def ipv4_multicast_address(self, address):
     Set the sonar's IPv4 multicast address.
     \attention This is experimental
     \see GetPingMulticast
     error_code = dll.BVTNetworkSettings_SetIPv4MulticastAddress(
         self._handle, (address))
     if (0 != error_code):
         raise sdkerror.SDKError(error_code)
Exemple #2
 def external_hardware_trigger_enabled(self):
     Queries whether hardware trigger is enabled. It is only valid for sonars equipped
     with a hardware trigger.
     enabled = c_int()
     error_code = dll.BVTSonar_GetExternalHardwareTriggerEnabled(self._handle, byref(enabled))
     if (0 != error_code):
         raise sdkerror.SDKError(error_code)
     return enabled.value > 0
Exemple #3
 def serial_number(self):
     Return the serial 'number' of the sonar. The string may contain non-numeric characters.
     buffer_size = 255
     buffer = create_string_buffer(buffer_size)
     error_code = dll.BVTSonar_GetSerialNumber(self._handle, buffer, buffer_size)
     if (0 != error_code):
         raise sdkerror.SDKError(error_code)
     return (buffer.value)
Exemple #4
 def get_fov(self, minAngleInDegrees, maxAngleInDegrees):
     Retrieve the angular limits of the ping's field-of-view. Note that the limits
     reported represent only the minimum and maximum angles associated with any
     pixel in the FOV. It is possible (depending on sonar configuration) that not
     all pixels within the reported field-of-view are populated with data.
     error_code = dll.BVTPing_GetFOV(self._handle, byref(minAngleInDegrees), byref(maxAngleInDegrees))
     if (0 != error_code):
         raise sdkerror.SDKError(error_code)
Exemple #5
 def revert_factory_settings(self):
     Removes all user settings stored on the sonar and reverts the unit back to
     its original factory configuration.  IP address of the unit after calling 
     this function will be, while other parameters depend on the type of
     error_code = dll.BVTSonar_RevertFactorySettings(self._handle)
     if (0 != error_code):
         raise sdkerror.SDKError(error_code)
 def sound_speed_override(self, meters_per_second):
     When the GetImage functions are called, ignore the sound speed stored in the ping and 
     use this value instead.  
     Use the default SOUND_SPEED_OVERRIDE_OFF to use the ping's stored sound speed.  
     error_code = dll.BVTImageGenerator_SetSoundSpeedOverride(
         self._handle, meters_per_second)
     if (0 != error_code):
         raise sdkerror.SDKError(error_code)
 def image_resolution_policy(self):
     Return the algorithm used to calculate image resolution.
     resolutionPolicy = c_int()
     error_code = dll.BVTImageGenerator_GetImageResolutionPolicy(
         self._handle, byref(resolutionPolicy))
     if (0 != error_code):
         raise sdkerror.SDKError(error_code)
     return resolutionPolicy.value
Exemple #8
 def fov_max_angle(self):
     Return the maximum angle for the sonar's imaging field of view. 
     The angle is returned in degrees and referenced with respect to sonar head boresight (clockwise-positive).
     angle = c_float()
     error_code = dll.BVTMagImage_GetFOVMaxAngle(self._handle, byref(angle))
     if (0 != error_code):
         raise sdkerror.SDKError(error_code)
     return angle.value
Exemple #9
 def get_pixel(self, row, col):
     Return the value of the pixel at (row, col)
     pixel = c_ushort()
     error_code = dll.BVTMagImage_GetPixel(self._handle, row, col,
     if (0 != error_code):
         raise sdkerror.SDKError(error_code)
     return pixel.value
Exemple #10
 def get_pixel_range(self, row, col):
     Retrieve the range (from the sonar head) of the specified pixel (in meters)
     range = c_double()
     error_code = dll.BVTMagImage_GetPixelRange(self._handle, row, col,
     if (0 != error_code):
         raise sdkerror.SDKError(error_code)
     return range.value
Exemple #11
 def get_pixel_relative_bearing(self, row, col):
     Retrieve the bearing relative to the sonar head of the specified pixel
     bearing = c_double()
     error_code = dll.BVTMagImage_GetPixelRelativeBearing(
         self._handle, row, col, byref(bearing))
     if (0 != error_code):
         raise sdkerror.SDKError(error_code)
     return bearing.value
Exemple #12
 def origin_row(self):
     Retrieve the image row of the origin.
     In most cases the origin row will be outside of the image boundaries (i.e., negative). The origin is the 'location' (in pixels) of the sonar head in image plane.
     row = c_int()
     error_code = dll.BVTMagImage_GetOriginRow(self._handle, byref(row))
     if (0 != error_code):
         raise sdkerror.SDKError(error_code)
     return row.value
Exemple #13
 def max_range_of_pixel(self):
     Return the max range (in meters) to a non-blank pixel in the image
     maxRange = c_float()
     error_code = dll.BVTMagImage_GetMaxRangeOfPixel(
         self._handle, byref(maxRange))
     if (0 != error_code):
         raise sdkerror.SDKError(error_code)
     return maxRange.value
 def address_mode(self):
     Get the method by which the sonar obtains an IP address.
     mode = c_int()
     error_code = dll.BVTNetworkSettings_GetAddressMode(
         self._handle, byref(mode))
     if (0 != error_code):
         raise sdkerror.SDKError(error_code)
     return mode.value
 def range_profile_start_range(self):
     @see BVTHead_SetTargetStartRange
     start_range = c_float()
     error_code = dll.BVTImageGenerator_GetRangeProfileStartRange(
         self._handle, byref(start_range))
     if (0 != error_code):
         raise sdkerror.SDKError(error_code)
     return start_range.value
Exemple #16
 def get_row(self, row):
     Return a pointer to a row of pixels 
     rowPointer = c_ushort()
     error_code = dll.BVTMagImage_GetRow(self._handle, row,
     if (0 != error_code):
         raise sdkerror.SDKError(error_code)
     return rowPointer.value
 def sound_speed_override(self):
     meters_per_second = c_int()
     error_code = dll.BVTImageGenerator_GetSoundSpeedOverride(
         self._handle, byref(meters_per_second))
     if (0 != error_code):
         raise sdkerror.SDKError(error_code)
     return meters_per_second.value
Exemple #18
 def bits(self):
     Return a pointer to the entire image.
     The image or organized in Row-Major order (just like C/C++).
     bitsPointer = c_ushort()
     error_code = dll.BVTMagImage_GetBits(self._handle, byref(bitsPointer))
     if (0 != error_code):
         raise sdkerror.SDKError(error_code)
     return bitsPointer.value
 def map_algorithm(self):
     Do not use this. Experimental.
     algorithm = c_int()
     error_code = dll.BVTImageGenerator_GetMapAlgorithm(
         self._handle, byref(algorithm))
     if (0 != error_code):
         raise sdkerror.SDKError(error_code)
     return algorithm.value
Exemple #20
 def save_pgm(self, file_name):
     Save the image in PGM (PortableGreyMap) format.
     Note that few programs actually support loading a 16bit PGM. 
     A good image viewer for Windows is Irfanview: 
     Once you load a PGM, you will most likely need to tone map it or the majority of the image will appear black.
     error_code = dll.BVTMagImage_SavePGM(self._handle, (file_name))
     if (0 != error_code):
         raise sdkerror.SDKError(error_code)
 def image_filter_flags(self):
     Return the filter flags.  As of this version, if more than one flag is set, only the lowest-valued flag is used.
     flags = c_int()
     error_code = dll.BVTImageGenerator_GetImageFilterFlags(
         self._handle, byref(flags))
     if (0 != error_code):
         raise sdkerror.SDKError(error_code)
     return flags.value
 def sonar_count(self):
     Get the number of sonars discovered on the network.
     sonar_count = c_int()
     error_code = dll.BVTSonarDiscoveryAgent_GetSonarCount(
         self._handle, byref(sonar_count))
     if (0 != error_code):
         raise sdkerror.SDKError(error_code)
     return sonar_count.value
Exemple #23
 def ping_number(self):
     Return the ping number (i.e., index in file).
     Ping numbers only have meaning if the ping came from a file.
     number = c_int()
     error_code = dll.BVTPing_GetPingNumber(self._handle, byref(number))
     if (0 != error_code):
         raise sdkerror.SDKError(error_code)
     return number.value
Exemple #24
 def bearing_resolution(self):
     Returns the resolution of the bearing (in degrees) of each RangeProfile range value. This is the difference in bearing between adjacent range values in the array.
     resolution = c_double()
     error_code = dll.BVTRangeProfile_GetBearingResolution(self._handle, byref(resolution))
     if (0 != error_code):
         raise sdkerror.SDKError(error_code)
     return resolution.value
Exemple #25
 def get_head(self, head_num):
     Retrieve a Head object from the sonar
     head_ptr = c_void_p()
     error_code = dll.BVTSonar_GetHead(self._handle, head_num, byref(head_ptr))
     if (0 != error_code):
         raise sdkerror.SDKError(error_code)
     head = Head(self, head_ptr)
     return head
 def range_resolution(self):
     @see SetRangeResolution
     resolution_in_meters = c_float()
     error_code = dll.BVTImageGenerator_GetRangeResolution(
         self._handle, byref(resolution_in_meters))
     if (0 != error_code):
         raise sdkerror.SDKError(error_code)
     return resolution_in_meters.value
Exemple #27
 def external_hardware_trigger_output_event(self):
     Only valid if the hardware trigger is configure as an output. 
     See EnableExternalHardwareTriggerOutput
     triggerEvent = c_int()
     error_code = dll.BVTSonar_GetExternalHardwareTriggerOutputEvent(self._handle, byref(triggerEvent))
     if (0 != error_code):
         raise sdkerror.SDKError(error_code)
     return triggerEvent.value
 def range_profile_intensity_threshold(self):
     @see BVTHead_SetRangeProfileThreshold
     threshold = c_ushort()
     error_code = dll.BVTImageGenerator_GetRangeProfileIntensityThreshold(
         self._handle, byref(threshold))
     if (0 != error_code):
         raise sdkerror.SDKError(error_code)
     return threshold.value
Exemple #29
 def firmware_revision(self):
     Return the firmware revision of the sonar. The string may contain non-numeric characters.
     buffer_size = 255
     buffer = create_string_buffer(buffer_size)
     error_code = dll.BVTSonar_GetFirmwareRevision(self._handle, buffer, buffer_size)
     if (0 != error_code):
         raise sdkerror.SDKError(error_code)
     return (buffer.value)
 def dhcp_server_enabled(self):
     If true the sonar will launch a DHCP server at boot.
     is_enabled = c_int()
     error_code = dll.BVTNetworkSettings_GetDHCPServerEnabled(
         self._handle, byref(is_enabled))
     if (0 != error_code):
         raise sdkerror.SDKError(error_code)
     return is_enabled.value > 0