Exemple #1
def HUD2014_to_multiindex(section, z_vec):
    This function reads the HUD2014 Excel sheet and pickle a Multi-index DataFrame organized as:

    Depth                            0    2    4        6        8        10   \
    station year variable    season                                             
    BB01    1999 temperature spring  NaN  NaN  NaN      NaN      NaN      NaN   
                             summer  NaN  NaN  NaN   9.6315   9.6265  9.59314   
                             fall    NaN  NaN  NaN  3.23428  3.23473  3.23507   
                 salinity    spring  NaN  NaN  NaN      NaN      NaN      NaN   
                             summer  NaN  NaN  NaN  34.1785  34.1793  34.1823   

    - section = section name (ex: 'BB', 'SI', etc.)
    - z_vec = binned depth vector (see example)

    - in addition of pickling the Multi-index, it returns it for verification 
    usage ex:
    import numpy as np
    import azmp_utils as azu
    azu.masterfile_section_to_multiindex('BB', np.arange(0,350, 2))

    Multi-index manipulation examples:
    df_BB = pd.read_pickle('bottle_data_multiIndex_BB.pkl')
    # 1. Single station average vertical profile
    A = df_BB.xs(('BB01', 'NO3'),level=('station', 'variable'))
    A.groupby(level=0).apply(lambda x: x.mean()).mean()

    # 2. Single year section
    B = df_BB.xs((2016, 'NO3'),level=('year', 'variable'))
    B.groupby(level=0).apply(lambda x: x.mean())

    # 3. 1999-2016 section climato
    C = df_BB.xs(('NO3'),level=('variable'))
    C.groupby(level=0).apply(lambda x: x.mean())


    ## ---- List of variable to export ---- ##
    varname = pd.Series([
        'temperature', 'salinity', 'sigmat', 'oxygen', 'PO4', 'SIO', 'NO3',
        'chlor', 'fluor', 'satO2_perc', 'NPratio', 'f_pw'
    varname.name = 'variable'

    ## ----  Load data ---- ##
    df = pd.read_excel(

    ## ---- Remove space in column names ---- ##
    cols = df.columns
    cols = cols.map(lambda x: x.replace(' ', '_')
                    if isinstance(x, (str, unicode)) else x)
    df.columns = cols

    # Set date as index
    df = df.set_index('sas_date')
    # Drop other time-related columns
    df = df.drop(['Day', 'Month', 'Year'], axis=1)
    # Keep only targeted section
    df = df[df.section == section]
    # Other derived variables
    df['satO2'] = swx.satO2(df['salinity'], df['temp'])
    df['satO2_perc'] = df['oxygen'] / df['satO2'] * 100
    df['NPratio'] = df['NO3'] / df['PO4']
    df['f_pw'] = (df.NO3 -
                  (17.499 * df.PO4 - 3.072)) / ((12.368 * df.PO4 - 10.549) -
                                                (17.499 * df.PO4 - 3.072))
    # rename temperature
    df = df.rename(columns={'temp': 'temperature'})

    sname_unique = pd.Series(df.sname.unique())
    sname_unique.name = 'station'

    df_list_station = []
    for i, stn in enumerate(sname_unique):

        df_sname = df[df.sname == stn]
        years_unique = df_sname.index.year.unique()
        years_unique.name = 'year'

        df_list_year = []
        for j, year in enumerate(years_unique):

            df_year = df_sname[df_sname.index.year == year]

            # Select only seasons
            df_spring = df_year[(df_year.index.month >= 4)
                                & (df_year.index.month <= 6)]
            df_summer = df_year[(df_year.index.month >= 7)
                                & (df_year.index.month <= 9)]
            df_fall = df_year[(df_year.index.month >= 10)
                              & (df_year.index.month <= 12)]

            df_list_var = []
            for k, var in enumerate(varname):

                df_season_clean = pd.DataFrame(
                    index=['spring', 'summer', 'fall'], columns=z_vec)
                df_season_clean.index.name = 'season'
                df_season_clean.columns.name = 'Depth'

                # Spring
                var_itp = np.full((z_vec.shape), np.nan)
                series_var = df_spring[var]
                if series_var.size > 1:  # <---- Here I end up ignoring some data if only one sample per profile...
                    series_z = df_spring.depth
                    idx_good = np.argwhere((~np.isnan(series_var)))
                    interp = interp1d(series_z.values, series_var.values)
                    idx_interp = np.where((z_vec >= series_z.min())
                                          & (z_vec <= series_z.max()))
                    var_itp[idx_interp] = interp(
                    )  # interpolate only where possible (1st to last good idx)
                    var_itp_series = var_itp
                    df_season_clean.loc['spring'] = var_itp

                # Summer
                var_itp = np.full((z_vec.shape), np.nan)
                series_var = df_summer[var]
                if series_var.size > 1:
                    series_z = df_summer.depth
                    idx_good = np.argwhere((~np.isnan(series_var)))
                    interp = interp1d(series_z.values, series_var.values)
                    idx_interp = np.where((z_vec >= series_z.min())
                                          & (z_vec <= series_z.max()))
                    var_itp[idx_interp] = interp(
                    )  # interpolate only where possible (1st to last good idx)
                    var_itp_series = var_itp
                    df_season_clean.loc['summer'] = var_itp

                # Fall
                var_itp = np.full((z_vec.shape), np.nan)
                series_var = df_fall[var]
                if series_var.size > 1:
                    series_z = df_fall.depth
                    idx_good = np.argwhere((~np.isnan(series_var)))
                    interp = interp1d(series_z.values, series_var.values)
                    idx_interp = np.where((z_vec >= series_z.min())
                                          & (z_vec <= series_z.max()))
                    var_itp[idx_interp] = interp(
                    )  # interpolate only where possible (1st to last good idx)
                    var_itp_series = var_itp
                    df_season_clean.loc['fall'] = var_itp


            df_list_year.append(pd.concat(df_list_var, keys=varname))

        df_list_station.append(pd.concat(df_list_year, keys=years_unique))

    section_mindex = pd.concat(df_list_station, keys=sname_unique)

    section_mindex.to_pickle('bottle_data_multiIndex_' + section + '.pkl')

    return section_mindex
Exemple #2
font = {'family': 'normal', 'weight': 'bold', 'size': 18}
plt.rc('font', **font)

## ----  Load data from Excel sheet ---- ##
df = pd.read_excel(

## ---- Some cleaning ---- ##
# Set date as index
df = df.set_index('sas_date')

# Drop other time-related columns
df = df.drop(['Day', 'Month', 'Year'], axis=1)

# Compute Saturation O2 and add to dataframe
df['satO2'] = swx.satO2(df['salinity'], df['temp'])
df['satO2%'] = df['oxygen'] / df['satO2'] * 100

# Keep BB line only
df_BB = df[df['section'] == 'BB']

# Keep only one season <------------------------------------------------ ONE SEASON ONLY!!!
#df_BB = df_BB[(df_BB.index.month==6) | (df_BB.index.month==7) |  (df_BB.index.month==8)]

# longitude range
idx = ((df_BB['Longitude'] < -50))
df_BB = df_BB[idx]

# Keep only some variables
df_BB_O2 = df_BB[['depth', 'oxygen', 'Longitude', 'satO2']]
df_BB_nut = df_BB[['depth', 'PO4', 'NO3', 'SIO', 'Longitude']]