def do_surveys(): with figure("tlx_results", figsize=fig_size(0.44, 1)): sns.factorplot(x="experiment", y="tlx", data=tlx, kind="box") sns.swarmplot(x="experiment", y=r"tlx", data=tlx, palette=cmap_complement, split=True) plt.ylim(0, plt.ylim()[1]) plt.ylabel("NASA-TLX weighted score") with figure("tlx_components", figsize=fig_size(0.44, 1)): components = ["mental", "physical", "temporal", "performance", "effort", "frustration"] molten = pd.melt(tlx, id_vars=["user", "experiment", "order"], value_vars=components, var_name="component", value_name="score") g = sns.barplot(x=r"component", y="score", hue="experiment", data=molten) plt.gca().set_xticklabels( ["MD", "PD", "TD", "P", "E", "F"]) plt.xlabel("NASA-TLX component") plt.ylabel("score") with figure("survey_results", fig_size(0.44, 1)): sns.factorplot(x="experiment", y="total", data=surveys, kind="box") sns.swarmplot(x="experiment", y=r"total", data=surveys, palette=cmap_complement, split=True) plt.ylim(0, plt.ylim()[1]) plt.ylabel("survey score") with figure("survey_components", figsize=fig_size(0.9, 0.5)): molten = pd.melt(surveys, id_vars=["user", "experiment", "order"], value_vars=[r"orientation_understanding", r"orientation_control", r"position_understanding", r"position_control", r"spacial_understanding", r"spacial_control"], var_name="question", value_name="rating") g = sns.barplot(x=r"rating", y=r"question", hue="experiment", data=molten) sns.stripplot(x="rating", y=r"question", data=molten, hue="experiment", split=True, palette=cmap_complement, jitter=0.6, size=3) plt.gca().set_yticklabels( ["angle aware", "angle control", "position aware", "position control", "rel. pos. aware", "rel. pos. control"]) handles, labels = g.get_legend_handles_labels() plt.legend(handles[2:], labels[2:]) plt.xlabel("rating") plt.title("Survey results")
def stripplot(self, x=None, y=None, hue=None, data=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Draw a strip plot to show the distribution of observations in each \ categorical bin using bars. It is also a good complement to a box or violin plot in cases where \ you want to show all observations along with some representation of \ the underlying distribution Parameters ---------- x : the name of a variable in data that provides labels for categories y : a list of names of variables in data that needs the count hue : the name of a variable in data that provides labels for \ sub-categories in each big category data : pandas dataframe **kwargs : other arguments in seaborn.barplot order, hue_order : lists of strings, optional jitter : float, True/1 is special-cased, optional. Amount of jitter (only along the categorical axis) \ to apply split : bool, optional orient : “v” | “h”, optional color : matplotlib color, optional palette : palette name, list, or dict, optional size : float, optional edgecolor : matplotlib color, “gray” is special-cased, optional linewidth : float, optional Returns ------- figure : matplotlib figure with multiple axes References ---------- Seaborn stripplot further documentation """ # check data if not isinstance(data, (pd.DataFrame)): raise ValueError('data must be pandas dataframe') # check x and hue if x is not None: if x not in data.columns.values: raise ValueError('{} is NOT in data'.format(x)) if hue is not None: if hue not in data.columns.values: raise ValueError('{} is NOT in data'.format(hue)) # handle single string if not isinstance(y, (list, tuple, np.ndarray, pd.Index)): y = [y] # create fig and axes nrows = len(y) plt.close() fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=nrows, ncols=1, sharex=self.sharex, figsize=(self.size[0], nrows * self.size[1])) # HACK: handle Axes indexing when only one ax in fig if nrows == 1: axes = [axes] # iterate thru x for i, col in enumerate(y): # check if col in data if col not in data.columns.values: raise ValueError('{} is NOT in data'.format(col)) a = data[col] not_nan = np.ones(a.shape[0], dtype=np.bool) if np.logical_not(np.isfinite(a)).any(): logger.warning('RUNTIME WARNING: {} column has inf or nan ' ''.format(col)) a = a.replace([-np.inf, np.inf], np.nan) # filter not_nan = np.logical_not(a.isnull()) # plot sns.stripplot(x=x, y=col, hue=hue, data=data[not_nan], ax=axes[i], *args, **kwargs) if x is not None: axes[i].set_title( label='Stripplot Plot of {} With Respect To {} ' ''.format(col, x), fontsize=self.title_fontsize) axes[i].set_xlabel(xlabel=x, fontsize=self.label_fontsize) axes[i].set_ylabel(ylabel=col, fontsize=self.label_fontsize) else: # x is None axes[i].set_title(label='Stripplot Plot of {}'.format(col), fontsize=self.title_fontsize) axes[i].set_xlabel(xlabel=col, fontsize=self.label_fontsize) axes[i].set_ylabel(ylabel='value', fontsize=self.label_fontsize) axes[i].tick_params(axis='both', which='maj', labelsize=self.tick_fontsize) axes[i].legend(loc='lower right') fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.5, hspace=0.3, left=0.125, right=0.9, top=0.9, bottom=0.1) fig.tight_layout() return axes
def pairedcontrast(data, x, y, idcol, reps=3000, statfunction=None, idx=None, figsize=None, beforeAfterSpacer=0.01, violinWidth=0.005, floatOffset=0.05, showRawData=False, showAllYAxes=False, floatContrast=True, smoothboot=False, floatViolinOffset=None, showConnections=True, summaryBar=False, contrastYlim=None, swarmYlim=None, barWidth=0.005, rawMarkerSize=8, rawMarkerType='o', summaryMarkerSize=10, summaryMarkerType='o', summaryBarColor='grey', meansSummaryLineStyle='solid', contrastZeroLineStyle='solid', contrastEffectSizeLineStyle='solid', contrastZeroLineColor='black', contrastEffectSizeLineColor='black', pal=None, legendLoc=2, legendFontSize=12, legendMarkerScale=1, axis_title_size=None, yticksize=None, xticksize=None, tickAngle=45, tickAlignment='right', **kwargs): # Preliminaries. data = data.dropna() # plot params if axis_title_size is None: axis_title_size = 15 if yticksize is None: yticksize = 12 if xticksize is None: xticksize = 12 axisTitleParams = {'labelsize': axis_title_size} xtickParams = {'labelsize': xticksize} ytickParams = {'labelsize': yticksize} rc('axes', **axisTitleParams) rc('xtick', **xtickParams) rc('ytick', **ytickParams) ## If `idx` is not specified, just take the FIRST TWO levels alphabetically. if idx is None: idx = tuple(np.unique(data[x])[0:2], ) else: # check if multi-plot or not if all(isinstance(element, str) for element in idx): # if idx is supplied but not a multiplot (ie single list or tuple) if len(idx) != 2: print(idx, "does not have length 2.") sys.exit(0) else: idx = (tuple(idx, ), ) elif all(isinstance(element, tuple) for element in idx): # if idx is supplied, and it is a list/tuple of tuples or lists, we have a multiplot! if (any(len(element) != 2 for element in idx)): # If any of the tuples contain more than 2 elements. print(element, "does not have length 2.") sys.exit(0) if floatViolinOffset is None: floatViolinOffset = beforeAfterSpacer / 2 if contrastYlim is not None: contrastYlim = np.array([contrastYlim[0], contrastYlim[1]]) if swarmYlim is not None: swarmYlim = np.array([swarmYlim[0], swarmYlim[1]]) ## Here we define the palette on all the levels of the 'x' column. ## Thus, if the same pandas dataframe is re-used across different plots, ## the color identity of each group will be maintained. ## Set palette based on total number of categories in data['x'] or data['hue_column'] if 'hue' in kwargs: u = kwargs['hue'] else: u = x if ('color' not in kwargs and 'hue' not in kwargs): kwargs['color'] = 'k' if pal is None: pal = dict( zip(data[u].unique(), sns.color_palette(n_colors=len(data[u].unique())))) else: pal = pal # Initialise figure. if figsize is None: if len(idx) > 2: figsize = (12, (12 / np.sqrt(2))) else: figsize = (6, 6) fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) # Initialise GridSpec based on `levs_tuple` shape. gsMain = gridspec.GridSpec( 1, np.shape(idx)[0]) # 1 row; columns based on number of tuples in tuple. # Set default statfunction if statfunction is None: statfunction = np.mean # Create list to collect all the contrast DataFrames generated. contrastList = list() contrastListNames = list() for gsIdx, xlevs in enumerate(idx): ## Pivot tempdat to get before and after lines. data_pivot = data.pivot_table(index=idcol, columns=x, values=y) # Start plotting!! if floatContrast is True: ax_raw = fig.add_subplot(gsMain[gsIdx], frame_on=False) ax_contrast = ax_raw.twinx() else: gsSubGridSpec = gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec( 2, 1, subplot_spec=gsMain[gsIdx]) ax_raw = plt.Subplot(fig, gsSubGridSpec[0, 0], frame_on=False) ax_contrast = plt.Subplot(fig, gsSubGridSpec[1, 0], sharex=ax_raw, frame_on=False) ## Plot raw data as swarmplot or stripplot. if showRawData is True: swarm_raw = sns.swarmplot(data=data, x=x, y=y, order=xlevs, ax=ax_raw, palette=pal, size=rawMarkerSize, marker=rawMarkerType, **kwargs) else: swarm_raw = sns.stripplot(data=data, x=x, y=y, order=xlevs, ax=ax_raw, palette=pal, **kwargs) swarm_raw.set_ylim(swarmYlim) ## Get some details about the raw data. maxXBefore = max(swarm_raw.collections[0].get_offsets().T[0]) minXAfter = min(swarm_raw.collections[1].get_offsets().T[0]) if showRawData is True: #beforeAfterSpacer = (getSwarmSpan(swarm_raw, 0) + getSwarmSpan(swarm_raw, 1))/2 beforeAfterSpacer = 1 xposAfter = maxXBefore + beforeAfterSpacer xAfterShift = minXAfter - xposAfter ## shift the after swarmpoints closer for aesthetic purposes. offsetSwarmX(swarm_raw.collections[1], -xAfterShift) ## pandas DataFrame of 'before' group x1 = pd.DataFrame({ str(xlevs[0] + '_x'): pd.Series(swarm_raw.collections[0].get_offsets().T[0]), xlevs[0]: pd.Series(swarm_raw.collections[0].get_offsets().T[1]), '_R_': pd.Series(swarm_raw.collections[0].get_facecolors().T[0]), '_G_': pd.Series(swarm_raw.collections[0].get_facecolors().T[1]), '_B_': pd.Series(swarm_raw.collections[0].get_facecolors().T[2]), }) ## join the RGB columns into a tuple, then assign to a column. x1['_hue_'] = x1[['_R_', '_G_', '_B_']].apply(tuple, axis=1) x1 = x1.sort_values(by=xlevs[0]) x1.index = data_pivot.sort_values(by=xlevs[0]).index ## pandas DataFrame of 'after' group ### create convenient signifiers for column names. befX = str(xlevs[0] + '_x') aftX = str(xlevs[1] + '_x') x2 = pd.DataFrame({ aftX: pd.Series(swarm_raw.collections[1].get_offsets().T[0]), xlevs[1]: pd.Series(swarm_raw.collections[1].get_offsets().T[1]) }) x2 = x2.sort_values(by=xlevs[1]) x2.index = data_pivot.sort_values(by=xlevs[1]).index ## Join x1 and x2, on both their indexes. plotPoints = x1.merge(x2, left_index=True, right_index=True, how='outer') ## Add the hue column if hue argument was passed. if 'hue' in kwargs: h = kwargs['hue'] plotPoints[h] = data.pivot(index=idcol, columns=x, values=h)[xlevs[0]] swarm_raw.legend(loc=legendLoc, fontsize=legendFontSize, markerscale=legendMarkerScale) ## Plot the lines to join the 'before' points to their respective 'after' points. if showConnections is True: for i in plotPoints.index: ax_raw.plot( [plotPoints.ix[i, befX], plotPoints.ix[i, aftX]], [plotPoints.ix[i, xlevs[0]], plotPoints.ix[i, xlevs[1]]], linestyle='solid', color=plotPoints.ix[i, '_hue_'], linewidth=0.75, alpha=0.75) ## Hide the raw swarmplot data if so desired. if showRawData is False: swarm_raw.collections[0].set_visible(False) swarm_raw.collections[1].set_visible(False) if showRawData is True: #maxSwarmSpan = max(np.array([getSwarmSpan(swarm_raw, 0), getSwarmSpan(swarm_raw, 1)]))/2 maxSwarmSpan = 0.5 else: maxSwarmSpan = barWidth ## Plot Summary Bar. if summaryBar is True: # Calculate means means = data.groupby([x], sort=True).mean()[y] # # Calculate medians # medians = data.groupby([x], sort = True).median()[y] ## Draw summary bar. bar_raw = sns.barplot(x=means.index, y=means.values, order=xlevs, ax=ax_raw, ci=0, facecolor=summaryBarColor, alpha=0.25) ## Draw zero reference line. ax_raw.add_artist( Line2D((ax_raw.xaxis.get_view_interval()[0], ax_raw.xaxis.get_view_interval()[1]), (0, 0), color='black', linewidth=0.75)) ## get swarm with largest span, set as max width of each barplot. for i, bar in enumerate(bar_raw.patches): x_width = bar.get_x() width = bar.get_width() centre = x_width + width / 2. if i == 0: bar.set_x(centre - maxSwarmSpan / 2.) else: bar.set_x(centre - xAfterShift - maxSwarmSpan / 2.) bar.set_width(maxSwarmSpan) # Get y-limits of the treatment swarm points. beforeRaw = pd.DataFrame(swarm_raw.collections[0].get_offsets()) afterRaw = pd.DataFrame(swarm_raw.collections[1].get_offsets()) before_leftx = min(beforeRaw[0]) after_leftx = min(afterRaw[0]) after_rightx = max(afterRaw[0]) after_stat_summary = statfunction(beforeRaw[1]) # Calculate the summary difference and CI. plotPoints['delta_y'] = plotPoints[xlevs[1]] - plotPoints[xlevs[0]] plotPoints['delta_x'] = [0] * np.shape(plotPoints)[0] tempseries = plotPoints['delta_y'].tolist() test = tempseries.count(tempseries[0]) != len(tempseries) bootsDelta = bootstrap(plotPoints['delta_y'], statfunction=statfunction, smoothboot=smoothboot, reps=reps) summDelta = bootsDelta['summary'] lowDelta = bootsDelta['bca_ci_low'] highDelta = bootsDelta['bca_ci_high'] # set new xpos for delta violin. if floatContrast is True: if showRawData is False: xposPlusViolin = deltaSwarmX = after_rightx + floatViolinOffset else: xposPlusViolin = deltaSwarmX = after_rightx + maxSwarmSpan else: xposPlusViolin = xposAfter if showRawData is True: # If showRawData is True and floatContrast is True, # set violinwidth to the barwidth. violinWidth = maxSwarmSpan xmaxPlot = xposPlusViolin + violinWidth # Plot the summary measure. ax_contrast.plot(xposPlusViolin, summDelta, marker='o', markerfacecolor='k', markersize=summaryMarkerSize, alpha=0.75) # Plot the CI. ax_contrast.plot([xposPlusViolin, xposPlusViolin], [lowDelta, highDelta], color='k', alpha=0.75, linestyle='solid') # Plot the violin-plot. v = ax_contrast.violinplot(bootsDelta['stat_array'], [xposPlusViolin], widths=violinWidth, showextrema=False, showmeans=False) halfviolin(v, half='right', color='k') # Remove left axes x-axis title. ax_raw.set_xlabel("") # Remove floating axes y-axis title. ax_contrast.set_ylabel("") # Set proper x-limits ax_raw.set_xlim(before_leftx - beforeAfterSpacer / 2, xmaxPlot) ax_raw.get_xaxis().set_view_interval( before_leftx - beforeAfterSpacer / 2, after_rightx + beforeAfterSpacer / 2) ax_contrast.set_xlim(ax_raw.get_xlim()) if floatContrast is True: # Set the ticks locations for ax_raw. ax_raw.get_xaxis().set_ticks((0, xposAfter)) # Make sure they have the same y-limits. ax_contrast.set_ylim(ax_raw.get_ylim()) # Drawing in the x-axis for ax_raw. ## Set the tick labels! ax_raw.set_xticklabels(xlevs, rotation=tickAngle, horizontalalignment=tickAlignment) ## Get lowest y-value for ax_raw. y = ax_raw.get_yaxis().get_view_interval()[0] # Align the left axes and the floating axes. align_yaxis(ax_raw, statfunction(plotPoints[xlevs[0]]), ax_contrast, 0) # Add label to floating axes. But on ax_raw! ax_raw.text(x=deltaSwarmX, y=ax_raw.get_yaxis().get_view_interval()[0], horizontalalignment='left', s='Difference', fontsize=15) # Set reference lines ## zero line ax_contrast.hlines( 0, # y-coordinate ax_contrast.xaxis.get_majorticklocs() [0], # x-coordinates, start and end. ax_raw.xaxis.get_view_interval()[1], linestyle='solid', linewidth=0.75, color='black') ## effect size line ax_contrast.hlines(summDelta, ax_contrast.xaxis.get_majorticklocs()[1], ax_raw.xaxis.get_view_interval()[1], linestyle='solid', linewidth=0.75, color='black') # Align the left axes and the floating axes. align_yaxis(ax_raw, after_stat_summary, ax_contrast, 0.) else: # Set the ticks locations for ax_raw. ax_raw.get_xaxis().set_ticks((0, xposAfter)) fig.add_subplot(ax_raw) fig.add_subplot(ax_contrast) ax_contrast.set_ylim(contrastYlim) # Calculate p-values. # 1-sample t-test to see if the mean of the difference is different from 0. ttestresult = ttest_1samp(plotPoints['delta_y'], popmean=0)[1] bootsDelta['ttest_pval'] = ttestresult contrastList.append(bootsDelta) contrastListNames.append(str(xlevs[1]) + ' v.s. ' + str(xlevs[0])) # Turn contrastList into a pandas DataFrame, contrastList = pd.DataFrame(contrastList).T contrastList.columns = contrastListNames # Now we iterate thru the contrast axes to normalize all the ylims. for j, i in enumerate(range(1, len(fig.get_axes()), 2)): axx = fig.get_axes()[i] ## Get max and min of the dataset. lower = np.min(contrastList.ix['stat_array', j]) upper = np.max(contrastList.ix['stat_array', j]) meandiff = contrastList.ix['summary', j] ## Make sure we have zero in the limits. if lower > 0: lower = 0. if upper < 0: upper = 0. ## Get tick distance on raw axes. ## This will be the tick distance for the contrast axes. rawAxesTicks = fig.get_axes()[i - 1].yaxis.get_majorticklocs() rawAxesTickDist = rawAxesTicks[1] - rawAxesTicks[0] ## First re-draw of axis with new tick interval axx.yaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(rawAxesTickDist)) newticks1 = fig.get_axes()[i].get_yticks() if floatContrast is False: if (showAllYAxes is False and i in range(2, len(fig.get_axes()))): axx.get_yaxis().set_visible(showAllYAxes) else: ## Obtain major ticks that comfortably encompass lower and upper. newticks2 = list() for a, b in enumerate(newticks1): if (b >= lower and b <= upper): # if the tick lies within upper and lower, take it. newticks2.append(b) # if the meandiff falls outside of the newticks2 set, add a tick in the right direction. if np.max(newticks2) < meandiff: ind = np.where(newticks1 == np.max(newticks2))[0][ 0] # find out the max tick index in newticks1. newticks2.append(newticks1[ind + 1]) elif meandiff < np.min(newticks2): ind = np.where(newticks1 == np.min(newticks2))[0][ 0] # find out the min tick index in newticks1. newticks2.append(newticks1[ind - 1]) newticks2 = np.array(newticks2) newticks2.sort() axx.yaxis.set_major_locator(FixedLocator(locs=newticks2)) ## Draw zero reference line. axx.hlines( y=0, xmin=fig.get_axes()[i].get_xaxis().get_view_interval()[0], xmax=fig.get_axes()[i].get_xaxis().get_view_interval()[1], linestyle=contrastZeroLineStyle, linewidth=0.75, color=contrastZeroLineColor) sns.despine(ax=fig.get_axes()[i], trim=True, bottom=False, right=True, left=False, top=True) ## Draw back the lines for the relevant y-axes. drawback_y(axx) ## Draw back the lines for the relevant x-axes. drawback_x(axx) elif floatContrast is True: ## Get the original ticks on the floating y-axis. newticks1 = fig.get_axes()[i].get_yticks() ## Obtain major ticks that comfortably encompass lower and upper. newticks2 = list() for a, b in enumerate(newticks1): if (b >= lower and b <= upper): # if the tick lies within upper and lower, take it. newticks2.append(b) # if the meandiff falls outside of the newticks2 set, add a tick in the right direction. if np.max(newticks2) < meandiff: ind = np.where(newticks1 == np.max(newticks2))[0][ 0] # find out the max tick index in newticks1. newticks2.append(newticks1[ind + 1]) elif meandiff < np.min(newticks2): ind = np.where(newticks1 == np.min(newticks2))[0][ 0] # find out the min tick index in newticks1. newticks2.append(newticks1[ind - 1]) newticks2 = np.array(newticks2) newticks2.sort() ## Re-draw the axis. axx.yaxis.set_major_locator(FixedLocator(locs=newticks2)) ## Despine and trim the axes. sns.despine(ax=axx, trim=True, bottom=False, right=False, left=True, top=True) for i in range(0, len(fig.get_axes()), 2): # Loop through the raw data swarmplots and despine them appropriately. if floatContrast is True: sns.despine(ax=fig.get_axes()[i], trim=True, right=True) else: sns.despine(ax=fig.get_axes()[i], trim=True, bottom=True, right=True) fig.get_axes()[i].get_xaxis().set_visible(False) # Draw back the lines for the relevant y-axes. ymin = fig.get_axes()[i].get_yaxis().get_majorticklocs()[0] ymax = fig.get_axes()[i].get_yaxis().get_majorticklocs()[-1] x, _ = fig.get_axes()[i].get_xaxis().get_view_interval() fig.get_axes()[i].add_artist( Line2D((x, x), (ymin, ymax), color='black', linewidth=1.5)) # Zero gaps between plots on the same row, if floatContrast is False if (floatContrast is False and showAllYAxes is False): gsMain.update(wspace=0) else: # Tight Layout! gsMain.tight_layout(fig) # And we're done. rcdefaults() # restore matplotlib defaults. sns.set() # restore seaborn defaults. return fig, contrastList
mean_red = [np.mean(red[rt]) for red, rt in zip(reds, redst)] mean_green = [np.mean(green[gt]) for green, gt in zip(greens, greenst)] # Put them in a dataframe and save it df = pd.DataFrame({ 'filename': image_filenames, 'class': classes, 'red': mean_red, 'green': mean_green }) df.to_excel(os.path.expanduser('~') + '/Desktop/intensities.xlsx') # Make a bar plot and save it means = df.groupby('class').aggregate(np.mean) errs = df.groupby('class').aggregate(np.std) means.plot(kind='bar', yerr=errs) plt.xlabel('') plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(os.path.expanduser('~') + '/Desktop/intensities.png', dpi=300) # Make a jitter plot and save it td = pd.melt(df, id_vars=['filename', 'class'], value_vars=['red', 'green'], var_name='channel', value_name='intensity').set_index('filename') ax = sns.stripplot(x='class', y='intensity', hue='channel', data=td, hue_order=('green', 'red'), split=True, jitter=True) ax.figure.savefig(os.path.expanduser('~') + '/Desktop/jitter.png', dpi=300)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd import seaborn.apionly as sns'custom') failcolor = '#C44E52' passcolor = '#55A868' warncolor = '#FFA574' df = pd.read_csv('data.csv') fig = plt.figure(figsize=(cm2inch(15), cm2inch(6))) ax = sns.stripplot(x='generator', y='value', data=df, jitter=True) ax.set_xlabel('Generador') ax.set_ylabel('p values') fig.savefig('summary.pdf') # for gen,gendf in df.groupby('generator'): # fig = plt.figure(figsize=(cm2inch(2),cm2inch(2))) # ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1) # ax.set_ylabel('') # ax.set_xlabel('') # L = len(gendf['value']) # vals = list(gendf['value']) # for j in range(L): # val = vals[j] # color = passcolor # marker = 'o'
def pairedcontrast(data, x, y, idcol, reps = 3000, statfunction = None, idx = None, figsize = None, beforeAfterSpacer = 0.01, violinWidth = 0.005, floatOffset = 0.05, showRawData = False, showAllYAxes = False, floatContrast = True, smoothboot = False, floatViolinOffset = None, showConnections = True, summaryBar = False, contrastYlim = None, swarmYlim = None, barWidth = 0.005, rawMarkerSize = 8, rawMarkerType = 'o', summaryMarkerSize = 10, summaryMarkerType = 'o', summaryBarColor = 'grey', meansSummaryLineStyle = 'solid', contrastZeroLineStyle = 'solid', contrastEffectSizeLineStyle = 'solid', contrastZeroLineColor = 'black', contrastEffectSizeLineColor = 'black', pal = None, legendLoc = 2, legendFontSize = 12, legendMarkerScale = 1, axis_title_size = None, yticksize = None, xticksize = None, tickAngle=45, tickAlignment='right', **kwargs): # Preliminaries. data = data.dropna() # plot params if axis_title_size is None: axis_title_size = 15 if yticksize is None: yticksize = 12 if xticksize is None: xticksize = 12 axisTitleParams = {'labelsize' : axis_title_size} xtickParams = {'labelsize' : xticksize} ytickParams = {'labelsize' : yticksize} rc('axes', **axisTitleParams) rc('xtick', **xtickParams) rc('ytick', **ytickParams) ## If `idx` is not specified, just take the FIRST TWO levels alphabetically. if idx is None: idx = tuple(np.unique(data[x])[0:2],) else: # check if multi-plot or not if all(isinstance(element, str) for element in idx): # if idx is supplied but not a multiplot (ie single list or tuple) if len(idx) != 2: print(idx, "does not have length 2.") sys.exit(0) else: idx = (tuple(idx, ),) elif all(isinstance(element, tuple) for element in idx): # if idx is supplied, and it is a list/tuple of tuples or lists, we have a multiplot! if ( any(len(element) != 2 for element in idx) ): # If any of the tuples contain more than 2 elements. print(element, "does not have length 2.") sys.exit(0) if floatViolinOffset is None: floatViolinOffset = beforeAfterSpacer/2 if contrastYlim is not None: contrastYlim = np.array([contrastYlim[0],contrastYlim[1]]) if swarmYlim is not None: swarmYlim = np.array([swarmYlim[0],swarmYlim[1]]) ## Here we define the palette on all the levels of the 'x' column. ## Thus, if the same pandas dataframe is re-used across different plots, ## the color identity of each group will be maintained. ## Set palette based on total number of categories in data['x'] or data['hue_column'] if 'hue' in kwargs: u = kwargs['hue'] else: u = x if ('color' not in kwargs and 'hue' not in kwargs): kwargs['color'] = 'k' if pal is None: pal = dict( zip( data[u].unique(), sns.color_palette(n_colors = len(data[u].unique())) ) ) else: pal = pal # Initialise figure. if figsize is None: if len(idx) > 2: figsize = (12,(12/np.sqrt(2))) else: figsize = (6,6) fig = plt.figure(figsize = figsize) # Initialise GridSpec based on `levs_tuple` shape. gsMain = gridspec.GridSpec( 1, np.shape(idx)[0]) # 1 row; columns based on number of tuples in tuple. # Set default statfunction if statfunction is None: statfunction = np.mean # Create list to collect all the contrast DataFrames generated. contrastList = list() contrastListNames = list() for gsIdx, xlevs in enumerate(idx): ## Pivot tempdat to get before and after lines. data_pivot = data.pivot_table(index = idcol, columns = x, values = y) # Start plotting!! if floatContrast is True: ax_raw = fig.add_subplot(gsMain[gsIdx], frame_on = False) ax_contrast = ax_raw.twinx() else: gsSubGridSpec = gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec(2, 1, subplot_spec = gsMain[gsIdx]) ax_raw = plt.Subplot(fig, gsSubGridSpec[0, 0], frame_on = False) ax_contrast = plt.Subplot(fig, gsSubGridSpec[1, 0], sharex = ax_raw, frame_on = False) ## Plot raw data as swarmplot or stripplot. if showRawData is True: swarm_raw = sns.swarmplot(data = data, x = x, y = y, order = xlevs, ax = ax_raw, palette = pal, size = rawMarkerSize, marker = rawMarkerType, **kwargs) else: swarm_raw = sns.stripplot(data = data, x = x, y = y, order = xlevs, ax = ax_raw, palette = pal, **kwargs) swarm_raw.set_ylim(swarmYlim) ## Get some details about the raw data. maxXBefore = max(swarm_raw.collections[0].get_offsets().T[0]) minXAfter = min(swarm_raw.collections[1].get_offsets().T[0]) if showRawData is True: #beforeAfterSpacer = (getSwarmSpan(swarm_raw, 0) + getSwarmSpan(swarm_raw, 1))/2 beforeAfterSpacer = 1 xposAfter = maxXBefore + beforeAfterSpacer xAfterShift = minXAfter - xposAfter ## shift the after swarmpoints closer for aesthetic purposes. offsetSwarmX(swarm_raw.collections[1], -xAfterShift) ## pandas DataFrame of 'before' group x1 = pd.DataFrame({str(xlevs[0] + '_x') : pd.Series(swarm_raw.collections[0].get_offsets().T[0]), xlevs[0] : pd.Series(swarm_raw.collections[0].get_offsets().T[1]), '_R_' : pd.Series(swarm_raw.collections[0].get_facecolors().T[0]), '_G_' : pd.Series(swarm_raw.collections[0].get_facecolors().T[1]), '_B_' : pd.Series(swarm_raw.collections[0].get_facecolors().T[2]), }) ## join the RGB columns into a tuple, then assign to a column. x1['_hue_'] = x1[['_R_', '_G_', '_B_']].apply(tuple, axis=1) x1 = x1.sort_values(by = xlevs[0]) x1.index = data_pivot.sort_values(by = xlevs[0]).index ## pandas DataFrame of 'after' group ### create convenient signifiers for column names. befX = str(xlevs[0] + '_x') aftX = str(xlevs[1] + '_x') x2 = pd.DataFrame( {aftX : pd.Series(swarm_raw.collections[1].get_offsets().T[0]), xlevs[1] : pd.Series(swarm_raw.collections[1].get_offsets().T[1])} ) x2 = x2.sort_values(by = xlevs[1]) x2.index = data_pivot.sort_values(by = xlevs[1]).index ## Join x1 and x2, on both their indexes. plotPoints = x1.merge(x2, left_index = True, right_index = True, how='outer') ## Add the hue column if hue argument was passed. if 'hue' in kwargs: h = kwargs['hue'] plotPoints[h] = data.pivot(index = idcol, columns = x, values = h)[xlevs[0]] swarm_raw.legend(loc = legendLoc, fontsize = legendFontSize, markerscale = legendMarkerScale) ## Plot the lines to join the 'before' points to their respective 'after' points. if showConnections is True: for i in plotPoints.index: ax_raw.plot([ plotPoints.ix[i, befX], plotPoints.ix[i, aftX] ], [ plotPoints.ix[i, xlevs[0]], plotPoints.ix[i, xlevs[1]] ], linestyle = 'solid', color = plotPoints.ix[i, '_hue_'], linewidth = 0.75, alpha = 0.75 ) ## Hide the raw swarmplot data if so desired. if showRawData is False: swarm_raw.collections[0].set_visible(False) swarm_raw.collections[1].set_visible(False) if showRawData is True: #maxSwarmSpan = max(np.array([getSwarmSpan(swarm_raw, 0), getSwarmSpan(swarm_raw, 1)]))/2 maxSwarmSpan = 0.5 else: maxSwarmSpan = barWidth ## Plot Summary Bar. if summaryBar is True: # Calculate means means = data.groupby([x], sort = True).mean()[y] # # Calculate medians # medians = data.groupby([x], sort = True).median()[y] ## Draw summary bar. bar_raw = sns.barplot(x = means.index, y = means.values, order = xlevs, ax = ax_raw, ci = 0, facecolor = summaryBarColor, alpha = 0.25) ## Draw zero reference line. ax_raw.add_artist(Line2D( (ax_raw.xaxis.get_view_interval()[0], ax_raw.xaxis.get_view_interval()[1]), (0,0), color='black', linewidth=0.75 ) ) ## get swarm with largest span, set as max width of each barplot. for i, bar in enumerate(bar_raw.patches): x_width = bar.get_x() width = bar.get_width() centre = x_width + width/2. if i == 0: bar.set_x(centre - maxSwarmSpan/2.) else: bar.set_x(centre - xAfterShift - maxSwarmSpan/2.) bar.set_width(maxSwarmSpan) # Get y-limits of the treatment swarm points. beforeRaw = pd.DataFrame( swarm_raw.collections[0].get_offsets() ) afterRaw = pd.DataFrame( swarm_raw.collections[1].get_offsets() ) before_leftx = min(beforeRaw[0]) after_leftx = min(afterRaw[0]) after_rightx = max(afterRaw[0]) after_stat_summary = statfunction(beforeRaw[1]) # Calculate the summary difference and CI. plotPoints['delta_y'] = plotPoints[xlevs[1]] - plotPoints[xlevs[0]] plotPoints['delta_x'] = [0] * np.shape(plotPoints)[0] tempseries = plotPoints['delta_y'].tolist() test = tempseries.count(tempseries[0]) != len(tempseries) bootsDelta = bootstrap(plotPoints['delta_y'], statfunction = statfunction, smoothboot = smoothboot, reps = reps) summDelta = bootsDelta['summary'] lowDelta = bootsDelta['bca_ci_low'] highDelta = bootsDelta['bca_ci_high'] # set new xpos for delta violin. if floatContrast is True: if showRawData is False: xposPlusViolin = deltaSwarmX = after_rightx + floatViolinOffset else: xposPlusViolin = deltaSwarmX = after_rightx + maxSwarmSpan else: xposPlusViolin = xposAfter if showRawData is True: # If showRawData is True and floatContrast is True, # set violinwidth to the barwidth. violinWidth = maxSwarmSpan xmaxPlot = xposPlusViolin + violinWidth # Plot the summary measure. ax_contrast.plot(xposPlusViolin, summDelta, marker = 'o', markerfacecolor = 'k', markersize = summaryMarkerSize, alpha = 0.75 ) # Plot the CI. ax_contrast.plot([xposPlusViolin, xposPlusViolin], [lowDelta, highDelta], color = 'k', alpha = 0.75, linestyle = 'solid' ) # Plot the violin-plot. v = ax_contrast.violinplot(bootsDelta['stat_array'], [xposPlusViolin], widths = violinWidth, showextrema = False, showmeans = False) halfviolin(v, half = 'right', color = 'k') # Remove left axes x-axis title. ax_raw.set_xlabel("") # Remove floating axes y-axis title. ax_contrast.set_ylabel("") # Set proper x-limits ax_raw.set_xlim(before_leftx - beforeAfterSpacer/2, xmaxPlot) ax_raw.get_xaxis().set_view_interval(before_leftx - beforeAfterSpacer/2, after_rightx + beforeAfterSpacer/2) ax_contrast.set_xlim(ax_raw.get_xlim()) if floatContrast is True: # Set the ticks locations for ax_raw. ax_raw.get_xaxis().set_ticks((0, xposAfter)) # Make sure they have the same y-limits. ax_contrast.set_ylim(ax_raw.get_ylim()) # Drawing in the x-axis for ax_raw. ## Set the tick labels! ax_raw.set_xticklabels(xlevs, rotation = tickAngle, horizontalalignment = tickAlignment) ## Get lowest y-value for ax_raw. y = ax_raw.get_yaxis().get_view_interval()[0] # Align the left axes and the floating axes. align_yaxis(ax_raw, statfunction(plotPoints[xlevs[0]]), ax_contrast, 0) # Add label to floating axes. But on ax_raw! ax_raw.text(x = deltaSwarmX, y = ax_raw.get_yaxis().get_view_interval()[0], horizontalalignment = 'left', s = 'Difference', fontsize = 15) # Set reference lines ## zero line ax_contrast.hlines(0, # y-coordinate ax_contrast.xaxis.get_majorticklocs()[0], # x-coordinates, start and end. ax_raw.xaxis.get_view_interval()[1], linestyle = 'solid', linewidth = 0.75, color = 'black') ## effect size line ax_contrast.hlines(summDelta, ax_contrast.xaxis.get_majorticklocs()[1], ax_raw.xaxis.get_view_interval()[1], linestyle = 'solid', linewidth = 0.75, color = 'black') # Align the left axes and the floating axes. align_yaxis(ax_raw, after_stat_summary, ax_contrast, 0.) else: # Set the ticks locations for ax_raw. ax_raw.get_xaxis().set_ticks((0, xposAfter)) fig.add_subplot(ax_raw) fig.add_subplot(ax_contrast) ax_contrast.set_ylim(contrastYlim) # Calculate p-values. # 1-sample t-test to see if the mean of the difference is different from 0. ttestresult = ttest_1samp(plotPoints['delta_y'], popmean = 0)[1] bootsDelta['ttest_pval'] = ttestresult contrastList.append(bootsDelta) contrastListNames.append( str(xlevs[1])+' v.s. '+str(xlevs[0]) ) # Turn contrastList into a pandas DataFrame, contrastList = pd.DataFrame(contrastList).T contrastList.columns = contrastListNames # Now we iterate thru the contrast axes to normalize all the ylims. for j,i in enumerate(range(1, len(fig.get_axes()), 2)): axx=fig.get_axes()[i] ## Get max and min of the dataset. lower = np.min(contrastList.ix['stat_array',j]) upper = np.max(contrastList.ix['stat_array',j]) meandiff = contrastList.ix['summary', j] ## Make sure we have zero in the limits. if lower > 0: lower = 0. if upper < 0: upper = 0. ## Get tick distance on raw axes. ## This will be the tick distance for the contrast axes. rawAxesTicks = fig.get_axes()[i-1].yaxis.get_majorticklocs() rawAxesTickDist = rawAxesTicks[1] - rawAxesTicks[0] ## First re-draw of axis with new tick interval axx.yaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(rawAxesTickDist)) newticks1 = fig.get_axes()[i].get_yticks() if floatContrast is False: if (showAllYAxes is False and i in range( 2, len(fig.get_axes())) ): axx.get_yaxis().set_visible(showAllYAxes) else: ## Obtain major ticks that comfortably encompass lower and upper. newticks2 = list() for a,b in enumerate(newticks1): if (b >= lower and b <= upper): # if the tick lies within upper and lower, take it. newticks2.append(b) # if the meandiff falls outside of the newticks2 set, add a tick in the right direction. if np.max(newticks2) < meandiff: ind = np.where(newticks1 == np.max(newticks2))[0][0] # find out the max tick index in newticks1. newticks2.append( newticks1[ind+1] ) elif meandiff < np.min(newticks2): ind = np.where(newticks1 == np.min(newticks2))[0][0] # find out the min tick index in newticks1. newticks2.append( newticks1[ind-1] ) newticks2 = np.array(newticks2) newticks2.sort() axx.yaxis.set_major_locator(FixedLocator(locs = newticks2)) ## Draw zero reference line. axx.hlines(y = 0, xmin = fig.get_axes()[i].get_xaxis().get_view_interval()[0], xmax = fig.get_axes()[i].get_xaxis().get_view_interval()[1], linestyle = contrastZeroLineStyle, linewidth = 0.75, color = contrastZeroLineColor) sns.despine(ax = fig.get_axes()[i], trim = True, bottom = False, right = True, left = False, top = True) ## Draw back the lines for the relevant y-axes. drawback_y(axx) ## Draw back the lines for the relevant x-axes. drawback_x(axx) elif floatContrast is True: ## Get the original ticks on the floating y-axis. newticks1 = fig.get_axes()[i].get_yticks() ## Obtain major ticks that comfortably encompass lower and upper. newticks2 = list() for a,b in enumerate(newticks1): if (b >= lower and b <= upper): # if the tick lies within upper and lower, take it. newticks2.append(b) # if the meandiff falls outside of the newticks2 set, add a tick in the right direction. if np.max(newticks2) < meandiff: ind = np.where(newticks1 == np.max(newticks2))[0][0] # find out the max tick index in newticks1. newticks2.append( newticks1[ind+1] ) elif meandiff < np.min(newticks2): ind = np.where(newticks1 == np.min(newticks2))[0][0] # find out the min tick index in newticks1. newticks2.append( newticks1[ind-1] ) newticks2 = np.array(newticks2) newticks2.sort() ## Re-draw the axis. axx.yaxis.set_major_locator(FixedLocator(locs = newticks2)) ## Despine and trim the axes. sns.despine(ax = axx, trim = True, bottom = False, right = False, left = True, top = True) for i in range(0, len(fig.get_axes()), 2): # Loop through the raw data swarmplots and despine them appropriately. if floatContrast is True: sns.despine(ax = fig.get_axes()[i], trim = True, right = True) else: sns.despine(ax = fig.get_axes()[i], trim = True, bottom = True, right = True) fig.get_axes()[i].get_xaxis().set_visible(False) # Draw back the lines for the relevant y-axes. ymin = fig.get_axes()[i].get_yaxis().get_majorticklocs()[0] ymax = fig.get_axes()[i].get_yaxis().get_majorticklocs()[-1] x, _ = fig.get_axes()[i].get_xaxis().get_view_interval() fig.get_axes()[i].add_artist(Line2D((x, x), (ymin, ymax), color='black', linewidth=1.5)) # Zero gaps between plots on the same row, if floatContrast is False if (floatContrast is False and showAllYAxes is False): gsMain.update(wspace = 0) else: # Tight Layout! gsMain.tight_layout(fig) # And we're done. rcdefaults() # restore matplotlib defaults. sns.set() # restore seaborn defaults. return fig, contrastList
def plot_results(transformation): res_dir = '../results' _, dir_sigmas, _ = next(os.walk(res_dir)) dir_sigmas = [ds for ds in dir_sigmas if ds.find(transformation) == 0] sigmas = [float(ds[len(transformation) + 1:]) for ds in dir_sigmas] idx_sigmas = np.argsort(sigmas) sigmas = [sigmas[i] for i in idx_sigmas] dir_sigmas = [dir_sigmas[i] for i in idx_sigmas] sigma_miss_err = {} sigma_times = {'PM': {}, 'NMU': {}, 'TOTAL': {}} example_miss_err = {} res_files = ['{}/{}/test.txt'.format(res_dir, ds) for ds in dir_sigmas] # Very crude parser, do not change console printing output # or this will break for s, rf in zip(sigmas, res_files): with open(rf, 'r') as file_contents: sigma_miss_err[s] = [] sigma_times['PM'][s] = [] sigma_times['NMU'][s] = [] sigma_times['TOTAL'][s] = [] for i, line in enumerate(file_contents): if line.find('Statistics') == 0: break if i % 10 == 0: example = line[:-5] if i % 10 == 3: t = float(line.split()[4]) sigma_times['PM'][s].append(t) if i % 10 == 4: t = float(line.split()[2]) sigma_times['NMU'][s].append(t) if i % 10 == 7: t = float(line.split()[2]) sigma_times['TOTAL'][s].append(t) if i % 10 == 8: pr = 100 * float(line.split()[3][:-1]) if example not in example_miss_err: example_miss_err[example] = [] example_miss_err[example].append(pr) sigma_miss_err[s].append(pr) def sort_dict(d): return collections.OrderedDict(sorted(d.items())) example_miss_err = sort_dict(example_miss_err) sigma_miss_err = sort_dict(sigma_miss_err) sigma_times['PM'] = sort_dict(sigma_times['PM']) sigma_times['NMU'] = sort_dict(sigma_times['NMU']) sigma_times['TOTAL'] = sort_dict(sigma_times['TOTAL']) def round2(vals, decimals=2): return np.round(vals, decimals=decimals) print('Misclassification error') for key in sigma_miss_err: values = np.array(sigma_miss_err[key]) stats = (key, round2(np.mean(values)), round2(np.median(values)), round2(np.std(values, ddof=1))) fmt_str = 'sigma: {}\tmean: {}\tmedian: {}\tstd: {}' print(fmt_str.format(*stats)) # print('\t', values) with sns.axes_style("whitegrid"): values = np.array(list(sigma_miss_err.values())).T max_val = values.max() plt.figure() sns.boxplot(data=values, color='.95', whis=100) sns.stripplot(data=values, jitter=True) sigmas_text = ['{:.2f}'.format(s) for s in sigmas] plt.xticks(range(len(sigmas)), sigmas_text, size='x-large') yticks = [yt for yt in plt.yticks()[0] if yt >= 0] plt.yticks(yticks, size='x-large') plt.xlabel(r'$\sigma$', size='x-large') plt.ylabel('Misclassification error (%)', size='x-large') plt.ylim((-2, 10 * np.ceil(max_val / 10))) if transformation == 'homography': plt.title('Homographies', size='x-large') if transformation == 'fundamental': plt.title('Fundamental matrices', size='x-large') plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig('{}/{}_result.pdf'.format(res_dir, transformation), bbox_inches='tight') print('Time') for key in sigma_miss_err: mean_PM = round2(np.mean(np.array(sigma_times['PM'][key]))) mean_NMU = round2(np.mean((np.array(sigma_times['NMU'][key])))) mean_total = round2(np.mean((np.array(sigma_times['TOTAL'][key])))) stats = (key, mean_total, round2(mean_PM / mean_total), round2(mean_NMU / mean_total)) fmt_str = 'sigma: {}\tTOTAL: {}\tRATIO PM: {}\tRATIO NMU: {}' print(fmt_str.format(*stats))