Exemple #1
    def test_get_celery_config_file(self):
        import os
        from security_monkey.task_scheduler.util import get_celery_config_file
        os.environ["SM_CELERY_CONFIG"] = "celeryconfig"
        assert hasattr(get_celery_config_file(), "broker_url")

        del os.environ["SM_CELERY_CONFIG"]
        assert hasattr(get_celery_config_file(), "broker_url")
Exemple #2
    def test_get_sm_celery_config_value(self):
        import security_monkey.celeryconfig
        setattr(security_monkey.celeryconfig, "test_value",
                {"some", "set", "of", "things"})
        # We should get the proper thing back out:
        from security_monkey.task_scheduler.util import get_sm_celery_config_value, get_celery_config_file
        c = get_celery_config_file()
        value = get_sm_celery_config_value(c, "test_value", set)
        assert isinstance(value, set)
        assert value == {"some", "set", "of", "things"}

        # Test with None:
        setattr(c, "test_value", None)
        assert not get_sm_celery_config_value(c, "test_value", set)

        # Test with an unset value:
        assert not get_sm_celery_config_value(c, "not_a_value", set)

        # Test with the wrong type:
        setattr(c, "test_value", ["something"])
        from security_monkey.exceptions import InvalidCeleryConfigurationType
        with raises(InvalidCeleryConfigurationType) as exc:
            get_sm_celery_config_value(c, "test_value", set)

        assert exc.value.error_message == "Incorrect type for Security Monkey celery configuration variable: " \
                                          "'test_value', required: set, actual: list"
def setup_the_tasks(sender, **kwargs):

    # Purge out all current tasks waiting to execute:

    # Get the celery configuration (Get the raw module since Celery doesn't document a good way to do this
    # see https://github.com/celery/celery/issues/4633):
    celery_config = get_celery_config_file()

    # Add all the tasks:
        accounts = Account.query.filter(Account.third_party == False).filter(Account.active == True).all()  # noqa
        for account in accounts:
            rep = Reporter(account=account.name)

            # Is this a dedicated watcher stack, or is this stack ignoring anything?
            only_watch = get_sm_celery_config_value(celery_config, "security_monkey_only_watch", set)
            # If only_watch is set, then ignoring is ignored.
            if only_watch:
                ignoring = set()
                # Check if we are ignoring any watchers:
                ignoring = get_sm_celery_config_value(celery_config, "security_monkey_watcher_ignore", set) or set()

            for monitor in rep.all_monitors:
                # Is this watcher enabled?
                if monitor.watcher.is_active() and monitor.watcher.index not in ignoring:
                    # Did we specify specific watchers to run?
                    if only_watch and monitor.watcher.index not in only_watch:

                    app.logger.info("[ ] Scheduling tasks for {type} account: {name}".format(type=account.type.name,
                    interval = monitor.watcher.get_interval()
                    if not interval:
                        app.logger.debug("[/] Skipping watcher for technology: {} because it is set for external "

                    app.logger.debug("[{}] Scheduling for technology: {}".format(account.type.name,

                    # Start the task immediately:
                    task_account_tech.apply_async((account.name, monitor.watcher.index))
                    app.logger.debug("[-->] Scheduled immediate task")

                    schedule = interval * 60
                    schedule_at_full_hour = get_sm_celery_config_value(celery_config, "schedule_at_full_hour", bool) or False
                    if schedule_at_full_hour:
                        if interval == 15: # 15 minute
                            schedule = crontab(minute="0,15,30,45")
                        elif interval == 60: # Hourly
                            schedule = crontab(minute="0")
                        elif interval == 720: # 12 hour
                            schedule = crontab(minute="0", hour="0,12")
                        elif interval == 1440: # Daily
                            schedule = crontab(minute="0", hour="0")
                        elif interval == 10080: # Weekly
                            schedule = crontab(minute="0", hour="0", day_of_week="0")
                    # Schedule it based on the schedule:
                    sender.add_periodic_task(schedule, task_account_tech.s(account.name, monitor.watcher.index))
                    app.logger.debug("[+] Scheduled task to occur every {} minutes".format(interval))

                    # TODO: Due to a bug with Celery (https://github.com/celery/celery/issues/4041) we temporarily
                    #       disabled this to avoid many duplicate events from getting added.
                    # Also schedule a manual audit changer just in case it doesn't properly
                    # audit (only for non-batched):
                    # if not monitor.batch_support:
                    #     sender.add_periodic_task(
                    #         crontab(hour=10, day_of_week="mon-fri"), task_audit.s(account.name, monitor.watcher.index))
                    #     app.logger.debug("[+] Scheduled task for tech: {} for audit".format(monitor.watcher.index))
                    # app.logger.debug("[{}] Completed scheduling for technology: {}".format(account.name,
                    #                                                                        monitor.watcher.index))

            app.logger.debug("[+] Completed scheduling tasks for account: {}".format(account.name))

        # Schedule the task for clearing out old exceptions:
        app.logger.info("Scheduling task to clear out old exceptions.")

        # Run every 24 hours (and clear it now):
        sender.add_periodic_task(86400, clear_expired_exceptions.s())

    except Exception as e:
        if sentry:
        app.logger.error("[X] Scheduler Exception: {}".format(e))
        store_exception("scheduler", None, e)
Exemple #4
def setup_the_tasks(sender, **kwargs):

    # Purge out all current tasks waiting to execute:

    # Get the celery configuration (Get the raw module since Celery doesn't document a good way to do this
    # see https://github.com/celery/celery/issues/4633):
    celery_config = get_celery_config_file()

    # Add all the tasks:
        accounts = Account.query.filter(Account.third_party == False).filter(Account.active == True).all()  # noqa
        for account in accounts:
            rep = Reporter(account=account.name)

            # Is this a dedicated watcher stack, or is this stack ignoring anything?
            only_watch = get_sm_celery_config_value(celery_config, "security_monkey_only_watch", set)
            # If only_watch is set, then ignoring is ignored.
            if only_watch:
                ignoring = set()
                # Check if we are ignoring any watchers:
                ignoring = get_sm_celery_config_value(celery_config, "security_monkey_watcher_ignore", set) or set()

            for monitor in rep.all_monitors:
                # Is this watcher enabled?
                if monitor.watcher.is_active() and monitor.watcher.index not in ignoring:
                    # Did we specify specific watchers to run?
                    if only_watch and monitor.watcher.index not in only_watch:

                    app.logger.info("[ ] Scheduling tasks for {type} account: {name}".format(type=account.type.name,

                    interval = monitor.watcher.get_interval() * 60
                    if not interval:
                        app.logger.debug("[/] Skipping watcher for technology: {} because it is set for external "

                    app.logger.debug("[{}] Scheduling for technology: {}".format(account.type.name,

                    # Start the task immediately:
                    task_account_tech.apply_async((account.name, monitor.watcher.index))
                    app.logger.debug("[-->] Scheduled immediate task")

                    # Schedule it based on the schedule:
                    sender.add_periodic_task(interval, task_account_tech.s(account.name, monitor.watcher.index))
                    app.logger.debug("[+] Scheduled task to occur every {} minutes".format(interval))

                    # TODO: Due to a bug with Celery (https://github.com/celery/celery/issues/4041) we temporarily
                    #       disabled this to avoid many duplicate events from getting added.
                    # Also schedule a manual audit changer just in case it doesn't properly
                    # audit (only for non-batched):
                    # if not monitor.batch_support:
                    #     sender.add_periodic_task(
                    #         crontab(hour=10, day_of_week="mon-fri"), task_audit.s(account.name, monitor.watcher.index))
                    #     app.logger.debug("[+] Scheduled task for tech: {} for audit".format(monitor.watcher.index))
                    # app.logger.debug("[{}] Completed scheduling for technology: {}".format(account.name,
                    #                                                                        monitor.watcher.index))

            app.logger.debug("[+] Completed scheduling tasks for account: {}".format(account.name))

        # Schedule the task for clearing out old exceptions:
        app.logger.info("Scheduling task to clear out old exceptions.")

        # Run every 24 hours (and clear it now):
        sender.add_periodic_task(86400, clear_expired_exceptions.s())

    except Exception as e:
        if sentry:
        app.logger.error("[X] Scheduler Exception: {}".format(e))
        store_exception("scheduler", None, e)