def compaer_other(source): #Get the Accept Header acceptHeader = str(request.accept_mimetypes) #Default Response is none response = None; #Get the variable value and unit and range try: value = request.args.get('v') print(value) unit = request.args.get('u') print(unit) rng = request.args.get('r') print(rng) except IOError: return badRequest("Sorry, one of the parameters was not submitted correctly!"); print("Trying to access resource: " + str(source)) if not (unit is None) and not(value is None) and not(rng is None): #Send Request to application handler = RequestHandler(); #JSON-LD if "application/ld+json" in acceptHeader: print('Server: Received a JSON-LD request. For DataSource: ' + str(source)) #Try to get a JSON-LD response try: response = handler.getResource(str(source), value, unit, rng) except ValueError: print('Server: A ValueError has occurred.') return badRequest('Please specify the parameters correctly!'); except RuntimeError: print('Server: An RuntimeError has occurred.') return abort(500); #Return answer if not (response is None): #Valid response return response; else: #No result found return jsonify(result = 'no result was found'); else: return abort(406); else: return badRequest("Sorry, one of the parameters was not submitted correctly!");
def compare(): #Get the Accept Header acceptHeader = str(request.accept_mimetypes) #Default Response is None response = None #Get the variable value and unit try: value = request.args.get('v') unit = request.args.get('u') except IOError: return badRequest("Sorry, one of the parameters was not submitted correctly!"); if not (unit is None) and not(value is None): #Send Request to application handler = RequestHandler(); #Check the Accept Header for format #JSON-LD #Return a JSON-LD response if "application/ld+json" in acceptHeader: print('Server: Received a JSON-LD request.') #Try to get a JSON-LD response try: response = handler.getResponse(value, unit, 'json-ld') except ValueError as e: print('Server: A ValueError has occurred. ' + str(e)) return badRequest("Please specify the parameters correctly!"); except RuntimeError as e: print('Server: A RuntimeError has occurred. ' + str(e)) return abort(500); #Return answer if not (response is None): #Valid response #Return it as JSON-LD #return response; return Response(response, content_type='application/ld+json; charset=utf-8') else: #No result found return jsonify(result = 'no result was found'); #For any other Request a HTML Document is returned else: print('Server: Received a JSON request.') try: response = handler.getResponse(value, unit, 'json') print(response); #Handling Value Errors: Input except ValueError as e: print('Server: A ValueError has occured. ' + str(e)) return badRequest("Please specify the parameters correctly!"); #Handling Runtime Errors: Our Server failed somewhere except RuntimeError as e: print('Server: A RuntimeError has occured. ' + str(e)) return abort(500); if not (response is None): #Render template and inject JSON return render_template('index_temp.html', data=response) else: response = " { 'result': 'no result found!', 'in_value' : '" + str (value) + "', 'in_unit' : '" + str(unit)+ "' }"; return render_template('index_temp.html', data=response) else: return badRequest("The parameters provided are not valid!");