Exemple #1
def hash_sharding_config() -> str:
    config_file = get_config_file()
    if not config_file.has_section("tornado_sharding"):
        return hashlib.sha256(b'').hexdigest()
    contents = subprocess.check_output([
    return hashlib.sha256(contents).hexdigest()
Exemple #2
def write_updated_configs() -> None:
    config_file = get_config_file()
    ports = get_tornado_ports(config_file)

    expected_ports = list(range(9800, max(ports) + 1))
    assert (
        sorted(ports) == expected_ports
    ), f"ports ({sorted(ports)}) must be contiguous, starting with 9800"

    with open("/etc/zulip/nginx_sharding.conf.tmp",
              "w") as nginx_sharding_conf_f, open(
                  "/etc/zulip/sharding.json.tmp", "w") as sharding_json_f:

        if len(ports) == 1:
                "set $tornado_server http://tornado;\n")

            "set $tornado_server http://tornado9800;\n")
        shard_map: Dict[str, int] = {}
        external_host = subprocess.check_output(
                os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "scripts/get-django-setting"),
        for port in config_file["tornado_sharding"]:
            shards = config_file["tornado_sharding"][port].strip()

            if shards:
                for shard in shards.split(" "):
                    if "." in shard:
                        host = shard
                        host = f"{shard}.{external_host}"
                    assert host not in shard_map, f"host {host} duplicated"
                    shard_map[host] = int(port)
                    write_realm_nginx_config_line(nginx_sharding_conf_f, host,

        sharding_json_f.write(json.dumps(shard_map) + "\n")
Exemple #3
def write_realm_nginx_config_line(f: Any, host: str, port: str) -> None:
    f.write("""if ($host = '%s') {
    set $tornado_server http://tornado%s;
}\n""" % (host, port))

# Basic system to do Tornado sharding.  Writes two output .tmp files that need
# to be renamed to the following files to finalize the changes:
# * /etc/zulip/nginx_sharding.conf; nginx needs to be reloaded after changing.
# * /etc/zulip/sharding.json; supervisor Django process needs to be reloaded
# after changing.  TODO: We can probably make this live-reload by statting the file.
# TODO: Restructure this to automatically generate a sharding layout.
with open('/etc/zulip/nginx_sharding.conf.tmp', 'w') as nginx_sharding_conf_f, \
        open('/etc/zulip/sharding.json.tmp', 'w') as sharding_json_f:

    config_file = get_config_file()
    if not config_file.has_section("tornado_sharding"):
        nginx_sharding_conf_f.write("set $tornado_server http://tornado;\n")

    nginx_sharding_conf_f.write("set $tornado_server http://tornado9800;\n")
    shard_map: Dict[str, int] = {}
    external_host = subprocess.check_output([os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'scripts/get-django-setting'),
    for port in config_file["tornado_sharding"]:
        shards = config_file["tornado_sharding"][port].strip().split(' ')

        for shard in shards:
            if '.' in shard:
def generate_secrets(development: bool = False) -> None:
    if development:
        OUTPUT_SETTINGS_FILENAME = "zproject/dev-secrets.conf"
        OUTPUT_SETTINGS_FILENAME = "/etc/zulip/zulip-secrets.conf"
    current_conf = get_old_conf(OUTPUT_SETTINGS_FILENAME)

    lines: List[str] = []
    if len(current_conf) == 0:
        lines = ["[secrets]\n"]

    def need_secret(name: str) -> bool:
        return name not in current_conf

    def add_secret(name: str, value: str) -> None:
        lines.append(f"{name} = {value}\n")
        current_conf[name] = value

        if need_secret(name):
            add_secret(name, random_token())

    # These secrets are exclusive to a Zulip development environment.
    # We use PostgreSQL peer authentication by default in production,
    # and initial_password_salt is used to generate passwords for the
    # test/development database users.  See `manage.py
    # print_initial_password`.
    if development and need_secret("initial_password_salt"):
        add_secret("initial_password_salt", random_token())
    if development and need_secret("local_database_password"):
        add_secret("local_database_password", random_token())

    # We only need a secret if the database username does not match
    # the OS username, as identd auth works in that case.
    if get_config(get_config_file(), "postgresql", "database_user",
                  "zulip") != "zulip" and need_secret("postgres_password"):
        add_secret("postgres_password", random_token())

    # The core Django SECRET_KEY setting, used by Django internally to
    # secure sessions.  If this gets changed, all users will be logged out.
    if need_secret("secret_key"):
        secret_key = generate_django_secretkey()
        add_secret("secret_key", secret_key)
        # To prevent Django ImproperlyConfigured error
        from zproject import settings

        settings.SECRET_KEY = secret_key

    # Secret key for the Camo HTTPS proxy.
    if need_secret("camo_key"):
        add_secret("camo_key", random_string(64))

    if not development:
        # The memcached_password and redis_password secrets are only
        # required/relevant in production.

        # Password for authentication to memcached.
        if need_secret("memcached_password"):
            # We defer importing settings unless we need it, because
            # importing settings is expensive (mostly because of
            # django-auth-ldap) and we want the noop case to be fast.
            from zproject import settings

            if settings.MEMCACHED_LOCATION == "":
                add_secret("memcached_password", random_token())

        # Password for authentication to Redis.
        if need_secret("redis_password"):
            # We defer importing settings unless we need it, because
            # importing settings is expensive (mostly because of
            # django-auth-ldap) and we want the noop case to be fast.
            from zproject import settings

            if settings.REDIS_HOST == "":
                # To prevent Puppet from restarting Redis, which would lose
                # data because we configured Redis to disable persistence, set
                # the Redis password on the running server and edit the config
                # file directly.

                import redis

                from zerver.lib.redis_utils import get_redis_client

                redis_password = random_token()

                for filename in [
                    if os.path.exists(filename):
                        with open(filename, "a") as f:
                                "# Set a Redis password based on zulip-secrets.conf\n"
                                f"requirepass '{redis_password}'\n", )

                except redis.exceptions.ConnectionError:

                add_secret("redis_password", redis_password)

    # Random id and secret used to identify this installation when
    # accessing the Zulip mobile push notifications service.
    # * zulip_org_key is generated using os.urandom().
    # * zulip_org_id only needs to be unique, so we use a UUID.
    if need_secret("zulip_org_key"):
        add_secret("zulip_org_key", random_string(64))
    if need_secret("zulip_org_id"):
        add_secret("zulip_org_id", str(uuid.uuid4()))

    if len(lines) == 0:
        print("generate_secrets: No new secrets to generate.")

    with open(OUTPUT_SETTINGS_FILENAME, "a") as f:
        # Write a newline at the start, in case there was no newline at
        # the end of the file due to human editing.
        f.write("\n" + "".join(lines))

    print(f"Generated new secrets in {OUTPUT_SETTINGS_FILENAME}.")