def main(): iso25D = 40 / 0.396 #dataDir = '/media/46F4A27FF4A2713B_/work2/data/' dataDir = '../data' band = setBand() outputFile = dataDir+'/growthCurvePhotometry.csv' listFile = dataDir+'/SDSS_photo_match.csv' fitsDir = dataDir+'/SDSS/' #filledDir = 'filled_'+band+'/' filledDir = 'filled2/' imgDir = 'img/'+band simpleFile = dataDir+'/CALIFA_mother_simple.csv' maskFile = dataDir+'/maskFilenames.csv' dataFile = 'list.txt' csvReader = csv.reader(open(dataFile, "rU"), delimiter=',') for row in csvReader: ID = int(string.strip(row[0])) ra = string.strip(row[1]) dec = string.strip(row[2]) run = string.strip(row[3]) rerun = string.strip(row[4]) camcol = string.strip(row[5]) field = string.strip(row[6]) runstr = sdss.run2string(run) field_str = sdss.field2string(field) #checkInput(listFile, dataDir, ID, run, rerun, camcol, runstr, band, field_str, fitsDir) #checkOutput(dataDir, ID, run, rerun, camcol, runstr, band, field_str, fitsDir, filledDir) #missing = np.genfromtxt('missing_'+setBand()+'.csv') #print missing, 'missing' #ID = missing #csvReader = csv.reader(open(dataFile, "rU"), delimiter=',') #for row in csvReader: # ID = string.strip(row[0]) #CHECK THE DELIMITERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! # if (int(ID) in x for x in missing): # print ID, 'did you check the delimiters?' #for i, ID in enumerate(missing): if ID == 577: print 'id,', int(ID) - 1 ra = GalaxyParameters.SDSS(listFile, int(ID) - 1).ra dec = GalaxyParameters.SDSS(listFile, int(ID) - 1).dec run = GalaxyParameters.SDSS(listFile, int(ID) - 1).run rerun = GalaxyParameters.SDSS(listFile, int(ID) - 1).rerun camcol = GalaxyParameters.SDSS(listFile, int(ID) - 1).camcol field = GalaxyParameters.SDSS(listFile, int(ID) - 1).field runstr = GalaxyParameters.SDSS(listFile, int(ID) - 1).runstr field_str = sdss.field2string(field) print ID inFile = fitsDir+band+'/fpC-'+runstr+'-'+band+camcol+'-'+field_str+'.fit.gz' print inFile, 'input' gz = imgFile = img = imgFile[0].data head = imgFile[0].header print 'getting header info...' rFile = fitsDir+'r/fpC-'+runstr+'-r'+camcol+'-'+field_str+'.fit.gz' rgz = imgFiler = try: maskFile =, dataDir, simpleFile, int(ID)-1)) mask = maskFile[0].data print mask.shape WCSr=astWCS.WCS(rFile) WCS=astWCS.WCS(inFile) band_center = WCS.wcs2pix(WCS.getCentreWCSCoords()[0], WCS.getCentreWCSCoords()[1]) #'other band image center coords in r image coordinate system' r_center = WCS.wcs2pix(WCSr.getCentreWCSCoords()[0], WCSr.getCentreWCSCoords()[1]) #'r center coords in r image coordinate system' shift = [band_center[0] - r_center[0], band_center[1] - r_center[1]] print shift, 'shift' #print type(shift) #note the swap! shift = [ceil(shift[1]), ceil(shift[0])] print shift, img.shape img = sdss.getShiftedImage(img, shift) mask = sdss.getShiftedImage(mask, [-1*shift[0], -1*shift[1]]) outputFilename = dataDir+'/'+filledDir+'fpC-'+runstr+'-'+band+camcol+'-'+field_str+'.fits' print outputFilename info = (ID, shift, outputFilename) Interpolation.callInpaint(img, mask, outputFilename, int(ID - 1)) utils.writeOut(info, band+'_interp_log.csv') except IOError as e: utils.writeOut((ID, e), band+'_fill_errors.csv') pass
def main(): iso25D = 40 / 0.396 # dataDir = '/media/46F4A27FF4A2713B_/work2/data/' dataDir = "../data" band = setBand() outputFile = dataDir + "/growthCurvePhotometry.csv" listFile = dataDir + "/SDSS_photo_match.csv" fitsDir = dataDir + "/SDSS/" filledDir = "filled_" + band + "/" imgDir = "img/" + band simpleFile = dataDir + "/CALIFA_mother_simple.csv" maskFile = dataDir + "/maskFilenames.csv" dataFile = "list.txt" csvReader = csv.reader(open(dataFile, "rU"), delimiter=",") """ for row in csvReader: ID = int(string.strip(row[0])) ra = string.strip(row[1]) dec = string.strip(row[2]) run = string.strip(row[3]) rerun = string.strip(row[4]) camcol = string.strip(row[5]) field = string.strip(row[6]) runstr = sdss.run2string(run) field_str = sdss.field2string(field) outputFilename = dataDir+'/'+filledDir+'fpC-'+runstr+'-'+band+camcol+'-'+field_str+'.fits' try: f = open(GalaxyParameters.getSDSSUrl(listFile, dataDir, ID-1)) print 'it is here', ID - 1 pass except IOError as e: print e, ID - 1 os.system('wget -P '+fitsDir+band+''+run+'/'+rerun+'/corr/'+camcol+'/fpC-'+runstr+'-'+band+camcol+'-'+field_str+'.fit.gz') pass try: f = open(fitsDir+'r/fpC-'+runstr+'-r'+camcol+'-'+field_str+'.fit.gz') print 'it is here', 'r', ID - 1 pass except IOError as e: print e, 'r', ID - 1 os.system('wget -P '+fitsDir+'r/'+run+'/'+rerun+'/corr/'+camcol+'/fpC-'+runstr+'-r'+camcol+'-'+field_str+'.fit.gz') pass #checking output file try: f = open(outputFilename) print 'musu', ID except IOError as e: utils.writeOut(str(ID)) pass """ missing = np.genfromtxt("missing.csv") for row in csvReader: # print '********************************', row[0] ID = string.strip(row[0]) # CHECK THE DELIMITERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if (ID in x for x in missing): print ID, "did you check the delimiters?" if int(ID) >= 250: ra = string.strip(row[1]) dec = string.strip(row[2]) run = string.strip(row[3]) rerun = string.strip(row[4]) camcol = string.strip(row[5]) field = string.strip(row[6]) runstr = sdss.run2string(run) field_str = sdss.field2string(field) print ID inFile = fitsDir + band + "/fpC-" + runstr + "-" + band + camcol + "-" + field_str + ".fit.gz" gz = imgFile = img = imgFile[0].data head = imgFile[0].header print "getting header info..." rFile = fitsDir + "r/fpC-" + runstr + "-r" + camcol + "-" + field_str + ".fit.gz" rgz = imgFiler = try: maskFile =, dataDir, simpleFile, int(ID) - 1)) mask = maskFile[0].data print mask.shape WCSr = astWCS.WCS(rFile) WCS = astWCS.WCS(inFile) band_center = WCS.wcs2pix( WCS.getCentreWCSCoords()[0], WCS.getCentreWCSCoords()[1] ) #'other band image center coords in r image coordinate system' r_center = WCS.wcs2pix( WCSr.getCentreWCSCoords()[0], WCSr.getCentreWCSCoords()[1] ) #'r center coords in r image coordinate system' shift = [band_center[0] - r_center[0], band_center[1] - r_center[1]] print type(shift) # note the swap! shift = [ceil(shift[1]), ceil(shift[0])] print shift, img.shape img = sdss.getShiftedImage(img, shift) mask = sdss.getShiftedImage(mask, [-1 * shift[0], -1 * shift[1]]) outputFilename = ( dataDir + "/" + filledDir + "fpC-" + runstr + "-" + band + camcol + "-" + field_str + ".fits" ) print outputFilename info = (ID, shift, outputFilename) utils.writeOut(info) Interpolation.callInpaint(img, mask, outputFilename, ID) utils.writeOut(info) except IOError as e: utils.writeOut((ID, e)) pass else: print "passing", ID pass