Exemple #1
def append(lst, val, separator=None):
    separator = separator and StringValue(separator).value
    ret = ListValue(lst, separator)
    val = ListValue(val)
    for v in val:
        ret.value[len(ret)] = v
    return ret
Exemple #2
def linear_gradient(*args):
    if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], (list, tuple, ListValue)):
        args = ListValue(args[0]).values()

    position_and_angle = _get_gradient_position_and_angle(args)
    color_stops = _get_gradient_color_stops(args)
    if color_stops is None:
        raise Exception('No color stops provided to linear-gradient function')
    color_stops = __color_stops(False, *color_stops)

    args = [
        position(position_and_angle) if position_and_angle is not None else None,
    args.extend('%s %s' % (c, to_str(s)) for s, c in color_stops)

    to__s = 'linear-gradient(' + ', '.join(to_str(a) for a in args or [] if a is not None) + ')'
    ret = StringValue(to__s)

    def to__css2():
        return StringValue('')
    ret.to__css2 = to__css2

    def to__moz():
        return StringValue('-moz-' + to__s)
    ret.to__moz = to__moz

    def to__pie():
        return StringValue('-pie-' + to__s)
    ret.to__pie = to__pie

    def to__ms():
        return StringValue('-ms-' + to__s)
    ret.to__ms = to__ms

    def to__o():
        return StringValue('-o-' + to__s)
    ret.to__o = to__o

    def to__webkit():
        return StringValue('-webkit-' + to__s)
    ret.to__webkit = to__webkit

    def to__owg():
        args = [
            position(position_and_angle or 'center top'),
            opposite_position(position_and_angle or 'center top'),
        args.extend('color-stop(%s, %s)' % (to_str(s), c) for s, c in color_stops)
        ret = '-webkit-gradient(' + ', '.join(to_str(a) for a in args or [] if a is not None) + ')'
        return StringValue(ret)
    ret.to__owg = to__owg

    def to__svg():
        return linear_svg_gradient(color_stops, position_and_angle or 'top')
    ret.to__svg = to__svg

    return ret
Exemple #3
def join(lst1, lst2, separator=None):
    ret = ListValue(lst1)
    lst2 = ListValue(lst2).value
    lst_len = len(ret.value)
    ret.value.update((k + lst_len if isinstance(k, int) else k, v) for k, v in lst2.items())
    separator = __parse_separator(separator)
    if separator is not None:
        ret.value['_'] = separator
    return ret
Exemple #4
def dash_compass_list(*args):
    separator = None
    if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], (list, tuple, ListValue)):
        args = ListValue(args[0]).values()
        separator = ','
    ret = ListValue(args)
    if separator:
        ret.value['_'] = separator
    return ret
Exemple #5
def radial_gradient(*args):
    if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], (list, tuple, ListValue)):
        args = ListValue(args[0]).values()

    position_and_angle = _get_gradient_position_and_angle(args)
    shape_and_size = _get_gradient_shape_and_size(args)
    color_stops = _get_gradient_color_stops(args)
    if color_stops is None:
        raise Exception('No color stops provided to radial-gradient function')
    color_stops = __color_stops(False, *color_stops)

    args = [
        position(position_and_angle) if position_and_angle is not None else None,
        shape_and_size if shape_and_size is not None else None,
    args.extend('%s %s' % (c, to_str(s)) for s, c in color_stops)

    to__s = 'radial-gradient(' + ', '.join(to_str(a) for a in args or [] if a is not None) + ')'
    ret = StringValue(to__s)

    def to__css2():
        return StringValue('')
    ret.to__css2 = to__css2

    def to__moz():
        return StringValue('-moz-' + to__s)
    ret.to__moz = to__moz

    def to__pie():
        log.warn("PIE does not support radial-gradient.")
        return StringValue('-pie-radial-gradient(unsupported)')
    ret.to__pie = to__pie

    def to__webkit():
        return StringValue('-webkit-' + to__s)
    ret.to__webkit = to__webkit

    def to__owg():
        args = [
            grad_point(position_and_angle) if position_and_angle is not None else 'center',
            grad_point(position_and_angle) if position_and_angle is not None else 'center',
            __grad_end_position(True, color_stops),
        args.extend('color-stop(%s, %s)' % (to_str(s), c) for s, c in color_stops)
        ret = '-webkit-gradient(' + ', '.join(to_str(a) for a in args or [] if a is not None) + ')'
        return StringValue(ret)
    ret.to__owg = to__owg

    def to__svg():
        return radial_svg_gradient(color_stops, position_and_angle or 'center')
    ret.to__svg = to__svg

    return ret
Exemple #6
def dash_compass_slice(lst, start_index, end_index=None):
    start_index = NumberValue(start_index).value
    end_index = NumberValue(end_index).value if end_index is not None else None
    ret = {}
    lst = ListValue(lst).value
    for i, item in lst.items():
        if not isinstance(i, int):
            if i == '_':
                ret[i] = item
        elif i > start_index and end_index is None or i <= end_index:
            ret[i] = item
    return ListValue(ret)
Exemple #7
def reject(lst, *values):
    """Removes the given values from the list"""
    ret = {}
    if not isinstance(lst, ListValue):
        lst = ListValue(lst)
    lst = lst.value
    if len(values) == 1:
        values = values[0]
        if isinstance(values, ListValue):
            values = values.value.values()
    for i, item in lst.items():
        if item not in values:
            ret[i] = item
    separator = lst.get('_', None)
    if separator is not None:
        ret['_'] = separator
    return ListValue(ret)
Exemple #8
def nth(lst, n):
    Return the Nth item in the string
    n = NumberValue(n).value
    lst = ListValue(lst).value
        n = int(float(n)) - 1
        n = n % len(lst)
        if n.lower() == 'first':
            n = 0
        elif n.lower() == 'last':
            n = -1
        ret = lst[n]
    except KeyError:
        lst = [v for k, v in sorted(lst.items()) if isinstance(k, int)]
            ret = lst[n]
            ret = ''
    return ret.__class__(ret)
Exemple #9
def first_value_of(*lst):
    if len(lst) == 1 and isinstance(lst[0], (list, tuple, ListValue)):
        lst = ListValue(lst[0])
    ret = ListValue(lst).first()
    return ret.__class__(ret)
Exemple #10
def append(lst, val, separator=None):
    separator = __parse_separator(separator)
    ret = ListValue(lst, separator)
    ret.value[len(ret)] = val
    return ret
Exemple #11
def max_(*lst):
    if len(lst) == 1 and isinstance(lst[0], (list, tuple, ListValue)):
        lst = ListValue(lst[0]).values()
    lst = ListValue(lst).value
    return max(lst.values())
Exemple #12
 def evaluate(self, calculator, divide=False):
     items = [
         item.evaluate(calculator, divide=divide) for item in self.items
     return ListValue(items, separator="," if self.comma else "")