if 'notificationChannelIds' in a:
            for channel_id in a['notificationChannelIds']:
                if channel_id not in existing_notification_channel_ids:
                    print(('Notification Channel ID ' + str(channel_id) +
                           ' referenced in Alert "' + a['name'] +
                           '" does not exist.\n  Restoring without this ID.'))

        # The Create/Update APIs will validate but actually ignore these fields;
        # to avoid problems, don't submit in the API request
        for timefield in ['createdOn', 'modifiedOn']:
            del a[timefield]

        # NOTE: when exporting alerts that contain deprecated metrics you will
        # need to remove them from the source json
        # (see https://sysdigdocs.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Monitor/pages/205684810/Metrics#Metrics-HeuristicandDeprecatedMetrics)
        if a['name'] in existing_alerts:
            a['id'] = existing_alerts[a['name']]['id']
            a['version'] = existing_alerts[a['name']]['version']
            ok, res = sdclient.update_alert(a)
            updated_count += 1
            ok, res = sdclient.create_alert(alert_obj=a)
            created_count += 1
        if not ok:

print(('All Alerts in ' + alerts_dump_file + ' restored successfully (' +
       str(created_count) + ' created, ' + str(updated_count) + ' updated)'))
ok, res = sdclient.get_notification_ids(notify_channels)
if not ok:
    print("Could not get IDs and hence not creating the alert: " + res)

notification_channel_ids = res

# Create the alert.
ok, res = sdclient.create_alert(
    alert_name,  # Alert name.
    'this alert was automatically created using the python Sysdig Cloud library',  # Alert description.
    6,  # Syslog-encoded severity. 6 means 'info'.
    60,  # The alert will fire if the condition is met for at least 60 seconds.
    'avg(cpu.used.percent) > 80',  # The condition.
        'host.mac', 'proc.name'
    ],  # Segmentation. We want to check this metric for every process on every machine.
    'ANY',  # in case there is more than one tomcat process, this alert will fire when a single one of them crosses the 80% threshold.
    'proc.name = "tomcat"',  # Filter. We want to receive a notification only if the name of the process meeting the condition is 'tomcat'.
    False)  # This alert will be disabled when it's created.

# Validate a print the results.
if not ok:
                    {'type': 'SNS', 'snsTopicARNs': ['arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:273107874544:alarms-stg']}

res = sdclient.get_notification_ids(notify_channels)
if not res[0]:
    print "Could not get IDs and hence not creating the alert: " + res[1]

notification_channel_ids = res[1]

# Create the alert.
res = sdclient.create_alert('tomcat cpu > 80% on any host',  # Alert name.
                            'this alert was automatically created using the python Sysdig Cloud library', # Alert description.
                            6, # Syslog-encoded severity. 6 means 'info'.
                            60, # The alert will fire if the condition is met for at least 60 seconds.
                            'avg(cpu.used.percent) > 80', # The condition.
                            ['host.mac', 'proc.name'], # Segmentation. We want to check this metric for every process on every machine.
                            'ANY', # in case there is more than one tomcat process, this alert will fire when a single one of them crosses the 80% threshold.
                            'proc.name = "tomcat"', # Filter. We want to receive a notification only if the name of the process meeting the condition is 'tomcat'.
                            False) # This alert will be disabled when it's created.

# Validate a print the results.
print res[1]
if not res[0]:
    def parse(self, objdata):
        user_id_map = {}

        obj_name = objdata['metadata']['name']
        team_members = objdata['metadata']['annotations'].get('sysdigTeamMembers', '').split(',')
        trecipients = objdata['metadata']['annotations'].get('sysdigAlertEmails', '').split(',')
        tdashboards = objdata['metadata']['annotations'].get('sysdigDashboards', '').split(',')
        alertsj = objdata['metadata']['annotations'].get('sysdigAlerts', json.dumps([]))

        if self._type == 'deployment' or self._type == 'service':
            ns_name = objdata['metadata']['namespace']
            team_name = "%s%s_%s_%s" % (self._team_prefix, self._type, ns_name, obj_name)
        elif self._type == 'namespace':
            ns_name = objdata['metadata']['name']
            team_name = "%s%s_%s" % (self._team_prefix, self._type, ns_name)
            Logger.log('unrecognized type argument', 'error')
            return False

        # Resolve the user emails.
        # Add the users that are not part of sysdig cloud yet.
        for o in team_members:
            uname = o.strip()
            res = self._customer_admin_sdclient.get_user(uname)
            if res[0] == False:
                if res[1] == USER_NOT_FOUND_ERR:
                    Logger.log("adding user " + uname)
                    res = self._customer_admin_sdclient.create_user_invite(uname)
                    res = self._customer_admin_sdclient.get_user(uname)
                    Logger.log("User added")
                    if res[0] == False:
                        Logger.log('cannot get user %s: %s' % (uname, res[1]), 'error')
                    Logger.log('cannot get user %s: %s' % (uname, res[1]), 'error')

            user_id_map[uname] = res[1]['id']

        if len(user_id_map) == 0:
            Logger.log('No users specified for this team. Skipping.', 'error')
            return False

        # Normalize alert recipients
        recipients = []
        for r in trecipients:

        # Normalize the dashboards list
        dashboards = []
        for d in tdashboards:

        # Parse the alerts json
        alerts = []

            alerts = json.loads(alertsj)
        except ValueError:
            Logger.log('Invalid JSON in the "alerts" field', 'error')
            return False

        # XXX This is here for testing purposes only
        # res = self._customer_admin_sdclient.delete_team(team_name)

        # Check the existence of the team and create it if it doesn't exist
        team_exists = True

        res = self._customer_admin_sdclient.get_team(team_name)
        if res[0] == False:
            if res[1] == TEAM_NOT_EXISTING_ERR:
                team_exists = False
                new_memberships = dict(map(lambda u: (u, 'ROLE_TEAM_EDIT'), user_id_map.keys()))
            teaminfo = res[1]
            teamid = teaminfo['id']
            old_memberships = dict(map(lambda m: (m['userId'], m['role']), teaminfo['userRoles']))
            new_memberships = dict(map(lambda u: (u, 'ROLE_TEAM_EDIT') if user_id_map[u] not in old_memberships else (u, old_memberships[user_id_map[u]]), user_id_map.keys()))

        if team_exists:
            # Team exists. Detect if there are users to add and edit the team users list.
            newusers = []
            team_uids = set(old_memberships.keys())

            if team_uids != set(user_id_map.values()):
                Logger.log("Detected modified %s %s, editing team %s" % (self._type, obj_name, team_name))
                newusers.append([u for u in user_id_map.keys() if user_id_map[u] not in team_uids])

                res = self._customer_admin_sdclient.edit_team(team_name, memberships=new_memberships)
                if res[0] == False:
                    Logger.log('Team editing failed: ' + res[1], 'error')
                    return False
            Logger.log("Detected new %s %s, adding team %s" % (self._type, obj_name, team_name))

            # Team doesn't exist. Try to create it.
            if self._type == 'deployment':
                flt = 'kubernetes.namespace.name = "%s" and kubernetes.deployment.name = "%s"' % (ns_name, obj_name)
            elif self._type == 'service':
                flt = 'kubernetes.namespace.name = "%s" and kubernetes.service.name = "%s"' % (ns_name, obj_name)
            elif self._type == 'namespace':
                flt = 'kubernetes.namespace.name = "%s"' % ns_name
            desc = 'automatically generated team based on deployment annotations'
            res = self._customer_admin_sdclient.create_team(team_name, filter=flt, description=desc, show='container', memberships=new_memberships)
            if res[0] == False:
                Logger.log('Team creation failed: ' + res[1], 'error')
                return False
            teamid = res[1]['team']['id']
            newusers = user_id_map.keys()


        # If we have alerts, create a notification channel and point the
        # alerts at it.
        if alerts:

            Logger.log('adding notification recipients')

            # These steps can be done as the admin user since notification
            # channels have global scope and alerts has team scope, and admin
            # users are members of all teams.
            res = self._customer_admin_sdclient.get_user_api_token(self._customer_id, team_name)
            if res[0] == False:
                Logger.log('Can\'t fetch token for user ' + user, 'error')
                return False
                utoken_t = res[1]

            teamclient = SdcClient(utoken_t, self._sdc_url)

            # Add the email notification channel. This will silently fail
            # if it has already been created.
            res = teamclient.create_email_notification_channel(team_name, recipients)
            if not res[0]:
                if res[1][:20] != EXISTING_CHANNEL_ERR:
                    Logger.log('Error setting email recipient: ' + res[1], 'error')
                    return False

            # Get the notification channel ID to use for the alerts.
            notify_channels = [{'type': 'EMAIL', 'name': team_name}]
            res = teamclient.get_notification_ids(notify_channels)
            if not res[0]:
                Logger.log("cannot create the email notification channel: " + res[1], 'error')
                return False
            notification_channel_ids = res[1]

            # Make sure the members of the email notification channel are current.
            # Since we searched for the channel by name, there should only be one. But
            # since get_notification_ids() returns a list, treat it as such.
            for channel_id in notification_channel_ids:
                res = teamclient.get_notification_channel(channel_id)
                if not res[0]:
                    Logger.log("cannot find the email notification channel: " + res[1], 'error')
                    return False
                c = res[1]
                current_recip = c['options']['emailRecipients']
                if set(current_recip) == set(recipients):
                    Logger.log('email recipients have not changed since last update', 'info')
                    Logger.log('email recipients have changed - updating', 'info')
                    c['options']['emailRecipients'] = copy.deepcopy(recipients)

            # Add the Alerts
            res = teamclient.get_alerts()
            if not res[0]:
                Logger.log("cannot get user alerts: " + res[1], 'error')
                return False

            cur_alerts = res[1]['alerts']

            for a in alerts:
                aname = a.get('name', '')

                # Check if this alert already exists
                skip = False
                for ca in cur_alerts:
                    if ca['name'] == aname and 'annotations' in ca:
                        skip = True

                if skip:
                    # Alert already exists, skip the creation

                Logger.log('adding alert %s' % aname)

                res = teamclient.create_alert(aname,  # Alert name.
                    a.get('description', ''), # Alert description.
                    a.get('severity', 6), # Syslog-encoded severity. 6 means 'info'.
                    a.get('timespan', 60000000), # The alert will fire if the condition is met for at least 60 seconds.
                    a.get('condition', ''), # The condition.
                    a.get('segmentBy', []), # Segmentation. We want to check this metric for every process on every machine.
                    a.get('segmentCondition', 'ANY'), # in case there is more than one tomcat process, this alert will fire when a single one of them crosses the 80% threshold.
                    a.get('filter', ''), # Filter. We want to receive a notification only if the name of the process meeting the condition is 'tomcat'.
                    a.get('enabled', True),
                    {'engineTeam': team_name + aname})
                if not res[0]:
                    Logger.log('Error creating alert: ' + res[1], 'error')

        # Go through the list of new users and set them up for this team
        for user in user_id_map.keys():

            # First of all, we need to impersonate the users in this team
            # so that we can configure their workplace. This is
            # currently a little bit tricky because it involves:
            # - finding the user token using the admin API
            # - logging in with the new user token
            Logger.log('impersonating user ' + user)

            res = self._customer_admin_sdclient.get_user_api_token(user, team_name)
            if res[0] == False:
                Logger.log('Can\'t fetch token for user ' + user, 'error')
                return False
                utoken_t = res[1]

            teamclient = SdcClient(utoken_t, self._sdc_url)

            Logger.log('waiting for activation of user ' + user)

            while True:
                res = teamclient.get_user_token()
                if res[0] == True:

            # Now that we are in the right user context, we can start to apply the
            # configurations. First of all we set a default kube-friendly grouping hierarchy.
            # We do this only is the user is new to the group, because we don't want to
            # pollute the grouping of existing users.
            if user in newusers:
                Logger.log('setting grouping')
                if self._type == 'service':
                    res = teamclient.set_explore_grouping_hierarchy(['kubernetes.namespace.name', 'kubernetes.service.name', 'kubernetes.pod.name', 'container.id'])
                    res = teamclient.set_explore_grouping_hierarchy(['kubernetes.namespace.name', 'kubernetes.deployment.name', 'kubernetes.pod.name', 'container.id'])

                if res[0] == False:
                    Logger.log('Failed setting team grouping: ' + res[1], 'error')
                    return False

            # Add the dashboards
            res = teamclient.get_dashboards()
            if not res[0]:
                Logger.log('Error getting the dasboards list: ' + res[1], 'error')
            existing_dasboards = res[1]['dashboards']

            for d in dashboards:
                skip = False
                for ex in existing_dasboards:
                    if ex['name'] == d:
                        if ex['isShared'] and 'annotations' in ex and ex['annotations'].get('engineTeam') == team_name + d:
                            # dashboard already exists. Skip adding it
                            skip = True

                if skip:

                Logger.log('adding dasboard ' + d)
                res = teamclient.create_dashboard_from_view(d, d, None, True, {'engineTeam': team_name + d, 'ownerUser': user})
                if not res[0]:
                    Logger.log('Error creating dasboard: ' + res[1], 'error')
Exemple #5
# Instantiate the SDC client
sdclient = SdcClient(sdc_token)

# Create the alert.
res = sdclient.create_alert(
    'tomcat cpu > 80% on any host',  # Alert name.
    'this alert was automatically created using the python Sysdig Cloud library',  # Alert description.
    6,  # Syslog-encoded severity. 6 means 'info'.
    60,  # The alert will fire if the condition is met for at least 60 seconds.
    'avg(cpu.used.percent) > 80',  # The condition.
        'host.mac', 'proc.name'
    ],  # Segmentation. We want to check this metric for every process on every machine.
    'ANY',  # in case there is more than one tomcat process, this alert will fire when a single one of them crosses the 80% threshold.
    'proc.name = "tomcat"',  # Filter. We want to receive a notification only if the name of the process meeting the condition is 'tomcat'.
    ],  # Notification target. We want an email to be sent. Alerts email recipients can be defined here: https://app.sysdigcloud.com/#/settings/notifications
    False)  # This alert will be disabled when it's created.

# Validate a print the results.
print res[1]
if not res[0]: