record in sorted(self.records.newrecords): notify(self.records.newrecords[record]) self.records.write_records() del times return res
def apply_fixes(self): """Apply any fixes.""" if len(self.fixable) == 0: notify("Nothing to fix\n") return False for fix in self.fixable: if fix.apply_fix() is None: self.fixable = [] return False self.fixable = [] return True
def get_data(self, backup): """Get data.""" debug(f"(version: {VERSION})", 1) notify("Reading Data...\n") loop = self.classes if backup: loop = self.classes + self.backup_classes for aclass in loop: if aclass.get_data() is False: return False return True
def api_write(self, entity, create): """Write data back to SCM.""" club = self._config[C_CLUB] user_agent = USER_AGENT.replace("###CLUB_NAME###", club) headers = { "content-type": "application/json", "User-Agent": user_agent, "Authorization-Token": self._key, } if get_config(entity.scm, C_ALLOW_UPDATE) is False: notify("Update prohibited by config.\n") return None debug(f"URL:\n{entity.url}", 9) debug(f"Headers:\n{headers}", 8) data = entity.newdata if create: debug(f"Post request:\n{data}", 7) response =, json=data, headers=headers) else: debug(f"Put request:\n{data}", 7) response = requests.put(entity.url, json=data, headers=headers) if response.ok: return response if response.status_code == 404: # Worked, but not found return False notify(f"\nErroring posting data {}\n") notify(response.reason) notify("\n") return None
def decrypt_backup(self, name, xdate): """Decrypt file.""" try: home = str(Path.home()) backup = os.path.join(home, CONFIG_DIR, BACKUP_DIR) filename = os.path.join(backup, xdate, f"{name}.enc") data = self.decrypt_file(filename) return json.loads(data.decode()) except OSError as error: notify(f"Cannot open file: {error}\n") return None
def check_member(browser, member): """Check a member.""" notify(f"Checking {}...\n") try: name = browser.find_element_by_xpath( "//table[1]/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]").text knownas = browser.find_element_by_xpath( "//table[1]/tbody/tr[2]/td[4]").text gender = browser.find_element_by_xpath( "//table[1]/tbody/tr[3]/td[4]").text current = browser.find_element_by_xpath( "//table[2]/tbody/tr[2]/td[4]").text category = browser.find_element_by_xpath( "//table[2]/tbody/tr[3]/td[4]").text except selenium.common.exceptions.NoSuchElementException: if member.print_exception(EXCEPTION_SE_HIDDEN) is False: debug(f"SE Exception ignored: {}", 7) return "" res = f"\n{} ({member.asa_number}) does not exist in SE database.\n" return res res = "" if member.print_exception(EXCEPTION_SE_NAME) is True: if name.lower() != res += f" Name: SCM-> {}, SE-> {name}\n" if knownas and (member.knownas_only != knownas): firstname = name.split(" ") if knownas != firstname[0]: # in SE they are the same if no knownas res += f" Knownas: SCM-> {member.knownas_only}, SE-> {knownas}\n" if member.gender and (gender != GENDER[member.gender]): res += f" Gender: SCM-> {}, SE-> {gender}\n" mycat = f"SE Category {member.asa_category}" if category != mycat: res += f" Category: SCM-> {mycat}, SE-> {category}\n" if current != "Current": res += " Not current\n" if res: res = f"\n{} ({member.asa_number}) mismatch:\n" + res return res
def se_check(scm, members): """Check members against the SE database.""" home = str(Path.home()) cookiefile = os.path.join(home, CONFIG_DIR, SE_COOKIES) base_url = get_config(scm, C_SWIM_ENGLAND, C_BASE_URL) if base_url is False: notify("Swim England config missing\n") return None notify(f"Opening browser for {base_url}...\n") browser = start_browser(scm) if browser is None: return None read_cookies(browser, cookiefile, base_url, None) check_url = get_config(scm, C_SWIM_ENGLAND, C_CHECK_URL) test_id_url = get_config(scm, C_SWIM_ENGLAND, C_TEST_ID) browser.get(f"{check_url}{test_id_url}") try: browser.find_element_by_xpath("//table[1]/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]") except selenium.common.exceptions.NoSuchElementException: msg = """Please solve the 'I am not a robot', and then press enter here. If you cannot solve the capture try deleting the file 'se_cookies.json' in the config directory. """ interact_yesno(msg) write_cookies(browser, cookiefile, None) res = "" for member in members: if member.is_active is False: continue if member.asa_number is None: continue url = f"{check_url}{member.asa_number}" browser.get(url) res += check_member(browser, member) browser.close() return res
def print_swimmers_covid(self): """Print swimmers and coaches with no COVID dec.""" covid = get_config(self.scm, C_SESSIONS, C_COVID) if covid is None: notify("Missing config for COVID option") return "" res = "" for session in sorted(self.entities, key=lambda x: x.full_name): if session.is_active: c_res = session.print_swimmer_covid() if c_res: res += f"{session.full_name}\n{c_res}\n" return res
def get_key(self, filename): """Encrypt file.""" apikey = interact("No SCM API keyfile, creating one. Enter API key: ") try: with open(filename, WRITE_BINARY, encoding="utf8") as file: file.write(apikey) file.close() notify(f"Generate encrypted keyfille {filename}\n") return apikey except OSError as error: notify(f"Cannot open/write key file: {error}\n") return False
def read_key(self, filename): """Read API key.""" home = str(Path.home()) filename = os.path.join(home, CONFIG_DIR, filename) if not os.path.exists(filename): return self.get_key(filename) try: with open(filename, READ_BINARY, encoding="utf8") as file: data = file.close() return data.strip() except OSError as error: notify(f"Cannot open key file: {error}\n") return None
def decrypt(self, xdate): """Decrypt file.""" if self.ipad: notify("Not implemented on iPad") return False restore = self.classes + self.backup_classes for aclass in restore: decrypted = self.crypto.decrypt_backup(, xdate) if decrypted is None: return False aclass.parse_data(decrypted) notify("\n") return True
def get_data(self): """Get data.""" notify(f"{self._name}... ") data = self.scm.api_read(self._url, 1) if data is None: return False count = self.create_entities(data) # line below is subtly different, who's who data is already a list. self._raw_data = data notify(f"{count}\n") if count != 1: debug("Who's who assumption failure", 0) return True
def write_cookies(browser, cookiefile, scm): """Write cookies.""" cookies = browser.get_cookies() if cookies: if scm: data = pickle.dumps(cookies) scm.crypto.encrypt_file(cookiefile, data) return try: with open(cookiefile, FILE_WRITE, encoding="utf8") as file: opt = json.dumps(cookies) file.write(opt) except EnvironmentError as error: notify(f"Failed to write {cookiefile}\n{error}\n")
def start_browser(scm): """Start Browser.""" web_driver = get_config(scm, C_SELENIUM, C_WEB_DRIVER) client = get_config(scm, C_SELENIUM, C_BROWSER) if client is False: notify("Selenium config missing\n") return None browser = getattr(selenium.webdriver, client) try: return browser(web_driver) except selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException as error: notify( f"Failed to open {client} browser with: {web_driver}\n{error}\n") return None
def readfile(self, filename, scm): """Read Facebook file.""" self._filename = filename self.scm = scm shortfile = ntpath.basename(filename) notify(f"Reading {shortfile}...\n") try: with open(filename, FILE_READ, encoding="utf8") as file: ="\n", "") file.close() return True except EnvironmentError: notify(f"Cannot open facebook file: {filename}\n") return False
def decrypt_file(self, filename): """Decrypt file.""" try: fernet = Fernet(self.__key) with open(filename, READ_BINARY) as file: data = file.close() decrypted = fernet.decrypt(data) return decrypted except OSError as error: notify(f"Cannot open file: {error}\n") return None except InvalidToken: notify("Cannot decrypt file - wrong password?\n") return None
def fix_search(self): """fix_search_index.""" home = str(Path.home()) cfg = os.path.join(home, CONFIG_DIR, "fixed_search.txt") if os.path.isfile(cfg) is True: notify("Not required - already fixed") return False res = self.members.fix_search() if res is False: return res with open(cfg, mode="w", encoding="utf8") as file: file.write(f"Fixed index: {}") msg = "Index recreated - give SCM time to process changes before testing." notify(f"\n{msg}\n") return True