Exemple #1
 def generate_challenge(self):
     # local import to avoid circular import
     from seahub.two_factor.oath import totp
     from seahub.two_factor.utils import totp_digits
     Sends the current TOTP token to `self.number` using `self.method`.
     no_digits = totp_digits()
     token = str(totp(self.bin_key, digits=no_digits)).zfill(no_digits)
     if self.method == 'call':
         make_call(device=self, token=token)
         send_sms(device=self, token=token)
Exemple #2
    def generate_challenge(self):
        # local import to avoid circular import
        from seahub.two_factor.oath import totp
        from seahub.two_factor.utils import totp_digits

        Sends the current TOTP token to `self.number` using `self.method`.
        no_digits = totp_digits()
        token = str(totp(self.bin_key, digits=no_digits)).zfill(no_digits)
        if self.method == 'call':
            make_call(device=self, token=token)
            send_sms(device=self, token=token)
Exemple #3
    def verify_token(self, token):
        # local import to avoid circular import
        from seahub.two_factor.oath import totp
        from seahub.two_factor.utils import totp_digits

            token = int(token)
        except ValueError:
            return False

        for drift in range(-5, 1):
            if totp(self.bin_key, drift=drift, digits=totp_digits()) == token:
                return True
        return False
Exemple #4
    def verify_token(self, token):
        # local import to avoid circular import
        from seahub.two_factor.oath import totp
        from seahub.two_factor.utils import totp_digits

            token = int(token)
        except ValueError:
            return False

        for drift in range(-5, 1):
            if totp(self.bin_key, drift=drift, digits=totp_digits()) == token:
                return True
        return False
Exemple #5
 def clean_token(self):
     token = self.cleaned_data.get('token')
     validated = False
     t0s = [self.t0]
     key = self.bin_key
     if 'valid_t0' in self.metadata:
         t0s.append(int(time()) - self.metadata['valid_t0'])
     for t0 in t0s:
         for offset in range(-self.tolerance, self.tolerance):
             if totp(key, self.step, t0, self.digits, self.drift + offset) == token:
                 self.drift = offset
                 self.metadata['valid_t0'] = int(time()) - t0
                 validated = True
     if not validated:
         raise forms.ValidationError(self.error_messages['invalid_token'])
     return token
Exemple #6
 def clean_token(self):
     token = self.cleaned_data.get('token')
     validated = False
     t0s = [self.t0]
     key = self.bin_key
     if 'valid_t0' in self.metadata:
         t0s.append(int(time()) - self.metadata['valid_t0'])
     for t0 in t0s:
         for offset in range(-self.tolerance, self.tolerance):
             if totp(key, self.step, t0, self.digits,
                     self.drift + offset) == token:
                 self.drift = offset
                 self.metadata['valid_t0'] = int(time()) - t0
                 validated = True
     if not validated:
         raise forms.ValidationError(self.error_messages['invalid_token'])
     return token