def run(self): selCount = scribus.selectionCount() if selCount == 0: scribus.messageBox('Scribus Data Merger- Usage Error', "There is no objects selected.\nPlease try again.", scribus.ICON_WARNING, scribus.BUTTON_OK) sys.exit(2) csvData = self.loadCsvData() # Create a list with the names of the selected objects: selectedObjects = [] # Loop through the selected objects and put their names into the list selectedObjects o = 0 while (o < selCount): selectedObjects.append(scribus.getSelectedObject(o)) o = o + 1 startingPage = scribus.currentPage() lastRow = len(csvData) if(self.__dataObject.getNumberOfLinesToMerge() != 'All'): lastRow = int(self.__dataObject.getNumberOfLinesToMerge()) lastRow = min(lastRow, len(csvData)) # This will prevent the script from trying to merge data from non-existing rows in the data file currentPage = scribus.currentPage() rowNumber = 0 insertPageBeforeThis = -1 while (rowNumber < lastRow): if(scribus.pageCount() > currentPage): insertPageBeforeThis = currentPage + 1 scribus.newPage(insertPageBeforeThis) # Inserts a page before the page given as an argument currentPage = currentPage + 1 for selectedObject in selectedObjects: # Loop through the names of all the selected objects scribus.gotoPage(startingPage) # Set the working page to the one we want to copy objects from scribus.copyObject(selectedObject) scribus.gotoPage(currentPage) scribus.pasteObject() # Paste the copied object on the new page scribus.docChanged(1) scribus.gotoPage(currentPage) # Make sure ware are on the current page before we call getAllObjects() newPageObejcts = scribus.getAllObjects() for pastedObject in newPageObejcts: # Loop through all the items on the current page objType = scribus.getObjectType(pastedObject) text = CONST.EMPTY if(objType == 'TextFrame'): text = scribus.getAllText(pastedObject) # This should have used getText but getText does not return the text values of just pasted objects text = self.replaceText(csvData[rowNumber], text) scribus.setText(text, pastedObject) if(objType == 'ImageFrame'): text = scribus.getImageFile(pastedObject) #"Image text", text) # Todo: Find out if it is possible to replace text in the ImageFile property rowNumber = rowNumber + 1 scribus.setRedraw(1) scribus.docChanged(1) scribus.messageBox("Merge Completed", "Merge Completed", icon=scribus.ICON_INFORMATION, button1=scribus.BUTTON_OK)
def copyPlayer(sourceName, destinationName): if scribus.objectExists(sourceName): doc = scribus.getDocName() unit = scribus.getUnit() (PageWidth, PageHeight) = scribus.getPageSize() (iT, iI, iO, iB) = scribus.getPageMargins() NewPagepoint = PageHeight - iT - iB player = scribus.selectObject(sourceName) #Duplicate the object... scribus.duplicateObject(sourceName) x = scribus.getSelectedObject() newObjectName = str(x) size = scribus.getSize(newObjectName) scribus.moveObject(0, size[1], newObjectName) (x, y) = scribus.getPosition(newObjectName) scribus.setRedraw(1) scribus.docChanged(1) if (y + size[1] > NewPagepoint): currentPage = scribus.currentPage() scribus.newPage(-1) newPage = currentPage + 1 scribus.copyObject(newObjectName) scribus.deleteObject(newObjectName) scribus.gotoPage(newPage) scribus.pasteObject(newObjectName) scribus.moveObjectAbs(iO, iT, newObjectName) scribus.setNewName(destinationName, sourceName) scribus.setNewName(sourceName, newObjectName)
def duplicate_content(pages, named_items): """ duplicate the content of pages at the end of the document and track the new item names for the items in named_items return the list of created item names from named_items """ result = {} page_n = scribus.pageCount() for page in pages: scribus.gotoPage(page) items = [item[0] for item in scribus.getPageItems()] scribus.newPage(-1, scribus.getMasterPage(page)) page_n += 1 for item in items: scribus.gotoPage(page) scribus.copyObject(item) scribus.gotoPage(page_n) scribus.pasteObject() if item in named_items: result[item] = scribus.getSelectedObject() return result
def main(): pass n = scribus.selectionCount() if n == 0: scribus.messageBox('Error', 'No item selected') return items = [] for i in range(n): items.append(scribus.getSelectedObject(i)) for item in items: pos = scribus.getPosition(item) dx, dy = pos scribus.pasteObject() new_item = scribus.getSelectedObject() pos = scribus.getPosition(new_item) dx, dy = dx - pos[0], dy - pos[1] scribus.moveObject(dx, dy, new_item) scribus.deleteObject(item)
scribus.createLayer(fantome) working = scribus.getActiveLayer() page = 1 pagenum = scribus.pageCount() while (page <= pagenum): scribus.gotoPage(page) scribus.setActiveLayer(working) # maybe not necessary? pageitems = scribus.getPageItems() for item in pageitems: if (item[1] == 2): imagebox = item[0] scribus.selectObject(imagebox) scribus.copyObject(imagebox) scribus.setActiveLayer(fantome) scribus.pasteObject(imagebox) scribus.deleteObject(imagebox) scribus.setActiveLayer(working) page += 1 scribus.setLayerPrintable(fantome, 0) # comment this out to do manually later scribus.setLayerVisible(fantome, 0) # comment this out to do manually later scribus.setRedraw(1) scribus.docChanged(1) scribus.messageBox("Finished", "That should do it!", icon=0, button1=1) else: scribus.messageBox('Usage Error', 'You need a Document open', icon=0,
import scribus if not scribus.haveDoc(): scribus.messagebarText("No .") sys.exit() path = "/tmp/t/lot_forum" extensions = ['jpg', 'png', 'tif'] filenames = [f for f in os.listdir(path) if any(f.endswith(ext) for ext in extensions)] if not filenames: scribus.messagebarText("No image found.") sys.exit() page = 1 n_pages = scribus.pageCount() scribus.copyObject() scribus.loadImage(filenames[0]) filenames = filenames[1:] for filename in filenames: if page <= n_pages: scribus.gotoPage(page) else: scribus.newPage(-1) scribus.gotoPage(scribus.pageCount()) page_item = scribus.pasteObject() scribus.loadImage(filename, page_item)
scribus.messageBox('Scribus - Usage Error', "There is no object selected.\nPlease try again.", scribus.ICON_WARNING, scribus.BUTTON_OK) sys.exit(2) if scribus.selectionCount() > 1: scribus.messageBox('Scribus - Usage Error', "You have more than one object selected. \nPlease select one object and try again.", scribus.ICON_WARNING, scribus.BUTTON_OK) sys.exit(2) pagelist = scribus.valueDialog('Paste to...',"Paste to which pages? \n(page numbers, separated by white space)","1") pageslist = pagelist.split() selframe = scribus.getSelectedObject() pages = scribus.pageCount() for p in pageslist: p_no = int(p) if ((p_no > pages) or (p_no < 1)): scribus.messageBox('OOPS!', "You have a page number outside the range of pages in your document", scribus.ICON_WARNING, scribus.BUTTON_OK) sys.exit(2) scribus.copyObject(selframe) for p in pageslist: p_no = int(p) scribus.gotoPage(p_no) scribus.pasteObject(selframe) scribus.setRedraw(1) scribus.docChanged(1) scribus.messageBox("Finished", "Done",icon=0,button1=1) else: scribus.messageBox('Usage Error', 'You need a Document open', icon=0, button1=1) sys.exit(2)
fantome = "Ghostlayer" scribus.createLayer(fantome) working = scribus.getActiveLayer() page = 1 pagenum = scribus.pageCount() while (page <= pagenum): scribus.gotoPage(page) scribus.setActiveLayer(working) # maybe not necessary? pageitems = scribus.getPageItems() for item in pageitems: if (item[1] == 2): imagebox = item[0] scribus.selectObject(imagebox) scribus.copyObject(imagebox) scribus.setActiveLayer(fantome) scribus.pasteObject(imagebox) scribus.deleteObject(imagebox) scribus.setActiveLayer(working) page += 1 scribus.setLayerPrintable(fantome, 0) # comment this out to do manually later scribus.setLayerVisible(fantome, 0) # comment this out to do manually later scribus.setRedraw(1) scribus.docChanged(1) scribus.messageBox("Finished", "That should do it!",icon=0,button1=1) else: scribus.messageBox('Usage Error', 'You need a Document open', icon=0, button1=1) sys.exit(2)