Exemple #1
def get_build_id(routine_id, search_name, matching_name, archived=False):
	print('Looking up testray build by routine (archived = %r)' % archived)

	base_url = 'https://testray.liferay.com/home/-/testray/builds/index.json'

	parameters = {
		'name': search_name,
		'testrayRoutineId': routine_id,
		'archived': archived,
		'cur': 0,
		'delta': 100,
		'start': -1,
		'end': -1

	json_response = json.loads(get_liferay_content(base_url, parameters))

	if json_response['status'] != 200:
		print('Unable to determine testray build for testray routine %s, search string %s' % (routine_id, search_name))
		return None

	matching_build_ids = [
		build['testrayBuildId'] for build in json_response['data']
			if build['name'].find(matching_name) != -1

	if len(matching_build_ids) == 0:
		if not archived:
			return get_build_id(routine_id, search_name, matching_name, True)

		print('Unable to determine build for testray routine %s, search string %s, matching string %s' % (routine_id, search_name, matching_name))
		return None

	return matching_build_ids[0]
def get_project_id(url):
    version = get_liferay_version(url)

    if version is None:
        return None

    print('Looking up testray projects for Liferay version %s' % version)

    base_url = 'https://testray.liferay.com/home/-/testray/projects/index.json'

    parameters = {'cur': 0, 'delta': 100, 'start': -1, 'end': -1}

    json_response = json.loads(get_liferay_content(base_url, parameters))

    if json_response['status'] != 200:
        print('Unable to determine testray project from %s' % url)
        return None

    matching_name = 'Liferay Portal %s' % (master_version
                                           if version == 'master' else version)

    matching_project_ids = [
        project['testrayProjectId'] for project in json_response['data']
        if project['name'] == matching_name

    if len(matching_project_ids) != 1:
        print('Unable to determine testray project from %s' % url)
        return None

    return matching_project_ids[0]
def get_run_id(build_id, run_number):
    if build_id is None:
        return None

    print('Looking up testray run by testray build')

    base_url = 'https://testray.liferay.com/api/jsonws/osb-testray-web.runs/index'

    parameters = {
        'testrayBuildId': build_id,
        'cur': 0,
        'delta': 100,

    json_response = json.loads(get_liferay_content(base_url, parameters))

    if json_response['status'] != 200:
        print('Unable to determine testray runs for testray build %s' %
        return None

    first_runs = [
        run['testrayRunId'] for run in json_response['data']
        if run['number'] == run_number

    if len(first_runs) == 0:
        print('Unable to determine testray runs for testray build %s' %
        return None

    return first_runs[0]
Exemple #4
def get_class_name_id(class_name):
	api_url = 'https://loop.liferay.com/api/jsonws/classname/fetch-class-name-id'

	params = {
		'value': class_name

	return json.loads(get_liferay_content(api_url, params))
def get_routine_id(url):
    project_id = get_project_id(url)

    if project_id is None:
        return None

    print('Looking up testray routine by project')

    base_url = 'https://testray.liferay.com/home/-/testray/routines/index.json'

    parameters = {
        'testrayProjectId': project_id,
        'cur': 0,
        'delta': 100,
        'start': -1,
        'end': -1,
        'orderByCol': 'name',
        'orderByType': 'asc'

    json_response = json.loads(get_liferay_content(base_url, parameters))

    if json_response['status'] != 200:
        print('Unable to determine testray routine from %s' % url)
        return None

    matching_name = None

    if url.find('https://github.com') == 0:
        matching_name = 'CE Pull Request' if url.find(
            '-ee') == -1 else 'EE Pull Request'
    elif url.find('fix-pack-de-') == 0 or url.find(
            'fix-pack-dxp-') == 0 or url.find('fix-pack-base-') == 0:
        matching_name = 'Fix Pack Tester'
    elif url.find('portal-') == 0:
        matching_name = 'Fix Pack Tester'
    elif url.find('https://files.liferay.com') == 0:
        matching_name = 'Hotfix Tester'
    elif url.find('http://files.liferay.com') == 0:
        matching_name = 'Hotfix Tester'
        print('Unable to determine testray routine from %s' % url)

    matching_routine_ids = [
        routine['testrayRoutineId'] for routine in json_response['data']
        if routine['name'] == matching_name

    if len(matching_routine_ids) != 1:
        print('Unable to determine testray routine from %s' % url)
        return None

    return matching_routine_ids[0]
Exemple #6
	def get_fix_pack(columns):
		for link_tag in columns['name'].find_all('a'):
			if link_tag.text != fix_pack_name:

			html = get_liferay_content(link_tag['href'])
			soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')

			for fp_label in soup.find_all('label'):
				if fp_label['for'] is not None and fp_label['for'].find('git-hash') > 0:
					fp_url = fp_label.find_parent('div').find('a')['href']
def get_fix_name_from_id(fix_id):
	if fix_id is None:
		return None

	base_url = 'https://patcher.liferay.com/group/guest/patching/-/osb_patcher/fixes/%s/edit' % fix_id
	fix_html = get_liferay_content(base_url)
	soup = BeautifulSoup(fix_html, 'html.parser')

	textarea = soup.find('textarea', {'id': '_1_WAR_osbpatcherportlet_patcherFixName'})

	if textarea is None:
		return None

	return textarea.text.strip()
Exemple #8
def get_reference(class_name_id, class_pk):
	if class_pk not in external_references[class_name_id]:
		class_name = class_names[class_name_id]
		api_url = 'https://loop.liferay.com/api/jsonws/loop-portlet.%s/view' % loop_service_paths[class_name]

		params = {
			'id': class_pk

		response = json.loads(get_liferay_content(api_url, params))

		data = response['data']

		if class_name == 'com.liferay.loop.model.LoopDivision':
			data = data['loopDivisionCompositeJSONObject']

		external_references[class_name_id][class_pk] = '[%s](https://loop.liferay.com%s)' % (data['name'], data['displayURL'])

	return external_references[class_name_id][class_pk]
Exemple #9
def get_patcher_build(url):
    build_url_parts = url.split('/')
    build_id = build_url_parts[-1]

    if not build_id.isnumeric():
        return None

    print('Looking up metadata for patcher build %s' % build_id)

    base_url = 'https://patcher.liferay.com/api/jsonws/osb-patcher-portlet.builds/view'

    parameters = {'id': build_id}

    json_response = json.loads(
        get_liferay_content(base_url, parameters, 'post'))

    if json_response['status'] != 200:
        print('Unable to retrieve patcher account code for %s' % url)
        return None

    return json_response['data']
def get_run_id(build_id):
    if build_id is None:
        return None

    print('Looking up testray run by testray build')

    base_url = 'https://testray.liferay.com/home/-/testray/runs/index.json'

    parameters = {
        'testrayBuildId': build_id,
        'cur': 0,
        'delta': 100,

    json_response = json.loads(get_liferay_content(base_url, parameters))

    if json_response['status'] != 200:
        print('Unable to determine testray runs for testray build %s' %
        return None

    runs = json_response['data']

    run_factors = [(run, {
        factor['testrayFactorCategoryName']: factor['testrayFactorOptionName']
        for factor in run['testrayFactors']
    }) for run in runs]

    first_run_ids = [
        run['testrayRunId'] for run, run_factor in run_factors
        if run_factor['Application Server'].find('Tomcat') != -1
        and run_factor['Database'].find('MySQL') != -1

    if len(first_run_ids) == 0:
        print('Unable to determine testray runs for testray build %s' %
        return None

    return first_run_ids[0]
def process_patcher_search_container(base_url, parameters, container_name, column_names, callback):
	namespaced_parameters = get_namespaced_parameters('1_WAR_osbpatcherportlet', parameters)
	namespaced_parameters['p_p_state'] = 'exclusive'

	html = get_liferay_content(base_url, namespaced_parameters)
	soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')

	namespaced_container_name = '_1_WAR_osbpatcherportlet_%s' % container_name
	search_container = soup.find('div', {'id': namespaced_container_name})

	if search_container is None:
		print('Unable to find search results %s' % namespaced_container_name)

	table = search_container.find('table')

	if table is None:
		print('Unable to find search results %s' % (namespaced_container_name))

	thead = table.find('thead')
	tbody = table.find('tbody')

	if thead is None or tbody is None:
		print('No search results %s' % (namespaced_container_name))

	column_indices = [-1] * len(column_names)

	for i, th in enumerate(thead.find_all('th')):
		th_text = th.text.strip().lower()

		for j, column_name in enumerate(column_names):
			if th_text == column_name:
				column_indices[j] = i

	missing_column = False

	for column_index, column_name in zip(column_indices, column_names):
		if column_index == -1:
			print('Unable to find column %s in search results %s' % (column_name, namespaced_container_name))
			missing_column = True

	if missing_column:

	for tr in tbody.find_all('tr'):
		cells = tr.find_all('td')

		if cells is None:

		null_cell = False

		for index in column_indices:
			if cells[index] is None:
				null_cell = True

		if not null_cell:
			callback({name: cells[index] for index, name in zip(column_indices, column_names)})
def get_previous_patcher_build(patcher_build):
    if patcher_build is None:
        return None

    account_code = patcher_build['patcherBuildAccountEntryCode']

    if account_code is None:
        return None

    print('Looking up patcher builds for account %s' % account_code)

    base_url = 'https://patcher.liferay.com/api/jsonws/osb-patcher-portlet.accounts/view'

    parameters = {'limit': 10, 'patcherBuildAccountEntryCode': account_code}

    json_response = json.loads(get_liferay_content(base_url, parameters))

    if json_response['status'] != 200:
        print('Unable to retrieve patcher account builds for %s' %
        return None

    matching_builds = [
        build for build in json_response['data']
        if (build['statusLabel'] == 'complete'
            or build['statusLabel'] == 'released')
        and build['downloadURL'][-8:] == patcher_build['downloadURL'][-8:]
        and build['patcherBuildId'] != patcher_build['patcherBuildId']

    account_parameters = {'patcherBuildAccountEntryCode': account_code}

    successful_builds = [
        build for build in matching_builds
        if build['qaStatusLabel'] == 'qa-automation-passed'

    if len(successful_builds) > 0:
        matching_builds = successful_builds

    same_baseline_builds = [
        build for build in matching_builds if build['patcherProjectVersionId']
        == patcher_build['patcherProjectVersionId']

    if len(same_baseline_builds) > 0:
        matching_builds = same_baseline_builds
        account_parameters['patcherProjectVersionId'] = patcher_build[

    account_base_url = 'https://patcher.liferay.com/group/guest/patching/-/osb_patcher/accounts/view'
    account_namespaced_parameters = get_namespaced_parameters(
        '1_WAR_osbpatcherportlet', account_parameters)
    account_query_string = '&'.join([
        '%s=%s' % (key, value)
        for key, value in account_namespaced_parameters.items()

    webbrowser.open_new_tab('%s?%s' % (account_base_url, account_query_string))

    patcher_build_fixes = get_fix_names(patcher_build)

    if len(matching_builds) == 0:
        best_matching_build = None
        best_matching_build_diff = patcher_build_fixes
        best_matching_build_name = patcher_build['patcherProjectVersionName']
        best_matching_build = None
        best_matching_build_fixes = None
        best_matching_build_diff = patcher_build_fixes

        for matching_build in matching_builds:
            matching_build_fixes = get_fix_names(matching_build)
            matching_build_diff = patcher_build_fixes - matching_build_fixes

            if len(matching_build_diff) < len(best_matching_build_diff):
                best_matching_build = matching_build
                best_matching_build_fixes = matching_build_fixes
                best_matching_build_diff = matching_build_diff

        if best_matching_build is not None:
            best_matching_build_name = 'fix-pack-fix-%s' % best_matching_build[

    new_fixes = get_new_fixes(patcher_build['patcherBuildId'],

    if len(same_baseline_builds) > 0:
            % (best_matching_build_name, patcher_build['patcherFixId']))
        tag_name = patcher_build['patcherProjectVersionName']

        if tag_name.find('6.2') == 0:
            tag_name = None

            patcher_build_name = get_62_fix_pack(patcher_build)

            if patcher_build_name is None:
                tag_name = 'fix-pack-base-6210-%s' % tag_name.split(
                    ' ')[1].lower()
                tag_name = get_62_fix_pack_tag(patcher_build_name)

            % (tag_name, patcher_build['patcherFixId']))

    return best_matching_build
Exemple #13

def get_class_name_id(class_name):
    api_url = 'https://loop.liferay.com/api/jsonws/classname/fetch-class-name-id'

    params = {'value': class_name}

    return json.loads(get_liferay_content(api_url, params))

class_name_id = get_class_name_id('com.liferay.loop.model.LoopPerson')

api_url = 'https://loop.liferay.com/api/jsonws/loop-portlet.people/search'
params = {'keywords': screen_name, 'start': -1, 'end': -1}

response_body = json.loads(get_liferay_content(api_url, params))['data']

assert response_body[
    'total'] == 1, '%s did not match exactly one user' % screen_name

loop_person = response_body['results'][0]

class_pk = loop_person['entityClassPK']

api_url = 'https://loop.liferay.com/api/jsonws/loop-portlet.feed/viewOldFeed'
params = {
    'childAssetEntrySetsLimit': 0,
    'classNameId': class_name_id,
    'classPK': class_pk,
    'createTime': 0,
    'likedParticipantsLimit': 0,