Exemple #1
    def safeval(self, v):
        v: object -> r: None|tuple|search.SIMPLE|search.ARRAY
        convert v to a "safe" type, which is either a simple type,
        a hashable sequence, or an ndarray instance. In
        the latter case, the array will be set read-only.

        A TypeError is thrown if the input is not one of these types and also
        can't be converted to one (for example, lists can usually be cast to
        tuples,but functions, classes, etc will usually not convert)

        vt = search.classify(v)
        if vt in search.simpletypes:
            return v
        elif vt == '#':
            return v
        elif vt == '[':
            if ishashable(v):
                return v
            return astuple(v)
        elif vt == "{":
            return Doc(v, 2)
            raise TypeError('type of %s (%s) is not safe (and can not be made so)' % (str(v), str(type(v)),))
Exemple #2
def t2a(doc):
    for k in doc.keys(-1, None, True, False):
        v = doc[k]
        if classify(v) == "[":
                a = asarray(v)
            doc[k] = a
Exemple #3
 def astuple(self):
     t = []
     for k in self.keys(-1, None, True, False):
         v = self[k]
         if v == None:
         if search.classify(v) in "[#":
             v = astuple(v)
         t.append((k, v))
     return tuple(t)
Exemple #4
 def setslice(self, k, sl, v):
     if not type(sl[0]) in [tuple, list]:
         sl = apply(slice, sl)
         sl = tuple([apply(slice, t) for t in sl])
     ov = self[k]
     ovt = search.classify(ov)
     if ovt == '#':
         ov[sl] = v
     elif ovt == '[':
         nv = list(ov)
         nv[sl] = v
         self[k] = tuple(nv)
         raise ValueError('Attempt to assign slice to non-sequence at %s' % (k,))
Exemple #5
def tshape(t):
    if not type(t) == tuple:
        return None
    if len(t) == 0:
        return ((0,), ())
    if all([type(a) == tuple for a in t]):
        td = tshape(t[0])
        if td == None:
            return None
        td, ty = td
        if len(ty) > 1:
            return None
        tdlr = (td[-1], td[-1])
        for tt in t[1:]:
            ttd = tshape(tt)
            if ttd == None:
                return None
            ttd, tty = ttd
            if tty != ty:
                if ty == ():
                    ty = tty
                elif tty == ():
                    return None
            if len(ttd) != len(td):
                return None
            if any([td[i] != ttd[i] for i in range(len(td) - 1)]):
                return None
            if type(td[-1]) == tuple:
                ttdlr = ttd[-1]
                ttdlr = (ttd[-1], ttd[-1])
            tdlr = (min(tdlr[0], ttdlr[0]), max(tdlr[1], ttdlr[1]))
        if tdlr[0] != tdlr[1]:
            td = td[:-1] + (tdlr,)
        return ((len(t),) + td, ty)
    elif any([not classify(a) in simpletypes for a in t]):
        return None
        z = [type(a) for a in t]
        if len(set(z)) == 1:
            z = (z[0],)
        return ((len(t),), tuple(z))
Exemple #6
 def summary(self, k):
     v = self[k]
     vt = search.classify(v)
     if vt in search.simpletypes:
         return str(v)
     elif vt == '#':
         if v.size < 10:
             return str(v)
             return "%s-array:%s" % (str(v.shape), v.dtype.str)
     elif vt == '[':
         if len(str(v)) < 60:
             return str(v)
             return search.seqtype(v)
     elif vt == '{':
         n = len(v.keys())
         sn = len(v.keys(depth=-1)) - n
         return "%i-doc (%i subkeys)" % (n, sn)
         return str(v)
Exemple #7
 def resolvelink(self, d, k='', value=True):
     return the value of a link or slice dictionary d, located at key k
     (if k is None, relative links are not allowed)
     k = k.split('.')
     t = d['_link']
     if t.startswith('.'):
         nt = t.rstrip('.')
         nl = len(t) - len(nt)
         if nl > len(k):
             report('WARNING: relative link %s encountered at %s. Not enough nesting levels to specify it.' % (
             t, '.'.join(k)))
             return None
             t = '.'.join(k[:-nl]) + "." + nt
     if not value:
         return t
     if not t.strip():
         return self
     nv = self.get(t)
     if nv == None:
         report('WARNING: link at %s to %s is broken' % ('.'.join(k), t))
         return None
     if d['_slice'] != None:
         nvt = search.classify(nv)
         sl = d['_slice']
         if nvt == '#':
             if not type(sl[0]) == tuple:
                 sl = (sl,)
             nv = nv[[apply(slice, t) for t in sl]]
         elif nvt == '[':
             if type(sl[0]) == tuple:
                 sl = sl[0]
             nv = nv[apply(slice, sl)]
             report('WARNING: slice at %s of %s tries to slice a non-sequence' % ('.'.join(k), t))
             nv = None
     return nv
Exemple #8
def a2t(doc):
    for k in doc.keys(-1, None, True, False):
        v = doc[k]
        if classify(v) == "#":
            doc[k] = astuple(v)