def filter_gram(pv_word_gram): scraper.pprint("--filter gram") return_list = [] sorted_gram = sorted(pv_word_gram, key = lambda i:i["count"], reverse=True) r_count = 0 for i in sorted_gram: if r_count < 5: if not i["word"] in config.stop_words: return_list.append(i) r_count+=1 if r_count ==config.term_count: break return return_list
def strip_punctuation(pv_list): scraper.pprint("--strip punctuation") clean_words = [] for item in pv_list: item = item.strip(',') item = item.strip('.') item = item.strip('?') item = item.strip('!') item = item.strip('@') item = item.strip('#') item = item.replace('\n','') item = item.replace('\r','') item = item.rstrip() clean_words.append(item) return clean_words
def read_distros(pv_list): scraper.pprint("--read distros") scraper.pprint("== DISTRIBUTIONS == [TOP 5 WORDS]") for i in pv_list: tmp_string = ' SHOP {}, ID {} = ({}:{}, {}:{}, {}:{}, {}:{}, {}:{})'.format(i[0]['shop_name'],i[0]['shop_id'], i[1]['word'], i[1]['count'],i[2]['word'], i[2]['count'], i[3]['word'], i[3]['count'], i[4]['word'], i[4]['count'], i[5]['word'], i[5]['count']) scraper.pprint(tmp_string) scraper.pprint(' ') return pv_list
def save(distributions, path): scraper.pprint("--save") s_t = '{}'.format(time.time()) time_split = s_t.split('.') e = time_split[0] lcl_path = path + '_{}.csv'.format(e) scraper.pprint('make {}'.format(lcl_path)) with open(lcl_path, "w", newline="") as csvfile: writer = csv.writer(csvfile) writer.writerow(["id", "shop_id", "distribution", "e_time"]) lcl_id = 1 for d in distributions: count_f = {} count_f['count'] = lcl_id d.append(str(time.time())) d.insert(0, count_f) writer.writerow(d) lcl_id += 1
def get_recent_run(): #find the most timestamp of shops added to the archive scraper.pprint('--get recent run') files = os.listdir("./data") dates = [] for f in files: sub_f = f[:-15] if sub_f == "shops": lcl_t = f[6:] lcl_t = lcl_t[:-4] dates.append(lcl_t) dates = sorted(dates, reverse=True) try: date = dates[0] return date except IndexError: scraper.pprint('Data Folder is missing shop lists') return 0
def get_shops(pv_timestamp, key): #get the shop list from ./data/shops_'timestamp' scraper.pprint("--get shops, pv_timestamp: {}".format(pv_timestamp)) lcl_path = "./data/shops_{}.csv".format(pv_timestamp) shops = [] try: with open(lcl_path, newline='') as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='|') count = 0 for row in reader: shop = {} if count > 0: shop['count'] = row[0] shop['id'] = row[1] shop['name'] = row[2] shop['listings'] = row[3] shop['key'] = key shops.append(shop) count += 1 except FileNotFoundError: scraper.pprint( "FILE NOT FOUND ERROR!! Did you provide an incorrect timestamp?") scraper.pprint(" ") shop = {} shop['count'] = 0 shop['id'] = 0 shop['name'] = "Error, FILE NOT FOUND" shop['listings'] = "0" shop['key'] = "KEY NOT SAVED" shops.append(shop) return shops
def save(distributions, save_path, pv_timestamp): scraper.pprint("--save") s_t = '{}'.format(time.time()) time_split = s_t.split('.') e = time_split[0] lcl_path = save_path+'_{}${}.csv'.format(e,pv_timestamp) scraper.pprint('make {}'.format(lcl_path)) with open(lcl_path, "w", newline="") as csvfile: writer = csv.writer(csvfile) writer.writerow( [ "id" ,"distribution" ,"e_time" ] ) lcl_id = 1 for d in distributions: lcl_list = [] lcl_list.append(lcl_id) lcl_list.append(d) lcl_list.append(str(time.time())) writer.writerow(lcl_list) lcl_id+=1
def word_counter(shop): print("shop id: {}, name: {}, listings: {}".format(shop['id'],shop['name'], shop['listings'])) shop_id = shop['id'] key = shop['key'] #returns a distribution chart of the 5 most common terms related to one shop scraper.pprint("--word counter, shop_id: {}".format(shop_id)) #gather data url = "{}/listings/active?limit=25&offset=0&api_key={}".format(shop_id, key) headers = {'user-agent': 'my-app/0.0.1'} r = requests.get(url, headers=headers) r_status=r.status_code scraper.pprint("API RESPONSE: {}".format(r_status)) return_list = [] if r_status == 200: content = r.content d_content = content.decode("utf-8") content_json = json.loads(d_content) result_string = '' #create string for result in content_json['results']: result_string+=str(result['title']) result_string+=str(result['description']) result_list = result_string.lower().split(' ') clean_words = strip_punctuation(result_list) word_set = get_unique_words(clean_words) return_frame = {} return_frame["shop_id"] = shop_id return_frame["shop_name"] = shop["name"] return_list.append(return_frame) for w in filter_gram(count_words(word_set, clean_words)): return_list.append(w) scraper.pprint(" Top Terms: {}".format(return_list)) else: return_dict = {} return_dict["word"] = 'Error Code Status {}'.format(r_status) return_dict["count"] = 1 return_list.append(return_dict) return return_list
def main(): scraper.pprint("--'main,'") key = scraper.get_key() distributions = [] save_path = './data/distribution' arg_length = len(sys.argv) if not arg_length == 2: timestamp = get_recent_run() if arg_length == 2: timestamp = sys.argv[1] scraper.pprint('timestamp: {}'.format(timestamp)) if not timestamp == 0: shops = get_shops(timestamp, key) lcl_distributions = threaded_counter(shops) for lcl in lcl_distributions: distributions.append(lcl) save(read(distributions), save_path) else: scraper.pprint("Please run '' first.")
def word_counter(shop): print("shop: {}".format(shop)) shop_id = shop['id'] key = shop['key'] #returns a distribution chart of the 5 most common terms related to one shop scraper.pprint("--word counter, shop_id: {}".format(shop_id)) #gather data url = "{}/listings/active?limit=25&offset=0&api_key={}".format( shop_id, key) headers = {'user-agent': 'my-app/0.0.1'} r = requests.get(url, headers=headers) r_status = r.status_code scraper.pprint("API RESPONSE: {}".format(r_status)) if r_status == 200: content = r.content d_content = content.decode("utf-8") content_json = json.loads(d_content) result_string = '' #create string for result in content_json['results']: result_string += str(result['title']) result_string += str(result['description']) result_list = result_string.lower().split(' ') word_set = set() clean_words = [] #process data for item in result_list: item = item.strip(',') item = item.strip('.') item = item.strip('\n') word_set.add(item) clean_words.append(item) return_list = [] return_frame = {} return_frame["shop_id"] = shop_id return_list.append(return_frame) word_gram = [] #use word set to build set of unique words for w_set in word_set: tmp_word = w_set count = 0 #count the occurances of the clean words for w_word in clean_words: if w_set == w_word: count += 1 word_frame = {} word_frame['word'] = tmp_word word_frame['count'] = count word_gram.append(word_frame) sorted_gram = sorted(word_gram, key=lambda i: i["count"], reverse=True) r_count = 0 for i in sorted_gram: if r_count < 5: if not i["word"] == '': if not i["word"] == '–': return_list.append(i) r_count += 1 if r_count == config.term_count: break scraper.pprint(" Top Terms: {}".format(return_list)) else: return_dict = {} return_dict["word"] = 'Error Code Status {}'.format(r_status) return_dict["count"] = 1 return_list.append(return_dict) return return_list
def threaded_counter(shops): scraper.pprint('--threader') pool = ThreadPool(4) results =, shops) return results
def read(pv_list): scraper.pprint("--read") for item in pv_list: scraper.pprint(item) return pv_list