Exemple #1
def scrape(request, tvdb_id):
    Takes a scrape request, constructs a Scraper object and performs a scrape for the show if it hasn't been scraped
    before or hasn't been scraped within the last :math:`x` days (where :math:`x` is the number of days specified by
    RESCRAPE_AFTER). Otherwise if the show exists and has been scraped within the last :math:`x` days redirect to the
    appropriate show page

    :param request: A Scrape request object.
    :param tvdb_id: The id of the tv show to be scraped (or shown)
    :return: A HttpResponse Object containing the page of the show requested.

    # Determine if the show already exists in the datastore
    q = TVShow.get_by_key_name(tvdb_id)

    if users.is_current_user_admin() and 'force' in request.GET and request.GET[
        'force'] == '1':
        Scraper(tvdb_id, rescrape=True, options=q.options)
        return HttpResponseRedirect('/show/{0}'.format(q.url_string))

    # Check if the show has been scraped before and if that scrape was in the last x days specified by RESCRAPE_AFTER
    if q and q.last_scraped > datetime.now() - timedelta(days=RESCRAPE_AFTER):
        url_slug = q.url_string
        # If scraping is switched on then scrape the show
        if settings.SCRAPING:
            s = Scraper(tvdb_id)
            url_slug = s.get_url_slug()
            url_slug = tvdb_id

    return HttpResponseRedirect('/show/{0}'.format(url_slug))