Exemple #1
def remove_reservation_from_session(session_id, token):
    """ Removes the reservation with the given session_id and token. """

    assert token and session_id

    query = reservations_by_session(session_id)
    query = query.filter(Reservation.token == token)

    reservation = query.one()

    # if we get here the token must be valid, we should then check if the
    # token is used in the reserved slots, because with autoapproval these
    # slots may be created straight away.

    slots = Session.query(ReservedSlot).filter(
        ReservedSlot.reservation_token == token


    # we also update the timestamp of existing reservations within
    # the same session to ensure that we account for the user's activity
    # properly during the session expiration cronjob. Otherwise it is
    # possible that a user removes the latest reservations only to see
    # the rest of them vanish because his older reservations were
    # already old enough to be counted as expired.

    query = Session.query(Reservation)
    query = query.filter(Reservation.session_id == session_id)

    query.update({"modified": utils.utcnow()})
Exemple #2
def remove_expired_reservation_sessions(expiration_date=None):
    """ Removes all reservations from all databases which have an
    expired session_id.

    Since this only concerns 'old' sessions it shouldn't be a problem


    expired_sessions = find_expired_reservation_sessions(expiration_date)

    # remove those session ids
    if expired_sessions:
        reservations = Session.query(Reservation)
        reservations = reservations.filter(
        slots = Session.query(ReservedSlot)
        slots = slots.filter(


    return expired_sessions
Exemple #3
def reservations_by_session(session_id):

    # be sure to not query for all reservations. since a query should be
    # returned in any case we just use an impossible clause

    # this is mainly a security feature
    if not session_id:
        log.warn('Empty session id')
        return Session.query(Reservation).filter("0=1")

    query = Session.query(Reservation)
    query = query.filter(Reservation.session_id == session_id)
    query = query.order_by(Reservation.created)

    return query
Exemple #4
    def managed_reserved_slots(self):
        """ The reserved_slots managed by this scheduler / resource. """
        uuids = self.managed_allocations().with_entities(Allocation.resource)

        query = Session.query(ReservedSlot)
        query = query.filter(ReservedSlot.resource.in_(uuids))

        return query
Exemple #5
    def in_group(self):
        """True if the event is in any group."""

        query = Session.query(Allocation.id)
        query = query.filter(Allocation.resource == self.resource)
        query = query.filter(Allocation.group == self.group)
        query = query.limit(2)

        return len(query.all()) > 1
    def in_group(self):
        """True if the event is in any group."""

        query = Session.query(Allocation.id)
        query = query.filter(Allocation.resource == self.resource)
        query = query.filter(Allocation.group == self.group)
        query = query.limit(2)

        return len(query.all()) > 1
def upgrade_1017_to_1018(context):

    # seantis.reservation before 1.0.12 left behind reserved slots when
    # removing reservations of expired sessions. These need to be cleaned for
    # the allocation usage to be right.

    # all slots need a connected reservation
    all_reservations = Session.query(Reservation)

    # orphan slots are therefore all slots..
    orphan_slots = Session.query(ReservedSlot)

    # ..with tokens not found in the reservations table
    orphan_slots = orphan_slots.filter(

    log.info("Removing {} reserved slots  with no linked reservations".format(orphan_slots.count()))

def fetch_records(resources):
    """ Returns the records used for the dataset. """
    query = Session.query(Reservation)
    query = query.filter(Reservation.resource.in_(resources.keys()))
    query = query.order_by(

    return query.all()
def upgrade_1017_to_1018(context):

    # seantis.reservation before 1.0.12 left behind reserved slots when
    # removing reservations of expired sessions. These need to be cleaned for
    # the allocation usage to be right.

    # all slots need a connected reservation
    all_reservations = Session.query(Reservation)

    # orphan slots are therefore all slots..
    orphan_slots = Session.query(ReservedSlot)

    # ..with tokens not found in the reservations table
    orphan_slots = orphan_slots.filter(

    log.info('Removing {} reserved slots  with no linked reservations'.format(

Exemple #10
    def pending_reservations(self):
        """ Returns the pending reservations query for this allocation.
        As the pending reservations target the group and not a specific
        allocation this function returns the same value for masters and

        Reservation = self.models.Reservation
        query = Session.query(Reservation.id)
        query = query.filter(Reservation.target == self.group)
        query = query.filter(Reservation.status == u'pending')

        return query
    def pending_reservations(self):
        """ Returns the pending reservations query for this allocation.
        As the pending reservations target the group and not a specific
        allocation this function returns the same value for masters and

        Reservation = self.models.Reservation
        query = Session.query(Reservation.id)
        query = query.filter(Reservation.target == self.group)
        query = query.filter(Reservation.status == u"pending")

        return query
Exemple #12
def all_allocations_in_range(start, end):
    # Query version of utils.overlaps
    return Session.query(Allocation).filter(
                Allocation._start <= start,
                start <= Allocation._end
                start <= Allocation._start,
                Allocation._start <= end
    def test_simple_add(self):
        # Test a simple add
        allocation = Allocation(raster=15, resource=uuid())
        allocation.start = datetime(2011, 1, 1, 15)
        allocation.end = datetime(2011, 1, 1, 15, 59)
        allocation.group = str(uuid())
        allocation.mirror_of = allocation.resource


        self.assertEqual(Session.query(Allocation).count(), 1)

        # Test failing add
        allocation = Allocation(raster=15)

        self.assertRaises(IntegrityError, Session.flush)
    def test_simple_add(self):
        # Test a simple add
        allocation = Allocation(raster=15, resource=uuid())
        allocation.start = datetime(2011, 1, 1, 15)
        allocation.end = datetime(2011, 1, 1, 15, 59)
        allocation.group = str(uuid())
        allocation.mirror_of = allocation.resource


        self.assertEqual(Session.query(Allocation).count(), 1)

        # Test failing add
        allocation = Allocation(raster=15)

        self.assertRaises(IntegrityError, Session.flush)
    def _target_allocations(self):
        """ Returns the allocations this reservation is targeting. This should
        NOT be confused with db.allocations_by_reservation. The method in
        the db module returns the actual allocations belonging to an approved

        This method only returns the master allocations to get information
        about timespans and other properties. If you don't know exactly
        what you're doing you do not want to use this method as misuse might
        be dangerous.

        Allocation = self.models.Allocation
        query = Session.query(Allocation)
        query = query.filter(Allocation.group == self.target)

        # master allocations only
        query = query.filter(Allocation.resource == Allocation.mirror_of)

        return query
    def siblings(self, imaginary=True):
        """Returns the master/mirrors group this allocation is part of.

        If 'imaginary' is true, inexistant mirrors are created on the fly.
        those mirrors are transient (see self.is_transient)


        # this function should always have itself in the result
        if not imaginary and self.is_transient:
            assert False, \
                'the resulting list would not contain this allocation'

        if self.quota == 1:
            return [self]

        query = Session.query(Allocation)
        query = query.filter(Allocation.mirror_of == self.mirror_of)
        query = query.filter(Allocation._start == self._start)

        existing = dict(((e.resource, e) for e in query))

        master = self.is_master and self or existing[self.mirror_of]
        existing[master.resource] = master

        uuids = utils.generate_uuids(master.resource, master.quota)
        imaginary = imaginary and (master.quota - len(existing)) or 0

        siblings = [master]
        for uuid in uuids:
            if uuid in existing:
            elif imaginary > 0:
                allocation = master.copy()
                allocation.resource = uuid

                imaginary -= 1

        return siblings
Exemple #17
    def siblings(self, imaginary=True):
        """Returns the master/mirrors group this allocation is part of.

        If 'imaginary' is true, inexistant mirrors are created on the fly.
        those mirrors are transient (see self.is_transient)


        # this function should always have itself in the result
        if not imaginary and self.is_transient:
            assert False, \
                'the resulting list would not contain this allocation'

        if self.quota == 1:
            return [self]

        query = Session.query(Allocation)
        query = query.filter(Allocation.mirror_of == self.mirror_of)
        query = query.filter(Allocation._start == self._start)

        existing = dict(((e.resource, e) for e in query))

        master = self.is_master and self or existing[self.mirror_of]
        existing[master.resource] = master

        uuids = utils.generate_uuids(master.resource, master.quota)
        imaginary = imaginary and (master.quota - len(existing)) or 0

        siblings = [master]
        for uuid in uuids:
            if uuid in existing:
            elif imaginary > 0:
                allocation = master.copy()
                allocation.resource = uuid

                imaginary -= 1

        return siblings
Exemple #18
def find_expired_reservation_sessions(expiration_date):
    """ Goes through all reservations and returns the session ids of the
    unconfirmed ones which are older than the given expiration date.
    By default the expiration date is now - 15 minutes.

    Note that this method goes through ALL RESERVATIONS OF THE DATABASE. If
    this is not desired have a look at buildout/database.cfg.example to
    setup each site with its own database.


    expiration_date = expiration_date or (
        utils.utcnow() - timedelta(minutes=15)

    # first get the session ids which are expired
    query = Session.query(

    query = query.group_by(Reservation.session_id)

    # != null() because != None is not allowed by PEP8
    query = query.filter(Reservation.session_id != null())

    # the idea is to remove all reservations belonging to sessions whose
    # latest update is expired - either delete the whole session or let
    # all of it be
    expired_sessions = []

    for session_id, created, modified in query.all():

        modified = modified or created
        assert created and modified

        if max(created, modified) < expiration_date:

    return expired_sessions
def latest_reservations(resources, reservations='*', days=30):
    schedulers = {}

    for uuid in resources.keys():
        schedulers[uuid] = db.Scheduler(uuid)

    since = utils.utcnow() - timedelta(days=days)

    query = Session.query(Reservation)
    query = query.filter(Reservation.resource.in_(resources.keys()))
    query = query.filter(Reservation.created > since)
    query = query.order_by(desc(Reservation.created))

    if reservations != '*':
        query = query.filter(Reservation.token.in_(reservations))

    result = utils.OrderedDict()
    for reservation in query.all():
        if reservation.token in result:
            result[reservation.token] = [reservation]

    return result
    def _approved_timespans(self, start, end):
        ReservedSlot = self.models.ReservedSlot
        query = Session.query(ReservedSlot)\
        if start:
            query = query.filter(ReservedSlot.start >= start)
        if end:
            query = query.filter(ReservedSlot.end <= end)

        # find the slots that are still reserved
        result = []
        for start, end in self.target_dates():
            reserved_slot = query.filter(ReservedSlot.start <= end)\
                            .filter(ReservedSlot.end >= start)\
            if not reserved_slot:
            # build tuple containing necessary info for deletion links
            timespan = Timespan(start=start,
                                end=end + timedelta(microseconds=1),
        return result
def latest_reservations(resources, reservations='*', days=30):
    schedulers = {}

    for uuid in resources.keys():
        schedulers[uuid] = db.Scheduler(uuid)

    since = utils.utcnow() - timedelta(days=days)

    query = Session.query(Reservation)
    query = query.filter(Reservation.resource.in_(resources.keys()))
    query = query.filter(Reservation.created > since)
    query = query.order_by(desc(Reservation.created))

    if reservations != '*':
        query = query.filter(Reservation.token.in_(reservations))

    result = utils.OrderedDict()
    for reservation in query.all():
        if reservation.token in result:
            result[reservation.token] = [reservation]

    return result
Exemple #22
 def drop():
Exemple #23
 def _query_blocked_periods(self):
     query = Session.query(self.models.BlockedPeriod)
     query = query.filter_by(resource=self.resource)
     return query
def monthly_report(year, month, resources, reservations="*"):

    schedulers, titles = dict(), dict()

    for uuid in resources.keys():
        schedulers[uuid] = db.Scheduler(uuid)
        titles[uuid] = utils.get_resource_title(resources[uuid])

    # this order is used for every day in the month
    ordered_uuids = [i[0] for i in sorted(titles.items(), key=lambda i: i[1])]

    # build the hierarchical structure of the report data
    report = utils.OrderedDict()
    last_day = 28

    for d in sorted((d for d in calendar.itermonthdates(year, month))):
        if not d.month == month:

        day = d.day
        last_day = max(last_day, day)
        report[day] = utils.OrderedDict()

        for uuid in ordered_uuids:
            report[day][uuid] = dict()
            report[day][uuid][u"title"] = titles[uuid]
            report[day][uuid][u"approved"] = list()
            report[day][uuid][u"pending"] = list()
            report[day][uuid][u"url"] = resources[uuid].absolute_url()
            report[day][uuid][u"lists"] = {u"approved": _(u"Approved"), u"pending": _(u"Pending")}

    # gather the reservations with as much bulk loading as possible
    period_start = date(year, month, 1)
    period_end = date(year, month, last_day)

    # get a list of relevant allocations in the given period
    query = Session.query(Allocation)
    query = query.filter(period_start <= Allocation._start)
    query = query.filter(Allocation._start <= period_end)
    query = query.filter(Allocation.resource == Allocation.mirror_of)
    query = query.filter(Allocation.resource.in_(resources.keys()))

    allocations = query.all()

    # quit if there are no allocations at this point
    if not allocations:
        return {}

    # store by group as it will be needed multiple times over later
    groups = dict()
    for allocation in allocations:
        groups.setdefault(allocation.group, list()).append(allocation)

    # using the groups get the relevant reservations
    query = Session.query(Reservation)
    query = query.filter(Reservation.target.in_(groups.keys()))

    if reservations != "*":
        query = query.filter(Reservation.token.in_(reservations))

    query = query.order_by(Reservation.status)

    reservations = query.all()
    reservation_urls = ReservationUrls()

    def json_timespans(start, end):
        return json.dumps([dict(start=start, end=end)])

    used_days = dict([(i, False) for i in range(1, 32)])

    def add_reservation(start, end, reservation):
        day = start.day

        used_days[day] = True

        end += timedelta(microseconds=1)
        start, end = start.strftime("%H:%M"), end.strftime("%H:%M")

        context = resources[utils.string_uuid(reservation.resource)]

        if reservation.status == u"approved":
            rightside_urls = [(_(u"Delete"), reservation_urls.revoke_all_url(reservation.token, context))]
        elif reservation.status == u"pending":
            rightside_urls = [
                (_(u"Approve"), reservation_urls.approve_all_url(reservation.token, context)),
                (_(u"Deny"), reservation_urls.deny_all_url(reservation.token, context)),
            raise NotImplementedError

        reservation_lists = report[day][utils.string_uuid(reservation.resource)]
                timespans=json_timespans(start, end),

    for reservation in reservations:
        if reservation.target_type == u"allocation":
            add_reservation(reservation.start, reservation.end, reservation)
            for allocation in groups[reservation.target]:
                add_reservation(allocation.start, allocation.end, reservation)

    # remove unused days
    for day in report:
        if not used_days[day]:
            del report[day]

    return report
Exemple #25
    def change_quota(self, master, new_quota):
        """ Changes the quota of a master allocation.

        Fails if the quota is already exhausted.

        When the quota is decreased a reorganization of the mirrors is
        triggered. Reorganizing means eliminating gaps in the chain of mirrors
        that emerge when reservations are removed:

        Initial State:
        1   (master)    Free
        2   (mirror)    Free
        3   (mirror)    Free

        Reservations are made:
        1   (master)    Reserved
        2   (mirror)    Reserved
        3   (mirror)    Reserved

        A reservation is deleted:
        1   (master)    Reserved
        2   (mirror)    Free     <-- !!
        3   (mirror)    Reserved

        Reorganization is performed:
        1   (master)    Reserved
        2   (mirror)    Reserved <-- !!
        3   (mirror)    Free     <-- !!

        The quota is decreased:
        1   (master)    Reserved
        2   (mirror)    Reserved

        In other words, the reserved allocations are moved to the beginning,
        the free allocations moved at the end. This is done to ensure that
        the sequence of generated uuids for the mirrors always represent all
        possible keys.

        Without the reorganization we would see the following after
        decreasing the quota:

        The quota is decreased:
        1   (master)    Reserved
        3   (mirror)    Reserved

        This would make it impossible to calculate the mirror keys. Instead the
        existing keys would have to queried from the database.


        assert new_quota > 0, "Quota must be greater than 0"

        if new_quota == master.quota:

        if new_quota > master.quota:
            master.quota = new_quota

        # Make sure that the quota can be decreased
        mirrors = self.allocation_mirrors_by_master(master)
        allocations = [master] + mirrors

        free_allocations = [a for a in allocations if a.is_available()]

        required = master.quota - new_quota
        if len(free_allocations) < required:
            raise AffectedReservationError(None)

        # get a map pointing from the existing uuid to the newly assigned uuid
        reordered = self.reordered_keylist(allocations, new_quota)

        # unused keys are the ones not present in the newly assignd uuid list
        unused = set(reordered.keys()) - set(reordered.values()) - set((None,))

        # get a map for resource_uuid -> allocation.id
        ids = dict(((a.resource, a.id) for a in allocations))

        for allocation in allocations:

            # change the quota for all allocations
            allocation.quota = new_quota

            # the value is None if the allocation is not mapped to a new uuid
            new_resource = reordered[allocation.resource]
            if not new_resource:

            # move all slots to the mapped allocation id
            new_id = ids[new_resource]

            for slot in allocation.reserved_slots:
                # build a query here as the manipulation of mapped objects in
                # combination with the delete query below seems a bit
                # unpredictable given the cascading of changes

                query = Session.query(ReservedSlot)
                query = query.filter(and_(
                    ReservedSlot.resource == slot.resource,
                    ReservedSlot.allocation_id == slot.allocation_id,
                    ReservedSlot.start == slot.start
                        ReservedSlot.resource: new_resource,
                        ReservedSlot.allocation_id: new_id

        # get rid of the unused allocations (always preserving the master)
        if unused:
            query = Session.query(Allocation)
            query = query.filter(Allocation.resource.in_(unused))
            query = query.filter(Allocation.id != master.id)
            query = query.filter(Allocation._start == master._start)
 def _query_blocked_periods(self):
     query = Session.query(self.models.BlockedPeriod)
     query = query.filter_by(resource=self.resource)
     return query
 def change_allocation():
     allocation = Session.query(Allocation).one()
     allocation.group = uuid()
Exemple #28
    def managed_allocations(self):
        """ The allocations managed by this scheduler / resource. """
        query = Session.query(Allocation)
        query = query.filter(Allocation.mirror_of == self.uuid)

        return query
Exemple #29
    def managed_reservations(self):
        """ The reservations managed by this scheduler / resource. """
        query = Session.query(Reservation)
        query = query.filter(Reservation.resource == self.uuid)

        return query
 def read_allocation():
     allocation = Session.query(Allocation).one()
 def drop():
Exemple #32
 def read_allocation():
     allocation = Session.query(Allocation).one()
def monthly_report(year, month, resources, reservations='*'):

    schedulers, titles = dict(), dict()

    for uuid in resources.keys():
        schedulers[uuid] = db.Scheduler(uuid)
        titles[uuid] = utils.get_resource_title(resources[uuid])

    # this order is used for every day in the month
    ordered_uuids = [i[0] for i in sorted(titles.items(), key=lambda i: i[1])]

    # build the hierarchical structure of the report data
    report = utils.OrderedDict()
    last_day = 28

    for d in sorted((d for d in calendar.itermonthdates(year, month))):
        if not d.month == month:

        day = d.day
        last_day = max(last_day, day)
        report[day] = utils.OrderedDict()

        for uuid in ordered_uuids:
            report[day][uuid] = dict()
            report[day][uuid][u'title'] = titles[uuid]
            report[day][uuid][u'approved'] = list()
            report[day][uuid][u'pending'] = list()
            report[day][uuid][u'url'] = resources[uuid].absolute_url()
            report[day][uuid][u'lists'] = {
                u'approved': _(u'Approved'),
                u'pending': _(u'Pending'),

    # gather the reservations with as much bulk loading as possible
    period_start = date(year, month, 1)
    period_end = date(year, month, last_day)

    # get a list of relevant allocations in the given period
    query = Session.query(Allocation)
    query = query.filter(period_start <= Allocation._start)
    query = query.filter(Allocation._start <= period_end)
    query = query.filter(Allocation.resource == Allocation.mirror_of)
    query = query.filter(Allocation.resource.in_(resources.keys()))

    allocations = query.all()

    # quit if there are no allocations at this point
    if not allocations:
        return {}

    # store by group as it will be needed multiple times over later
    groups = dict()
    for allocation in allocations:
        groups.setdefault(allocation.group, list()).append(allocation)

    # using the groups get the relevant reservations
    query = Session.query(Reservation)
    query = query.filter(Reservation.target.in_(groups.keys()))

    if reservations != '*':
        query = query.filter(Reservation.token.in_(reservations))

    query = query.order_by(Reservation.status)

    reservations = query.all()
    reservation_urls = ReservationUrls()

    def json_timespans(start, end):
        return json.dumps([dict(start=start, end=end)])

    used_days = dict([(i, False) for i in range(1, 32)])

    def add_reservation(start, end, reservation):
        day = start.day

        used_days[day] = True

        end += timedelta(microseconds=1)
        start, end = start.strftime('%H:%M'), end.strftime('%H:%M')

        context = resources[utils.string_uuid(reservation.resource)]

        if reservation.status == u'approved':
            rightside_urls = [(
                reservation_urls.revoke_all_url(reservation.token, context)
        elif reservation.status == u'pending':
            rightside_urls = [
                        reservation.token, context
                    reservation_urls.deny_all_url(reservation.token, context)
            raise NotImplementedError

        reservation_lists = report[day][utils.string_uuid(
                timespans=json_timespans(start, end),

    for reservation in reservations:
        if reservation.target_type == u'allocation':
            add_reservation(reservation.start, reservation.end, reservation)
            for allocation in groups[reservation.target]:
                add_reservation(allocation.start, allocation.end, reservation)

    # remove unused days
    for day in report:
        if not used_days[day]:
            del report[day]

    return report
Exemple #34
 def change_allocation():
     allocation = Session.query(Allocation).one()
     allocation.group = uuid()