def get_new_image_name(self): count = 0 while True: name = 'latex-image-%d' % count try: scribus.getImageFile(name) except scribus.NoValidObjectError: return name count += 1
def run(self): selCount = scribus.selectionCount() if selCount == 0: scribus.messageBox('Scribus Data Merger- Usage Error', "There is no objects selected.\nPlease try again.", scribus.ICON_WARNING, scribus.BUTTON_OK) sys.exit(2) csvData = self.loadCsvData() # Create a list with the names of the selected objects: selectedObjects = [] # Loop through the selected objects and put their names into the list selectedObjects o = 0 while (o < selCount): selectedObjects.append(scribus.getSelectedObject(o)) o = o + 1 startingPage = scribus.currentPage() lastRow = len(csvData) if(self.__dataObject.getNumberOfLinesToMerge() != 'All'): lastRow = int(self.__dataObject.getNumberOfLinesToMerge()) lastRow = min(lastRow, len(csvData)) # This will prevent the script from trying to merge data from non-existing rows in the data file currentPage = scribus.currentPage() rowNumber = 0 insertPageBeforeThis = -1 while (rowNumber < lastRow): if(scribus.pageCount() > currentPage): insertPageBeforeThis = currentPage + 1 scribus.newPage(insertPageBeforeThis) # Inserts a page before the page given as an argument currentPage = currentPage + 1 for selectedObject in selectedObjects: # Loop through the names of all the selected objects scribus.gotoPage(startingPage) # Set the working page to the one we want to copy objects from scribus.copyObject(selectedObject) scribus.gotoPage(currentPage) scribus.pasteObject() # Paste the copied object on the new page scribus.docChanged(1) scribus.gotoPage(currentPage) # Make sure ware are on the current page before we call getAllObjects() newPageObejcts = scribus.getAllObjects() for pastedObject in newPageObejcts: # Loop through all the items on the current page objType = scribus.getObjectType(pastedObject) text = CONST.EMPTY if(objType == 'TextFrame'): text = scribus.getAllText(pastedObject) # This should have used getText but getText does not return the text values of just pasted objects text = self.replaceText(csvData[rowNumber], text) scribus.setText(text, pastedObject) if(objType == 'ImageFrame'): text = scribus.getImageFile(pastedObject) #"Image text", text) # Todo: Find out if it is possible to replace text in the ImageFile property rowNumber = rowNumber + 1 scribus.setRedraw(1) scribus.docChanged(1) scribus.messageBox("Merge Completed", "Merge Completed", icon=scribus.ICON_INFORMATION, button1=scribus.BUTTON_OK)
def exportText(textfile): page = 1 pagenum = scribus.pageCount() T = [] content = [] while (page <= pagenum): scribus.gotoPage(page) d = scribus.getPageItems() strpage = str(page) T.append('Page ' + strpage + '\n\n') for item in d: if (item[1] == 4): contents = scribus.getAllText(item[0]) if (contents in content): contents = 'Duplication, perhaps linked-to frame' T.append(item[0] + ': ' + contents + '\n\n') content.append(contents) elif (item[1] == 2): imgname = scribus.getImageFile(item[0]) T.append(item[0] + ': ' + imgname + '\n') page += 1 T.append('\n') output_file = open(textfile, 'w') output_file.writelines(T) output_file.close() endmessage = textfile + ' was created' scribus.messageBox("Finished", endmessage, scribus.ICON_NONE, scribus.BUTTON_OK)
def main(): # haben wir ein Dokument geoeffnet if scribus.haveDoc(): # haben wir in diesem Dokument genau *ein* Objekt markiert if (scribus.selectionCount() == 1): # Ist dieses Objekt ein Bild, dann if (scribus.getObjectType() == "ImageFrame"): # lese den vollstaendigen Namen der datei (inkl. Pfad) in die Variable name name = scribus.getImageFile() # bastele einen neuen Namen aus dem Pfad, %VAR_ und dem Objektnamen und schreibe ihn als Standardwert in den Dialog newname = scribus.valueDialog( os.path.split(name)[1] + " wird ersetzt durch %VAR_[name]%", "Variablenname ergänzen: ", os.path.split(name)[0] + "/%VAR_" + scribus.getSelectedObject() + "%") # uebernehme den Wert aus dem Dialogfenster (keine plausibilitaetspruefung. das ist ein beliebiger String scribus.loadImage(newname) else: scribus.messageBox("Fehler", "markierter Frame ist kein Bildrahmen", scribus.ICON_CRITICAL) else: scribus.messageBox("Fehler", "bitte *einen* Bildrahmen markieren", scribus.ICON_CRITICAL) else: scribus.messageBox("Fehler", "kein Dokument geöffnet", scribus.ICON_CRITICAL)
def exportText(textfile): page = 1 pagenum = scribus.pageCount() T = [] content = [] while (page <= pagenum): scribus.gotoPage(page) d = scribus.getPageItems() strpage = str(page) T.append('Page '+ strpage + '\n\n') for item in d: if (item[1] == 4): contents = scribus.getAllText(item[0]) if (contents in content): contents = 'Duplication, perhaps linked-to frame' T.append(item[0]+': '+ contents + '\n\n') content.append(contents) elif (item[1] == 2): imgname = scribus.getImageFile(item[0]) T.append(item[0]+': ' + imgname + '\n') page += 1 T.append('\n') output_file = open(textfile,'w') output_file.writelines(T) output_file.close() endmessage = textfile + ' was created' scribus.messageBox("Finished", endmessage,icon=0,button1=1)
def fill_image_placeholders(frame, fields, row): filename = scribus.getImageFile(frame) for field in fields: print(field) new_filename = filename[0:field['start']] + \ row[field['key']] + \ filename[field['end'] + 1:] scribus.loadImage(new_filename, frame)
def __init__(self, *args): """ Optional argument "name" """ if len(args) > 0: = args[0] self.path = sc.getImageFile( self.width, self.height = sc.getSize( self.offset_x, self.offset_y = sc.getImageOffset( self.scale_x, self.scale_y = sc.getImageScale(
def main(argv): """This is a documentation string. Write a description of what your code does here. You should generally put documentation strings ("docstrings") on all your Python functions.""" ######################### # YOUR CODE GOES HERE # ######################### #copyPlayer("__player__","PLAYER 1") #copyPlayer("__player__","PLAYER 2") #copyPlayer("__player__","PLAYER 3") csv = scribus.fileDialog('Open input', 'CSV files (*.csv)') stuff = { 'NAME': 'Mike Hingley', 'ADDRESS': '22 Trinity Street, Cradley Heath, West Midlands', 'PHOTO': '128.jpg' } print(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0]))) print os.getcwd() print(sys.path[0]) print(os.path.abspath('')) sourceName = "__player__" if scribus.objectExists(sourceName): scribus.selectObject(sourceName) scribus.unGroupObject() childObjectCount = scribus.selectionCount() for x in range(0, childObjectCount): element = scribus.getSelectedObject(x) if scribus.getObjectType(str(element)) == 'TextFrame': current = scribus.getAllText(element) if current in stuff: fontsize = scribus.getFontSize(element) font = scribus.getFont(element) scribus.setText(stuff[current], element) scribus.setFont(font) scribus.setFontSize(fontsize) if scribus.getObjectType(str(element)) == 'ImageFrame': current = scribus.getImageFile(element) currentName = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(current)) print current print currentName if currentName in stuff: ExistingFolder = os.path.split(current) print ExistingFolder[0] newFile = os.path.join(ExistingFolder[0], stuff[currentName]) print newFile scribus.loadImage(newFile, element) print scribus.getObjectType(str(element)) print str(scribus.getSelectedObject(x)) scribus.groupObjects() print "name = " + scribus.getSelectedObject() scribus.setNewName("__player__", scribus.getSelectedObject())
def slotOkClicked(self): global CWD text = self.text.text() preamble = self.preamble.text() scale = self.scale.value() CWD = self.cwd.text() DPI = 600.0 os.chdir(CWD) try: img = scribus.getSelectedObject() scribus.getImageFile(img) except scribus.NoValidObjectError: img = self.get_new_image_name() scribus.createImage(0, 0, 10, 10, img) img_file = os.path.abspath('%s.png' % img) self.generate_latex(text, preamble, scale, img_file, DPI*scale) info = open(img_file + '.info', 'w') info.write("%s\n" % preamble) info.write("%g\n" % scale) info.write(text) info.close() x =, 'r') w, h = x.size del x scribus.setUnit(scribus.UNIT_MILLIMETERS) scribus.loadImage(img_file, img) scribus.setScaleImageToFrame(True, True, img) x, y = scribus.getPosition(img) scribus.sizeObject(x + w*25.4/DPI, y + h*25.4/DPI, img) self.accept()
def listImages(filename): file_content = [] for page in range(1, scribus.pageCount() + 1): scribus.gotoPage(page) file_content.append('Page ' + str(page) + '\n\n') for item in scribus.getPageItems(): if item[1] == 2: file_content.append(scribus.getImageFile(item[0]) + '\n') file_content.append('\n') output_file = open(filename, 'w') output_file.writelines(file_content) output_file.close()
def cleanup_dead_images(self): os.chdir(CWD) files = glob.glob('latex-image-*.png') for filename in files: imgname = filename[:-4] try: img_file = scribus.getImageFile(imgname) continue except scribus.NoValidObjectError: pass if os.path.exists(filename): os.remove(filename) if os.path.exists(filename + '.info'): os.remove(filename + '.info')
def get_all_empty_images_frames(): image_frames = [] for page in range(1, scribus.pageCount() + 1): page_image_frames = [] scribus.gotoPage(page) # get all empty image frames on the page for item in scribus.getPageItems(): if item[1] == 2: if scribus.getImageFile(item[0]) == "": x, y = scribus.getPosition(item[0]) page_image_frames.append((item[0], x, y)) # sort the frames by position page_image_frames.sort(key=lambda k: [k[2], k[1]]) image_frames += [i[0] for i in page_image_frames] return image_frames
def main(): if sc.selectionCount() == 2: images = ( sc.getSelectedObject(0), sc.getSelectedObject(1) ) for image in images: if sc.getObjectType(image) != "ImageFrame": logging.debug(f"Image type {sc.getObjectType(image)}, but 'ImageFrame' expected") error_msg(f'{image} not an image frame. But type {sc.getObjectType(image)}') image_files = (sc.getImageFile(images[0]), sc.getImageFile(images[1])) # keep Scale and Offset, before reset by image load image_0_offset = sc.getImageOffset(images[0]) image_0_scale = sc.getImageScale(images[0]) image_1_offset = sc.getImageOffset(images[1]) image_1_scale = sc.getImageScale(images[1]) sc.loadImage(image_files[1], images[0]) sc.loadImage(image_files[0], images[1]) if sc.getSize(images[0]) == sc.getSize(images[1]): # Frames have the same size swap scale and offset logging.debug(f"Frames have the same size {sc.getSize(images[0])}, swap offset and scale") logging.debug(f"Image 0: {images[0]}, Image 1: {images[1]}") logging.debug(f"Image properties: offset {sc.getImageOffset(images[0])}, scale {image_0_scale}") sc.setImageOffset(*image_1_offset, images[0]) sc.setImageScale(*image_1_scale, images[0]) sc.setImageOffset(*image_0_offset, images[1]) sc.setImageScale(*image_0_scale, images[1]) else: # scale and center logging.debug("Different size scale and center, both.") for name in images: x, y = sff.scale_to_frame(name) sff.center_image(name, x, y) else: logging.debug(f"{sc.selectionCount()} frames selected.") error_msg(f'{sc.selectionCount()} frames selected')
def drawPlaceholders(): page = scribus.getPageSize() margin = scribus.getPageMargins() # add the page margins rectangle = scribus.createRect(margin[1], margin[0], (page[0] - margin[1] - margin[2]), (page[1] - margin[0] - margin[3])) scribus.setFillColor('none', rectangle) scribus.setLineColor('Blue', rectangle) scribus.setLineWidth(0.4, rectangle) # add horizontal and vertical guides for item in scribus.getHGuides(): line = scribus.createLine(0, item, page[0], item) scribus.setLineColor('Black', line) scribus.setLineWidth(0.6, line) scribus.setLineStyle(scribus.LINE_DASHDOT, line) for item in scribus.getVGuides(): line = scribus.createLine(item, 0, item, page[0]) scribus.setLineColor('Black', line) scribus.setLineWidth(0.6, line) scribus.setLineStyle(scribus.LINE_DASHDOT, line) # add a "crossed frame" for missing images for item in scribus.getAllObjects(): if scribus.getObjectType(item) == 'ImageFrame': image = scribus.getImageFile(item) if image == '': pos = scribus.getPosition(item) size = scribus.getSize(item) rectangle = scribus.createRect(pos[0], pos[1], size[0], size[1]) scribus.setFillColor('none', rectangle) scribus.setLineColor('Black', rectangle) scribus.setLineWidth(0.4, rectangle) line = scribus.createLine(pos[0], pos[1], pos[0] + size[0], pos[1] + size[1]) scribus.setLineColor('Black', line) scribus.setLineWidth(0.4, line) line = scribus.createLine(pos[0], pos[1] + size[1], pos[0] + size[0], pos[1]) scribus.setLineColor('Black', line) scribus.setLineWidth(0.4, line)
def fetch_info(self): try: name = scribus.getImageFile() info_name = '' % name if os.path.exists(info_name): f = open(info_name, 'r') try: preamble = f.readline().strip() scale = float(f.readline().strip()) text = self.text.setText(text) self.scale.setValue(scale) self.preamble.setText(preamble) finally: f.close() except scribus.NoValidObjectError: return
def exportText(filename): file_content = [] content = [] for page in range(1, scribus.pageCount() + 1): scribus.gotoPage(page) file_content.append('Page ' + str(page) + '\n\n') for item in scribus.getPageItems(): if item[1] == 4: contents = scribus.getAllText(item[0]) if contents in content: contents = 'Duplication, perhaps linked-to frame' file_content.append(item[0] + ': ' + contents + '\n\n') content.append(contents) elif item[1] == 2: imgname = scribus.getImageFile(item[0]) file_content.append(item[0] + ': ' + imgname + '\n') file_content.append('\n') output_file = open(filename, 'w') output_file.writelines(file_content) output_file.close()
def drawPlaceholders(): page = scribus.getPageSize() margin = scribus.getPageMargins() # add the page margins rectangle = scribus.createRect(margin[1], margin[0], (page[0] - margin[1] - margin[2]), (page[1] - margin[0] - margin[3])) scribus.setFillColor('none', rectangle) scribus.setLineColor('Blue', rectangle) scribus.setLineWidth(0.4, rectangle) # add horizontal and vertical guides for item in scribus.getHGuides(): line = scribus.createLine(0, item , page[0], item) scribus.setLineColor('Black', line) scribus.setLineWidth(0.6, line) scribus.setLineStyle(scribus.LINE_DASHDOT, line) for item in scribus.getVGuides(): line = scribus.createLine(item, 0 , item, page[0]) scribus.setLineColor('Black', line) scribus.setLineWidth(0.6, line) scribus.setLineStyle(scribus.LINE_DASHDOT, line) # add a "crossed frame" for missing images for item in scribus.getAllObjects(): if scribus.getObjectType(item) == 'ImageFrame': image = scribus.getImageFile(item) if image == '': pos = scribus.getPosition(item) size = scribus.getSize(item) rectangle = scribus.createRect(pos[0], pos[1], size[0], size[1]) scribus.setFillColor('none', rectangle) scribus.setLineColor('Black', rectangle) scribus.setLineWidth(0.4, rectangle) line = scribus.createLine(pos[0], pos[1] , pos[0] + size[0], pos[1] + size[1]) scribus.setLineColor('Black', line) scribus.setLineWidth(0.4, line) line = scribus.createLine(pos[0], pos[1] + size[1], pos[0] + size[0], pos[1]) scribus.setLineColor('Black', line) scribus.setLineWidth(0.4, line)
import scribus import os.path page_n = scribus.pageCount() item_missing = [] # create a list of items with a brokein link for page_i in range(0, page_n) : scribus.gotoPage(page_i + 1) item_list = scribus.getPageItems() #print(item_list) for item in item_list : if item[1] == 2 : image_filepath = "" image_filepath = scribus.getImageFile(item[0]) print(image_filepath) if image_filepath != "" and not os.path.isfile(image_filepath) : item_missing.append((item[0], image_filepath)) # print(item_missing) # read the link for the first image with a broken link and try to apply the path # to each other image with a broken link if item_missing : if scribus.messageBox("Missing images", "There are missing images. Do you want to look for them?", scribus.ICON_WARNING, scribus.BUTTON_YES, scribus.BUTTON_NO) == scribus.BUTTON_YES: filename_found = scribus.fileDialog("Find "+os.path.basename(item_missing[0][1]), "Image files (*."+os.path.splitext(item_missing[0][1])[1][1:]+")") # print(filename_found) if filename_found: path_found = os.path.dirname(filename_found) # print("path_found "+path_found)
## contribution from jvr14115, ## run from within Scribus > Script > run Script import os import re import scribus Edoc = scribus.getDocName() Edoc = Edoc.replace('.sla', '') file_name = Edoc + 'Elements.csv' Edoc = Edoc.replace('Elements.csv', '') Edoc ='(.*)/(.*)', Edoc).group(2) f = open(file_name, 'w+') f.write('Template,Element,ElementType') f.write('\n') objL = scribus.getAllObjects() for obj in objL: objT = scribus.getObjectType(obj) Evar = '' if objT == 'ImageFrame': Etype = 'image' Evar = scribus.getImageFile(obj) if objT == 'TextFrame': Etype = 'text' Evar = scribus.getAllText(obj) if '%VAR_' in Evar: Evar = re.sub('^[^%VAR_]*%VAR_', '', Evar) Evar = Evar[:-1] f.write(Edoc + ';"' + Evar + '";' + Etype + '\n') f.close
def get_image_placeholders(frame): filename = scribus.getImageFile(frame) return get_placeholders_from_string(filename)
import scribus import os.path page_n = scribus.pageCount() item_missing = [] # create a list of items with a brokein link for page_i in range(0, page_n): scribus.gotoPage(page_i + 1) item_list = scribus.getPageItems() #print(item_list) for item in item_list: if item[1] == 2: image_filepath = "" image_filepath = scribus.getImageFile(item[0]) print(image_filepath) if image_filepath != "" and not os.path.isfile(image_filepath): item_missing.append((item[0], image_filepath)) # print(item_missing) # read the link for the first image with a broken link and try to apply the path # to each other image with a broken link if item_missing: if scribus.messageBox( "Missing images", "There are missing images. Do you want to look for them?", scribus.ICON_WARNING, scribus.BUTTON_YES, scribus.BUTTON_NO) == scribus.BUTTON_YES: filename_found = scribus.fileDialog( "Find " + os.path.basename(item_missing[0][1]), "Image files (*." +
if not scribus.haveDoc(): scribus.messageBox('Usage Error', 'You need a Document open', icon=0, button1=1) sys.exit(2) # TODO: ask for the range of pages (current page if empty) unit = scribus.getUnit() scribus.setUnit(unit) scribus.setUnit(scribus.UNIT_MILLIMETERS) item = scribus.getSelectedObject() path = scribus.getImageFile(item) if path == '': scribus.messageBox('Usage Error', 'You need to first load an image', icon=0, button1=1) sys.exit(2) scribus.setScaleImageToFrame(True, False, item) scribus.setScaleImageToFrame(False, False, item) scale = scribus.getImageScale(item) max_scale = max(scale) scribus.setImageScale(max_scale, max_scale, item) scribus.setUnit(unit)
def is_imageframe_empty(name): file = sc.getImageFile(name) if len(file) > 0: return False return True
for i in range(n): scribus.selectText(i, 1) original = scribus.getText() if original not in charsIgnore and len(original) > 0: shuffled = chars.pop(0) if original.isupper(): shuffled = shuffled.upper() scribus.insertText(shuffled, i) scribus.selectText(i + 1, 1) scribus.deleteText() for item in imageFrame: print item scribus.messagebarText("Processing image frame " + item) scribus.redrawAll() imageFile = scribus.getImageFile(item) fileName, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(imageFile) imageFileBlurred = fileName + "_blurred" + fileExtension # TODO: instead of using image magick we should expos scribus' own blur to the scripter if distutils.spawn.find_executable("convert") != "": command = "identify " + imageFile result = os.popen(command).read() if result != "": size = max( result.split(" ")[2].split("x")) # extract max(width, height) command = "convert " + imageFile + " -blur 0x" + str( int(size) / 50) + " " + imageFileBlurred # print command os.system(command) scribus.loadImage(imageFileBlurred, item)
for item in scribus.getHGuides(): line = scribus.createLine(0, item , page[0], item) scribus.setLineColor('Black', line) scribus.setLineWidth(0.6, line) scribus.setLineStyle(scribus.LINE_DASHDOT, line) for item in scribus.getVGuides(): line = scribus.createLine(item, 0 , item, page[1]) scribus.setLineColor('Black', line) scribus.setLineWidth(0.6, line) scribus.setLineStyle(scribus.LINE_DASHDOT, line) # add a "crossed frame" for missing images for item in scribus.getAllObjects(): if scribus.getObjectType(item) == 'ImageFrame': image = scribus.getImageFile(item) if image == '': pos = scribus.getPosition(item) size = scribus.getSize(item) rectangle = scribus.createRect(pos[0], pos[1], size[0], size[1]) scribus.setFillColor('none', rectangle) scribus.setLineColor('Black', rectangle) scribus.setLineWidth(0.4, rectangle) line = scribus.createLine(pos[0], pos[1] , pos[0] + size[0], pos[1] + size[1]) scribus.setLineColor('Black', line) scribus.setLineWidth(0.4, line) line = scribus.createLine(pos[0], pos[1] + size[1], pos[0] + size[0], pos[1]) scribus.setLineColor('Black', line) scribus.setLineWidth(0.4, line) scribus.setActiveLayer(layer)
sys.exit(1) item = scribus.getSelectedObject(0) path_images = None filename_png = None path_png = None path_svg = None if (scribus.getObjectType(item) == 'TextFrame'): path = scribus.getAllText() if path != '': base_path = os.path.dirname(scribus.getDocName()) filename_png = os.path.join(base_path, path) elif (scribus.getObjectType(item) == 'ImageFrame'): filename_png = scribus.getImageFile() if path_png == '': filename_png = None if filename_png == None: scribus.messageBox( 'Error:', 'You need to select a text frame containing the path to the image or an image frame with an old version of the image' ) sys.exit(1) print(filename_png) filename_svg = os.path.splitext(filename_png)[0] + '.svg'