Exemple #1
 def setUp(self):
     AppUser.engine.echo = False
Exemple #2
# Sample Gunicorn configuration file.
import os

not_heroku = os.environ.get('NOT_HEROKU')

if not not_heroku:
    import sys
    sys.path.insert(0, os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(__file__)))
    from seed_db import reset

# Server socket
#   bind - The socket to bind.
#       A string of the form: 'HOST', 'HOST:PORT', 'unix:PATH'.
#       An IP is a valid HOST.
#   backlog - The number of pending connections. This refers
#       to the number of clients that can be waiting to be
#       served. Exceeding this number results in the client
#       getting an error when attempting to connect. It should
#       only affect servers under significant load.
#       Must be a positive integer. Generally set in the 64-2048
#       range.

bind = 'unix:/tmp/nginx-phlaskr.sock' if not_heroku else 'unix:/tmp/nginx.socket'
backlog = 2048
# Sample Gunicorn configuration file.
import os

not_heroku = os.environ.get('NOT_HEROKU')

if not not_heroku:
    import sys
    from seed_db import reset

# Server socket
#   bind - The socket to bind.
#       A string of the form: 'HOST', 'HOST:PORT', 'unix:PATH'.
#       An IP is a valid HOST.
#   backlog - The number of pending connections. This refers
#       to the number of clients that can be waiting to be
#       served. Exceeding this number results in the client
#       getting an error when attempting to connect. It should
#       only affect servers under significant load.
#       Must be a positive integer. Generally set in the 64-2048
#       range.

bind = 'unix:/tmp/nginx-phlaskr.sock' if not_heroku else 'unix:/tmp/nginx.socket'