Exemple #1
### Add additional arguments here.
args = parser.parse_args()
curr_time = args.curr_time
download_desktop = args.download_desktop
download_mobile = args.download_mobile
parse = args.parse
parsefile = args.parsefile

### Grab the information from our configuration file
config = scraperfunctions.load_config()

### Get the current time if we don't already have one (and transform into a date object)
curr_time = scraperfunctions.get_curr_time(curr_time, parsefile)

### Establish our MySQL Connection (for logging, etc.)
engine, connection, metadata, mysql_table_name, mysql_log_name = scraperfunctions.create_mysql_engine(

########### Download actions
if download_desktop == 1:
        ### Initiate our virtual display
        print("Initiating virtual display")
        display = Display(visible=0, size=(1920, 1080))

        ### Let's start our browser
        browser = scraperfunctions.create_browser()

        ### Let's load the page work
        scraperfunctions.load_homepage(browser, pubshort, puburl)
Exemple #2
### Add additional arguments here.
args = parser.parse_args()
curr_time = args.curr_time
download_desktop = args.download_desktop
download_mobile = args.download_mobile
parse = args.parse
parsefile = args.parsefile

### Grab the information from our configuration file
config = scraperfunctions.load_config()

### Get the current time if we don't already have one (and transform into a date object)
curr_time = scraperfunctions.get_curr_time(curr_time, parsefile)

### Establish our MySQL Connection (for logging, etc.)
engine, connection, metadata, mysql_table_name, mysql_log_name = scraperfunctions.create_mysql_engine(config)

########### Download actions
if download_desktop == 1:
        ### Initiate our virtual display
        print("Initiating virtual display")
        display = Display(visible=0, size=(1920, 1080))
        ### Let's start our browser
        browser = scraperfunctions.create_browser()
        ### Let's load the page work
        scraperfunctions.load_homepage(browser, pubshort, puburl)