Exemple #1
    def extract_dropsline_header(self, table_head_type: str) -> float:
        """Parse the dropstablehead template for variable drop rarity values.

        :param table_head_type: Specify a seed, or herb table head search.
        :return: A float of the drop rarity multiplier.
        # Extract "dropstablehead" templates
        # This is used for extracting "herbbase" and "seedbase" values
        self.drops_templates = wikitext_parser.extract_wikitext_template(
            self.monster_wikitext, "dropstablehead")

        table_head_value = None

        # Loop the found "dropstablehead" templates
        for template in self.drops_templates:
            # Parse the template
            template_parser = WikitextTemplateParser(self.monster_wikitext)
            template_parser.template = template
            if "vardefine:" + table_head_type in template:
                # Example:
                # {{DropsTableHead{{#vardefine:herbbase|{{#expr:9/123/128}}}}}}
                table_head_value = template.split("#expr:")[1]
                table_head_value = table_head_value.replace("}", "")
                table_head_value = eval(table_head_value)
                return table_head_value
Exemple #2
    def preprocessing(self) -> Dict:
        """Preprocess an item, and set important object variables.

        This function preprocesses every item dumped from the OSRS cache. Various
        properties are set to help further processing. Items are determined if
        they are a linked item (noted/placeholder), or an actual item. The item
        is checked if it is a valid item (has a wiki page, is an actual item etc.).
        Finally, the wikitext (from the OSRS wiki) is found by looking up ID, linked
        ID, name, and normalized name. The `Infobox Item` or `Infobox Pet` is then
        extracted so that the wiki properties can be later processed and populated.

        :return: A dictionary including success and code.
        # Initialize dictionary to return preprocessing status
        status = {
            "status": False,
            "code": None

        # Set item ID variables
        self.item_id_str = str(self.item_id)

        # Load item dictionary of cache data based on item ID
        # This raw cache data is the baseline information about the specific item
        # and can be considered 100% correct and available for every item
        self.item_cache_data = self.all_items_cache_data[self.item_id_str]

        # Set item name variable (directly from the cache dump)
        self.item_name = self.item_cache_data["name"]

        if self.verbose:
            print(f">>> {self.item_id_str} {self.item_name}")

        # Get the linked ID item value, if available
        self.linked_id_item_int = None
        self.linked_id_item_str = None
        if self.item_cache_data["linked_id_item"] is not None:
            self.linked_id_item_int = int(self.item_cache_data["linked_id_item"])
            self.linked_id_item_str = str(self.item_cache_data["linked_id_item"])

        # Determine the ID number to extract
        # Noted and placeholder items should use the linked_id_item property
        # to fill in additional wiki data...
        item_id_to_process_int = None
        if self.item_cache_data["noted"] is True or self.item_cache_data["placeholder"] is True:
            item_id_to_process_int = int(self.linked_id_item_int)
            item_id_to_process_int = int(self.item_id)

        # Find the wiki page
        has_infobox = False

        # Try to find the wiki data using direct ID number search
        if self.all_wikitext_processed.get(self.item_id_str, None):
            self.item_wikitext = self.all_wikitext_processed.get(self.item_id_str, None)
            self.wikitext_found_using = "id"
            status["code"] = "lookup_passed_id"
            status["status"] = True

        # Try to find the wiki data using linked_id_item ID number search
        elif self.all_wikitext_processed.get(self.linked_id_item_str, None):
            self.item_wikitext = self.all_wikitext_processed.get(self.linked_id_item_str, None)
            self.wikitext_found_using = "linked_id"
            status["code"] = "lookup_passed_linked_id"
            status["status"] = True

        # Try to find the wiki data using direct name search
        elif self.all_wikitext_raw.get(self.item_name, None):
            self.item_wikitext = self.all_wikitext_raw.get(self.item_name, None)
            self.wikitext_found_using = "name"
            status["code"] = "lookup_passed_name"
            status["status"] = True

            status["code"] = "no_item_wikitext"
            return status

        # Parse the infobox item
        infobox_parser = WikitextTemplateParser(self.item_wikitext)

        # Try extract infobox for item, then pet
        has_infobox = infobox_parser.extract_infobox("infobox item")
        if not has_infobox:
            has_infobox = infobox_parser.extract_infobox("infobox pet")
            if not has_infobox:
                self.template = None
                status["code"] = "no_infobox_template"
                return status

        is_versioned = infobox_parser.determine_infobox_versions()
        versioned_ids = infobox_parser.extract_infobox_ids()

        # Set the infobox version number, default to empty string (no version number)
            if versioned_ids:
                self.infobox_version_number = versioned_ids[item_id_to_process_int]
        except KeyError:
            if is_versioned:
                self.infobox_version_number = "1"
                self.infobox_version_number = ""

        # Set the template
        self.template = infobox_parser.template

        status["status"] = True
        return status
Exemple #3
    def populate_from_wiki_data_equipment(self) -> bool:
        """Parse the wiki text template and extract item bonus values from it."""
        # Hardcoded item skips - mostly unobtainable or weird items
        if int(self.item_id) in infobox_cleaner.unequipable:
            self.item_dict["equipable"] = False
            self.item_dict["equipment"] = None
            self.item_dict["equipable_by_player"] = False
            self.item_dict["equipable_weapon"] = False

        # Initialize empty equipment dictionary
        self.item_dict["equipment"] = dict()


        # Extract the infobox bonuses template
        infobox_bonuses_parser = WikitextTemplateParser(self.item_wikitext)
        has_infobox = infobox_bonuses_parser.extract_infobox("infobox bonuses")
        if not has_infobox:
            has_infobox = infobox_bonuses_parser.extract_infobox("infobox_bonuses")
            if not has_infobox:
                # No infobox bonuses found for the item!
                print("populate_from_wiki_data_equipment: No infobox bonuses")

        # Set the infobox bonuses template
        bonuses_template = infobox_bonuses_parser.template

        # This item must be equipable by a player, set to True
        self.item_dict["equipable_by_player"] = True

        # Initialize a dictionary that maps database_name -> property_name
        # The database_name is used in this project
        # The property_name is used by the OSRS Wiki
        combat_bonuses = {"attack_stab": "astab",
                          "attack_slash": "aslash",
                          "attack_crush": "acrush",
                          "attack_magic": "amagic",
                          "attack_ranged": "arange",
                          "defence_stab": "dstab",
                          "defence_slash": "dslash",
                          "defence_crush": "dcrush",
                          "defence_magic": "dmagic",
                          "defence_ranged": "drange",
                          "melee_strength": "str",
                          "ranged_strength": "rstr",
                          "magic_damage": "mdmg",
                          "prayer": "prayer"

        # Loop each of the combat bonuses and populate
        for database_name, property_name in combat_bonuses.items():
            value = None
            if self.infobox_version_number is not None:
                key = property_name + str(self.infobox_version_number)
                value = self.extract_infobox_value(bonuses_template, key)
            if value is None:
                value = self.extract_infobox_value(bonuses_template, property_name)
            if value is not None:
                self.item_dict["equipment"][database_name] = infobox_cleaner.stats(value)
                self.item_dict["equipment"][database_name] = 0
                self.item_dict["incomplete"] = True

        # Slot
        slot = None
        if self.infobox_version_number is not None:
            key = "slot" + str(self.infobox_version_number)
            slot = self.extract_infobox_value(bonuses_template, key)
        if slot is None:
            slot = self.extract_infobox_value(bonuses_template, "slot")
        if slot is not None:
            self.item_dict["equipment"]["slot"] = infobox_cleaner.caller(slot, "slot")
            print(">>> populate_from_wiki_data_equipment: No slot")

        # Skill requirements
            requirements = self.skill_requirements[self.item_id_str]
            self.item_dict["equipment"]["requirements"] = requirements
        except KeyError:
            self.item_dict["equipment"]["requirements"] = None

        # If item is not weapon or 2h, start set defaults and return
        if (self.item_dict["equipment"]["slot"] not in ["weapon", "2h"]):
            self.item_dict["equipable_weapon"] = False


        self.item_dict["weapon"] = dict()

        # Attack speed
        attack_speed = None
        if self.infobox_version_number is not None:
            key = "speed" + str(self.infobox_version_number)
            attack_speed = self.extract_infobox_value(bonuses_template, key)
        if attack_speed is None:
            attack_speed = self.extract_infobox_value(bonuses_template, "speed")
        if attack_speed is not None:
            self.item_dict["weapon"]["attack_speed"] = infobox_cleaner.caller(attack_speed, "speed")
            print(">>> populate_from_wiki_data_equipment: No attack_speed")

        # Weapon type
        # Extract the CombatStyles template
        infobox_combat_parser = WikitextTemplateParser(self.item_wikitext)
        has_infobox = infobox_combat_parser.extract_infobox("combatstyles")
        if not has_infobox:
            # No combatstyles template found for the item!
            print("populate_from_wiki_data_equipment: No combatstyles")

        # Set the infobox bonuses template
        combat_template = infobox_combat_parser.template
        weapon_type = infobox_cleaner.caller(combat_template, "weapon_type")
        self.item_dict["weapon"]["weapon_type"] = weapon_type
            self.item_dict["weapon"]["stances"] = self.weapon_stances[weapon_type]
        except KeyError:
            print("populate_from_wiki_data_equipment: Weapon type error")

        # Finally, set the equipable_weapon property to true
        self.item_dict["equipable_weapon"] = True
    def parse_monster_drops(self):
        """Extract monster drop information.

        This function parses the monsters wiki page (raw wikitext), and extracts
        any MediaWiki template with the name "dropsline". Each template is processed
        to determine the ID, name, quantity, rarity and and requirements of the
        specific drop.
        # Extract "dropsline" templates
        self.drops_templates = wikitext_parser.extract_wikitext_template(self.monster_wikitext, "dropsline")

        drops_dict_all = dict()
        drops_list_ids = list()
        self.monster_dict["drops"] = list()

        # Loop the found "dropsline" templates
        for template in self.drops_templates:
            # Parse the template
            template_parser = WikitextTemplateParser(self.monster_wikitext)
            template_parser.template = template

            # Initialize a null value dictionary for each item drop
            drop_dict = {
                "id": None,
                "name": None,
                "members": None,
                "quantity": None,
                "rarity": None,
                "drop_requirements": None

            # Extract the drop information...

            # Extract the item drop name
            name = template_parser.extract_infobox_value("Name")

            # Skip any drop line with classified drop table
            if name.lower() == "drop table":

            # Determine the drop item ID
            item_id = None
            found = False
            for item in self.all_db_items:
                if item.name == name or item.wiki_name == name:
                    found = True
                    item_id = item.id
            if not found:
                item_id = None

            # Extract the item drop quantity and if the drop is noted
            quantity = template_parser.extract_infobox_value("Quantity")
            noted = False
            if quantity:
                if "noted" in quantity.lower():
                    noted = True
            quantity = infobox_cleaner.clean_drop_quantity(quantity)

            # Extract, or determine, if the item is members-only
            members = False
            name_notes = template_parser.extract_infobox_value("Namenotes")
            if self.monster_dict["members"]:
                members = True
            elif item_id:
                if self.all_db_items[item_id].members:
                    members = True
            elif name_notes:
                if "{{m}}" in name_notes:
                    members = True

            # Extract the item drop rarity
            rarity = template_parser.extract_infobox_value("Rarity")
            base_value = None
            # If the item drop has a drop variable, fetch it
            if rarity:
                if "var:herbbase" in rarity:
                    base_value = self.extract_dropsline_header("herbbase")
                elif "var:seedbase" in rarity:
                    base_value = self.extract_dropsline_header("seedbase")
                elif "var:uht" in rarity:
                    base_value = self.extract_dropsline_header("uht")
                    if not base_value:
                        base_value = "(22.5/250)/16"  # Temp fix for Lizardman shaman
                elif "var:bolttipbase" in rarity:
                    base_value = self.extract_dropsline_header("uht")
                    if not base_value:
                        base_value = "(2/128)/40"  # Temp fix for Hydra
            rarity = infobox_cleaner.clean_drop_rarity(rarity, base_value)

            # Extract the rarity notes
            drop_requirements = template_parser.extract_infobox_value("Raritynotes")
            drop_requirements = infobox_cleaner.clean_drop_requirements(drop_requirements)

            # Populate the dictionary
            drop_dict = {
                "id": item_id,
                "name": name,
                "members": members,
                "quantity": quantity,
                "noted": noted,
                "rarity": rarity,
                "drop_requirements": drop_requirements

            # Attach drops dict to the drops object for this monster
            if item_id:
                # self.drops[item_id] = drop_dict
                drops_dict_all[str(item_id)] = drop_dict

        # Handle any embedded drop tables
        if "talismandroptable2" in self.monster_wikitext[2].lower():
            items = drop_tables.talisman(self.monster_wikitext[2])
            for item, item_dict in items.items():
                drops_dict_all[str(item)] = item_dict
        if "catacombsdroptable" in self.monster_wikitext[2].lower():
            items = drop_tables.catacombs(self.monster_dict["name"],
            for item, item_dict in items.items():
                drops_dict_all[str(item)] = item_dict
        if "herbdroptable2" in self.monster_wikitext[2].lower():
            items = drop_tables.herb(self.monster_dict["members"],
            for item, item_dict in items.items():
                drops_dict_all[str(item)] = item_dict
        if "usefulherbdroptable2" in self.monster_wikitext[2].lower():
            items = drop_tables.usefulherb(self.monster_wikitext[2])
            for item, item_dict in items.items():
                drops_dict_all[str(item)] = item_dict
        if "fixedallotmentseeddroptable2" in self.monster_wikitext[2].lower():
            items = drop_tables.fixedallotmentseed(self.monster_wikitext[2])
            for item, item_dict in items.items():
                drops_dict_all[str(item)] = item_dict
        if "dropsallotmenttable" in self.monster_wikitext[2].lower():
            items = drop_tables.fixedallotmentseed(self.monster_wikitext[2])
            for item, item_dict in items.items():
                drops_dict_all[str(item)] = item_dict
        if "treeherbseeddroptable2" in self.monster_wikitext[2].lower():
            items = drop_tables.treeseed(self.monster_wikitext[2])
            for item, item_dict in items.items():
                drops_dict_all[str(item)] = item_dict
        if "rareseeddroptable2" in self.monster_wikitext[2].lower():
            items = drop_tables.rareseed(self.monster_wikitext[2])
            for item, item_dict in items.items():
                drops_dict_all[str(item)] = item_dict
        if "variableallotmentseeddroptale2" in self.monster_wikitext[2].lower():
            items = drop_tables.variableallotmentseed(self.monster_wikitext[2])
            for item, item_dict in items.items():
                drops_dict_all[str(item)] = item_dict
        if "manyseeddroptable2" in self.monster_wikitext[2].lower():
            items = drop_tables.commonseed(self.monster_wikitext[2])
            for item, item_dict in items.items():
                drops_dict_all[str(item)] = item_dict
        if "hopsdroptable2" in self.monster_wikitext[2].lower():
            items = drop_tables.hopsseed(self.monster_wikitext[2])
            for item, item_dict in items.items():
                drops_dict_all[str(item)] = item_dict
        if "superiordroptable" in self.monster_wikitext[2].lower():
            items = drop_tables.superior(self.monster_dict["slayer_level"])
            for item, item_dict in items.items():
                drops_dict_all[str(item)] = item_dict
        if ("wildernessslayerdroptable" in self.monster_wikitext[2].lower() and
                "krystilia" in self.monster_dict["slayer_masters"]):
            items = drop_tables.wildernessslayer(self.monster_dict["name"],
                                                 self.monster_dict["combat_level"], self.monster_dict["hitpoints"],
            for item, item_dict in items.items():
                drops_dict_all[str(item)] = item_dict

        # if "mainraredroptable" in self.monster_wikitext[2].lower():
        #     items = drop_tables.raredroptable(self.monster_wikitext[2])
        #     for item, item_dict in items.items():
        #         drops_list_ids.append(str(item))
        #         drops_dict_all[str(item)] = item_dict
        # if "raredroptable" in self.monster_wikitext[2].lower():
        #     items = drop_tables.raredroptable(self.monster_wikitext[2])
        #     for item, item_dict in items.items():
        #         drops_list_ids.append(str(item))
        #         drops_dict_all[str(item)] = item_dict

        # Append all parsed drops to the drops array
        for item_id in drops_list_ids:
    def preprocessing(self):
        """Preprocess an monster, and set important object variables.

        This function preprocesses every monster dumped from the OSRS cache. Various
        properties are set to help further processing. MORE."""
        # Set monster ID variables
        self.monster_id_int = int(self.monster_id)  # Monster ID number as an integer
        self.monster_id_str = str(self.monster_id)  # Monster ID number as a string

        # Load monster dictionary of cache data based on monster ID
        # This raw cache data is the baseline information about the specific monster
        # and can be considered 100% correct and available for every monster
        self.monster_cache_data = self.all_monster_cache_data[self.monster_id_str]

        # Set monster name variable (directly from the cache dump)
        self.monster_name = self.monster_cache_data["name"]

        # Log and print monster
        logging.debug(f"======================= {self.monster_id_str} {self.monster_name}")
        # print(f"======================= {self.monster_id_str} {self.monster_name}")
        logging.debug(f"preprocessing: using the following cache data:")

        # Set all variables to None (for invalid monsters)
        self.monster_wikitext = None
        self.wikitext_found_using = None
        self.has_infobox = False

        # Try to find the wiki data using direct ID number search
        if self.all_wikitext_processed.get(self.monster_id_str, None):
            self.monster_wikitext = self.all_wikitext_processed.get(self.monster_id_str, None)
            self.wikitext_found_using = "id"

        # Try to find the wiki data using direct name search
        elif self.all_wikitext_raw.get(self.monster_name, None):
            self.monster_wikitext = self.all_wikitext_raw.get(self.monster_name, None)
            self.wikitext_found_using = "name"

        logging.debug(f"preprocessing: self.monster_wikitext found using: {self.wikitext_found_using}")

        # If there is no wikitext, and the monster is valid, raise a critical error
        if not self.monster_wikitext:
            logging.critical("CRITICAL: Could not find monster_wikitext by id or name...")
            return False

        # Parse the infobox monster
        infobox_parser = WikitextTemplateParser(self.monster_wikitext)

        # Try extract infobox for monster
        self.has_infobox = infobox_parser.extract_infobox("infobox monster")
        if not self.has_infobox:
            logging.critical("CRITICAL: Could not find template...")
            return False

        self.is_versioned = infobox_parser.determine_infobox_versions()
        logging.debug(f"preprocessing: Is the infobox versioned: {self.is_versioned}")
        self.versioned_ids = infobox_parser.extract_infobox_ids()
        logging.debug(f"preprocessing: Versioned IDs: {self.versioned_ids}")

        # Set the infobox version number, default to empty string (no version number)
            if self.versioned_ids:
                self.infobox_version_number = self.versioned_ids[self.monster_id_int]
        except KeyError:
            if self.is_versioned:
                self.infobox_version_number = "1"
                self.infobox_version_number = ""
        logging.debug(f"preprocessing: infobox_version_number: {self.infobox_version_number}")

        # Set the template
        self.template = infobox_parser.template

        return True
Exemple #6
    def populate_equipable_properties_from_wiki_data(self) -> bool:
        """Parse the wiki text template and extract item bonus values from it."""
        # Initialize empty equipment dictionary
        self.item_dict["equipment"] = dict()

        # Extract the infobox bonuses template
        infobox_parser = WikitextTemplateParser(self.item_wikitext)
        has_infobox = infobox_parser.extract_infobox("infobox bonuses")
        if not has_infobox:
            has_infobox = infobox_parser.extract_infobox("infobox_bonuses")
            if not has_infobox:
                # No infobox bonuses found for the item!
                    "populate_equipable_properties: Item has no equipment infobox."
                    "populate_equipable_properties: Item has no equipment infobox."

        # Set the template
        template = infobox_parser.template


        # This item must be equipable by a player, set to True
        self.item_dict["equipable_by_player"] = True

        # Extract equipable item properties
        self.item_dict["equipment"]["attack_stab"] = self.clean_bonuses_value(
            template, "astab")
        self.item_dict["equipment"]["attack_slash"] = self.clean_bonuses_value(
            template, "aslash")
        self.item_dict["equipment"]["attack_crush"] = self.clean_bonuses_value(
            template, "acrush")
        self.item_dict["equipment"]["attack_magic"] = self.clean_bonuses_value(
            template, "amagic")
            "attack_ranged"] = self.clean_bonuses_value(template, "arange")
        self.item_dict["equipment"]["defence_stab"] = self.clean_bonuses_value(
            template, "dstab")
            "defence_slash"] = self.clean_bonuses_value(template, "dslash")
            "defence_crush"] = self.clean_bonuses_value(template, "dcrush")
            "defence_magic"] = self.clean_bonuses_value(template, "dmagic")
            "defence_ranged"] = self.clean_bonuses_value(template, "drange")
            "melee_strength"] = self.clean_bonuses_value(template, "str")
            "ranged_strength"] = self.clean_bonuses_value(template, "rstr")
        self.item_dict["equipment"]["magic_damage"] = self.clean_bonuses_value(
            template, "mdmg")
        self.item_dict["equipment"]["prayer"] = self.clean_bonuses_value(
            template, "prayer")

        # Determine the slot for the equipable item
        self.item_dict["equipment"]["slot"] = None
            self.item_dict["equipment"]["slot"] = self.strip_infobox(
            self.item_dict["equipment"]["slot"] = self.item_dict["equipment"][
        except ValueError:
            self.item_dict["equipment"]["slot"] = None
                "populate_equipable_properties: Could not determine item slot..."
                "populate_equipable_properties: Could not determine item slot..."

        # Determine the skill requirements for the equipable item
        self.item_dict["equipment"]["requirements"] = None
            requirements = self.skill_requirements[str(self.item_id)]
            self.item_dict["equipment"]["requirements"] = requirements
        except KeyError:
                "populate_equipable_properties: Could not determine skill requirements..."
                "populate_equipable_properties: Could not determine skill requirements..."


        # If item is weapon, two-handed, or 2h, start processing the weapon data
        if (self.item_dict["equipment"]["slot"] == "weapon"
                or self.item_dict["equipment"]["slot"] == "two-handed"
                or self.item_dict["equipment"]["slot"] == "2h"):

            self.item_dict["weapon"] = dict()

            # Try set the attack speed of the weapon
                self.item_dict["weapon"]["attack_speed"] = int(
            except ValueError:
                self.item_dict["weapon"]["attack_speed"] = None
                    "WEAPON: Could not determine weapon attack speed")

                # Item IDs with no known attack speed, set to zero
                if int(self.item_id) in [8871]:
                    self.item_dict["weapon"]["attack_speed"] = 0
                # Salamander fix, set to base attack speed of 5
                elif int(self.item_id) in [
                        10145, 10146, 10147, 10147, 10148, 10149
                    self.item_dict["weapon"]["attack_speed"] = 5
                    # quit()

            # Try to set the weapon type of the weapon
                weapon_type = self.weapon_types_data[str(
                self.item_dict["weapon"]["weapon_type"] = weapon_type
            except KeyError:
                self.item_dict["weapon"]["weapon_type"] = None
                    "populate_equipable_properties: Could not determine weapon type..."
                    "populate_equipable_properties: Could not determine weapon type..."

            # Try to set stances available for the weapon
                self.item_dict["weapon"]["stances"] = self.weapon_stances_data[
            except KeyError:
                self.item_dict["weapon"]["stances"] = None
                    "populate_equipable_properties: Could not determine weapon stance..."
                    "populate_equipable_properties: Could not determine weapon stance..."

            # Finally, set the equipable_weapon property to true
            self.item_dict["equipable_weapon"] = True

            # If the item is not a weapon, two-handed or 2h it is not a weapon
            self.item_dict["equipable_weapon"] = False

        return True
Exemple #7
    def populate_item(self):
        """Populate an item after preprocessing it.

        This is called for every item in the OSRS cache dump. Start by populating the
        raw metadata from the cache. Then process invalid items, and """
        # Start by populating the item from the cache data

        # Process an invalid item
        if self.is_invalid_item:
                "populate_item: Found and processing an invalid item...")

            if self.status == "unequipable":
                # Cache thinks the item is equipable, but it is not
                self.item_dict["equipable_by_player"] = False
                self.item_dict["equipable_weapon"] = False
                self.item_dict["incomplete"] = True
                return True

            if self.status == "normalized":
                # Some items have a wiki page, but lookup by ID, linked ID and item name
                # fail. So use the normalized name from the invalid-items.json file
                self.item_wikitext = self.all_wikitext_raw[
                self.wikitext_found_using = "normalized_name"
                infobox_parser = WikitextTemplateParser(self.item_wikitext)
                infobox_parser.extract_infobox("infobox item")
                self.template = infobox_parser.template
                self.item_dict["equipable_by_player"] = False
                self.item_dict["equipable_weapon"] = False
                return True

            if self.status == "unobtainable":
                # Some items are unobtainable, set defaults
                return True

            if self.status == "skill_guide_icon":
                # Some items are actually an icon in a skill guide, set defaults
                return True

            if self.status == "construction_icon":
                # Some items are actually an icon in the construction interface, set defaults
                return True

            if self.status == "unhandled":
                # Some items have not been classified, set defaults
                return True

        if not self.item_dict["equipable"]:
            # Process a normal, non-equipable item
                "populate_item: Populating a normal item using wiki data...")
            self.item_dict["equipable_by_player"] = False
            self.item_dict["equipable_weapon"] = False
            return True

        if self.item_dict["equipable"]:
            # Process an equipable item
                "populate_item: Populating an equipable item using wiki data..."
            return True

        # Return false by default, this means the item was not found or processed
        logging.error("populate_item: Item was not processed...")
        return False
Exemple #8
    def preprocessing(self) -> Dict:
        """Preprocess an item, and set important object variables.

        This function preprocesses every item dumped from the OSRS cache. Various
        properties are set to help further processing. Items are determined if
        they are a linked item (noted/placeholder), or an actual item. The item
        is checked if it is a valid item (has a wiki page, is an actual item etc.).
        Finally, the wikitext (from the OSRS wiki) is found by looking up ID, linked
        ID, name, and normalized name. The `Infobox Item` or `Infobox Pet` is then
        extracted so that the wiki properties can be later processed and populated.

        :return: A dictionary including success and code.
        # Initialize dictionary to return preprocessing status
        return_status = {"status": False, "code": None}

        # Set item ID variables
        self.item_id_int = int(self.item_id)  # Item ID number as an integer
        self.item_id_str = str(self.item_id)  # Item ID number as a string

        # Load item dictionary of cache data based on item ID
        # This raw cache data is the baseline information about the specific item
        # and can be considered 100% correct and available for every item
        self.item_cache_data = self.all_item_cache_data[self.item_id_str]

        # Set item name variable (directly from the cache dump)
        self.item_name = self.item_cache_data["name"]

        # Log and print item
            f"======================= {self.item_id_str} {self.item_name}")
        if self.verbose:
                f"======================= {self.item_id_str} {self.item_name}")
        logging.debug("preprocessing: using the following cache data:")

        # Get the linked ID item value, if available
        self.linked_id_item_int = None
        self.linked_id_item_str = None
        if self.item_cache_data["linked_id_item"] is not None:
            self.linked_id_item_int = int(
            self.linked_id_item_str = str(
            f"preprocessing: Linked item ID: {self.linked_id_item_str}")

        # Determine the ID number to extract
        # Noted and placeholder items should use the linked_id_item property
        # to fill in additional wiki data...
        self.item_id_to_process_int = None
        self.item_id_to_process_str = None
        if self.item_cache_data["noted"] is True or self.item_cache_data[
                "placeholder"] is True:
            self.item_id_to_process_int = int(self.linked_id_item_int)
            self.item_id_to_process_str = str(self.linked_id_item_str)
            self.item_id_to_process_int = int(self.item_id)
            self.item_id_to_process_str = str(self.item_id)
            f"preprocessing: ID to process: {self.item_id_to_process_str}")

        # Find the wiki page
        # Set all variables to None (for invalid items)
        self.item_wikitext = None
        self.wikitext_found_using = None
        self.has_infobox = False

        # Try to find the wiki data using direct ID number search
        if self.all_wikitext_processed.get(self.item_id_str, None):
            self.item_wikitext = self.all_wikitext_processed.get(
                self.item_id_str, None)
            self.wikitext_found_using = "id"
            return_status["code"] = "lookup_passed_id"

        # Try to find the wiki data using linked_id_item ID number search
        elif self.all_wikitext_processed.get(self.linked_id_item_str, None):
            self.item_wikitext = self.all_wikitext_processed.get(
                self.linked_id_item_str, None)
            self.wikitext_found_using = "linked_id"
            return_status["code"] = "lookup_passed_linked_id"

        # Try to find the wiki data using direct name search
        elif self.all_wikitext_raw.get(self.item_name, None):
            self.item_wikitext = self.all_wikitext_raw.get(
                self.item_name, None)
            self.wikitext_found_using = "name"
            return_status["code"] = "lookup_passed_name"

        if self.item_id_to_process_str in self.invalid_items_data:
            # Anything here means item cannot be found by id, linked_id, or name
            # This can include not being an actual item, has no wiki page etc.
            # The item must be invalid, handle it accordingly
            self.is_invalid_item = True
                self.status = self.invalid_items_data[
                self.normalized_name = self.invalid_items_data[
            except KeyError:
                self.status = None
                self.normalized_name = None
                f"preprocessing: Invalid item details: {self.is_invalid_item} {self.status} {self.normalized_name}"

            # Try to find the wiki data using normalized_name search
            if self.all_wikitext_raw.get(self.normalized_name, None):
                self.item_wikitext = self.all_wikitext_raw.get(
                    self.normalized_name, None)
                self.wikitext_found_using = "normalized_name"
                return_status["code"] = "lookup_passed_normalized_name"
                return_status["code"] = "lookup_failed"

            f"preprocessing: self.item_wikitext found using: {self.wikitext_found_using}"

        # If there is no wikitext, and the item is valid, raise a critical error
        if not self.item_wikitext and not self.is_invalid_item:
                "CRITICAL: Could not find item_wikitext by id, linked_id_item or name..."
            return_status["code"] = "no_item_wikitext"
            return return_status

        # Parse the infobox item
        infobox_parser = WikitextTemplateParser(self.item_wikitext)

        # Try extract infobox for item, then pet
        self.has_infobox = infobox_parser.extract_infobox("infobox item")
        if not self.has_infobox:
            self.has_infobox = infobox_parser.extract_infobox("infobox pet")
            if not self.has_infobox:
                self.template = None
                logging.critical("CRITICAL: Could not find template...")
                return_status["code"] = "no_infobox_template"
                return return_status

        self.is_versioned = infobox_parser.determine_infobox_versions()
            f"preprocessing: Is the infobox versioned: {self.is_versioned}")
        self.versioned_ids = infobox_parser.extract_infobox_ids()
        logging.debug(f"preprocessing: Versioned IDs: {self.versioned_ids}")

        # Set the infobox version number, default to empty string (no version number)
            if self.versioned_ids:
                self.infobox_version_number = self.versioned_ids[
        except KeyError:
            if self.is_versioned:
                self.infobox_version_number = "1"
                self.infobox_version_number = ""
            f"preprocessing: infobox_version_number: {self.infobox_version_number}"

        # Set the template
        self.template = infobox_parser.template

        return_status["status"] = True
        return return_status
Exemple #9
def fetch():
    """Fetch monster drops using SMW queries.

    This is a request heavy method - querying about 1,000 endpoints
    to get monster drop data.
    # Load the monster wikitext file of processed data
    with open(
            Path(config.DATA_MONSTERS_PATH /
                 "monsters-wiki-page-text-processed.json")) as f:
        all_wikitext_processed = json.load(f)

    # Load the raw cache data that has been processed (this is ground truth)
    with open(Path(config.DATA_MONSTERS_PATH /
                   "monsters-cache-data.json")) as f:
        all_monster_cache_data = json.load(f)

    for monster_id, monster_list in all_wikitext_processed.items():
        exists = all_monster_cache_data.get(monster_id, None)
        if not exists:
        if "dropversion" in monster_list[2].lower():
            name = all_monster_cache_data[monster_id]["name"]
            wikitext = monster_list[2]
            version = monster_list[1]
            wikitext_template = WikitextTemplateParser(wikitext)
            wikitext_template.extract_infobox("infobox monster")
            value = wikitext_template.extract_infobox_value(
            if not value:
                value = wikitext_template.extract_infobox_value(
            multi_drop_tables[monster_id] = f"[[Dropped from::{name}#{value}]]"

    api_url = "https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/api.php"

    # Specify what the SMW query should return
    selection = "|?Dropped item|?Drop Quantity|?Rarity|?Rolls|limit=500"

    # Set parameters to run a SMW query
    params = {"action": "ask", "format": "json", "query": None}

    # Data structures for storing conditions
    # Conditions are used to form the SMW query
    conditions_set = set()
    conditions_dict = defaultdict(list)

    # Loop raw monster cache data (ground truth)
    for monster_id, monster in all_monster_cache_data.items():
        if monster_id in multi_drop_tables:
            condition = multi_drop_tables[monster_id]
            condition = f"[[Dropped from::{monster['name']}]]"

        # Add to set of conditions to later query

        # Add condition string for monster ID lookup

    print(f">>> Fetching {len(conditions_set)} drop tables...")

    # Start fetching the data
    count = 0
    for condition in conditions_set:
        print(f"  > Processing {count}/{len(conditions_set)}: {condition}")

        params["query"] = f"{condition}{selection}"

        r = requests.get(api_url, headers=config.custom_agent, params=params)

        data = r.json()

        Path(config.DATA_MONSTERS_PATH / "monsters-drops-raw").mkdir(
            parents=True, exist_ok=True)

        for monster_id in conditions_dict[condition]:
            file_name = f"{monster_id}.json"
            file_path = Path(config.DATA_MONSTERS_PATH / "monsters-drops-raw" /
            with open(file_path, "w") as f:
                json.dump(data, f, indent=4)

        count += 1