def __init__(self,
                 home: str,
                 proxy: bool = True) -> None:
        The hostname, gui and session objects are used to coordinate with the
        various other layers of the application: the location of the SecureDrop
        proxy, the user interface and SqlAlchemy local storage respectively.


        self.hostname = hostname  # Location of the SecureDrop server.
        self.gui = gui  # Reference to the UI window.
        self.api = None  # Reference to the API for secure drop proxy.
        self.session = session  # Reference to the SqlAlchemy session.
        self.message_thread = None  # thread responsible for fetching messages
        self.reply_thread = None  # thread responsible for fetching replies
        self.home = home  # used for finding DB in sync thread
        self.api_threads = {}  # Contains active threads calling the API.
        self.sync_flag = os.path.join(home, 'sync_flag')
        self.data_dir = os.path.join(self.home, 'data')  # File data.
        self.timer = None  # call timeout timer
        self.proxy = proxy
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self,
                 hostname: str,
                 session_maker: sessionmaker,
                 home: str,
                 proxy: bool = True,
                 qubes: bool = True) -> None:
        The hostname, gui and session objects are used to coordinate with the
        various other layers of the application: the location of the SecureDrop
        proxy, the user interface and SqlAlchemy local storage respectively.

        # Controller is unauthenticated by default
        self.__is_authenticated = False

        # used for finding DB in sync thread
        self.home = home

        # boolean flag for whether or not the client is operating behind a proxy
        self.proxy = proxy

        # boolean flag for whether the client is running within Qubes
        # (regardless of proxy state, to support local dev in an AppVM)
        self.qubes = qubes

        # Location of the SecureDrop server.
        self.hostname = hostname

        # Reference to the UI window.
        self.gui = gui

        # Reference to the API for secure drop proxy.
        self.api = None  # type: sdclientapi.API

        # Reference to the SqlAlchemy `sessionmaker` and `session`
        self.session_maker = session_maker
        self.session = session_maker()

        # Queue that handles running API job
        self.api_job_queue = ApiJobQueue(self.api, self.session_maker)

        # Contains active threads calling the API.
        self.api_threads = {}  # type: Dict[str, Dict]

        self.gpg = GpgHelper(home, self.session_maker, proxy)

        self.export = Export()

        self.sync_flag = os.path.join(home, 'sync_flag')

        # File data.
        self.data_dir = os.path.join(self.home, 'data')
Exemple #3
    def __init__(self,
                 home: str,
                 proxy: bool = True) -> None:
        The hostname, gui and session objects are used to coordinate with the
        various other layers of the application: the location of the SecureDrop
        proxy, the user interface and SqlAlchemy local storage respectively.

        # Controller is unauthenticated by default
        self.__is_authenticated = False

        # used for finding DB in sync thread
        self.home = home

        # boolean flag for whether or not the client is operating behind a proxy
        self.proxy = proxy

        # Location of the SecureDrop server.
        self.hostname = hostname

        # Reference to the UI window.
        self.gui = gui

        # Reference to the API for secure drop proxy.
        self.api = None  # type: sdclientapi.API
        # Contains active threads calling the API.
        self.api_threads = {}  # type: Dict[str, Dict]

        # Reference to the SqlAlchemy session.
        self.session = session

        # thread responsible for fetching messages
        self.message_thread = None
        self.message_sync = MessageSync(self.api, self.home, self.proxy)

        # thread responsible for fetching replies
        self.reply_thread = None
        self.reply_sync = ReplySync(self.api, self.home, self.proxy)

        self.sync_flag = os.path.join(home, 'sync_flag')

        # File data.
        self.data_dir = os.path.join(self.home, 'data')

        self.gpg = GpgHelper(home, proxy)
    def __init__(self, hostname, gui, session, home: str) -> None:
        The hostname, gui and session objects are used to coordinate with the
        various other layers of the application: the location of the SecureDrop
        proxy, the user interface and SqlAlchemy local storage respectively.


        self.hostname = hostname  # Location of the SecureDrop server.
        self.gui = gui  # Reference to the UI window.
        self.api = None  # Reference to the API for secure drop proxy.
        self.session = session  # Reference to the SqlAlchemy session.
        self.api_thread = None  # Currently active API call thread.
        self.sync_flag = os.path.join(home, 'sync_flag')