def test_SDL_SetSurfacePalette(self):
        invpalette = pixels.SDL_AllocPalette(10)
        palette = pixels.SDL_AllocPalette(1 << 16)
        sf = surface.SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0, 10, 10, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0)

        assert not sf.contents.format.contents.palette
        surface.SDL_SetSurfacePalette(sf, palette)
        assert sf.contents.format.contents.palette.contents is not None
        assert sf.contents.format.contents.palette.contents is not None
        surface.SDL_SetSurfacePalette(sf, None)
        assert not sf.contents.format.contents.palette

    def test_SDL_SetPaletteColors(self):
        colors = []
        for v in range(20):
            colors.append(SDL_Color(v, v + 10, v + 20))

        palette = pixels.SDL_AllocPalette(10)
        self.assertIsInstance(palette.contents, pixels.SDL_Palette)
        self.assertEqual(palette.contents.ncolors, 10)
        colors = palette.contents.colors
        for index in range(10):
            rgb = colors[index]
            self.assertEqual((rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b), (255, 255, 255))
        pixels.SDL_SetPaletteColors(palette, colors, 0, 10)
        for index in range(10):
            rgb = palette.contents.colors[index]
            self.assertEqual(rgb, colors[index])
        pixels.SDL_SetPaletteColors(palette, colors, 5, 1000)
        for index in range(10):
            rgb = palette.contents.colors[index]
            if index < 5:
                self.assertEqual(rgb, colors[index])
            elif index > 5:
                self.assertEqual(rgb, colors[index - 5])

Exemple #3
    def test_SDL_SetPaletteColors(self):
        colors = []
        for v in range(20):
            colors.append(SDL_Color(v, v + 10, v + 20))

        palette = pixels.SDL_AllocPalette(10)
        assert isinstance(palette.contents, pixels.SDL_Palette)
        assert palette.contents.ncolors == 10
        colors = palette.contents.colors
        for index in range(10):
            rgb = colors[index]
            assert (rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b) == (255, 255, 255)
        pixels.SDL_SetPaletteColors(palette, colors, 0, 10)
        for index in range(10):
            rgb = palette.contents.colors[index]
            assert rgb == colors[index]
        pixels.SDL_SetPaletteColors(palette, colors, 5, 1000)
        for index in range(10):
            rgb = palette.contents.colors[index]
            if index < 5:
                assert rgb == colors[index]
            elif index > 5:
                assert rgb == colors[index - 5]

 def test_SDL_SetPixelFormatPalette(self):
     palette = pixels.SDL_AllocPalette(10)
     self.assertIsInstance(palette.contents, pixels.SDL_Palette)
     pformat = pixels.SDL_AllocFormat(pixels.SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA8888)
     self.assertIsInstance(pformat.contents, pixels.SDL_PixelFormat)
     pixels.SDL_SetPixelFormatPalette(pformat, palette)
     # TODO: improve tests
Exemple #5
    def test_SDL_SetSurfacePalette(self):
        invpalette = pixels.SDL_AllocPalette(10)
        palette = pixels.SDL_AllocPalette(1 << 16)
        sf = surface.SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0, 10, 10, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0)

        #        self.assertRaises((AttributeError, TypeError),
        #                          surface.set_surface_palette, None, None)
        #        self.assertRaises((AttributeError, TypeError),
        #                          surface.set_surface_palette, None, palette)
        surface.SDL_SetSurfacePalette(sf, palette)
        #        self.assertRaises(sdl.SDLError, surface.set_surface_palette, sf,
        #                          invpalette)
        surface.SDL_SetSurfacePalette(sf, None)

Exemple #6
    def test_SDL_AllocFreePalette(self):
        with pytest.raises((ArgumentError, TypeError)):
        with pytest.raises((ArgumentError, TypeError)):
        # self.assertRaises(ValueError, pixels.SDL_AllocPalette, -5)

        palette = pixels.SDL_AllocPalette(10)
        assert isinstance(palette.contents, pixels.SDL_Palette)
        assert palette.contents.ncolors == 10
        colors = palette.contents.colors
        for x in range(palette.contents.ncolors):
            assert isinstance(colors[x], SDL_Color)
        colors[3].r = 70
        assert colors[3].r == 70
        color = colors[4]
        assert colors[4].g == 255
        assert color.g == 255
        color.g = 33
        assert color.g == 33
        assert colors[4].g == 33
    def test_SDL_AllocFreePalette(self):
        self.assertRaises((ArgumentError, TypeError), pixels.SDL_AllocPalette,
        self.assertRaises((ArgumentError, TypeError), pixels.SDL_AllocPalette,
        # self.assertRaises(ValueError, pixels.SDL_AllocPalette, -5)

        palette = pixels.SDL_AllocPalette(10)
        self.assertIsInstance(palette.contents, pixels.SDL_Palette)
        self.assertEqual(palette.contents.ncolors, 10)
        colors = palette.contents.colors
        for x in range(palette.contents.ncolors):
            self.assertIsInstance(colors[x], SDL_Color)
        colors[3].r = 70
        self.assertEqual(colors[3].r, 70)
        color = colors[4]
        self.assertEqual(colors[4].g, 255)
        self.assertEqual(color.g, 255)
        color.g = 33
        self.assertEqual(color.g, 33)
        self.assertEqual(colors[4].g, 33)
Exemple #8
    def image2sprite(self, image):
        mode = image.mode
        width, height = image.size
        rmask = gmask = bmask = amask = 0
        if mode in ("1", "L", "P"):
            # 1 = B/W, 1 bit per byte
            # "L" = greyscale, 8-bit
            # "P" = palette-based, 8-bit
            pitch = width
            depth = 8
        elif mode == "RGB":
            # 3x8-bit, 24bpp
            if endian.SDL_BYTEORDER == endian.SDL_LIL_ENDIAN:
                rmask = 0x0000FF
                gmask = 0x00FF00
                bmask = 0xFF0000
                rmask = 0xFF0000
                gmask = 0x00FF00
                bmask = 0x0000FF
            depth = 24
            pitch = width * 3
        elif mode in ("RGBA", "RGBX"):
            # RGBX: 4x8-bit, no alpha
            # RGBA: 4x8-bit, alpha
            if endian.SDL_BYTEORDER == endian.SDL_LIL_ENDIAN:
                rmask = 0x000000FF
                gmask = 0x0000FF00
                bmask = 0x00FF0000
                if mode == "RGBA":
                    amask = 0xFF000000
                rmask = 0xFF000000
                gmask = 0x00FF0000
                bmask = 0x0000FF00
                if mode == "RGBA":
                    amask = 0x000000FF
            depth = 32
            pitch = width * 4
            # We do not support CMYK or YCbCr for now
            raise TypeError("unsupported image format")

        pxbuf = image.tobytes()
        imgsurface = surface.SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom(pxbuf, width, height,
                                                      depth, pitch, rmask,
                                                      gmask, bmask, amask)
        if not imgsurface:
            raise SDLError()
        imgsurface = imgsurface.contents
        # the pixel buffer must not be freed for the lifetime of the surface
        imgsurface._pxbuf = pxbuf

        if mode == "P":
            # Create a SDL_Palette for the SDL_Surface
            def _chunk(seq, size):
                for x in range(0, len(seq), size):
                    yield seq[x:x + size]

            rgbcolors = image.getpalette()
            sdlpalette = pixels.SDL_AllocPalette(len(rgbcolors) // 3)
            if not sdlpalette:
                raise SDLError()
            SDL_Color = pixels.SDL_Color
            for idx, (r, g, b) in enumerate(_chunk(rgbcolors, 3)):
                sdlpalette.contents.colors[idx] = SDL_Color(r, g, b)
            ret = surface.SDL_SetSurfacePalette(imgsurface, sdlpalette)
            # This will decrease the refcount on the palette, so it gets
            # freed properly on releasing the SDL_Surface.
            if ret != 0:
                raise SDLError()

        return self.factory.from_surface(imgsurface, free=True)