def _exportMetaInformationToXML(self, session, exercise, annotationFile): """ Creates a XML file containing the session details. Specifying the ``Session``, ``Exercise`` and the fll path to the ``Annotationfile`` containing all Validationdata. :param str session: Name of the current session :param str exercise: Name of the current exercise :param str annotationFile: Full path to the annotation file """ filename = 'metainformation.xml' output = self._getExportLocation(session, exercise) # Build XML structure documentXML = et.Element('Meta') sessionXML = et.SubElement(documentXML, 'Session') sessionXML.text = session exerciseXML = et.SubElement(documentXML, 'Exercise') exerciseXML.text = exercise annotationXML = et.SubElement(documentXML, 'Annotationfile') annotationXML.text = output + annotationFile exportXML = et.ElementTree(documentXML) shared.indentXML(documentXML) exportXML.write(output + filename, encoding='utf-8', xml_declaration=True) return True
def export(self, validation): """ :param validation: The parsed :class:`Textfile <txtvalidation.TxtConverter.parseTxtFile>` :type validation: :class:`Validationfile <lib.shared.Validationfile>` """ filename = 'annotation.xml' self._exportMetaInformationToXML(validation.sourcefile.session, validation.sourcefile.exercise, filename) output = self._getExportLocation(validation.sourcefile.session, validation.sourcefile.exercise) # check if file already exists (from a previous run or the other sensors) if os.path.isfile(output + filename): document = et.ElementTree() document.parse(output + filename) overwrite = document.find('.//Sensor[@Orientation="'+ +'"]/..[@Type="'+validation.type+'"]') if overwrite: document.getroot().remove(overwrite) else: head = et.Element('Data') document = et.ElementTree(head) document = document.getroot() if validation.type: validationXML = et.SubElement(document, 'Validation') validationXML.set('Type', validation.type) else: validationXML = document orientationXML = et.SubElement(validationXML, 'Sensor') orientationXML.set('Orientation', meta = et.SubElement(orientationXML, 'Meta') #print(, file=sys.stderr) for prop in tmp = et.SubElement(meta, prop[0]) tmp.text = prop[1] content = et.SubElement(orientationXML, 'Content') steps = 1 for prop in validation.content: counter = et.SubElement(content, 'No' + str(steps)) for key, value in prop.items(): tmp = et.SubElement(counter, key) tmp.text = value steps = steps + 1 export = et.ElementTree(document) shared.indentXML(document) export.write(output + filename, encoding='utf-8', xml_declaration=True) return True