Exemple #1
 def three_times():
     """Get course metadata three times."""
     for _ in range(0, 3):
Exemple #2
def resource_to_dict(resource, term_info):
    Retrieve important values from a LearningResource to index.

    This dict corresponds to the mapping created in Elasticsearch.

    The titlesort bits, with the "0" and "1" prefixes, were copied from
    the prepare_titlesort function in search/search_indexes.py. It was there
    to make blank titles sort to the bottom instead of the top.

        resource (LearningResource): Item to convert to dict.
        term_info (dict): Vocabulary terms assigned to resource.
        rec (dict): Dictionary representation of the LearningResource.

    rec = {
        "title": resource.title,
        # The zero is for sorting blank items to the bottom. See below.
        "titlesort": "0{0}".format(resource.title.strip()),
        "id": resource.id,
        "_id": resource.id,  # The ID used by Elasticsearch.
        "resource_type": resource.learning_resource_type.name,
        "description": resource.description,
        "description_path": resource.description_path,
        "content_xml": resource.content_xml,
        "content_stripped": strip_xml(resource.content_xml),
        "xa_nr_views": resource.xa_nr_views,
        "xa_nr_attempts": resource.xa_nr_attempts,
        "xa_avg_grade": resource.xa_avg_grade,
        "xa_histogram_grade": resource.xa_histogram_grade,

    course = get_course_metadata(resource.course_id)
    rec["preview_url"] = get_preview_url(
    rec["run"] = course["run"]
    rec["course"] = course["course_number"]
    rec["repository"] = course["repo_slug"]

    # Index term info. Since these fields all use the "not_analyzed"
    # index, they must all be exact matches.
    for vocab_id, term_ids in term_info.items():
        rec[make_vocab_key(vocab_id)] = term_ids

    # If the title is empty, sort it to the bottom. See above.
    if rec["titlesort"] == "0":
        rec["titlesort"] = "1"

    # Keys that may have unicode issues.
    text_keys = (
    for key in text_keys:
            # Thanks to unicode_literals above, this works in
            # Python 2 and Python 3. Avoid trying to decode a string
            # if it's already unicode.
            if not isinstance(rec[key], type("")):
                rec[key] = rec[key].decode('utf-8')
        except AttributeError:
            pass  # Python 3

    return rec
Exemple #3
def resource_to_dict(resource, term_info):
    Retrieve important values from a LearningResource to index.

    This dict corresponds to the mapping created in Elasticsearch.

    The titlesort bits, with the "0" and "1" prefixes, were copied from
    the prepare_titlesort function in search/search_indexes.py. It was there
    to make blank titles sort to the bottom instead of the top.

        resource (LearningResource): Item to convert to dict.
        term_info (dict): Vocabulary terms assigned to resource.
        rec (dict): Dictionary representation of the LearningResource.

    rec = {
        "title": resource.title,
        # The zero is for sorting blank items to the bottom. See below.
        "titlesort": "0{0}".format(resource.title.strip()),
        "id": resource.id,
        "_id": resource.id,  # The ID used by Elasticsearch.
        "resource_type": resource.learning_resource_type.name,
        "description": resource.description,
        "description_path": resource.description_path,
        "content_xml": resource.content_xml,
        "content_stripped": strip_xml(resource.content_xml),
        "xa_nr_views": resource.xa_nr_views,
        "xa_nr_attempts": resource.xa_nr_attempts,
        "xa_avg_grade": resource.xa_avg_grade,
        "xa_histogram_grade": resource.xa_histogram_grade,

    course = get_course_metadata(resource.course_id)
    rec["preview_url"] = get_preview_url(
    rec["run"] = course["run"]
    rec["course"] = course["course_number"]
    rec["repository"] = course["repo_slug"]

    # Index term info. Since these fields all use the "not_analyzed"
    # index, they must all be exact matches.
    for vocab_id, term_ids in term_info.items():
        rec[make_vocab_key(vocab_id)] = term_ids

    # If the title is empty, sort it to the bottom. See above.
    if rec["titlesort"] == "0":
        rec["titlesort"] = "1"

    # Keys that may have unicode issues.
    text_keys = (
        'title', 'titlesort', 'resource_type', 'description', 'content_xml',
        'content_stripped', 'description_path',
    for key in text_keys:
            # Thanks to unicode_literals above, this works in
            # Python 2 and Python 3. Avoid trying to decode a string
            # if it's already unicode.
            if not isinstance(rec[key], type("")):
                rec[key] = rec[key].decode('utf-8')
        except AttributeError:
            pass  # Python 3

    return rec