Exemple #1
    def evaluate(self, gold, system):

        if self.limits is None:
            self.limits = {"rrhc": 20, "mces": 500000}
        rrhc_limit = mces_limit = None
        if isinstance(self.limits, dict):
            if "rrhc" in self.limits: rrhc_limit = self.limits["rrhc"]
            if "mces" in self.limits: mces_limit = self.limits["mces"]
        if rrhc_limit is None or rrhc_limit < 0: rrhc_limit = 20
        if mces_limit is None or mces_limit < 0: mces_limit = 500000
        if self.trace > 1:
            print("RRHC limit: {}; MCES limit: {}".format(
                rrhc_limit, mces_limit),
        if self.cores > 1:
            if self.trace > 1:
                print("mces.evaluate(): using {} cores".format(self.cores),
            with mp.Pool(self.cores) as pool:
                results = pool.starmap(
                    schedule, ((g, s, rrhc_limit, mces_limit, self.trace)
                               for g, s in score_core.intersect(gold, system)))
            results = (schedule(g, s, rrhc_limit, mces_limit, self.trace)
                       for g, s in score_core.intersect(gold, system))

        for id, tops, labels, properties, anchors, \
            edges, attributes, matches, steps, error \
                in results:
            if error is None:
                self.total_matches += matches
                self.total_steps += steps
                self.update(self.total_tops, tops)
                self.update(self.total_labels, labels)
                self.update(self.total_properties, properties)
                self.update(self.total_anchors, anchors)
                self.update(self.total_edges, edges)
                self.update(self.total_attributes, attributes)
                self.total_pairs += 1
                if mces_limit == 0 or steps > mces_limit:
                    self.total_inexact += 1

                if self.trace:
                    if id in self.scores:
                        print("mces.evaluate(): duplicate graph identifier: {}"
                    self.scores[id] \
                        = {"tops": tops, "labels": labels,
                           "properties": properties, "anchors": anchors,
                           "edges": edges, "attributes": attributes}
                print("mces.evaluate(): exception in graph #{}:\n{}"
                      "".format(id, error))
                self.scores[id] = {
                    "error": repr(error)
Exemple #2
def evaluate(golds, systems, format="json", limit=5, trace=0, useanchor=False):
    if not limit: limit = 5
    tg = ts = tc = n = 0
    gprefix = "g"
    sprefix = "s"
    scores = dict() if trace else None
    for gold, system in intersect(golds, systems):
        id = gold.id
        ginstances, gattributes, grelations, gn = tuples(
            gold, gprefix, useanchor)
        sinstances, sattributes, srelations, sn = tuples(
            system, sprefix, useanchor)
        if trace > 1:
            print("gold instances: {}\ngold attributes: {}\ngold relations: {}"
                  "".format(ginstances, gattributes, grelations))
                "system instances: {}\nsystem attributes: {}\nsystem relations: {}"
                "".format(sinstances, sattributes, srelations))
        correct, gold, system \
          = get_amr_match(None, None, gold.id, limit = limit,
                          instance1 = ginstances, attributes1 = gattributes,
                          relation1 = grelations, prefix1 = gprefix,
                          instance2 = sinstances, attributes2 = sattributes,
                          relation2 = srelations, prefix2 = sprefix)
        gold -= gn
        system -= sn
        tg += gold
        ts += system
        tc += correct
        n += 1
        if trace:
            if id in scores:
                print("smatch.evaluate(): duplicate graph identifier: {}"
            scores[id] = {
                "g": gold,
                "s": system,
                "c": correct
            if trace > 1:
                p, r, f = fscore(gold, system, correct)
                print("G: {}; S: {}; C: {}; P: {}; R: {}; F: {}"
                      "".format(gold, system, correct, p, r, f),

    p, r, f = fscore(tg, ts, tc)
    result = {
        "n": n,
        "g": tg,
        "s": ts,
        "c": tc,
        "p": p,
        "r": r,
        "f": f
    if trace: result["scores"] = scores
    return result
Exemple #3
def evaluate(gold, system, format="json", trace=0):
    scorer = Scorer(include_virtual=True)
    n = 0
    scores = dict() if trace else None
    for g, s in intersect(gold, system):
        score = scorer.update(g, s, trace)
        n += 1
        if trace: scores[g.id] = score
    result = scorer.report(n, scores)
    return result
Exemple #4
def evaluate(golds, systems, format = "json", trace = 0):
  tglp = tslp = tclp = 0;
  tgup = tsup = tcup = 0;
  tglr = tslr = tclr = 0;
  tgur = tsur = tcur = 0;
  tp = tr = 0;
  scores = dict() if trace else None;
  result = {"n": 0, "labeled": dict(), "unlabeled": dict()};

  for gold, system in intersect(golds, systems):
    glprimary, glremote, guprimary, guremote = tuples(gold);
    slprimary, slremote, suprimary, suremote = tuples(system);
    glp = len(glprimary); slp = len(slprimary);
    clp = len(glprimary & slprimary);
    gup = len(guprimary); sup = len(suprimary);
    cup = len(guprimary & suprimary);
    glr = len(glremote); slr = len(slremote);
    clr = len(glremote & slremote);
    gur = len(guremote); sur = len(suremote);
    cur = len(guremote & suremote);
    tglp += glp; tslp += slp; tclp += clp;
    tgup += gup; tsup += sup; tcup += cup;
    tglr += glr; tslr += slr; tclr += clr;
    tgur += gur; tsur += sur; tcur += cur;
    result["n"] += 1;
    if trace:
      if gold.id in scores:
        print("ucca.evaluate(): duplicate graph identifier: {}"
              "".format(gold.id), file = sys.stderr);
      score = {"labeled": dict(), "unlabeled": dict()};
      score["labeled"]["primary"] = {"g": glp, "s": slp, "c": clp};
      score["labeled"]["remote"] = {"g": glr, "s": slr, "c": clr};
      score["unlabeled"]["primary"] = {"g": gup, "s": sup, "c": cup};
      score["unlabeled"]["remote"] = {"g": gur, "s": sur, "c": cur};
      scores[gold.id] = score;
      if trace > 1: print("{}: {}".format(gold.id, score));
  p, r, f = fscore(tglp, tslp, tclp);
  result["labeled"]["primary"] = \
    {"g": tglp, "s": tslp, "c": tclp, "p": p, "r": r, "f": f};
  p, r, f = fscore(tglr, tslr, tclr);
  result["labeled"]["remote"] = \
    {"g": tglr, "s": tslr, "c": tclr, "p": p, "r": r, "f": f};
  p, r, f = fscore(tgup, tsup, tcup);
  result["unlabeled"]["primary"] = \
    {"g": tgup, "s": tsup, "c": tcup, "p": p, "r": r, "f": f};
  p, r, f = fscore(tgur, tsur, tcur);
  result["unlabeled"]["remote"] = \
    {"g": tgur, "s": tsur, "c": tcur, "p": p, "r": r, "f": f};
  if trace: result["scores"] = scores;
  return result;
Exemple #5
def evaluate(golds, systems, format = "json", limit = 5, trace = 0):
  if not limit: limit = 5;
  tg = ts = tc = n = 0;
  gprefix = "g"; sprefix = "s";
  scores = dict() if trace else None;
  for gold, system in intersect(golds, systems):
    id = gold.id;
    ginstances, gattributes, grelations = tuples(gold, gprefix);
    sinstances, sattributes, srelations = tuples(system, sprefix);
    correct, gold, system \
      = get_amr_match(None, None, gold.id, limit = limit,
                      instance1 = ginstances, attributes1 = gattributes,
                      relation1 = grelations, prefix1 = gprefix,
                      instance2 = sinstances, attributes2 = sattributes,
                      relation2 = srelations, prefix2 = sprefix);
    tg += gold; ts += system; tc += correct;
    n += 1;
    if trace:
      if id in scores:
        print("smatch.evaluate(): duplicate graph identifier: {}"
              "".format(id), file = sys.stderr);
      scores[id] = {"g": gold, "s": system, "c": correct};
      if trace > 1:
        p, r, f = fscore(gold, system, correct);
        print("G: {}; S: {}; C: {}; P: {}; R: {}; F: {}"
              "".format(gold, system, correct, p, r, f), file = sys.stderr);
        if f != 1.0:
          print("gold instances: {}\ngold attributes {}\ngold relations: {}"
            "".format(ginstances, gattributes, grelations), file=sys.stderr);
          print("system instances: {}\nsystem attributes {}\nsystem relations: {}"
            "".format(sinstances, sattributes, srelations), file=sys.stderr);
  p, r, f = fscore(tg, ts, tc);
  result = {"n": n, "g": tg, "s": ts, "c": tc, "p": p, "r": r, "f": f};
  if trace: result["scores"] = scores;
  return result;
Exemple #6
def evaluate(gold,
                 "rrhc": 20,
                 "mces": 500000

    global counter

    def update(total, counts):
        for key in ("g", "s", "c"):
            total[key] += counts[key]

    def finalize(counts):
        p, r, f = fscore(counts["g"], counts["s"], counts["c"])
            "p": p,
            "r": r,
            "f": f

    rrhc_limit = mces_limit = None
    if isinstance(limits, dict):
        if "rrhc" in limits: rrhc_limit = limits["rrhc"]
        if "mces" in limits: mces_limit = limits["mces"]
    if rrhc_limit is None or rrhc_limit < 0: rrhc_limit = 20
    if mces_limit is None or mces_limit < 0: mces_limit = 500000
    if trace > 1:
        print("RRHC limit: {}; MCES limit: {}".format(rrhc_limit, mces_limit),
    total_matches = total_steps = 0
    total_pairs = 0
    total_inexact = 0
    total_tops = {"g": 0, "s": 0, "c": 0}
    total_labels = {"g": 0, "s": 0, "c": 0}
    total_properties = {"g": 0, "s": 0, "c": 0}
    total_anchors = {"g": 0, "s": 0, "c": 0}
    total_edges = {"g": 0, "s": 0, "c": 0}
    total_attributes = {"g": 0, "s": 0, "c": 0}
    scores = dict() if trace else None
    for g, s in intersect(gold, system):
            counter = 0

            g_identities, s_identities, g_dominated, s_dominated = \
                identities(g, s)
            pairs, rewards = initial_node_correspondences(
                g, s, identities1=g_identities, identities2=s_identities)
            if trace > 1:
                print("\n\ngraph #{}".format(g.id), file=sys.stderr)
                print("number of gold nodes: {}".format(len(g.nodes)),
                print("number of system nodes: {}".format(len(s.nodes)),
                print("number of edges: {}".format(len(g.edges)),
                if trace > 2:
                    print("rewards and pairs:\n{}\n{}\n"
                          "".format(rewards, sorted(pairs)),
            # experimental: see whether random-restart hill-climbing (from SMATCH)
            # yields a better start into the search ...
            n_smatched = 0
            if g.framework in {"eds", "amr"} and rrhc_limit > 0:
                n_smatched, _, _, mapping \
                    = smatch(g, s, rrhc_limit,
                             {"tops", "labels", "properties", "anchors",
                              "edges", "attributes"},
                             0, False)
                mapping = [(i, j if j >= 0 else None)
                           for i, j in enumerate(mapping)]
                tops, labels, properties, anchors, edges, attributes \
                    = g.score(s, mapping)
                all = tops["c"] + labels["c"] + properties["c"] \
                      + anchors["c"] + edges["c"] + attributes["c"]
                status = "{}".format(n_smatched)
                if n_smatched > all:
                    status = "{} vs. {}".format(n_smatched, all)
                    n_smatched = all
                if trace > 1:
                    print("pairs {} smatch [{}]: {}"
                              "from" if set(pairs) != set(mapping) else "by",
                              status, sorted(mapping)),
                if set(pairs) != set(mapping): pairs = mapping
            n_matched = 0
            best_cv, best_ce = {}, {}
            if g.nodes and mces_limit > 0:
                for i, (cv, ce) in enumerate(
                    #                assert is_valid(ce)
                    #                assert is_injective(ce)
                    n = sum(map(len, ce.values()))
                    if n > n_matched:
                        if trace > 1:
                            print("\n[{}] solution #{}; matches: {}"
                                  "".format(counter, i, n),
                        n_matched = n
                        best_cv, best_ce = cv, ce
            total_matches += n_matched
            total_steps += counter
            tops, labels, properties, anchors, edges, attributes \
                = g.score(s, best_cv or pairs)
            #        assert n_matched >= n_smatched;
            if trace:
                if n_smatched and n_matched != n_smatched:
                    print("delta to smatch: {}"
                          "".format(n_matched - n_smatched),
                if g.id in scores:
                    print("mces.evaluate(): duplicate graph identifier: {}"
                scores[g.id] = {
                    "tops": tops,
                    "labels": labels,
                    "properties": properties,
                    "anchors": anchors,
                    "edges": edges,
                    "attributes": attributes
            update(total_tops, tops)
            update(total_labels, labels)
            update(total_properties, properties)
            update(total_anchors, anchors)
            update(total_edges, edges)
            update(total_attributes, attributes)
            total_pairs += 1
            if mces_limit == 0 or counter > mces_limit: total_inexact += 1
            if trace > 1:
                print("[{}] Number of edges in correspondence: {}"
                      "".format(counter, n_matched),
                print("[{}] Total matches: {}".format(total_steps,
                print("tops: {}\nlabels: {}\nproperties: {}\nanchors: {}"
                      "\nedges: {}\nattributes: {}"
                      "".format(tops, labels, properties, anchors, edges,
                if trace > 2:
                    print(best_cv, file=sys.stderr)
                    print(best_ce, file=sys.stderr)
        except (KeyError, AttributeError) as e:
            raise ValueError(
                "mces.evaluate(): failed evaluating graph: {}".format(
                    g.id)) from e

    total_all = {
        "g": 0,
        "s": 0,
        "c": 0
    for counts in [
            total_tops, total_labels, total_properties, total_anchors,
            total_edges, total_attributes
        update(total_all, counts)
    result = {
        "n": total_pairs,
        "exact": total_pairs - total_inexact,
        "tops": total_tops,
        "labels": total_labels,
        "properties": total_properties,
        "anchors": total_anchors,
        "edges": total_edges,
        "attributes": total_attributes,
        "all": total_all
    if trace: result["scores"] = scores
    return result
Exemple #7
def evaluate(gold, system, format="json", limit=500000, trace=0):

    global counter

    def update(total, counts):
        for key in ("g", "s", "c"):
            total[key] += counts[key]

    def finalize(counts):
        p, r, f = fscore(counts["g"], counts["s"], counts["c"])
            "p": p,
            "r": r,
            "f": f

    if not limit: limit = 500000

    total_matches = total_steps = 0
    total_pairs = 0
    total_inexact = 0
    total_tops = {"g": 0, "s": 0, "c": 0}
    total_labels = {"g": 0, "s": 0, "c": 0}
    total_properties = {"g": 0, "s": 0, "c": 0}
    total_anchors = {"g": 0, "s": 0, "c": 0}
    total_edges = {"g": 0, "s": 0, "c": 0}
    total_attributes = {"g": 0, "s": 0, "c": 0}
    scores = dict() if trace else None
    for g, s in intersect(gold, system):
        counter = 0

        g_identities, s_identities, g_dominated, s_dominated = \
            identities(g, s)
        pairs, rewards = initial_node_correspondences(g,
        if trace > 1:
            print("\n\ngraph #{}".format(g.id))
            print("Number of gold nodes: {}".format(len(g.nodes)))
            print("Number of system nodes: {}".format(len(s.nodes)))
            print("Number of edges: {}".format(len(g.edges)))
            if trace > 2:
                print("Rewards and Pairs:\n{}\n{}\n".format(rewards, pairs))
        n_matched = 0
        best_cv, best_ce = None, None
        for i, (cv, ce) in enumerate(
            assert is_valid(ce)
            assert is_injective(ce)
            n = sum(map(len, ce.values()))
            if n > n_matched:
                if trace > 1:
                    print("\n[{}] solution #{}; matches: {}"
                          "".format(counter, i, n))
                n_matched = n
                best_cv, best_ce = cv, ce
        total_matches += n_matched
        total_steps += counter
        tops, labels, properties, anchors, edges, attributes \
            = g.score(s, best_cv)
        if trace:
            if g.id in scores:
                print("mces.evaluate(): duplicate graph identifier: {}"
            scores[g.id] = {
                "tops": tops,
                "labels": labels,
                "properties": properties,
                "anchors": anchors,
                "edges": edges,
                "attributes": attributes
        update(total_tops, tops)
        update(total_labels, labels)
        update(total_properties, properties)
        update(total_anchors, anchors)
        update(total_edges, edges)
        update(total_attributes, attributes)
        total_pairs += 1
        if counter > limit: total_inexact += 1
        if trace > 1:
            print("[{}] Number of edges in correspondence: {}"
                  "".format(counter, n_matched))
            print("[{}] Total matches: {}".format(total_steps, total_matches))
            print("tops: {}\nlabels: {}\nproperties: {}\nanchors: {}"
                  "\nedges: {}\nattributes:{}"
                  "".format(tops, labels, properties, anchors, edges,
            if trace > 2:

    total_all = {
        "g": 0,
        "s": 0,
        "c": 0
    for counts in [
            total_tops, total_labels, total_properties, total_anchors,
            total_edges, total_attributes
        update(total_all, counts)
    result = {
        "n": total_pairs,
        "exact": total_pairs - total_inexact,
        "tops": total_tops,
        "labels": total_labels,
        "properties": total_properties,
        "anchors": total_anchors,
        "edges": total_edges,
        "attributes": total_attributes,
        "all": total_all
    if trace: result["scores"] = scores
    return result
Exemple #8
def evaluate(golds, systems, format="json", trace=0):
    tglp = tslp = tclp = 0
    tgup = tsup = tcup = 0
    tglr = tslr = tclr = 0
    tgur = tsur = tcur = 0
    tp = tr = 0
    scores = dict() if trace else None
    result = {
        "n": 0,
        "labeled": dict(),
        "unlabeled": dict()

    for gold, system in intersect(golds, systems):
        glprimary, glremote, guprimary, guremote = tuples(gold)
        slprimary, slremote, suprimary, suremote = tuples(system)
        glp = len(glprimary)
        slp = len(slprimary)
        clp = len(glprimary & slprimary)
        gup = len(guprimary)
        sup = len(suprimary)
        cup = len(guprimary & suprimary)
        glr = len(glremote)
        slr = len(slremote)
        clr = len(glremote & slremote)
        gur = len(guremote)
        sur = len(suremote)
        cur = len(guremote & suremote)
        tglp += glp
        tslp += slp
        tclp += clp
        tgup += gup
        tsup += sup
        tcup += cup
        tglr += glr
        tslr += slr
        tclr += clr
        tgur += gur
        tsur += sur
        tcur += cur
        result["n"] += 1
        if trace:
            if gold.id in scores:
                print("ucca.evaluate(): duplicate graph identifier: {}"
            score = {
                "labeled": dict(),
                "unlabeled": dict()
            score["labeled"]["primary"] = {
                "g": glp,
                "s": slp,
                "c": clp
            score["labeled"]["remote"] = {
                "g": glr,
                "s": slr,
                "c": clr
            score["unlabeled"]["primary"] = {
                "g": gup,
                "s": sup,
                "c": cup
            score["unlabeled"]["remote"] = {
                "g": gur,
                "s": sur,
                "c": cur
            scores[gold.id] = score

    p, r, f = fscore(tglp, tslp, tclp)
    result["labeled"]["primary"] = \
      {"g": tglp, "s": tslp, "c": tclp, "p": p, "r": r, "f": f}
    p, r, f = fscore(tglr, tslr, tclr)
    result["labeled"]["remote"] = \
      {"g": tglr, "s": tslr, "c": tclr, "p": p, "r": r, "f": f}
    p, r, f = fscore(tgup, tsup, tcup)
    result["unlabeled"]["primary"] = \
      {"g": tgup, "s": tsup, "c": tcup, "p": p, "r": r, "f": f}
    p, r, f = fscore(tgur, tsur, tcur)
    result["unlabeled"]["remote"] = \
      {"g": tgur, "s": tsur, "c": tcur, "p": p, "r": r, "f": f}
    if trace: result["scores"] = scores
    return result
Exemple #9
def evaluate(gold, system, format="json", limit=500000, trace=0):

    global counter

    def update(total, counts):
        for key in ("g", "s", "c"):
            total[key] += counts[key]

    def finalize(counts):
        p, r, f = fscore(counts["g"], counts["s"], counts["c"])
            "p": p,
            "r": r,
            "f": f

    if not limit: limit = 500000

    total_matches = total_steps = 0
    total_pairs = 0
    total_inexact = 0
    total_tops = {"g": 0, "s": 0, "c": 0}
    total_labels = {"g": 0, "s": 0, "c": 0}
    total_properties = {"g": 0, "s": 0, "c": 0}
    total_anchors = {"g": 0, "s": 0, "c": 0}
    total_edges = {"g": 0, "s": 0, "c": 0}
    total_attributes = {"g": 0, "s": 0, "c": 0}
    scores = dict() if trace else None
    for g, s in intersect(gold, system):
        counter = 0

        g_identities, s_identities, g_dominated, s_dominated = \
            identities(g, s)
        pairs, rewards = initial_node_correspondences(g,
        if trace > 1:
            print("\n\ngraph #{}".format(g.id), file=sys.stderr)
            print("number of gold nodes: {}".format(len(g.nodes)),
            print("number of system nodes: {}".format(len(s.nodes)),
            print("number of edges: {}".format(len(g.edges)), file=sys.stderr)
            if trace > 2:
                print("rewards and pairs:\n{}\n{}\n"
                      "".format(rewards, sorted(pairs)),
        # experimental: see whether random-restart hill-climbing (from SMATCH)
        # yields a better start into the search ...
        n_smatched = 0
        if False and g.framework in {"eds", "ucca", "amr"}:
            n_smatched, _, _, mapping \
                = smatch(g, s, 50,
                         {"tops", "labels", "properties", "anchors",
                          "edges", "attributes"},
                         0, False)
            mapping = [(i, j if j >= 0 else None)
                       for i, j in enumerate(mapping)]
            if set(pairs) != set(mapping):
                print("pairs from smatch: {}".format(sorted(mapping)),
                pairs = mapping
        n_matched = 0
        best_cv, best_ce = None, None
        for i, (cv, ce) in enumerate(
            assert is_valid(ce)
            assert is_injective(ce)
            n = sum(map(len, ce.values()))
            if n > n_matched:
                if trace > 1:
                    print("\n[{}] solution #{}; matches: {}"
                          "".format(counter, i, n),
                n_matched = n
                best_cv, best_ce = cv, ce
        total_matches += n_matched
        total_steps += counter
        tops, labels, properties, anchors, edges, attributes \
            = g.score(s, best_cv)
        assert n_matched >= n_smatched
        if trace:
            if n_smatched and n_matched > n_smatched:
                print("improvement over smatch: {}"
                      "".format(n_matched - n_smatched),
            if g.id in scores:
                print("mces.evaluate(): duplicate graph identifier: {}"
            scores[g.id] = {
                "tops": tops,
                "labels": labels,
                "properties": properties,
                "anchors": anchors,
                "edges": edges,
                "attributes": attributes
        update(total_tops, tops)
        update(total_labels, labels)
        update(total_properties, properties)
        update(total_anchors, anchors)
        update(total_edges, edges)
        update(total_attributes, attributes)
        total_pairs += 1
        if counter > limit: total_inexact += 1
        if trace > 1:
            print("[{}] Number of edges in correspondence: {}"
                  "".format(counter, n_matched),
            print("[{}] Total matches: {}".format(total_steps, total_matches))
            print("tops: {}\nlabels: {}\nproperties: {}\nanchors: {}"
                  "\nedges: {}\nattributes: {}"
                  "".format(tops, labels, properties, anchors, edges,
            if trace > 2:
                print(best_cv, file=sys.stderr)
                print(best_ce, file=sys.stderr)

    total_all = {
        "g": 0,
        "s": 0,
        "c": 0
    for counts in [
            total_tops, total_labels, total_properties, total_anchors,
            total_edges, total_attributes
        update(total_all, counts)
    result = {
        "n": total_pairs,
        "exact": total_pairs - total_inexact,
        "tops": total_tops,
        "labels": total_labels,
        "properties": total_properties,
        "anchors": total_anchors,
        "edges": total_edges,
        "attributes": total_attributes,
        "all": total_all
    if trace: result["scores"] = scores
    return result