def initialize(): trfpga.set_time_length(recordTime) paulsbox.program(pbox, pboxDict) trigger.switch_auto('axial', False) #axial needs to be inverted, so that high TTL corresponds to light ON trigger.switch_auto('110DP', True) #high TTL corresponds to light OFF trigger.switch_auto('866DP', True) #high TTL corresponds to light OFF trigger.switch_manual('crystallization', False) #high TTL corresponds to light OFF #make sure r&s synthesizers are on, and are of correct frequency #heating'axial') dpass.frequency(axfreq) dpass.output(True) #readout / cooling'110DP') dpass.output(True) rs110DP.select_device(dpass.device_id()) #make sure the list is in range: freqRange = dpass.frequency_range() powerRange = dpass.amplitude_range() print freqRange, powerRange for freq,power in rs110List: if not (freqRange[0] <= freq <= freqRange[1]): raise Exception('frequency list parameters out of range') if not (powerRange[0] <= power <= powerRange[1]): raise Exception('power list parameters out of range') #create list and enter the list mode rs110DP.new_list(rs110List) rs110DP.activate_list_mode(True) rs110DP.reset_list() ####need to reset because activate list mode after programming ends up at some random step #repump'repump') dpass.output(True) globalDict['resolution']=trfpga.get_resolution()
def initialize(): trfpga.set_time_length(recordTime) paulsbox.program(pbox, pboxDict) #make sure manual override for the 397 local heating beam is off trigger.switch('axial', False) #make sure r&s synthesizers are on, and for name in ['axial', 'radial']: dpass.output(True) #create directory for file saving dirappend = time.strftime("%Y%b%d_%H%M_%S", time.localtime()) basedir = registry.getDataDirectory(reg) directory = basedir + '\\' + rawSaveDir + '\\' + experimentName + '\\' + dirappend os.mkdir(directory) os.chdir(directory) #set up dataprocessing inputs resolution = trfpga.get_resolution() dp.set_inputs('timeResolvedBinning', [('timelength', recordTime), ('resolution', resolution), ('bintime', binTime)]) #where to save into datavault['', 'Experiments', experimentName, dirappend], True) #make sure we are running in the calibrated mode'radial') dpass.amplitude_offset(radOffset)
def initialize(): trfpga.set_time_length(recordTime) paulsbox.program(pbox, pboxDict) trigger.switch_auto('axial', False) #axial needs to be inverted, so that high TTL corresponds to light on trigger.switch_auto('global', False) #make sure r&s synthesizers are on, and for name in ['axial']: dpass.output(True) globalDict['resolution']=trfpga.get_resolution()
def initialize(): trfpga.set_time_length(recordTime) paulsbox.program(pbox, pboxDict) #make sure manual override for the 397 local heating beam is off for name in ['global','radial','axial','866DP']: trigger.switch_auto(name, False) #make sure r&s synthesizers are on for name in ['axial','radial']: dpass.output(True) globalDict['resolution']=trfpga.get_resolution()
def initialize(): trfpga.set_time_length(recordTime) paulsbox.program(pbox, pboxDict) #make sure r&s synthesizers are on and go into auto mode for name in ['repump']: dpass.output(True) for name in ['866DP']: trigger.switch_auto(name) dp866.activate_list_mode(True) #set up dataprocessing inputs resolution = trfpga.get_resolution()
def initialize(): trfpga.set_time_length(recordTime) paulsbox.program(pbox, pboxDict) #make sure r&s synthesizers are on and go into auto mode for name in ['axial','radial']: dpass.output(True) for name in ['axial','radial','global']: trigger.switch_auto(name,False) #set up dataprocessing inputs resolution = trfpga.get_resolution() dp.set_inputs('timeResolvedBinning',[('timelength',recordTime),('resolution',resolution),('bintime',binTime)])
def initialize(): trfpga.set_time_length(recordTime) paulsbox.program(pbox, pboxDict) #make sure r&s synthesizers are on and go into auto mode for name in ['axial', 'radial']: dpass.output(True) for name in ['axial', 'radial', 'global']: trigger.switch_auto(name, False) #set up dataprocessing inputs resolution = trfpga.get_resolution() dp.set_inputs('timeResolvedBinning', [('timelength', recordTime), ('resolution', resolution), ('bintime', binTime)])
def initialize(): trfpga.set_time_length(recordTime) paulsbox.program(pbox, pboxDict) if heatWithRadial: #make sure all beams are auto controlled. axial needs to be inverted to provide cooling in between sequences for name in ['global','radial','866DP']: trigger.switch_auto(name, False) trigger.switch_auto('axial', True) elif heatArbitrary: for name in ['global','radial','axial','866DP']: trigger.switch_auto(name, False) if not heatArbitraryRadOn: trigger.switch_manual('radial', False) #make sure r&s synthesizers are on, and for name in ['axial','radial']: dpass.output(True) globalDict['resolution']=trfpga.get_resolution()
def initialize(): trfpga.set_time_length(recordTime) paulsbox.program(pbox, pboxDict) #make sure r&s synthesizers are on and go into auto mode for name in ['axial','radial']: dpass.output(True) trigger.switch_auto(name,False) trigger.switch_auto('global',False) #create directory for file saving dirappend = time.strftime("%Y%b%d_%H%M_%S",time.localtime()) basedir = registry.getDataDirectory(reg) directory = basedir + '\\' + rawSaveDir + '\\' + experimentName + '\\' + dirappend os.makedirs(directory) os.chdir(directory) #set up dataprocessing inputs resolution = trfpga.get_resolution() dp.set_inputs('timeResolvedBinning',[('timelength',recordTime),('resolution',resolution),('bintime',binTime)])['','Experiments', experimentName, dirappend], True )
def initialize(): trfpga.set_time_length(recordTime) paulsbox.program(pbox, pboxDict) #make sure manual override for the 397 local heating beam is off trigger.switch('axial',False) #make sure r&s synthesizers are on, and for name in ['radial']: dpass.output(True) #create directory for file saving dirappend = time.strftime("%Y%b%d_%H%M_%S",time.localtime()) basedir = registry.getDataDirectory(reg) directory = basedir + '\\' + rawSaveDir + '\\' + experimentName + '\\' + dirappend os.mkdir(directory) os.chdir(directory) #set up dataprocessing inputs resolution = trfpga.get_resolution() dp.set_inputs('timeResolvedBinning',[('timelength',recordTime),('resolution',resolution),('bintime',binTime)]) #where to save into datavault['','Experiments', experimentName, dirappend], True )
def initialize(): trfpga.set_time_length(recordTime) paulsbox.program(pbox, pboxDict) trigger.switch_auto( 'axial', False ) #axial needs to be inverted, so that high TTL corresponds to light ON trigger.switch_auto('110DP', True) #high TTL corresponds to light OFF trigger.switch_auto('866DP', True) #high TTL corresponds to light OFF trigger.switch_manual('crystallization', False) #high TTL corresponds to light OFF #make sure r&s synthesizers are on, and are of correct frequency #heating'axial') dpass.frequency(axfreq) dpass.output(True) #readout / cooling'110DP') dpass.output(True) rs110DP.select_device(dpass.device_id()) #make sure the list is in range: freqRange = dpass.frequency_range() powerRange = dpass.amplitude_range() print freqRange, powerRange for freq, power in rs110List: if not (freqRange[0] <= freq <= freqRange[1]): raise Exception('frequency list parameters out of range') if not (powerRange[0] <= power <= powerRange[1]): raise Exception('power list parameters out of range') #create list and enter the list mode rs110DP.new_list(rs110List) rs110DP.activate_list_mode(True) rs110DP.reset_list( ) ####need to reset because activate list mode after programming ends up at some random step #repump'repump') dpass.output(True) globalDict['resolution'] = trfpga.get_resolution()
def initialize(): trfpga.set_time_length(recordTime) paulsbox.program(pbox, pboxDict)
def initialize(): trfpga.set_time_length(recordTime) paulsbox.program(pbox, pboxDict) #make sure manual overrides are off trigger.switch_auto('radial', False) trigger.switch_auto('866DP', True)
from scriptLibrary import paulsbox import numpy as np lattice = labrad.connect('', password = '******') centerFreq = 18298446#15.00*10**6 ptsAround = 4 recordTime = 0.5 #seconds iterations = 500 average = 5 #program pulse sequence for triggering time resolved pboxDict = { 'sequence':'', 'nothing':1, } paulsbox.program(cxn.paul_box, pboxDict) trfpga = cxn.timeresolvedfpga trigger = cxn.trigger trfpga.set_time_length(recordTime) timeResolution = float(trfpga.get_resolution()) freqRes = 1.0 / recordTime dv = lattice.data_vault freqs = centerFreq + np.arange(-ptsAround,ptsAround + 1) * freqRes def getFFTpwr(timetags): mat = np.exp(-1.j*2.0*np.pi*np.outer(freqs, timetags)) fft = mat.sum(axis=1) pwr = np.abs(fft)**2.0 pwr = pwr / timetags.size
import labrad cxn = labrad.connect() from scriptLibrary import paulsbox import numpy as np centerFreq = 14998866 #15.00*10**6 ptsAround = 4 recordTime = 0.5 #seconds iterations = 50 average = 3 #program pulse sequence for triggering time resolved pboxDict = { 'sequence': '', 'nothing': 1, } paulsbox.program(cxn.paul_box, pboxDict) trfpga = cxn.timeresolvedfpga trigger = cxn.trigger trfpga.set_time_length(recordTime) timeResolution = float(trfpga.get_resolution()) freqRes = 1.0 / recordTime dv = cxn.data_vault freqs = centerFreq + np.arange(-ptsAround, ptsAround + 1) * freqRes def getFFTpwr(timetags): mat = np.exp(-1.j * 2.0 * np.pi * np.outer(freqs, timetags)) fft = mat.sum(axis=1) pwr = np.abs(fft)**2.0 pwr = pwr / timetags.size