def parse_materials(self, response):
        reportnum = response.request.meta['reportnum']
        text = unicode (response.body, response.encoding)
        hxs = HtmlXPathSelector(text=text)
        materials = ('//table[@class="t16Standard"]/tr')
        if (len(materials) == 0):
            self.log('Materials data not present in response from {0}'.format(response.url), log.INFO)
            # Skip the first report record because this is the header row
            materials.pop (0)
            if (len(materials) == 0):
                self.log('No materials reports found in response {0}'
                         .format(reportnum), log.INFO)
                self.log('Retrieved {0} materials records in report {1}'
                         .format(len(materials),reportnum), log.INFO)

        for material in materials:
            l = XPathItemLoader(NrcScrapedMaterial(), material)
            l.name_in = lambda slist: [s[:32] for s in slist]
            l.add_value('reportnum', reportnum)
            for name, params in NrcScrapedMaterial.fields.items():
                if 'xpath' in params:
                    l.add_xpath(name, params['xpath'])
            item = l.load_item()
            yield item
        self.db.setBotTaskStatus(reportnum,, 'DONE')