import scripts1, scripts2, scripts3

# create dictionary of n-grams
n = 7
#open files
houseofusher = open("texts/houseofusher.txt", "r")

#turn object into string
text =

#clean up the string
text = text.lower()
text = text.replace('.', '')
text = text.replace(',', '')

fullwordlist = scripts1.stripNonAlphaNum(text)
ngrams = scripts3.getNGrams(fullwordlist, n)
worddict = scripts3.nGramsToKWICDict(ngrams)

# output KWIC and wrap with html
target = 'terror'
outstr = ""
if worddict.has_key(target):
    for k in worddict[target]:
        outstr += str(k)
        outstr += '<br />'
    outstr += 'Keyword not found in source'
scripts2.wrapStringInHTML('html-to-kwic', outstr)
import scripts1, scripts2, scripts3

# create dictionary of n-grams
n = 7
# open files
houseofusher = open("texts/houseofusher.txt", "r")

# turn object into string
text =

# clean up the string
text = text.lower()
text = text.replace(".", "")
text = text.replace(",", "")

fullwordlist = scripts1.stripNonAlphaNum(text)
ngrams = scripts3.getNGrams(fullwordlist, n)
worddict = scripts3.nGramsToKWICDict(ngrams)

# output KWIC and wrap with html
target = "terror"
outstr = ""
if worddict.has_key(target):
    for k in worddict[target]:
        outstr += str(k)
        outstr += "<br />"
    outstr += "Keyword not found in source"
scripts2.wrapStringInHTML("html-to-kwic", outstr)
Exemple #3
import scripts1, scripts2

# create sorted dictionary of word-frequency pairs
#open files
houseofusher = open ("texts/houseofusher.txt", "r")

#turn object into string
text =

#clean up the string
text = text.lower()
text = text.replace('.','')
text = text.replace(',', '')

fullwordlist = scripts1.stripNonAlphaNum(text)
wordlist = scripts1.removeStopwords(fullwordlist, scripts1.stopwords)
dictionary = scripts1.wordListToFreqDict(wordlist)
sorteddict = scripts1.sortFreqDict(dictionary)

# compile dictionary into string and wrap with HTML
outstring = ""
for s in sorteddict:
    outstring += str(s)
    outstring += "<br />"
scripts2.wrapStringInHTML("html-to-freq-3", outstring)